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711 Tariq Bin Zaid conquered Spain by defeating Rodarack

Uptill 712 Raja Dahir was ruling in sub-continent

712 Muhammad Bin Qasim defeated Raja Dahir
Ghaznavid Dynasty (977-1186)
Abu Mansoor Subkatgeen (Founder of Ghaznavid Dynasty)
Son of Abu Mnasoor ruled for only 7 months
998-1030 Other Son and Sultan Mehmodd Ghaznavi ruled and defeated Hindu Raja Jayapala. He attacked 17 times and conquer Somnaat Mandar
Others sons of Mehmood ruled
1160-1186 Tajul Dula Khusro Malik was last ruler of Ghaznavi Dynasty
Ghaurid Dyansty (1186-1215)
1186 Giasud Din Ghauri and Shahabudin Ghauri attacked at Lahore and finished Ghaznavi Dynasty and expanded the dynasty
1202-1206 Shahabudin Ghauri ruled
Mamluk Dynasty / Slave Dynasty (1206-1290)
1206-1210 Qutbudin Abek ruled and died after falling from horse
1210-1211 Aram Shah son of Qutbudin Abek
1211-1236 Shamdhudin Altamash (slave of Qutbudin Abek)
1236-1240 Razia Sultan wife of Shamdhudin Altamash
1240-1242 Moizudin Behraam (Brother of Razia Sultana)
1242-1246 Alao udin Massod
1246-1266 Nasiruddin Mehmood
1266-1286 Sultan Giasudin Bulbun
1286-1290 Sultan Moizuddin Kabaad
Khilji Dynasty (1290-1321)
1290-1296 Jilal Uddin Ferooze (Founder)
1296-1316 Alao Uddin Khilji
1316-1321 Qutbuddin Mubarak Shah Khilji
Thuglaq Dyansty (1321-1414)
1321-1325 Giasudin Tughlaq
1325-1351 M. Shah Bin Tuhlaq
1351-1388 Sultan Ferooz Shah Tughlaq
1388-1389 Tughlaq Khan
1389-1390 Abu baker Sha Tughlaq
1390-1394 Nasiruddin Malik Tughluq
1394-1413 Nasirudin Mali Tughluq
Syed Dynasty (1414-1451)
1414-1421 Syed Khiz Kaha
1421-1434 Mubarak Shah
1434-1445 M. Shah
1445-1451 Alam Shah
Lodhi Dynasty (1451-1526)
1451-1489 Sultan Bahlool khan Loodhi
1489-1517 Sikandar Khan Loodhi
1517-1526 Ibrahim Khan Loodhi
21 April 1526 1st battle of Panipat between Zahiruddin M. Babar and Ibrahim Lodhi
Mughal Dynasty (1526-1857)
1526-1530 Zahiruddin Bbar
1530-1540 Nasirudin M. Hamyon
Suri Dynasti (1540-1555)
1540-1545 Sher Shah Suri who built GT RoadSamraat Chandrya Vikramaditya
1545-1554 Islam Shah Suri
1554-1555 Adil Shah Suri and end of Suri Synasty
Nov 5, 1556 2nd battle of Paniput between Akbar and
1556-1605 Jaludin Akbar (Son of Nasirudin M. Hamyon)
1564-1624 Hazrat Mujaddid Alif Saani who opposed the policies of Akbar
1605-1627 Nurridin M. Jahangir
1627-1657 Shahabuddin Shah Jahan who built Taj Mehal Agra, Lal Qila and Shalimar Garden
1658-1707 Moiuddin M. Aurengzeb Alamgir
1703-1762 Shahawali Ullah translated Quran in Persian
1707-1712 Bahadur Shah Awal
1712-1713 Mirza Jahan Dar Shah
1713-1719 Mirza M. Farukh Sair
1720-1748 Mirza M.Shah
1748-1754 Mirza Ahmed Shah Bahdur
1754-1759 Alamgir Sani
1761 3rd battle of Paniput betwwen Ahmed Shah Abdali and Marathas
1759-1806 Shah Alam Sani
1781 Haji ShariatUlllah started Farazi Movement in Bengal
1806-1837 Akbar Shah Sani
1837-1857 Bahadur Shah Zafar
East India Company
1600 East India Company by British Queen Elizabeth
Wars b/w Muslims & Traders
June 23, 1757 Plassey war (Nawab Sirajul Dula defeated due to conspiracy of Mir Jafar by East India Company (Lord Clive)
1764 Buxar war
1799 Tipu Sultan was martyred in Masoor war
East India Company Steps
1829 Lord William Bentinck banned the “Sati Ritual” in Bengal
1835 Education Policy by Lord Mecholay; imposed English instead of Persian, Arabic & Sanskrit
1854 Education policy by Charles Wood. He formed School, Colleges and Universities.
1857 Title of Governor General changed to Viceroy
1867 Dar-ul-Aloom Deo band founded in Saharanpur
Sir Syed Ahmed Khan After Independence War 1857
17 Oct 1817 Sir Syed born in Delhi
1857 War of Independence
1858 End of East India Company & Lord Canning – 1st Viceroy of Sub-continent
Aug 2, 1858 Govt. of India Act
1859 Sir Syed established Persian Madrassa in Murad Abad
1860 Risala Asbab Baghawate Hind
1861 Indian Councils Act 1861
1862 Sir Syed established Madrassa in Ghazi Pur
1863 Sir Syed established Scientific Society
1866 Sir Syed published Ali Ghar Institute Ghazt Newspaper
Urdu-Hindi controversy began from Banaras that Hindi should also be Official language as Urdu is already.
Dar-ul-Ulum Dao Band
1870 Sir Syed established Anjuman-i-Taraqi-i-Muslanmana-i-Hind
1871 George Campbell, the LT. Governor of Bengal, ordered Urdu should be scrapped from syllabus
10th April 1875 Arya Samajj was founded on 10 April 1875 at Bombay.
24 May 1875 Sir Syed established M.A.O High Scholl in Ali Ghar & Maulvi Sami Ullah (Nazim of school)
1877 Aligarh School was upgraded to the status of a college and was inaugurated by Lord Lytton viceroy of British India on 8 January 1877.
08th Jan 1977 Sir Syed ranked the Ali Gar School to college
1880-1884 Lord Ripon ruled India as a second Viceroy of India on from 1880 to 1884.
17 Feb 1881 First Census of Sub-Continent was conducted on 17 February 1881 during Lord Ripon tenure
Formation of Indian National Congress
1883 British introduced local council system
1884 Anjamne Himayate Islam in Lahore- Hamid-u-din as its President
Dec 22, 1884 The foundation of Anjuman Himayat-i-Islam was laid down on 22 December, 1884 by Maulana Qazi Hamid-ud-Din
1st Sep 1885 Sind Madrissatul Islam established by Hasan Ali Afnandi
Dec 28, 1885 Mr AO Hume established Indian National Congress
1886 Sir Syed established Muhamdan Educational Congress
1887 British formed GPO Lahore
1891 Hunza, remote kingdom bordering China fell into hands of British, bringing an end to the expansion of British Raj
1892 Islamia College Railway Road, Lahore by Anjamne Himayate Islam
Islami College Peshawar by Sahibzada Abd-ul-Qyum
June 20, 1892 Indian Councils Act was given to the Indian people on 20 June 1892.
1893 Nawab Khan Bahadur talked on Durand line with Afhanistan
1894 1894: Nadva-tul-Ulema started on 1894 at Lucknow by Molvi Abdul Gaffar for both religious and material education
Pan Islamic movement by Jamal-ul-Din Afghani
1899-1905 Lord Curzon reigned from 1899-1905.
1922 The Chauri Chaura incident occurred at Chauri Chaura in the Gorakhpur district of the United Province, (modern Uttar Pradesh) in British In
Bengal Partition
1901 The British made a new province “The North-West Frontier Province (NWFP)” in British India on 1901.
July 19, 1905 Partition of Bengal by Lord Curzon
Aug 1905 Sudashi Tehreek against Partition of Bengal by Hindus
1905-1910 Lord Minto II ruled from 1905 to 1910I
1906 Nawab Muhsanu Mulik (syed Mehdi ali) prepared Law of Muslim League
Dec 1906 Nawab Waqarul Mullik (Mushtaq Husssein) organized Mohammadan Educational Conderence
1906 Quaid joined Indian national Congress
1st Oct 1906 Shimla Wafad under Sir Agha Khan met with Lord Minto to demand for separate electorates
Formation of All India Muslim League
31 Dec 1906 Formation of All India ML by Nawab Saleem-ul-Ullah in Annaual conference of MAC in Decca
29 Dec 1907 Maulana M. Ali Johar presented “ML Law” by name of Green Block
1909 Indian Councils Act 1909 (Minto-Morley Reforms), Separate Electorates right to Muslims
1910-1916 Lord Harding ruled India from 1910-1916.
1910 Indian press act 1910 to stop freedom movements and press publicaions
1911 Magazine of Molana Muhammad Ali Johar’s “Comrade” was published in 1911 at Calcutta.
1911 During the British Raj, until 1911, Calcutta was the capital of India. King George proclaimed the transfer of the capital from Calcutta to Delh
1911 George Punjam finished the Bengal Partition Rule
Oct 10, 1913 Quaid joined ML and bcame president in 1916
April 21 1913 the Indians of California assembled and formed the Ghadar Party (Revolution Party) on 21 April 1913
Aug 10, 1913 Kanpur Mosque incident to build road of Machli bazar
1914-1918 1st world war
Rashmi Romal Movement
Ubaid-ul-lah Sindhi make plant ot attack Sub-continent which was written on Rasmi Romaal tpo inform Mahmud-ul-Hasan
1923 The Khalifah of Sultan Abdul Majeed was banished from Turkey.
Combine Efforts
Dec 31, 1916 Luckhnow Pact between ML & Congress for combined effort
Jan 27, 1917 Nawab Viqar-ul-Mulk passed away on 27 January 1917.
1917 The Secretary of State for India, Montague, declares that the goal of the British government in India is introduction of Responsible Governm
1918 Beginning of trade union movement in India.
1916-1921 Lord Chelmsford (Viceroy of India)
1919 Government of India Act (Edwin Samuel Montagu & Lord Chelmsford Reforms)
Rowlatt Bill also known as “black bills” introduced on 10 March, 1919.
April 13, 1919 The Jallianwala Bagh massacre, also known as the Amritsar massacre, took place on 13 April 1919.
Sep 1919 Khilafat Movement in favor of Turkey from November 23 1919 to 03 March 1924.
Hihjrat Movement (Muslim Migration from India to Afghanistan)
Ali Ghar College ranked to University
Dec 1920 The Indian National Congress (INC) adopts the Non-Co-operation Resolution in December.
Dyarchy System
1921-1926 Lord Reading ruled as Viceroy of India from 1921 to 1926.
Jan 1st, 1923 Swaraj Party was formed by Motilal Nehru and others on 1st January 1923.
1925 The Kakori Train Conspiracy (‫ ) سازش‬or Kakori train robbery was on 9 August 1925.
1925 The Communist Party of India was formed on 25 December, 1925 at Cawnpore, British Raj (presently Kanpur, India).
1926-1931 Lord Irwin ruled India from 1926 to 1931.
Simon Commission, Nehru, 14 Points, Round Table

20 March 1927 Delhi Muslim Proposals (‫ ) ت جاوی ز۔‬or Delhi proposal at Delhi on 20 March 1927.
1927 Simon Comission under Sir Simon
August 1928 Nehru Report (Jawahar Lal Nehru & Moti Lal Nehru)
28 March 1929 14 Points by Quaid-e-Azam with help of M, Ali Jauhar
28 Sep 1929 Sarda Act passed on 28 September 1929.
Majlis-e Ahrar-e Islam, also known in short as Ahrar, is a religious Muslim political party in the Indian subcontinent that was formed during
December 1929 at Lahore.
June 07, 1930 Simon Commission Report was presented on 07 Jun 1930.
Mahatma Gandhi launches the Salt March, also known as the Salt Satyagraha, Dandi March and the Dandi Satyagraha, was an act of nonviol
movement (Mar 12 to Apr 6) 1930.

Nov 1930-Jan 1st Round Table Conference (Indian National Congress didn’t join)
1930 Khutba Alla Abad by Allama Iqbal
5th March 1931 Gandhi lrwin pact was signed and the Civil Disobedience movement was suspended on 5th March6
1931-1936 Lord Willingdon ruled as a Viceroy of India from 1931 to 1936.
13 july, 1931 Kashmir Resistance movement on 13 july, 1931.
Sep 1931-Jan 2nd Round Table Conference (Ghandi Byocotted it)
16 Aug 1932 British Prime Minister Ramsay Macdonald announced the infamous "Communal Award” to give right to vote all communities
Gandhiji in jail, begins his epic (‫" ) مہاک اوی‬fast unto death" against the Communal Award on 20th September and ends the fast on 26th of the
1932 Pact.
Pona Pact – Ghandi joined Achoot with Hindus
November 1932 3rd Round Table Conference (Ghandi didn’t join) and White paper for Government India Act 1935
January 1933 Pakistan National Movement on 28 January, 1933 “Pakistan” name in “now or never” magazine suggested by Chaudhary Rahmat Ali.
1934 In Bombay, Quaid-e-Azam took control of the Muslim League and become the president of Muslim league.
1935 The Government of India Act 1935 was passed on 4th August
1936-1944 Lord Linrlithgow ruled as a Viceroy of India from 1936 to 1944.
Elections 1937, Congress Ministries
Elections held in India on January 1937 under the Act of 1935. And Congress Rule in 7 out of 11 Provinces.
March 1937
Provincial Elections (Total = 1585 Congress = 715 Muslim League = 108 out of 485)
9 March 1937 Quaid-e-Azam in an article ‘time and Tide’ mentioned that Islam and Hinduism are incompatible (‫ ) م ت ضاد‬on 9 March 1937.
1937 Wardha scheme of basic education.
Oct 1937 Quaid became leader of Muslim league in ML meating at Luckhnow
1939 Muslim League was established in Baluchistan
15 Nov 1938 Pirpur Report to observe effect of congress ministries.
1938 Sindh Muslim League accepted the division resolution
4th March 1939 Sharif Report to observe effect of congress ministries.
1939 Kamal Yar Jhang Report to observe effect of congress ministries.
1939 Royal Comission by Qauid to observe effect of congress ministries.
1939-1945 2nd world war
Congress Mnistries
Bande Matram as Natioanl Anthenum
Hindi as official language
Warda Scheme
22 Dec 1939 Day of Deliverance
19 March 1940 Khaksar Massacre in Lahore on 19 March 1940.
Lahore Resolution, Crips, Wavell, Cabinet Mission, Interim, Mount Betan
Pakistan Resolution in 27 meeting of All India Muslim League
23 March 1940 Qauid Presided over it
Maulvi Fazl-ul-Haq presented the Resolution
10th Aug 1940 Viceroy Linlithgow announces-August Offer on 10th of August.
1942 Cripps Mission or proposal were put forward on 22 March to 11 April 1942, Stafford Cripps.
8 August 1942 Ghandi Quit Hindustan
1943 Quaid Divide & Quit
1943 Meeting of All India Muslim League in Karachi
1943-1947 Lord Wavell became the Viceroy of India from 1943 to Mar. 1947.
Sep 1944 Ghandi Jinnah talks
March 1944 C.R Formula (Ghandi & Raja Gopal Achariya)
1944 Quaid addressed to students
Wavell Plan by Lord Wavel was presented in Shimla Conference
June 1945
Interim Government
General Elections
December 1945: Central Legislative Assembly
1945 Congress: 57 Muslim League: 30 European: 08 Sikhs: 02 Independent: 05
January 1946: Provincial Elections
Muslim League: 428/495
24 Oct 1945 Unitied Nation was founded on 24 Octobar 1945
19 Apr 1946 Muslim League Legislative Convention held under Quaid Presidency
1946 Lord Attlee sent Cabinet Mission Plan
16 August 1946 Direct Action Day on 16 August 1946, also known as the Great Calcutta Killings or marked as The Week of the Long Knives.
1946-1947 Interim Government
11 Aug 1947 Quaid became President of Pakistan by Constitution Assembly of Pakistan (69-79 members)
14 Aug 1947 End of British Rule
15 Aug 1947 Quaid became 1st Governor General and Liaqat became 1st Prime minister of Pakistan while Jawaharlal Nehru became 1st Prime Minister of
16 Aug 1946 Raast Iqdaam Day
20 Feb 1947 British Government declared that British Rule finish sub-continent o 3rd June 1947
22 March 1947 British Government sent Lord Mount Bettan (Last Viceroy)
3 Jun 1947 3rd June partition plan also known as Mountbatten Plan
14 Jul 1947 India independence bill moved into British Parliament then it became act on 18 July 1947
18 Jul 1947 British Government passed the India Independence bill
30 Jun 1947 Sir Red Kulf appointed for boundary division under partition plan of 3rd June 1947
30 Sep 1947 Pakistan officially joined the United Nations (UN) on 30 September 1947
11 Oct 1947 Quaid addressed to officers of Pakistan
03 Jan 1948 Pakistan's first coin was issued on 3rd January 1948 by brandley.
21 Mar 1948 Quaid addressed to Dhakha people
1st July 1948 Quaid addressed at the inauguration of state bank
1948 Ch. Kaleequzzaman became President of ML after death of Quaid.
After 1947
12 Mar 1949 Objective Resolution by Liaqut
1950 first Muslim one, to recognise the People's Republic of China
8 Aprial 1950. Liaqat Nehru pact or Dehli Pact was signed on 8 Aprial 1950 fr rights of minorities and transfer of assets of peoples
May 1950 Liaqat visited to USA (1st Pakistani PM)
11 July 1950 Pakistan become the member of World Bank on 11 July 1950.
1951 First Cansus of Pakistan was held on 1951 during the tenure of PM Liaqat Ali
21 May 1951 Beijing and Karachi establish 1st diplomatic relations on May 21, 1951.
1 Oct 1951 Pakistan Standard Time became effective at mid-night On 15 September 1951 presented by mathematician Mahmood Anwar and adopted on
16 Oct 1951 Pakistan's first Prime Minister, Liaqat Ali Khan was died on 16 October, 1951 in Rawalpindi.
7 Oct 1953 PM of Pakistan Muhammad Ali Bograh presented Bogra formula on 7 octobar 1953.
Aug 1954 Pakistan anthem lyrics written by Hafeez Jullundhri was approved by the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting on 16 August 1954.
14 Octobar One unit System in West Pakistan by PM M. Ali Bogra
09 Jan 1956 Law proposal
23 Mar 1956 1956 Law imposed in country
7 Sep 1958 Pakistan purchased Gawadar from oman on 7 September 1958.
Army Commander-in-Chief General Ayub Khan as the first chief martial law administrator on 27 October 1958.
Oct 1958
Gen. Ayub dismissed 1956 Law and imposed Martial Law
August 1959 EBDO ( Electrobodies Disqualification order ) system was inforced in Pakistan by Ayoub khan on August 1959.
1960 Basic Democracies System by Ayub
07 Sep 1959 American President Dwight D. Eisenhower informal visit of Pakistan on 7 September 1959.
19 Sep 1960 Indus Treaty by World Bank between Jawaharlal Nehru and Liaqat
Feb 1960 10 Member committee by Ayub
1 Jan 1961 In line with global decimal systems, Pakistan introduced decimal coinage on Jan 01, 1961.
1961 Muslim family law ordinance introduced by president Ayub Khan on 1961.
21 July 1964 Pakistan Join RCD (Regional cooperation for Development) or Organization for Regional Cooperation and Development (ORCD) on 21 July
26 Nov 1964 Pakistan's first Television Station set up at Lahore in 26 November, 1964.
1962 Law 1962
1965 India Pakistan second war from 5 August 1965 to September 23.
1965` The first reactor was supplied by the U.S. government in 1965 and it is operated by the Pakistan Institute of Nuclear Science and Technology
14 Aug 1967 Islamabad became capital of Pakistan on 14 August 1967.
5 March 1969 OIC (Organization of Islamic Cooperation) was founded on 25 March 1969 at Morocco.
25 March 1969 Second martial law was enforced in Pakistan on 25 march 1969.
28 July 1969 State of Dir, Chitral and swat were incorporated in NWFP (Pakistan) on 28 July, 1969.
30 March 1970 President of Pakistan Gen. Agha Muhammad Yahya Khan issued LFO (Legal Framework Order) on 30 March 1970.
1st July 1970 Balochistan became province of Pakistan on 1st July 1970.
1971 1971: Third war between India and Pakistan from 3 December 1971 to 16 December 1971.
March 1971 Disobedience movement by Mujeeb-ur-Rehman
2 July 1972 Shimla agreement between president Zulfikar Ali Bhutto and Indian PM Indra Ghandi at Shimla on 2 July 1972
1972 Pakistan left from commonwealth on 30 January 1972 when other member countries recognized Bangladesh
14 Aug 1973 The constitution ( ‫ ) آئ ین‬of Pakistan 1973 was enforced on 14th Aug 1973. It consists of 280 articles and 7 schedules
Feb 1974 Pakistan recognized Bangladesh at the time of 2nd summit of OIC in Lahore on 22 Feburary 1974.
10 January FIA (Federal Investigation Agency) was established on 10 January 1975 by Zulfqar Ali Bhutto.
1979 General Zia-ul-Haq enforced Hudood Ordinances also called Romanized Hadood.
1979 Soviet Union attack on Afghanistan from December 1979 to February 1989.
1979 Pakistan joined NAM (Non Align Movement) on 1979 at Hawana summit.
Non-party General elections were held in Pakistan on 28 February 1985. And Mohammad Khan Junejo (was an agriculturist ‫ ) پ س ند۔ زراعت‬c
minister of Pakistan.
1989 Pakistan rejoined Commonwealth on 2 August 1989.
1 January 1993 Pakistan got 161 vote and become new non-permanent members of the UN Security Council for two-year mandates commencing on 1 Janua
1 January 1995 Pakistan joined WTO (world Trade Organization) on 1 January 1995
May 28, 1998 Pakistan Explodes Five Nuclear Devices on May 28, 1998 (yom e takbeer).
200 The Presidential Referendum ‘held’ on 30 April 2002 and Pervez Musharraf declared president of Pakistan.
1999 Lahore declaration b/w Pakistan & India
1999 India Pakistan Cargill war on 3 May 1999 to 26 July 1999; (2 months, 3 weeks).
1999 General Pervez Musharraf, seized the control of the civilian government of publicly elected Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif on 12 October 199
2000 Nawaz Sharif exile in Saudi Arabia on 10/11 December 2000.
2001 Gen Musharraf appointed himself president while remaining head of the army on 20 June 2001.
President Musharraf backs the US in its fight against terrorism and supports attacks on the Taliban and al-Qaeda in Afghanistan on 7 Octobe
sanctions (‫ ) پ اب ندی اں‬imposed after Pakistan's nuclear tests in 1998.
2002: President Musharraf bans militant groups “Lashkar-e-Taiba”, “Jaish-e-Mohammad”, “Tehrik-e-Jafaria Pakistan” and “Sipah-e-Sahaba
2003 Pakistan and India resume the flight operation on 1 January 2004, which was cut off due Indian parliament attack on 13 December 2001
Nuclear scientist Abdul Qadeer Khan admits to having leaked nuclear weapons secrets, reportedly to Libya, North Korea and Iran on 4 Febru
Pakistan take first military action on March 2004, against suspected al-Qaeda militants and their supporters in tribal areas near Afghan borde
drone in Pakistan strikes to target al-Qaeda leaders in the area on 18 June 2004.
2005: Bus services, the first in 60 years, operate in 7 April 2005 between Muzaffarabad in Pakistani-administered Kashmir and Srinagar in In
Pakistan tests its first nuclear-capable cruise missile On August 12, 2005.
Earthquake in Pakistani controlled Kashmir on 8 October, 2005.
President Musharraf suspends Chief Justice Iftikhar Muhammed Chaudhry, triggering a wave of protests across the country on 9 march 2007
Lal masjid operation from 3 July to 11 July, 2007.
Musharraf wins presidential election 6 October 2007 but is challenged by Supreme Court. He declares emergency rule, dismisses Chief Justi
new Supreme Court, which confirms his re-election.
2007: Former PM of Pakistan Nawaz Sharif returns from exile on 25 November.
Benazir Bhutto assassinated at political rally at election campaign rally in Rawalpindi on 27 December 2007.
2008: Yousaf Raza Gillani served served as 18th Prime Minister of Pakistan from 25 March 2008 until he was disqualified by the Supreme C
2008 President Musharraf resigns On August 18, 2008 after the two main governing parties agree to launch impeachment proceedings agains
Asif Ali Zardari becomes 11th the president of Pakistan on 18 August, 2008.
The leader of Pakistan's Taliban, Baitullah Mehsud, was killed in US drone attack in South Waziristan 7 August 2009.
Parliament approves package of wide-ranging constitutional reforms on April 19, 2010. Measures include transferring key powers from pres
was the 8th amendment
Worst floods in Pakistan after 80 years, killed at least 1,600 peoples and affect more than 20 million. Government response widely criticized
2011: Sulman Taseer was assassinated On 4 January 2011, at the Kohsar Market in Islamabad by his bodyguard Mumtaz Qadri, who disagre
Pakistan's blasphemy law
The founder of al-Qaeda, Osama bin Laden, was killed by American special forces in Abbottabad on 2 May 2011.
A US Senate panel cuts $33 million in aid to Pakistan over the jailing of Pakistani doctor Shakil Afridi who helped the CIA to find Osama B
Supreme Court disqualifies Prime Minister Gilani on 19 June 2012 from holding office after he declines to appeal against a token sentence in
row. Parliament approves Water and Power Minister Raja Pervez Ashraf as his successor.
2012: Pakistan agree to reopen Nato supply on 3 july 2012 routes to Afghanistan after the US apologises for killing Pakistani soldiers in 26 N
2012: Taliban attacked 14-year-old girls Malala Yousafzai on 9 October 2012.
2013: Parliament approves Nawaz Sharif as prime minister on 5 June 2013 after his Muslim League-N wins parliamentary elections in May.
2014: Attack on Karachi Jinnah International airport on 8 June 2014.
2014: Malala Yousafzai won the Nobel Peace Prize 10 October 2014.
Taliban attacked on APS (army public school). And killed nearly 150 children on 16 December 2014.
2015: Pakistan and China signed an agreement CPEC On 20 April 2015
2016: Abdul sattar edhi died on 8 July 2016 at the age of 88 in Karachi.
2016: Gen Qamar Javed Bajwa is named as new army chief 26 November 2016.
Parliament passes a law 20 March 2017. Which allowing the country's Hindu minority to register their marriages for the first time since parti
Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif was disqualified by the Supreme Court over corruption charges on 28 July 2017.
Former international cricket star Imran Khan becomes 22th PM of Pakistan on 18 August 2018.
2018: Asia Bibi, a Christian woman acquitted (‫ ) ہ وگ ئی ب ری و ہ‬on 7 November 2018.
2019: Pakistan shot down 2 Indian fighter jet. And arrest 1 pilot “Wing Commander Abhinandan Varthaman”. Pakistan return Indian pilot as
March 2019.
2019: India government removed 2 articles “370 and 35A” on 5 August 2019.

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