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Lecture 3 of unit 2

Divine Theory:
This theory was the earliest theories of the origin of the State. By this theory The State is the Creation
of God just as God created human beings, so he also created the State. The King was given the power
to control and govern the people of the Divine Authority. The theory was very popular in ancient
times. Manu says, “Brahman created the king to protect the people of all varnas and Ashrams
In Bible it is stated “Let every soul be the subject of higher power. For there is no power but of God; the
devoted to their duties”.
power that be are ordained of God”.

Principles of Divine Theory:-

1. J.N Figgs gave the principles of Divine theory under: -
2. The King was given political power by God
3. Kingship is hereditary
4. The King is the greatest source of wisdom and is responsible to God only.
5. It is a sin to disobey the King
6. The People must submit to the King unconditionally.
7. A bad King will be punished by God but not by any human agency.

Criticisms: - There were many criticisms regarding the theory some of them are as follows:-
1. This theory is used to justify the despotic rule and is against the democracy.
2. It is far from reality.
3. It is not suitable to the modern democratic States where people elect their rulers.
4. It is not progressive as it does not give rights to the people to change the ruler.
5. There is no historical evidence to prove that the State is created by divine powers.
LLB (Hons.) Political Science

Divine Therory : Lecture -3 Unit .2 Assignment

Q1- Write short introduction of divine theory?

Q2- What are the principles of divine theory?

Q3- Define Kingship?

Q4-Why divine theory is so far from reality?

Q5-What are the criticisms of divine theory?

Q6-How can you say divine theory is against Democracy?


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