Legal 0002-0002

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III. Schools of Legal Thought.

A. Background. When we look at the development of law, there are several things they have had a major
influence. Some of the more important element are customs, history, and logic.

B. The "Problem". The major problem is that philosophers disagree on what are the major factors.

C. Outcome. This disagree has lead to 2 different schools of thought on what the major factors are:

1. The Traditional Approach. The first school of thought is the "traditional approach." The
traditional approach looks to the past to discover what the principles of the current law should
a. Strict Decisions are followed. Followers of this school look to prior decisions which are
on point and will usually follow them to the letter.

b. Example. Homer left the neighbor's house and was obviously intoxicated. The neighbor
knew Homer was intoxicated but kept serving him drinks and then allowed him to drive.
Homer lost control of his car and killed a 6 year old child. Homer has no money or

(1) The child's parents want to sue the "Neighbor" for negligence as a social

(2) Case Was recently decided stating that social host are not liable for their

(3) Under the traditional approach, parents lose. The court will follow prior

2. The Sociological Approach. The second school of thought is called the "sociological approach."
Under this approach, social forces and needs are the primary factors.

a. The key to this approach is that historical cases don't drive future law. Under this
approach, as society changes, the law should also change.
b. Earlier Illustrated Case. Under this approach, the social host issue would probably have
a different outcome

(1) Why? Because the court would see this as a public safety issue and would put
the (1) put the burden on individuals contributing to the occurrence and (2)
provide a financial outlet for those who have been injured.


A. Background. First, common law is still alive and well in many aspects. This is the law that is common
to the entire realm or population.

1. As the text states, common law includes some aspects of statutory and case law dating back prior
to the American Revolution.

a. What is Case Law. Case law is merely the rules of law announced in court decisions.
Case law may consist of interpretations of statutes, regulations and provisions in the

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