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Student ID:
BSBMGT517 Manage operational plan
Week 3 Practise Questions:

Question 1

A policy is a statement of organisational objectives relating to a specific area of the

business. It should be clear and easily
understood by all employees and may relate to any of the key business areas.
Procedures are the techniques or methods that should be followed to achieve a
objective or result of the policy.
Operational policies and procedures should be created so that they comply with all
legislative, regulatory and organisational
Procedures should detail the relevant records and documentation required to comply
with appropriate legislation, regulations
and operational standards. Organisations may also comply with the International
Standard for records management AS ISO
Following organisational policies and procedures should therefore mean that an
employee complies with all relevant legislative
and other requirements. They should also produce standard documentation that
complies with record-keeping requirements.

Question 2

Organisations should continually seek ways to use resources more efficiently

because it:
• can reduce the total costs of the organisation
• can make the organisation more efficient
• is more environmentally and socially responsible to reduce resource consumption
• is increasingly important to consumers that organisations are more environmentally
Common ways to use resources more efficiently are summarised in the following
table. Learners may suggest additional

Question 3

Responses may vary according to procedures at the learner’s organisation.

Justifying the need for additional resources should include:
• outlining the background to the need
• explaining the duration of the need
• explaining how the additional resource will help achieve the organisational objective
• providing costing and logistic information relating to the additional resource.
A report justifying resource requests should:
• be accurate, relevant, concise and address the purpose for which it was written
• be written in language that is appropriate to the language, literacy and numeracy
skills of the reader
• be written in a logical sequence and compliant with organisational expectations and
• use appropriate graphics, colour, photographs, tables, charts and diagrams that
add to the presentation but do not
dominate it
• include recommendations and conclusions related to the body of the report
• be compliant with any government regulations, industry requirements and codes of
• be of appropriate length so that key information is included but redundant,
confusing material is not.
Reports should generally include the following key elements:
• cover page with title, author, organisation or department and date
• table of contents, list of tables and list of figures
• an executive summary about the report, the findings and key recommendations
• the main body of the report under relevant headings
• a separate list of all recommendations (this may include in an appendix)
• the conclusion
• appendices that include copies of data and information analysed in the report.
Depending on organisational authority levels, requests for additional resources may
need to be presented to:
• supervisors or managers
• senior management or board of directors
• external entities such as the ATO or WorkSafe.

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