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Enuresis counseling
Focused history:- name, age,

Medical illness, drugs, family history, dysmorphic features…any trauma

Is it only day or night? Has he ever been dry? Any recent stress e.g. Move , new family
member in the family? Circumcised?

What do you know so far about enuresis?


 Enuresis also known as bed wetting can occur 3% of the children aged up to
10yrs old.
 Bed wet doesn’t mean your child has physical or emotional problems.

Cause: we really do not the exact cause of this condition, but it’s more to happen if

1. A child’s bladder muscles develop more slowly than usual

2. A child’s bladder holds a smaller than normal amount of urine
3. A child’s body makes a lot of urine

NB:- this condition is not parents or child’s fault, but child will grow out over time

1. Restrict fluid intake 3-4 hours before bedtime
2. Empty bladder before bed.
3. Encourage child to make bedtime resolution
4. Keep a chart of wet and dry nights [ STAR CHART ]
5. Reward for dry nights
6. Avoid punishment/criticism
7. Certain medications may help, but the problem often occurs again when the
medications finish. Thus, medication is most useful for specific events such as
nights away from home. All drugs have some side effects.
8. Encourage your son to shower before h/ she goes to school. The smell of urine is
smell very strong. This may make your child feel embarrassed and lead to other
problems, such as name-calling at school.
9. Most children grow out of the problem, even without treatment
10. Some countries use enuresis alarm which helps for the child to wake.

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