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B. First stage - Assembling a pool of jurors for the particular case.

Normally a pool of jurors is selected

from voting lists or city directories.

1. Exempt individuals are eliminated. Exempt individuals include lawyers, doctors, teachers, etc.

C. Second Stage - Assembling a jury panel for the particular case. From the list of nonexempt jurors, a
panel of jurors is selected to try the case

1. The selection process is called voir dire examination.

a. The jurors are called into the courtroom and examined by the lawyers and in some cases
by the judge.

b. Each side has an unlimited number of challenges for cause (e.g. a juror is employed by
one of the parties).

c. Each side has a "limited" number what is called "peremptory challenges. Under this
method, a party can disqualify a juror for no reason at all.


A. Opening Statements. AS the text states both attorneys are allowed to make opening statements
concerning the facts to be proved.

B. Calling Witnesses. After the opening statements, each side gets to call its witnesses.

1. Direct Examination. In this case, Adams is the plaintiff and has the burden of proving his facts
are correct. He will therefore call and question the first witness. This examination is call "direct

2. Cross Examination. Once Adams has finished is questions, it is then Jones turn to ask the
witness questions. This is called "cross examination."

3. Redirect and recross may occur.

C. Move For Directed Verdict. At the conclusion of plaintiff's case, the defendant may move for a "directed
verdict." Such a verdict will be issued if the plaintiff has failed to prove his case. SUCH MOTIONS

D. Defendant Puts on his Evidence. Same procedure as plaintiff (i.e. direct examination, cross examination,
redirect and recross).

E. Either party may move for a directed verdict at the end of defendant's case.

F. Closing Arguments. After both sides have rested their case, the attorneys present a closing argument.

G. Jury Instructions. The next step is that the judge will give the jury instructions.

H. Jury then returns a verdict.

I. JNOV. The losing party can ask for a judgment not withstanding the verdict (called a "JNOV").

1. The losing party must have first request a directed verdict.


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