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STERIS Maintenance Manual MAINTENANCE MANUAL Amsco” 3085 st Surgical Table ani Amsco® 3085 SP™ HERMES-Ready™ Surgical Table (06/15/01) P-764328-948 | Rev. 1 | ! OPERATOR TROUBLESHOOTING | 7 | (A wannina-PERsONaLin- JURY AND/OR EQUIPHENT DAMAGE HAZARD: Sate and reliable operation of this equipment requires regularly seheduledpreven- tive maintenance, in add tion to the faithful perfor- mance of routine maint nance. Contact STERIS En- sincering Service to sched- Ulepreventivemaintenance. ‘This section describes the lypes of table malfunetionsmost lkely looecur. and probable causes and corrective actions, Use the Operator Troubleshooting Chart to identity general problems. Use the Hand Contol Paagnasties Chart to identily problems as indicated by the hand contiel LEDs If you are unable to certect the problemi with the use of the Operator Troubleshooting Chat or the Hand Control Diagnostics Chart. ar if problem occurs not described on the charts, please contact your STERIS Engineering Service representative. A trained service technician will promptly place your equipment in proper werking order NOTE: Never permit unqualified persons tc service the table. Table 7-1. Operator Troubleshooting Chart PROBLEM POSSIBLE CAUSE AND CORRECTIVE ACTION 1, Cannot turn table ON, 1. Hand cantrol not connected - Connect per Section 3. 2, Hand control defective ~ Replace articulate 2, No power fo pump motor. table willriot | 1, Table unplugged (electric-powered table only) = Plug in 2. No facility power (electric-powered lable only) — Tum facility power on 9. F1 oF Fe fuse blown (electric-powered table only) - Replace uses) per Section 8 4. AC power cord defective (electtio-powered table only) — Replace power cord. 5. Batteries totally discharged (ballery-powered table only) ~ Recharge balleries per Section 6 6. Circuit breaker CB-1 tripped (electric-powered table only) Reset ger Section 8. Circuit breaker CB.2 tipped (batiery-powared table only) — Reset per Section 8, powered table any] 3. Motor balleries will not charge [battery | 1. Cireult breaker CB-4 rippad — Re sel per Section 8 2 Circuit breaker CB-2 tripped - Reset per Section & 2. AC power void detective Replace pawer cord peter abcchouteg wa ore rence Table 7-2. Hand Control Diagnostics Chart NOTE: When power suppties are operational and the table is plugged into an AC recepiacle, the ON touch pad green LED and AC power green LED will be on. INDICATION CONDITION 1. Contio! ON — green AC LED is on and ree BATTERY LED is flashing. AC power connected: low or discharged batteries (bat: tery-powered table only) CORRECTIVE ACTION Charge battenes per Section 6 2. Control ON ~ gresn BATTERY LED on and red BATTERY LED flashing. Low of discharged batteries (battery-powered table only} Charge batteries per Section 6. NOTE: If batteries are totally discharged, contro! shutdown will occur after 3-1/2 rminutes when table is in use oF after 30 seconds if condition exists at power up. 3. Control ON - green BATTERY 1 ED (oniyl on when table plugged into AC receptacle Battery level acceptable faulty battery charger or power circuit (battery- powered table only} 1. Check AC power vord ~ Replace power cord if necessary, 2. Check F1 and F2 fuses -Fleplace fuse(s) if necessary, 3 Pe 4. Reset circuit breaker CB-4 A chiouit breaker CB-2 5. Reset circult breaker CB-1 4. All green, yellow, and red LEDs fashing, 6. Green ON LED flashing No communication between table control and hand centro) 1. Optional jgat control switch was actuated when hand control switched ON, control logig error disables foot control functions 1. Check hand control connection per Section 3, 2, Replace hand contol necessary Tum hand control OFF, then ON to reset controls, 2 Faulty foot control; foot ‘control function is ais abled. Replace foot contro! re asa sah oubieser ng Table 7-2. Hand Control Diagnostics Chart (continued) INDICATION CONDITION CORRECTIVE ACTION 6. All LEDs are aff (not lit) Hand! contra! unpluggedt while table control ON control automatically shuts: off after 2 minutes Reconeet hand central per Section 3. AC power ol (electric powered table only ‘control automatically shuts off 6 hours atter last ‘unetion selected Reconnect AC power cord por Section 3 Floor locks off thatlery- powered table only): cantrol automatically shuts off 36 minutes after last, function selected Aetwate floor lorks par Section & AT power off (battery: powered lable aniy] ‘control automaticadly shuts off 27 hours after tast function ¢eleetedt, Reconnect AC power cord per Section 3. 7. Hand Cantrot will not physically plug into the table, Hand control plug vil net slide into receptacle. 4. Check the control. The standarct hand control has 4 G-pin connector and will not fit the HERMES-Ready 3086 SP tabla, 2, Check the control The HERMES-Ready hand control has an 18-pin connector and willnot fit she standard 3085 SP table 3. It plug or receptacle is deformed, it must be roplaced, NOTE: For troubleshooting of the optional HERMES-Ready system. refer to the HERMES Operating Room Contro! Center Operating and Maintenance Manual. provided with the HERMES System, OPERATOR SERVICE PROCEDURES Ay warnina — PERSONAL INJURY ANDIOR EQUIP- MENT DAMAGE HAZARD: Repairs andacjustments to this equipment must be made only by fully qualified service personnel. Non-rou- tine maintenance per- formed by inexperienced, unqualified personnel or installation of unauthorized parts could cause personal injury, invalidate the war- ranty, or result in costly damage. Contact STERIS Engineering Service regare- ing service options, edd Reset Circuit Breakers LILLILLALLLLLTLLLLALLLLEULELTLDBL TEL pete Seven Prnosd.tes ‘The material in this section is provided to allow far servicing components of the fable most likely toneed atlention. Thase procedures are more advanced than cleaning and replacing expencabies. These procedures should always. be parfarmed by an experienced, tained service technician Four circuit breakers (CB+1, C8-2, CB-8 and CB-4) protect various table components" and may be reser if ripped by a fauit condition When tripped, the circuit breaker yall pap out and is readily detectable. Reset circuit breakers as follows: 1. Lower foot pedal on tabla base to access the circuit breakers (lecated on Fight of opening when foot pedal is down), See Figure 8-1 2. Press in on the protective boot covering the circuit breaker to reset 3 Raise foot pedal back into stored postion GB-t protects power transformer. CB-2 proiec's motor batteries and has extra stemal manual orvot wich CB's pretects motor batory charger. CB-4 protects contro) power supa Cheat Brees Fool Pecal Figure 8-1. Circuit Breakers at Wa wenaecettan na roug29-c08 a Change Fuses MULIULLLLELLLLAALLLLLATLe OMIA LLALLLELLLULLLELELL Disconnect the Motor Battery IMIILLLLLLLLELLLELTLULLALIL LLL 22 ‘Two replaceable fuses (F1 and F2) are located in a cartridge above the AC input inthe table base. ifone or both of the fuses are blown by. fault condition, replace ae fellows: 1, Disconnect AC power cord from wall receptacle and table base input (see Figure 8-2} 2. Pry cartridge ou wath a small screwoiriver ta access the tuses. 3, Remove blovm fuse(s) and replace. Referto Tableg.1 farcamect ratingand art number of huses. 4, Push carttidge back into connectediposttion and recanmect AC pawer cord totable. Plug cord into wall receetacle Foses Fl and F2 Fuse Gage emneve AC Power Cart Lise Small Sereeaver Figure 8-2. Fuse Location Two replaceable {uses (F3 and Fa} are localed internal to the table. These require removal of the base shroud for access, Replacement of these fuses must be made only by a fully qualified service technician Refer to Table 8-1 for correct rating and! part nurnber of fuses. CB2 circuit bresker, in addition to heing a protective device, inclucles an internal. manually operated ON/OFF switch, if necessary. the mator battery ‘can be disconnected from the table eireult as follows: 1. Press in on the protective boot covering the CB-2 circuit breaker until @ “click” is felt 2 Release the button. 3. Inthe OFF position, the button is popped out much the same as whan the citcutt breaker is tripped. To reset. sea “Reset Circuil Breakers" al the beginning of this section, Marvenance visual CMILLLELLLLDALALLALLULI LAL Replacement Parts ULLAL IELOLLATTTLLALLLLLELLEL, ‘The paris listed in Table 8-1 are those that would be necessary lo de minor mainienance on the Amsco S085 SP Table To order replacement parts, proceed as follows: 1. Include the part number and descdption listed ih Tabse 8-1 2 Include the model and serial numbers of your equipment on your order 3. Send your order directly lo STERIS Customer Service Contact STERIS Customer Service if younsed parts that are not listedin Table et NOTE: Use only STERIS authorized parts on the equipment. Use of unautho- tized parts will void the warranty. Table 8-1. Amsco® 3085 SP™ Replacement Parts Description Part Number Recommended Spares Power Cord Types Available ‘One (1) spare of the type your + USA Plug, USA Cord 93909-3854 pe you TUSA Ph. EG Cond 36907-682 ese your is i tn, + Schuke Plug, EC Cord 56397-6887 order the Power Cord ype + Australian Piug, Orange Cord | P-56397-685 (see NOTE 2) nearest‘ your applications, cut + English Plug, IEC Gore P-56207-684 plug off and install your plug inits piace. Always use a grounded plug Fuse Applications (see NOTES 3 and 4) +120 AC Volt Application Fr and F2 P-93909-225 (6 Amp, USA) 10 FS. P.93909-222 (0.5 Amp, USA) 5 Fa P-89371-091 (Amp, USA) 5 +120 AC Volt Application (Export): Ft and F2 P-150823-202 (6 Amp, IEC) 10 FS P-129360-585 (0.5 Amp, IEC) 8 Fa P.150823-248 (1 Amp, IEC) 5 +100 AC Volt Application Fi and F2 P-130823-292 (© Amp, IEC) 10 FS P-129360-586 (0.5 Amp, IEC) 5 Fa P-150830-131 (1.6 Amp, 1€C) 5 +220 AC Volt Application Fi and F2 P-129960-587 (4 Amp, IEC} 10 Fa P-129960-585 (0.25 Amp, IEC) 3 Fa P-129360-586 (0.5 Amp, IEC) 5 + 230/240 AC Volt Application Fi and F2 P-120360-587 (4 Amp, IEC) 10 Fa P-129360-585 (0.25 Amp, HEC) 5 A P-129360-586 (0.5 Amp, IEC) 5 Batteries: ‘S00 NOTE | See NOTE 1 NOTES, i This table uses ieacl-avid batteries. Leacl-acid balveries normally are subject 10 seltorsehaige and battery-Lte leferiaration im fong-term storage. Therefore, STERIS does not recommend that hatrerias be procured anel then Stored as snare parts. If batteries are procured and stored, they should! ba Kept covered and ina cool cry area Stored hatieries should be recliaged every 6 months io minynize life deterioration. Us? & charging current ommensurale with the banery amp-hou' size. Charge te a floatmg charge voltack alent to 13.6-13 8 vals. 2 The cords are approximately 6 mewe (20 fect) long. except tor ths Austriatian cord which Is onty # snetre tony 3. USA fuses are AGC or ABC ar MT, andf are also for use in Canaaa, 4 IEC fuses are IEC glass tuses. IEC fuses for F3 and Ff require /EC fusehoider, STERIS par! nuimbes P-129360-654, ee arg 9 Mamronarce rin Spain Sere Pecurvres FIELD TEST PROCEDURES AX CAUTION: Static electricity can damage microproces- ‘sorcontrols. indiscriminate probing of circuits or im- Proper connections may result in immediate or de- layed electrical allure. fthe electronics are to be ac- cessed, use a personal grounding device. Exercise care in all activities involv- ing the electronic circuitry. CAUTION: Always connect power cord to a properly grounded socket. IITIETALLODULLALULIULOBOAUDALLALIL DDD Test Instrumentation Required WHELILLLILULLALLAALLLLLLLELBLLLTLA TD edt Hydraulic Pump Relief Valve ALIILULIYALAALLLLELLEELLLLLLTLLLLLD Aditle ee Figure 9-1. Hydraulic Pump Relief Valve Feo Tuat Posanins IMPORTANT: Uniess otherwise specifiod, all Amsco” 3086 SP" tabletop sections are designated by thair names for 4 patient in the normal (not reversed) postion. 4/0, all tests requiring table articulation are to he done: uitizing the hand control with the LEFT patient adentation button (nermal position) actuated, and with the table plugged in and supplied vath ts specified voltage Spring scale - P-757290-091 2 Pressure gauge - P-764422-738 Pratracier - P-764322-747 Lin-ree cloth - R#200-400 1. Remove the cap trom the pressure test port located on the pump pressure port banpo iting (see Figure 9-1), 2 instal the pressure gauge inte the test port using the DIN (European) adapter 8. Using the override switches, operate @ table function to the end of its Imi (mechanical siop). Wah the movernent stopped but the pump sill running (pump dead-headed), check the relief valve setting by monitoring the gauge. The setting should be 1750 [-25 oF +50} psi 4. if adjustment is necessary, loosen the locking or jam nut on the adjusting screw, Rotate the aclusting screw untif the proper pressure is reached 5. Remove the pressure gauge and reinsert tho test cap. at ILLIA. Chel enirorable or proper fit and finish of all expased parts. Check tor Table Observation = 27) burs. sharp edges or comers to which users could be exposed. MILLA ALLL ODLALLLdtihtttg,— CONTCN BS HERESY 2, Using a Clark socket be sure socket slices heely over each side rail and that the rivet stops and gravity locks prevent the socket fram being, removed. Be sure each gravity lock swings freely 8. Flip the foot pump pedal up anc down several limes to be sure it pivots smoothly and stays in position 4. Biliculate the headrest throughout ts range (490° to 90°), Be sure the ra(chet action is normal and the release handle operation is smoetiy throughout the range. 5 Raise the kidnay bridge 19 its maximum height (op surface of bridge should be al laasi 3-7/6" (8 ni} fromlog surlace of levelad back section) Be sure ratchat action is smooth and normal throughout. Flip handle into and aut of ils stowed position several times, be sure detent retains handle in the stowed position cnunuunarunuumnurnuuuiiiite NOTE: The following tests are to be done with the floor ocks disengaged. with Table Mobility | 2 i2b!etop horizontal and at maximum elevation, and on a smooth level cruncennnanmnamurnunnitiis suttace. 1. Move the tabie forware, backward, fff and right: 3° (914 mm) minimum an each direction, Be sure the casters operate smoothly and without unusual noe Move the table longitudinally, wth the headrest leading, until the casters are aligned for movernent in that dection. Attach a spring scale to end of leg section on table centorine, Slow'y push table straight shead. Gauge roading should be lees than 35 ths (16 ke 3. Withtablein same alignment, stoaly pushat rightanglestotable centerline at outboard end of left sice rail on table headrest Gauge reading shoule be less than 26 lbs (@ kg) ntitieernieaateLITIInTAnITItiTtiit 1 XiiNh tele on & level floor, engage the floor locks. Floor Lock Assembly MUIALLTTILLLTLLLL OULD Check distance between each caster and floor: it shoul! be 1/4 = 1/32" (6 20.8 nom). Ir adlustment is necessary, refer to Section 12 ae aero Se le Prana WHLILLLALILL AAALAC LAELIA ff Table Articulation ALIA LUTLALLAT TUL Articulate each table function through the entire range and ensure that there are no unusual noises, speed variations or other performance problems. Table speed andi range of movement should fall within pararn- eters shown in Table 9-1, Actuate the RAISE function for at least 30 secands. This causes the pump to deveton maximum pressure and the relief valve ta be fully enwloved There should be na chattering, squealing, or ether unusual noises. Refer to Table 9-2 tfar electric table) ancl Table 8-3 (for battery-powered lable) and articulate the table through tne various lunetions using the conditions described NOTE: I! 4 baitery-operated table, te base shroud must be renioved tor the igs three conditions - see Step 4 Remove table column and base shroucis as described in Section 12 Thoroughly examme table assembly for evidence of any hydiraulle leaks. mechanical wear, electrical wire abrasion, or any other degradation. Aniculate each table function again through the entire range arid ensure thal there are no unusual noises. speed variations, or other performance prabiems. Table 9-1. Table Articulation Movement and Times Articulation Note Units Mires Ele m Incnes 209 278 2 za Movement Time (seconds) Maximum Eley a inches, 435, 445 “2 za ete Tit 2 aegiees 160 200 5 WF Right Tt 2 aegiees 19 20.9 5 +" Trendetenturg 12.4) | degrees 220 ero 10 22 ew I ese | copes | 220 we z | 2 Back Up @ | tenes | so re a 28 ack Down aa _| cegem | m0 aa : & Logue 3) | aoa | 720 bo 2 Leg Down ‘or | eae: | oso | toro u 2 NOTES 1) Fromoer 6 vein bank eo arace, oo ats (2: Retoranses we cob stage ack (3) Aoternced to seat secnon 3) Mrenuse eats ston gl {5} Mesure eal socioy ane {Byasoure avertavel oy actasng override sv CLLLLLXALAALALLLLOBLULLLALLOTALLLLELELLE Tabletop Raise/ Lower WALLLLLALILLLULLALA SALLIE od Temes Table 9-2. Test Functions - Electric Table AG Gard Pump Control Gonected Electric Feot Conat Comected Elecine | Cverde Switches Discemnected | Manuel Hand Control Disconmected | Manual Foot Conte Discamected | Manual | Overde Samones Table 9-3, Test Functions - Battery-Operated Table ACCond | MolorBat | Fume Contol Camected | comeciad | Elnairs Sor Canta Connecter | Someciod | Elocine | Overnoe Smtches Osconnectea | Genneced | Elecric | Fant Soro! Dsconneotea | Conwcied | Clncina | Gveriae Siwnches Wscennected | Cisconnectea | Manu’ | Hand ansct ‘oscannected | Disconnected | Manual | Faot Sanwa Dwconected [disconnected] Mamasl_| Cverice Smtches 1. Lower table to minimum elevation Check distance fron floor te leveled ack top surface (without pad} See Table 9-1 2 Raise fable to maximum elevation. Check distance from floor to leveled back top surface (without pad) See Table 9-1 3, With rable at maximum elevation, check imit saatchLS6. The switch should be mane (roller engages "V" slet) at 1/16" £1/32' (1.8 40.8 mn) belo lable reaches ts maximum mechanical stop. f necessary, loosen the switeh mounting bracket screws and reposition the swatch so that is the case. Repeal Step 2 NOTE: The following test is to cheok tabletop "lash," which falls into three categories: longitudinal, lateral, and rotational {tf normal for the tabletop to have a certain amount of iash and adjustments should be made only when the lash exceeds the amount specified 4. Engage tlaar focks, level tabletop and raise table Io rriaximum elevation 2 Longitudinal Lash* and Rigidity (s2e Figure 9-2) Hang or spply 50 Ibs of force on the end of the headrest on the table centering Measure the amount of vettical movement at he outugard end of the left back-sectionsiderail when the 80-1b(22.7 kg) weights moved! he end of the teg section on the table centerline, The measurement shall not exceed 1/4" (6 mm] * Lash is tne clearance or ‘play” between adjacent movable mechanical pars Figure 9-2. Longitudinal Lash Figure 9-3. Lateral Lash Figure 9-4. Rotational Lash b, Lateral Lash* and Rigidity (see Figure 9-3) Hang ot apply 50 lbs (227 kg} force on the lel side ra al the seatback joint. Measure the amount of vertical movement al the outboard end of the leftback section vwhen the S0-1b (22.7 kg) weight is moved to the right side The measurement shall not exceed 3/32. © Rotational Lash* and Rigidity (see Figure 24): Push mine horizontal plane with 50 Ibs (22.7 kg) applied (or $0 lbs force exertec} al right angles to the outboard end of the right leg-section siderall. Measure the amount of mavement al the outboard end of the left back. section sidereil when the $0 lbs (22.7 kg) is removed and a push of {50 Ibs (22.7 kg} is applied to the outboard endl of the right back-section sigerail, The measurement shall not exceed 3116" (2.4 man), NOTE: Ifitis determined that the tabletop has excessive tash, chock to be sure the lashis due to he column being out ofadjustment, Wihinecolumnanddase shrouds removed, apply an alternating foad to the tabletop as outlined above while observing the colunma far motion between iis upper and lower soctions. i the fash is due to the column, it showid be adjusted as outlined in Step 5, * Lasit is the claarance or “play' between adjacent movable mechanical pert 95 Pecan Horcenascetaont rere LLITALLELLLLLALL LESLIE Tabletop Tilt midi WILLLLLALIALLETLTLLIRLLLLLEILT ty Tabletop Limit Switches Meee | AX WARNING - PERSONAL IN- JURYHAZARD: Pinch point areasexisthetweentopsec- tions and saddle cast Keep hands clear while moving top and turn table off during adjustments. » LS3 - Seat Section Li Switch 8 5, Position tabletop to minimize the toad on the column, Attach the headrest tothe back section Actuate the feg section t0 its full up position. Level the. seat section, back section and headrest. See Section 12 for information on lash adjusiment IMPORTANT: Do not remove all the column lash, which would inadvertently make the column too ‘ght, creating excessive loads on the hearings ancl producing premature bearing failure. Removal of all column lash could also produce a sticking condition on the column so that it will not lower after Femaining at one height for & period of time, 1. Articulate the tabletop in tull lateral LEFT THT and then full lateral RIGHT TILT. Ti as raferenoad to Ine column stage leek should be 18° +1 2. The maximum right and eft tits must be within 2° of each other. Calculate the difforence by subiracting the recorded right Ut angle from the left tit angle. Itnecessary, adjust cylinder rod (see Section 12) 1. With the tabletop sections horizontal. manually depress limit switch LSS. mounted to saddle under seat section. Allerpl to actual FLEX. The purap should turn on, but no motion should occur. Repeat for REVERSE TRENDE LENBURG 2. \With the switch released, actuate the same functions, When motion has, started. depress the switch. The pump should stay an andi motion shout stop. Starting with the (ablelep honzontal, actuate BACK RAISE al least 10 degrees to insure that the articulation actuates the seat limit switch. Actuate REVERSE TRENDELENBURG Unti motion stops. Check that the ‘seat limit switch L83 actually stopped the motion by actuating REVERSE TRENDELENBURG with the override contro) switches joated en the shroudieap. The seat section should move further down by asnialamiount, 4. Init switch LS3 does not function as described above, check te be sure its boing actuated when seat section is vathin 0 5° 20.3" of ds mechanical slop (use REVERSE TRENDELENSURG function}. If limit switch requires adjustment, refer to Section 12 Marteronce Maru Foi Tea Frvectnes » LS4- Back Section Limit Switch LS5 - Column Limit Switch CLILLLLILALLLLAELLLELLILLULIALL Tabletop Back Section CTLLLLLILLLLLLLLLL EL LTOTUTLLLLLLT, CLLUNULLILY LALLA LLL Tabletop Seat Section (Trendelenburg/ Reverse Trendelenburg) ULLAL LLL MLLLLLLLLLLLLILLILLLLALL OLLIE Tabletop Leg Section CMLLELALLLLL SLE ILULTILLLI I \Withthe tabletop sections horizontal, manually depress the switch mounted tothe undarsicie of the back section. Attempt to actuate FLEX, The pump should {umn on. but ro motions should aceur, Repeat for TRENDELENBURG and BACK LOWER. With the switch released, actuate the same functions. When motion hae: started, depress the swilch. The pums should stay an and motion should stop Starting with the tabletop horizontal, acluste BACK LOWER until notion stops. Check that mation stopped clue tothe back limit switch oy actuating BACK LOWER with the override coniral ewitehes. Ipcated an the shroud cap. The back section should move further dawn by @ small amount I1limit switch LS4 does not function as described above. check ta he sure itisbeing actuated when back section is within D.S° 40.3° fas mechanical stog (use TRENDELENBURG function}, IF the limit switch requires adjust ment, reter to Section 12 Using hand con rel, actuate tabletop RAISE and LOWER functions, cheek- ingtamakesureLSS stops table motion 116" # 1/32 (1.640 7ammeetare maximum table height It adjustment is necessary. rater to Section 12. Articulate back section t0 its full DOWN position {use normal patient ofientatlon). Measure and record angular pasitian of bath right and left sicle 3 referenced (6 the column stage black. The measured angles must be 25° 41°. The amount of racking must be 1/2" oF less. Itadiusiment is necessary. refer to Section 12 Articulate the seat section to its full DOWN position. Measure and record its angle as referenced to me column stage block. It shauidl be 25" 41° tf adjustment is necessary, refer to Section 12 Articulate the leg section to its full up position using override switches: Measure and record the angle of each leg irame. The measured angles must be 81° £1? and within 1? of one another If agiustment is necessary, reter to Section 12, Arhoulate the leg section to its ful down position, measure and record éhe angle of each leg section frame The measured angles must be 105° +t” and within 1° of each other. If adjustment is necessary, reler to Section 12 o7 oie Vana res223-048 conmnnunnnannnnamannintin Self-Leveling Test Procedure LL IDLALILLLISLLLALULAOL LOLOL a8 reise 98 1+. Position te table op such that the folowing positions are atleast 10° trom level + Let ti + Saat up * Back up # Leg down Actuate Return to Level, Til, hack and seat must eetun te within 2° of horizontal, and the leg section must return to within 2" of the seat section. 8. Position the table top such that the following positions aré at fenst 10° from level + Right tt + Seat conn * Back eown * Legup 4 Repeat step 2 IMPORTAN 1 Table positioning will alternate on 140 1.8 secand intervals until the top. returns to level 2. Reter to Section 12 for adjustment procedures. HYDRAULIC SYSTEM 10 MTL Principles of "BHYD" Operation canneries Reter to Hychaulic System Schematic P-194489-308 at end af this seetion tor graphic information an hydraulic operatian for the Amsco" 30H5 SP™ table NOTE: “BHYD” = Bier Hyoraui system There are 10 hydraulic cylinders in the BHYD system which allow for multiple articulations of the table Left and right til require one cylinder. Leg up andl down requires tea cylinders. Column raise anc! lower requires one cylinser Back raise and lower raquires iwocylnders, Teohtain the levelcompensatrg the floor locks requise three hydraulic cylinders, Adiculations such as flex and Trendelenburg require the use cf multiple cyinders, theretore requiring a serigs of directional and flow control valves, The leg cylinder i protected by the use of an intemal flaw fuse valve. It a hyctrautic line fatlure occurs. the flow luse valve inside the cylinder will act as accheck valve and prevent sudden faling of the table scion The BHYD system incorporates six lowering brake check valves that act as fluid pilots for lowering and ports of resincton when aeluated. Five three- position directional valves are used lo select the particular articulation. Four {wo-posttion directional values are used to contol Hid flow for articulations, involving the back seal section cylinders One slartistop valve is used 10 ccontrof all srticulations The BHYD 2095 SP Table is powered by an electrohydraulic system utzing a special, high-efficiency gear pump that i driven by a 24 VDC motor The pump is rated at 0.25 galiens per minute 0.62 Ipmn) and has a 1820 psi capacity. The system pressure-conirol valve reduces the operaling prossure {0 1750 psi (+50 psi, -25 ps!) There is a manual foot purnp for table operation in the event of power loss to the 24 VDC motor. The hydraulic fuid used in the 2085 BHYD system is itered by two 10-miczon fiters athe output a the electric andl ranual pumps. The BHYD system ubiizes @ special purpose valve, starstup valve, S13. te tunction sto release system pressure when nolinuse, giving smooth startand slop opetation. The 3-18 valve is de-energized and the hyoraulc hc is diverted back to the reservor. NOTE: All articulations require either the Hydraulic Pump and Motor to be ‘unning and producing necessary pressure or the use ofthe manusl footpump. Electrical operation of the hydraulic system varies between hand control ane! sniliary control aeration, 10-1 aienonns Maras resi 928 CLALALLLUALALLLLLALLLLL ALLOA Table Articulation/ Operation WMUAILLLLLLAAELLELLTEEELTTTTTD » Side Tilt a | 1280-19 By ectionat Yobes ase es ism, [!S2), ‘ot Actuoted) ST TTY pe tne PLA th L Figure 10-1. Side Tilt Peter to Figure 10-1 and Hydraulic System Schematic (P- 34469-303) The sidetit articulations involve the use of one mechanicaty-locking hyiraulis cylinder. wo lowering brake check valves. one tee-position directional valve (S+1 and 8-2) anct one starvstop valve (S-13) Left side tit is accomplished when solenoids 8-1 and S-18 are energized. Fluid is directed through the $-1 valve to the loweting take check valve AL this pofn fluid is sent in to directions, One direction allows tor Hui to pass through a check valve and straight to the cylinder. The second direction 1s diverted off fo actas a pilot for the return line restrictor. Fluid from the oylinder is now allowed to flow through the return line check valvo, the restrict once and S-1 back to the reservoir Right-side tilt is accomplished in the same marmer as the left side (outlined, above), but uses solenoids $-2 and S-12 instead, » Golumn Raise/Lower 06853-426 wba V2.5 Figure 10-2. Column Raise/Lower Refer to Figure 10-2 and Hydraulic System Schematic (P-134489-303), Raising and lowering of the tabletop involves the use of one cylinder. one: three-position directional valve (S-S and S-6). one lowering brake check valve and one starl/stop vaive (5-13). A vatiable orifice restrictor is added to the system at the infetioutlet of the ralsellower cylader. This device is used te assist epeed control and to cempensale lor varying tabletop loads The tabletop is raised when S-5 and S-13 are energized. Fluids directed to the lowering brake check valve where it passes through the valve and through the variable orice restrictor to the litt cylinder and causes the tabletop torise. The tabietop is lowered when S-€ anc 5-13 are energized. Fluids airectedto the lowering brake check valve to actuate te return fine restictor. to control the lowering speed, and unseats the pilet check valve, Fluid from the cylinder passes through the variable orifice, back to $-6 arid on to the return poet ofthe reservoir lostnnce: Waal 10-4 » Leg Up and Down i Lope Bate | | heat vave ‘ecule Figure 10-3. Leg Up and Down Refer to Figure 10-3 and Hydraulic System Schematic (P-134469-303). The lag up and down articulations require the use of tw hydraulic cylinders, tuo lowering rake check valves, one thres-position directional valve (S-3and 4] and one startistop valve [S-13} Leg ups accomplished when solenoids $-3 and S-13 are energized. Fluid is directed through the 5-3 valve to the lowering brake check valve, At this pomt fluid is directed two directions In one direction the fluid flows to the return line restictor and acluatas It control the speed of the atticulation. The second fluid direction unseats the holding check valve and allows fluicl to flow to both of the cylinders. Retum fluic from the cylinders comes back to the lowering brake valve and passes through the now activated restrictor port 1 the S-3 vaWve anid back to the reservoir Leg down is accomplished when solenoids S-4 and-13 are energized, Fluid 1s cirected through the S-4 valve to the lowsring brake check valve. Fluid is then directed in two directions. In one diectien the fluid actuates the return line restrictor to control the articulation speed. and unseats the holding check valve. The second direction allows fluid to pase through an unrestricted! port and on to the cylinders causing them to retract, The retuin fluid from tna cylinders is directed backto the lowering brake check valve. The fluidpasses. the unseated check valve to the S-4 valve and back to the ra Hints Site Flex/Reflex sear o # 2 EY dhe 3 We i z iB Foon ene * Data ‘Sie leat iSinete de ts7i] }isé) ors oa xig *\G8 g sa Ff e Figure 10-4. Flex/Reflex, Trendelenburg/Reverse: Trendetenburg, and Back Up/Down Refer to Figure 10-4 Flexing and Retiexing the tabletop requires the use of one three-position directional valve (S-7 and §-8}, two lowering brake check valves, two position directional valves (S-98 and $-108), one start/stop valve (3-13), two back cylinders and ane seat cylinder The Flex articulation is accomplished by energizing the 9-8 solnoid valve, allowing fluictta flove through the thrae- position directional valve. The fuidthen flows to one lowering brake check valve and passes through its pilot check then on to the back cylinder two-position directional valve (S-105) NOTE: 8-9 and &-10 solenoids are not energized during this articulation. Fiuid passes through the two-posttion dlrectionat (S-108) valve andl branches to the retract side of the back cylinders and also to the second lowering brake check valve where it's pilot check is unseated and return line Festrictor actuated. Fluid leaving the back section cylinders passes through the two-pasition direetional vaive (S-103) to the retract side of the seal oylincier. Having piloted the check valve, the fluidin the seat section isallowed to Row through the two-posilion directional valve (S-98), the kamwering brake ‘check valve, the 5-8 valve and back to the reservoir The Retlex articulation is accomplished by energizing the &-7 and $-13 solenoid valves allowing fluid flow throughtne three-position directiana valve, The fluid then flows to ane lowering brake check valve and passes tietough its pilot check and on to the seal aylincier two-position direetional valve (S-93) and to the extend side of the seat eylinder oss Hianennce Mana! reneears » Trendelenburg/Reverse 106 rea Trendelenburg NOTE: 8-9 and S-10 solencids are not energized during this articulation. uid trom the seat cylinder is directed to the second tvo-position directional valve (S-108} where it passes through dtp the back cylinder extended ports Fiuid exiting the back section branches. One branch goes to the second lowering brake valve ta pitot the check ancl to actuate the return line restrictor ‘The secand branch of fhiid exiting the back section eylincers passes through the lwo-position directional valve (S- 108), thraugh the new piloted towering brake check valve, through the 5+7 valve and back to the reservoir Refer to Figure 10-4. These articulations requite the use of one three-postion directional valve (6-7 and $-8) thies tro-positan directional valves (8-99 andl 8-105), (ane electrical 5-10), two lowering brake chock valves, one start/stop valve(S-13} two back cylinders and the seat cylinder ‘The Trendelenburg articulation is accomplished by energizing the 8-7. 5-10, and 5-19 salenoidl valves, NOTE: Energizing the 5-10 sofenoia introduces fluid pilot pressure to $108 Iwo-pasition alrectional valve, causing it to actuate. Fiat flows through the S-7 valve to the first lowering brake check valve. The fluicl unseats the check and continues to flow lo the two-pesition airecWonal valve (S-95), passing through i 0 the seat cylinder. Fiuid leaving the seat cylinders cirected tothe second two- position directional valve (3-108) which isnow in tsactuated posttionstate dueto the energizing of S-1D. Fluid passes through the second two-position clrectianal valve (8-105) to the retract side of the back eviindars and a'so branches off ta actuate the return ine restrictor and pilot the check vaive in the lowering brake check velve. This allows tluid exiting the back eylinders to tow through the twa-postlion directional valve (S-108), the pilbled lowering brake check valve, he $-7 valve and back te the The Reverse Trendelenbury articulation is aecomplished by energizing the $-8, 5-10, and 5-19 solenoid valves. NOTE: Energizing the S-10 solenoid introduces tuid pilot pressure to the 8-108 two-position directional vaive, causing it to actuate. Fluid flows through the $-8 valve te the first lowering brake check valve. The fluid unseats the check end continues to flow through the two-position directional valve (S-10S), which is now in its actuated position due to the energizing of S-10, to the extend side of the back cylinders. Fluid teaving the back cylinders branches to the second lowering brake check valve to pilot and to actuate the return line restrictor. The second! branch passes through the two-position dirsatianal valve (S-108) to the retract side of the seat cylinder. Fluid leaving the seat cylinder passes through the tvo-posttion irectional valve ($-96), through the now piloted check and restricting onfice In the lowering brake check valve, trough the $-8 valve and back to the reservoit Martounce Manual Hytautc Sytem » Back Up/Down » Floor Lock: Lock and Unlock Refer to Figure 10-4 The Back Up and Back Bossn furictions require the use of one three-position directional vale (6-7 and 3-8), three two-posttioned directional valves (5-98, andS108}, foneelectric.S-9), wolowering brake check valves. onestart!stop valve [5-13 } and two back cylinders The Back Up articulation is accomplished by energizing the $-7, 5-9 and 5-18 solenoid valves. NOTE: Eneroizing the 8-9 solenoid introduces fvid pilot pressure to the 8-98 1wo-position alrectional valve, causing it to actuate. Energizing the S-7 and S-13 solenoids allows flaid to flow through the check valve on the ltstiowering brake check valve and tothe two-pasition directional valve (8-95), Fluid exits this Valve and passes through the second two- position directional valve (S-10S} fo the sack cylinder extend ports. Fluic leaving the back eyfiaders branches to the second lowering brake check valve io nseal its plot check and to actuate the return fine restrictor This allows flu flowing fram the other branch to pass thraugh the twe-pasition ditectional valve 8-103}, the now prloted loweting brake check valve, through S-7 and back to the reservoit The back Down articulation is accomplished by energizing the $8. 3-9, and 5-18 solenoids, NOTE: Energizing the 8-9 solenoid introduces flufd pilot pressure to the S-9S |!wo-position directional vaive, causing ft fo actuate, Energizing the §-8 end S-13 solenoids allows flue to flow through the check valve on the fist lovering brake check valve, through the two-position Girectional valve (S-105) where it branches to the retract parts on the back cylindets and to the second lowering brake check vaive to pilot the check. valve and actuate the retuin line restrictor Fluid teaving the Back oylindlens flows through the two-position cirectionat valve (S-10S} ta the second iwo- position direction valve ($95), through ita the now piloted lawaring check, through §-2 and back to the reservo'r Refer lo Figure 10-5, he floor lock operation requitas the use ot one three-pasitian directional valve (S-11 and S-12), one startistop valve (5-13), three flow contral restrictors and three floor lock cylinders, Because the floor lack systam relies onamechanical over-ventering method 16 lock the floor locke, check valves are net required {or this hycraulic elreuit The Floor Lock function is accomplished by energizing the $-12 and $13 solenoid valves, This allows fluid to flow through the S12 vatve to the restrictors on the extend ports of each cylinder. Fiuil flow is restricted as its passed on 10 the cylinders. controlling the extend rate. Fluid leaving the cylinders retums back to the S- 1? solenoid back te the reservoir The Floor Unlock function is accomplished by energizing the 8-11 and 8-13 solencid valves. This allows fluid to flow through the 8-11 valve to the retract, ports oi the floor lack eylinciers, Fluid exting the cylinders passes through the flow control restrictors back to the S-11 valve andl on to the reser 107 veneree Maw reas. FLOOR LOCK STARLISTOS recsure Raee siz Figure 10-5. Floor Lock: Lock and Unlock Table 10-1. Hydraulic System Schematic Schomatic, Hydraulic System Sheet 1 of 1 1 34469-3083 (6-18.96) 108 ro4202.048 Naersreettoras! yarns Semen ELECTRICAL SYSTEM 14] LLILAILALALIALLLLLLLLILLY LIAL LLL System Description CHALLLMLLLLLLATLELUOTEDALLAOLLL TL A. caUTION: Static electricity can damage microproces- sorcontrols. indiscriminate probing of circuits or im- proper connections may result in immediate or de- layed electrical failure. It the electronics are to be accessed, use a personal grounding device. Exercise care in alt activities involv ing the electronic circuitry. The Amsco" 3085 SP™ Surgical Table control system is designad for maxinurn felablily and includes adequate system redundancy for almost any citcumsiance. The contral sysiem utlizes microprocessor technology to control the hydraulic pump and solenoid valves. The primary contral system consists of @ ‘master’ and a "clave" computer, A secondary and separate overrice contro} system allows operation of basic table functions should the primary microprocessor system become inoperative The master ecmputer is locatedion the tabe column, while the slave computer is located in the hand cantral. Communication between the lwo is through a coiled cord (28232 format} The master computer selects which oulpuls aro tobe actuated based cn inputs from the hand contrat, fo01 control (optional), and table sensors. An Inte! 8022 microcontralley is the heart of the master computer, with software stored on a 27C256 EPROM. Solenoid outputs are generated through an 8255, buftered with open-collector drivers. A watch- dog timer and appropriate software manitar Inputioutput signals to ensure graceful (instant) recovery should the YO poris Become configured In an erroneous state, Current sensors prevent the sclenoids fram being turned on by impropersignals. Input isolation is also provided for the seal, raise, column and floorock limit switches. Input comparators indicate low-battery condi tions, first through an LED en the hand control and. more specifically, on LEDs located on the table-control PC board mounted under the shrouci The slave computer provides user inputs {from toust-pad switches) to the master computer. It alsa receives feedback signals and turns on the proper status LEDs. An intel 80031 microcontroller is the heart of the slave computer ‘with software stored ona 27C256 EPROM, The LED buffer inputs and tauch- pad matrix strabe inpias are generated through en 8255. Like the master computer. a hardware watchdog timer andl software routines ensure correct IYO port status, The use of microprocessors allows for complex contro} {unctions to be implemented with minimam hardware and through the use of a small, lightweight pendant control Simple yetraliasie backupis provided! by @ seccnciary andl separate override system which allows operation of basic table functions should the primary microprocesso systarn became inoperative. The override control assembly uses diferent and basic technology. It tums off microprocessor contils ‘when actuated by opening al criverlines and actuating the function selected at the overide svatch PC board, It bypasses the solenoid power cur-back Circutt end tums the pump motor and solencids fully on. Input lines are fused and include a tine fter and transient protection. Input voltage-selector switches allow tho lable to be operated on 100. 120, 220 or 250/240 VAC. 50/60 Hz. A batary- powered table inclucies 8 24-VDC, 24-AH rated battery lor the pump motar. An integral battery charger requires 24 hours for 90% battery charge. 36 hours for 95%, and 48 hours tor 100% charge. A minimum of 36 hours is recommended TOUAAUAUALUALLAUUL LOLOL Principles of Operation UMIMOLTTELUUUUTTLCLLLLLLTLLEELED » Incoming Power » Power Control Assembly Aline cord, fused in the table at F1 and F2 (6 anyp at 120 VOC. 4 amp at 240 VAC) feeds 120 VDC (domestic units) to the Ine fier. The line filter supplies line vollage to the power transformer and each of tao hattery chargers (one: charger ifaline-poweredtable}. Lach chargers usc andthe rang isbased on line voltage, This module is losaied in the table base anc contains the contro! batery charger and the pawer-coniral PC board This circuit boar! moniters and controls the following * Battery and battery chargers + Actuation and protection of the hydraulic pump and solenoid * Powor-up and tine-cord operation relays © Power cutback circuitry ‘+ AC signal indicator for the line-cord LED on the hang! control Jurpersen the circuit board identity whether itis batlery or line-cord (electric) type. ‘The battery charges(s} supply 2 VDC te the control andto themotor batteries, provided the line cord is plugged in. Laae-cord powsr is the primary poxer for baltery tables. Battery voltage is monitored by the fable control, through the hand control on power-up, and every 10 minutes thereatter The table control sends a “charger off” signal to the power-control PC board to isolate the chargers and batteries. then monitors the battery voltage. #f low vatage is sense0, the table control sends a low-baltery signalto the low-hattery LED. onthe hand control, a3 well ag io the low-baitery LED on the table conwral PC. board Control power-up/power-down is generated on the power-control PO bourd via direct signals from the hand-control ON/OFF touch pads These signals activate a latch relay on the power-control PC board which transters the 24 VOC signal othe table control PC board, This latch relay CRS, which is mult poled. also isolates the batteries from the table contralto conserve battery tile ‘when the unitis aff, and powers thedelay circual fer motor and ceil enable, The latch relay can also be sel {tum power off) ram the override switch PC board whenever any of the manual switches is activated The hydraulic pump motor isactivated using either the table function evatehes con the hand control or the function switches on the override board. In entior e286, 2 low (DC ground) signal is fed fa switching transistor QS, which provides 24 VDC to motor. The contol circuitry is protected trom a lacked or Shorted pump motor by a current-anonitoring circumt which opens the pump motor line when the curtent exceeds 25 amps. This circuit is automatically eset when the current drain is reduced or eliminated. » Table Control PC Board Cecaal Eyam ‘The hydraulic solenoid covis are atse powered from the power-control PC board. The control circuitry is protected irom shorted colls/campanents by a current-monitaring citcult. This clrouit open the solenaic! voltage tine when current exceeds 2.5 amps, The circuit is airtomatically reset when condition Isconected: Asolenaid power-cul citcuitisused by the control losave battery power. Y¥hen the hand contral is being used. Ihe 24 VDC solenoid voltage ss out to approximately 8 to 13 volts afer the coil is energized. This current is ‘enough toholcithe hydraulic plunger open ence has been iniially energized The leature is not used when any of the override switches Is activated The AC power indicator, lncated on the hand control, is senseclon the power contial PC board. When the fine card is plugged in, the battery charger energizes opto-isolatorts) that transfer a DC ground to the table control PC board for processing, wich turns on the hand control t ED. A control reset signal from tiie table-conttol PC board energizes a timing circuit on the powser-control PC board t9 delay (microseconds) the purnp motor and hydraulic solenoid coll operating voltage until al /O ports can be set. This prevents any errorieous table articulation &! power-up ‘The table-cantrot PC board (master computer] control all table functions based on inpurs from the hand control, foot contro! (aptional) ancl table sensors. Communication with the hand control is through an S232 format fine. The table-control PC board cantamsa DC-DC converter whieh reduces the 24 YOC from the pawer-contro! PC board 10 § VDC for use in this board and the hand! control, Test points are on the ooard to monitor this voltage Battery voages ate monitored by comparators on the board. The citcuit responds by indicating ballery status to the hand control for display to the operator Floor-lock microswitch (two) signals ate fed inta the board, vshich responds bby signaling the hand control to indicate fioor lack status and enabling hand- Control tabsie operation, It an unlock indication is sensed by the table-contro} PC board, the hand control is disabled. Foot control signals are input directly into the board via optodsolatars. The articular table function is activated when a DC ground is applied to the appropriate pin, The table must be on and property oriented for this option to work The ACON signal fromthe power-conirolPC board is processed by this board and! transmitted, via [3S232, fo the hand controt for display Signals from the ani! switches for stopping the seat, back and raise/lower cylinders are input directly into this board via opto-solators. These switches wil Slop table mavernent prior fo reaching amechanieal stop indicated by the hand control ‘The VO drivers provide a separate ground to each hydraulis solenoid soit when a table function is activated The positive voltage, fom the pawer- control PG board, is already prewired to each coll All coil activation trvaugh the hand contral is through this hoard When using the hand contiai, the motor ON signal is generated by the 1/0 river boar 113 interne Mona! reeset » Hand Control » Override Switch Board tna roles A watchdog timer monitors the transmit line trom the table-contral PC board Tothe hand controt. This circuit is looking fora burst of intarmation every 100) seconds. tf not sensad, the CPU will attempt to reset prior to an automatic cutott NOTE: A jumper is used at P29 to contigure for battery-operated tables. ‘The hand control houses the "slave" computer which contrals all teuch-pad seitches (except ON and STOROFF) ane all LED table-uperation status inccations Signals {rom the tabfe function ouch pads are acknowledged and transmit. ted, via an RS232 format line, 19 the table-canteal PC board which. in turn, activates the particular hydraulic solenoid. The LEDs next to the function, touch pads indicate the aperation status of the table as received fram the: ‘master’ computer an the table-control PC board. The AC ON, BATTERY ON, and LOW BATTERY LED signals are generated clrectly from the power contol PC boars) 4 wetohdog timer monitars the tranemnit fine of the GPU for proper bursts of information. 4 CPU reset is generated # an errar is detected, ‘The hang-control FC board is powered by 48 VDC frorn the DC-DC converter (on the table-control PC board. All signals generated by the overriie Switches are controlled by this board. i... all table-posttioning and tlaor-lack switeh signals. The hand control table-contro! PC beard, and most circuitry cn the power-control PC board ate: bypassed when any override switch § engerized. A 24-VDG pawer supply, ether ttort the batteries or from the line cord, is necessary Io operate the hydraulic solenoid coils. His nol needed far the hyelraulic pump since 2 foot operated pump backs up this device \When an override switenis energized, four mul poled relays(CAT, CR2, OAS. and CRa) are energized, solating the hyciraule solenaid coils from the table. antral PC board and the hand control, Simultaneously, « DC ground signal is fed ta the power-contral PC board to tum on the hydraulic pump if possible {S82 note}, and to turn off power to the hang contro) NOTE: If the line cord is piugged into the table or #f motor-battery power ts available (battery powered tables oniy), the hydraulic pump will come on, Otherwise. the controj batteries are used along with the manual pump. The control battertes do not have the capabitty t0 run the hydraulic pump. The second pale of the avernde switch applies a DC ground to the proper hydraulic col for activation. Circuitry on the board prevents more than ane surteh being acknowledged An RC (resistive capacitive) circuit exists on the GR3 and CRa relay coils te time-delay-off these two relay cols if an override articulation hag been selected This is necessary for proper operation of the intemal valves of the hydraulic manifold esnnanavee Manin omen Sy WMLLITTILLIRLLALLLUTLLLOLILLILA Troubleshooting MLLULLALLLLLLLLLLLLAELILLLLALLS LLL » Electrical Troubleshooting Guidelines A. CAUTION: tsoiate the coi and/or pump motor from the control by disconnecting the wires on the motor ter- minal board, or slip the wires off the solenoid coil. Reterto the Troubleshooting Chart (Table 11-1ifora sequence of stepsto use toidentify and correct most electrical problems encountered. Alsa referto tne electrical schematies in Gection 11 when using the Trovleshooting Chart Reier to Section 10. Hydraulic System, when the cause of the problem appears to be hydraulic, Reterto Table 11-2, Battery Diagnostics, to detemnine proper battery voltages, (uattery-operated lablas only) + Betore replacing any PC boards or other components suspected af being defective, make sure ali cable plugs and tullyinserled into their respective, jacks, + Make sureall cable pins are installed ar locked into place on the pluats) » When making any DC vollaye measurements, reference the DC ground, not the chassis ground. (These two points are isolated from each other} The pump motor andlor the hydaule solenoids can be checked by applying 24 VDE only directly fo the component + To completely disconnect power to the table, the line cord as well as the batteries must be disconnected 1+ then resaldesing or replacing any ofthe table or floor lock microgwitches, isolate the contrat by disconnecting its associated plug, AC In. PITY Foot Controt Ww PID Control Retum Battery Level Charger Switches Override Override be-—__<. Board Pg PIO ‘Switches Motor Control Battery Battery P7 ¥ ‘Solenoid | Valves Figure 11-1. Amsco 3085 SP Table Block Diagram” * Sve etectncal conamaties for mora dataded formation 118 Table 11-1. Electrical System Troubleshooting Problem SymptomCause Remedy oena Tinnocowar” |) Gian cenanensens |) Bcsesso cts? wa owrradory [vont sense 7 orto operation) |) hoc pntmaty ON areal oar Tanda Grnnowarsenel poner sorta sewn, Resacerandceeess | tan oom anen ouior® [leper open ace ta Shemovawsetae |S heteeZe vos ane gets Repince | Senate ower contrel PC bearet % worlage Seetion 1 @ Gon tyEvOSor cae | onecr FoR cone coninuw Rasuroresaee | Sam tose Pa bea ose cake i Roplce ble cnnat PC bow Beton 2 oowarnaa [1 Geox #1 araFEine Yr) Renna zen Sobor mugen 2. Check CR*. 1) Reset circurt breaker ‘Section 8 3 Shock ix bd VOG ae om | DRaplecepowe” con FO pond mane Peden S68 }4, Check tor 24 VOC at 4) Repair of replace num 9 motor if vollage is present hydrausic pump motor Figure 14-26 nna tear er ate Ghost gE my Fela sowa cw FE bow agra —— Signat aS eamntns [pee section 12 Satoh acheted "ede bo see gaara chook te 24 vB Ropsuopan Soul Pobowamaveragels TP agcap solenoid ceil voltage at PS [present 2 7 Ghack 3 ana or | Repay 5 rons cao = & Spmoa ew swenes | Raposo Ser Boa mane ees © chaos Fab canes) | seoar reece cao a ‘continuity or bose plugs or | 2) Reolace ovemds control board Section 12 ne Tho avarcis 1 Gheok or apeatim when” Soo abl > Lec bpution |necord ounces moaugese 7 Gheskcoricandromr |) Ghage atoreaty algae ne nw cr Fatty ogee derailed ene secten 8 Z cheanewengara | Reon ovo x cable plugs between ?) Replace power control PC boare Section 6 eee i Table 11-1. Electrical System Troubleshooting (continued) on 10910 she battery Isolarion, assrannect the battery plo: to measuring Problem Symptom/Cause Remedy were to 4. Bare 1 Check inehises Fr and [1) Replace hawis) Section 8 not eraige tow 1F2 battery or Benieod batty [2 Chesk he charger tine ti Replace use(s) secten Gonalorand’ | “uses Fs and 4 fpatery = ane! ble ony) % Check the chargar avaut_| Reset eeu breaker Seston rears OB 8 carte), OB ator) ane CBE Pater battery) fa Check tr ¥24J00 at | 3) Replace batory charger seelon 12 charger matout, Fo Sevtion 12 Isolator.alscennect ine aatte'y pro” bo measure, © Check al cables beweey | ¥) Replace balleres _ ing eaters ano me 2) Replace power conto PC 0a Section 12 carget Check for charger voltage |1) Replace cower coriroi Pe. soarc Secon te 5. No‘AG CN light on nana ential wher ling cords plugged 1 Sheck tor battery charger voitage(st 1) Sea Probiem 4 2 Check to 24 VAC itransteamer secondary) 861086 PE-0 and Pé-10) 1) Hest Bt 2) Replace ‘ransforner 8) Reolace 2owar control PC beard. 3 Olck for 0 VOC (BE 1) Replace power control PG beara, clet ne care en, Srouns potertia) st PA oF Section 12 Pian 4 Chock PHPScabie for [1) Replace rable-corral PC bowed Section 19 eentinuily @ AC ON igh! [1 Dosoonnest wire #60 at |1) Tlighi goes of, replace pawer cartel PC baad wil atgaot — |PsBorPs21 2) Flight stays an’ replace table corwot PC board Section 12 wher Ine ceed ws urptgged FFioortock [4 hack [St ana LS2 TV Adust switenes: ‘gecion 12 FLOCK ight wat | sqatc™ any tment on back notcome on. — flocking eye Check the solder janis at 1) Rasnider as necasealy - mictosuateh ermal 3 Caretully groune (OG 1) Cheek far eontinutty botween E99 and PA? ~ ‘system (grounio} wire M82 at PBP=1 to ee Simuiatethat thor locks ate 8 ° ae Section + 2 Check al P20 7) Raplace tha tape cones PG boarait CCK" light | Secon 12 lees yates Table 11-1. Electrical Troubleshooting (continued) — recon | Symptomicause remedy where 0 reverse defeswve, stuck or out of 2) Replace rubber boot, Section 12 Trendelenberg shorted. stuck closed, or out {2} Replace rubber ‘Section *2 oS seth Tn ; snotion: 3 P3354, 35 38 a 6, One sector 1. Open level sent 1) Fest with onmeter. Heplace if necessary: Fieter 16 ‘does not ave to ‘Schematic NOTE (for items 12.0. and «.): It feg section; entire assembly P-136607-731 must be replaced and readjusted as dascribed in Section 12. 148 Table 11-2. Battery Diagnostics Low Battery LED Status Battery ~ ‘On Flashing Motor 21 y0C 21.6 ve Centvel 23.6 YC 227 ve Hectic Sete Table 11-3, Hand Control Diagnostics NOTE: For troubleshooting of the optional HEAMES-Ready system, refer to the HERMES Operating Room Contro! Center Operating and Maintenance Manual, provided with the HERMES System. Indication Condition Corrective Action onto! ON + Sreen AC LED andred BATTERY LED taesng AC power connectads, lew oF discrarged batteries herge bateries nisl ON - Gree BATTERY LED on and rad BATTERY LED. fasnng Ratery Operation Low 0 discharged batteries - discharges. cone! shuwiown aller 3-1/2 min when tana Inuse or after 50 sect coraiter oxsts 3t power-up Charge banenes Canto! ON Greer BATTERY LED (only) an wher tanle pusges Into AC rooepracie Battery level arcectab e. fauty bbestary charger ev power eireut Check AC power cord - replane Check fuses FI era? replace iircessary Roset eveuit areaker CBS Roget e ous nrackar C2-4 All green and rea LEDs fiacting No communication between table captol andl hand conwe! ‘Greck hara eentel esnnection Replace hand control accossary Grace ‘ON flsshina Opiinral fact came. switch was. aotuated wher sand canal switched ON conte! legge errar disables tao. Sontval tunstians Fauity foot coma! - “oot conta ‘uncten is disabled “un hand ential OFF then ON to reset contrals Replace fost central ANLEDs gp off Hand sontrel unplugged wnie tale consol ON - contre! automaticaly shuts aff alter ene min Line Powered Tabe AC power eff control automat cally shuts ofl six hours alter last function selected Ramtory Powered Tate. lear lovks off rire! automatically shuts off 33 rin, alter last tunction selactes Battery Powsrea Table, AC power off Conic! automatica ly shuts off 24 hours ater last Furctiin selected Reconnect AC power Activate floor looks. Faconnee: AC power Greer AC LED hashing Faulty foot contra) - foot conte funiut is deeabled Beplace feet sortal 19 eof I 3 [ 5 I b I e i z I T= ‘ou Ov) RS (BIS HO 6S OL 3AVIS) *SBY3-AVTT SATWA TwNOTLOSUIC 8 BATWA 3SN4 MOT4 © ‘Taro Le TT COE -69rrei & SAPS Sete es wes a eri psoloe-6t-Sa1o TOF SO TS] meaner | se esto wots t (Ee HLINBUCAH 18318) SEE OeS | sis wG% ° Bes WAISAS SI WAWYGAH ‘OT LYWSHOS su voubiany mss nesias 484 bss T Te — 5 US | 2B nam xa OCOR xx RIECHNE | CoscRK EE EIACHDOORAERNA 2 in0isi 38 ee ST ye ug oetimoncoemctoometson| emmmacommeesses) 3 ATH SONS OT ZA SBVSNIS 10507 NADY 1SveL aAWA 3S¥373d ‘in ge Bynsssud doiS71Bvis (s) SY SENS TSONSEL SY = BATWA 43073a SensS3ud & 1 OuseNs 1SGNSa1 r aS tou *O21v0199 LON NMOHS S3AIVA_ TY “WOLvUEdO LENOYW ONIDSTS ST GT*SSATGA WNOTLOIUIG { Z nett at Sate gy SANGOK SATA ¥OBHD SAVY ONTH3KOT Ty Ae Zz. Ti aa ee 1534 nse Ets! €TSWISOISeS LES a _-. a OED _ a 8 ees ed tea L g 1} gl g 3 By) 2 é S : 3] "BILLS Hg 1 = Y i rt) fp I 3 | ¢ 301 woo wave 135 iL e 2! 3 | iad Sz [S681 -SO Oke amass Sree STIGWARIS| T EGE -eSboeT) Col Loe OT WA wie [Si] wisely sotiaieosao | SHON Ava] SSO LB sr) T&T EGE-b9bbET 3 £ g I S I p e é I 1 aly eo7eo/2) ava DT “Aau FOF 30s 2O2-BTESEL Ned AoyiNo? 1004 I Mod INAWI IV G3 oyB9" "SNOT TSNUTSNT (NOILONAS HUOIEd OL $3079 HILTAS) ! STLVRHOS ON TET A "ay AGN, WOH 2 3Bynol4 . 1 SNOILY307 SHIA yOs ] YES von sete ovseny —onae SHIM Mawar IRD LON CU +3L0N se. T19190 335 > FE Spare _ woe yo / 2 = 8 8S Gre Sk E 8.119430 — 3y5H 775 / a ct a J ALO 431 13u NIMHLS ’ ENOUBU SURO] WOLIAS LEN Nous 1 Bunorg Figure 14-20. Table Base and Column: Electrical Assembly (Part 1 of 2) 1486 retare si say Go 2 £@ ® VIEW M-M VIEW Jos VIEW FF Figure 14-20B. Table Base and Column: Electrical Assembly (Part 2 of 2) alr uchsiea Pare nae Figure 14-20C. Table Base and Cotumn: Electrical Assembly — HERMES-Ready (Electric and Battery) PART NUMBER DESCRIPTION UNITS PER ASSEMBLY 3153 136808 20743 148653 136807 93903 134469 93908 93903 93908 19394 93908 93908 82675 Bata 10476 128360 134489 136807 141210 sarz10 iai210 138807 ‘93909 raz2t0 129360 ‘93908 ‘93909 93008 50370 431572 10261 93909 129388 B18" 80123 90712 138469 136808 138807 136807 136807 186807 136807 sat210 121210 129360 56401 TEST ee TU VUUTVUDUD DOU DU UUTUUV UU EDV UUUUUU UU UIT IUO 194469 13468 sete Hare Brashenon TABLE BASE AND COLUMN ELECTRICAL ASSEMBLY 3085 SP TABLE 3085 SP HERMES-READY TABLE NUT, Hex, #6482 BATTERY, 12 Vole osu LOCKWASHER, #4, Extemal Tooth CHARGER, Battery... TRANSFORMER, 24 Y Witting Assemby JUMPER, Battery. . ASSEMBLY, AC Plate (Power Supply) SCREW, Sems, 48:32 x 12" LO WIRE TIE, #10 WIRE TIE, #4 SCREW, Bd. He, dead x 3/8" 1G BRACKET. Battery Suppo GUMPER, Moto'-Ballary . SCREW, Hex Hal. #10-32 x 378" LG. WASHER, Flat #3 MOUNTING BASE... STICKER, Natural Grauna ASSEMBLY, Cable, F910 P10 ASSEMBLY, Wiring, Lint Switch (Floor Lock} (P27) ASSEMBLY, Cable, Tabio Base . ASSEMBLY Cable, Soleratd (P?) ASSEMBLY, Cable, P3 to PB. ASSEMBLY, Catle, P25 to Battery STRAP Ground Assemaly ASSEMBLY, Cable, PI to PS & P22 TIE, Cable eos PLATE, Offset Swish. SWITCH, Plate Stud Assembly SWITCH, Roe Ar aie Ut Swi, NUT, Hox Mach, 42-56 sensi TIE, Cable LOCKWASHER, Extemel Tooth, #10. ASSEMBLY, Recor TERMINAL BLOCK SCREW, Rd, Hd, 16-2 x 172" LG. JUMPER, #6 Stud SCREW, Round Ha, #4-40 x 51°. CABLE ASSEMBLY, Override Floor Lack thoi Shown) (P23) CABLE ASSEMBLY, Hand Contel (Not Shown) (P2) CABLE ASSEMBLY, Foot Control {Not Shown) (P4). ASSEMBLY, Limit Switch, P28 1o Control Box (Net Shown) ASSEMBLY, Mercury Switch - Saat (Not Shown) (P35). ASSEMBLY, Mercury Sarton - Back (Not Shown) {P34} ASSEMBLY, Mercury Sein - Tit (Not Shown) (P33) CABLE ASSEMBLY, Leg Section (Not Shown) (PSE)... GABLE ASSENBLY. Beck Secton, P28 and 20 (Nt Shown) SWITCH, Back (Not Sov) (54) CABLE ASSEMBLY, Charging ladicator Not Shown} (French, Spanish, German 220V) WIRE HARNESS ASSEMBLY, Hand Gonwbl (P2, P15, P48) INTERFACE CABLE, 20 Ft (P8e to P27) (Not Shown} Tea) sonore VIEW B-B 14-50 rors28s4 eaten sue “ : | 2 8 fs pz / C ys {| VIEW E-E Ee u

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