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We would like to express our gratitude to everybody who has assisted us in

formulation of this research paper. We would like to express our sincere thanks to
Mr. Gangadhar Malik (Assistant Professor, DFT) our assignment in-charge who
guided us throughout the Research and also gave us valuable suggestion and
guidance for completing the project.

He helped us to understand the intricate issue involved in doing a research, besides

effectively presenting it. Our assignment is successful only because of his guidance.
We also thank the whole BFT department to help us with all technical support to
carry out the project work and also let us utilize all the necessary facilities in the
institute and guide us at every step. We would like to thank our Course Co-ordinator
Ms. Sulagna Saha for her constant support. We take this opportunity to express our
affection towards our parents for their consistent faith and support.

This research was conducted to find out if fashion bloggers can influence their
followers to purchase branded products and also to find if they can create awareness
about the latest trends among these social media users.
The objective of this study was threefold. First it explored what factors shape Indian
consumer’s intention to browse products on blogs. Second, the impact convenience,
information availability, product selection, trend discovery and socialization have on
triggering viewer’s intention to browse products on blogs and to which factors did the
viewer incline more to. The final purpose was to examine if intention to browse
products influences purchase and word of mouth intentions, proving to be a boon for
young designers and start-up brands.

Internet marketing is witnessing increasing growth dynamics of marketing blogs.
Blogging has gained its popularity in the recent years. It can act as a medium to
connect users by sharing ideas and gaining knowledge about various aspects like
product reviews, entertainment or travel.
Blogs are an ‘online version of Reader’s Digest’. Consumers count on reliable and
reputable sources while making purchase decision. It has been found that reputable
bloggers with good social relations can establish a positive reputation that impacts
consumer purchasing attitudes. Blogs started as a way for people to keep others up-
to-date on their lives. With new blogs being launched every day, bloggers have
learnt to build communities and reputations based on their knowledge and dedication
to sharing it through their desired blog pages. Using a survey with measures adapted
from previous research on social media motivations, this research is an attempt to
discover that the main reasons for accessing fashion blogs resonates with the main
reasons for accessing blogs in general. The most important motivations were social
surveillance and entertainment. This research was conducted to find out if fashion
bloggers can influence their followers to purchase branded products and also to find
if they can create awareness about the latest trends among these social media
users. The fashion blogs interact in a two-way dialogue engaging both its users and
makers. There are a plethora of reasons why an individual partakes in a blog either
as writer or reader or follower. This research paper hence is just an attempt to
discover the key concern areas for the same.
The most important motivations were social surveillance and entertainment. This
research was conducted to find out if fashion bloggers can influence their followers
to purchase branded products and also to find if they can create awareness about
the latest trends among these social media users.

The fashion industry is a part of each and every modern individual’s lives, making
fashion designers quite powerful as businessmen and women. As an industry that is
constantly changing and evolving with regard to outside influencers, many designers
who are viewed as successful have built their brands into legacies. This, in turn,
provides a major obstacle for the many young designers who wish to make their
mark on the industry.
Just as seasoned designers and established brands in India are taking their
branding efforts to the internet and social media, young designers and start-ups must
master similar techniques in order to stand up against those already respected
individuals and popular preferred brands. Young designers and start-ups, which
most likely, do not have a marketing team to assist, cannot always rely upon
themselves and their designs to make it to the Indian crowd. Unlike other forms of
strategic marketing, the difference in fashion marketing is that it is not so much
reminding the customer of how good the product is, but actually getting the customer
to buy something because it has become a necessity making it essential for fashion
brands to be far more innovative and forward looking in their efforts. This study will
thereby help us resolve the uncertainty that whether fashion blogs are successful in
creating the fashion trends and determining their effect on buying behaviour of its
users. This research paper is hence an attempt to solve the ambiguity and unclear
definition about the effect of fashion blogs on the Indian mass especially.

In the past, a lot of research has been made in the field about how fashion blogs
have played an influential role in determining the decisions taken by the consumers.
The research gap that we have found are that even though these fashion blogs have
significantly affected the decisions of the youth of India or millennials, but they still
lack to garner the attention of Gen X and boomers of India. Following is a brief
discussion about the work already done in this field.


The concept of blog especially related to fashion and lifestyle has gained its position
in today’s world of internet. The companies associated with these fields have also
started giving value to internet influencers through press events and including them
into their promotional campaigns. Gifting product hampers, is one of their
promotional strategy resulting in tough competition among bloggers for audiences.
Today people are being widely exposed to various promotional platforms which often
lead to a feeling of enforcement on consumer’s part. In such cases fashion blog
turns out to be the most influence tool in marketing by developing one to one
connection between a blogger and a consumer. Consumer perceive bloggers as an
honest opinion; the open conversation and two-way communication which is created
on blogs, enables a blogger to appear as “trustworthy” and hence can influence the
consumer in a positive way.
[Hartvedt & Solberg, 2013, Impact of Fashion Bloggers on Consumer Purchase Decisions]

Fashion play an important role in today’s day to day lifestyle. With increase in
number of internet users there have been significant increase in people using social
media applications like Instagram, Facebook, YouTube etc. People are more aware
about their clothing habits and look and end up in following celebrity’s accounts on
these social handles. In such manner they also start following fashion bloggers to be
sure about their buying decisions. Through their blogs, these influencers create need
of a product in consumer’s mind and work as a way of communication about features
of product and its application. Blogs play very crucial role in impacting consumer’s
buying decision because consumers tend to seek opinions of these influencers about
a certain product to feel validated about their buying decision.
[Sudha M., Dr. Sheena k (September’2017), SCMS Journal of Indian Management]


In another study it has been found that increasing number of social media platforms
have created a platform for easy marketing. Due to manageability, and advanced set
of applications blogging is now able to reach millions of people through just one post.
Hence blogging is now being considered a powerful tool for marketing as it allows
high level of connectivity and relevance among users. Unlike magazines fashion
blogs may represent only one source of information but people still choose to opt
these blogs in order to be inspired. It is also noticeable that magazine is not able to
form the kind of personal connection and relevance that bloggers are able to
establish just by posting about their lifestyle, their fashion choices and honest
opinions. People foresee these bloggers as someone who “loves fashion” instead of
the authors of a magazine working for particular brand or company. Bloggers are
also aware about the kind of impact that they leave on people’s mind through the
feedbacks. It can also be said that bloggers spread the fashion trend and also end
up creating a new trend because their fashion sense of combination of all the
inspiration from streets to magazines. Hence, these fashion blogs have become a
major source of inspiration for people.
[Taimie_Saak, DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.20675.40480, Oct’2014]

Bloggers have a very huge impact as people seek internet more for inspirations to
follow. Bloggers have become persuasive individuals and opinion leaders for people
around the world and as a result are becoming a benchmark for the public in
determining whether products/services are worthy to be adopted or not. The
consumer buying process includes five stages: 1- need recognition, 2-information
search, 3- evaluation of alternatives, 4- purchase, and 5- post-purchase behaviour.
The bloggers tend to influence all these stages. It has also been found out that the
popularity of blogger attracts people and changed their buying attitude. Positive
attitudes and intentions to purchase products/services are shaped by blogger
recommendations generated by highly reputable, trustworthy, and useful blogs.
[Understanding Role of Blogger’s Recommendations on Consumer Purchasing Behavior,
Alsaleh, 2017]

Similarly, in another research study it has been found that fashion creates general
interest in all respondents and is considered a way to express one’s mood and
personality. Fashion is an important element in people’s life and in era of social
media blogger’s tend to play an important role. The use of fashion blogs is aimed
primarily at obtaining information on trends, styling and innovations. Even fashion
brands consider fashion blogs to be a key element and consult them almost daily.
[Gema Martínez Navarro, Mencía de Garcillán López-Rúa (15/06/2016), Research Paper- the
influence of blogs in fashion in consumer behaviour: an exploratory approach]

Blogging is as much about reading as writing, as much about listening as talking.

They have acquired a huge platform for displaying their creativity. They tend to lure
readers with their originality, daily lifestyle videos, workout videos, and of course
their fashion statements. People also approach or get attracted by bloggers who suit
their style. Bloggers too tend to establish the connection with the viewer. They share
their thoughts and opinions and in return readers aspire them in good way and let
them into their lives.
[ Blogging as social activity, or, would you let 900 million people read your diary, Bonnie A.
Nardi, Schiano, and Michelle Gumbrecht (Dec’ 2004)]

Today millions of people have easy access to internet hence there has been rapid
increase in social media users in past decade. Due to this fact it has become difficult
for companies to identify if the user is consumer or customer. It has also become
essential to involve the target audience in product through posts, activities and
motivational advertisements. Rather than relying solely on marketing communication,
companies should try to participate more in their customers’ social media activities,
in order to understand the impact of these on their brand image and also to facilitate
interaction with potential customers. It should also be noted that digital marketing
has breached its way into the advertisement industry making it more evolutionary
due to presence of millions of people on internet. So in order to attract/ reach to a
mass companies should consider their consumers who are present on social media
[Consumer activity in social media: Managerial approaches to consumer’s social media
behaviour, Heinonen, 2011]

Fashion is social and cultural phenomenon which has a significant effect on

economy. It is also very necessary to understand fashion trends and innovations in
fashion industry. It is also important to establish and maintain the relationship
between customer and brand considering the wide platform i.e. internet where it has
been exposed to. Since the times have changed and world is now evolving and
reaching out on various platforms, it is important to reach out to all these platforms
and retain the consumers. Blogs, social media and social networks have taken over
the traditional platforms of advertisements. The presence of influencers on social
media and blogs on network have now became essential tool for companies in
fashion sector. Companies have also started to set up their online stores and people
consider it very easy to buy things from online portals. Bloggers collaborate with
these companies and promote their product in their blog videos which is being
watched by millions of internet users and it turn manages to affect their buying
[Gema Martínez Navarro, Mencía de Garcillán López-Rúa (15/06/2016), Research Paper- the
influence of blogs in fashion in consumer behaviour: an exploratory approach. (Translation in

The online media has been one of the biggest developments in today’s marketing as
it has allowed strangers to talk to strangers online. As a platform blogs are a place
where people share their opinions and other people follow them because they feel
that they have something in common with the blogger or they look highly at them.
Successful bloggers that have big follower crowd have a massive power to spread
their opinions to big masses. Positive comments made about a company in a blog
post can be a big boost on the company image and vice versa negative comments
can be crucial to the company image. Through just one share, one post is exposed
to millions of users. But blogs and reviews may or may not be same thing. Bloggers
most of the time don’t advertise products of one brand but they do mention the
names of the brand that they find good. Among the four categories that influence
buying decision (four categories - cultural, social, and personal and psychological
factors) blogger fall into the social category as they are being read and followed on
these social platforms. Hence bloggers play a significant role in impacting buying
[The Power of Bloggers on Purchasing Decisions, Nea Maria Nousiainen, 04 November 2014]

Youth has been widely affected by this trend of blogging and fashion. They are not
only following these bloggers but aspire them. They follow their opinions about
products and brands and style statement. They find pictures and videos of these
bloggers very creative and emasculating. Blogs have indeed become very popular
among youngsters in knowing about fashion trends, products to use and routine to
follow for healthy living. When bloggers post something related to healthy lifestyle
they make the youngsters gain interest towards it. Considering the fan following of
bloggers it is now essential for companies to approach these people just in case they
want to target youth and spread their designs.
[Fashion blogs as the information sources about trends and new products in fashion
management, Joanna Wiażewicz, Beata Zatwarnicka-Madura, June 2016]

The reviews from various literature sources have proven than blogs have
successfully reached in consumer’s daily life routine and affect them in various ways.
Some of them also suggest that they do affect their fashion choice. Despite all these
inferences it’s still unclear whether they are able to create a fashion trend. Also, how
much effective it has been in determining the purchasing behaviour of the mass is
still yet to be discovered. It is researchable to find out the categories that they affect
and on what level. We will further research about this and will try to connect the
bridge in this research paper.
 To find whether fashion blogs are instrumental in affecting the purchasing and
buying behaviour of the Indian internet users.

 To determine whether the fashion blogs have been successful in creating

awareness about the latest fashion brands and trends among the youth of age
group 18-35 years.

The formulated hypothesis for our study is as follows –

 The null hypothesis or H 0 for our study is that’ fashion blogs have a positive
influence/impact on the purchasing and buying behaviour of the Indian internet
 The alternate hypothesis or HA for our study is that ‘fashion blogs do not influence
the purchasing and buying behaviour of the Indian internet users.’

In the hypothesis formed above for our research study, the independent variable is
fashion blogs, whereas the dependent variable here is the effect on the fashion blogs
on the purchasing decisions of its users. Descriptive research methods such as
naturalistic observations, questionnaires have been used to determine the
correlation between the two variables.


In general, the aim of this paper was to indicate the reasons for visiting or avoiding
fashion blogs by Internet users, as well as to learn about blogs readers’ practices
related to browsing and following fashion blogs.
To address the key objectives of this research paper both qualitative and
quantitative methods have been used, also both primary and secondary sources
have been carefully deliberated and thought upon. The result has been triangulated
since we have utilized both qualitative and quantitative data types in the data
analysis. The methods used for the collection of data have been formulated and well-
thought off according to the needs and demands of our sample size. The data
gathered is true and reliable according to our best possible knowledge. The study
area, data sources, analysis, and sampling techniques have been discussed under
this section. Given below is a flowchart representing various steps taken in order to
study on the chosen topic. The flowchart just given below gives the overview of the
steps taken for the commencement of the study.


To know whether Fashion blogs really affect buying decisions of Indian Internet Consumers. from 100 target respondents.
Data is collected through online questionnaire

Previous research documents on fashion blogs are referred & knowledge gap is determined.
Objectives/ area under study is specified.


Research design, sample size and data collection techniques to be specified.

Excel used to analyse data; statistical tools & graphs are made to getter a better understanding about the choice of fash

Fig 1: A flowchart representing steps taken for the study of effect of fashion blogs on Indian
internet users.
This study employs a descriptive research design to agree on the influence of
fashion blogs on the purchase decisions of Indian consumers.

 This design offers to the researchers a profile of described relevant aspects of the
phenomena of interest from an individual, organizational, and industry-oriented
 The purpose of the research is to look into the features of the influencers that
affect the Indian consumers’ online purchase intent.
 Therefore, since the research here is qualitative in nature, it is associated with
using exploratory research design.
 An exploratory study seeks to find out what is happening, researches new insights
and asks questions in a new light which is the purpose of this research.
 Exploratory research design is suitable as it contests new problems for which
there has been little or no previous researching made.

 The study has used a sample of 100 internet users and data has been recorded
using structured questionnaire which was conducted using Google forms.
 The sampling technique used in this study is a non - random convenience
sampling method where respondents were collected through family, friends and
 This sampling technique was used because of the certain limitations that we as
students faced such as capital, transportation due to the pandemic crisis,
specified time duration for the completion of study etc.
 The criteria of selection of respondents were –

1. Consumers who have social media accounts and/ or read blogs

2. Consumers who use social media to communicate
3. Consumers who are aware of influencers
4. Consumers who purchase online at least once in their life
 The target population are both male and female, aged between 20 to 35 years,
both working class and students, the income is ranged between 5000/- to 25,000/-
having nationality as that of an Indian citizen.



The data collection technique used for the formulation of this research paper is
through the primary data collecting method i.e. questionnaires, wherein the subjects
are asked to fill the questionnaires on google forms. This method is considered to be
reliable as the review of the respondents in the online questionnaire provides us with
the insights of the mindset of the consumers and also how impactful fashion blogs
have been in affecting the buying behaviour of its users. Online questionnaire has
been chosen here because of the limitations like cost, transportation etc. Hence, the
most versatile online questionnaire has been chosen to exemplify the given task.
Also, the well-ordered online questionnaire has questions from the review of
literature and past studies that have been made in the same field. The questionnaire
has both qualitative and quantitative data format. The questions present in the
questionnaire were in the format of multiple choices. Some, questions also had the
option wherein the respondent can also fill multiple options as correct. The
comprehensive and exhaustive questionnaire has been successful in gaining first-
hand knowledge of the buying behaviour of the Indian Internet users. Our keen
observation of the youth has been also detrimental factor in analysing about the new
trends of the fashion blogs. Consequently, the questionnaire produced valuable data
which was required to achieve the dissertation objectives. The 100 responses were
summed up to produce a score for the measures.


A complete analysis has also been done beforehand to pursue the objective of the
research paper and also to find out about the antecedent research works in the
same field. Different journals, websites, fashion blogs, magazines etc. were hence
referred having both qualitative and quantitative data. A literature search was
thereby conducted.

The recorded data of the 100 respondents from online questionnaire is analyzed
using different statistical tools in Excel. The main idea behind is to make our data
more reliable, interesting and to summarize it so that it can really be used to find
different conclusions about our study. The statistical and inferential analysis from the
tools and graphs used is to test the reliability and validity of the questionnaire. In our
study through Excel, we have allotted different numerical values to each choice of
the respondent, so that a proper inference can be gained. Pivot chart is used to sort
data and hence build different graphs to determine how fashion blogs are useful in
impacting the purchase decisions, the amount of time spend by users etc.


Fig 2: A histogram showing popularity of fashion blogs according to the gender of people along
with the count of number of followers for fashion blogs in each gender type.

Through this graph we can conclude that the highest percentage of gender which
follows fashion blogs is females only, with around 40 females pursuing and following
fashion blogs ardently. The number of males following fashion blogs remains
comparatively lower when it comes to passionately following fashion blogs. Though
comparatively lesser in number, many people are unsure whether they follow fashion
blogs knowingly or unknowingly. Hence, through this graph we can confidently
conclude that females are highly impacted by the fashion blogs and are avid
followers of it.


Fig 3: A line chart with markers showing the time spends by each gender on the fashion blogs in
accordance to the time spent.

Through this graph we can study the time spend by each gender on the fashion
blogs, or the frequency of the use of fashion blogs gender wise. Through this chart
we can conclude that females spent the highest amount of time on these fashion
blogs with upto 20 females of the total 67 females following them on the regular/
daily basis. Also, a lot of females spent time on fashion blogs monthly. The least time
spent on the fashion blogs is by LGBTQ+, whereas highest number of males follows
these blogs on a weekly basis. Hence, through this graph we can conclude that
females spent the highest amount of time on the blogs whether it’s on a daily,
weekly, monthly or yearly basis.

Fig 4: A line chart with markers showing at what time people specifically engage their time
on fashion blogs in accordance to their gender, with count of users in each type.

This graph is symbolic of the specific time interval, i.e. the time at which an individual
views these fashion blogs, according to gender. Through this we can conclude that
around 50 numbers of females of the total 67 females go through these fashion
blogs at the free time of the day. Even, men spend time on these fashion blogs
during the free time of the day only. This is an important detrimental factor in the
purchase decisions of the consumers, because amount of time spent on the fashion
blogs is directly proportional to the purchases made under the influence of these
blogs. Hence, spending leisure time on fashion blogs is something that the youth
doesn’t mind doing.

Fig 5: A pie chart showing the effect of fashion blogs on the Indian users in accordance to their

This graph gives us an exact estimate of the impact of fashion blogs on the buying or
purchasing decisions of the Indian Internet users in accordance to their gender
types. Through this graph we can conclude that around 42% of the female
population has used fashion blogs which in case have affected or influenced their
buying decisions. Around 15% of the males also have made purchase decisions
after the impact of fashion blogs. Hence around 57% of our total sample size agrees
with the fact that fashion blogs have impacted their buying decisions.

Fig 6: A pie chart showing the category of the products that mostly people end up buying after
following fashion blogs according to gender.

Through this graph we can conclude that the highest that is around 56% of the
female population is interested in buying clothing and accessories after following
fashion blogs or they end up buying those products, and follow related pages or
blogs only. The highest percentage of male population in the sample size also buys
products related to clothing and accessories only. Hence, we can conclude that
these fashion blogs have truly inspired people and their purchases, as people use
these fashion blogs for seeking product reviews and follow personal/lifestyle posts
on these blogs which inspire their purchasing decisions of clothing and accessories.

After the accomplishment of the research, we expect to find the significance of the
fashion blogs in determining the buying behaviour of the Indian Internet users. Also,
through this research we hope to find the amount of time an individual spends on
these fashion blogs through social media, especially the youth. We would get an
overview about how effective the fashion blogs have been in making trends popular
among the target group of our respondents. The completion of this research hence
would give an outlined answer about the above stated objectives.


 Review of Literature: Journals-

I. Hartvedt & Solberg, 2013, Impact of Fashion Bloggers on Consumer

Purchase Decisions
II. Sudha M., Dr. Sheena k (September’2017), SCMS Journal of Indian
III. Taimie_Saak, DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.20675.40480, Oct’2014
IV. Understanding Role of Blogger’s Recommendations on Consumer Purchasing
Behaviour, Alsaleh,2017
V. Gema Martínez Navarro, Mencía de Garcillán López-Rúa (15/06/2016),
Research Paper- the influence of blogs in fashion in consumer behaviour: an
exploratory approach
VI. Consumer activity in social media: Managerial approaches to consumer’s
social media behaviour, Heinonen, 2011
VII. Gema Martínez Navarro, Mencía de Garcillán López-Rúa (15/06/2016),
Research Paper- the influence of blogs in fashion in consumer behaviour: an
exploratory approach (Translation in English)
VIII. The Power of Bloggers on Purchasing Decisions, Nea Maria Nousiainen, 04
November 2014
IX. Blogging as social activity, or, would you let 900 million people read your
diary, Bonnie A. Nardi, Schiano, and Michelle Gumbrecht (Dec’ 2004)
X. Fashion blogs as the information sources about trends and new products in
fashion management, Joanna Wiażewicz, Beata Zatwarnicka-Madura, June

 www.researchgate.net

 www.onlinelibrary.wiley.com
The online questionnaire that was made on google forms to get an insight about the
impact of fashion blogs on its user is attached below. This questionnaire covers all
the important questions necessary for the determination of the ramifications of
fashion blogs on the buying pattern of its users.


Q1) What age group do you belong to?

 Below 20 years
 21-25 years
 26-30 years
 31-35 years
 Above 35 years

Q2) Gender
 Female
 Male
 Other

Q3) What is your monthly expenditure/pocket money?

 Less than INR 5,000
 INR 5,000-INR 15,000
 INR 15,000-INR 25,000
 Above INR 25,000

Q4) What is your marital status?

 Single
 Married

Q5) From where do you get your inspirations about fashion from?
 Fashion blogs
 Fashion Magazines
 Friends and family
 Designers
 Other:

Q6) Do you follow any fashion bloggers?

 Yes
 No
 Maybe

Q7) On an average, how many fashion bloggers do you follow?

 More than 10
 5-10
 2-5
 1
 None

Q8) On average, how often do you visit a particular Instagram/YouTube account of

a blogger you like?
 Daily
 Every few days
 Weekly
 Every other week
 Monthly
 Yearly
 Never

Q9) What kind of posts would interest you the most?

 Clothing and accessories
 Beauty products
 Personal/Lifestyle posts
 Product Reviews
Q11) Have you made a purchase after viewing a particular blog?
 Yes
 No

Q10) What do you hope to gain from watching and following fashion blogs? (Tick
as many as appropriate)
 To find out about new brands and products
 Fashion inspiration
 Current events and trend updates in fashion
 I enjoy keeping up with bloggers life/lifestyle
 Opinions and recommendations
 Other

Q11) When are you most likely to engage with a blog?

 First thing in the morning when you check your phone/computer
 Commuting to work/education
 Lunch breaks
 Free time during the day
 In the evening

Q12) What features do you like most about blogs? (Tick as many as appropriate)
 Competitions and giveaways
 Discount Codes
 Tagged items that take you straight where to buy
 Emails when new blog is posted
 Collaborations with brands or other bloggers
 Other
Q13) What features do you like least about blogs? (Tick as many as appropriate)
 Competitions and giveaways
 Discount Codes
 Tagged items that take you straight where to buy
 Emails when new blog is posted
 Collaborations with brands or other bloggers
 Other

Q14) Which of the following statements do you agree with? (Tick as many as
 Fashion Bloggers influence my online purchases
 Fashion Bloggers introduce me to products and/or brands I never knew
 I trust new products and/or brands as a result of a fashion blogger posting
about it
 I consult fashion blogs first about a particular product and/or brand that I am
considering buying
 Fashion blogs help to make my overall decision making process easier

Q15) If fashion bloggers are encouraging your online purchases, how are they
doing this? (Tick as many as appropriate)
 They direct me to the website where I can buy
 The blogger made the item look good
 I aspire to be like them
 I was only needing more confirmation and I got that from the blogger
 They don't encourage me to make a purchase
 Other:

Q16) Fashion bloggers encourage me to purchase more if they (Tick as many as

 Are attractive
 Are relatable
 Have a good personality
 Have a lot of followers/readers
 Have a genuine admiration of a brand
 Are popular among my friends or peers
 They don't encourage me

Q17) Which of the following statements do you agree with? (Tick as many as
 Bloggers with a high readership or following are more credible in my opinion
 Bloggers who are more credible make me purchase more
 Bloggers who promote a number of conflicting brands at once are
untrustworthy (e.g. - budget brands and luxury brands)
 Bloggers who appear to be promoting brands/products through paid
advertisements put me off purchasing
 I forget about bloggers who do not post frequently enough
 Bloggers who post too often annoy me



1. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT.................................................................................2
2. TITLE...............................................................................................................3
3. ABSTRACT.....................................................................................................3
4. INTRODUCTION…..........................................................................................3
5. PROBLEM IDENTIFICATION….......................................................................4
6. REVIEW OF LITERATURE..............................................................................5
7. KNOWLEDGE GAP.........................................................................................9
8. OBJECTIVE.....................................................................................................9
9. FORMULATION OF HYPOTHESIS...............................................................10
10. PROPOSED RESEARCH METHODOLOGY.................................................10
11. I. RESEARCH DESIGN…...............................................................................10
12. II. SAMPLING…..............................................................................................12
13. III. DATA COLLECTION TECHNIQUES.........................................................13
14. IV. DATA ANALYSIS.......................................................................................14
15. EXPECTED OUTCOMES................................................................................18
16. REFERENCES................................................................................................19
17. ANNEXURES..................................................................................................20

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