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Shale Control with Balanced-Activity

Oil-Continuous Muds
M. E. Chenevert, SPE-AIME, Esso Production Research Co.

Unstable shales have plagued the petroleum industry sorb water. Problems due to hydration usually occur
for more than 30 years. All boreholes drilled into shale some time after the formation is exposed and can be
formations experience some degree of washout, which prevented by using balanced-activity oil-continuous
maybe tolerable in some wells but completely uncon- muds.
trollable in others. Many causes of shale problems Laboratory and field data have shown that many
have been postulated: mechanical factors such as mud formations are capable of adsorbing water2 . or ions
pressure, thermal stresses, pipe movement (both bang- from water-base muds and are capable of adsorbing
ing and swabbing), "rubble" shale, and plastic flow; water from oil-continuous muds. Adsorption* occurs
chemical factors such as hydration of montmorillonite because of differences in chemical potential between
clay. One paper1 describes the dehydration of plastic the mud and the formation, and continues until equi-
"gumbo" shales with invert emulsion muds. The tech- librium is achieved. When considering adsorption
nique reportedly works on soft, wet shales and re- potential for oil-continuous muds, only aqueous
quires only that the salinity of the mud be greater chemical potentials need be considered because ion
than the salinity of the water in the shale. (The salinity transfer does not occur. In the case of water-base
of such shales seldom exceeds 40,000 ppm.) muds, the problem is more complex because of ion
and clay movement as well as water movement be-
Causes of Unstable Wellbores tween the mud and the formation.
Unstable wellbores occur when formation pressures It has been found that the more deeply buried
exceed the pressure exerted by the drilling fluid. Two shales are highly compacted and contain low quanti-
situations can produce such a condition: (a) the well- ties of water. As geologic compaction occurs, water
bore fluid pressure is lower than the in-situ formation is expelled from the shale and produces a degree of
pressure and (b) the in-situ fonnation pressure in- dryness in the shale. The scarcity of water and the
creases because of water adsorption. Too Iowa fluid abundance of charged clay surfaces results in an in-
pressure occurs when mud density is too low or when crease in the adsorptive potential of the shale. S
bottom-hole pressures are reduced by swabbing with
the drill pipe. This type of instability normally can be Balanced Mud Concept
eliminated by drilling with increased mud weight or Water transfer from an oil-continuous mud to a for-
by minimizing pressure surges with low viscosity muds mation can be prevented by increasing the salinity of
and slow pipe nlovement. Another more frequent
cause' of degradation is the excessive formation pres- *The term adsorption is used in thi's paper to describe the
transfer mechanisms believed to occur. This process is also fre-

sure that develops when argillaceous formations ad- quently referred to as absorption.

The main cause of shale instability is water adsorption and subsequent swelling of the
wellbore. By adjusting the activity of t/1e water in the mud to that of the water in the
shale, this adsorption can be prevented and gaLlge boreholes can be drilled through
both hard and soft shales.

OCTOBER, 1970 1309

the water phase of the mud until the aqueous chemical activity of the shale were conducted under atmos-
potential of the mud is equal to that of the formation. pheric conditions. The effective stress on the shale
The aqueous chemical potential of either the mud or sample under laboratory conditions, however, is ap-
the formation relative to pure water can be written as proximately the same as the effective radial stress
acting on the shale under down-hole conditions-.
u- Uo == RT In aw , (1) The effective radial stress (Ur) is given by the equa-
where u is the chemical potential of the water in the
system, ·U o is the chemical potential of pure water, R CTr = CTIl: [1 - r~2] - (Pw - PI) r~2 ,. (3)
is the gas constant, T is absolute temperature and aw
is the activity of the water of that system. For a con- where Ux is the far-field horizonal effective stress, PI
stant T, the mud and the formation will have identical the pore pressure of a nearby sand formation, Pw the
water chemical potentials only when their water actvi- wellbore pressure, rw the radius of the wellbore and
ties are equal. r the radius under investigation. At the wellbore wall,
The water activity of a system is defined 4 as the this equation reduces t05 Ur == PI - Pw. For balanced
ratio of the fugacity (f) of the water in that system to drilling where Pi == Pw, the effective radial stress is
the fugacity of pure water (fo), or zero.
Down-hole temperatures tend to lower the aqueous
aw == -;;- (2)
activity of the shale slightly2 and raise the activity of
fo the mud's aqueous phase slightly.6 On the average
these corrections alter the measured activity by about
For practical purposes, the fugacity ratio f/fo can be 0.05 and can be made when sufficient laboratory data
replaced by the vapor pressure ratio p/Po, where P is are available. Field results indicate that in most cases
the vapor pressure of the water in that system and Po such corrections are not necessary.
is the vapor pressure of pure water. This assumption
is acceptable because .the correction factor used in Experimental Swelling Tests
going from fugacity to vapor pressure for the pure Laboratory swelling tests have confirmed the balanced
solvent is nearly equal to the correction factor of the activity concept by showing that adsorption does not
solution. The vapor p'ressure ratio is therefore nearly take place when the activity of the water in the shale
equal to the fugacity ratio. is equal to the activity of the water in the mud.
Balanced-activity oil-continuous muds are then In our tests strain gauges were attached to the sur-
muds whose relative aqueous vapor pressure in the face of the shale samples and the samples were im-
drilling environment is essentially equal to the relative mersed in various water-base and oil-continuous
aqueous vapor pressure of the formation penetrated. muds. Fluid-rock interactions producing displace-
ments as small as 1 micro-in. were detected.
Laboratory Determination of The swelling tests showed that hard illitic shales,
Water Activity previously thought to be inert, experience substantial
The water activity of various shales was determined alteration when placed in water-base muds or un-
from the adsorption characteristics of the drilled chips treated oil muds. Fig. 2 shows data for samples of a
recovered from each formation. For each formation hard West Texas illitic shale that were immersed in
we developed an adsorption isotherm that related the six different oil-continuous emulsion fluids. Each fluid
shale's activity to its water content. contained a different amount of salt dissolved in the
The adsorption isotherms were obtained by plac- water phase of the mud and therefore had a different
ing clean, dried drilled chips in desiccators having water activity. The activity value of. the mud was
controlled activity atmospheres. The samples were obtained from standard tables. 6 The muds had a high-
weighed daily until they were in equilibrium with the temperature, high-pressure API fluid loss less than
atmosphere in the desiccator. The final sample weights 2 cc (all oil). The upper curve is for a mud whose
were then used to calculate the weight percent water water phase was essentially fresh water, and its water
adsorbed. Normally, 2 weeks were required to attain activity was 1.0. After 24 hours, the shale had experi-
complete equilibrium; however, 90 percent of equi- enced about 0.3 percent swelling in this mud. This
librium was usually attained in 1 day. A desorption curve demonstrates that the hard shale is capable of
isotherm was obtained in the same way, except that removing water from highly stable oil-continuous
the samples were first hydrated in a 98 percent relative fluids. As salt was added to the mud, the amount of
vapor pressure environment before they were placed swelling decreased after a given period of time. We
in the desiccators. The adsorption-desorption iso- found that when enough salt was added to the oil mud,
therms were then plotted as shown in Fig. 1. The the aqueous activity of the mud was nearly equal to
in-situ weight percent water of the shale was calcu- the aqueous activity of the shale, and there was no
lated from shale density data and then the estimated swelling. By adding too much salt, as reflected by the
activity of the shale was determined by the use of the bottom curve, it was possible to desorb water from
adsorption-desorption isotherms. the shale, but at a rate much slower than the adsorbed
The West Texas hard shale shown in Fig. 1 had rate. The swelling data of Fig. 2 indicate that to pre-
2.2 weight percent water; thus its average water vent swelling of this particular West Texas hard shale
activity is 0.75. the activity of the internal phase of the mud should
The laboratory tests for detennining the water be approximately 0.75 to 0.70.
A response similar to that in Fig. 2, was obtained be 0.14.
for all tested oil-continuous fluids that contain emulsi- Although the elongation of illltic shales is much
fied water. We also observed that the rate of swelling less than that of montmorillonite shales, illitic shales
was decreased by simply decreasing the amount of can develop as much swelling pressure as montmoril-
water in the oil mud. Fig. 3 shows linear swelling lonite shales if they are confined and their expansion
obtained after exposing the West Texas hard shale is prevented. An earlier publication2 presents swelling
to different oil muds for a period of 24 hours. These pressure data for such shales and shows that the swell-
data suggest that untreated, low-water-content muds ing pressures can be calculated provided the activity
probably allow longer drilling before shale problems of the water in the shale is known.
Swelling tests were also run on an offshore Louisi-
Design and Control of Balanced-Activity
ana soft shale. These tests (Fig. 4) show that swelling Oil-Continuous Muds
of this shale can be prevented by matching the activity Because of the differences among shales, balanced-
of the water in the shale with the activity of the water activity oil muds should be specifically designed for
in the mud. The upper curve was obtained with an oil each troublesome formation encountered. The basic
mud containing a total salinity of 65,000 ppm, a value objective in designing an oil-continuous mud for a
more than twice the salinity of the water in the shale. specific troublesome formation is to adjust the activity
At this salinity the oil mud's activity was 0.94. Swell- of the water phase of the mud so that the water is
ing still occurred and showed that to prevent shale essentially inert to the formation drilled; that is, so
swelling it is not enough simply to exceed shale water that there is no significant water transfer from the mud
salinities. to the formation. With restricted water transfer, the
A cross-plot of swelling at 24 hours vs water ac- formation experiences little swelling and remains
tivity suggested that no swelling would occur when competent while being drilled. This balance cannot
the mud had an activity of 0.75. The adsorption iso- be achieved if the activity of the water in the mud is
therm for this shale predicted its water activity to significantly greater or less than the activity of the


o c~ 0 .80 t----- -~------+---------l

00::J 0.90 r-----+----~-~-___l

4 t---r----t---+---+--+--+----l--------+--~
-... ...
~ 3 r------j-----+---+---+---+---+----l--~£J____l
<t • 35% SALTWATER
~ 2 t---r----t------+---+--+~=---t--~---+-------J 1.00 ~_~_ _" - - _ - - - J . - _ - - - - J
o 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20
t----------+---+-~~--=-~=--------+- AD SORPTION - - - + - - - - - 1 LINEAR % SWELLING
Fig. 3-Swelling response, sal,ty oil muds.
0.20 0.30 0.40 0.50 0.60 0.70 0.80 0.90 100
Fig. I-Sorption isotherm, West Texas hard shale.
0.4 r - - - - - - , - - - - - - - - - - - r - - - - - - - - ,
I 0.3 r - - - - - - - - - - t - - - - - - + - I - - - - - - - - J
~ 0.3 r------+-------+-----~
Z 1.00 .....
LI.I 0.2
S 0.91 ~

0.1 0.88 «
0.84 z
LLI 0.75 ~
::; 0 0
0.25 ______+-__ ~0.58

-OJ -0.1
.01 0.1 1.0 10 0.1 10 100
fig. 2-Swelling-time curves, West Texas hard shale. Fig. 4-Swelling-time curves, offshore Louisiana soft shale.

OCTOBER, 1970 1311

water in the shale. developed to provide such measurements. Field re-
If several shales of different activities are exposed sults to date with early models have shown that on
in a given well, it is advisable to add enough salt to some wells it is possible to detect quickly the activity
balance the activity of the shale that has the lowest differences between mud and shale. On several
activity. In doing so, water will be removed from the troublesome wells the salinity of the mud was suc-
other shales. Fortunately, this "shrinking" of the shale cessfully adjusted) either higher or lower, and the
penetrated by the wellbore is a very slow process. If shale problems were readily eliminated. Sometimes
it is excessive, there is some indication that flaking of it is difficult to determine the in-situ water activity of
the wellbore will develop. the fornlation by direct measurement made on drilled
Unfortunately, it has not been possible to develop cuttings with the activity meters. This usually occurs
a simple relationship between water activity and when the cuttings are very small and are significantly
depth. It appears that since tectonic stresses and altered by the drilling mud before they reach the sur-
geologic history vary ·between fields, the activity of face. In such cases, the adsorption isotherm method
the water in the shale varies with location as well as may be used.
with depth. Activity meters have also proved useful for deter-
The procedures for obtaining a shale's in-situ water mining the activity of oil muds that contain several
activity are followed as outlined in the previous sec- different salts. Because of common ion effects, existing
tion. Once the adsorption isotherm is obtained, the methods for making such determinations are both
activity of the shale down hole is estimated by enter- cumbersome and time-consuming.
ing the plot with the down-hole or natural water con-
tent of the shale. This water content can be deter- Field Verification of Balanced
mined by using shale density measurements and the Mud Concept
formula About 25 wells have been drilled through 100,000 ft
of formation using balanced-activity oil-continuous
Weight percent water == Yma - Yb X 100, (4) muds. In all tests, gauge holes were produced. Maxi-
Yb (Yma - 1)
mum enlargements of lh in. were recorded and these
where Yma is grain specific gravity and Yb is bulk enlargements occurred in less than 5 percent of the
specific gravity. If no wellsite density measurements footage drilled. These balanced muds appear useful
are available, Fig. 5 can be used as an approximation. 7 for any type of shale. Following are field results for
After the activity of the water in the shale is deter- three different shales; a hard illitic shale found in West
mined, a salt is added to an oil-continuous mud until Texas, a hard shale found in South Louisiana, and
the activity of the water in the mud is equal to the soft shale found offshore Louisiana.
estimated activity of the water in the shale. Figs. 6
and 7 give the pounds of salt needed per barrel of West Texas Shale
mud per percent water in the oil mud. As shown in The West Texas shale occurs at a depth of 9,000 to
Fig. 6, the maximum effect that can be realized from 16,000 ft. It contains 57 percent quartz, 26 percent
saturated NaCI is a water activity of 0.75. With feldspar, 1 percent calcite and 2 percent dolomite,
CaCl2 (Fig. 7), it is possible to reduce the activity of with only illite (15 percent) and chlorite (5 percent)
the water in the mud to a value of about 0.32. clays present. The shale has been analyzed by X-ray
Early in this study, it was recognized that it would diffraction and no trace of montmorillonite clay has
be advantageous to monitor the activity values of the ever been observed. This absence is significant be-
shale and the mud daily at the wellsite. Several types cause previous theory assumed montmorillonite clay
of instruments (activity meters) are presently being to be the only clay capable of causing hole problems
by expansion. The shale was also found to contain
2.2 weight percent water with a total salinity of
20,000 ppm.
3.0 1.5
0 Using balanced-activity oil-continuous muds, five
wells have been drilled through the shale with com-
plete shale stability. By contrast, one control well
2000 drilled earlier with a commercially available invert
3000 emulsion mud and one control well drilled with· a
LU RECENT TO lignosulfonate water-base mud had severe shale
~ 4000 MIOCENE sloughing and hole problems. Results from these seven

wells show that balanced-activity oil-continuous muds
can stabilize holes drilled through troublesome, hard,
illitic shales.

8000 Control Well, Water-Base Mud. A lignosulfonate mud

9000 used to drill the control well illustrated problems ex-
perienced in the West Texas hard shale with water-
% POROSITY based muds. As the shale was penetrated, the walls of
2.7 GRAIN DENSITY ASSUMED the borehole caved in, producing a considerable
Fig. 5-Effect of age and depth on shale density, Dallmus. amount of fill. As shown in Fig. 8, these cavings were


9,000 rather large and angular. Such cavings must be drilled
into smaller pieces before they can be circulated out
of the borehole. Fig. 9 shows a bar graph of the
amount of fill recorded after each trip into the hole.
TOTAL FILL = 774FT At depths of 11,000 and 15,000 ft, more than 600 ft of
;: 10,000 fill was recorded. In this well the total section of shale
0. was 7,000 ft thick, and there was more than 7,000 ft
C of fill. A caliper log run after the hole was drilled
showed serious enlargements. Fig. 10 shows that at a
I depth of 10,500 ft the hole had enlarged from 9th
I in. to about 18 in.
o 200 400 600
Control Well, Commercial Invert Emulsion Mud. The
use of water-base muds had demonstrated that the
Fig. II-Shale fill, oil-continuous mud. West Texas hard shale was water-sensitive. A com-
mercially available invert emulsion mud with a salinity
of 50,000 ppm CaCl2 was then used in an attempt to
control the shale. The amount of salt was considered
sufficient because the water in the shale had a salinity
of only 20,000 ppm.
10,000 The low-salinity invert emulsion mud was used to
drill from 9,000 to 11,000 ft. During drilling, there
was serious shale sloughing and the inve·rt mud was
I removed at 11,000 ft. Fig. 11 shows a bar graph of
fill that occurred while drilling with this mud. At about
12,000 11,000 ft, more than 550 ft of fill was recorded, and
DEPTH - FT there were severe bit-sticking, high torque, and other
13,000 symptoms of an unstable wellbore. A caliper log
• showed that the section drilled with the invert mud
had severely washed out.

Wells Drllied with Balanced-Activity Oil-Continuous

• 15,000 Muds. More than 30,000 ft of gauge hole has been
TEST WELL 1 TEST WELL 2 drilled through the West Texas hard shale using bal-
30 FT =I
I I anced-activity oil-continuous muds. In each well, the
o 200 400 600 o 200 400 600 water phase of the oil-continuous mud, as dictated by
FEET OF FILL . FEET OF FILL laboratory tests, had about 270,000 ppm NaCI. The
activity of the mud was almost equal to the activity of
Fig. "I2-Shale fill, balanced-activity oil-continuous mUd.
the shale. During the drilling of these five wells there
were no hole problems associated with heaving shale.
On two occasions, material was easily fished from the
I I I i I I I I I I i I I I I I I I
9" 19" 9" 19"
.....- BIT SIZE - BIT SIZE Iii iii i i i I Iii iii i i i I
10,200' 8" .---BIT SIZE 19" 8" -BIT SIZE 19"
- 14,200'
--..... "

:: t=CALIPER "
ECALIPER- I - - 1--1--

'" 10,250'
... 14,250'
- BIT RUN~;ff--;--+---+--+----+--+--+---+---l
AT 14,266' t---+-+-t--+--+---+--+--+--+-+---+---1

... ,......""

.- 14,300'

Fig. I3-Caliper logs, West Texas hard shale. Fig. I4-Caliper logs, West Texas hard shale.


8" 12" 16" SIt 9" 13" 5" 9" 13"
Iii iii iii DEPTH I i i i I Iii I DEPTH Iii iii iii
17,700' 17,700'


(HOLE SIZ~ ::i



17,750' 17,750' :: iF;CALIPER= --
r;;.. .... :-li CALIPER
= =(HOLE SIZE) -


17,800' 17,800'
Fig. 15~Caliper logs, South Louisiana hard shale.

hole because of its excellent condition. Fig. 12 shows soft shale, high in montmorillonite clay content, was
that there was negligible fill in Wells 1 and 2. Caliper encountered at a depth of about 3,200 ft in an offshore
logs from these wells and from the lignosulfonate con- Louisiana area. Attempts to drill this shale with a
trol well are shown in Figs. 13 and 14. Fig. 14 shows water-base mud resulted in severe clay swelling and
a 14-in. shift in the caliper log for Well 2 at a depth subsequent drilling difficulties. A balanced-activity
of 14,265 ft. Several other shifts were observed on oil-continuous mud was evenually used, which elimi-
this log, and in each case a new bit had been run at nated the shale swelling problem and enabled a gauge
the same depth as the shift. It is apparent that the borehole to be drilled.
wellbores are so smooth that 14 -in. variations due to Laboratory analysis showed this shale to consist of
worn bits are reflected on the caliper log. 15 percent quartz, 1 percent feldspar, 1 percent dolo-
Considerable drilling time was saved because of the mite, 38 percent illite, 35 percent montmorillonite,
elimination of rig time usually spentin drilling fill. and 10 percent kaolinite. The shale contained 11
Hazardous conditions such as stuck pipe and high weight percent water with a salinity of 30,000 ppm.
torque were eliminated. The liner for Well 2 was acci- Shale strength tests (Fig. 16) showed this shale to
dentally dropped 2,000 ft, then easily fished out of withstand a 400-psi stress differential under down-
the hole on the first try with no indications of being hole conditions. As water was added to the shale, its
stuck. strength rapidly fell to zero.
A caliper log obtained after the balanced-activity
South Louisiana Shale oil-continuous mud was used (Fig. 17) showed the
Serious washouts are often encountered in South Lou-
isianawhere water-base muds are used to drill trouble- 1000 ......-----.---~--..-------.---~-----,
some hard shale (see Well A, Fig. 15), which occurs 3500 PSI
between 17,000 and 19,000 ft. This shale contains
about 18 percent quartz, 5 percent feldspar, 1 percent c;; 800
calcite, 57 percent illite, and 18 percent chlorite. An
attempt was made to drill this formation with a com- :z:-
... ~v Pc
mercially available oil-continuous mud containing 5
percent fresh water in the internal phase. The hole
enlarged and shale cavings caused serious drilling
..... 0

problems (see Well B, Fig. 15). A sidetrack was Q
eventually set and the activity of the oil mud was ..... 3500 PSI
lowered to 0.75. A trouble-free hole and a gauge >= 200
caliper suggested that an adequate activity balance
had been achieved by saturating the water phase of the
mud with sodium chloride. 10 20 30 40 50 60
Offshore Louisiana
Fig. 16--Strength-hydration relationship,
Severe drilling problems were experienced when a South Louisiana soft shale.

OCTOBER, 1970 1315

6" 10" 14" estimated by direct measurements on samples of the
I I I I I shale.
3. Water adsorption can be prevented by adjusting
BIT SIZE the activity of the water in the mud to the activity of
the water in the shale.
4. Gauge boreholes can be drilled through both
hard and soft shale using balanced-activity oil-
continuous muds.
I should like to acknowledge the contributions of J. A.
Polasek and J. R. Scott of Esso Production Research
Co. for their assistance in the development of the
laboratory phase of this work.

1. Mondshine, T. C. and Kercheville, J. D.: "Successful
Gumbo Shale Drilling", Oil and Gas J., March 28, 1966.
2. Chenevert, M. E.: "Shale Alteration by Water Adsorption",
J. Pet. Tech. (Sept., 1970) 1141-1147.
MUD USED 3. Chenevert, M. E., "Adsorptive Pore Pressures of Argillace-
ous Rocks", paper presented at Eleventh Symposium on
Rock Mechanics, Berkeley, Calif., June 16-19, 1969.
3350'- 4. Robinson, R. A. and Stokes, R. H.: Electrolyte Solutions,
2nd ed., Butterworths Scientific Publications, London
(1959) 25.
Fig. 17-Galiper log, offshore Louisiana soft shale.
5. Hubbert, M. K. and Willis, D. G.: "Mechanics of Hydrau-
lic Fracturing", Trans., AIME (1957) 210, 153-166.
hole to be enlarged above 3,300 ft where the water- 6. International Critical Tables, McGraw-Hill Book Co., Inc.,
base mud was used and to gauge for ·the rest of the New York (1933) 3, 297-300.
hole where the balanced oil mud was used. 7. Dallmus, K. F.: "Mechanics of Basic Evaluation and its
Relation to the Habitat of Oil in the Basin", Habitat of
Oil, AAPG (1958) 42,883-931. JPT
The following conclusions are based on extensive
Original manuscript received in Society of Petroleum Engineers
laboratory data and field results. office Sept. 28, 1969. Revised manuscript received May 30, 1970.
1. The main cause of shale instability for both soft Paper (SPE 2559) was presented at SPE 44th Annual Fall Meeting,
held in Denver, Colo., Sept. 28-0ct. 1, 1969. © Copyright 1970
and hard shales is water adsorption and subsequent American Institute of Mining, Metallurgical, and Petroleum Engi-
swelling of the wellbore. neers, Inc.
This paper will be printed in Transactions volume 249, which
2. The in-situ water activity of the shale can be will cover 1970.


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