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Detailed Lesson in Grade 3 Science

I. Objectives
At the end of the lesson, the learners are expected to:
1. identify the five basic needs of plants in order to grow and survive
2. describe the importance of the five basic needs of plants
3. recognize the basic needs of plants through a drawing
II. Subject Matter
A. Topic: Basic Needs of Plants
B. Reference: Science of Life Explorations page 155
C. Materials: Laptop, speaker, pictures, cartolina, answer sheets
Duration: 60 minutes
III. Procedure
Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity
A. Preparatory Activity

1. Prayer

Class, let us all stand and put ourselves in

the presence of the Lord as we pray.
_______, kindly lead the prayer. (The learners will stand and pray.)

2. Greetings

Good morning Grade 3! Good morning ma’am!

Please pick up the pieces of paper around

you before you take your seat. (The learners will pick up the pieces of
paper and seat.)
3. Checking of Attendance

Is there any absent for today’s class? Nobody is absent, ma’am.

Very good. Perfect attendance.

4. Review

Before we proceed with our new topic, who

among you remembers our topic yesterday? (The learner will answer the topic discussed
Yes _______.

Thank you.

5. Priming (Motivation)

We are going to watch a video about what

plants need in able to grow. Watch and listen
attentively. And if you know the song, you
can also sing.
(Video presentation.) (The learners will watch attentively and
going to participate.)
B. Presentation of the Lesson

1. Activity
I will give you an activity based on
what you had watch earlier. Answer
the activity in 2 minutes.

2. Analysis

Based on what you had answer, what are the

basic needs of plants? The basic needs of plants are light, air,
water, soil with nutrients, and space.
Very good!

For us to know what plants need in able to

survive, here is an easy acronym to help you
remember. The acronym is L.A.W.N.S.

The first one is, light. What is the most

common kind of light needed by a plant?

Yes _______.
The light needed by the plant is sunlight.

Plants need sunlight. Sun provides warmth

and energy for plants to survive. Plants use
the sun’s energy to make their own food
energy in their leaves. Not enough sun will
slow down a plant’s growth and even kill it.
Too much sun can be a problem too, if the
plant and soil are drying out too quickly.

The L in L.A.W.N.S. is light. What do you

think is the A?

Yes _______.
A is for air ma’am.
Very good!

Just like people and animals, plants also

need air to live and grow. Plants take in
carbon dioxide from the air to use in the
process of photosynthesis and give off
oxygen which we use.

Where does carbon dioxide came from?

Yes _______.
Carbon dioxide came from us ma’am; we
humans create carbon dioxide for plants.
Very good, you still remember our last topic.

What comes next after air?

Water ma’am.
Yes ________.

Very good!

Plants need water to grow and to make food.

Some plants need more water than others.
The amount of water a plant needs depends
on the type of plant. If the plant does not get
the amount of water it needs, it will die. But
some plants are able to grow in very dry
areas, like the cactus. This plant survives in
the dessert.

The roots of the plant absorb water from the

soil. Water carries nutrients from the soil to
all the parts of the plant. When it rains,
leaves collect some of the raindrops. But a
lot fall on the ground and the roots absorb

What comes after water? Letter N ma’am, for nutrients.

Yes _______.

Very good!

Most plants grow well if they are planted in

soil. Plants are anchored in the soil by their
roots. Their roots absorb the dissolved
nutrients from the soil. Some people even
add fertilizers to make sure plants get
enough minerals and nutrients. Soil that is
full of nutrients is described as “rich”; while
one that has less nutrients is called “poor.”

And for the plant to grow, what is the last

letter in L.A.W.N.S. that a plant needs? The last letter in L.A.W.N.S. means space.

Yes _______.

Very good!

Plants need ample space on which to grow

and develop. Plants grown on spacious
grounds will have roots that can spread and
grow strong. This will enable plants to
bloom. Some plants, however, can still grow
in pots and boxes.

3. Abstraction

What do plants need in order to grow? The basic needs of plant are light, air, water,
nutrients in soil, and space.
Yes ________.
Very good.

Give the importance of the five basic needs

of plants.

Yes _______. Plants need a warm temperature, light keeps

plant warm and helps to make food for the
plants. Air is used to make food for the
plants. Water helps move food and nutrients
to all the different parts of the plant.
Nutrients provide plants with the strength
they need to grow big, strong, and healthy.
Also, plants need a place to live. Plants that
have plenty of space will grow big, strong,
and healthy.

Very good!

What do you think will happen if a plant

does not get enough light, air, water,
nutrients from the soil, or space?
The plant will not grow beautifully or the
Yes _______. plant will die.


4. Application

A. Enumerate the basic needs of plant.

B. Describe the importance of the basic

needs of plants.


5. Evaluation
6. Closure

Good bye and thank you ma’am!

Good bye class, see you next meeting!

Prepared by:
Mitzi C. Borgonia

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