Gokaldas PVT LTD: Visvesvaraya Technological University

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Gokaldas Pvt Ltd

Internship report on
Submitted to


“JnanaSangama” Belgaum – 590018

In partial fulfilment of the requirements for 3rd Sem Examination of

Under the Guidance of



Department of MBA
K.S. School of Engineering and Management
No. 15, Mallasandra, off Kanakapura Road, Bangalore-560109
Gokaldas Pvt Ltd

I, Preethi Srinivas, hereby declare that the Internship report entitled “An Organizational

Study” GOKALDAS Pvt Ltd with reference to “GOKALDAS Pvt Ltd” prepared by me under

the guidance of Prof. Sridhar Asst. Professor M.B.A. Department, K.S. School of Engineering

and Management and external assistance by Mr. Mallikarjuna GIKALDAS Pvt Ltd.

I also declare that this Internship work is towards the partial fulfilment of the university

regulations for the 3rd semester examination for the degree of Master of Business

Administration by Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belgaum.

I have undergone a project for a period of Four weeks. I further declare that this project

is based on the original study undertaken by me and has not been submitted for the

award of any degree/ diploma from any other University/ Institution.

Place: Bangalore Signature of the student

Date: (Indushree S G)
Gokaldas Pvt Ltd

The satisfaction and euphoria that accompany the success of any task would be
incomplete without the mention of the people who made it possible, whose constant
guidance and encouragement crowned my effort with success.

I take immense pleasure in thanking Dr. K.RAMA NARASHIMHA, Principal, K. S.

School of Engineering and Management, Bangalore, for creating the right kind of

I am very thankful to Dr. S. JOHN MANOHAR Head of Department, Department

of MBA, K.S. School of Engineering and Management, Bangalore, for his constant
motivation and encouragement.

I express my sincere and heartfelt thanks to internal guide Mr. SRIDHAR, Assistant
Professor, Department of Master of Business Administration, K. S. School of
Engineering and Management, Bangalore, for identifying my area of work,
reviewing it at every stage and for his patient valuable hours serving as my project

I am grateful to External guide, Mr. Mallikarjuna GIKALDAS Pvt Ltd.

who provided me an opportunity to do my project

work in their organization.
I extend my thanks to the entire faculty of the Department of Management Studies, K.
S. School of Engineering and Management, Bangalore, who have encouraged me
throughout this project.

I would like to record my sincere thanks especially to all staff of GOKALDAS Pvt Ltd
for their great help. Last but not the least, I thank my family and
friends for their invaluable help and support during the project work.


Gokaldas Pvt Ltd









Gokaldas Pvt Ltd


Internship is an essential part of the University Curriculum of VTU MBA. This is an activity
to overcome any issues along with information and its application through a series of
intercession that will empower understudies of VTU MBA program to pick up experiences and
introduction to the business.

The internship program is given to the students to engaged in a field experience and learn about
the corporate world, it is an opportunity to share their insights, to explore the links between
student’s academic preparation and their field work, and to assist participants in developing
and carrying out major research project which will serve to culminate their internship
The internship has been positioned between 2nd and 3rd semester of MBA program and it has
been carried for 4 weeks GOKALDAS INTIMATEWEAR Pvt Ltd which has explored itself
in corrugation industry.

Organization study is to understand structure, process, practice and how they shape social
relation & create institution that ultimately influence people. Organizational studies comprise
different aspect of the organizations. It is related with developing a framework where the total
work is divided to facilitate the achievement of objective goals.

In the organization employee are the important contributing factor to the organization and also
one of the most expensive contributing factors. Not only the company pay salaries and wages
to its employee it also invest in employee by paying for their training and benefits such as
health, life insurance and retirement etc.

I started doing my internship in GOKALDAS INTIMATEWEAR Pvt Ltd which is one of the
manufacturing industries. My topic for study is Organizational study at GOKALDAS
INTIMATEWEAR Pvt Ltd. I am thankful to the departments of the company & internal guide
of the institution for helping in gathering the data.
Gokaldas Pvt Ltd
Scope of Internship Training Program:-
• To know the various career options available across different industries after
completion Of MBA.
• Training in company like GOKALDAS INTIMATEWEAR gives the idea & exposure
to actual management practice adopted by the Organization.
• The In-Plant training has given me an overview of functioning of all the departments
within the company.

Need of Internship Training Program

• Exposure to practical work which builds confidence and knowledge to gain expertise.
• This study enhances our ability to get a job. Also it opens a gate way to enter into
corporate world.
• The opportunity of working in the company and understanding the SOP of various

• To become a successful entrepreneur by implementing the best practices
adopted by the organization.

• To evaluate the effectiveness of the procedure & programs adopted by the

• To Study and examine the departmental strategies adopted by the

• To interpret the financial statement of the organization.

• To understand how the key business processes are being carried out in the

Gokaldas Pvt Ltd

Every division of concerned Manufacturing industries, it consists of only for the

production activities of various products. The process of a manufacturing industries is
for the preparation of various products from row materials to a finished Goods by using
several ways. It’s included various foods staffs, chemicals, textile, allied industries and
so on. As like as above the manufacturing industries it has a very helpful to the society
in the field of business.


• Apparel industry.

• Automotive industry.

• Chemical and allied industry.

• Computer hardware industry.

• Electronic and electrical equipment industry.

• Food and kindred industry.

• Fabric metal industry.

• Leather industry.

• Petroleum refining and related industry.

• Paper allied industry.

• Textile mill industry.


Gokaldas Pvt Ltd
➢ Cottage stage

There are certain suggestions that interlacing was already recognized in the
Paleolithic. An unclear textile impress has stood found at Pavlov, Moravia.
Neolithic textiles were found in pile dwellings excavations in Switzerland and at El
Fayum, Egypt at a site which dates to about 5000 BC.

In Roman times, wool, linen and leather clothed the European population, and silk,
imported along the Silk Road from China, was an extravagant luxury. The use of
flax fiber in the manufacturing of cloth in Northern Europe dates back to Neolithic

During the late medieval period, cotton began to be imported into Northern Europe.
Without any knowledge of what it came from, other than that it was a plant, noting
its similarities to wool, people in the region could only imagine that cotton must be
produced by plant-borne sheep. John Mandeville, writing in 1350, stated as fact the
now-preposterous belief: "There grew in India a wonderful tree which bore tiny
lambs on the edges of its branches. These branches were so pliable that they bent
down to allow the lambs to feed when they are hungry." This aspect is retained in
the name for cotton in many European languages, such as German Baumwolle,
which translates as "tree wool". By the end of the 16th century, cotton was
cultivated throughout the warmer regions of Asia and the Americas.

The main steps in the production of cloth are producing the fiber, preparing it,
converting it to yarn, converting yarn to cloth, and then finishing the cloth. The
cloth is then taken to the manufacturer of garments. The preparation of the fibers
differs the most, depending on the fiber used. Flax requires retting and dressing,
while wool requires carding and washing. The spinning and weaving processes are
very similar between fibers, however.

Spinning evolved from twisting the fibers by hand, to using a drop spindle, to using
a spinning wheel. Spindles or parts of them have been found in archaeological sites
Gokaldas Pvt Ltd
and may represent one of the first pieces of technology available. The spinning
wheel was most likely invented in the Islamic world by the 11th century.

➢ Mughal Empire

Up until the 18th century, Mughal Empire was the most important center of
manufacturing in international trade. Up until 1750, India produced about 25%
of the world's industrial output. The largest manufacturing industry in Mughal
Empire (16th to 18th centuries) was textile manufacturing, particularly cotton
textile manufacturing, which included the production of piece goods, calicos,
and muslins, available unbleached and in a variety of colors. The cotton textile
industry was responsible for a large part of the empire's international trade.
Bengal had a 25% share of the global textile trade in the early 18th century.
Bengal cotton textiles were the most important manufactured goods in world
trade in the 18th century, consumed across the world from the Americas to
Japan. The most important center of cotton production was the Bengal Sabah
province, particularly around its capital city of Dhaka.

Bengal accounted for more than 50% of textiles and around 80% of silks
imported by the Dutch from Asia and marketed it to the world, Bengali silk and
cotton textiles were exported in large quantities to Europe, Asia, and Japan, and
Bengali muslin textiles from Dhaka were sold in Central Asia, where they were
known as "Daka” textiles. Indian textiles dominated the Indian Ocean trade for
centuries, were sold in the Atlantic Ocean trade, and had a 38% share of the
West African trade in the early 18th century, while Bengal calicos were major
force in Europe, and Bengal textiles accounted for 30% of total English trade
with Southern Europe in the early 18th century.

In early modern Europe, there was significant demand for textiles from The
Mughal Empire, including cotton textiles and silk products. European fashion,
for example, became increasingly dependent on textiles and silks imported from
The Mughal Empire. In the late 17th and early 18th centuries, The Mughal
Empire accounted for 95% of British imports from Asia.
Gokaldas Pvt Ltd
Industrial revolution:

The important factor for the industrial revolution in the 18th century was the mass production
of cloth and yarn which become the important or mainstream industry for the fabric and textile

In 1734 flying shuttle was invented by Lancashire John Kay, in Bury— It is one of the first
type of inventions that is associated with the cotton and woven textile industry. The flying
shuttle was used in the production of the cotton cloth and speed increased from single weaver
to more cotton material or cloth, due to this there was threat or fear of unemployment between
the workers and this technology increased the high demand in the spun cotton.

In 1761, the Duke of Bridgewater's canal had linked Manchester to the coal fields of Worley
and in 1762, Matthew Bolton started the Shoo Foundry engineering works in Hands worth
Birmingham. Along with his partner Scottish engineer James Watt resulted, in 1775, in the
profitable production of the more efficient and Watt steam engine train was used a separate

In 1764, there was another invention that is spinning jenny which was invented by James
Hargreaves, the spinning jenny used a more number of spun threads at once and production
capacity was increased by this technology. Others also give credit to the invention of Thomas
Highs. Until 1770 there was industrial unrest and a failure to patent the invention by Hargreaves
from Blackburn, but his lack of protection or guard of the idea allowed the concept to be
oppressed by others. By the time of his death there were over 20,000 spinning jennies in use.
Also, in 1764, Thorp Mill, had invented the first water-powered cotton mill in the world was
made at Roy ton, Lancashire, and was used for cotton production. With the weaving and
spinning process now cotton mills, mechanized, cropped up all over the North West of England.

In 1589 there was new invention for silk that is stocking frame machine which became viable
when Jedidiah Strut in 1759 introduced another type machine or attachment for the stocking
frame which produced what became known as the Derby Rib, which had the production of purl
stich and a knit. This gave route or idea of stockings machine to be used for cotton later which
was helped manufacturing of silk. In 1768, Hammond gave some modification for the stocking
frame that is to have weave weft-knitted nets by crossing over the loops or openwork’s, using
Gokaldas Pvt Ltd
a mobile problem bar- this led in 1781 to Thomas Frost's square net. Cotton had been too coarse
for lace, but by 1805 Houldsworths of Manchester were making steadfast 300 count cotton

Global textile industry:

The textile industry it is one of the biggest productions and sale for the materials such as wool,
yarn, fiber, cotton and finished products or gears. Estimation is that the global textile industry
might give a 5% until the year 2020.The global textile or cotton mills market might probably
reach the value of more than 800 billion USD. The global apparel or gears and non-apparel
gears business might exceed the value of almost 1000 billion USD in the next coming of years.
The global textile and cotton industry exports market may vary in the future as many more
nations embrace domestic manufacture or production.

The textile industry is a growing market with many competitors being present countries like
India, USA (United States of America), European Union Places and China. China’s textile
exports are up by 3% in the year 2018. China is one of the leading cottons and textile
manufacturing country and is nearly worth 1/4th of the global textile and cotton industry with
a distribution value of more than 100 billion USD. The textile and cotton industry of the
European Union has Spain, Portugal, France, Germany and Italy on the forefront with a value
of more than 1/5th of the global textile industry and is currently esteemed at more than 160
billion USD. India is the third largest cotton and textile manufacturing industry and holds an
export value or estimation of more than 30 billion USD. India is accountable for more than
6% of the total textile and cotton production globally and is esteemed at approximately 150
billion USD. India is followed by the United States in the exports of textile. The United States
has now turn out to be one of the largest consumers of textile being responsible for nearly
75% of the total textile imports. India, Japan, United States and China control the global textile

The textile and cotton industry have been growing proportionately with the changes in the
world of garments. The global cotton and textile industry have seen both up and down in the
year 2018. The leading or top production of cotton was reached by India, China and United
States at around 6,200, 6,000 and 4,500 thousand metric tons produced by the countries
respectively. Arvin limited., the Indian textile cotton manufacturing company might also
Gokaldas Pvt Ltd
expand to other materials soon and is in talks with the Dutch technology company Dye Coo to
practice the concept of CO2 dyeing as an environment and eco-friendly option of dyeing. India
apparel and gear industry might soon introduce a modified standard of garment sizes. The
Indian textile industry is esteemed at around 40 billion USD. The Bruit deal might bring a lot
of uncertainty or indecision in the global cotton and textile industry. To get further details
regarding the current scenario of the global textile industry, please refer to the following

Textile Market Size Worth $1.23 Trillion By 2025 | CAGR: 4.24%

The global cotton and textile market size is predictable to reach at USD 1.23 trillion by 2025
expanding at a CAGR of 4.24%, according to a new report given by Grand View Research,
Inc. Rising income levels, rapid urbanization and population growth, in developing countries
like India, Mexico and China are likely to boost the product and service demand. Moreover,
growing number of retail outlets and supermarkets in these countries is expected to increase
the demand further. Growing status of Environment, Health and Safety systems in
manufacturing and production sector owing to severe rules and regulations aimed at safety of
workers in offshore industries like gas and oil is projected to boost the demand for Personal
Protective Equipment.

Moreover, development of technology and technical factor of textiles that are offer protection
against electric arc flash discharge, high temperatures, acid environment and molten metal
impact, is estimated to fuel the textile and cotton market growth. Therefore, growing in the
personal protective equipment market is predictable to drive the demand for textile and apparel
products over the projected period. The Middle East & Africa (MEA) region is expected to
witness revenue growth at a CAGR of 4.19% from 2019 to 2025 owing to constant product and
service innovations in apparels and textile application segment. Asia Pacific is projected to
register the highest CAGR during the forecast years.

Key findings from the study suggest:

Gokaldas Pvt Ltd
• Cotton is the most extensively used raw material both in domestic and
international. Textile industry owing to its excellent robustness and resistance to
hypoallergenic and dust mite.

• In terms of volume or size, polyester has a market share of 28.04% in 2018 and
will also grow more owing to its properties, such as excellent shrink resistance and
high strength.

• Household application sector will record a CAGR of 3.28% from 2019 to 2025 due
to rising in consumer preference for light absorbing fabrics in home décor

• Apparel market is expected to witness a CAGR of 4.42% from 2019 to 2025 owing
to increasing demand for trending fashionable clothes and luxury product.

• Europe is likely to spectator volume growth at a CAGR of 2.32% from 2019 to

2025. Demand for silk material and fabrics for household product, fashion and
clothing applications is possible to boost the market.

• Important companies in the market are Shandong Jinxing Rudi Woolen Textile
Company Limited, Paramount Textile Limited, Lu Thai Textile Company Limited
and Successor Read Spa.

➢ Textile Raw Material

• Cotton
• Chemical
• Wool
• Silk
• Others

➢ Textile Product

• Natural Fibers

• Polyesters
Gokaldas Pvt Ltd

• Nylon

• Others

➢ Textile Application

• Household

a. Bedding

b. Kitchen

c. Upholstery

d. Towel

e. Others

• Technical

a. Construction

b. Transportation

c. Protective

d. Medical

e. Others

• Fashion & Clothing

Gokaldas Pvt Ltd

a. Apparel

b. Ties & Clothing Accessories

c. Handbags

d. Others


India is known as a GROUP II country which exports simple, low value products with low to medium
price range like basic woven tops (Ladies blouses, Men’s shirts, T-shirts) and a small quantity of
trousers, skirts, jackets/coats, ladies’ dresses. Indian apparel is made mainly with cotton fabric having
different and small production of wool and blended garments.

Growth and Prospects of the Industry:

Information evolution is more likely to compact the world closer to cohesion. Information technology
is spreading rapidly at greater pace to create a mark in the lives of people.AS Technology is progressing
at brisk pace supply chain management and information technology have been considered as key factors
in Apparel manufacturing. Globally the clothing supply chain are keen to expand the business with help
of new technologies leading to spike up the Indian clothing Industry.
New & vibrant technologies such as made-to-order, Artificial intelligent, Digitalization have been taken
into consideration for implementing it. This is done to attract customers & meeting demand levels for
high end goods by producing fewer units of production. The future lies in those components like how
one showcases it effectively in performing tasks. Customer retention &services are the vital elements
in restoring business in terms of cost & time. Maintaining stock, production cost, networking
transportation, sales forecasting are some areas which needs attention.
The trade activities of US & Russia need to be watched cautiously in order to make India to compete in
warfare of trade in 21st century.
Major blow for India is in the form of competition given from China with respect to its trade activities.
Neighboring countries are showing scares to India with dollar rate coming down drastically which could
hamper India economy.
Gokaldas Pvt Ltd
The Indian textile industry has been in limelight since its inception which has timeless history India’s
industrial development. India’s textile industry had a reputed name prior to colonization, earned name
for its manufacturing technology. India’s textile had already been sought after textile for many countries
like Brazil, Britain, Germany. Indian weaving was given prime importance which had been noted by
Chinese observer who claimed textiles from Patoka from Patna & Ahmedabad.
India’s exports textiles used to be exported to China &South-east Asia. Textiles had earned a huge name
in Portuguese trade industry, East India company in 1600, followed by Dutch & French counterparts
demanded their governments to ban the import of these cottons from India. Indian textile industry
created new benchmark in these sectors which could be passed through ages by vesting their powers in
natural resources like cotton, jute, silk, as the technology empowered & personnel skills acquired by
weavers were another mark in the textile industry. As things were speeding up & great inventions were
taking place due to some factors the outcome was not as expected.
▪ Raymond group of Companies.
▪ Nitisun Fabs.
▪ AS Internationals.
▪ Gokaldas Companies.


❖ The industry is back loaded with technological obsolescence and sub-scale of

❖ Indian industry is had been plagued skilled labour problems.
❖ Lack of modernization.
❖ Cotton apparels constitute major part of India’s apparel exports, although cotton

appears to be out thing in current global markets.

Gokaldas Pvt Ltd

2.1. Background of GOKALDAS
In the below pictures show how the organization’s working process should be concern. The operation
department is considered to the various manufacturing process. They give the target to the employees
Because of to the demand and supply concern to maintain the inventory in the store. The system is to
be accurate and flexible to the working process.

Explanation: The above pictures show the organization how to operate the units. The main concern is
the units manufacturing for the women segment. In the operation department it becomes a 3 floor in
one branch. And all the security condition is good. The Ideal time to be fix in the operation department.
(It can show the above picture). , R&D and diversification into technically complex products. Gokaldas
Gokaldas Pvt Ltd
Images clients are market leaders across apparel segments, and include The Gap, Marks & Spencer, Liz
Claiborne, Armani, Calvin Klein, Target, PVH and V F Corp. The group’s turnover is around Rs.500
Crores and has 10 manufacturing plants with a work force of over 10000.

2.2. Nature of Business:

Gokaldas is the One and only Stopover Shop for the world's most admired products and brands. It is the
largest industrialist, exporter and manufacture of apparels and clothing wear in India with an annual
revenue of 14,00,000. 25,000 people through 23 manufacturing units toil and work to guarantee that
whatever the international trend, Gokaldas is always in style and fashion.
Gokaldas execute the simplest to the most complex of orders for clients worldwide. all the work is done
under one roof eg laying, cutting, stitching and embroidery.



Constitution Private Limited Company

Date of incorporation/registration 16th November 2001

Sector Private Sector

7 & 12, Industrial Suburb, 2nd Stage

Registered Office Yeshwantpur, Tumkur Road, Bangalore
PIN – 560 0022
7 & 12, Industrial Suburb, 2nd Stage
Location of Administrative Office
Yeshwantpur, Tumkur Road, Bangalore
Gokaldas Pvt Ltd
PIN – 560 0022

123, Industrial Suburb, 2nd Stage

Location of Factory Yeshwantpur, Bangalore
PIN – 560 0022


Products Lingerie, Foundation Garments and Nightwear



Gokaldas Images founded in 1979, is India’s most diverse apparel company. It has pioneered several
new products to India’s apparel export basket - Outerwear, Men Suits and Women Intimates.
Consequently, the company has a strong presence in all segments of the garmenting space – knits,
woven and tailored. It has also followed a strategy of growth through collaborations/joint
ventures/manufacturing agreement with major US and European Corporations among them Sara Lee,
Oxford Industries, Levis Strauss, Curtails, Barbara and others. Gokaldas Images has created its
differentiated position in the apparel industry through persistent commitment to innovation, R&D and
diversification into technically complex products. Gokaldas Images clients are market leaders across
apparel segments, and include The Gap, Marks & Spencer, Liz Claiborne, Armani, Calvin Klein,
Target, PVH, V F Corp is The group’s gross revenue to be nearby Rs.500 Crores. It has 10
manufacturing plants with a workforce of over more than ten thousand. Gokaldas Images sister concerns
have been leading players in the domestic retail market for youth, children and women’s apparel and
have created pioneering brands.

2.3.1. Vision:
Gokaldas Pvt Ltd
To be the best in a globally reputed apparel manufacturer, evoking distinctive recognition for

2.3.2. Mission:

To Achieve profitable growth through Innovation, Quality.

2.3.3. Quality Policy:

Gokaldas is the One Stop Shop for the world's most much-admired brands and products. It is
the main maker and manufacturer of clothing and apparels in India with a yearly revenue of
US$200 Million. 25,000 people across 23 industrial entities work to ensure that whatever the
worldwide trend, Gokaldas is always in style and fashion.

2.4.1. Product profile.

Gokaldas Pvt Ltd


Gokaldas Pvt Ltd


Gokaldas Pvt Ltd



Status % Holding
Share Holders
Hinduja Investment Pvt. Ltd. Group Co. 52.36%
India Alternatives Private Equity Fund Pvt. Equity 21.22%
Faering Capital India Evolving Fund Pvt. Equity 26.42%
Gokaldas Pvt Ltd
Particulars Nos.
Chief Executive Officer 1
Chief Operating Officer 1
Vice President 3
General Managers 2
Managers & other Staff at Head office/branches 110
Managers & other Staff at Factory 54
Operators/ Workers at Factory 603
Fit Consultants 256
Total 1030

A. Infrastructure:
Factory: - situated at 123, Industrial Suburb, Yeshwantpur, Bangalore- 560 022

Particulars Present status

Total Area 64000 sq. Ft.
No. Of Stitching Machines 450
Power 150 KVA
Diesel Generator 175 KVA

B. Factory Capacity
T shirt 30,00,000 Pieces per Year
Jacket 20,00,000 Pieces per Year
Nightwear 1,00,000 Pieces per Year

MARKET SIZE: The estimated market size for Brassieres and Panties in India is
around 350 Million pieces equivalent to around Rs. 1600 Crores growing at the rate of
15% Per annum. Enamor currently operates in the premium segment of this market
which is Rs around 350 crores.

Gokaldas Pvt Ltd
The market for lingerie in India is quite fragmented and regional brands are popular at the
lower price levels. Currently LOVABLE is only the national player with brand awareness and
distribution. Brands like TRIUMPH, BWITCH and AMANTE are present in select shops. At the
product level, Enamor offers the widest range and excellent fit when compared to competitors. Our
focus will continue to be to widen this gap from our competitors to retain our leadership
Gokaldas Pvt Ltd


Definition of Mckinsey’s 7s Model:

“Mckinsey’s 7s model is the key tool helps in analyzing that analyses firm’s organizational design by
looking at 7 key internal elements; strategy, structure, shared value, systems, style, skills and staff, in
order to identify if they are effectively allow and aligned organization to achieve its objectives.”

Understanding the tool

Mc Kinsey’s 7s model was developed by Julien Philips, Robert Waterman and Tom Peters with a help
of Anthony G. Athos and Richard Pascale in 1980. The model has been broadly used by the practitioners
as well as academics. It is one of the most common strategic organization tool. It can improve the
efficiency of human resources and organizational performance. The main goal of this tool is by using 7
elements of the company together to attain effectiveness in a business.
This model signifies the networks and connections between seven areas and splits them in to two parts
as soft elements and hard elements. It is very useful tool to find the answer for a business questions. It
can be applied to many situations. The main objectives of this tool are:-
• To facilitate structural and organizational change.
• To implement new plan or strategy
• To facilitate the merger and acquisitions of organization.
• To increase the performance of the business.
• To examine how each part may alter or change in a future.

7s factors
The seven areas of business are shared into the two parts, soft and hard areas. Hard components are
easier to identify compared to soft elements. Soft components are harder to describe, are less tangible,
hard to manage and more inclined by culture. Hard elements are easier to identify, define and manage.
Both are very significant to run a business successfully.

The McKinsey 7-S models can a benefit an organization to:

• Recognize as to support for the departments and managed during union or procurement
Gokaldas Pvt Ltd
• Define how it is going to attain its target objectives or goals
• Improve or increase the style of the business.
• Examine the effects managerial changes within the firm
• Implement strategies or plans to develop the skills and capabilities of the staff and employees.

The outline of the model supports the view that there are various factors which effect on organization’s
skill and ability to change. Since main variables are important, interconnected, progress cannot be mode
in other areas as well. The significance of the model to strategic management is created on the 7-S
which stand for procedure and policy areas for long-term organizational success.

Importance of McKinsey’s Framework

McKinsey’s agenda is basically for the multivariate model of structural change. It is known as a
dominant expository tool as it highlights some administrative interconnections like those between skills
and staff, systems and strategy which have critical importance for moving organizational. It features the
criticality of achievement plans in all the areas (S,) replicating and organizational size of bringing about
changes in the strategy.
An effective application of strategy is thus shown to be insured by the skill of management to bring all
7-S into agreement.
The McKinsey also delivers a suitable method of examination whether a business has the necessary
settings for applying strategy. This model also delivers the basis on which the causes of lack may be
identified and helpful measures can be adopted. Furthermore, administration and company abilities may
be resolute along each of the seven measurements.
Gokaldas Pvt Ltd

Hard Elements Soft Elements

Shared values
Strategy Structure Skills
Systems Style


Gokaldas Pvt Ltd

It is a plan developed by the firm to achieve an organizational goal. It helps to achieve a competitive
advantage and improve the mission, vision and values of the company.

The objective is to have as wide availability as is pertinent for the premium and mid segment,
keeping in mind the high growth is happening in this segment because of consumer upgradation from
the economy segment. Distribution extension is therefore crucial to tap new customers. Distribution
has to leverage the visual appeal of the range, with scope for on-site trial. High visibility and ease-of-
browsing are therefore key elements of the Enamor retail presence. At the Chain store level this is
achieved through innovative Visual merchandising units, high quality posters, catalogues and POS and
deploying Fit Consultants in chain stores. These give ENAMOR a very distinctive retail identity and a
good SHOP-IN-SHOP ambience in chain stores. These are crucial in ensuring a quick adoption of the
brand by consumers.


GOKALDAS follows centralized form of organizational structure. i.e. its decision-making

responsibilities are delegated by top level management to middle and middle level management to lower
level managers. Within the organization they have distributed roles and responsibilities among them.
The major decisions are taken by the managing director and they distribute the work to various
departments. They have a co- ordination among all the participating organizations.
Gokaldas Pvt Ltd

Board of Directors
Gokaldas Pvt Ltd

Chief Executive Officer

Gokaldas Pvt Ltd

Chief Operating Officer

CFO GM- GM - National Head of Product VP-Nightwear

Business Operation Sales Design Manager
Developme s Mgrs

Executives Factory Regional Designers Brand Mgrs Merchandisers

A/c s
Executives Mgr Sales

HR Merchandisers
Exec –
Area Sales
RM Managers
HR QC Exec Modellist
Mgr/ Exec Exec
FG- Operators
Store Sales Admin/
Mgrs Retail Mgrs

Fit Consultants


It is the daily activities and procedures that staff members engage in to get the job done.
Systems connected to processes and routines that characterize how the work should be done:
financial systems; recruiting, promotion and performance appraisal systems and information
The GOKALDAS has implemented many systems in that human resource management system
Gokaldas Pvt Ltd
that includes training, payroll and several benefits provided to the workers, which can help the
company in assessing in human resources.
The objectives of human resource management of GOKALDAS are as follows:
• Personal interview: company does personal interview for the candidate.
• Selection of the candidate.
• Orientation and training for employees.
• Managing salaries and wages (compensating employees) and benefits.
• Appraising performance
• Communicating (interview, counselling, discipline)
• Training and developing managers.
• Building employee commitment.
The company has many important systems in place within the organization. These primarily
deal with knowledge, and product development.


It is also called super ordinate Goals. The McKinsey’s is interconnected with share values.
What does the organization stand for and what are its central beliefs, attitudes and core values.
Shared values are the foundation of every organization. It defines mission, vision, goals and
objectives of the organization.
GOKALDAS has adopted a best accounting and ethical practices, it is trying to fulfill
corporate governance and corporate social responsibilities towards customers, employees,
society and all the stake holders. This has made the company trust worthy and it is one of the
strength that the company has been competitive in the current economy. These are the core
values of the organization.

Skills are the abilities and how an employee performs in the organization. It also includes
competences and capabilities. What are the skills the company will really need to reinforce its
new strategy or new structure?
The company has staffs, officers and managers with technical and non-technical skills to
identify the skill gap and consequent skill updating of operations, maintain team as well as
experts control system.
Qualification and other skills of a manager in GOKALDAS:
• Education qualification: graduation /MBA/ PGDBM.
Gokaldas Pvt Ltd
• Good communication skills both written and verbal.
• Interpersonal skills, leadership qualities, capacity to motivate team members.
• Presentable personality.
• Ability to use computers and related technology.
• Experience (peered in some cases).


It represents the way the company is managed by the board of directors and the top-level
managers, what actions they do take and how they interact with the employees.
The task oriented leadership style adopted by the management of GOKALDAS. it follows
various level of management style; they focus on getting necessary task in hand in order to
achieve the organization’s goal & work. Company has best managers with effective leadership
qualities, they mainly focus on the vision, mission of the company communicated to them
during induction program.

Particulars Nos.
Chief Executive Officer 1
Chief Operating Officer 1
Vice President 3
General Managers 2
Managers & other Staff at Head office/branches 110
Managers & other Staff at Factory 54
Operators/ Workers at Factory 603
Fit Consultants 256
Total 1030

Gokaldas Pvt Ltd
The SWOT analysis is very useful tool for understanding and to take a decision regarding the
business. It helps to solve the business problems. It is used to evaluate the business strengths,
weaknesses, opportunities and threats. It gives complete information about the company. It is very
simple, it is useful for business planning, competitor evaluation, strategic planning, market evaluation,
business and product development and make a research reports. It’s helpful to wisely evaluation internal
strengths and weaknesses and external threat and opportunities, a valuable strategy for make certain
administrative and organizations success can be framed.


SWOT analysis using SWOT figures or backgrounds is an important part of any business analysis or
SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats). Strengths and weaknesses are two internal
factors and opportunities and threats are two external factors. A SWOT diagram analyzes a business or
project venture by focusing on each of these factors.

• The SWOT study in group work exercise outline that useful the company because it
helps administrations decide whether or not an objective is available and then allows
Gokaldas Pvt Ltd
organizations to set possible goals, objectives and steps to more the social or
community change development strength.
• It enables managers to produce practical and effective results that result long lasting
• It benefits administrations meet significant information facts and figures to exploit their
• Implementation a SWOT analysis is a valuable procedure about the thought of
important executive priorities, such as cultural diversity and gender and fundraising

• SWOT may harm performance and that no one subsequently used the outputs and
outcome within the later stages of the strategy”.
• The mistreatment of the SWOT analysis as a method that can be swiftly planned
without critical and important thought important to a misrepresentation of SWOT
(strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats) within an administration’s both
internal and external environments.
• The increase of a SWOT analysis only to defend beforehand decided objectives and
goals. This misuse leads to cons and limitations on suggesting possibilities and “real”
documentation of obstacles.

The plan of a SWOT analysis by one or more community and employees is regulating to the
realities of the forces, devalues and specifically external factors the possible contributions of
community members.
Strengths: -
A “strength” is a confident sign that gives a company’s capability. It enhance the company’s
competitive position and describe the positive attributes, tangible and intangible, internal to the
organization. It describes how an organization is separates from the competitors, it adds value to the
company. It’s an advantage of an organizations. Like strong brand, strong balance sheet, unique
technology, unique or lower cost resources, loyal customer base and so on.

Strengths in the SWOT analysis of GOKALDAS INTIMATEWEAR are as

Gokaldas Pvt Ltd
1. Good quality with perfect fitting
2. International brand of lingerie
3. Constant improvement in terms of sizes and fitting at manufacturing sites
4. Available in more 30 different styles and 19 different sizes
5. Fabric which is used suites Indian skin hence complete care has been taken

Weaknesses: -
A “weakness” is a limitation, internal, negative factors. Weaknesses puts the company at
difficulty. It adds the competitive pressure of the company. Weaknesses are aspects of the business
that detract from the value that offer or place the company in a competitive disadvantage. We need to
enhance these areas in order to compete with the best competitor.

Weaknesses in the SWOT analysis GOKALDAS INTIMATEWEAR are as

1. High brand switching as a lot of options available to customers
2. Limited global presence as compared to other brands
Opportunities: -
An “opportunity” is considered as a favorable circumstance to the organization, it can be
utilized for the growth of the company. Management can take it as positively and can make a best use
of it. It is offered by outside environment or external attractive factors, it can make a positive changes
in the organization. It is very useful to an organization’s development

Opportunities in the SWOT Analysis GOKALDAS INTIMATEWARE are

as follows:
1. Product line expansion with more innovation
2. Opportunity to expand globally
3. Women’s wear is the most profitable segment in terms of investment
Threats: -
A “threat” are external, negative factors. It includes some factors beyond our control that could place
the strategy, or the business itself at risk. We cannot control these factors. It may affect the
productivity and profitability of the business.
Gokaldas Pvt Ltd
Threats in the SWOT Analysis of GOKALDAS INTIMATEWEAR are as
1. International brands who are trying to take the market share
2.Population growth, unstable demographics and the appearance of consumers with more
disposable income is changing purchasing habits
3. New emerging brands uses new technology and innovation prevents the growth of the


5.1. Ratio analysis

Ratio analysis is a form of financial statement analysis that is used to obtain a quick indication of a
firm’s financial performance in several key areas. Ratio analysis is based on line items in financial
statements like the balance sheet, Income statement and cash flow statement; the ratio of one item or a
combination of items to another item or combination are then calculated.

a) Liquidity Ratio

i. Current Ratio: -
It is the expression between current assets & current liabilities. This ratio is a measure of general
liquidity and is most widely used to make the analysis of short term financial position or liquidity of a
ii. Quick Ratio: -
The quick ratio is a measure of how well a company can meet its short term financial liabilities. It’s
also known as the acid test ratio and liquid ratio.
Liquid assets = current assets – inventory – prepaid expenses
Liquid liabilities = current liabilities – bank overdraft- income received in advance.

iii. Total Debt / Equity: -

The debt – equity ratio is another leverage ratio that compares a company’s total liabilities to its total
shareholder’s equity. This is a measurement of the percentage of the company’s balance sheet that is
financed by suppliers, lenders, creditors and obligors versus what the shareholders have committed.
iv. Fixed Asset Ratio: -
Gokaldas Pvt Ltd
Fixed Assets ratio is a type of solvency ratio (long-term solvency) which is found by dividing total
fixed assets (net) of a company with its long-term funds. It shows the amount of fixed assets being
financed by each unit of long-term funds.

b) Profitability Ratio: -
These ratios indicate the efficiency with which the operations of the business are carried on.
i. Net Profit Ratio: -
It is a popular profitability ratio that shows relationship between net profit after tax and net sales. It is
computed by dividing the net profit (after tax) by net sales.

ii. Operating Profit Ratio: -

Operating margin is a measurement of what proportion of a company’s revenue is left over after paying
for variable costs of production such as wages raw materials, etc. it can be calculated by dividing
company’s operating profit during a given period by its net sales during the same period.

iii. Earnings Per Share growth (%): -

Earnings per share growth gives a good picture of the rate at which a company has growth its
profitability per unit of equity.

iv. Earnings Per Share (Rs): -

It measures how many Rupees of net income have been earned by each share of common stock. This
ratio indicates the availability of total profits per equity shares.

a) Liquidity Ratio

1. Current ratio
Current Ratio = Current Assets / Current Liabilities

CURRENT RATIO 2019 2018 2017

C/A 971,722,688 806,083,619 645,038,874

C/L 735,293,193 611,402,327 465,100,493

RATIO 1.32 1.32 1.39

Gokaldas Pvt Ltd
Current Ratio




1.32 1.32


2017 2018 2019

Series 1

Current Ratio

1.4 1.39
1.32 1.32
1.3 1.32


2017 Series 1

Series 1

The above table represents the current ratio of Gokaldas Pvt Ltd from 2017 to 2019. During
the year 2017, the current ratio stood at 1.39 and it gradually decreased to 1.32 in the year 2018.
The ratio was constant during the year 2019 to 1.32.
Gokaldas Pvt Ltd

The above graph depicts the current ratio of Gokaldas Pvt Ltd for 3-year 2017-2019. During
the base year 2017 the ratio stood at 1.39 and it has decreased to 1.32 in the year 2019.

2. Debt to equity ratio

Debt to Equity Ratio = Total liabilities / Total shareholders’ equity

DEBT TO EQUITY 2019 2018 2017

TOTAL LIABILITIES 1,231,175,460 1,032,328,340 853,436,570

EQUITY 476,074,637 399,839,917 363,389,035

RATIO 2.59 2.58 2.35

Debt to Equity Ratio

2.58 2.59







2017 2018 2019

Series 1
Gokaldas Pvt Ltd

Debt to Equity Ratio

2.58 2.59

2.4 2.35



2017 Series 1

Series 1

The above table represents the debt equity ratio of Gokaldas Pvt Ltd from 2017 to 2019. During
the year 2017, the debt equity ratio stood at 2.35 and it gradually increased to 2.58 in the year
2018. The ratio was increased during the year 2019 to 2.59


The above graph depicts the debt equity ratio of Gokaldas Pvt Ltd for 3-year 2017-2019. During
the base year 2017 the ratio stood at 2.35 and it has decreased to 2.59 in the year 2019.

3. Net fixed assets ratio

Fixed asset ratio = Net fixed assets / long term fund

fixed asset ratio 2019 2018 2017

net fixed asset 259,452,772 226,244,721 208,397,696

long term funds 495,882,267 420,926,013 388,336,077

Ratio 0.52 0.54 0.54

Gokaldas Pvt Ltd
Net fixed Ratio
0.54 0.54





2017 2018 2019

Series 1

Net fixed Ratio

0.54 0.54

2017 Series 1

Series 1

The above table represents the net fixed ratio of Gokaldas Pvt Ltd from 2017 to 2019. During
the year 2017, the net fixed ratio stood at 0.54 and it was constant in the year 2018 to 0.54. The
ratio was decreased during the year 2019 to 0.52


The above graph depicts the net fixed ratio of Gokaldas Pvt Ltd for 3-year 2017-2019. During
the base year 2017 the ratio stood at 0.54 and it has decreased to 0.52 in the year 2019.
Gokaldas Pvt Ltd

4.Net profit Ratio

Net Profit Ratio = Net Profit / Net sales *100

NET PROFIT RATIO 2019 2018 2017

NET PROFIT 76,234,720 36,450,882 2,478,927

NET SALES 1,930,882,506 1,595,998,439 1,293,774,345

3.95 2.28 0.19

Net Profit Ratio



2.5 2.28


0.5 0.19
2017 2018 2019

Series 1
Gokaldas Pvt Ltd
Net Profit Ratio




2017 Series 1

Series 1

The above table represents the net profit ratio of Gokaldas Pvt Ltd from 2017 to 2019. During
the year 2017, the debt equity ratio stood at 0.19 and it gradually increased to 2.28 in the year
2018. The ratio was increased during the year 2019 to 3.95


The above graph depicts the net profit ratio of Gokaldas Pvt Ltd for 3-year 2017-2019. During
the base year 2017 the ratio stood at 0.19 and it has decreased to 3.95 in the year 2019.
Gokaldas Pvt Ltd
Internship is the work experience gained by the student; it enhanced my knowledge to an extent. I like
to gain knowledge and upgrade myself according to the business trend or according to society’s
development. I have learnt new skills and it has added to my knowledge. I got an opportunity to know
what teamwork is and how to communicate with superior’s as well as clients in the organization.

The company has sent me to all the departments to see how the industry is organized or work and
gain enough knowledge in service units and gain industry knowledge from an organization and
professionals, and sense of achievement by contributing to an organization. I have gained new
skills and gained confidence in my ability.

It was highly rewarding experience for me to be a of organization structure. I learnt to analyze all
important aspects of all departments. It helped me to find out power and fault of the organization,
which helped me to understand the operation of financial department.


Managing the time is very much important in every organization. So, Gokaldas Intimate wear Pvt
Ltd have maintained the standard time of all the states for import and exporting


Building a good relationship with the manager or with the supervisor should be a top priority.
Through internship I have learnt how to communicate with the employees, managers.
• Helped to me to find out strength, weakness, opportunity and threats of the
sector as well as the organization.

• Procedure for the recruitment and selection of the employees.

• Various benefits given to employees by Human Resource Development. Most
of the Employees were satisfied with job which is assigned to them.
• Authority and delegation are a centralized process, which put equal
responsibility on each employee. Their responsibility is proportionate towards
the job assigned to them.
Gokaldas Pvt Ltd
• It has adopting new technology as and when the technology changes. This has
helped in giving quality product to its customers.
• Manual accounting system has been transformed into computerized accounting
system, which has helped the company to carry on its work quickly and accurately.
• Co- ordination and co-operation between employers and employees are very
good in this company.
• Performance appraisal of employees is done periodically.


Kotler, P., Keller, K. L., Ang, S. H., Tan, C. T., & Leong, S. M. (2018). Marketing management: an
Asian perspective. Pearson.
Gokaldas Pvt Ltd
Teece, D. J., Pisano, G., & Shuen, A. (1997). Dynamic capabilities and strategic management. Strategic
management journal, 18(7), 509-533.

Higgins, R. C., & Reimers, M. (1995). Analysis for financial management (No. s 53). Chicago: Irwin.

Profit and Loss A/C of GOKALDAS INTIMATEWEAR Pvt ltd for the
ending 31st March 2019

PARTICLUAR Year ended Year ended Year ended

31 march 31 march 31 march
2019 2018 2017

Revenue from operations (gross) 1,930,882,506 1,597,086,346 1,299,443,536

Less : Excise duty - (1,087,907) (5,669,191)

Revenue from operations (net) 1,930,882,506 1,595,998,439 1,293,774,345
Other income 7,393,019 8,370,824 7,168.263
Gokaldas Pvt Ltd
Total revenue 1,938,275,525 1,604,369,263 1,300,942,608

Cost of materials consumed 865,194,066 670,082,218 535,390,617
Processing charges 13,779,645 8,642,671 5,227,010
(increase) in inventories of finished goods (44,276,251) (39,785,722) (4,544,497)
and work –in – progress
Employee benefits expense 504,387,403 491,454,053 427,678,396

Finance costs 52,060,876 47,639,018 42,875,160

Depreciation and amortization expense 26,076,080 24,414,893 21,288,004

Other expenses 409,922,341 348,097,226 268,592,679

Total expenses 1,827,144,160 1,550,544,358 1,296,507,369
Profit before tax 111,131,365 53,824,906 4,435,239
Tax expense
Current tax
Current year 36,571,364 23,639,308 675,016
Prior year 1,775,304 (3,482,383) 5,037,362

Deferred tax (credit)

Current year (3,450,023) 2,075,455 (518,712)
Prior year (4,858,356) (3,237,354)
Profit for the year 76,234,720 36,450,882 2,478,927

Balance sheet of GOKALDAS INTIMATEWEAR Pvt ltd for the year

31st March 2019

As at As at As at
31March 2019 31 March 2018 31 March 2017

Gokaldas Pvt Ltd
Equity and liabilities
Shareholders’ funds
Share Capital 277,712,950 277,712,950 277,712,950
Reserves and Surplus 198,361,687 122,126,967 85,676,085
476,074,637 399,839,917 363,389,035

Non-current Liabilities
Long- term borrowings - 6666666 13,333,333

Other long –term liabilities 19,807,630 14,419,430 11,613,709

19,807,630 21,086,096 24,947,042
Current liabilities
Short – term borrowings 357,175,000 365,660,665 291,361,528
Dues to creditors other than micro, 171,339,160 101,862,070 56,109,304
small and medium
Other current liabilities 156,975,120 113,215,957 90,603,531

Short-term provisions 49,803,913 30,663,635 27,026,130

735,293,193 611,402,327 465,100,493
Total 1,231,175,460 1,032,328,340 853,436,570

Non – Current assets
Property , plant and equipment
Tangible assets 114,350,784 106,705,532 93,945,327

Intangible assets 5,689,386 7,203,065 8,694,379

Deferred tax assets (net) 25,164,960 21,714,937 18,932,036
Long –term loans and advances 45,897,075 36,413,663 33,545,954
Other non – current assets 68,350,567 54,207,524 53,280,000
259,452,772 226,244,721 208,397,696
Current assets
Inventories 467,243,617 426,008,816 369,965,988
Trade receivables 345,735,707 219,547,027 161,131,988
Cash and Bank Balances 45,846,081 70,521,597 87,504,096
Gokaldas Pvt Ltd
Short – term loans and advances 110,048,214 86,963,726 24,246,685

Other current assets 2,849,069 3,042,453 2,190,117

971,722,688 806,083,619 645,038,874
Total 1231,175,460 1,032,328,340 853,436,570

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