Busorg Review TSN - 3 Manresa

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August 19, 2014: 1769 provides for the rules in determining partnership.
First, persons who are not partners as to each other are not partners as
So how do you define agent and partnership? It is provided under article to third persons; why? Because, partnership Is a matter of intention.
1767 on the NCC : Each partners must give its consent to become a partner. So as a general
rule, 1769 subject to exception as provided by Article 1825, or
Art. 1767. By the contract of partnership two or more persons bind partnership by estoppel wherein, a person misleads third persons into
themselves to contribute money, property, or industry to a common believing that they are partners in the non-existent partnership.
fund, with the intention of dividing the profits among themselves.
Co-ownership or co-possession does not of itself establish a partnership ,
The second paragraph is the definition of a general why? Because in a partnership, there must be clear intent to derive
professional partnership which provides that: profits from the operation of the business and in partnership there is
existence of fiduciary relationship of the parties. whether such-co-owners
Two or more persons may also form a partnership for the or co-possessors do or do not share any profits made by the use of the
exercise of a profession. property;
So what are the essential features of a general partnership? A general
partnership is synonymous to a business partnership. The sharing of gross returns does not of itself establish a partnership,
why? Take note this is not even a presumptive evidence of partnership,
First, there must be a valid contract (Estanislaovs CA). because the sharing is for the net income.

Second, the parties must have the legal capacity to enter into a contract. GR: The receipt by a person of a share of the profits of a business is
Maybe that the parties must be capable and competent to prima facie evidence that he is a partner in the business. Take note, this
enter into a contract thus the ff cannot enter into a contract (minors, is a strong presumptive evidence of partnership.
under civil interdiction [take note that civil interdiction is an accessory Exceptions:
penalty of being convicted of crimes] insane persons, incompetent (a) As a debt by installments or otherwise;
persons.) so for example if a person is charge in court, can he enter into (b) As wages of an employee or rent to a landlord;
a contract of partnership? Yes, because he is not yet convicted of a (c) As an annuity to a widow or representative of a deceased
crime. He has still the legal capacity to enter into a legal contract. partner;
(d) As interest on a loan, though the amount of payment vary
Third, there must be mutual contribution of money, property, industry to with the profits of the business;
a common fund. (e) As the consideration for the sale of a goodwill of a business
or other property by installments or otherwise.
Fourth, the object must be lawful.
Take note of the some typical incidents of partnership:
Fifth, the primary purpose must be to obtain profits and to divide the 1. The partners share in profits and losses.
same among the parties. 2. They have equal rights in management and the
conduct of the partnership business.
So, in a contract of partnership, it speaks of persons. When 3. That every partner is an agent of the partnership
you say persons, these does not only include natural persons but also and entitled to bind the others by his acts.
juridical persons. 4. That all partners are personally liable to the debts of
Now, can corporation can enter into a contract of partnership? the partnership with the separate property except
that of the limited partners.
As a general rule NO.because it is contrary to public policy. 5. If fiduciary relation exist between the parties.
Exceptions: 6. In dissolution, the partnership continue to exist until
1. The articles of incorporation of the corporation must the winding up of the partnership affairs.
expressly authorize the corporation to enter into contracts of partnership
with others in the pursuit of its business. 1770 provides for the object or purpose of the partnership.
2. The articles of partnership mustg provide that all the A partnership must have:
partners will manage partnership. 1. a lawful object or purpose, and
3, that the articles of partnership must stipulate that all the 2. must be established for the common benefit or interest of the
partners are and shall be jointly and severally liable for all obligations of partners.
the partnership.
When an unlawful partnership is dissolved by a judicial decree,
Now, to contribute money, property, or industry, take note, the profits shall be confiscated in favor of the State, without prejudice to
contribution of the ff makes the contract of partnership an onerous the provisions of the Penal Code governing the confiscation of the
contract because this is a mutual agreement that all must give or instruments and effects of a crime.
contribute. Next, that the primary purpose must to obtain profits and to
divide the same among the parties. Take note that, the primary objective When you say lawful objects it refers to capital. Lawful object
of the partnership is to obtain profits and the sharing profits need not be refers to capital, lawful purpose to the business itself, so what are the
equal. As a general rule, the sharing ratios by the parties are determined effects of an unlawful partnership:
by the agreement of the parties, if there is no agreement, it will be based 1. first, take note the contract is void ab initio and the partnership
upon the partners contribution. never existed in the eyes of the law.
2. the partnership shall be confiscated in favour of the
How about an industrial partner, is he required to make a government.
contribution? What kind of contribution? As a general rule, NO because 3. the instruments or tools and proceeds of the crime shall be
what is his contribution is his services, he shall not also share to the loses forfeited in favour of the government.
as to the partners but as to the third parties, he is not exempt without 4. The contribution of the partners shall not be confiscated as a
prejudice to article 1816 of NCC. general rule. How about the rights of the partners to receive
Next, is form essential as to the validity of a partnership the profits where the partnership is unlawful? Are the partners
contract? NO. because it can be orally entered into. Except when what is entitled to receive their share in the profits? Take note, they
being contributed is an immovable property which requires that it must have no right to receive the share in the profits. Is a judicial
be in a public instrument and registered with the SEC. please relate that decree necessary to dissolve an unlawful partnership? As a
to 1771 of the NCC. general rule, NO but if judicially made, then confiscation of the
So, can a partnership enter into another partnership? Is that proceeds can be lawfully effected.
allowed? Yes.
Art. 1771.
Article 1768.The partnership has a judicial personality separate and GR:A partnership may be constituted in any form,
distinct from that of each of the partners, even in case of failure to EXC: except where immovable property or real rights are contributed
comply with the requirements of Article 1772, first paragraph. so this is thereto, in which case a public instrument shall be necessary.
the consequence of partnership being a juridical entity. It is separate
from its partners. Then, as a separate juridical entity, it can sue or can be No special form is required for the validity of the partnership.
sued, it can acquire property and in case of insolvency of your Take note, a parallel rule is found at 1356 of the NCC.
partnership, it does not mean that the partners themselves are insolvent. Contracts shall be obligatory in whatever form it may have entered into
provided that all the essential requisites are present for its validity.
Contract of partnership, as a general rule, is not covered by the statute

of frauds since it is not necessary required to be in writing except when

there is an agreement to enter to a partnership at future time. That is not So what is a particular partnership?
for the validity of the contract but for the enforceability of the contract. Art. 1783. A particular partnership has for its object
determinate things, their use or fruits, or a specific
Registration of partnership is found under Article 1772: Partnership undertaking, or the exercise of a profession or vocation.
with capital of three thousand or more, it must appear in a public
instrument and second, it must be recorded or registered with the SEC. It is provided under art. 1783. That is the definition of a
particular partnership. Be sure to differentiate it from a universal
What is the purpose of this registration requirement? It is to partnership.
give notice to 3rd persons and it can be assumed that the members or the
partners themselves knew of the contents of the contract. What if there What is this joint venture? Is a joint venture deemed a partnership?
is no registration of the said partnership? The partnership remains valid if Here the leading case is the Heirs of Tan EngKee v. CA.
all the essential requisites or elements of the contract are present. The
partnership has a legal personality. Is it considered as a partnership?
Take note, joint ventures are generally concerned with an
1773 provides for a partnership with a contribution of an immovable isolated transaction or project as opposed to a partnership which
property. The contract must be in a public instrument and an inventory of contemplates a general business with some continuity. Take note that
the property contributed must be made, signed by the parties and partnership has a character of continuity while joint venture refers to
attached to the public instrument. The main purpose of this is to protect isolated transactions. Moreover, a joint venture does not have a firm
3rd persons. Failure to comply with the said requirements, the partnership name. There is no mutual agency and it does not have a separate
is void. juridical personality.

1774 provides for acquisition or conveyance of property by the What are the obligations of the different relations created by a contract
partnership. This article is one of the consequences of a partnership of partnership?
being a juridical entity separate and distinct from its partners. Relations created by a contract of partnership
1.) Relations among the partners themselves;
1775 provides for the definition of a secret partnership. What is a secret 2.) Relations of the partners with the partnership;
partnership? This refers to association and societies whose articles are 3.) Relations of the partnership with third persons;
kept secret among the members wherein any one of the members may 4.) Relations of the partners with third persons.
contract in his own name with third person. Secret partnership is not a
partnership in the eyes of the law because it has no juridical personality.
Secret partnership are not in the nature of partnership and are governed Art. 1784 provides for the commencement and term of a partnership
by the provisions of co-ownership. Can a secret partnership itself be held that a partnership commences at the time of the execution of the
liable? Can you sue a secret partnership? It cannot sue for lack of contract unless otherwise stipulated. Take note that it is not the
juridical personality but it can be sued by third persons under the registration in the SEC which gives the partnership its juridical
common name they used. This is based on Rule 3, Sec 15 of Rules of personality.

1776 provides for the different classifications of partnership. Please take Under Art.1785 which provides for the continuation of the partnership
note. beyond its fixed term.

1777 provides that a universal partnership may refer to all the present So if it will be asked in your exam, what is a partnership with a fixed
property or of all the profits. In this kind of partnership, the following term?
becomes the common property of all partners: It is a partnership one the term for which the partnership to
1. Property which belongs to each of the partners at the time of exist is fixed or agreed upon or one formed for a particular undertaking.
the constitution of the partnership; So take note, upon the expiration of such term or accomplishment of the
2. Profits which the partners may acquire from the property undertaking, what will happen to a particular partnership? It will cause its

Universal partnership of all present property is akin to an What if that said partnership is continued by the partners?
absolute community property. Nagdatingnaang period peroicontinuenila? What kind of partnership is
Future properties are not included in universal partnership of created?
all present property because what you contribute to a partnership is a A partnership at will is created. Take note that in a
determinate thing that is already in existence. If it is future property, as a partnership at will, the rights and duties of the partners remain the same.
general rule, this will not fall under the universal partnership of all
present property like inheritance, legacy or donation except by stipulation
or the fruits of the same. Art. 1786 provides for the obligations of the partner with respect to
contribution of property.
1780 provides for a definition of universal partnership of profits. A
universal partnership of profits is one which comprises all that the Take note that a partner is a debtor of the partnership for
partners may acquire by their industry or work during the existence of whatever he may promised to contribute thereto. Take note sa 1 st
the partnership and the usufruct of movable or immovable property paragraph, there is no delivery yet of the thing he promised to
which each of the partners may possess at the time of the celebration of contribute. Thus, if the said partner fails to deliver the said contribution,
the contract. it makes him ipso jure a debtor of the partnership even in the absence of
In case of doubt, without specification of the nature of the partnership, demand. Take note, demand is not necessary to make him liable or a
what is it? Is it a universal partnership of all present property or a debtor of the said partnership.
universal partnership of profits?
Only universal partnership of profits. Under 2nd par., “the partner shall also be bound for warranty in
That is the presumption provided by law. Why? case of eviction with regard to specific and determinate things which he
Because it is less onerous and imposes less obligations and the partners may have contributed to the partnershipxx” – these refers to NON-
retain ownership over the properties that they contribute. FUNGIBLE THINGS ha. Specific, determinate and non-fungible thing.

1782 provides for the limitations on the right to form ownership. Those Take note, the same partner gives the same warranties as that of
not allowed to contribute are those persons prohibited into entering into the vendor. So anobaitongmga warranties nabinibigayng vendor under
a universal partnership of all present property. Who are these persons? the law?
1. Spouses including the common law; (1) Warranty against eviction
2. Those made between persons guilty of adultery or concubinage (2) Warranty against hidden defects
at the time of the donation. No need for conviction, only (3) Warranty for ____
preponderance of evidence is necessary;
3. Those made between persons found guilty of the same criminal Finally, the partner “xxshall also be liable for the fruits thereof from
offense in consideration thereof. This requires conviction; and the time they should have been delivered, without the need of any
4. Those made to a public officer or his wife, descendants or demand.” Take note, demand is not necessary to put the said partner at
ascendants by reason of his office. fault. So he will be liable for the fruits of the property in case of delay.

Take note art. 1792 is a mode of extinguishment of obligation which

Art. 1787 provides that the appraisal of goods or property contributed is is application of payments as provided for under art. 1252 of the Civil
necessary. Why is appraisal necessary? This is necessary in order to Code which provides:
determine how much is contributed by the partners to the said
partnership. Art. 1252. He who has various debts of the same kind in
favor of one and the same creditor, may declare at the time of
So how is appraisal made? It is made by: making the payment, to which of them the same must be
1.) In manner prescribed by contract of partnership; applied. Unless the parties so stipulate, or when the application
Here in #1, the value of the things to be appraised is based on of payment is made by the party for whose benefit the term
the agreement of the partners. has been constituted, application shall not be made as to debts
which are not yet due.
2.) If no stipulation, by experts chosen by the partners and according to If the debtor accepts from the creditor a receipt in which an
current prices. application of the payment is made, the former cannot
complain of the same, unless there is a cause for invalidating
the contract. (1172a)
Art. 1788 provides for the obligations of a capitalist partners. What are
the obligations of these capitalist partners?
(1) To contribute on the date due the amount he has undertaken Art. 1793 imposes an obligation on the partner who receives his share
to contribute; of partnership credits. When will art. 1793 apply?
(2) To reimburse any amount he may have taken from the (1) That a partner has received his share in the credit;
partnership coffers and converted to his own use; (2) The other partners have not collected their shares; and
In #2, he will be liable for misappropriation if he (3) The partnership debtor has become insolvent.
converts to his own use.
(3) To pay the agreed or legal interest, if he fails to pay his The obligation imposed here is for the partnership to bring to
contribution on time or in case he takes any amount from the collation to the said partnership the credit he has received.
common fund and converts it to his own use;
(4) To indemnify the partnership for the damages caused to it by Art. 1794 provides for the obligation of a partner for damages to
the delay in the contribution or for the conversion of any sum partnership. It imposes an obligation to every partner for damages to
for his personal benefit. partnership. So every partner is responsible to the partnership for
damages caused to the partnership.

Under art. 1794, compensation of damages will not apply. Why? It

Art. 1789 provides for the obligations of the industrial partner. Take will not apply because in compensation, it is required that the said
note that an industrial partner contributes what? Only his industry as a partner be at the same time the debtor and creditor. So here the partner
general rule. is only a debtor for the damages. Hence, he cannot compensate using his
profits and benefits earned for the partnership. However, his
So what are the prohibitions against engaging in business with responsibility as provided under art. 1794 may be mitigated by the courts
regard an industrial partner?There is an absolute prohibition for the if through extra-ordinary efforts of the partner, unusual profits are
industrial partner to engage in any kind of business as a general rule. realized.

How about the capitalist partner? Here the prohibition is only

relative. Why? Because he is only prohibited to engage in the same kind Art. 1795 provides for the rules on risk of loss of thing contributed.
of business in which the partnership is engaged in. Rules as to who bears the risk made by contribution. So –
(1) If the contribution is determinate and non-fungible but only the
use is contributed and the same is lost, then the one who
Art. 1790 provides for the extent of contribution to the partnership contributes it is liable. Why? Because of the principle of res
capital. The rule is that the partners shall contribute the capital of the peruit domino.
partnership based on their agreement. So if there is no agreement, the (2) If fungible things are contributed and the same is lost, then
rule is that the partners shall contribute equally. This provision applies who bears the loss? it is the partnership who should shoulder
only to capitalist partner because industrial partners are not required to the risks of loss.
contribute capital. (3) Take note also that under art. 1795, the partnership shall also
be the one to bear the risk for items brought for sale in
Art. 1791 provides for the obligations of capitalist partner to contribute inventory for appraisal for the value of which they were
additional capital. So when does art. 1791 apply? appraised.
(1) In case of imminent loss of the business of the partnership;
(2) That majority of capitalist partners are of the opinion that an
additional contribution to the common fund would save the Art. 1796 provides for the responsibility of the partnership to the
business; partners. So what are these?
(3) That the capitalist partner refuses deliberately to contribute an The partnership is obliged to:
additional share to the capital; and (1) Refund amounts disbursed by the partner in behalf of the
(4) There is no agreement that even in case of an imminent loss partnership plus interest from time expenses made;
of the business the partners are not obliged to contribute. #1 refers to the loan extended by the partners to the
So what is the remedy under art. 1791 in case the capitalist partner (2) Answer for obligations the partner may have contracted in
refuses to make additional capital? Then he is required to sell his interest. good faith in the interest of the partnership business; and
Refusal to contribute additional funds by the said capitalist partner, then (3) Answer for risks in consequence of its management.
he is required to sell his interest in order to save the partnership.
So what is the rationale of the article? Because the partner is
Take note the capitalist partner here who refuses to make merely the agent of the partnership. Hence, he is not personally liable as
contribution, he should be SOLVENT. Hence, if the said capitalist partner long as he acts in good faith and within the scope of his authority.
is insolvent, then he is not required to make additional contribution to the

Art. 1792 provides for the obligation of a managing partner to apply the Art. 1797 provides for the rules for distribution of profits and losses.
sum he collected pro-rata. So what are the requisites for the application
of art. 1792? Distribution for profits shall be made:
(1) There exists at least two debts, one where the collecting (1) according to the agreement of the parties.
partner is creditor, and the other, where the partnership is (2) Hence, if there is no such agreement, the share of each
creditor; capitalist partner shall be in proportion to his capital
(2) Both debts are due and demandable; contribution and the industrial partner shall receive such share,
(3) The partner who collects is authorized to manage and actually which must be satisfied first before the capitalist partners.
manages the partnership.
So the industrial partners contribution here is based on quantum
meruit – what is just and equitable under the circumstances.

of administration but already of an act of ownership. So unanimity of the

How about the distribution of losses? consent of the other partner is necessary
(1) Based on the agreement of the parties.
(2) If there is no agreement, the law says it will be in accordance Art. 1804 provides for a contract of sub-partnership. What is a contract
with the profit sharing ration. of sub-partnership? It is…
(3) If there is no profit-sharing stipulated, it shall be in proportion Art. 1804. Every partner may associate another person with
to the capital contribution. him in his share, but the associate shall not be admitted into
the partnership without the consent of all the other partners,
But take not industrial partners are not liable for the losses unless even if the partner having an associate should be a manager.
there is a stipulation to the contrary.
Take note what is granted under art. 1804 is the right to associate with
another in his share. Take note that the person na associate does not
become a member of the partnership because it requires the consent of
Art. 1798 provides for the designation by a 3 rd person of share in profits all the other partners based on the principle of delectus personae.
and losses. This iss sanctioned – this is allowed under 1798.

What is a leonic partnership? It is provided under art. 1799 which Art. 1805 provides for the right to access, copy and inspect partnership
provides that: books and that the partnership books shall be kept in the following places
Art. 1799. A stipulation which excludes one or more partners in order:
from any share in the profits or losses is void. (1) In accordance with the partnership agreement;
(2) If there is no agreement, then it shall be kept in the principal
Take note, only that stipulation is void but the partnership place of the business of the partnership.
subsists because the existence of the partnership is not dependent upon Take notet that each partner will have access to all the
the validity of the stipulation. partnership books and he is allowed to access the said
partnership books during the reasonable hours of business.
Art. 1800 which provides for the rights and obligations with respect to Thus, the one who is keeping the partnership books cannot
management. What is the general rule? The general rule is that each state when can it be inspected.
partner has a right to manage the business of the partnership.
(1) When a manager is appointed in the articles of partnership.
Meaning, he was appointed at the time of the constitution of Art. 1806 provides for the duty of the parties inter se to render true and
the partnership. Take note that this managing partner who is full information. So that is self-explanatory that they shall render on
appointed during the constitution of the partnership, he can demand true and full information of all things affecting the partnership,
perform all acts of administration unless he acted in bad faith. to any of the partner or a legal representative of the deceased partner or
His power may not be revoked unless for a just and lawful of any partner under legal capacity.
cause and the role of the partners with controlling interest is
necessary. When you say acts of administration, these are acts Art. 1807 provides that a partner is accountable as a fiduciary.
made in the ordinary course of business and the administrative
Art. 1808 reiteration langng prohibition against the capitalist partner
Take note why is it that the managing partner who is from engaging in the same kind of business. Take note that this
appointed in the articles of partnership, his appointment cannot be prohibition is merely relative.
revoked for no reason, why? Because if you revoke his power, you
are in effect changing the terms of the contract of partnership
kasinga he was appointed at the time of the constitution of the
Art. 1809 provides for the right of a partner to formal accounting. Take
(2) A managing partner appointed after the constitution of the note that during the existence of the partnership, this right is not
partnership. available as a general rule because the right is already protected under
So if he is appointed after the constitution of the art. 1805 and 1806 of the Civil Code.Subject to following exceptions:
partnership, then you may have his power revoked for a cause (1) If he is wrongfully excluded from the partnership business or
or even without a cause. That is allowed. possession of its property by his co-partners;
(2) If the right exists under the terms of any agreement;
(3) As provided by article 1807 which refers to liquidation of
Art. 1801provides the rule when the respective duties of 2 or more (4) Whenever other circumstances render it just and reasonable.
managing partners are not specified and when unanimity of their actions
are not stipulated. So during the existence, the right is not available subject to the following
exceptions. How about upon dissolution of the partnership? So upon
So what is the rule under art. 1801? Each one of the managing dissolutionof the partnership, a partner has a right to a formal
partners may separately perform acts of administration. Why? Because accounting.
their respective duties are not specified and unanimity of action is not

AUGUST 26, 2014

So opposite ng article 1801 is art. 1802. So 1802 baliktadlangang rule.
So under art. 1802, unanimity of action of the managing partner is We will continue with the property rights of a partner under Article 1810.
required because it is stipulated. Hence, concurrence of their decision is What are these?
necessary in order to have their acts valid. So concurrence is necessary
for validity of the acts. 1.) Rights in specific partnership property;
2.) Interest in partnership;
3.) Right to participate in management.
Art. 1803 provides for the rules when matter of management has not 1810
been agreed upon. So if there is no agreement as to who will be the
managing partners during the constitution of the partnership and after its
Art. 1810. The property rights of a partner are:
constitution, then the assumption is that all partners are managing
1.) His rights in specific partnership property;
partners. Take note this is without prejudice to the application of art.
2.) His interest in the partnership; and
3.) His right to participate in the management.
Under the 2nd par. of art. 1803, this simply provides that the
Nature of partner’s right in specific partnership property. What does it
partners cannot simply alter an immovable property owned by the
partnership without the consent of the other partners. Why? Bakit mean?
necessary ang consent ng other partners? Because it is not purely an act

It simply means partners are considered co-owners of the specific 4.) To require an account of partnership affairs, but only in case the
partnership property. partnership is dissolved, and such account shall cover the period
from the date only of the last account agreed to by all partners.
As a co-owner what are the consequences? The purchaser of a partner’s interest may apply to the court for
dissolution after the termination of the specified term or undertaking or
First, they can use only use it for partnership purposes at any time if the partnership is one at will.

Second, they cannot use it for personal purposes without consent of 1813 is similar to sub-partnerships. That’s why the consent of all other
other partners partners is not required for the interest of the partner to be conveyed.
Under Article 1811, take note that a partner cannot simply
assign his specific right of a partnership property. Why? Because it does Remember here that the assignee cannot become a partner without the
not belong to him in the first place and second, that the extent of his consent of all the other partners because if he becomes a member that
interest in the said partnership property cannot yet be determined during will entail a dissolution or change in membership of the said partnership.
the existence of the business of the partnership.
Next under Article 1814.
It cannot be determined prior its dissolution. However, the
partnership altogether can assign to a third party the right to the use of Partner’s obligation to have his partners interest or his share in the
the said property for partnership business purposes. And the right of the profits and surplus charge for his personal debts. This pertains to the
partners as to the property, take note, is not subject to attachment charging lien.
unless it is a claim against the partnership for the simple reason that any
What is this charging lien?
one of the partners is not the owner of the said specific partnership
property. Likewise, tt cannot be subject to legal support because it does
Charging lien or charging order – this attaches the interest of
not pertain to any of the partners.
the partner. If that is issued by the court it should be through a judicial
order. Then it directs the partnership to pay any of the profits that may
be due to the judgment debtor in favor of the judgment creditor in
Next Article 1812. A partner’s interest in the partnership is satisfaction of his credit. Take note ha court order. That is why it is
his share of the profits and surplus. known as a charging order.

Article 1812 provides that nature of partnership interest in the What are the other remedies under 1814?
said partnership.
Judgment creditor can also ask for appointment of a receiver to
During the operations of the business of the partnership this pertains to collect the personal obligation of the said partner or the said interest of
his share in the profits and losses. And after its operations and during the partner may be sold at auction or during foreclosure but it is subject
liquidation and dissolution his interest of the partnership assets after all to right of redemption by the other partners with their separate property
the (tests?Tents?)have been cleared. or partnership property. So that is charging order. Take note: This
presupposes that there is already court judgment.
Take note that the interest of the partner here can be subject
to attachment or execution. Why? Because it belongs to the partners and
not to the said partnership.
What are the obligations of partners with regard to 3rd persons?
Next under 1813 it refers to the effect of assignment of
Under Article 1815 regarding the requirement of a firm
partners whole interest in the said partnership. So! How can a partner
convey his interest without getting the partnership being dissolved?

Art. 1815. Every partnership shall operate under a firm name,

1. By selling it to a 3rd person
which may or may not include the name of one or more of the
2. By donating it to a 3rd person Those who, not being members of the partnership, include
their names in the firm name, shall be subject to the liability of
3. By using it as a security on a loan from a 3 rd person
a partner.
What are the rights withheld from the said assignee? Because
This is required of partnerships because partnerships are
we are talking here of assigning a partner’s whole interest in the
juridical persons that are separate from each of the partners.
In order to separate the names of the partners from the said
Rights withheld from assignee –
partnership and also in order to protect 3rd persons who will be dealing
1.) To interfere in the management;
2.) To require any information or account; with the partners as well as the partnership.
3.) To inspect any of the partnership books.
Under 1815 if a 3rd person’s name is used with his consent, he
should be liable as a partner with all the rights of a partner because the
Why? Because the assignee does not become a member of the partnership uses his name.
partnership without the consent of the other partners.
Under 2nd paragraph of 1815, Those who, not being members
So what are given? of the partnership, include their names in the firm name, shall be subject
to the liability of a partner.
Rights of assignee of partner’s interest
1.) To receive in accordance w/ his contract the profits accruing to Another prohibition is that you cannot choose the name of the
the assigning partner; deceased partner ha take note. Why because his death already caused
2.) To avail himself of the usual remedies provided by law in the the dissolution of the previous partnership.
event of fraud in the management; (Atty. Guerzo’s lecture: in
cases of fraud by the assignor)
Under Article 1816 which provides for the liability for
3.) To receive the assignor’s interest in case of dissolution;
contractual obligation of partnership

General Rule: All partners including industrial ones they are liable pro executed by a partner in the partnership name or in his name, it passes
rata for partnership debts. Pro rata liability meaning it is subsidiary and equitable interest of the said partnership.
joint. Pro rata is based on the number of the partners and not on the
amount capital contributions. It is only subsidiary or secondary because
they are only liable after all the partnership assets have been exhausted.
Article 1820
GR all liable pro rata for partnership debts.
Refers to admission made by a partner in relation to your rule
E: 1. If there is an agreement to solidary liability on evidence.

2. For torts committed Anything that a partners says or admits concerning partnership
affairs and within scope of his authority that is sufficient evidence against
3. In case of misappropriation under Article 1823 partnership.

In order that said addition can be used as evidence in court,

the existence must be established and proved first.
Article 1818 refers to the power of a partner as agent of

Take note this disqualifies the authority of partners. 1821 refers to notice to, or knowledge of, a partner of matter
affecting partnership affairs
General Rule: In the absence of an agreement to the contrary all
partners have equal rights in the management and conduct of the Notice to any of the partners is notice to the partnership.
partnership business.
You don’t have to notify every partner in relation to partnership
Thus as regards 3rd persons the law does not impose any duty for them affairs.
to make inquires as to the acting partners authority because of that
general rule. Knowledge of a partner acting in a particular manner or
knowledge of any partner who should have communicated it to the
2nd the presumption of the law, the acting partner has the authority to managing partner that is knowledge to the partnership.If notice is
bind the partnership. delivered to a partner under the law that is effective communication to
the partnership.Notwithstanding the failure of such partner to
communicate such notice or knowledge to the other partners.

What is the liability of the partnership for acts of partner? It is not a defense for other partners to claim that they are not
notified if any one of the partners is notified.
For the usual way of carrying on the partnership – partnership
is liable.

Apparently carrying on the usual way of the business 1822 Liability for Torts
1823 Liability for misappropriation
If the partner so acting has authority and that the 3 rd person
knows that the acting partner has authority. – Acts of administration 1824

How about acts of strict dominion? Liability for torts and misappropriation is solidary and not pro rata. If it is
solidary meaning any partner may pay the entire obligation.
The partnership is not bound as gen rule unless authorized by
all the other partners or unless they have abandoned the business.

How about acts in contravention to restriction on the authority 1825 Defines a partner by estoppels. Who is a partner by estoppel?
– The partnership is not liable to 3 rd persons having actual or presumptive
knowledge of the restriction regardless of whether the acts are carried on A partner by estoppel is a person who by words spoken or written or by
the usual way of business of the said partnership. conduct represents himself or consents to his representation as a part in
an existing partnership or as a partner in an apparent partnership and he
makes this representation to any one and such 3 rd person has given
credit to said representation.
1819 conveyance of immovable property belonging to the
partnership.Just memorize the rule. Manner of representation:

If the real property is registered under the name of the Public representation or personal/non-public representation
partnership and it is sold under the partnership name by any of the
partners, the rule is that it passes legal title. Liability:

2nd: If the title to the real property is registered under the name of the 1st there is partnership liability when?
partnership and a conveyance is executed by a partner in his own name
it passes equitable interest of the partnership. There is partnership liability if there is an existing partnership and when
the act is ratified by the said partnership. Meaning all the other partners
Third, where the title to real property is named in one or more but not all consent to the same.
of the partners, and the record does not disclose the right of the
partnership, the partners in whose name title stands may convey the title When there is no partnership liability then the liability there is only pro
to such property. Meaning: Title is passed on. rata with the other persons so consenting to the contract or
representation as to incur liability otherwise the liability under 1825 is
Title to real property is in the name of one or more partners or all separate.
partners or 3rd persons entrust for the partnership, a conveyance

So take note: Partnership Liability or No Partnership Liability then liability 1.) A partner has been declared insane in any judicial proceeding or
of said person is pro rata with the other persons otherwise their liability is is shown to be of unsound mind;
only separate. 2.) A partner becomes in any other way incapable of performing his
part of the partnership contract;
3.) A partner has been guilty of such conduct as tends to affect
prejudicially the carrying on of the business;
4.) A partner willfully or persistently commits a breach of the
Article 1826 liability of incoming partners for partnership obligations. partnership agreement, or otherwise so conducts himself in
matters relating to the partnership business that it is not
A new partner admitted to existing partnership is also liable for EXISTING reasonably practicable to carry on the business in partnership
obligations before he was admitted but his liability is only limited to his with him;
contribution to partnership unless stipulated 5.) The business of the partnership can only be carried on at a loss;
6.) Other circumstances render a dissolution equitable;
Said new partner liable to separate property when obligations incurred
when he was already a partner.
Others: Abandonment of partnership business, fraud, refusal by any of
the partners to render accounting, on application of 3rd parties

Article 1827 speaks of the preference of partnership creditors in On the application of the purchaser of a partner’s interest under Article
1813 or 1814:
partnership property.
1.) After the termination of the specified term or particular
The rule is that partnership creditors they have better rights to partners 2.) At any time if the partnership was a partnership at will when the
obligation with regard to partnership property. While the personal interest was assigned or when the charging order was
creditors of partners they have better right than a partnership creditor issued.
with regard to the personal property of the partner.

1832 Effect

1828-30 GR: When a partnership is dissolved, partners cannot engage in a new

business transaction because their authority is already terminated upon
Dissolution of a partnership is caused by a change of relation between the occurrence of the dissolution.
the partners. If there is dissolution the rule is that no new partnership
business may be undertaken. Upon dissolution the partnership continues E: 1. During the winding up of the business.
until winding up and liquidation is completed.
Transactions relating to the winding up of business such as liquidation of
Causes: 1830 partnership assets can be tendered into because the partner’s authority
to do so shall continue
1.) Without violation of the agreement between the partners:
a.) By the termination of the definite term or particular 2. To complete unfinished transactions during dissolution
undertaking specified in the agreement;
b.) By the express will of any partner, who must act in Take note if the dissolution is not by an act, insolvency, or death, the
good faith, when no definite term or particular authority of the partners among themselves is terminated.
undertaking is specified;
c.) By the express will of all the partners who have not
assigned their interests or suffered them to be
charged for their separate debts, either before or
after the termination of any specified term or Art. 1833. Where the dissolution is caused by the act, death or insolvency
particular undertaking; of partner, each partner is liable to his co-partners for his share of any
d.) By the expulsion of any partner from the business liability created by any partner acting for the partnership as if the
bona fide in accordance with such a power conferred partnership had not been dissolved unless:
by the agreement between the partners; 1.) The dissolution being the act of any partner, the partner acting
for the partnership had knowledge of the dissolution; or
2.) In contravention of the agreement between the partners, where 2.) The dissolution being by the death or insolvency of a partner, the
the circumstances do not permit a dissolution under any other partner acting for the partnership had knowledge or notice
provision of this article, by the express will of any partner at of the death or insolvency.
any time;

3.) By any event which makes it unlawful for the business of the 1834 power of partners to bind dissolved partnership to 3rd persons.
partnership to be carried out on or for the members to carry it
on in partnership; GR: partners may still bind the partnership to transactions even after
4.) When a specific thing, a partner had promised to contribute to dissolution if the transactions are with respect to the winding up or the
the partnership, perishes before the delivery; in any case by completion of unfinished transaction.
the loss of the thing, when the partner who contributed it
having reserved the ownership thereof, has only transferred to
the partnership the use or enjoyment of the same; but the 1. Credit was extended w/o knowledge of the dissolution before its
partnership shall not be dissolved by the loss of the thing when dissolution or
it occurs after the partnership has acquired the ownership
thereof; 2. No credit but there was knowledge of the partnership existence and
5.) By the death of any partner; none of its dissolution Law
6.) By the insolvency of any partner or of the partnership;
7.) By the civil interdiction of any partner; Take note that it requires the partnership to have the dissolution
8.) By decree of court under the following article. announced in a newspaper of general circulation in its place of operation.
This is sufficient notice to all 3rd persons.

The rule is that upon dissolution the partnership is no longer bound sa 3 rd

1831 judicial determination as to dissolution
par: (codal)
Art. 1831. On application by or for a partner, the court shall decree a
dissolution whenever: The partnership is in no case bound by any act of a partner after

1.) Where the partnership is dissolved because it is unlawful to carry 2.) Those owing to partners other than for capital and profits such
on the business, unless the act is appropriate for winding up as loans given by the partners or advances for business
partnership affairs; or expenses;
2.) Where the partner has become insolvent; or 3.) Those owing for the return of the capital contributed by the
3.) Where the partner has no authority to wind up partnership partners; and
affairs, except by a transaction with one who – 4.) The share of the profits, if any, due to each partner
a.) Had extended credit to the partnership prior to
dissolution and had no knowledge or notice of his
want of authority; or
b.) Had not extended credit to the partnership prior to
dissolution, and, having no knowledge or notice of his
want of authority, the fact of his want of authority has
not been advertised in the manner provided for
advertising the fact of dissolution in the first
paragraph, No. 2.

Last paragraph: he is liable as partner by estoppel

Any person who after dissolution represents himself or consents to

another representing him as a partner in a partnership engaged in
carrying in business.

Effect of dissolution 1835

Effect of dissolution on partner’s existing liability

GR: The dissolution of a partnership does not of itself discharge the

partnership or any of the partner’s existing liability.

E: agreement to that effect between himself by partnership creditor and

other partners

1836 refers to the 2nd stage which is the winding up stage: who can
wind up partnership affairs?

1. Whoever is assigned in the agreement

2. Partners who did wrongfully caused the dissolution

3. Legal rep of the last surviving partner who is not insolvent

4. The court in a judicial winding up of partnership affairs

1837 just read that. Lengthy.Di daw importante.

1838 consider a case wherein a partner he was induced to join the said
partnership by means of fraud or misrepresentation. What is the remedy
granted by law?

The said partner can ask for the recission of the contract or the
restitution meaning the return of his contribution. Take note the said
partner is also entitled to the surplus for certain purposes. He is also
entitled to be indemnified for all debts and liabilities that he paid for
during the partnership as well as the rights of 3 rd persons or a subrogated
creditor after the liabilities have already been paid to recollect what he
paid when he entered the said partnership.


Art. 1839. In settling accounts between the partners after dissolution, the
following rules shall be observed, subject to any agreement to the

What are the assets of a partnership?

Partnership property and contribution of the partners necessary for the

payment of all its liabilities.

Just memorize the order of application of assets:

Order of application of the assets:

1.) Those owing to partnership creditors;

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