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@eurcconter 12 122 12 14 15 16 7 174 172. 18 Fo Fig, Fi, Fig Fi, Fig. Fa, Fa, Fa, Fa, Fi, SECTION1 GENERAL, ‘TABLE OF CONTENTS intRopuCTION ‘ORGANIZATION OF THE MANUAL ‘Approved and nonrapproved data Description ofthe sections (GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF THE HELICOPTER HELICOPTER DIMENSIONS NOISE LEVELS ‘CONVERSION CHARTS ‘TERMINOLOGY AND DEFINITIONS OF TERMS WARNINGS, CAUTIONS and Notes Use of procecural toms [ABBREVIATIONS AND SYMBOLS LST OF FIGURES 144 Principal ier 4-2 Cabin dimensions 19 Nole lovels ‘+4 Conversion chart: Colts (°C) ~ Fahrennet (°F) “+5 Conversion chat Kilometers shou (awh) ~ Knots (et) ‘+8 Conversion chart: Metersleecond (nie) ~ Fetiminute (nin) 4-7 Convesion chart: Klograms (kg) ~ Pounds (t) +8 Conversion chart Liters — US Galens~ Imp. Gallons +49 Conversion chart: Hectopascals (hPa) —Inches of Mercury (n. Ha) 1-10 Standard atmosphere table 1411 Wind Component Chart EASA APPROVED Few. 18 FLIGHT MANUAL EC 13571 (CDS) 1216 4016 1 -u(t =i blank) @eucconter FLIGHT MANUAL EC 12571 (CDS) SECTION1 GENERAL 4a INTRODUCTION ‘This Fight Manual contains the information necessary for safe and efcent operation of the EC195 Tt nescoptx “The weer is assumed to have tying experience, therlore elementary lntructons and basic principles have been omits 1.2. ORGANIZATION OF THE MANUAL “This Fight Manval i largely oxganized inthe standardized format recommended by the Hotcoplar Association itematoal Ite ivged into an approved part consisting of sactons thu S, and 9, and into a non-approved part consisting of sections 6,7, 8,10 and 1. 1.21 Approved and non-approved data “The approved part of tis manual meets all cetticating authory requrements for approved data, ‘The nor-approved part contain data supple by the areraft manufacturer 1.22 Description of the sections ‘The sections of tho manual ae largely independent wih each ‘own table of contents. sion beginning with ts ‘Approved part: SECTION 1 General presents information of ganeral interest to the pit, basicheloop- fer deta and conversion table. In action, & proves cations and explanations of symbols, sbbreviations, and terminology used inthe manus. SECTION 2 LUmitations contains those stations requled by regulation or necessary for tale operation of the helcopter and approved by the regulatoy authory SECTIONS Emergency and Malfunction Procedures ‘contains tho recommended procedures for dealing wih various ‘ypes of emergencies, maituntons or eicelstuation. SECTION + Normal Procedures Contains the recommended procedures for nomal ground and a ‘operation ofthe helicopter. EASA APPROVED Ren 6 1 FLIGHT MANUAL EC 19571 (CDS) @eaurcconter SECTIONS SECTION 9 Non approved pert: SECTION 6 SECTION 7. SECTIONS SECTION 10 SECTION 11 Performance Data contains aiwortiness and partormance information necessary fr refight and infght mission planning Subsection 6.1 contains approved data, ‘Subsection 52 contains non-approved data supplied by the ar ral manutacturer Fight Manual Supplements Subsection 9.1 contains Fight Manual Supplements (FMS) with insrutions for special operations (eg FR, Category A ee) Subsection 9.2 conains Flight Manual Supplements (FMS) po- vieing operating instruction of approved opinal equipment ‘Mass and Balance Contains the dettions for various mass and balance locations land the procedure forthe determination of the canter of gravy. ‘Appendod to this section are the Mass and Balance Record form for mainsiing @ continous record of changes in structure land equipment atlecting the mass and balance, andthe Equip- ‘ment List form forthe lstng of eptional equipment wih data nec ‘essary for mass and balance computations ‘systems Description contains a ret description of the helicopter, ks eystems and the Vatious standard equipment with information considered most in: Porat tothe fight crew Handling, Service, Maintenance contains senicing dala, cleaning and care procedures as well as infomation for ground handing. Operational Tips contains general information and ination for an eiclnt opera: tion ofthe helicopter bearing in mind environmental aspects (e.g “minimum noise procedures, et) Appendix contains Fight Manual Appendices (FMA for optlonal equpment and special operations. EASA APPROVED Rew. 6 @eurccorter FLIGHT MANUAL EC 13571 (CDS) 13 (GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF THE HELICOPTER ‘The EC 195 is fight in-engined multi-purpose helcopter with fve seas in the base version and optional seat arangements for up to eight persons, 1 ‘The plots seat ison the RH sce, Engines: ‘The EC 195 T1 Is powered by two Turbomeca ARRIUS 281 (optona: 2B1A) engines wth ff atl engine contol (FADEC) system. ‘The twin-engine realty is enhanced bya fuly-separted ful systom, a dual hyeraule sys ‘2 dual loctcalsystom and redundant lubrication system forthe maln transmission, ‘Transmission: ‘The main ranemission sa two-stage lat design gearbox, with antvesonance rte isltion system (ARIS), Main rotor ‘The helicopter is equipped with a four-baded bearngless maln rotor (BMR). The inboard flexoeam enables movement ofthe Biades in all axes. Blade ich angles are contoled through integrated glasscarbon fibre cool cuts. ‘The maln ror conto inkage systom is of convertonal desig. The hydrate syst for the main rotor controls is designed as a duplex systom with fandom piston (both systoms are active) In case of a fale of one system, the remaining eystom has sufcient power te ensure safe fight operation and a safe lancing. Antitorque system: The hlleoptr is equipped with a “Feneston‘ype" anttrque systom, having a tal rotor wih 10 blades. The Feneston fs conroled via &“FlexbalT type cable, route trom the dats to the input corr lever of tho Feneston. Fuselage: ‘The primary structure consists mainly of shoet metal design. Cabin frame, bottom shel, doors, engine cowing and nose access panel aro made of composite materi ‘The cabins accessible trough six dors two hinged doors fo: tho fen occupa, wo sli Ing doors forthe rear passengers, and two at camel doers forthe rear compartmont Tal boom: The tall boom can be separated rom the fuselage, and consis ofthe horizontal tal pkane with encplates, vera in wih intogted tal ft, tall rotor gearbox and fing. Ful tanks: “The fuel system comprises to flanks, fue supply system, a etusing and grounding ‘eauipment and a menitoring system. The main tank ang supply tank with overtiow tothe ‘main tank and sucent separated quantity for 20 minutes ight In OEl condition ae nstaled Undo the eabin oo. Electrical system: The fly redundant electical 28 VDC system is supped by two gonerators andthe bale. Landing gear: The EC 135 has wo cross tubes and to skis. EASA APPROVED Few. 6 FLIGHT MANUAL EC 19571 (CDS) 6 eurocopter 1.4 HELICOPTER DIMENSIONS. Fig, 1-1 shows a tvee-view drawing ofthe hatoonter with ts pincpal mensions. For cabin dimensions $00 Fig. 2. Locations on and within the helcopter can be determined in relation to fuselage stations (FS. or STA), waterines (WL), and bulock lines (B.L), measured in millimeters tom known reerence pins (see Section 6 "Mase and Balance’) EASA APPROVED 14 Rov 6 @eaurgcocter FLIGHT MANUAL EC 19571 (CDS) FLIGHT MANUAL EC 13571 (CDS) 8 eurocopter 150m, g fl HH L of ms 128m] 0.7m vs NM EASA APPROVED 1-6 Fev 8 Fig, 1-2 Cabin dimensions @eurororter FLIGHT MANUAL EC 13571 (CDS) 1s 18 NOISE LEVELS: Nose levels (corrected values) bases on gross mass af 2720 kg are shown in Fig. 13. Reference fight | Comocted noise | Limits speed (08 Vid Tovels Regulation eras} (94) (6 A] LSL and ICAO Amex 16 128 02 ora ‘Chapter 11 FAR Part 96 Aopendlix J 128 02 era CONVERSION CHARTS Fig, 1.3. Noloe levels For conversion of most important units within the FLM use the charts Fig. 1-4 thy Fig 1-9, the standart atmosphere table (Fig. 1-10) and the wind component chat (Fi, “1 ) on foiowing pages. EASA APPROVED Rew 18 FLIGHT MANUAL EC 19571 (CDS) @eaurceorter CELSIUS ~ FAHRENHEIT Q) csmsiacesnm Sarge 6 On SF toi Theof feo: “hoof eco] bool “hee t ae 1 viol en ; theo bso i sof eo, T too j rot A) easae air aa DEGREES FAHRENHEIT (°F) DEGREES CELSIUS (“C) Fig, 1-4 Conversion cha: Celsius (°C) -Fahrenhel (°F) EASA APPROVED 8 Ron 6 8S eurocopter FLIGHT MANUAL EC 1351 (CDS) KILOMETERS PER HOUR ~ KNOTS 1 km/h = 054 kt anak: oi 0H 1 T « Aso 1 T : 1 2 —-t-L4q- | ' pe of ttt | : 1 : T : 1 1 1 * EO TaS TS He HO BaD HIS HO HO BH TTS HO BO | 1] EEE TIA We WS Tio OS SS Se JALOMETER PER HOUR fe) Fa, +8. Canvas car lon hae in ret) EASA APPROVED Rev. 6 19 FLIGHT MANUAL EC 135.71 (CDS) @aurcconter METERS / SECOND ~ FEET / MINUTE 1 m/s = 19685 /min 100 ft/min = 0508 m/s examples 7 mis 028.2 aerrunin= 1758 ° 1s ‘ : f ; . T 3 1 Soe + & 1 7 i ‘ i i : aco | S005” a6 Bao S600 T 1 16a Ta TSO NGO a Bo oa ae se BD FOOD TESS 069 Too FEET PER MNUTE (tin) Fig. 1-6 Conversion chart: Metersisecond (ns) ~Feetinute (iin) EASA APPROVED 1-10 Rew. 6 Beurcconter FLIGHT MANUAL EC 1951 (CDS) KILOGRAMS - POUNDS [sae -aan 1 = est tg Bramples: 54049-11907 5821 Ib = 26409 eat 29004 3a00 z 25004 i 19 - i 200! I 2 T 200: a4 am +7000” ROD |be00 BeoD 5000 ba 2000: TI 600" 4 |= f= 500 I al Theol! T 4905 W800” 00” BO aD «EO Tab al T 1 | OG abs 1800” 800” Fee” “Red Saad” Sebo” Gabo POUNDS (2) Fig. 1-7 Conversion char: Kiograms (a) ~ Pounds (Ib) EASA APPROVED Row 6 at FLIGHT MANUAL EC 1351 (CDS) @curccopter LITERS - U.S. GALLONS - IMP. GALLONS. 1 US. =37861 Timp pl Sana Tho ze Us. Fre 020 inp ang sole 7040 a o sus 1 430 130: wo 8 E i 10 8 2 ve wo 3 § ee 2 ¢ MEET E tte nd “* t w§ . 5 50. . : 2 a i » | 20 10: i 10 Li °F "BO" 780 TE0 B80" GBO S80" SEO GBD GEO BBO GBS Sb CBO THO ures Fig, 18 Conversion chart Liters ()- US Gallons (US gal) — mp. Gaon (Imp gl) EASA APPROVED 12 Fev. 6 Beurcconter FLIGHT MANUAL EC 12571 (CDS) HECTOPASCALS ~ INCHES OF MERCURY 1 hPa (mbar) 02953 in. Hg 1 in. Hg = 38865 hPa (mbar) amples: 1007.5HPa= 207810 Hy 2096 nH = 1048.6 (bat) HECTOPASCALS -MILUBARS fnPa- moa) INCHES OF MERCURY fo. He) Fig. 1-9 Conversion chart Hectopascals (MPa) ~ Inches of Mercury (in. Ha) EASA APPROVED Rov. 6 13 FLIGHT MANUAL EC 19571 (CDS) @eaurceorter ‘STANDARD ATMOSPHERE TABLE ‘Standard ees love! conditions: ‘Temperature: 15°C (59°F) Pressure: 1018.25 Pa mbar (29.601 inches Hg.) Densiy: 1.225 kgim® (0.0029769 stugscust) parr essune | pressure | nessune acuve | ho, | 1 | TEMPERATURE | ress ) ai Va | (C) (CF) |epaimean| ia) | nano © | to00o [T0000 | 18000 ] seco | ToIazs vooo [osris | sous | 15010 | ssas | or7ie | 2000 | os4as | 1.0290 | 11038 | sr.e6a | seats 000 | asst | 10458 | 9.056 | ass02 | 08.14 ooo | asset | sostt | 7076 | aazas | e752 sooo | oas17 | 1.0773 | soos | 41.160 | 84.08 000 | osa59 | 1.0938 | ata | s7eos | att.o0 7000 | o8t0s | 1.107 | 1.192 | s«aa7 | Taxes sare | sso | soar | 752, ass | 2st | 26005 | 72429 wooo | 07005 | 1.1697 | 4x2 | 2.00 | cos.e2 rio | a7iss | 13922 | e700 | 10772 | e702 12000 | ose | 1.2011 | -e774 | 16.206 | 644.20 ‘a000 | os7is | 1.2205 | -io.7e6 | i260 | 6104e ‘ooo | 0.6500 | 1.2400 | 12797 | ere | s0s23 ‘15000 | 0292 | 1.2608 | -14718 | 5508 | sS71.03 18000 | 0.6090 | 1285 | 16600 | 1041 | 540.14 ‘7000 | 0see2 | 1.3028 | -1e.680 | 1.625 | 627.23 ‘soo | ossoo | 1.3048 | 20862 | -s101 | s0509 9000 | osst1 | 1.0470 | 2260 | 2757 | aasaa 20000 | osses | 1.3700 | -2seze | -ieses | 40563 Fig. 1-10 Standard atmosohore table EASA APPROVED 114 Row. 6 3S eurocopter FLIGHT MANUAL EC 1851 (CDS) WIND COMPONENT CHART NOTE Charts and calculating examplos reprosontd inthis Flight Manual donot take ito ‘aocount wind speed factors. Aply any necessary factors as required by operational res, HEADWIND COMPONENT - kt 0 6 0 6 ms mw aS 44 pote i ‘CROSSWIND COMPONENT — Kt ee REPORTED WINDSPEED - kt Fig. 1-11 Wind Component Chart EXAMPLE: Known: Takeotf heading 2r0° Reported wind diction 240° Reported wind speed 90k Determine: 2) Crosswind component 5) Headwind component Solution: 8) Crosswind component ») Heaawind component Wind direction relative to takeot heading is 270°. Enter chart at reported wind speed (20 kt. ‘Move upward folowing the shape ofthe curved line to wind erection relative 10 takeoit healing (30) Move vertically upward (read 26 kt headnind component) and horizontally right (oad 19 Kt rossuina component) 240° = 90° EASA APPROVED Rov 18 1.18 FLIGHT MANUAL EC 1951 (CDS) 8 eurocopter 17 aaa ‘TERMINOLOGY AND DEFINITIONS OF TERMS. Warnings, Cautions and Notes ‘Throughout this marual WARNINGS, CAUTIONS and NOTES are used to emphasize im: portant and cial instuctons. WARNING AN OPERATING PROCEDURE, TECHNIQUE, ETC. WHICH, IF NOT STRICTLY OBSERVED, COULD RESULT IN PERSONAL INJURY OR Loss OF ue. CAUTION AN OPERATING PROCEDURE, TECHNIQUE, ETC. WHICH, IF NOT STRICTLY OBSERVED, COULD RESULT IN DAMAGE TO’ OR OE: STRUCTION OF EQUIPMENT, NOTE An operating procedure, technique, condition, etc. which is essential to emphasize. WARNINGS and CAUTIONS always precede and are located dacty above hich tey relate. NOTES are located rectly bolow the toxt to which they apply. Use of Procedural Terms ‘The procedural tr usage and meaning are as flows: “Shall and have boon used to express @ mandatory requirement. Must” “Should” has been used to express non-mandatory provisions. “May” has been used to express parmisshveness, “wt has been used ony to indicate ftuty, never to express a mandatory requirement. EASA APPROVED Rov. 12 jeurocopter FLIGHT MANUAL EC 1951 (CDS) 1.8 ABBREVIATIONS AND SYMBOLS. AA Ampere ‘ab, act ‘Aecraft ACae ‘Aerating current ADF ‘Automate deecton Feder AE All engines operating AGL ‘Above ground level, alr ‘attude ‘antes ‘Ampere aR ‘Autoretaion aris ‘Anteresonance RctrIslation System ASL ‘Above soa level ast 1 amodoan Socket for Testing Material atc Airlie cont B BA Blood air aT Battery BL, Buttock tine bor ote © cas CCaloratod airspeed Cat Catagory cos {Cockpit Display System ora (Goce of Federal Regulations ca. Center of gravity cuP > Chip as * Gommunty of Independent States a + Closes Cot Colson coum (Communication (ras) CSAS, Control stably augmentation system cr Continuity test oma (Gent Técnico Aeroespacial (Braz) out + Cubic fot D A = Density atude Daros Digital automate tight conto sytem De Direct curent opt Decoupled DEGR Degraded 03. Directional gyro GAC Direction Génerale det Aviation Civile (France) isch Discharge DISCON Disconnected DME + Distance measusing equlpment DNA + Direcelén Nacional De Aeronavegabidad (Argentina) = eo Equipment dovition ist es. For example EASA APPROVED Row 18 117 FLIGHT MANUAL EC 13571 (CDS) est EHS a EMER ENG PU ESS ext F . FAA : FADEC : FAR. : Fufg. : FLAT = FM, : FLTESS BUS Fun Fus tom FS. FSB. * : Fu : a Gag GEN : ow : 8.98 7 hut Hg HIGE HOGE HOR, hea HTRew Hv i Hy, HYD, HYDR - ao-AR : las : ic : es : FR Ge wc Beurccorter + Exhaust gas temperature * Bocrohyeraule sere actuator + Equipe ist Emergency Engine Extemal power unit Essential External, exinguiser Feel Federal Aviation Agency (United Stats) Ful Authority Digital Engine Contre, Federal Aviation Regulation Figure Fiter Fight manual Fight essential bus Fight manual appencx Fight manual supplement + Fest per minute * Fuselage station + Fasten seat bat Feat (o8t) Fallow up Go around Galen Generator ‘Gross mass {Ground speed Hous of tine Mercury (ryrarayrum) + Hover n ground efect + Hover out of ground ettect Horizon Hoctopascal Heater wth Hoightvelocty Hyerautc Interstate Aviation Comitee-Avaton Register (C18) Indicate sirpeee Intercommurication Intecormunication sytem Ig ost = that is (0 say) Instrument fight rules Inground eftoct Instument meteorological conctions EASA APPROVED Row 18 @eaurccopter FLIGHT MANUAL EC 1354 (CDS) Imp. INP IND iv Isa AAR kK KoAS, 9 Kins km KAS kw LGU LTR te MoD MSL MSTR NN Nm Ny ip Nate None Nav EASA APPROVED Rev. 18 = Imperial lech > Input * ledeator > leverter * terational Standard Atmosphere + Joined Ainorthiness Roquiroments = nots calates srepoed = Klogram Knot inccated alspeed Kilometer = Knots te airspeed oat = ter Pound Luffaht Bundesamt (Federal Republic of Germany) Landing Lancing decision point stot etlectve pages Left hand Lutgersteprafrdnung = Motor Manual mode of eperation Maximum mibar Maximum continuous Maximum continuous power Minimum equipment ist + Measured gas temperature + Mechanohydrauic servo actuator itary standars or speciation © Minin 2 Minute of me Minor = Miscellaneous Mast moment = itimeter = Mediation Mean sea level 2 Master = Newton + Gas generator speed = Power turbine speed + Navigation (rao) mri 87 8 8 No. no. = Number NORM Normal mode of operation NR.Nag = ‘Rotor speed °° o oar Outi al temperature El (One engine inoperative oF Oster ose + Outof ground eect oP * Open opr Optional equipment or temperature over © Ovemeat P PPRESS — - Prossure Pa > Pascal PA > rossuealttude PAX. > Passenger pb * Push buon Pec * Peston etor correction PIOPAG Po inducediassstd oscilaton PN Pat number Pos: Peston PAR ih and Rol PWR + Power R RAL = Regisvo AerenautenHtaiano RIC > Rate of clmo | RD > Rate of eescont RD Reterence datum Rel Release RES, AST * Reset Rew. Fovision RH Fight hand PM, rpm Revolutions per minute 8 s,s00 Seconds of time SAS Stability augmentation system 8B = Sere bullet SEL + Selector sal select GL + Single SHP Shaft horee power st Sea evel SN Serial number sov Shutoff valve ‘SPAS ‘Stok postion augmentation eystem 59 Square EASA APPROVED 4-20 Row 18 jeurocopter FLIGHT MANUAL EC 18571 (CDS) STA Staton sty Stanaby si Standard SW, ow Suite TT ‘Temperature Tas ‘True airspeed Tera “Transport Canada Airworthiness Group 1? “Tekeatf decision pont Teme Temperature Temp. Rev, > Temporary revision To. ‘Takoot! oP ‘Takeo! power Tor. “Turbine out temperature TROB Tal rotor goar box US.US = United states v vt ve ‘Visual igh ros VHF ‘ory high requency vic Visual meteorelogical condtons YO, Vo ~ ‘Maximum operating speed NE, Vie. Neverexceed speed (veloc never exceed) vor! = VHF omniseconal rac ranging Vross + Takeo! safety speed Ww Best rato-otcmo speed w wat WlghvattuserTemperstre wi Watering Xx xFER Fuel transtr pump XFERA Fuoltranstor pump» A XrERE Fuel trantor pump - Forward XFERAF+A) —~ Fuel aneter pump - Forward and At XMSN Transmission vy ~ Yaw EASA APPROVED Rew. 18 FLIGHT MANUAL EC 1571 (CDS) sympots: Beaanrwy We Seurcconter = Greater than + Greatr than or equal ese than Less han or equal Degrees Cetus (conigrade) Degrees Fatrennelt Density ratio Deviation from AEO takeo! power Ny iit (tmoduate by the influence of A and OAT) Pressure aiitide correction “ive airpoed tactr (he reciprocal ofthe squa rai, at ho density altude) root of he density [EASA APPROVED Rev. 18

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