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8/29/2020 What return period of rainfall should be considered for designing an urban drainage system ?

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ed 22nd Jun, 2014

k Singh Bisht
al Institute of Hydrology
od of rainfall should be considered for designing an urban drainage system ?
e a 10-15 year return period of rainfall for designing the drainage system. But
ifferent standards for different countries. Moreover, it again changes based on
ea, commercial area and industrialized area.

e if any of my fellow researchers could provide me some literature on this.

delines available for such studies under Indian conditions?

Hydrological Modeling Water Resources Storm Water Management Stormwater


Asiedu 28th May, 2018

ity of Cape Coast


Antonio Domínguez Calle 22nd Jun, 2014

a Universidad Javeriana

ges it becomes more difficult to establish with return period should be use to
on works well with stationary climate conditions, so under ongoing global
al and regional preasures we need to rethink the concept

Antonio Domínguez Calle 22nd Jun, 2014

a Universidad Javeriana 1/8
8/29/2020 What return period of rainfall should be considered for designing an urban drainage system ?
ges it becomes more difficult to establish with return period should be use to
on works well with stationary climate conditions, so under ongoing global
al and regional pressures we need to rethink the concept

a Uniyal 23rd Jun, 2014

ity of Bayreuth

nks i think it will help you, one is from cuttack, whereas the other plan is for


Saha 23rd Jun, 2014

nstitute of Engineering Science and Technology, Shibpur

page no 6 of the above report. But due to climate change, this consideration
fied. See this paper


ucke 27th Jun, 2014
ity of the Sunshine Coast

e level of acceptable risk for the infrastructure in question. For example, most
stems in Australia are designed to cope with the runoff from events between 5-
er, for a building roof drainage system, this is usually 100 years, or even
building of national significance like a library or such.



Kamel 15th Sep, 2016

ity of Anbar

is chosen by the designer, in consultation with the owner, following

ologic practice. An assessment of risk is paramount to the selection of return
attached file) may be used as a guideline when used in conjunction with local
experience. 2/8
8/29/2020 What return period of rainfall should be considered for designing an urban drainage system ?

pg · 89.44 KB

Bahmani 1st Mar, 2017

National de la Recherche Scientifique

n period is based on your aim and method. For choosing a return period, you
different articles and books to find a strong reason for your choice because
out that.

Tembo 10th Dec, 2017

che Universität Dresden

ology, geomorphology, soil characteristics, topography and hydrological


of the coastal drainage system;

age map of the study area;

l map; --Flood routing of the study area;

ve of different zones;

drainage works;

s and other regulating structures in the inlet points to the out fall drains;

ge channels to prevent flood and land use.

mendation 3/8
8/29/2020 What return period of rainfall should be considered for designing an urban drainage system ?

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st software for flood modelling in urbanized areas?


software for flood modelling in urbanized areas?

e rainfall intensity?
rainfall intensity with daily rainfall data? I have a set of 30 years daily
for two stations, will it be possible to create frequency-intensity-duration curve

e runoff from only rainfall data?

ng on the project" Rainfall Runoff Modelling on Mahi lower sub basin".I want to
ut i got only Daily Rainfall data & other meteorological data of various from this data how can i calculate the runoff? can anyone help me 4/8
8/29/2020 What return period of rainfall should be considered for designing an urban drainage system ?

best for modelling/forecasting river floods?


PhD studies on modeling/forecasting river floods (influence of environmental

te change; impact of flood lands on ecosystem services). I had a little bit
HEC-RAS in my master studies but it was more about using remote sensing
onsidering if I should stick with HEC-RAS or try different model.

on study area: spring flood happens every year, most of the flooded territories
errain is flat, there is polder system to prevent cities and agricultural lands from
working pump stations, in early spring there is ice/snow covering the river and
flood lasts for few months. Watershed is large (~100k but I will work
ea where the flood happens.

is which river flood model would be best in this case?

g for any course, training or internship opportunities on similar study case. If

ing interesting or free place in your institution I am looking forward for your

vide reference about estimation of c’ and φ’ for both clay and sand


rs are for slope stability analyses in terms of effective stress analyses using
model .

late daily rainfall intensity.?

all volume, time period and the area in which I had collected the samples.

ferent methods to calculate discharge of a catchment area using rainfall

antha Bandara 5/8
8/29/2020 What return period of rainfall should be considered for designing an urban drainage system ?

e different methods that can be calculate discharge of a catchment area using

2D flooding software?
oftware that will simulate a flood created from a heavy rainfall. The software
pen source, 2) have API capabilities, 3) the ability to tell us the depth of the
over land (this will probably require some kind of input of topography).
urce code should be in C++, C, or python (this isn’t completely necessary,

rshed software would be our best bet. We’ve been looking at that/trying some
ound anything (that’s open source) that matches our needs. Does anyone
e they’ve used/know of that has these capabilities?

ert daily rainfall data to hourly?

me how to convert daily rainfall data to hourly rainfall data?

nagement for a Record Rainstorm at Chicago

24-hour rainstorm hit Chicago in September 2008. It created an opportunity to
s and to compare the storm water management with that used in other recent
ding impacted all forms of transportation and thousands of homes and
00 homes had to be evacuated. One lesson learned is that this...

essment of Urban Hydrological Modelling from a Multiple Objective

xt available

Shulan Shi · Gang Zhao · [...] · Zhongfan Zhu

assessment of urban hydrological models is important for understanding the
mulated results. To satisfy the demand for urban flood management, we 6/8
8/29/2020 What return period of rainfall should be considered for designing an urban drainage system ?

certainty of urban hydrological models from a multiple-objective perspective. A

Urban Hydrologic Modeling


n· Harry Strasser
have confronted local climate change (i.e. the "heat island" effect, and
runoff) for many decades; now, global climate change presents new planning
enges. Because of the size of cities and complexity of urban drainage systems,
cally been conducted at a relatively large scale with sub...

answers from experts.


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