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Semi-Detailed Lesson Plan in English 10

Date: ____________________________

I. Objectives
At the end of the lesson 100% of the students should be able to attain at least 75% level of
proficiency to:
1. EN10VC-IIe-26. Detect bias and prejudice in the material viewed; and
2. Show situation that depict bias and prejudice.

II. Subject Matter

Topic: Biases and Prejudices
Reference: K to 12 Curriculum Guide English
Celebrating Diversity Through World Literature
Materials: Blackboard, Chalk, Laptop, Ppt Presentation, Video Clip, Speaker, Pictures

III. Strategies and Procedure

A. Routinary Activities
1. Prayer
2. Greetings
3. Checking of the uniform and orderliness of the room
4. Checking of the attendance

B. Motivation
Task 1: Photo react!
 The teacher will show pictures and will ask the students to describe each photo about
what they notice about men and women through answering the following questions:

1. What do they reveal about men and women?

2. Should women always be portrayed as the one to do the household chores and mean as
warriors? Why?

C. Presentation of the Lesson

 The teacher will say that the lesson for today is about being sensitive to others without
being biased and without giving prejudice.

 The teacher will say a scenario and will ask the students to tell whether the scenario is
fair or unfair.
1. Teachers favor certain students over others in grading the final performance task.
2. Not allowing one of your classmates to join your group because she/he is physically
disabled and a waste of time.
3. The policeman did not arrest the suspect because the suspect has a position in the
4. You are excluded from your circle of friends because all of them have cellphones
except you.
5. Your classmate won the pageant because one of the judges is her cousin.
D. Lesson Proper
 The teacher will discuss the lesson with the cooperation/participation of the students.

The first scenario shows favoritism and classified as bias. The second one shows discrimination
for it tells us unfavorable opinion and pre-judges others which is called prejudice.

Bias – an attitude, belief, or feeling that results in and helps to justify unfair treatment of a
person because of his or her identity.

Female teachers give more attention to girls.

Prejudice – is an unfavorable opinion or feeling formed beforehand or without knowledge,

thought or reason. It simply means to pre-judge others.

It is sometimes assumed that someone who is physically disabled is also mentally disabled.


1. The author uses inflammatory words (name calling, hate speech, direct attack or insult)
Ex: The black men stole the boy’s tennis shoes.
2. The author consistently makes claim whose larger purpose is to elevate (or demean) one
social, ethnic, national, religious or gender group compared to another
Ex: Before a surgeon can operate, he must know every relevant detail or the patient's
3. The author consciously presents evidence that serves to tell only one sided stories or issues

4. The author falsifies and/or dishonestly cites evidence in order to present his or her case in a
more positive light.
5. The argument appeals more to the emotion than logic.

E. Generalization
Game-based activity.
Task 2: Lucky number, Lucky You!
Direction: The teacher will ask the students to count and remember their assigned number.
Afterwards, the teacher will pick a paper on where the number of the first student to answer the
question is written. When the number of the student is called, he/she will answer. After the first
student, he/she has a privilege to pick the next number of the student who will answer the next
question and so on.

1. What are bias and prejudice?
2. Differentiate bias and prejudice.
3. Give one way on how to detect bias and prejudice.
4. Give an example scenario that bias is can be observed.
5. Give an example scenario that prejudice is can be observed.

 The teacher will ask if there is any clarification from the students regarding the topic
 Further activities and exercises will be presented the next day due to time constraint.

F. Application
Task 3: Think deep, relate with it.
 The teacher will show a video clip featuring a Filipina actress who claims that it is not
right to put a label on anyone. The students have to watch it and find out the label
attached to her. And will answer the following questions afterwards:

1. What is the label attached to the woman in the video?

2. Do you agree with what the woman said? Why?
3. When you put a label on someone, are you also being biased? Why?
4. Do you know women in the same situation as the actress? What comments do you
hear from other people about them?

Task 4: What makes it bias?

 The teacher will show photos and statements then the students have to analyze it.


3. Donald Trump is a bigot and a racist.

4. Every member of our staff gives her very best effort.
5. An interview with the new mayor focuses on his failing projects 25 years ago rather
than his work as a doctor.
6. Your mom still thinks Pluto is a planet, though it was downgraded to a "dwarf
planet" in 2006.

Differentiated activities:
 The teacher will group the class into three.
Group 1: Think of professions which show biases/prejudices in terms of sex. Write it
on a ¼ sheet of manila paper.
Group 2: Create a mini dialogue showing your personal experiences of prejudice or
bias. (role play)
Group 3: A comic strip drawing about bias and prejudice.

Content – 10 points
Presentation – 15 points
Teamwork – 10 points
Total – 35 points

G. Evaluation
Direction: Identify if the statement is bias or prejudice.
1. Bullying and discriminating a person with disability.
2. Posting negative comments in social media about economic status of a family.
3. Not serving someone in a restaurant or retail store because of their skin color.
4. Your parents forgive your sibling by not washing the dishes, and the task was passed onto
5. Since Petals Beauty Lotion is good for you, it will be good for your baby, too.
6. Joining this sweepstakes will make you an instant millionaire!
7. Since Father Santos is a priest, he cannot commit a crime.
8. All Filipinos love movies.
9. This shampoo is the best for any type of hair.
10. The slimming tablet will make you lose 50 pounds in a month. Try it!

Prepared by:
Rio S. Solomon, LPT
Teacher I
Bataan National High School

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