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Tree Risk Management

Urban Tree Risk Management Aug 2020

 There is a significant body of international research showing that

Why have trees trees make places more pleasant and comfortable to live and work
in cities?  Their multiple benefits include keeping people cool through shade
and evapotranspiration, reducing air pollution by capturing
poisonous particles and gasses, making people happier and
healthier by reducing stress, and providing homes for wildlife
 Trees also increase property values and rents because people like
to live and work in green neighbourhoods, and will pay a premium
for that benefit
 A healthy and extensive urban tree canopy demonstrates strong
ethical and sustainability leadership

 All trees grow to maturity, to eventually die and fall apart due to
Why manage disease, structural defects, or old age
tree risk?  Trees grow so big that failures can kill and injure people, and
damage property
 Deaths, injuries, and damage cost a lot to rectify, and harm the
credibility of those responsible for their management, which can
often lead to reputational harm and public dissatisfaction

 Most serious tree hazards can be identified well in advance of

How can tree failure by expert inspection
accidents be  Proactive tree inspection regimes allow management intervention
before deteriorating conditions become imminently dangerous and
reduced? fail
 Experience from around the world confirms that regular proactive
tree inspection regimes significantly reduce the harm arising from
tree failures

 It demonstrates a high level of ethical responsibility by making

Why invest in properties safer, which reduces reputational harm and public
tree risk dissatisfaction
 Trees can be retained longer and so provide more urban benefits
management?  Proactive management usually saves money because it is cheaper
to check the trees than pay the legal bills and compensation
 A green, healthy, and safe urban environment keeps citizens happy
 A healthy and widespread urban tree canopy cover makes a
significant contribution to overall programmes of sustainability,
especially relating to carbon accounting

Treecotech ( & Barrell Tree Consultancy (

Urban Tree Risk Management Aug 2020

 A tree risk management policy is a written statement of intent

What is a proac- describing how trees will be managed within the broader urban
tive tree risk tree management strategy
 All trees that could cause harm are systematically and regularly
management checked to identify obvious potential hazards before they fail and
cause harm
regime?  Tree checks are carried out by professionals trained to an
international standard
 Identified intervention works are carried out
 The regime is proactively monitored and adjusted to learn from
experience and improve its efficiency over time
 Records of proactive management are available to assist in refuting
allegations of negligence and claims for compensation

 Treecotech is an Indian company based in Mumbai working in close

Our credentials collaboration with Barrell Tree Consultancy based in the UK
 Vaibhav Raje ( is the first ISA Certified
Arborist in India and organised the first National Indian Conference
on Arboriculture in Pune in February 2019
 Jeremy Barrell is the Managing Director of the UK’s biggest tree
consultancy (, the most
experienced UK expert witness in legal tree failure cases, and an
accomplished international speaker and author on urban tree
management (

Vaibhav Raje Jeremy Barrell

Treecotech ( & Barrell Tree Consultancy (

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