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GAT-III (2013 Paper Questions)

Q.1 In a class, there are 40 boys and 60 girls. It includes 30 junior and 70 senior students. What is the
minimum number of senior boys are there?

Answer. …. I think 10 is right… because there are 30 juniors and they are asking for minimum senior
boys so if all 30 are junior boys then only 10 are senior boys.. which is the minimum number…

Q.2 A clock's minute hand is 10cm long. What area it will cover from 9:00am to 9:35am?

Answer . area = pi r2 * angle

For angle in each 5 minutes 30 degree is formed. For 35 minutes 210 degree out of 360
Area = 3.14 * 10*10 * 210/360 on solution it will give 183cm

Q.3 A car covers 'k' miles in 50 minutes. How many miles will it cover in 10 minutes?

Answer. In one minute it will cover k/50 miles.

In 10 minutes it will cover 10 *k/50 = k/5

Another method:

Time : distance

50 : 10 :: k:x find x

X = 10 k /50 = k/5

Q.4 What is the probability of 9 on both of two dice when rolled together?

Answer. Find total sample space. For one dice sample space is 6. For two dices sample space =

There are four possibilities in which we get 9.. and they are (3,6),(6,3),(4,5),(5,4)

So 4/36 or by simplification 1/9…

Q.5 Marble size is 20cm*30cm. How many marbles are required to cover a square with side 3m?

Answer . area of square = 2 * side

3m = 300 cm total area = 300*300=90000

No of marbles = 90000 / size of marble (20*30) = 150

Q.6 If a man running at 15kmph passed a bridge in 9 seconds, what is the length of the bridge?

Answer. 15 kmph . convert to m/s…

15*1000/3600 = 4.16 m/s

Now s = vt = 4.16*9 = 37.44 meters

Q.7 A person buys sugar worth 400. He sold 3/4th part at a loss of 10%. The remaining at a gain of
10%. What is the overall gain or loss?
Answer. ¾ * 400 = 300 with 10 % loss…… so 10/100 *300= 30

So he sold ¾ part in 300-30= 270

Now remaining ¼ part ¼ *400= 100 with 10% gain so find 10% of 100

10*100/10 = 10 === 100+10 = 110

So total amount = 270 + 110 = 380 means Rs 20 loss… over all loss

Q.8 The sum of two numbers is 131. 5 less of one number is double the other. Find the numbers?

Answer. X+y = 131 >> eq1

x-5 = 2y => x-2y=5 >> eq2.. subtract eq2 fro eq1

3y = 126 => y=42

Put y=42 in eq1

X+42=131 => x=131-42=89. So numbers are 42 and 89

Q.9 If 8 packs of biscuits worth 1.5, 20 packs worth 3.08 and 250 packs worth 22.10. Then what is
the greatest number of biscuit packs you can buy in 200?

8/1.5 = 5.333

20/3.08 = 6.49

250/22.1 = 11.3

The greatest of them is 11.3

So the greatest number of packs u can buy in 200 is 200*11.3= 2262

Q.10 Ajmal completes a work in 3 hours. Akmal does the same job in 5 hours. In how many
minutes they together complete the work?

Simple method 5*3/5+3 = 15/8 = almost 1.87 s0 1.87*60= 112 minutes

Q.11 Find Range?

-3, -2, 0, 2, 2, 3

Range = upper– lower

3- (-3)= 3+3 = 6

Q.12 If father is double the age of his son. 20 years ago he was 12 times that of son. What is the age
of father now?

Let son age= x the father age = 2x so condition

12(x-20) = 2x– 20

12 x – 240 = 2x -20

10x = 220

X=22 son age

Father age = 2x = 44
Q.13 If we add a number with 3 it gives same answer when we multiply that number with 3, then
what was the number?
1) 3
2) 0
3) sq. (3)
4) 1.5
5) -3

Solution .. 3 +x = 3x

3 = 2x



Q.14 A company sell three types of mobiles worth 100, 125, and 225. It sold equal no. of all mobiles.
What is the percent share of cheapest mobile?


100/450 * 100==22.22%

Q.15 What is the number 3 more than the double of specific value of x..?

Answer, 2x +3

Q.16 A herd consists of cows and hens. If the number of legs are 14 more than twice the heads. Then
how many cows are there?


Cow has 4 legs.

Hen has 2 legs
Both have 1,1 head

2*hens + 4*cows
Hens + Cows
there are 14 more legs than twice the number of heads.

2H+4C = 14 + 2(H+C)
2H + 4C = 14 + 2H + 2C
2C = 14

Q.17 There are total 785 balls of 3 colors. Red and white are 605. White and blue are 471. How
many are white balls?

Answer. R+W+B = 785 eq1

R+W = 605 eq2

W+B = 471 eq3

Subtract 3 from 1 ,,,,,,,,,on solution

R = 785-471 = 314

Now put this in eq2

314 + W = 605

W = 291

Q.18 What is the value of x? If

3^ (1+x) + 5.3^x -8=0

Put x = 0 u will get 0 both sides


Q.19 If 80% of x is 50% of y and y is 20% of z then what is x in terms if z???

Answer. 0.8x = 0.5y

Y = 0.2z put in above equation

o.8x = 0.5(0.2z)

0.8x = 0.1z

X = 1/8 z

Q.20 Akram applied in 12 colleges and Nasir applied in 10 colleges. They applied between 16
different colleges. How many colleges received both of their applications?

Answer . 12 + 10– both = 22 -16 =6

Q21. father was 61, and son 16, after how many years father will be twice as compared to son ,
2 (X+16)= 61+X, so X= 29
Q22. after traveling 25km jimmi realizes that still 3/5 of the distance is remaining . tell remaining
distance ?

2/5 of x = 25
x = 125/2 = 62.5
So remaining distance = 62.5-25 = 37.5 km
Q23. The length of a rectangle is 4/3 of its breath , if the area of rectangle is 300m^2 .What is
difference between length and breath ??
L = 4/3 w
L×w= 300
4/3w × w = 300
w= 15
L = 4/3 (15) = 20
20-15= 5

Q24. ½ , 2/3 , 4/5 , 5/8 find the largest fraction

Lcm 2,3,5,8=120

½*60/60=60/120 , 2/3*40/40=80/120 , 4/5*24/24=96/120 , 5/8*15/15=75/120

So 96/120 =4/5 is have largest fraction

Q25. 2x+5=20 then 2x-5 =?




So ans is 10

Q26. A coin is tossed 3 times , what is probability of of getting a head and a tail alternatively ?.


There are two outcomes that satisfy the alternate condition HTH and THT. Head and tail come

alternatively in these two outcomes,

Total possibilities=8

Number of requires outcome=2


Q27 . Sin(x) / Cos(x) + Cos(x) / Sin(x) = ??

A) tanx

B) Sin (x) / Cot (x)

C) 1 / Sin (x) * Cos (x)


= sinx2 + cosx2 /sinx*cosx = 1/sinx*cosx

Asif Nawaz
Uet Peshawar BSc Electrical engineering (2012 - 2016)

“We can't help everyone, but everyone can help someone”

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