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Presented by: Angie Nuñez, Gabriela Nuñez, Dayana Rodriguez, Leidy Arrieta.

Changes to Solve the Neighborhood’s Problems

We have some plans to improve some problems in the neighborhood organization. Firstly,
we propose to demolish a building and build a park instead, and, at the same time, to
reshape the remaining vacant buildings. In addition, you can build taller buildings for save
space to build new stores.
Secondly, regarding the problem of the heavy traffic on west street, we think to put more
traffic light and expand the road, that is separate the road into two lanes, it could be a
good solution to the problem.
Another issue to considerer is to exchange the place of the industry and the school
because the industry should not be close where people live, due to the high
contamination produced by them.
As for laws, we could set a new rule which requires caring for the environment and
requires industries to pick up all the garbage they produce. Also, concludes contracts with
other cities to bring transportation into the city.
Finally, one option to recover the fun is to divide the parks in two sides, one for adults and
the other for children to have fun. On the children's side there may be slides and swings
and on the adult’s side there may be machines for exercising.

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