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N Risk Description Risk Category Owner

1 Accidents (collision, fire, etc.) HS&S Contractor

2 Equipment damage /breakdowns. Construction Contractor

3 Shortage of labors. People Contractor

4 Shortage/Late material and/or Plant supply. Proc. & Contr. Contractor

5 Damage to material and/or plant shipments. Proc. & Contr. Contractor

6 Damage to material and/or plant in handling. Construction Contractor

8 Incomplete Design. Design/Engineering Designer

9 Design errors. Design/Engineering Designer

10 Poor detailed drawings Design/Engineering Designer

11 Injuries to third parties and workers. HS&S Contractor

12 Poor competence and productivity of labor. Performance Contractor

14 Increase of Labor costs. Economic

15 Availability of building material and/or plant. Material/Plant

16 Foreign currency exchange rate fluctuation. Economic

17 Changes in laws and regulations. Political-social

18 Adverse weather conditions. Weather

19 Theft of materials at site. HS&S Contractor

20 Inaccurate quantities Design/Engineering Designer

21 Design change. Design/Engineering Client

22 Unforeseen site conditions. Physical

23 Natural disasters (flood, hurricane, and earthquake, etc.). Environmental

24 Change of top management. Political-social

26 Funding problem. Financial Client

27 Delayed payment. Financial Client

28 Rise in fuel prices. Economic

29 Strike, Public disorder, and civil disobedience. Political-social

30 Labor disputes. People Contractor

31 Difficulty to site access. Physical Client

32 Damage to persons or property. HS&S Contractor

33 Defective work. Construction Contractor

34 Insolvency of contractor or a subcontractor. Financial Contractor

35 Cash flow problem. Proc. & Contr. Contractor

36 Late drawings and instructions. Design/Engineering Consultant

37 Delayed dispute resolution. Proc. & Contr. Shared

38 Wrong selection/approval of material and/or plant. Material/Plant Consultant

39 Lack of qualified staff. Performance Cons./Contr.

40 Lack of coordination / communication. Management

41 Local communities pose objections. Political-social

42 High inflation. Economic

43 Tax rate increase. Economic

44 Inadequate/wrong specifications. Design/Engineering Designer

45 Tight Project Schedule. Management

46 Staff turnover. People Cons./Contr.

47 Key staff emergency/sick leave. People Cons./Contr.

48 Lack of consistency between BoQ, drawings and specs. Design/Engineering Designer

50 Not coordinated design. Design/Engineering Designer

51 Poor Performance of subcontractore Performance Contractor

52 Bad quality material/plant Material/Plant Contractor

53 Delay in obtaining permits Management Client

54 Inadequacy of insurance Management Contractor

55 Internal management problems. Management Cons./Contr.

56 Wastage of materials and Pollution. Environmental Contractor

Causes of Risk Possible Consequences Probability Imapct Risk Rank Risk Response

may delay the project time.

5 5 High

may delay the project time.

3 5 High

may delay the project time.

3 5 High

may delay the project time

and cause cost overruns.

may delay the project and

cause cost overruns. 5 High

may delay the project and

cause cost overruns.

may delay the project time.


may delay the project time.

may cause cost overruns.

may delay the project time.

may cause cost overruns. 5 5 High

may delay the project and
cause cost overruns. Accept

may delay the project time.

may delay the project time
and cause cost overruns.

may cause cost overruns.

Client is very may delay the project time

fickle and has a and cause cost overruns.
reputation for
changing the

may delay the project time

and cause cost overruns.

may delay the project time

and cause cost overruns.
1 5 Medium Accept

may delay the project time

and cause cost overruns.

may delay the project time

and cause cost overruns.
3 3 Medium

4 4 High

may delay the project time Accpet

may delay the project time

may delay the project time 1 4 Low

may delay the project time
and cause cost overruns.

may delay the project time

may delay the project time
and cause cost overruns.

may delay the project time

may delay the project time

may delay the project time

may cause cost overruns.

may cause cost overruns.

may delay the project time

and cause cost overruns.

may delay the project time

may delay the project time

may delay the project time

may delay the project time
and cause cost overruns.

may delay the project time

may delay the project time.

may delay the project time

may delay the project time

may delay the project time
and cause cost overruns.
may delay the project time
and cause cost overruns.
Cost Impact Rating
Imapct Very Low Low Medium High Very High
Rating 1 2 3 4 5

Value ≤ 1% 1-10% 10-20% 20‐40% ≥ 40%

Definition Negligible Minor Moderate Significant Severe

Time Impact Rating

Imapct Very Low Low Medium High Very High
Rating 1 2 3 4 5

Value ≤ 1% 1-5% 5-10% 10-20% ≥ 20%

Definition Negligible Minor Moderate Significant Severe

Probability Rating and Definitions
Probability Very Low Low Medium High
Rating 1 2 3 4

Value ≤ 10% 10–30% 30–50% 50–70%

Definition Remote High unlikely Possible Probable

Could happen, but Not likely to occur in May occur at some Expected to occure at
Description probably never will normal circumstances time some time
Very High

≥ 70%

High likely
Expected to occur regularly under
normal circumstances
Cost/Schedule Impact

Very Low Low Medium High Very High

Very High Low Medium High High High

Risk Probability

High Low Medium Medium High High

Medium Low Low Medium High High

Low Low Low Medium Medium High

Ver Low Low Low Low Low Medium

Risk Assessment
Risk Score Low Medium

Color Code

Action No risk response required at this time Risk response as time and resources permit

First priority for risk response

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