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International Journal of Geosynthetics and Ground Engineering (2020) 6:31


Utilization of Marble Powder and Magnesium Phosphate Cement

for Improving the Engineering Characteristics of Soil
Partab Rai1 · Huafu Pei1 · Fanhua Meng1 · Mahmood Ahmad1,2

Received: 10 February 2020 / Accepted: 20 May 2020 / Published online: 9 June 2020
© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2020

In this study, the effects of waste marble powder and magnesium phosphate cement on the properties of soil were investigated.
The incorporation of waste marble powder (MP) and (MPC) magnesium phosphate cement as a novel additive, lead the
significant environmental and economic contributions in soil stabilization. The key properties of natural soil were extracted
and several tests, such as specific gravity, Atterberg limits, sieve analysis, unconfined compression strength test, Direct shear
box test, modified Proctor test, California bearing ratio, and Scanning electron microscopy test were performed on soil sam-
ples prepared with different percentages of MPC and MP, i.e. 0%, 2.5%, 5%, 7.5% and 0%, 5%, 10%, 15%, respectively. An
unconfined strength test was used to obtain desired comprehensive strengths following 7, 14, 28 days of curing time. The
overall experimental results revealed that MP and MPC can be added to enhance the stability of the soil. While usability
and effectiveness of MPC and MP are cost-effective and eco-friendly as the substitution of natural soil for deep foundations.

Keywords  Soil stabilization · Magnesium phosphate cement · Marble powder · Bearing capacity

Introduction of road pavement [3, 4], railways foundations [6], embank-

ments [7], buildings, beneath connect docks, earthen dams,
Soil stabilization is a technique for modifying the proper- terminals for rail and wagon, an economical base for road-
ties of soil by mixing and combining new materials [1–4], ways, building cushions, and reservoir linings, composting
In the present day, the growing trend of using waste mate- facilities and as a mixture material for several purposes in
rial in soil stabilization or soil strengthening is operating construction work [1, 2, 8]. The soil is a building material
worldwide. The key reason behind this phenomenon is the taking on the distinct properties that vary from place to place
excessive production of waste such as marble powder which [6, 7]. Unlike new compounds, there are also variations in
not only poses hazards but also creates problems with des- properties that are required to be properly evaluated for the
posal. The use of this waste material in the building would specific area of study [9]. This is because with a general soil
ease adverse environmental effects, save energy and money, inspection of a city it may mislead us for a definite project
add economic value to the waste, and reduce total costs [5]. position. Examining the bearing strength specification of
It is generally utilized to stabilize soil for the construction soil, it usually shows many modifications along with the
horizontal and vertical sketch of the land. In some areas,
it may have a beneficial strength for less depth whereas, it
* Huafu Pei might not have adequate strength at an impressive profundity
for which it gets basic to make building improvement strides
Partab Rai for its stabilization [9].
The primary objective of this research is to conduct
Mahmood Ahmad an accurate investigation into the effects of MPC–MP
mixtures on the unconfined compression strength, direct
State Key Lab of Coastal and Offshore Engineering, Dalian shear strength, compaction properties and to diminish the
University of Technology, Dalian 116024, China development cost via doing the best utilization of locally
Department of Civil Engineering, University of Engineering accessible materials. Besides, it determines all the index
and Technology, Peshawar (Bannu Campus), Bannu 28100, properties of composite samples (i.e., those prepared with

Page 2 of 13 International Journal of Geosynthetics and Ground Engineering (2020) 6:31

different amounts of MPC–MP). It is creating as a popular stabilization procedures one of these is the stabilization of
and practical technique for soil improvement [10], There by the addition of MPC and MP, it is economical somehow
are various stabilizing admixtures available [9], here, in and efficient than others as well.
this study work, soil stabilization has been finished with The various investigators reported the effect of the mate-
the utilization of arbitrarily accumulated marble powder rials on different engineering properties after additions of
which is a waste that remains during cleaning and cutting MP and MPC on the soil. Ural [26] investigated the effect of
of marble material. The waste that survived from marble soil type on stabilization with marble powder for forest road
powder utilized in this examination was not for any way to development. The author has reported that plastic soils were
exchange. Marble has held its significance to the present- effective in improving different properties after stabilization
day. According to the review the world’s marble stores are with marble dust (MD). The soil with more clay content
to be more than 15 billion m ­ 3, and Turkey shares a nor- demonstrated the best improvement. Significant the value
mal marble hold of around 5.2 billion m ­ 3. Marble is being of the Plasticity index decreases with the MD method, espe-
carried out in different industrial resources and plants in cially for high PI soils. The results obtained that the geotech-
just over 50 countries around the world [9, 11]. China is nical requirements of forest soils were widespread through
the world’s second-largest marble producer and produces the production of marble dust. Plasticity was decreased by
about 350 million m ­ 2 of marble planks in 2015 [5]. As 15 to 30% and strength increased by 25 to 50%. It carried
the cutting of marble stone makes sludge, in this manner, out the greatest strength at 8% marble powder. For MD-
the quickly developing marble industry has environmen- treated soils, the most considerable strength improvements
tal concerns because of the negative impacts of marble occurred after 28 days. The adjustment with marble dust for
quarrying [10–12]. Subsequently, the reuse of these wastes forest roads represents a naturally advantageous method, as
offers favorable circumstances to reduce development utilizing materials of nature, which is inexhaustible and they
expenditures and raise maintainability, [9, 11, 13]. The give the reason to improved road developments, from the
most significant use of waste marble powder had the high- organic, specialized, and effective perceptions. Pandey [27]
est resistance to sulphate against seawater and the pres- studied “soil stabilization using cement” and were effective
ence of excess C­ a2+ ions which helps to stabilize the soil in improving various properties of subgrade soil. Choksi
[5]. Nevertheless, the MPC is a contemporary inorganic [28] pursuance of waste marble powder to improve soil sta-
cementitious material is made by setting up the phosphate bilization. The study carried out was positive in improv-
and dead utilized magnesia, through-arrangement acid- ing the various properties of alluvial soil. Arora [29] has
based reaction to create chemical bonding strength [14, “discussed the improvement of engineering characteristics
15], Besides, it is superior correlated to (OPC) ordinary of the locally available soil mass by using marble dust”.
Portland cement, MPC has a different chemical reaction, They noted that the increments of marble powder with the
and performance [16–18]. MPC has numerous benefi- soil increased the gradation of soil, increasing the maximum
cial properties, such as high strength, quick setting in an dry density and shear resistance, decreased the optimum
inhibited temperature condition (− 20 °C) without heat moisture content, swelling characteristics, and diminished
analysis, quick-setting and hardening (can be demolded permeability. Gurbuz [8] concentrated on the adjustment of
within 30 min after casting), frost resistance, great hold- clayey soil by utilizing marble powder in subclassified of
ing quality with old concrete, a bit of drying shrinkage, road improvement. And to examine the ductility behavior
low thermal development coefficient, good adhesive per- and unconfined compressive strength of clayey soil by utiliz-
formance, great corrosion resistance, and fire resistance ing marble powder with different extents (2.5, 5, 10, 15, 20,
conduct [15, 19–22]. Due to its high early strength, MPC and 25%), respectively. Conclusive results determined that
is used as repair or binders materials and widely applied in the ductility increased and peak strength with the addition
the rehabilitation works related to civil engineering infra- of marble content up to 10% and then it proceeded with
structural projects worldwide for a long time, such as air- a decreasing propensity as marble substance increased. In
field runways, bridges, highways, fixing harmed asphalts light of these outcomes, 10% of waste marble was chosen
and 3D powder printing materials [18, 19, 23–25]. the as a satisfactory measurement. Okagbue [30] examined the
nuclear waste landfills have likewise begun using MPC possibility of using marble dust to stabilize red tropical
as lining materials attributable to its great durability and soil. Parameters tried secured the grain size distribution,
low permeability [23, 24]. Further, it is as often as pos- Atterberg limits, specific gravity, compressive strength, the
sible applied in the stabilization of blended wastes [19]. standard compaction attributes, and California bearing ratio
the development in the shear strength details has been teat after different curing conditions, plasticity decreased by
stressed and comparative investigations have been per- 20–33%, California Bearing Ratio and strength improved by
formed applying various techniques of shear resistance 30–46% and 27–55%, respectively. Babu ; Abdulla; Zum-
estimation [10]. It manages to be increased by various rawi [2, 31, 32] examined the impact of various proportions

International Journal of Geosynthetics and Ground Engineering (2020) 6:31 Page 3 of 13  31

of marble powder in the stabilization of expansive soil and on the soil. Furthermore, the results given demonstrated the
detailed that the usage of marble in differing percentages specific characteristics of the soil concerning each geotech-
decreased consistency limit values. Bhavsar [33] concen- nical examination. Moreover, based on the results obtained
trated on the stabilization of black cotton soil by replace- and taking into account the cost-effective and eco-friendly
ment of 30% of soil with Marble Waste Powder (MWP) and solution and to analyze the behaviour of the selected materi-
Brick Dust (BD). Test outcomes indicated that the MWP als i.e., MPC and waste marble powder. In view of under-
gave decrease 10% in swelling, 17.7% in shrinkage, 4.08% in standing the soil properties, plasticity, MDD (maximum dry
Plasticity, and 5.72% in Optimum moisture content (OMC) density), OMC (optimum moisture content), UCS (uncon-
with an increase 11.69% in maximum dry density (MDD). fined compressive strength), CBR (California bearing ratio),
Similarly, for BD there was a reduction of 10% in swelling, direct shear box test, and SEM testing were performed on
14.3% in shrinkage, 5.57% in Plasticity, 5.72% in OMC, and natural soil and soil samples and findings were compared
an increase of 11.69% in MDD. Pei [34] has recommended a to the soil stabilization efficiency investigation to use of a
new mechanism using FBG to measure the early shrinkage particular additive dosage contributes to an increase in soil
of MPC paste independent of temperature. properties.
In-depth investigation of the research depicts that soil sta-
bilization was increased by the extension of various addi-
tives, i.e. marble powder [26, 33–35], cement [27], geopoly-
Materials and Methods
mer [36], and Portland cement [37], lime and cement [38,
39], Ordinary Portland cement and magnesium phosphate
The soil sample selected for the present investigation
cement [37, 38, 40]. For soil strength growth, only less con-
were collected from the Dalian Reclamation Industrial Park
centrate is given to MPC, so this study takes care of MPC as
reclamation project is situated in the sea area northwest of
a novel additive mixture. The reason for taking MPC is that
Maoyuzi Village, Dalian Bay Street, Gansuzi District, in the
it’s highly performed, environmentally friendly, economi-
middle of Dalian Jinzhou Bay, 1.5 km aside from the shore.
cally feasible, and having quick setting time comparatively
Geographic coordinates: 39° 04′~39° 06′ north latitude, 121°
OPC [21], however, on the other hand, marble powder is
37′~121° 39′ east longitude as illustrated in Figs. 1 and 2a.
also cheaper, easily available and cost-effectively [10, 41].
The key contribution of this paper is to enhance the sta-
bility of soft soil, to make stabilization more economic than Marble Powder
earlier, to make use of waste marble powder very important,
and to introduce with new stabilization technique by utili- The marble powder is a waste remains by shaping, cutting,
zation of waste marble powder and magnesium phosphate and polishing of marble stone. It is an industry generated
cement as a novel additive. However, besides, the objective waste material. Marble powder comprises a large proportion
of this investigation was derived from an experimental inves- of calcium, silica, and alumina. Marble powder for this study
tigation into soil composite material properties obtained use- is assembled from the Sichuan region, Chengdu central capi-
ful results to explain MPC/MP performance mechanisms tal. As shown in Fig. 2b.

Fig. 1  Satellite image of a site

for soil sample collection

Page 4 of 13 International Journal of Geosynthetics and Ground Engineering (2020) 6:31

Fig. 2  a Disturbed natural soil sample; b marble powder; c magnesium phosphate cement

Magnesium Phosphate Cement Mg O (S) + KH2 PO4 (S) + 5H2 O → Mg KPO4 ⋅ 6HO (S) (1)

The magnesium phosphate cement for the present inves-

tigation was made by Dead-burned MgO (M) Powder,
phosphate, and inactive fillers in a specific proportion Research Methodology
[22, 42]. MgO utilized for MPC must be dead singed at
a temperature above 1400° and has a Blaine fineness of The methodology utilized for this examination work was to
around 200–300 ­m2/kg [21]. According to Eq. (1). M/P divide the samples into two parts, initially for soils at the
ratio is theoretically 3:1 under the complete reaction con- natural stage, and secondly was with MP and MPC mixture.
dition [43]. As shown in Fig. 2c, The binder is framed Initial soil testing was conducted on natural soil samples
from a response among MgO and ­KH2 ­PO4 in water, with shown in Fig. 3. After which they were mechanically com-
magnesium potassium phosphate hexahydrate as the prime bined with a different proportion of 5%, 10%, 15% marble
response reaction item. powder, and 2.5%, 5%, 7.5% magnesium phosphate cement,

Fig. 3  Natural soil tests

Study Area Selection

Determination of Initial properties of soil

Specific gravity
Atterber Shear Density California Bearing
Gradation by AASHTO
Limits Strength Determination Ratio test

Sieve Liquid Unconfined Direct Soaked California

Plastic Modified
Analysis Limits Compression Shear Bearing Ratio test
Limits Proctor test
Strength test Box test



International Journal of Geosynthetics and Ground Engineering (2020) 6:31 Page 5 of 13  31

added to find out the effect of the various amount of admix- Table 1  Natural soil sample results
tures on index and engineering properties. After mixing with Properties Characteristics
the mentioned percentage, the prepared mixed soil is kept at
constant temperature and humidity. Basic experiments cured Plastic limit, PL (%) 21
out to determine the geotechnical properties of the untreated Liquid limit, LL (%) 41
soil. And the experiments were done as shown in Fig. 4. It Plasticity index, PI (%) 20
shows a specific evaluation of test results and discussion in Grain size distribution
the following section. Clay, % 14.47
Sand, % 10.01
Silt, % 75.54
Results and Analysis Organic content, % 0.736
Specific gravity 2.73
They conducted tests on the natural soil specimen to work pH 8.061
out the different properties. The test results are shown in Salt concentration (%) 6.71
Table 1. Conductivity, µs/cm 12,071
As in the above Table  1. Demonstrating the Plastic UCS value ( kPa) 963.3
limit and liquid limit is 21% and 41% as per SL237-007- Max dry density (g/cc) 1.53
1999. They obtained the specific gravity is 2.73 and the OMC (%) 22.62
clay mineral present is silt, sand. Based on the plasticity Cohesion (c) kPa 13.286
outline, a plasticity index value of 20%. Which falls soil Angle of internal friction (ɸ) 6.56◦
in the group of A-7-6 silty clayey soil. Whereas the UCS CBR @ 95% compaction 21%
value is 963.3kpa as per SL237-020-1999, and, cohesion, CBR @ maximum dry density 28.42%
angle of internal friction is 13.285 kPa, 6.56◦ . However the
CBR value maximum 21% at 95% compaction and 28.42%
maximum at maximum dry density. The graphical por- According to the classification standard all given tests con-
trayal of these examinations is interpreted individually in ducted at natural soil and afterward with the expansion of
approach sub-sectors. different percentages marble powder and magnesium phos-
phate cement. When admixtures are applied, the effects of
Atterberg Limit Test the liquid limit, plastic limit, and plasticity index slightly
Based on the limit moisture content method in (SL237-007-
1999), the soil used in this study was mixed and prepared Modified Proctor Test
according to the maximum dry density and the optimum
moisture content measured through the compaction process. According to the specification of soil test in SL237-
Test results are shown in Table 2 for the Atterberg soil limits. 011-1999, The Modified Proctor compaction test was

Fig. 4  Soil tests with magne-

sium phosphate cement and
marble powder
Addition of (5%,10%,15%) Marble
powder and (2.5%,5%,7.5%) MPC.

Modified Direct Unconfined

Atterberg California Bearing SEM
Proctor Shear Box compression
limits Test Ratio test Test
test strength test


Page 6 of 13 International Journal of Geosynthetics and Ground Engineering (2020) 6:31

Table 2  Test results of soil Soil sample Plastic limit liquid limit Plasticity index
plastic limit, liquid limit, and
plastic index Natural soil 21 41 20
2.5% MPC + 5% marble powder 20.8 40.4 19.6
5% MPC + 10% marble powder 20.5 40 19.5
7.5% MPC + 15% marble powder 20.4 39.8 19.4

Table 3  Test results of OMC Soil sample MDD (Gms/cc) (maximum dry Optimum moisture
and MDD for soil sample with density) content (OMC) (%)
MPC and MP addition
Natural soil 1.53 22.62
2.5% MPC + 5% marble powder 1.561 22.58
5% MPC + 10% marble powder 1.64 22.5
7.5%MPC + 15% marble powder 1.73 22.3

accompanied on the natural soil sample. The same test was Natural soil sample
carried out with a little modification of MP and MPC. The 2.5%MPC+5% Marble Powder
5%MPC+10%Marble Powder
0%, 5%, 10% and 15% of marble powder and 0%, 2.5%, 5%, 7.5%MPC+ 15% Marble Powder
7.5% of Magnesium phosphate cement were added to soil.
The test results after modification are verified in Table 3. 1.7
Dry density (g/cm3)

Apparently, from the testing proceeds, natural soil speci- 1.6

men, by performing  a modified proctor experiment, the
results show that the maximum density has increased and 1.5
OMC has been decreased compared to the natural soil by 1.4
addition to a differing percentage of admixtures. The maxi-
mum dry density increases 1.53 to 1.73 gm/cm3 whereas the 1.3
OMC decreases to 22.3%. The results are shown in Table 3. 1.2
Which shows the positive effect on improvement in the sta- 10 15 20 25 30 35
bility of the soil. Increments MDD this can be explained Water content (%)
by the cation exchange between soil particles the structural
change of the soil can also be attributed to this increase in Fig. 5  Comparison of MDD and OMC for soil sample without and
MMD [44]. The OMC has been increased by increasing the with MPC and MP addition
MPC–MP mixture. This can be attributed to the pozzolanic
reaction of silica and alumina in soil and phosphorus with
calcium in cement to form the hydrate of calcium silicate the unconfined compression strength test. The unconfined
and calcium aluminum hydrate which are the cementing compressive strength of soil under different magnesium
agents [45]. Further, Fig. 5. Graphically shows the co-rela- phosphate cement and marble powder contenting different
tionship of OMC and MDD of the modified proctor test. curing time is represented in Table 4.
Apparently, from the testing proceeds, natural soil has
Unconfined Compression Test a moderate strength of  963.3  kPa only. All the strength
of modified soil has expanded compared with the natural
According to Chinese standard specification in the soil soils. After the expansion, a different percentage of 0%,
experiment method (SL237-020-1999), the unconfined com- 5%, 10%, 15% MP and 0%, 2.5%, 5%, 7.5% MPC modi-
pression testing specimen was prepared by compaction at fied soil becomes improved the strength. 2.5% MPC and
the OMC and maximum dry density. Moistness soil mixed 5% MP  modified soil becomes developed the strength
with marble powder and magnesium phosphate cement among them at 7 days, 14 days, and 28 days of curing time.
was separated into four layers each layer was compacted Meanwhile, at 5% MPC and 10%, MP modified soil has
by 25 blows in a triaxial split mold for compaction, speci- developed strength among them at 28 days. After curing
mens are formed with 39.1 mm in thickness and a height for 28 days, 5% MPC and 15% MP modified the soil has
of 80 mm. After curing in the humidity box for 28 days at developed high strength in 1953.65 kPa as related to other
the steady temperature, specimens were collected out for percentages. These results illustrate that marble powder and

International Journal of Geosynthetics and Ground Engineering (2020) 6:31 Page 7 of 13  31

Table 4  Unconfined Soil sample 7-day UCS (kPa) 14-day UCS (kPa) 28-day UCS (kPa)
compressive strength of soil
samples Natural soil 963.3 – –
2.5% MPC + 5% marble powder 1381.7 1449.35 1674.85
5% MPC + 10% marble powder 1418.6 1533.4 1918.8
7.5% MPC + 15% marble powder 1430.9 1560.05 1953.65

3000 7-dayUCS 14-dayUCS 28-dayUCS powder mixtures show strain hardening and shear shrinking
So as to investigate the effects of magnesium phosphate
cement and marble powder content and normal stress on

the shear stability, the investigations of shear strength
under various conditions are showed in Fig. 8. In this dis-
1000 cussions, shear stability was determined as the peak shear
stress. Nevertheless, for most assessments, a peak shear
stress was not moved after 5 mm of horizontal displace-
Natural soil 2.5% MPC + 5 % 5% MPC +10% 7.5% MPC+15%
ment, as showed up in Fig. 7. Normally, in tests for which
Marble Powder Marble Powder Marble Powder no peak shear stress was examined, as indicated by the Chi-
nese code for the soil experiment method (JTJ051-93, GB/
Fig. 6  Unconfined compressive strength result T50123-1999) shear stress at a horizontal displacement of
5 mm was accounted as the shear strength [46]. The test
results exhibit that the shear quality is positively connected
magnesium phosphate cement can significantly increase the with normal stress and enhances consistently with the rise
strength of the natural soil. It can also be found that the of normal stress. The expansion of magnesium phosphate
compressive strength of modified soil is increased with an cement and marble powder content to clay soil enhances the
increase in curing time. The changes in compressive strength shear strength of clay soil. The shear strength of tests devel-
up to a certain quantity of different admixtures needed to fill ops with the expansion of the magnesium phosphate cement
the pores in the soil as the pores are filled, the soil is densi- and marble powder content, however, the development rate
fied and further addition may attempt to lose soil strength. is slight.
Figure 6 displayed the unconfined compressive test data To examine the shear strength of natural soil and magne-
collected from the usage of a specific proportion of marble sium phosphate cement and marble powder blends, accord-
powder and magnesium phosphate cement. ing to Mohr–Coulomb criteria, internal friction angle and
cohesion of the samples were interpreted, as appeared in
Direct Shear Box Test Fig. 9.
Linear fit of MPC and MP = (0%, 2.5%, 5%, and 7.5%)
Figure 7 illustrates the shear stress–horizontal displacement and (0%, 5%, 10%, 15%)
curves for natural soil and magnesium phosphate cement
𝜃1 = 6.56 C1 = 3.286 kPa 𝜃2 = 7.53 C2 = 16.412 kPa
and marble powder mixtures on the 100, 200, 300, and
400 kPa normal stresses. Curves for natural soil and mix-
tures with different content of magnesium phosphate cement 𝜃3 = 8.620 C3 = 20.319 kPa 𝜃4 = 20.127 C4 = 32.821 kPa
and marble powder may be found to be different. The shear
Figure 10 displays the connection between internal fric-
stress versus horizontal displacement curves for natural soil
tion angle and magnesium phosphate cement and marble
exhibits a definite peak identified with collapse, and the
powder content and the connection among cohesion and
curves show a strain-softening character, as demonstrated
magnesium phosphate cement and marble powder content.
in Fig. 7a. The shear stress versus horizontal distance curves
It tends to be seen that including magnesium phosphate
for blends with various magnesium phosphate cement and
cement and marble powder to soil strengthens its cohesion
marble powder substances display a strain hardening ten-
and internal friction angle. The angle of internal friction (ɸ)
dency without peak, as appeared in Fig. 7b–d. The expla-
rises lightly with the expansion of magnesium phosphate
nation behind the differentiation between natural soil and
cement and marble powder content and cohesion of the soil
mixtures is that adding magnesium phosphate cement and
sample expands with the increment of magnesium phosphate
marble powder contents to soil increase its compressibility.
cement and marble powder content.
As a result, the magnesium phosphate cement and marble

Page 8 of 13 International Journal of Geosynthetics and Ground Engineering (2020) 6:31

70 (a) 80 (b)
Stress strain softening Stress strain hardening
60 70

Shear stress (KPa)

Shear stress (KPa)

20 20
10 10
0 0
0 1 2 3 4 0 1 2 3 4
Horizantal displacment (mm) Horizantal displacement (mm)
n=100KPa n=200KPa n=300KPa n=400KPa n=100KPa n=200KPa n=300KPa n=400KPa

200 (d)
(c) Stress strain hardening
90 180
80 Stress strain hardening 160
70 140

Shear Stress (KPa)

Shear stress (KPa)

60 120
50 100
40 80
30 60
20 40
0 1 2 3 4 5 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3
Horizantal displacement (mm)
Horizantal displacement (mm)
n=100KPa n=200KPa n=300KPa n=400KPa
n=100KPa n=200KPa n=300KPa n=400KPa

Fig. 7  Shear stress–horizontal displacement curves MP and MPC content: a 0%; b 2.5% and 5%; c 5% and 10%; d 7.5% and 15%

Fig. 8  Shear strength of soil


International Journal of Geosynthetics and Ground Engineering (2020) 6:31 Page 9 of 13  31

200 for this increase may be due to the ample amount of calcium
= 0.1157 +13.286
180 = 0.1321 + 16.412
required to form calcium silicate hydrate and calcium alumi-
160 = 0.1516 + 20.319 nate hydrate which are important factors in rising strength.
140 = 0.3665 + 32.821
Shear Strength (kPa)

California Bearing Ratio (CBR) Value at 95%
Figure 12 exhibits that while observing the CBR test on
natural soil sample, the CBR esteem at 95% compaction
40 turns out to be 10.5% which increments to 15% on 2.5%
20 MPC and 5% marble powder and 17.5% on 5%MPC and
0 10% MP development. On further addition up to7.5%MPC
0 100 200 300 400
Normal stress (kPa) and 15% MP, the CBR esteem further increments to 21%.
This implies by an expansion in marble powder and MPC
Fig. 9  Calculations of internal friction angle and cohesion by Mohr– addition, the strength of soil to be used as sub-level under-
Coulomb criteria neath asphalts further increments.

Scanning Electron Microscopy Test (SEM)

California Bearing Ratio (CBR) Value at Maximum
Dry Density The SEM specimens were collected immediately from four
groups of unconfined compression test specimens. The
Figure 11 reveals that while observing the CBR test on natu- samples were cut into small blocks and put into the liquid
ral soil sample, at the maximum dry density the CBR esteem nitrogen in a container to freeze and then dry in a vacuum
turns out to be 15.8% which increments to 18.47% on 2.5% chamber. In this process, they effectively kept the fabric and
MPC and 5% MP and 20.5% which increment on 5%MPC pore structure of the specimen. After drying, the samples
and 10% MP expansion. On further mean 7.5% MPC and become dry and are ready for the SEM evaluation. A natural
15% MP, its value increments to 28.42%. As the results surface of the samples exposed for SEM testing, to get a
obtained from the test, the value of the CBR has increased in good conductive effect; the surface is gold plated first. The
general after the addition of MPC and MP. The explanation SEM patterns obtained from the experiments are illustrated

Fig. 10  Comparison between
cohesion, angle of internal fric-
tion, MPC, and MP content

Page 10 of 13 International Journal of Geosynthetics and Ground Engineering (2020) 6:31

to be respected that the woolly different products between

the soils are developed by MP and MPC hydration reaction.
The correlation between the soil particles is increased due
to MPC and marble powder modification effect. Yet, there
are some considerable pores between the soil particles. It
is also detected that the fractured surface becomes steady
after the alteration.
Figure 16 is the SEM image of characteristic soil changed
with 15% MP and 7.5% MPC in correlation with the soil and
2.5%, 5% MPC, and 5%, 10% MP modified soil samples, the
soil surface structure becomes denser, this is because of all
remaining staying void pores between soil molecule loaded
up with MPC and MP, which simple to form the chemical
bond with the hydration results of MPC and MP, and to
Fig. 11  Co-relationship of CBR at MDD for soil sample with and
establish a new network based on the original network struc-
without MP and MPC addition
ture of marble powder and MPC paste. This newly formed
network structure can tremendously improve the durability
and physical–mechanical properties of the marble powder
and MPC modified soil.

EDS Analysis

As shown in Fig. 17a–c, EDS spectrum of point (a–c) SEM

Photograph prepared by modified soil samples and observed
the component and element distribution of the sample by
EDS energy spectrum and EDS mapping. The presence
of the MPC and marble powder components are shown in
Fig. 17.

Fig. 12  Correlation of CBR value at 95% compaction for soil sample
without and with MP and MPC addition
Consequently, all the proceeds of the analyses carried out in
this research at the different percent of MP and MPC at vari-
in Figs. 14, 15, 16. The SEM picture of natural soil is indi- ous time interruptions, the conclusions of this examination
cated in Fig. 13. Some clay particles have a flaky sheet can be summarized in the accompanying.
frame, which is generally the structure of Montmorillonite
(Figs. 14, 15). Is the SEM photograph of 2.5%, 5% MPC • Atterberg limits of the natural soil decrease by the expan-
and 5%, 10% marble powder modified natural soil; it tends sion of different proportions of MPC and MP.

Fig. 13  SEM image of natural


International Journal of Geosynthetics and Ground Engineering (2020) 6:31 Page 11 of 13  31

Fig. 14  SEM image 2.5% MPC

and 5%MP

Fig. 15  SEM image 5% MPC

and 10%MP

Fig. 16  SEM image 7.5% MPC

and 15%MP

• By the addition of MP and MPC content, maximum dry friction angle (ɸ) and cohesion (c) increments by the
density increases whereas the OMC decrease. By 2.5% expansion of MPC and MP.
MPC and 5% MP content inclusion, optimum moisture • CBR value at MDD increases with the including of MP
content declines up to 0.17% whereas the expansion in and MPC content. On 2.5% MPC and 5% MP expan-
MDD is about 2.02%. On the other part, on 5% MPC sion the CBR increases from 15.8 to 18.47%. In this way,
and 7.5% MP content addition, there is a 0.53% decline the net percent expansion is 16.90%. Then again, on 5%
in OMC and 7.18% in MDD. Whereas on the addition MPC and 10% MP content, it increments from 15.8 to
of 7.5% MPC and 15% MP content, there is a 1.41% 20.5% ascending in about 29.74% expansion in the CBR
decrease in OMC and 13.07% in MDD. estimation of soil. However, on 7.5% MPC and 15% MP
• The unconfined compressive strength test of modified content, it increments from 15.8% to 28.42% resulting
soil increments with the expansion of age. The maximum in about 79.87% expansion in CBR estimation of soil.
strength was 1953.65 kPa with 7.5% MPC and 15% MP While CBR esteem at 95% compaction increments with
content after 28 days of curing. However, the extension the expansion of MPC and marble content. On 2.5%
of more marble powder and MPC content it will show up MPC and 5% MP expansion the CBR content increments
a negative effect. Furthermore, the estimations of internal from 10.5% to 15%. Accordingly, the net percent expan-

Page 12 of 13 International Journal of Geosynthetics and Ground Engineering (2020) 6:31

nique, especially in weak soil engineering projects where

they can act as a substitute for deep foundations, easing
adverse environmental impacts, saving resources and
energy, adding commercial value to waste and reducing
overall costs. Further research is highly recommended
using this form of replacing waste material on other fill-
ers or solid waste, such as ceramic waste, old concrete,
or brick dust.

Acknowledgements  This research was financed by the National Natu-

ral Science Foundation of China (Grants No. 51778107, 51408148) and
Liaoning Revitalization Talents Program (Grants No. XLYC1807263).

Compliance with Ethical Standards 

Conflict of interest  The authors declare that they have no conflict of


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