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LEVEL ONE LEARN IN YOUR CAR®°CD ITALIAN by Henry N. Raymond Learn In Your Car — Italian is the only language learning system designed to teach a foreign language in your ear as you drive, without the aid of a textbook. This booklet contains the entire recorded text for your reference so that you can sce how the words are spelled. This booklet also contains additional explanations which will be helpful to you if you have trouble understanding some of the concepts, ABOUT THIS COURSE Learn In Your Car — Italian is designed and organized with the traveler in mind, The following guidelines are used: 1. The basic premise is that communicating in a language requires learning words, phrases, and sentences: but you can't learn to communicate effectively in a language unless you know the individual meaning of each word 2. The emphasis is on communication. Words, phrases, or sen- tences can be used to communicate. It is not always necessary to-use a complete sentence to convey a thought. 3. It teaches the way a child learns. Children start by learning ‘one-word sentences, then two-word sentences, etc 4. It teaches the most important things first, This course does not use your valuable memory to store useless words. The important words you need to survive and get around are taught first, Grammar is introduced in the later lessons, but it is taught with examples rather than rules. 5. No more than one new word is introduced at a time. This ‘means you won't hear a sentence or phrase and wonder which sound corresponds to which word 6. No textbook is required. The fact that no more than one new word is introduced at a time enables you to use the CDs effec~ lively without referring to a textbook. The CDs are designed to be used without a textbook so that you can use them while driving a car or while doing other things which require simi- lar amounts of concentration, 7. Literal (word-for-word) translations are used as much as possible. This enables you to understand how a sentence or phrase is constructed and what the individual words mean HOW TO USE “LEARN IN YOUR CAR — ITALIAN” The lessons start immediately at the beginning of Disc One with no introduction so that you don't have to listen to the same introduction over and over again. Simply start the first disc and play through Lesson One. For each expression, you will hear the English version followed by a pause, then the Italian translation followed by a pause, then the Italian translation a second time followed by a third pause. At first, you will only be able to imitate the Italian words in the two pauses after the Italian translations (the ond and third pauses). As you learn and progress, you will be able to recall and recite the Italian version during the first pause before you hear the first Italian translation, Be sure to speak the Italian expressions out loud. The rate at which you learn will be significantly slower if you do not speak the Italian expressions aloud Play Lesson One several times until you learn most of it. Then start playing Lesson One followed by Lesson Two until you learn most of Lesson Two. As you progress, keep adding lessons, Always go back to the beginning of Lesson One to reinforce the material you have already learned. (As you progress through the maierial, you may want to restart at some place other than the very beginning of the first disc. This is fine as long as you know all the material ahead of your start- ing point. Later lessons are designed with the assumption that ‘you already know the material in earlier lessons.) NOTES ABOUT THE TEXT + Words which are underlined in phrases in the text have the same meaning in both English and Italian. When a new word is introduced, it will usually be underlined. + Literal translations are in parentheses with an “I. such as: “(L. This isa literal translation)” + Words in brackets [like this] are understood, but are not heard on the tapes. NOTES ABOUT THE CDs +The CD format, with each lesson on a separate track, allows you to instantly target the exact lesson you wish to review. The ise and track numbers for each lesson are listed in the Table of Contents. + The Italian and English translations are on separate chan- nels. If you wish to hear only the Italian translations, simply adjust the balance control of your CD player so that you hear only the Italian version, ACKNOWLEDGMENTS We would like to thank Gloria Grandini, Francesco Catori John Carbone and Ester Pavelko who helped to make this audio production possible. —Hank Raymond Produced and distributed by Penton Overseas, Inc. 2470 Impala Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008-7226 U.S.A. © 1991 Penton Overseas. All rights reserved, ‘TABLE OF CONTENTS Dise 1: Tracks 1-14 Lesson 1...Bases 10: Lesson 10... More Numbers [Lesson 2..Basic Phrases ML: Lesson 11. Big Numbers Lesson 3..Transportation Nouns 12: Lesson 12... Very Big Numbers Lesson 4. Transportation Phrases 13: Lesson 13...At the Restaurant Lesson 5... Money 14: Lesson 14. Shopping Lesson 6... Hotel Lesson 7..Important Words Lesson 8... Directions Lesson 9... Numbers Dise 2: Tracks 1-11 Lesson 1S...Time, General Lesson 16...Time of Day Lesson 17..Questions Lesson 18. Shops Lesson 19..-Nouns Lesson 20:..Adjectves and Adverbs Lesson 2... Verbs Lesson 22. Prepositions Lesson 23...Prepositional Pronouns 10: Lesson 24. Possessive Adjectives 1M: Lesson 25...Conjunetions and Similar Words Disc 3: Tracks 1-14 1: Lesson 26...Sentenees and Phrases, General Lesson 27. Sentences and Phrases, Negative 3: Lesson 28...Forming Questions 4 Lesson 29...Sentences and Phrases, General 5; Lesson 30...Sentenees and Phrases, Transportation 6 t 8 Lesson 31. Sentenees and Phrases, Money Lesson 42...Sentences and Phrases, Hotel Lesson 33.,.Sentenees and Phrases, Getting Around 9: Lesson 34. Sentences and Phrases, Directions 10: Lesson 35...Sentences and Phrases, Conversation 11: Lesson 36... The Verb “Essere”(to be), present tense 12: Lesson 37...The Verb “Avere"(o have), present tense 13: Lesson 38. Typical Regular Verb with “are” ending present tense 14: Lesson 39. Typical Regular Verb with “ere” ending present tense Pred in Mexico LESSON 1 BASICS - ELEMENTI BASILART 1 ‘you (familiar) : : wu ‘you (polite). Lei he ven onl she lei this — oe questo [mase-] / questa [fem.} ‘you (plural, asin “you guys") vot they er loro good morning / good day ‘buon giomo good evening ‘buona sera ood night buona note good-bye arrivederci hello / good-by ciao please. per favore / per piacere thank you grazie you're welcome / please prego YES coun st sic (Mr. : madam J MIs. onsen ee signora signorina Familiar “you” singular, used in casual conversation, polite “you” used with strangers orto be polite familiar and polite “you” plural as in "you guys” or “you all”, This form is used as a plural for both “tu” and, “Lei” (polite “you") is often capitalized to distinguish it from “lei” (she), but it is not necessary. “The pronoun “Loro” (capitalized) is also used asa very formal "you" plural, however ths usage is very rare in modern Italian, ® * * ‘The subject pronoun “it” is almost never used in Italian estead, a sentence will simply stat with a verb. The subject pronoun iis implied by the Form (conjugation) ofthe ver thats used along with the coment ofthe est of the sentence. LESSON 2 BASIC PHRASES - LOCUZIONI DI BASE Tyant = sooo vogtia. Tint wean eoeeeerencerere vena 9 HOM voglio. Where’ Dove? Where is? / Whereis it i Where is the toile?/ Where is the bathroom? How much? ' = How much does itcost? (1. How much costs?) Quanto costa? time / hour : se OF what time? 7 wich hour? che ora? Ab what time? wo so sonndh che ora? You have...(polite) ei ha. Do you have...? (L. Have [you}...?) Ha...? understand. “ao capisco. don’t understand, To non capisco. Do you understand? vei sapisce? lis. ce eee} Isit? rset? Subject pronouns (io, tu, lui, lei, Lei, no, voi, loro, Loro) generally are not required to be used in sentences. This is ‘because the subject pronoun can be determined by’simply observing which form or conjugation of the verb is used, (ie. The verb will change depending on which subject pronoun is being referred to.) LESSON 3 ‘TRANSPORTATION NOUNS - MEZZI DI TRASPORTO train treno atin : : un tren the train “itreno the rains ‘tren an automobile ———— ‘una macs the automobile : cel macchina the automobiles oe machine atx oer fas the taxi : astip . s aoe una nave 4 the ship 7 lanave an airplane tun aereo the airplane 'ereo the bus - ‘autobus DUS woo tun autobus the bus stop (L thea of the bus) Ja fermata dell‘autobus bus stop... fermata dell‘autobus, A ticket un biglietio the ticket. il biglictto the ticket window / the ticket office oa bilictteria an airport... un agroporta the airport IIE aeroporto the fight s ‘ilyolo the connection Ia eoineidenza. the connections I Te coincidenze the gate Puscita the railway Ja ferrovia the station = Ia stazione the railway station... la stazione ferroviaria the bus terminal (L. the terminal of the bus) ..--.------- capolinea dell'autobus the platform? “coi matcapieds Which platform? —— Quale marciapiede? Which track? Quale binatia? Which train cat? Quale carrozza? In Ktalian, all nouns have a gender. That is, they are considered masculine or feminine. The articles “the”, “a” “an” which are used to help specify nouns must agree in gender with the nouns. Above you see the articles “i and “un used with masculine nouns and the articles “Ta” and “un with feminine nouns. Articles must agree in ‘number (singular or plural) with their nouns. The plural of “i” is “i, and the plural of “Ia” is “le” as shown in the above examples. “i” (masculine) changes to “I’ * before mascutine nouns beginning with vowels, and to “lo” before masculine nouns beginning with “2°, ors + consonant”. The plural of “and “lo la” (feminine) changes to “I” before feminine nouns beginning with vowels. The plural of “la” and (feminine) is “Ie” un" (masculine) changes to “uno” before masculine nouns beginning with “2” or “s + consonant” “una (ferninine) changes to “un’ " before feminine nouns beginning with vowels. “dell autobus” = “di” + “iI” + “autobus” = “of the bus” LESSON 4 ‘TRANSPORTATION PHRASES - FRASI NEI TRASPORTI Where is the train station? 7 .-Dov' la stazione ferroviaria? to the train station, please “ala stazione ferroviaria, per favore io the airport, please all'aeroporto, per favore Tvant a taxi : “To voglio un tsi. T would like. : snmnanseneonenen HO YOR... | Vor, I would like a ticket ‘Vorrei un biglisit. A ticket to... /A ticket for = .-Un biglieto per, the train to Rome /the train for Rome ‘reno per Roma the train from Naples. il weno da Napoli 5 the tain from Naples to Rome ve il reno da Napoli a Roma first primo / prima first class prima classe second class seconda classe ‘zone way ticket ‘on biglitto di andata round trip ticket tun bighietto di andata.¢ riteme to smoke fumare no smoking vietato fumare ‘nonsmokers non fumator At what time does the tain leave? ‘A che ora parte i reno? ‘At what time does the train artive? ‘A che ora arriva il eno? Where is the bus to Milan? ... tnnsnnnansnansnene DOV" Pautobus per Milano? Which number? ‘Quale numero? Which sear ‘Quale posto? seat number five Posto numero einque a timetable /a schedule ‘un orario the frst train il primo treno the second train il secondo treno the next train. il prossimo treno : “Fume treno Sen: In Kalian, the use of subject pronouns (I, you, he, she, it, we, you guys, they) is optional. This is because the subject by which conjugation of the verb is used. In the examples above, since “vorrei” can only ‘T),it is not necessary to say “Io vorrei...” because “io” is understood. ““Vorrei” in English means “I would like”. The literal translation is “I would want”. “Vorrei” is much more polite and should be used instead of “voglio” whenever possible. LESSON 5 MONEY - DENARO the money... il denaro /i soldi Italian money denaro i Nalian lire ge italia the bank la banea ‘Whereis the bank? Dov’? la banca? eRCHANEE nnn cambio ‘Where isthe currency exchange of Dov’? l'ufficio cambio? the currency / the coin Ta moneia the small change li spiceioli tochange money would like to change some money. tobuy. 1 would Tike to buy some Italian lire. the rate of exchange ‘What is the exchange rate? (L. Which is the exchange rate?) a banknote a check to travel a travellers check, credit. credit card meee amore “della” = "di" +"1a” “delle” le” would JR nso aba . and a shower. How much docs iteost expensive. very expensive, ‘ambiare moneta ‘Vorrei cambiare della moneta, ‘comprare ‘Vorrei comprare delle lire italiane, il corso del cambio al’ il corso del cambio? ‘una banconota un assegno viaggiane un travelers cheque von tedito ‘una carta di eredito LESSON 6 HOTEL - ALBERGO un albergo / un hotel ‘un ostello ‘una stanza / una camera ‘una camera migliore ‘Vorrei una camera migliore. un bagno ‘con bagno “senza bagno “Vorrei una camera con bagno. ‘¢una doceia ‘Quanto costa? ‘caro /costoso ‘molto caro 100 MUCH ren tog expensive It’s t00 expensive cheap .. cheaper / mote cheap. Do you have a less expensive room? Do you have the key? the week er week 4 ‘vacancy / rooms available no vacancy all sccpied Itworks. Tt does noi work. The shower does not work The shower is BrokeD. w= tomake... would like to make a reservation IMPOR the water... drinking water the luggage .... ny logeage the sutcase the suitcases. my suitease ry suitcases the counter the baguage check. the key locker the railroad «. the litle town the village the iY on famap sn map ofthe city ticket book /a block af tickets troppo uoppe caro “IE troppo caro. “-economico /@ buon mercato pill economico , Funziona. ‘Non funziona, ‘La doceia non funziona La doccia @rotta. fare ‘Vorrei fare una prenotazione, LESSON 7 "ANT WORDS ~ PAROLE IMPORTANTI i miei bagagli fa valigia le valigie lamia valigia lemie valigie esta valigia ‘quella valigia quella / quello quella 18 / quella questo biglietto| “il bance “nil deposito bagasli a chiave ‘una cartina della cit aperto / aperta chivso /chiusa il passaporto| ‘un blocchetto di biglietti the palice la polizia a police officer tun poliziotto/ una guardia In this lesson there are some examples of words which are almost identical except for the last letter. In general ‘masculine nouns and adjectives end in “o” and feminine nouns and adjectives end in “a”. Nouns ending in “e” can be either masculine or feminine. ‘To form the plural of regular nouns ending in “a”, replace the “a” with an “e™. To form the plural of regular nouns ending in “o” or “e”, replace the last letter with an “i” LESSON 8 DIRECTIONS - DIREZIONI tothe right wt desta tothe left... a sinistta Tum to the right. Gira a destra Tumi the lett. ahead / foreward Gira a sinistra straight ahead .. “avanti drito / sempre dritto the comer. Pangolo dietro Pangolo sada il lato / il fianco the other side altro lato the other side of the street. Palio lato della strada the end of the street tothe end of the street. next to... / Near (0 as far as a far as the bank as far asthe comer ses to “all’ " in front of a vowel. ead Ta fine della strada alla fine della strada 2 alla banca Qui / qua ino all’angolo ontano /lontana ontano da qui questo indirizzo _vigino a... fino a fino alla banca fino all'angalo LESSON 9 NUMBERS - NUMERI due quattro ingue MORE NUMBERS ~ PIU NUMERI undict dodict twedici quattordict uindici sedici diciassete otto diciannove venti LESSON 11 BIG NUMBERS ~ NUMERI ALTI 20, ee emt ventitré ventiquattro ventisei ventisette ventotto ventinove trenta "trentuno trentadue trentatré “oequaranta quarantuno quarantadue ccinquanta “isessanta settanta “ottanta novanta ‘cento 4 LESSON 12 VERY BIG NUMBERS - NUMERI MOLTO ALTI ccento ‘eentouno ‘centodue ‘centoquindici ‘duecento ‘duecentoventi trecento -quattrocento reinquecento “seicento settecento ‘ottocento “novecento --milleduecento ‘millecinquecento millesettecento diecimila ventimila centomnila un milione 1s 16 LESSON 13 AT THE RESTAURANT - AL RISTORANTE, atable sen un tavalo For how many’ persons? er quante persone? We would like a table for 2m “on: Vorremmo un tavolo per due. would lke this one. a Vorrei questo. | would like that one aver there Vorei quello lagi. ‘another table z “cum alto tavolo Do you have another table? rvs AVG un altro tavoto? the window... fa finestea near the Window soon LEI aleing alla finestra The menu please 1 mend per piacere. The bl please. svn ONE eonto per piacere included EEE incluso Is the service included? : “CM servizi é incluso? the soup J minesta the salad insalata un antpasto tn dessert / un dolce una hevancla a waitress wha eames tocall a waiter Cameriere! 10 PAY enor pagare Lwaould ike to pay. Vortei pagare. two coffecs, please. Due caffé per piacere. want dessert? vn. Vuole il dessert? LESSON 14 SHOPPING - FARE SPESE How much is it? Quant’®? this one (masculine) that one (masculine) that one over there. ‘quello lageity these ones (masculine) questi those ones (masculine) ‘quelli those ones over there ‘quelli tagaita Hage ‘grande larger. ‘pit grande the largest. small (masculine) smaller the smallest. like this {ike this one (masculine) like this one, but bigger Detter more expensive .. ess expensive. 190 expensive cheap something would like something more or les like this. 1 would ike something es apenas T'm looking for.. No. not like that. ‘Thank you, si ome questo ‘come questo, ma pit grande meglio icaro a 7 meno caro troppo caro poco caro qualcosa Vorrei qualcosa pio meno cos) Vorrei qualcosa di meno caro Cereo, 'No, ton cos Grazie, signore. In alan, adjectives must agree withthe word they modify in both gender (masculine or ferninine) and number (singular or plural). For example, “picgolo” would become “piccola”ifit were modifying a feminine noun, It would become “piccoli" or “piccole” (depending on gender) if it were modifying a plural noun The demonstrative pronouns shown above (this, that, these, those) are shown in their masculine forms, When these words are used to describe feminine objects, then the appropriate feminine pronoun must be used! Masculine Feminine this questo ‘questa that sense . quello quella these questi queste those ‘quelli quelle LESSON 15 TIME, GENERAL - PAROLE E AVVERBI DI TEMPO ‘moment sonnei UO OMNES aday a week a month a year today. tomorrow yesterday . fone more time as time again in ime on time on schedule. the time: How long? / How much time? ‘What time isi? the moming ... the afternoon the evening the night ‘midnight a second, a minute an hour. Bo'elock I's eight o'clock (L. ft] are the eight) Its one o'clock (L. (It) isthe one) a guar pst eight sisson balf past eight ‘ quarter to nine.. 8:50. 8 o'clock in the morning 4 o'clock in the afternoon ‘on ora / non adesso -quest’anna anno prossimo ‘anno scorso /I'anno passat. ‘altro giomo fa due giomi /tra due giorni “gntra due gironi ‘due giomi fa -due volte ‘ue volte “un’altra volta ‘ancora / dinuovo ‘col tempo 20 ESSON 16 TIME OF DAY - ORE DEL GIORNO il empo / Vora ‘Quanto tempo? Che ora 2? Ja matting mezzogiomo il pomeriggio a sera la nowe mezzanotte un secondo un minuto ‘uo ‘Sono le oto. EVuna. Je otto ¢ un qus «le otto e quindici le otto e mezzo an quarto alle nove Te otto ¢ cinquanta Te nove meno dieci Je otto del matting Te quattro del pomeriggio Seok at nih. vle otto di sera 16:20. “le sedici e venti LESSON 17 QUESTIONS - DOMANDE. Who? chi? Who is it? snChi 8? What? ‘Che? / Che cosa? What is it? « vworChie c08'8? ‘What is this? “Che 60s" questo? What is that? ‘Che cos'é quello? What is that over here? ‘Che cos'é quello laggit? What did you say? . ‘Cosa hai detto? When? ‘Quando? When does the train leave? . Where? Where is the subway? “Quando parte il reno? Dove? Dov’? la metropoli Which? ‘Quule? Which is the bus for Venice? ‘Qual’ autobus per Venezia Why? Z Perche' Why not? Perché no? How? ‘Come? How are you! cee ‘Come sti? How much? ‘Quanto? How many? ‘Quanti? y 2 How many kilometers? sone Quant chilometti? How far is it? (L. How much is [the distance) ‘Quant’elontano? Do you want...? (polite) eeeee vou Do you want.”? (familiar) Vuoi...? Do you want.”? (paral) oo Nolete..? LESSON 18 SHOPS - NEGOZI the ete sha ‘it negozio bakery oo ‘un panificio / una panetteria the butcher shop il macellaio a pharmacy “ma farmacia the supermarket if supermescato the pastry shop “a pasicceria the office Vutficio the post office “cova ufficio poste / la posta the customs house cevela dogana a laundry scene avandia the barber — = il barbiere the haiedresser il pamucehiene ‘beauty salon “Cum stitute i bellezza ‘ bookshop : na fibreria the department sire il grande magazzino amarket the police station “la stazione di potizia un ristorante il cae vun‘agenzia, Wi ‘un‘agenzia viaggi the delicatessen Ia salumeria LESSON 19 NOUNS - NOMI the town / the city... sla sit a county. un paese the name. il nome the food i eibo astale tino stato the United States li Stati U gift un regalo male friend un amico female friend un’ the postage stamp... i fancobollo sn entrance un ‘entra the exit uscita the elothes i vest my things / my stuft Ja mia roba the diy Iau Ja roba sporca thing. “tna £058 some “qualche “ 2B py something _qualcosa sometimes. talora/ qualche volta the other /the other one alia ara nothing .. niente / nulla aman ‘un yoo 8 woman na donna awife na moglic the husband i matita ashild... un bambino / una bambina the weather -iltempo aword una parol the consulate. ‘lgonsolato the beach Ja spinggia the problem il problema apiece e “un pezzo the eashiers desk a casa adelay un sitardo the opposite ahouse. a litle boat LESSON 20 ADJECTIVES AND ADVERBS - AGGETTIVI E AVVERBI ieee a snes FAMME [ BPOSSO (TOSSA) small .pievolo (piccola) ‘good ‘buono (buona) fea / good be hearted. bravo (brava) well . sr DeNE not good. Se non buono bad : valtivo (cattiva) badly male much /2 lot of molto (molta) ery se MOO enough sn abbastanza hot / warm aldo (calda) freddo (fredda) . . in anticipo behind schedule / delayed in ritardo early ome anaes PESO Tate tard E8Y near oe facile fica eeeeeeetereeterecereree oe difficile beautiful bello (bella) FEW so nonnsnn sn . vane PCH afew aleuni ‘many molti more pitt / i pit less. vinnannann vane END almost / nearly — quasi 25 6 about / approximately circa important importante ‘medesimo / stesso simile opposite ‘opposto (opposta) different diverso (diversa) up / upstairs — vn St down / downstairs ee) fast. rapido / veloce slow. lento (lenta) slower. pili lento, slowest iL pit Tento (la pid lenta) slowly Fentamente quickly. rapidamente near vicino (vicina) nearer pitt vicino nearest il pit vicino (a pid vieina) only... soltanto / solo alone . solo (sola) already gia now adesso right away “subito soon presto ready « pronto (pronta) Spanish spagnolo (spagnola) English ‘American British... Italian tall / high short / low vinglese ‘americano (americana) britannico (britannica) ‘italiano (italiana) alto (alta) basso (basa) Remember, adjectives must agree in number (singular or plural) and gender (masculine or feminine) withthe words they modify. The feminine forms ofthe adjectives are shown in parentheses, In general, adjectives which end in “o” (masculine, singular) end in the following letters: Masculine Feminine... ‘The endings of adjectives which end in “e Masculine Feminine... tobe tohave to want. wwe0, 10 do / to make. tocat to drink . to buy tosell torrent. to pay /to pay for to see 10 look at to look for to know something /t know how . to know someone or some place to understand . to come to stay /10 be located. towrite toclose . toopen... toleam toarrive ~. to leave /to depart to leave something somewhere tosay to speak to lose Singular Plural ‘masculine, singular) generally follow this format: ‘Singular Plural -e “i LESSON 21 VERBS ~ VERBI essere “avere “volere andare 8 fore ‘mangiare bere comprare / acquistare vendere affittare / noleggiare agare vedere guardare cercare ““eapire / comprendere chiudere aprite imparare / apprendere partire lasciare to steal /t0 rob to study... tw stop to like tolove tolive tocost tosleep tocut.. tworake to finish /to end totravel to be able to (as in “can” or "may”) to have to (as in “should” or “mmust”) toned / to have need of to mean /to signify. to mean jto intend to mean / to want t0 say to repeat rubare studiare ermare -Piacere “costare dormire vestagliane sn prendere Finire viaggiare ve POveTE dovere aver bisogno di significare ‘ntendere “voles dire ripetere ‘These are the infinitive forms of these verbs (i.e. to be, to go, t0 see, etc.) To speak correctly you need to use the correct form (conjugation) of the verb. If you don’t know the correct conjugation, use the infinitive. You will most likely be understood. {In most smaller dictionaries, only the infinitive form of a verb is listed. (In English, the infinitive form is listed without the “to".) For example, in small English dictionary, you would find “eat”, but most likely wouldn't find “ate”, “eaten”, “eats”, ete 29 30 LESSON 22, PREPOSITIONS - PREPOSIZIONI to/at a from da of di with. “con without senza oer da / presso per (on /over « su / sopra fon top of saves in cima a under / below sotto in into in inside dentro within entro outside : fuori infront of / ahead 0 avanti a in back of / behind. dietro a before [time] prima di after [time] dopo di ‘near to / next 10 vicino a far from lontano da beside faccanto a around against between uring... since /ever since in the middle of. through / across. across from J on the other side of atthe house of vw intorne a “contro fra tra vdurante da/fin da “nel mezzo di Jin mezzo & attraverso al didi da LESSON 23 PREPOSITIONAL PRONOUNS ~ PRONOMI E PREPOSIZIONI for me ; for you (familiar) for you (polite. for him : for her for it/ for this / for that FOF US cnn for you (plural familiar) per me perte per Lei per lui per Ici vn POF Ci oper noi for them .. toh lui with ber ‘con lei from you / at your house date without me: 7 vn senza di me 31 2 with them. ‘con lore before us prima di oj after you dopo di te in front of them ddavant a loro near you (plural... vicino a voi behind YOU a dieto dite Prepositional pronouns (als cle stress pronouns) are the only types of object pronouns that can he ased fer prepositions. These stress pronouns are also used after verbs (instead of in front of verbs as is the case in normal speech) when you want to place extra emphasis on the pronoun, LESSON 24 POSSESSIVE ADJECTIVES ~ AGGETTIVI POSSESSIVI my suitease my suiteases {your suitcase (familiar) his suitcase / her suitcase his suitcases / her suitcases ‘ur suitcase. suitcases ‘yOUr suitcase (plural) ‘your suitcases (plural) their suitease.. Lamia valigia lem vag lanostra valigia Ienoswe valigie lavostra valigia Ke vostre valigie aoro valigia their suiteases any gift my gifts nnn ‘your gift (familia). ‘Your gifts (Familiar). your gift (polite. ‘your gifts (polite) bis gift /her gift his gifts / her gifts. cour gift ‘our gifts ‘your gift (plural) ‘your gifts (plural) Iheir gift their gifts ‘your name (piural or polite) ‘my male friend my female friend ‘ut sister.. ‘our brother. ‘our wives our husbands his car / er car ‘your ca. their car ‘our car (plural. iy father ‘my mother Je loro valigie iLmio regalo miei regali iLtuo regalo tuoi regal “iL Suo regalo -LSuoi regal suo regalo sons Soi regal vciLnastro regalo ‘nostri regali -iLvostto regalo “Lloro regali {1 Suo nome iLmio amico ‘mia amica nostra sorella ost fratello lenostre mogli ‘imostri mani Iasua macchina Jatua machina aloro macchina 3 Ja.vostra macchina “ mi padre ‘ia madre In Italian, possessive adjectives agree in gender (masculine or feminine) and number (singular or plural) with the ‘object possessed, not the gender of the possessor, as isthe case in English. AAs you can see by these examples, the definite article (“i When talking about relatives. (Exceptions: plural nouns; modified nouns; the nouns “mamma” and “pay pronoun “Toro” always use an article) i", “le") is part ofthe possessive adjective except and the SSON 25 CONUJUNCTIONS AND SIMILAR WORDS - CONGIUNZIONI E PAROLE SIMILI and also butane maybe / perhaps because because of. te then. afterward therefore in any ease however. ‘0 / oppure anche / pure ma / per forse perché a causa di allora dopo / in seguito percid in ogni caso tuttavia LESSON 26 SENTENCES AND PHRASES, GENERAL - FRASI COMUNI 1 speak Italian {o pati italiano. Parlo Malian. not speak Spanish. [Non parlo spagnolo. Do you speak Italian? (polite) sewsnee aa italiano? a lie. ‘un pace / un po” from here wo there fan Ui aK atthe station : sonnel StaZione ‘on the platform . sul matciapiede in the trai renagnonncocron : eee ENO Tam studying. / stu To studio, Lam going -/1 go. Vado ‘Stop here. (po! ~~ Femi qui ‘Stop! (familiar)... Ferma! No problem. / There is no probe Non £°8 problema, Tan. /1 am able to. Rosso, Can I? / May 1. “Passo? May Thave...? Posso avere? 10.6 en hiamare My name is. Myself call. Mi chiamo From shich county [are you}? From what county do some? (pie) From where do you come? Where are you from? / From where are you? Di quale paese [sei]? “Da che paese viene? Da dove viene? Di dove sei? 35 36 Tam. sn SOND Tam tied Sono stance, / Sono stanca, Team. Vengo. {come from the United States. ‘Vengo dagli Stati Uniti There is. ce There ate nn Gi sono. Here is... / Here are... / There i. / There ae. Ecco, Tove... Amo. ike... ¢L. To me iis pleasing.) Mi piace Deo you like. familiar) (L. Ta you it is pleasing.) Ti place._? Do you like your gift Ti piace il to regalo? TAMLAvng oreenennar Pane. Excuse me. (10 pas). Permesso, Excuse me. (0 apologize) (familia). Perdonami./Scusa Excuse me (to get attention) (polite) Seusi! Thave. Ho Of course! Cento! certainly certamente Do you have. ‘Avete 'Do you have a menu in English? “COULIAvete ua meni i inglese? Let's go! : “Andiamo! Hoow does one say.? ‘Watch out = = Be careful! / Stay attentive! OI attento! Speak slowly, pease. (familia) - Paria lntamene, per favore Repeat please (polite -Bipeta, per favor. Panera “su + iI” "da" + “gh “perdonami” = “perdona’” + “mi” you} pardon” + “me” ‘When asking for a menu ata restaurant, use the plural form of “you” as in “Do you guys have a menu?” i" and “da” are nearly interchangeable, but their use often depends on the following verb. In the above examples, notice that “di” is used with the verb “essere” (Co be), and “da’”is used with the verb “venire” (to come), SON 27 SENTENCES AND PHRASES, NEGATIVE - FRASI NEGATIVE, 1 want. 1 do not want would like. 1 would not like Unave 1 do not have... Mis tis not You have...(poite) You don’t have...(poite) Tknow. 1 don’t know. 1 ' {don’t understand, . | speak English, I don't speak Italian, 1 ike.../ To me iti pleasing. I don’t like... To me itis not pleasing ‘There is... There is not. There are, ‘There are not. FORMING Q\ Iris big si big? You have a car. (familie) Do you have a car? ‘The tain is atthe station, Is the tain atthe station? 1s the train at the station? You understand. (polite) Do you understnt?... Itstoo big. Isitioa big? There is. Voglio.. Non Voglio. Vorrei... Non vorrei, 37 Capisco * Rinearisco [Non parlo italiano, Mi piace. Non mi piace. Ci sono. Non ci sono... LESSON 28 TIONS - FARE DOMANDE E grosso. / E grands. E grosso? / E grande? Hai una macchina. Haine macehing? iltreno in sttzione, I treno&in stazone? E in stazione il treno? Cenisce Caisse? E troppo grande. E woppo grande? ce Is there...” Its far from here. Is it far from here’ You want... (polite) Do you wamt...? sow This. snenenen Isit..? What is it? ‘There is a room with a bathroom. Tsthere a room with a bathroom? “eos'e" = “cosa” +"8" ce. E lontane da qui E lontano da qui? Vuole. Vuole..? co Cos’8? ‘C’b una camera con bagno. (C*e una camera con bagno? In Kalian, questions are usually formed by simply placing a question mark atthe end of a statement. When speaking, the tone of the voice rises at the end of the statement. Another way to form a question isto put the subject at the end of the sentence LESSON 29 SENTENCES AND PHRASES, GENERAL ~ FRASI COMU Tmust... ‘Ihave to Tmust buy. I should. How old are you? / How many years have you? (Familiar) Where do you live? / Where do you reside? (polite) .. Show me. (L. [You] show to me.) Slow down! ee want to go. Do you have something else? the opposite of big. don't know the word, That means Does that mean... ‘What does that mean? Ineed..../ Thave need of - Where is Joe's suitcase? very well Of course It’s clear It's fine. / It goes wel O.., no problem. W's not bad, not bad. W's good. T'm hungry. / have hunger Vm thirsty. / Thave thirst . Tm hot. /T'm warm. (L. Thave hot). T'm cold. (L. Thave cold). P’m busy. (C. [have [things] toda.) Tm lost. (L. [1] myself am lost.) It’s nice weather. /It makes beautiful weather... W's cold. (L. It makes cold.) Ws hot. / 1's warm, Devo. Devo comprare... Dovrei... ‘Quant anni hai? Dove abita? ‘Mostram Rallenta! » Voglio and: “ Ha qualcos‘altro? il contrario di grande [Non conosco la parola. Signi Significa che... ‘Che significa? / Cosa vuol dire? Ho bisogno di Dov"? la valigia di Joe? ‘molto bene / benissimo Certo, E chiaro ‘Va bene. ‘Ob-Key, Non c’é problema, fon ? male, niente male E buon Ho fame. Ho sete Ho caldo. Ho fredido, Ho da far. ‘Mi sono perso, ‘bel tempo. Fa fteddo, “Fa caldo. 1S 600h, ees sn Fa fresco. 1's sunny. / Thre isthe sun Geil sole 1's windy. / There is wind. Ce vento. You are sick. (familie) Stai mae osc ([you] show) +m" ome) LESSON 30 SENTENCES AND PHRASES, TRANSPORTATION — FRASI NEI TRASPORTI Excuse me, sir, when does the next train to Torino leave? .. Mi scusi signore, quando parte il prossimo treno per ‘Torino’ Tho train leaves in en miMUS. nn I treno pare fia diesi minut Ie leaves atten.a'closk in the moming. Parte alle diec de! matino. How much dos ticket C05? usu snes Quanto Costa un biglieto? First or e604 €1888?sencr nnn Prima 9 seconda classe? Second class, pease INIT Seeonda class, pr piacere. [es 42,000 lire. (L(t are 42,000 lire.) ‘Sono quarantadueril lie He wants a ticket forthe train that leaves for Naples Lui vuole un biglietto peril teno che parte per Napoli ‘atten o'clock inthe morning alle diet det matino, Excuse me, sir, where isthe bus tothe beach’ Mi scusi sinore, dov'é Mautobus per la spiaggia? 1s over there, om the lef. EB sulla snisa Which one? There are many af them Quale? Ce ne sono molt 1s the number five iT numero cinque, Thank you very much. Does this bus go to the beach? ‘honsnsnennone Questo autobus va alla spiaggia? No, the number 5 goes to the beach, No, il numero cingue va alla spiaggia. 4t 2 ‘At what time does the last bus forthe beach leave? The las bus Leaves at 17:20, A che ora parte [ultimo autobus per la spiaggia? ‘ultimo autobus parte alle diciassete e vent LESSON 31 SENTENCES AND PHRASES, MONEY - FRASI DA USARE IN BANCA Excuse me sir where is the nearest bak? os.nsne-ns-nne Mi Susi Signore, dov'e Ia banca pid viina? For which sevice? Per quale servizio? Tanto change some money Voplio cambiare dei so. There isa bank onthe oes side ofthe sweet, onthe right. .C'e una banca dal lca parte delta trad, slla desta What isthe rate of exchange t0d3? ote vannnvnsnse Qual’ corse del cambio o 1s 1400 lite per dollar. E mnillequattrocento lite per un dollar. T would lke t exchange for live. / I would like to-exchange int lire Vorrei cambiar in lire. 1 would like to buy some lire . Vorrei comprare dell lire. How many? = Quante? Lwould like o change 100 dollars. Vor cambiare eento dolar Toad ke some Si lea ssn Vortei degli spiceiol, per piacere There you are sir : “Beco, signore Thank you. sit. I Grazie, Signore. “dall ate “ala” = "da" + "a+ altra™ degli” LESSON 32 SENTENCES AND PHRASES, HOTEL - FRASI DA USARE IN ALBERG Excuse me sit dou pave any roms? Yes, ofcourse No, we re ful. How much iit fora room? With how many beds? For how many persons? For me only. With bathroors and bath? No, only a washbasin 1540000 rep nig (re 4,00 lie pers), May 1322 the room, please? Certainly, this way, please. Do you want [it] the room? No, it's too expensive Do you have a less expensive room? {Do [youl have agar rom es expensive Yes, ut i's very smal Do you have a beter room? {Do youhave ater com bt) No. Lamson ‘want the room. Which one The small one, number seven, (L. That small fone]. number 7.) here. Si senz’alio. Mi scusi signore, ha delle camere? No, siamo pieni. ‘Quant’ per una camera? ‘Con quanti leti? Per quante persone? er me sol. ‘Con bagno ¢ vasca? No. solo un lavandino. ‘Sono quarantamila lire per note. osso vedere Ia stariza, per piacere? Certamente, prego, di qui La vuole la camera? No, @ troppo cara Ha un‘alira camera meno cara? Si, peti € molto piccola Ha un‘altra camera migliore? No, miispiace. Voglio la camera. Quale? “ “ Quella piecola, numero sete Benissimo! Firmi qui. LESSON 33 Excuse me, sir, where isthe nearest post office? W's very far from hece How many kilometers from here? don’t know [it] bur it’s about ten minutes by car Is there a bus or a taxi near here? Yes, there is taxi, but it's very expertsive How much does the bus cost? ‘The bus is freg, but it's very difficult Why? Because the bus goes only Liar] two kilometers, Oh, that's problem, eto buy some stamps. sell stamps here Goo, Lwould like three 750 lire stamps. Very well, there YOU ate, Sif nnn Thank you, You're weicome. S, GETTING AROUND - FRASI DESTREGGIARSI Mi scusi signore, dov’é Ia posta pit vicina? E molto lontano da qui ‘Quant chilometti da qui? Yon lo so, ma sono circa dieci minuti di machina ® un aufobus o un tassi qui vicino? Si,c°® un tassi ma & molto car. ‘Quanto costa I'aurobus? L’autobus & gratis, ma é molto difficile Perch? Perché l'autobus va solo per due chilometr ‘Ah, qucllo& un problema, Vorrei comprare dei francobolli ‘Vendio francobolli qui ‘Bene, vorrei tre Francobolli da settecentocinguata lire. Molto bene, ecco, signore ‘Grazie, signore, “Prego, LESSON 34 SENTENCES AND PHRASES, DIRECTIONS - FRASI, INFORMAZIONI Excuse me, sir, Lam looking for this address ‘You follow this street = [As far-as the comer. ‘Then, at Roma street turn tothe left Then atthe police station tur right. Go straight ahead for 100 meters... u's near the small bakery. W's next to the hospital /1°S atthe side of the hospital. W's across from the pharmacy. / W's facing the pharmacy, W's on the other side of the street. ‘Can you draw a map for me? nly, Do you have a pencil? Yes, and I have a piece of paper also ‘allangolo" "+ “angolo’ ‘ospedale” = "di" + "il" + “ospedal "dall’altra” + altra” Mi scusi, signore, eereo questo indirizzo, Segua questa sirada, Fino all'angole, Poi, in Via Roma gic sinist Poi. alla stazione di polizia, ‘Va avanti drt per cento met vicino alla panetteria piccola, ‘fianeo dell'ospedale, Fi frome ata farmacia, all alta pre della trad tamene Ha una mit? ho ace un peczo di LESSON 35 SENTENCES AND PHRASE! Good morning, Job, how are you? E and you? ad. What are you doing today? 1'm going to my patents house. Are you going by car? No,Lhave a bicycle 1S not very far from here. ‘At what time are you leaving? ‘About noon, Thelieve, First, im going tothe bakery. ‘Why? [for] To buy the bread? No. [for] To see my brother. Dogs he work atthe bakery? ‘Yes, he works there with my sister... Oh, I see. / Oh. Lunderstand t's late now. [must £0... We must go. Yes, of course, see you soon, (L. Ourselves we see soon.) “Per comprare” iverally means “for to buy”. understood, CONVERSATION - FRASI DI CONVERSAZIONE Buon giome, Giovanni, come stai? Bene, eu? nale, Che cosa fai opp? a Vado a casa dei miei genitor ‘Yai con la macchina? Non, ho una bicicleta, Non molto lontano da qui ‘Ache ora patti? Verso mezzogiomo. Credo. Prima yado alla paneteria Perché? Per compraeil pane? No, Per vedere mio fratello, Lui lavora in panettria? Si, lavora li con mia sores. Ah. capisc. E tard ora, Deve andare. Dobbiamo andar Si, senz’altro, ci vediamo presto. “Per vedere” literally means “for to see”. In English, the “for” is LESSON 36 ‘THE VERB “ESSERE” (to be) (present tense) - Ll. VERBO “ESSERE” (presente indicativo) {Lam very tall. (masculine) ‘You are my male friend. (familias) ‘You are my female friend. familia) ‘molto alto. / Sono molto alto. ‘Sei la mia amica You isa good person. polite) He ig Hallam on She is beautiful Her male child is big. ‘This ticket is expensive. We are English. We are Canadian, You are Americans. (familiar or Polit) ‘They are very important ‘Those afe difficult problems, W's eight o'clock. (L. [It] are eight o'clock.) Tam very intelligent ‘This is very bad. Lei & bella Ti suo bambino & grande Questo biglieto caro. Voi siete american. ‘Loro song molto important Quelli sono problemi dfficil Sono Je otto ‘Sone molto intelligent. ‘Questo & molto male ‘These suitcases are heavy. Queste valigie sono pesanti ‘You are tired. (familiar) Sei stanco. You are at the airport. (polite).. E all'aeroporto. He is with my brother on. Lui 2 con mio fratello. She [herself] is lost. ww Lei si persa. This is clean. .. m= Questo é pulito. We are happy. -» Siamo felici. You are behind schedule (plural : » Voi siete in ritarda. ‘They are here. ssn TL0F0 $000 qui. Lam busy. : somes SOND OCCUPAKO You ate $84. en Tu sei triste The stores are Ope. son I negozi sono apert a7 4s We are happy. c — Noi siamo fetici. You are in Spain. coon Tu sei in Spagna. They are at my house. Loro sono a casa mis. Where are you? Dove sei? Where are my books? Dove sono i miei libri? The verb “to be” (essere) and the verb “to have” (avere) (next lesson) are the (wo most commonly used verbs in UNalian. It is important to learn these two verbs well Subject pronouns (“io”, “tu”, “Lei”, “lui”, “tei”, “noi. "voi", “Loro”, “loro") are optional in taian. They are Frequently not used because the ending of the verb or the verb form (conjugation) tells you which person itis referring t. LESSON 37 THE VERB “AVERE” (to have) (present tense) - IL VERBO “AVERE” (presente indicativo) Thave a book: : To ho un libro. You are hungey./ You have hunger. (familiar) ...0--n-+..Tu hai fame. You have a big bed. (polite) Let ha un Tetto grande, He has a wife Lai a una mogtie, She has a female child, : Lei ha una bimba. ‘We have a problen Noi abbiamo un problema, You have a house. (plural) Co avete una casa ‘They have a fer. é “nee LOMO fan wn pad se has three dowry “La mia cas hate pots. “Hl anche sete finest. We have time. : Abbiamo tempo. You havea pen familia) ‘Hai una pena. ‘They have some tickets for the Ferry Boa an They have some gifts for their husbands. LLoro hanno dei biglieti peril traghetto. vHanno dei regali per i loro mari. LESSON 38 TYPIC, ‘AL REGULAR VERB WITH “ARE” ENDING (present tense) — VERBI REGOLARI IN “ARE” (presente indicative) to speak / to talk 1 speak Hain, You are speaking with my brother. / ‘You speak with my brother. (familia)... You speak French very well. (polite) He speaks American, not English. foreign She speaks with a foreign accent We are speaking with them. / We speak with them. You speak too much, / You talk too much. (plural) Boys, you talk 00 much, ou. They are speaking Spanish. / They speak Spanish. anetalking on the telephone. king withthe waiter. / John talks with the waiter The childen are talking to theit mother ‘You speak too quickly for me. (plural) Please speak slowly, In talian there ae three forms of regular verbs. These regular verbs have either “are”, infinitive form. (The infinitive is the form marked by “to” in English such as: to go; 10 look: to run; to buy; to sell parlare opal italiano, Tu pat con mio fratello, Lei pla trancese molto bene. Lui parla americano, non inalese. straniero Lei pati con un accent straniero. Noi parliamo con oro Voi plas troppo Ragazzi, oi pavate troppo. oro palane spagnolo Loo parlano al telefono Giovanni parla con il cameriere. Teambini plana onl loro mamma. ‘Voi palate troppo rapidamene per me Per favor, pat lentamente. or “ire” endings in the 49 ‘etc.) To conjugate regular verbs with “are” endings in the present tense, simply drop the “are” and attach the appropriate ending as shown above and below. Endings depend on the subject noun and are as follows Subject lui lei, Let loro, Lora Ending aro) parl(i) parl(a) parl(iamo) pparl(ate) parl(ano) Irregular verbs follow different spelling rules and must be learned individually. ‘As you can see from these examples, “I am speab speaking now." can be translated as “Io sto parkando or ind “I uses a more complex form called the present progressive tense fo express action happening now, For example, speak” can both be transtated to “To parlo”. Italian also Lam ' appropriate conjugation of ‘more complex form the verb “stare” to stay" or “to be") plus the perund ofthe verb being used. Using the present tense «present indicative) as showin inthe examples i this lesson does no express “ation happening How as precisely, but it will work fine in most situations, LESSON 39 TYPICAL REGULAR VERB WITH “ERE” ENDING (present tense) — VERBI REGOLARI IN “ERE” (presente indicativo) to sell T sell newspapers. / ram selling newspapers. vendere To vendo giornali You sll magazines. / You are seling magazines. familie Tu vend vite Youu sell magazines. (polite) Lei vende riviste You ate selling your car, (familiar) ‘Vendi la tua macehina. He sells mea Lui vende came. She sells vegetables. Lei vende verdua. We are selling our tickets Noi vendiamo i nostri bigtiet ‘Voi vendete traveler's cheques. Loro vendono cose belle ‘Quel negozio vende aequa. ‘Tutte le banche vendono traveler's cheques, ‘You sell traveler's checks. (plural). ‘They sell nice things. — ‘That stone sells wate. Al the banks sell traveler's checks. We sell chicken, . sonnei Venidiam pollo. ‘They sell clothes for women vnansnnsnananeee ¥endono vestiti per donne. You sel fish. sn nnnnananannnnnananen Wendi Besse, We sell Vendiamo fut. To conjugate regular verbs with “ere” endings inthe present tense, simply drop the “ere” and allach the appropriate ‘ending as shown above and below. Endings depend on the subject noun and areas follows: Subject Ending io.. . vendo) Wesson vendti) ui, le, Lei vende) noi vvendiamo) voi ..-vend(ete) loro, Loro --vendfono) 31 52 ‘As you can see from these examples, “Lam selling” and “I sell” can both be translated to “Io vendo.” Halian also "uses a more complex form called the present progressive tense to express action happening now. For example, “I am selling” can be translated as “Io sto vendendo”. This more complex form uses appropriate conjugation ofthe verb stare” (“to stay” oF “to be") plus the gerund of the verb being used. Using the present tense (present indicative) as shown in the examples in this lesson does not express “action happening now” as precisely. but it will work fine in ‘most situations

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