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Energy Automation

Network Protection & Automation Guide 735
Index Contents

A 3


C 8

D 13

E 18

F 21

G 22

H 24

I 25

J 28

L 28

M 29

N 31

O 32

P 34

Q 37

R 38

S 43

T 47

U 52

V 53

W 54

Z 54

Index - 2 NRJED311332EN
Index A

Vol. Ch. Section Page (s)

A.C. electrified railway protection 19 1-8 353-369

Acceleration scheme (distance relays) 11 3.3 196
Accuracy of current transformers 5 4.1 85
A.C. pilot wire protection, unit protection of multi-ended
12 3.1 207
Additional features of numerical relays 6 6 107
Air circuit breakers (ACB’s) ,use in auto-reclose schemes 13 6.3.2 224
Algebra, vector 2 2 18
Analogue transducers 21 4 402
Analysis, symmetrical component 3 3 33
Annunciator testing 20 14 396
ANSI relay numbers Appendix 2 467
Anti-pumping devices, auto-reclose schemes 13 10.5 228
Apparent impedance seen by distance relays,
12 4.1 210
multi-ended feeders
Application of auto-reclosing 13 2 219
Application of directional overcurrent relays 8 14.3 134
Application tables for Schneider Electric Industries
Appendix 3 469-475
Application of unit protection systems to mesh corner
9 8.2 159
Application of unit protection to breaker and a half
9 8.2 159
Arc resistance formula 10 7.3 178
Armature reaction,of synchronous machines 4 3 49
Arrangement of busbar protection schemes 14 7 239
Arrangement of CT connections:
- in high impedance busbar protection 14 8.5 245
- in low impedance busbar protection 14 9.5 248
Asymmetry of synchronous machine 4 7 53
Asynchronous running 16 16 298
Attracted armature relays 6 2.1 100
Auto-close circuits 13 11 229
Automatic changeover systems for industrial/commercial
17 9 326
Automatic reclosers 24 5.2 449

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Automatic sectionalisers 24 5.2 449

- application tables Appendix 3 469-475

- distribution systems 24 1-7 443-453

- substations 23 1-7 423-441

Auto-reclosing: 13 1 - 12 219-231
- anti-pumping devices 13 10.5 228
- application of 13 2 219
- circuit breaker characteristics 13 4.1.3, 6.3 221-224
- dead time 13 4.1, 6.4, 9
- de-ionisation of fault path 13 4.1.4, 6.2 222-224
- delayed 13 9 226
- high-speed 13 8 226
- initiation of 13 10.1 228
- lock-out 13 10.7 228
- multi-shot 13 10.9 229
- number of shots (attempts) 13 4.3, 6.6 223-225
- on EHV lines 13 5-9 223-226
- on HV distribution networks 13 3-4 220-221
- operating features 13 10 227
- reclaim time 13 4.2, 10.6 222-228
- reclosing impulse 13 10.4 228
- reset time 13 4.1.5 222
- single-phase 13 7 225
- single-shot 13 6.6 225
- system stability and synchronism 13 4.1.1 221
- three-phase 13 3, 6, 9
- type of load 13 4.1.2 221
- use with blocking schemes 13 8.1 226
- use with transfer trip protection schemes 13 8.1 226
- use with zone 1 extension scheme 13 8.2 226

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Index A

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Auto-synchroniser 21 8.2 407

- equivalent circuits 4 16 59
- Feeding of a.c. electrified railways: 19 6 361
backup protection 19 6.6 365
description 19 6.1 361
distance protection zone reaches 19 6.3 363
distance protection zone time delay settings 19 6.4 364
implication of two-pole switching and auto-reclosure 19 6.5 364
protection philosophy 19 6.2 363
- positive sequence equivalent circuit 4 16.1 59
- protection 15 12 267
- special conditions of neutral earthing, zero sequence
4 16.3 60
- zero sequence equivalent circuit 4 16.2 60

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1 9 11
Back-up protection

19 5 361
Balanced voltage system, unit protection 9 5 156
Balanced voltage unit protection scheme for Tee’d feeders 12 3.2 207
Bar primary current transformers 5 4.5.2 87
Basic circuit laws, theorems and network reduction 2 6 24
Bearing failures on motors 18 10 348
Behaviour of distance relays with earth faults 12 2.2.3 204
Bias in unit protection systems 9 4.2 155
Biased differential relays 9 4.2 155
Blocking schemes, distance protection: 11 4 198
- multi-ended feeders 12 5.3 213
- using zone 1 element 11 4.1.2 199
- using zone 2 element 11 4.1.1 198
- weak infeed conditions 11 4.2 199
Boundary characteristic of distance relay 10 2 172
Branch law 2 6.1.1 24
Breaker fail protection 14 9.6.6 250
Breaker operating times 13 4.1.3 221
Broken delta connection of voltage transformers 5 2.6 81
Buchholz protection 15 15.3 269
Buchholz relay 15 15.3 269

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Index B

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- faults 14 2 234
- principles 14 7 239
- Protection: 14 3 - 10 234-251
- Differential 14 7 - 10 239-251
high impedance 14 8 241
low impedance 14 9 246
numerical 14 10 251
- frame-earth (Howard) 14 6 236
- mesh corner 14 7.2.1 240
- schemes 14 5 236
- speed 14 3.1 234
- stability 14 3.2 234
- types of protection system 14 4 235
Bushing current transformers 5 4.5.2 87

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Index C

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Cable circuits 4 18 62

Cable data: 4 24 69
Cable gland insulation in frame-earth protection schemes 14 6.1 236
Calculation of overcurrent relay settings 8 13 132
Calculation of series impedance (overhead lines and cables) 4 19 62
Calculation of shunt impedance (overhead lines and cables) 4 20 63
Calculations, fault 3 2, 4 - 6 31-35-41
Calculations , examples of see example relay setting calculations
Capacitor control 17 11.1 328
Capacitor protection 17 11 328
Capacitor voltage transformers: 5 3 83
- transient behaviour 5 3.2 84
- voltage protection of 5 3.1 84
Carrier channels: 7 6.3 117
Carrier unit protection systems 9 9 160
Cascade voltage transformers 5 2.8 82
Catenary thermal protection 19 4 360
Catenary back-up protection 19 5 361
CBCT – see Core balance current transformers
Characteristic angle of a relay 8 14.2 133
Characteristic time/current curves of IDMT relays 8 4 126
- of circuit breakers 13 4.1.3 221
- of distance relays 10 7 175
- of generators 4 2-6 47-51
- of motors 18 2-7 337 - 346
126 - 129-
- of overcurrent relays 8 4 - 8, 14, 16
133 - 136
Check feature for frame-earth busbar protection 14 6.4 238
13 2 227
Check synchroniser
21 1 406

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Check system:

- for frame-earth protection 14 6.4 238
- for high impedance busbar protection 14 8.3 244
- for low impedance protection 14 9.3 248
Choice of dead time 13 6.4 225
Choice of harmonic (transformer protection) 15 9.2 264
Choice of reclaim time 13 6.5 225
Circuit breakers:
- Characteristics:
closing time 13 4.1.3 221
dead time 13 6.4 225
for auto-reclose schemes 13 4.1.3, 6.3, 221-224
interrupting time 8 11.1 131
13 4.1.3 221
monitoring innumerical relays 6 6.3 108
opening time 13 4.1.3 221
- Types:
air 17 5.3 322
miniature (MCB) 17 5.1 320
moulded case (MCCB) 17 5.2 321
oil 17 5.4 322
SF6 17 5.6 322
vacuum 17 5.5 322
Circuit laws 2 6.1 24
Circuit quantities 2 4 20
Circuit theorems 2 6.2 24
Circuit variables 2 4.1 20
Circulating current system, unit protection 9 14 154

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Classical single-phase feeding of a.c. electrified railways: 19 3 354
19 3.3 356

- distance protection zone reaches

- feeding diagram 19 3.1 354
- impact of regenerative braking 19 3.6 359
- load avoidance 19 3.4 359
- modern relay characteristics 19 3.5 359
- protection philosophy 19 3.2 355
Classification of power system disturbances 22 2 411
Class PX (IEC 60044) current transformers 5 4.4 86

Class X (BS3938) current transformers 5 4.4 86

Closing impulse time 13 10.4 228

Closing time of circuit breakers 13 4.1.3 221
Co-ordination problems in industrial and commercial
17 7 324
Combined differential and restricted earth fault protection of
15 10 264
Combined I.D.M.T. and high set instantaneous overcurrent
8 5 127
Commissioning tests 20 9 387
7 1, 113
Communication links 23 4 427
24 6 451
Communication protocols 23 4 427
Communications for distribution networks 24 6 451
Comparison of transfer trip and blocking schemes 11 6 200
Complex numbers 2 3.2 19
Complex variables 2 3.1 19
Complex quantities 2 3 18
Complex transmission circuits,protection of 12 1-7 203-215
Composite error of current transformers 5 2 86

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Condition monitoring:

- of circuit breakers 23 5.1 431
- of generators 23 5.1 431
- of switchgear 23 5.1 431
15 18 273
- of transformers
23 1 431
Conditions for direction comparison, unit protection 9 3 154
Connections for directional relays 8 14, 17.1 133-139
Contact systems for relays 1 10.1 12
Control equipment application tables Appendix 3 469-475
Convention of direction of current flow, unit protection 9 2 154
Co-ordination of earth fault relays in three-phase four wire
17 7.2 325
Co-ordination procedure for overcurrent protection relays 8 2 123
Co-ordination of relays with fuses 8 12.3 132
Core-balance current transformers 5 4.5.3 87
Core faults:
- in generators 16 3 283
- in power transformers 15 2.6 257
Cross country fault analysis 3 4.6 37
Current differential protection scheme 9 8, 10 158-160
Current distribution due to a fault 3 5 38
Current distribution factors 3 5.1 39
Current polarisation of directional earth fault relays 8 17.1.2 139
Current reversal on double circuit lines,distance protection 12 2.2.1 204
Current setting of a relay 8 10 129

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Current transformers: 5 4-5 85-96

- accuracy 5 4.1 85
- accuracy class 5 4.2 86
- accuracy limit current 5 4.3 86
- bar primary 5 4.5.2 87
- bushing 5 4.5.2 87
- class X (BS 3938) 5 4.4 86
- class PX (IEC 60044-1) 5 4.4 86
- construction 5 4.5 87
- equivalent circuit 5 4 85
- errors 5 4.1 85
- hall-effect 5 5.2.1 96
- harmonics in 5 4.11 92
- hybrid 5 5.1.2 93
- knee-point voltage 5 4.4 86
- linear 5 4.63 88
- line current 5 4.6 88
- magnetisation curve 5 4.4 86
- novel 5 5 92
- open circuit secondary voltage 5 4 85
- optical 5 5.1 92
- polarity check 20 9.3.1 388
- rated short-time current 5 4.9 89
- ratio check 20 12.2 395
- saturation 5 4.10 89
- secondary current rating 5 4.8 88
- secondary winding impedance 5 4.7 88
- summation 5 4.5.4 87
- supervision in numerical relays 6 6.2 108
- tests 20 9.3, 12 388-394
- test windings 5 4.12 92
- transient response 5 4.10 89

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Index D

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D.C. ramp tests 20 3.3 375

D.C. voltage signalling 7 7.1 120
13 9.2 227
Dead line charging
21 8.1 406
Dead time in auto-reclose schemes 13 4.1, 6.4, 9
Definite time overcurrent relay 8 9 129
Definition of:
- protection equipment 1 2.2 7
- protection scheme 1 2.2 7
- protection system 1 2.2 7
Definitions of terms used in protection, control and
Appendix 1 455-465
De-ionisation of fault path 13 4.1.4, 6.2 222-224
Delayed auto-reclose scheme 13 9 226
Delta-connected winding of a transformer 15 2.3, 7 256-260
Delta/star transformer overcurrent protection 15 6 260
Design for maintenance of protection schemes 20 16 397
Determination of sequence currents 3 4 35
Device numbers, list of ANSI Appendix 2 467
Differential protection:
- digital systems 9 8 158
- electromechanical systems 9 7 156
- for sectionalised and duplicate busbars 14 7.1 239
- numerical systems 9 8 158
- of busbars 14 7 - 10 239-251
- of direct connected generators 16 5 284
- of generator-transformers 16 6 285
- of multi-ended feeders 12 3 207
- of parallel feeders 12 2.1 204
- of transformer feeders 9 12.2 168
- static systems 9 7 156
- using high impedance relays 9 5 156
- using low impedance relays 9 4 154
- using optical fibre signalling 9 8.1 158

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Digital relays 6 4 102

Digital current differential protection systems 9 8 158

Digital transducer technology 21 3 401
Direct and quadrature axis values of machines 4 8, 11 53-55
Directional comparison blocking schemes 11 4 198
12 5.5 213
Directional comparison unblocking scheme 11 5 199
Directional control of impedance type distance relays 10 7.2 176
Directional relays:
- connections 8 17.1 139
- earth fault 8 17 - 19 138-141
- phase fault 8 14 133
- overcurrent 8 14 133
- by current 8 3.2 124
- by time 8 3.1 124
- time and current 8 3.3, 11 125-130
Distance relay:
- apparent impedance seen by 12 4.1 210
- application example 10 12 189
10 10 186
- application problems 12 4 210
13 8 226
- Application to:
a.c. electrified railways 19 2, 6 354-361
multi-ended feeders 12 5 212
plain feeders 10 6 174
parallel feeders 12 2.2 204

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Distance relay:

- Characteristics: 10 7 175
amplitude and phase comparison 10 7.1 176
fully cross-polarised mho 10 7.5 179
lenticular 10 7.4.3 179
offset mho 10 7.4 178
other 10 7.9 182
partially cross-polarised mho 10 7.6 180
plain impedance 10 7.2 176
quadrilateral 10 7.7 181
self polarised mho 10 7.3 177
- current reversal on double circuit lines 12 2.2.1 204
- earth fault impedance measurement 10 9.2 185
- effect of source impedance 10 9 184
- effect of earthing method 10 9 184
- example setting calculation 10 12 189
- features of 10 7, 11 175-188
- forward reach limitations 10 10.5 187
- implementation 10 8 182
- minimum length of line 10 10.2 186
- minimum voltage at relay terminals 10 10.1 186
- multi-ended feeders 12 4 210
- over-reach 10 10.4 187
- parallel feeders 12 2.2 204
- percentage over-reach 10 10.4 187
- percentage under-reach 10 10.3 187
- Performance of:
digital types 10 3.2 173
electromechanical types 10 3.1 172
numerical types 10 3.2 173
static types 10 3.1 172
- phase fault impedance measurement 10 9.1 184
- principles of 10 2 172

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Distance relay:

- Schemes: 11 1-6 193-200

acceleration 11 3.3 196
Blocking over-reaching schemes: 11 4 198
using zone 1 element 11 4.1.2 199
using zone 2 element 11 4.1.1 198
comparison of transfer trip and blocking schemes 11 6 200
directional comparison unblocking 11 5 199
direct under-reach transfer tripping scheme 11 3.1 195
lines using high-speed auto-reclose 13 8 226
multi-ended feeders 12 5 212
permissive over-reach transfer tripping 11 3.4 196
permissive under-reaching acceleration 11 3.3 196
permissive under-reach transfer tripping 11 3.2 195
transfer trip 11 3 195
weak infeed conditions 11 3.5, 4.2 197-199
zone 1 extension 11 2 194
- Settings: 10 6 174
other zones 10 6.4 175
reverse zones 10 6.4 175
zone 1 10 6.1 174
zone 2 10 6.2 175
zone 3 10 6.3 175
- starters for switched distance protection 10 8.1 183
- switched distance protection relays 10 8.1 183
- under-reach 10 10.3 187
- under-reach on parallel lines 12 2.2.2 204
- voltage supervision in 10 10.7 188
- zones of protection 10 6 174

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Index D

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Distance protection see distance relay

Distribution system automation 24 1-7 443-452
- communications for use in 24 6 451
- in urban areas 24 4 447
- in rural areas 24 5 449
- of primary distribution systems 24 3 445
- of secondary distribution systems 24 4-5 447-449
- software tools 24 7 452
2, 8.2.2, 282-290 -
Distribution transformer earthing of generators 16
8.2.3 290
Disturbance recorder 21 9 407
Disturbance recorder function in numerical relays 6 6.4 108
Double busbar substation,application of auto-reclose to 13 12.1 229
Double circuit lines, current reversal on 12 2.2.1 204
Double frequency or broad band trap 9 6.3 117
Dual fed substations,earth fault protection in 17 7.2 325
Dynamic validation type testing 20 7 383

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Index E

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Earth fault impedance measurement using distance relays 10 9.2 185

Earth fault protection for entire generator stator winding 16 8.4 291
Earth fault protection:
- of induction motors 18 6 342
- of generators 16 5, 8 284-288
- of transformers 15 6 - 8, 10
- on insulated networks 8 18 139
- on Petersen Coil earthed networks 8 19 141
- sensitive 8 16.3, 17 138-138
- time grading of 8 16.2 137
- using overcurrent relays 8 16 - 19 136-141
- with residually-connected CT’s 17 7.1.1 324
Earthing arrangements for frame-earth protection 14 6.1 236
Earthing, system, effect of on zero sequence quantities 3 6 41
Earthing of distribution transformers used for generator
16 8.2.2, 8.2.3 290-290
Earthing transformer protection 15 11 267
Effective setting of earth fault relays 8 16.1 136
Effective setting of electromechanical earth fault relays 8 16.1.2 137
Effect of:
- earthing methods on distance relays 10 9 184
- fault current on distance relays, multi-ended feeders 12 4.3 211
- pre-fault load on distance relays, multi-ended feeders 12 4.2 211
- saturation on machine reactances 4 12 55
- source impedance on distance relays 10 9 184
- system earthing on zero sequence quantities 3 6 41
16 3 283
Electrical faults in stator windings
18 6 342
Electrical type tests 20 2 372
Electromagnetic compatibility type tests 20 3 373

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Index E

Vol. Ch. Section Page (s)

Electromagnetic voltage transformers: 5 2 80

- cascade type 5 2.8 82
- construction 5 2.5 81
- errors in 5 2.1 80
- protection of 5 2.4 81
- residual connection of 5 2.6 81
- transient performance 5 2.7 82
- voltage factor 5 2.2 81
Electromechanical relays 6 2 99
Electromechanical unit protection systems 9 7 156
Embedded generation 16 21 306
End zones of a protected feeder (distance protection
11 1 193
Environmental type tests 20 5 380
Equations and network connections for various types of faults 3 4 35
Equivalent circuits:
- auto-transformer 4 16 59
- cables 4 23 68
- current transformer 5 4 85
- induction motor 18 7 346
- overhead lines 4 22 67
- transformer 4 14 - 15 56-57
- synchronous generator 4 2 - 10 47-55
- voltage transformer 5 2 80
- in current transformers 5 4.1 85
- in relays 8 11.2 131
- in voltage transformers 5 2.1 80
Event recorder 21 9 407

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Example relay setting calculations:

- a.c. electrified railways 19 8 365

- earth fault, overcurrent 8 20.2 148
- complex transmission circuits 12 7 215
- distance 10 12 189
- generator 16 22 308
- induction motor 18 14 349
- industrial systems 17 12 330
- overcurrent 8 20 143
- parallel feeders – distance 12 7.1 215
- parallel feeders - overcurrent 8 20.3 149
- phase fault 8 20.1 143
- ring main 8 20.4 150
- transformer 15 19 276
- unit protection 9 12 167
Examples of auto-reclosing schemes 13 12 229
Examples of electromechanical unit protection systems 9 7 156
Examples of Power Quality issues 22 6 419
Examples of static unit protection systems 9 7 156
Extremely inverse overcurrent relay 8 7 128

Index - 20 NRJED311332EN
Index F

Vol. Ch. Section Page (s)

Factors influencing HV auto-reclose schemes 13 4 221

Factory (production) tests on relays 20 8 386
Failure of the prime mover 16 19.1 303
Fast transient test 20 3.5 375
Fault calculations 3 2-6 31-41
Fault current contribution from induction motors 17 8 326
Fault Passage Indicator (FPI) 24 4 447
Feeder substation protection for a.c. electrified railways 19 7 365
Ferro-resonance 5 3.3 84
Field suppression of synchronous machine 16 15.5 298
Flags 2 10.2 13
Forward reach limitations of distance relays 10 10.5 187
Four-switch mesh substation,auto-reclosing applied to 13 12.3 230
Four-wire dual-fed substations 17 7.2 325
FPI see Fault Passage Indicator
Frame-earth protection (Howard protection): 14 6 236
- check system 14 6.4 238
- scheme for double bus station 14 6.3 238
- single busbar 14 6.1 236
- with sectioned busbars 14 6.2 237
Frequency shift keyed signals, protection signalling using 7 7.3 121
Frequency variations (Power quality) 22 3.5 414
Fully cross-polarised mho relay 10 7.5 179
Fundamentals of protection practice 1 1 - 12 5-14
Fundamental theory 2 1-7 17-28
Fuses for use with distribution transformers 15 6.1 260
Fusing factor 17 4.3 320

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Gas and oil surge relay (Buchholz relay)for transformers 15 15.3 269

Gas devices for protection of transformers 15 15 268

Generator: 16 1 - 22 281-308
- Complete schemes:
for direct-connected generators 16 20.1 304
generator-transformer units 16 20.2 305
- earthing 16 2 282
- examples of protection calculations 16 22 308
- Impedances:
direct axis 4 8 , 11 53-55
effect of saturation 4 12 55
negative sequence 4 9 54
positive sequence 4 8 53
quadrature axis 4 5, 8, 11 50-53-55
zero sequence 4 10 55
- Protection:
differential protection of direct-connected
16 5 284
differential protection of generator-transformer units 16 6 285
diode failure 16 15.4 297
earth fault protection for entire stator winding 16 8.4 291
embedded generation 16 21 306
failure of prime mover 16 19.1 303
inadvertent energisation 16 13 295
loss of excitation 16 16 298
loss of Utility supply 16 21.1 306
loss of vacuum 16 19.3 304
low forward power 16 11.1 293
mechanical faults 16 19 303
negative phase sequence 16 12 293
neutral voltage displacement 16 8.1.3, 8.2.4 289-290

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- Protection:
overcurrent protection 16 7 286
overfluxing 16 14.1 295
overfrequency 16 14.2 295
overheating 16 18 303
overspeed 16 19.2 303
overvoltage 16 9 292
pole slipping protection 16 17 301
reverse power 16 11.2 293
rotor earth faults 16 15.1 296
rotor faults 16 15 296
rotor shorted turn protection 16 15.3 297
stator earth fault 16 8 288
unbalanced loading 16 12 293
underfrequency 16 14.2 295
undervoltage 16 10 292
voltage controlled overcurrent 16 7.2.1 287
voltage restrained overcurrent 16 7.2.2 287
winding protection 16 4 284
Generator-transformer protection 16 6 285
Grading margins for overcurrent relays: 8 11 - 12 130-131
- earth fault relays 8 16.2 137
- fuse to fuse 8 12.2 132
- fuse to relay 8 12.3 132
- relay to relay 8 12.1 131
Grading of ring mains 8 15, 20.4 135-150

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Hardware architecture of numerical relays 6 5.1 104

Harmonic content of inrush waveform, transformer 15 3.1 259

Harmonics (Power Quality) 22 3.4 414
Harmonics in current transformers 5 4.11 92
Heating of induction motor windings 18 3, 7 338-346
High frequency disturbance test 20 3.4 375
High impedance busbar differential protection: 14 8 241
- check feature 14 8.3 244
- CT supervision 14 8.4 245
- effective setting 14 8.2 242
- practical details of 14 8.6 245
- primary operating current 14 8.2 242
- stability 14 8.1 241
High impedance relays in busbar protection 14 8 241
High resistance earthing of generators 16 2 282
High speed auto-reclosing:
- on EHV systems 13 6-8 223-226
- on lines using distance relays 13 8 226
High voltage capacitor of line coupling equipment 7 6.3 117
Howard protection (Frame-earth protection) 14 6 236
HRC fuse applications 15 6.1 260
17 4 319
HRC fuses 17 4 319
Hysteresis effect 5 4.10.2 91

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IDMT overcurrent relay 8 4 126

IEC relay symbols Appendix 2 467
Impact of Power Quality problems 22 3 413
Impedance notation 2 5 23
- Generator:
direct-axis 4 11 55
negative sequence 4 9 54
positive sequence 4 8 53
quadrature axis 4 5, 11 50-55
zero sequence 4 10 55
- Induction motor:
negative sequence 18 7 346
positive sequence 18 7 346
- Transformer:
positive sequence 4 14, 17 56-60
zero sequence 4 15, 17 57-60
Implementation of distance relays 10 8 182
Impulse type test for a relay 20 5.5 381
Incorrect relay operation, reasons for 1 4 9
Indicating lamps in protection schemes 1 10.2 13
Indication or flags 1 10.2 13
Induction motor characteristics 18 3-7 338-346
Induction motor equivalent circuit 18 7 346
Induction motor protection: 18 2 - 12, 14
- bearing failures 18 10 348
- earth fault 18 6 342
- examples of 18 14 349
- fault current contribution from 17 8 326
- faults in rotor windings 18 8 347
- locked rotor 18 4 339
- loss of load 18 12 348
- modern relay design 18 2 337
- negative phase sequence 18 7 346

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- overcurrent 18 5 342
- stalling 18 4.2 340
- starting 18 4.1 339
- thermal 18 3 338
- undervoltage 18 11 348
Industrial and commercial power system protection: 17 1 - 13 317-335
- automatic changeover systems 17 9 326
- busbar arrangement 17 2 318
- capacitor control 17 11.1 328
- co-ordination problems 17 7 324
- discrimination in 17 3 319
- examples of protection 17 12 330
- fault current contribution from induction motors 17 8 326
- HRC fuses: 17 4 319
- characteristics 17 4.1 319
- discrimination 17 4.2 320
- effect of ambient temperature 17 4.4 320
- fusing factor 17 4.3 320
- protection of cables by 17 4.3 320
- protection of motors by 17 4.5 320
- motor power factor correction 17 11.2 329
- power factor correction 17 11 328
- protection against overvoltage 17 10 327
- protection against reverse phase sequence 17 10 327
- protection against undervoltage 17 10 327
- protection of capacitors 17 11.3 330
Industrial circuit breakers 17 5 320
Industrial consumers,auto-reclosing requirements 13 4.1.2 221
Initial commissioning tests 20 9 387
Injection test equipment,secondary 20 10 389
Injection tests, primary 20 12 394
Injection tests, secondary 20 11 392
Inrush waveform of transformers 15 2 256

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Instantaneous overcurrent relays,characteristics of 8 5 127

Instrument transformers: 5 1-5 79-92
- capacitor voltage 5 3 83
- current 5 4 85
- electromagnetic voltage 5 2 80
- novel 5 5 92
Insulated networks, earth fault protection of 8 18 139
Insulation tests on protection schemes during commissioning 20 9.1 387
Interference and noise, effect on protection signalling 7 6 116
- blocking scheme,performance requirements 7 5.3 116
- blocking scheme, signalling 7 4.3 115
- by d.c. signal on separate pilots 7 7.1 120
- direct tripping, signalling 7 4.1 115
- for multi-terminal lines 12 5 212
- for transformers 15 17 273
- intertripping, performance requirements 7 5.1 115
- methods 7 4 114
- permissive tripping, performance requirements 7 5.2 115
- permissive tripping, signalling 7 4.2 115
- signalling for 7 4 114
Interturn fault protection for the generator stator winding 16 3.3 283
Interturn faults in power transformers 15 2.5 257
Inverse overcurrent relays:
- extremely inverse 8 7 128
- IDMT 8 4 126
- very inverse 8 6 128
Issues with numerical relays 6 7 109

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Junction law 2 6.1.2 24

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Lenticular characteristic of distance relay 10 7.4.3 179
Line attenuation, power line carrier communications 7 6.3 117
8 18.2, 19 140 - 141
Line charging current 9 8 158
15 16.1.4 272
Line trap 7 6.3 117
List of ANSI device numbers Appendix 2 467
List of IEC protection symbols Appendix 2 467
Live line reclosing 13 9.1 227
Load shedding 23 5 430
Lock-out in auto-reclosing schemes 13 6.6, 10.7 225-228
Logic systems 6 6.6 109
Loss of excitation protection for generators 16 16 298
Loss of excitation protection for synchronous motors 18 13.1 348
Loss of vacuum in turbines 16 19.3 304
Low forward power protection of generators 16 11.1 293
Low impedance biased differential protection type MBCZ 14 9.6 248
Low impedance differential protection (biased):
- Busbars: 14 9 246
- check feature 14 9.3 248
- CT supervision 14 9.4 248
- effective setting 14 9.2 247
- primary operating current 14 9.2 247
- stability 14 9.1 247
- for generators 16 5.1 284
- for transformers 15 8 261
Low speed (delayed)auto-reclosing 13 9 226

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Machine reactances (synchronous machines) 4 4 - 12 49-55

Machine reactances,effect of saturation 4 12 55
Magnetically polarised armature relays 6 2.1 100
Magnetisation curve of a current transformer 5 4.4 86
Magnetising inrush in power transformers 15 3 258
Maintenance of protection equipment 20 15 396
Maloperation with reverse faults, distance relays,multi-ended
12 4.4 212
Manipulation of complex quantities 2 3 18
Manual closing of circuit breakers,auto-reclosing schemes 13 10.8 228
Margins, grading for overcurrent relays 8 11 - 12 130-131
Mathematical operators 2 3.3 19
Maximum torque angle of relay –see relay characteristic angle
Measuring transformers: 5 1-5 79-92
- capacitor voltage 5 3 83
- current 5 4 85
- electromagnetic voltage 5 2 80
- novel 5 5 92
Measurement centres 21 6 404
Measurements: 21 1-9 399-408
- disturbance recorders 21 9 407
- general characteristics 21 2 399
- measurement centres 21 6 404
- synchronisers 21 8 406
- tariff metering 21 7 405
- transducer selection 21 5 402
- using analogue transducers 21 4 402
- using digital transducers 21 3 401
Merz-Price protection systems 9 1 153
Mesh law 2 6.1.3 24
Mesh substation, four-switch, auto-reclosing applied to 13 12.3 230
Metering, tariff 21 7 405
Methods of protection signalling 7 7 120

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Mho relay:

- fully cross-polarised 10 7.5 179

- lenticular 10 7.4 178
- offset mho 10 7.4 178
- partially cross-polarised 10 7.6 180
- self-polarised 10 7.3 177
Microprocessor-based portable test sets 20 10.2 390
Microprocessor-based simulation equipment 20 7.2 383
Microwave communications for rural distribution systems 24 6.5 451
Miniature circuit breakers (MCB’s) 17 5.1 320
Minimum length of line for distance protection 10 10.2 186
Minimum voltage at relay terminals 10 10.1 186
Mobile radio communications for rural distribution systems 24 6.3 451
Monitoring of Power Quality 22 4 415
Motor currents during stall conditions 18 4 339
Motor currents during starting conditions 18 4 339
Motor power factor correction 17 11.2 329
Motor protection 18 1 - 14 337-351
Motor windings, heating of 18 3 338
Moulded case circuit breakers (MCCB’s) 17 5.2 321
Multi-ended feeders protection of 12 3–5 207-212
Multi-shot auto-reclosing 13 10.9 229
Mutual compensation 12 2.2 204
Mutual coupling, effect of on unit and distance protection
12 2 203

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Nature and effect of transformer faults 15 1 255

Negative phase sequence protection of generators 16 12 293
Negative phase sequence protection of motors 18 7 346
Negative sequence network 3 3.2 34
Negative sequence reactance:
- induction motor 18 7 346
- synchronous generator 4 9 54
Network connections for various types of fault 3 4 35
Network reduction 2 6.3 25
Neutral voltage displacement relay 16 8.1.3, 8.2.4 289-290
Noise and interference in protection signalling systems 7 6 116
Non-linear resistor, use in busbar protection schemes 14 8.6.7 246
Non-unit transformer-feeder protection schemes 15 16.1 270
Notation, impedance 2 5 23
Novel instrument transformers 5 5 92
4.3, 6.6, 223-225 -
Number of shots,auto-reclosing schemes 13
10.9 229
Numerical busbar protection 14 10 251
Numerical busbar protection,reliability considerations 14 10.1 252
Numerical differential protection system 9 8 158
Numerical relay issues 6 7 109
Numerical relays 6 5-7 102-109
Numerical relay software 6 5.2 106
NVD see neutral voltage displacement relay

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Offset mho distance relay 10 7.4 178

Ohm distance relay 10 7.2 176

Oil and gas devices for transformer protection 15 15 268
Oil circuit breakers (OCB’s) 17 5.4 322
Opening time of circuit breakers 13 4.1.3 221
Operating features of auto-reclose schemes 13 10 227
Operation indicators 1 10.2 13
Operation of induction motors with unbalanced voltages 18 7 346
Operators in vector algebra 2 3.3 19
Optical fibre channels 7 6.5 119
10 7.8 18
Out-of-step tripping for generators
16 17 301
Output devices, of relays 1 10 12
Overcurrent protection 8 1 - 21 123-151
Overcurrent relay:
- 90A1 quadrature connection 8 14.2 133
- calculation of settings 8 13, 16 132-136
- definite time 8 9 129
- directional earth fault 8 17 138
- directional phase fault 8 14 133
- earth fault protection 8 16 136
- extremely inverse 8 7 128
- grading margin 8 11 - 12 130-131
- instantaneous 8 5 127
- inverse definite minimum time 8 4 126
- other characteristics 8 8 129
- timing error 8 11.1 131
- transient over-reach 8 5.1 128
- very inverse 8 6 128

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Overcurrent starters for distance relays 10 8.1 183

2.8.3, 2.8.4, 258-258 -
Overfluxing in power transformers 15
13 268
Overhead lines: 4 18 - 22 62-67
- calculation of impedances 4 19 - 20 62-63
- data 4 24 69
- equivalent circuits 4 21 - 22 66-67
- with or without earth wires 4 21 66
Overheating of power transformers 15 4 259
Overheating of generators 16 18 303
Overload protection:
- of generators 16 18 303
- of motors 18 3 338
- of transformers 15 2.8.1, 4 257-259
Over-reach, transient, of a relay 8 5.1 128
Over-reach of a distance relay 10 10.4 187
Overshoot of overcurrent relays 8 11.3 131
Overspeed of generators 16 14.2 295
Overvoltage protection of generators 16 9 292
Overvoltaqes (Power Quality) 22 3.3 414

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Parallel feeders,distance protection of 12 2.2 204

Parallel feeders,unit protection of 12 2.1 204

Parallel feeders, overcurrent protection of 8 14.3 134
Parallel operation with Utility network 16 21 306
Partially cross-polarised mho relay 10 7.6 180
5 4 85
Peak voltage developed by current transformers
14 8.6.7 246
Percentage under-reach of distance relays 10 10.3 187
Performance of distance relays 10 3 172
Periodic maintenance tests 20 15 396
Permissive intertrip over-reaching scheme 11 3.4 196
Permissive intertrip under-reaching scheme 11 3.2 195
Petersen Coil, protection of networks earthed using: 8 19 141
Phase comparison protection schemes 9 10.1, 11 160-162
Phase comparison protection schemes for Tee’d feeders 12 3.3 208
Phase fault impedance measurement using distance relays 10 9.1 184
Phase fault overcurrent relay settings 8 13 132
Phase-phase fault analysis 3 4.2 36
Phase-phase-earth fault analysis 3 4.3 36
Phase reversal protection 17 10 327
Phase shift due to system capacitance 9 11.1 162
Phase unbalance relays 18 7 346
Plain impedance relay 10 7.2 176
Plain tone signals,protection signalling using 7 7.2 120
Pole slipping of generators 16 17 301
Polyphase systems 2 4.4 22
Positive sequence equivalent circuits:
- auto-transformer 4 16 59
- cables 4 23 68
- induction motor 18 7 346
- overhead transmission lines 4 22 67
- synchronous machine 4 8 53
- transformer 4 14 56

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Positive sequence reactance of synchronous machine 4 4, 8 49-53

Positive sequence network 3 3.1 34
Power/angle curve 13 5 223
Power factor correction 17 11 328
Power Line Carrier Communications (PLCC)technique 7 6.3 117
Power Line Carrier Communications in rural distribution
24 6.6 452
Power Line Carrier unit protection phase comparison
12 3.3 208
Power Quality: 22 1-7 411-420
- causes 22 3 413
- classification 22 2 411
- examples of 22 6 419
- impact of 22 3 413
- management in distribution systems 24 7.3 452
- monitoring 22 4 415
- remedial measures 22 5 417
Power quantities 2 4.3 22
Power swing blocking 10 10.6 188
Power system plant 4 1 47
Power transformer see Transformer
Primary distribution system automation 24 3 445
Primary protection 1 9 11
Primary injection testing 20 12 394
Prime mover, failure of 16 19.1 303
Principles of distance relays 10 2 172
Principles of time/current grading 8 3 124
Principles of unit protection systems 9 1 153
Private generation see embedded generation
Private pilot wires and channels 7 6.1 116
Production testing of relays 20 8 386
Programmable scheme logic in numerical relays 6 6.6 109

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Protection against:

- asynchronous operation for generators 16 16 298

- loss of Utility supply 16 21.1 306
- pole slipping for generators 16 17 301
- power swings –distance relays 10 7.8 181
- sudden restoration of supply 18 13.2 349
Protection equipment,definition of 1 2 7
Protection equipment testing 20 1 - 15 371-397
Protection of:
- a.c. electrified railways 19 1-8 353-369
- busbars 14 1 - 10 233-251
- capacitors 17 11.3 330
- complex transmission circuits 12 1-8 203-217
- generators 16 1 - 21 281-314
- motors 18 1 - 13 337-351
- multi-ended feeders – distance protection 12 4, 5 210-212
- multi-ended feeders –unit protection 12 3 207
- parallel feeders 12 2 203
- phase reversal 17 10 327
- series compensated lines 12 6 214
- synchronous motors 18 13 348
- transformers 15 1 - 10 255-279
- transformer-feeders 15 16 270
- voltage transformers 5 2.4 81
Protection performance 1 4.6 9
Protection relay see Relay
Protection requirements for busbars 14 3 234
Protection reset time,auto-reclose schemes 13 4.1.5 222
Protection scheme, definition of 1 2 7

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Protection signalling: 7 1-7 113-120

- effect of interference 7 6 116
- effect of noise on 7 6 116
- for unit protection schemes 7 2 113
- intertripping 7 4 114
- methods 7 7 120
- performance requirements 7 5 115
- signalling methods 7 7 120
- transmission media 7 6 116
Protection system, definition of 1 2 7
Pull-out protection for synchronous motors 18 13.1 348

Vol. Ch. Section Page (s)

Quadrature axis machine impedances 4 5 , 11 50-55
Quadrature connected relays 8 14.2 133
Quadrilateral relay 10 7.7 181

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Radio channels, protection signalling 7 6.4 119

Radio communications for distribution systems 24 6.3, 6.4 451-451

Railways: 19 1-8 353-369
- autotransformer feeding 19 6 361
- catenary backup protection 19 5 361
- catenary thermal protection 19 4 360
- classical single-phase feeding 19 3 354
- example of protection 19 8 365
- feeder substation protection 19 7 365
- protection of a.c. electrified 19 1-8 353-369
- protection philosophy 19 2 354
RCA see Relay characteristic angle
- auto-transformer 4 16, 17 59-60
18 - 20, 23, 62-63-68
- cables 4
24 - 69
- induction motor 18 7 346
- overhead transmission lines 4 18 - 22, 24 62-67-69
- synchronous machine 4 4, 8 - 12 49-53-55
- transformer 4 14 - 15, 17 56-57-60
Reaction, armature,of synchronous machines 4 3 49
4.2, 6.5 222-225 -
Reclaim time in auto-reclosing 13
10.6, 228
Reclosers, automatic 24 5.2 449
- delayed 13 9 226
- high-speed 13 6-8 223-226
- of EHV networks 13 5 223
- of HV networks 13 3 220
- of live lines 13 9.1 227
Recommended grading margins 8 12 131
Recorders, event and disturbance 21 9 407

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- application of directional overcurrent 8 14.3 134
- application tables Appendix 3 469-475
- bias (of differential relays) 9 4.2 155
8 14.2 133
- characteristic angle (RCA)
10 7.3 177
- Characteristics:
ANSI 8 4 126
custom 8 8 129
definite time 8 9 129
distance 10 7 175
IDMT 8 4 126
extremely inverse 8 7 128
IEC 8 4 126
instantaneous 8 5 127
neutral voltage displacement 16 8.1.3, 8.2.4 289-290
very inverse 8 6 128
- connections for directional elements 8 14, 17.1 133-139
- contact systems 1 10.1 12
- current setting 8 10 129
- data management in numerical relays 6 7.2 110
- deterioration in service 1 4.5 9
- Example setting calculations:
distance 10 12 189
generator 16 22 308
induction motor 18 14 349
overcurrent 8 20.1 143
ring main 8 20.4 150
transformer 15 19 276
unit protection 9 12 167

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- features of numerical relays 6 5-6 102-107

- flags 1 10.2 13
- grading margins 8 11 - 12 130-131
- installation of 1 4.3 9
20 16 397
- issues with numerical relays 6 7 109
- maximum torque angle see relay characteristic angle
- operation indicators 1 10.2 13
- output devices 1 10 12
- overcurrent 8 4 126
- overshoot 8 11.3 131
- performance, definition for distance relays 10 3 172
- production testing 20 8 386
- relay characteristic angle 8 14.2 133
- routine maintenance of 20 15 396
- selectivity 1 5 10
- self testing 6 5 102
- setting study,basic requirements 8 2 123
- speed of operation 1 7 10
- stability 1 6 10
- targets 1 10.2 13
6 7.2 110
- testing and commissioning
20 9 - 12 387-394
- time grading margin 8 11 130
- timing error 8 11.1 131
- transient over-reach 8 5.1 128
- trip circuit supervision 1 12 14
- tripping circuits 1 11 13
- type testing of 20 2-7 372-383
- voltage setting in busbar protection 14 8.6.3 245

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Relay types: 6 1-5 99-102

- electromechanical 6 2 99
- differential 9 4 - 11 154-162
- digital 6 4 102
- directional 8 14, 17 133-138
- distance 10 7 175
- earth fault 8 16 136
- numerical 6 5, 6 102-107
- overcurrent 8 4 126
- ROCOF 16 21.2 307
- static 6 3 101
- voltage vector shift 16 21.3 307
Reliability of protection equipment 1 4 9
Reliability of numerical busbar protection 14 10.1 252
Remanence flux, effect of in a current transformer 5 4.10.2 91
Remedial measures for Power Quality problems 22 5 417
Rented pilot circuits and channels 7 6.2 116
Requirements of the signalling channel 7 5 115
Residual compensation in distance relays 10 9.2 185
Residual current 3 6.1 41
Residual flux, effect of in a current transformer 5 4.10.2 91
Residually connected voltage transformers 5 2.6 81
Residual voltage 3 6.1 41
Restricted earth fault protection:
- of generators 16 8.3 291
- of transformers 15 7 260

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Reverse faults, maloperation of distance protection schemes
12 4.4 212

Reverse looking relay setting –distance relay blocking

11 4.1.1 198
Reverse power protection of generators 16 11.2 293
Ring main unit 24 4 447
Ring mains:
- example of grading 8 20.4 150
- grading of 8 15 135
ROCOF relay 16 21.2 307
Rotor earth fault protection for synchronous generator 16 15.1 296
Rotor protection (generator) 16 15 296
Rural secondary distribution system automation 24 5 449

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Salient pole rotor, synchronous machine 4 5 50

Saturation of current transformers 5 4.10 89
Secondary distribution system automation 24 4-5 447-449
Secondary injection test equipment 20 10 389
Secondary injection testing 20 11 392
Sectionalisers, automatic 24 5.2 449
Selectivity of protection equipment 1 5 10
Self-testing (of numerical relays) 6 5 102
Sensitive earth fault protection:
- of generators 16 8.1.2 288
- of motors 18 6 342
- overcurrent 8 16.3, 17 - 19
Sensitivity of protection equipment 1 8 11
Sequence networks 3 3 33
Sequence reactances:
- auto-transformer 4 16 59
- cables 4 23 68
- induction motor 18 7 346
- overhead transmission lines 4 18 - 22 62-67
- synchronous generator 4 8 - 10 53-55
- transformer 4 14 - 15 56-57
Series compensated lines, protection of 12 6 214
Series sealing, relay tripping circuits 1 11.1 14
Setting of overcurrent relay 8 10 129
SF6 circuit breakers, use in auto-reclose schemes 13 6.3.3 225
Shunt fault equations 3 4 35
Shunt reinforcing, relay tripping circuits 1 11.2 14
Shunt reinforcing with series sealing, relay tripping circuits 1 11.3 14
Signalling, protection 7 1-7 113-120
Signalling performance requirements 7 5 115
Sign conventions 2 4.2 21
Single frequency line trap 7 6.3 117
Single-phase auto-reclosing 13 7 225
Single phase open circuit fault analysis 3 4.5 37

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Single phase to earth fault analysis 3 4.1 36

Single phase systems 2 4.4 22

Single shot auto-reclosing 13 4.3, 6.6 223-225
Single switch substation, auto-reclose applied to 13 12.2 230
Software version control in numerical relays 6 7.1 109
Software tools for distribution system automation 24 7 452
Software type tests 20 6 381
Speed of protection equipment 1 7 10
Stability of protection equipment 1 6 10
Stabilising resistance 9 4.1 155
Stalling of induction motors 18 4.2 340
Standard IDMT overcurrent relays 8 4 126
Standby transformer, auto-close schemes 13 11.1 229
Star-connected winding of a transformer, impedance earthed 15 2.1 256
Star-connected winding of a transformer, solidly earthed 15 2.2 256
Star/delta theorem, Kennelly’s 2 6.2.3 25
Starting protection for induction motors 18 4.1 339
Starting relays for switched distance protection 10 8.1 183
Static relays 6 3 101
Static differential protection systems 9 7 156
Stator protection:
- for generators 16 4,5 284-28
- for induction motors 18 3, 6 338 - 342
Stator windings, electrical faults in:
- generators 16 3 283
- induction motors 18 3, 6 338-342
Steady-state theory of synchronous machines 4 4 49

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Vol. Ch. Section Page (s)

Substation Control and Automation 23 1-7 423-441

- communication protocols 23 4 427
- examples of 23 7 433
- functionality 23 2 423
- hardware 23 3 425
- system configuration 23 6 432
- system testing 23 6 432
- topology 32 2-3 423-425
Sub-transient reactance of generators 4 8, 11 53, 55
Sudden restoration of supply, synchronous motor protection 18 13.2 349
Summation arrangements, unit protection 9 6 156
Superposition theorem 2 6.2.1 25
Supervision of trip circuits 1 12 14
Supply interruptions (Power Quality) 22 3.8 415
Switch-on-to-Fault feature 10 6.4 175
Symmetrical component theory 3 3 33
Synchronisers 21 8 406
Synchronism check relay 13 9.2 227
21 8 406
Synchronising 21 8 406
Synchronous machines: 4 2 47
- armature reaction 4 3 49
- asymmetry 4 7 53
- cylindrical rotor 4 4 49
- direct axis reactances 4 4 - 11 49-55
- negative sequence reactance 4 9 54
- quadrature axis reactances 4 5, 11 50, 55
- reactances 4 4 - 12 49-55
- salient pole rotor 4 5 50
- saturation, effect on reactances 4 12 55
- steady-state theory of 4 4 49
- transient analysis 4 6 51
- zero sequence reactance 4 10 55

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Synchronous motor protection: 18 13 348

- low forward power protection 18 13.2.2 349

- out-of step protection 18 13.1 348
- protection against sudden restoration of supply 18 13.2 349
- underfrequency protection 18 13.2.1 349
System configuration, substation automation and control 23 6 432
System configuration software tools for distribution systems 24 7.4 453
System earthing, effect of on zero sequence quantities 3 6 41
System fault studies 3 5 38
System testing, substation control and automation 23 6 432
System tripping angles, unit protection schemes 9 11.2 164
System Zo/Z1 ratio 3 6.2 41
System ZS/ZL ratio, distance relay performance 10 4 173

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Vol. Ch. Section Page (s)

Tables, equipment application Appendix 3 469-475

Tank-earth protection (transformers) 15 14 268
Tariff metering 21 7 405
Targets 1 10.2 13
Tee’d feeder unit protection schemes 12 3.2 - 3.4 207-209
Telephone type pilots 7 6.1, 6.2 116-116
Teleprotection signalling systems 7 3 114
Terminology Appendix 1 455-465
Test block 20 10.1 390
Test plug 20 10.1 390
- commissioning 20 9 387
- equipment, secondary injection tests 20 10 389
- maintenance 20 15 396
- primary injection 20 12 394
- production 20 8 386
- protection scheme logic 20 13 395
- secondary injection 20 11 392
- substation control and automation systems 23 6 432
- tripping and alarm annunciation 20 14 396
- Type: 20 2-7 372-383
dynamic validation 20 7 383
electrical 20 2 372
electromagnetic compatibility 20 3 373
environmental 20 5 380
product safety 20 4 379
software 20 6 381
Theorems, circuit 2 6.2 24

- current transformer 5 4 85

- synchronous machine 4 2 - 12 47-55

- transformer 4 14 - 16 56-59
- voltage transformer 5 2 80

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Thermal protection:

- of a.c. electrified railway catenary 19 4 360

- of generator 16 18 303
- of motor 18 3 338
- of transformer 15 4, 18 259-273
Thévenin’s theorem 2 6.2.2 25
Three-phase auto-reclosing 13 3, 6, 9
Three-phase fault calculations 3 2 31
Three-phase fault analysis 3 4.4 37
Three-phase fault calculations 3 2 31
Three terminal lines, protection of 12 3 207
Time/current characteristics of overcurrent relays 8 4 126
Time grading of earth fault relays 8 16.2 137
Time multiplier setting (TMS) 8 4 126
6 6.5 108
Time synchronisation in numerical relays
9 8.1 158
Topology of substation control and automation systems 23 2 423
Transactor 9 5 156
Transducers: 21 3-6 401-404
- analogue 21 4 402
- digital 21 3 401
- measurement centres 21 6 404
- selection of 21 5 402
Transfer trip distance protection schemes: 11 3 195
- direct under-reach scheme 11 3.1 195
- permissive over-reach scheme 11 3.4 196
- permissive under-reaching acceleration scheme 11 3.3 196
- permissive under-reach scheme 11 3.2 195
- weak infeed conditions 11 3.5 197

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- condition monitoring 15 18 273
- core faults 15 2.6 257
- equivalent circuits 4 14 - 15 56-57
- faults, nature and effect 15 2 256
- impedances 4 17 60
- Instrument: 5 1-5 79-92
capacitor voltage 5 3 83
current 5 4 85
electromagnetic voltage 5 2 80
magnetising inrush 15 3 258
novel 5 5 92
overheating 15 4 259
overload conditions 15 2.8.1 257
overvoltage conditions 15 2.8.3 258
positive sequence equivalent circuit 4 14 56
- Protection 15 5 - 15 260-268
Buchholz relay 15 15.3 269
combined differential and earth–fault 15 10 264
delta-connected windings 15 7 260
delta/star connected 15 8 261
differential 15 8 - 10 261-264
examples of 15 19 276
intertripping 15 17 273
oil and gas devices 15 15 268
overcurrent 15 6 260
overfluxing 15 13 268
overload protection 15 2.8.1 257
restricted earth fault 15 7 260
tank-earth 15 14 268
thermal 15 4, 18 259-273
- zero sequence equivalent circuit 4 15 57
- Reactances:
positive 4 14, 17 56-60
zero 4 15, 17 57-60

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9 12.2 168
Transformer-feeder protection of

15 16 260
Transient analysis of synchronous machines 4 6 51
Transient factor of a current transformer 5 4.8 88
Transient fault 13 1 219
Transient instability in unit protection systems 9 4.1 155
Transient over-reach of a relay 8 5.1 128
Transient reactance of generator 4 6, 8.2 51-54
Transient response:
- of a capacitor voltage transformer 5 3.2 84
- of a current transformer 5 4.10 89
- of a voltage transformer 5 2.7 82
Transients (Power Quality) 22 3.10 415
Translay balanced voltage electromechanical unit protection
9 7.1 156
Translay ‘S’ static circulating current unit protection 9 7.2 157
Transmission line with or without earth wires 4 21 66
Transmission lines:
- data 4 24 69
- equivalent circuit 4 18 - 22 62-67
- series impedance 4 19, 22 62, 67
- shunt impedance 4 20, 22 63, 67
Transmission media interference and noise: 7 6 116
- optical fibre channels 7 6.5 119
- power line carrier communications techniques 7 6.3 117
- private pilot wires and channels 7 6.1 116
- radio channels 7 6.4 119
- rented pilot wires and channels 7 6.2 116
Trip circuit supervision 1 12 14
Tripping circuits 1 11 13
Tripping and alarm annunciation tests 20 14 396
Turns compensation of a current transformer 5 4.1.2 85
Turns compensation of a voltage transformer 5 2.1 80

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Vol. Ch. Section Page (s)

Type testing of relays: 22 2-7 372-383

- dynamic validation 20 7 383
- electrical 20 2 372
- electromagnetic compatibility 20 3 373
- environmental 20 5 380
- product safety 20 4 379
- software 20 6 381
Types of busbar protection systems 14 4 235
Typical examples of time and current grading, overcurrent
8 20 143

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Index U

Vol. Ch. Section Page (s)

Unbalanced loading (negative sequence protection):

- of generators 16 12 293
- of motors 18 7 346
Underfrequency protection of generators 16 14.2 295
Under-power protection of generators 16 11.1 293
Under-reach of a distance relay 10 10.3 187
Under-reach of distance relay on parallel lines 12 2.2.2 204
Undervoltage (Power Quality) 22 3.9 415
Unit protection: 9 1 - 13 153-169
- balanced voltage system 9 5 156
- circulating current system 9 4 154
- digital protection systems 9 8 158
- electromechanical protection systems 9 7 156
- numerical protection systems 9 8 158
- static protection systems 9 7 156
- summation arrangements 9 6 156
Unit protection schemes:
- current differential 9 4, 10 154-160
- examples of 9 12 167
- multi-ended feeders 12 3 207
- parallel feeders 12 2.1 204
- phase comparison 9 11 162
- signalling in 7 2 113
- Tee’d feeders 12 3.2 - 3.4 207-209
- Translay 9 7.1, 7.2 156-157
- using carrier techniques 9 9 160
Unit transformer protection (for generator unit transformers) 16 6.2 286
Urban secondary distribution system automation 24 4 447

Index - 52 NRJED311332EN
Index V

Vol. Ch. Section Page (s)

Vacuum circuit breakers (VCB’s) 17 5.5 322

Van Warrington formula for arc resistance 10 7.3 177
Variation of residual quantities 3 6.3 42
Vector algebra 2 2 18
Very inverse overcurrent relay 8 6 128
Vibration type test 20 5.5 381
Voltage and phase reversal protection 17 10 327
Voltage control using substation automation equipment 23 5 430
Voltage controlled overcurrent protection 16 7.2.1 287
Voltage dependent overcurrent protection 16 7.2 287
Voltage dips (Power Quality) 22 3.1 413
Voltage distribution due to a fault 3 5.2 40
Voltage factors for voltage transformers 5 2.2 81
Voltage fluctuations (Power Quality) 22 3.6 415
Voltage limit for accurate reach point measurement 10 5 174
Voltage restrained overcurrent protection 16 7.2.2 287
Voltage spikes (Power Quality) 22 3.2 413
Voltage surges (Power Quality) 22 3.2 413
Voltage transformer: 5 2-3 80-84
- capacitor 5 3 83
- cascade 5 2.8 82
- construction 5 2.5 81
- errors 5 2.1 80
- phasing check 20 9.4.3 389
- polarity check 20 9.4.1 388
- ratio check 20 9.4.2 389
- residually-connected 5 2.6 81
- secondary leads 5 2.3 81
- supervision in distance relays 10 10.7 188
- supervision in numerical relays 6 6.2 108
- transient performance 5 2.7 82
- voltage factors 5 2.2 81
Voltage unbalance (Power Quality) 22 3.7 415
Voltage vector shift relay 16 21.3 307

NRJED311332EN Index - 53
Index W

Vol. Ch. Section Page (s)

Warrington, van, formula for arc resistance 10 7.3 177

Wattmetric protection, sensitive 8 19.2 142

Wound primary current transformer 5 4.5.1 87

Vol. Ch. Section Page (s)

Zero sequence equivalent circuits:
- auto-transformer 4 16.2 60
- synchronous generator 4 10 55
- transformer 4 15 57
Zero sequence network 3 3.3 35
Zero sequence quantities, effect of system earthing on 3 6 41
Zero sequence reactance:
- of cables 4 24 69
- of generator 4 10 55
- of overhead lines 4 21, 24 66-69
- of transformer 4 15, 17 57-60
Zone 1 extension scheme (distance protection) 11 2 194
Zone 1 extension scheme in auto-reclose applications 13 8.2 226
Zones of protection 1 3 8
Zones of protection, distance relay 10 6 174

Index - 54 NRJED311332EN

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