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G.R. No. 154618. April 14, 2004.

* community of interest between a party in the first case

AGILENT TECHNOLOGIES SINGAPORE and a party in the second case, even if the latter was
(PTE) LTD., petitioner, vs. INTEGRATED not impleaded in the first case. The parties in these
SILICON TECHNOLOGY PHILIPPINES cases are vying over the interests of the two opposing
corporations; the individuals are only incidentally
impleaded, being the natural persons purportedly
KIANG SENG, ANTHONY CHOO, JOANNE accused of violating these corporations’ rights.
KATE M. DELA CRUZ, JEAN KAY M. DELA Same; Same; Same; Same; Same; Fact that the
CRUZ and ROLANDO T. NACILLA, positions of the parties are reversed, does not negate
respondents. the identity of parties for purposes of determining
whether the case is dismissible on the ground of litis
Remedial Law; Actions; Jurisdiction; Litis
pendentia.—Likewise, the fact that the positions of
Pendentia; Forum Shopping; Jurisdiction is fixed by
the parties are reversed, i.e., the plaintiffs in the first
law; The pendency of another action does not strip a
case are the defendants in the second case or vice
court of the jurisdiction granted by law.—Jurisdiction
versa, does not negate the identity of parties for
is fixed by law. Batas Pambansa Blg. 129 vests
purposes of determining whether the case is
jurisdiction over the subject matter of Civil Case No.
dismissible on the ground of litis pendentia.
3123-2001-C in the RTC. The Court of Appeals’
Same; Same; Same; Same; Same; Res
ruling that the assailed Order issued by the RTC of
Judicata; Elements of Res Judicata.—The following
Calamba, Branch 92, was a nullity for lack of
are the elements of res judicata: (a) The former
jurisdiction due to litis pendentia and forum shopping,
judgment must be final; (b) The court which rendered
has no legal basis. The pendency of another action
judgment must have jurisdiction over the parties and
does not strip a court of the jurisdiction granted by
the subject matter; (c) It must be a judgment on the
merits; and (d) There must be between the first and
Same; Same; Same; Same; Litis Pendentia as a
second actions identity of parties, subject matter, and
ground for the dismissal of a civil action refers to that
cause of action.
situation wherein another action is
_______________ Same; Same; Same; Same; Same; Forum
Shopping exists where the elements of litis pendentia
 FIRST DIVISION. are present, or where a final judgment in one case
will amount to res judicata in the other action.—The
test for determining whether a party violated the rule
594 SUPREME against forum-shopping was laid down in the case
of Buan v. Lopez, Jr. Forum shopping exists where the
Agilent Technologies VOL. 427, 595
Singapore (Pte.) Ltd. vs. APRIL 14, 2004
Integrated Silicon Agilent Technologies
Technology Philippines Singapore (Pte.) Ltd. vs.
Corporation Integrated Silicon
pending between the same parties for the same Technology Philippines
cause of action such that the second action becomes Corporation
unnecessary and vexatious; Requisites for Litis elements of litis pendentia are present, or where
Pendentia to be Invoked.—Litis pendentia as a ground a final judgment in one case will amount to res
for the dismissal of a civil action refers to that judicata in the other action. There being no litis
situation wherein another action is pending between pendentia in this case, a judgment in the said case will
the same parties for the same cause of action, such not amount to res judicata in Civil Case No. 3110-
that the second action becomes unnecessary and 20Q1-C, and respondents’ contention on forum
vexatious. For litis pendentia to be invoked, the shopping must likewise fail.
concurrence of the following requisites is necessary: Corporation Law; Actions; A foreign
(a) identity of parties or at least such as represent the corporation without a license is not ipso facto
same interest in both actions; (b) identity of rights incapacitated from bringing an action in the
asserted and reliefs prayed for, the reliefs being Philippine courts; License is necessary only if a
founded on the same facts; and (c) the identity in the foreign corporation is “transacting” or “doing
two cases should be such that the judgment that may business” in the country.—A foreign corporation
be rendered in one would, regardless of which party is without a license is not ipso facto incapacitated from
successful, amount to res judicata in the other. bringing an action in Philippine courts. A license is
Same; Same; Same; Same; Same; There is necessary only if a foreign corporation is “transacting”
substantial identity of parties when there is a or “doing business” in the country.
community of interest between a party in the first case Same; Same; Estoppel; The doctrine of estoppel
and a party in the second case, even if the latter was to deny corporate existence and capacity applies to
not impleaded in the first case.—The Court of foreign corporation doing business in the Philippines
Appeals correctly appreciated the identity of parties in may bring suit in the Philippine courts against a
Civil Cases No. 3123-2001-C and 3110-2001-C. Well- Philippine citizen or entity who had contracted with
settled is the rule that lis pendens requires and benefited from said corporation.—In a number of
only substantial, and not absolute, identity of parties. cases, however, we have held that an unlicensed
There is substantial identity of parties when there is a foreign corporation doing business in the Philippines
may bring suit in Philippine courts against a domestic corporation, 100% foreign owned,
Philippine citizen or entity who had contracted with which is engaged in the business of
and benefited from said corporation. Such a suit is manufacturing and assembling electronics
premised on the doctrine of estoppel. A party is components.  Respondents Teoh Kiang Hong,

estopped from challenging the personality of a Teoh Kiang Seng and Anthony Choo, Malaysian
corporation after having acknowledged the same by
nationals, are current members of Integrated
entering into a contract with it. This doctrine of
estoppel to deny corporate existence and capacity Silicon’s board of directors, while Joanne Kate
applies to foreign as well as domestic corporations. M. dela Cruz, Jean Kay M. dela Cruz, and
The application of this principle prevents a person Rolando T. Nacilla are its former members. 3

contracting with a foreign corporation from later The juridical relation among the various
taking advantage of its noncompliance with the parties in this case can be traced to a 5-year Value
statutes chiefly in cases where such person has Added Assembly Services Agreement
received the benefits of the contract. (“VAASA”), entered into on April 2, 1996
Same; Same; Same; There is no definitive rule between Integrated Silicon and the Hewlett-
on what constitutes “doing,” “engaging in,” or Packard Singapore (Pte.) Ltd., Singapore
“transacting” business in the Philippines.—The Components Operation (“HP-Singapore”).  Under

challenge to Agilent’s legal capacity to file suit hinges

the terms of the VAASA, Integrated Silicon was
on whether or not it is doing business in the
Philippines. However, there is no definitive rule on to locally manufacture and assemble fiber optics
what constitutes “doing,” “engaging in,” or for export to HP-Singapore. HP-Singapore, for its
“transacting” business in the Philippines, as this Court part, was to consign raw materials to Integrated
observed in the case of Mentholatum Silicon; transport machinery to the plant of
v. Mangaliman. The Corporation Code itself is silent Integrated Silicon; and pay Integrated Silicon the
as to what acts constitute doing or transacting business purchase price of the finished products.  The 5

in the Philippines. Jurisprudence has it, however, that VAASA had a five-year term, beginning on April
the term “implies a continuity of commercial dealings 2, 1996, with a provision
and arrangements, and contemplates, to that extent, _______________
the performance of acts or works or the exercise of
some of the functions normally incident to or in 1
 Rollo, p. 4.
progressive prosecution of the purpose and subject of 2
 Id., p. 93.
its organization.”
 Id., pp. 93-94.
 Id., p. 112.
 Id., pp. 112-122.
PETITION for review on certiorari of a decision
of the Court of Appeals. 597
VOL. 427, APRIL 14, 597
596 2004
596 SUPREME COURT Agilent Technologies
REPORTS Singapore (Pte.) Ltd. vs.
ANNOTATED Integrated Silicon
Agilent Technologies Technology Philippines
Singapore (Pte.) Ltd. vs. Corporation
Integrated Silicon for annual renewal by mutual written consent.  On 6

Technology Philippines September 19, 1999, with the consent of

Corporation Integrated Silicon,  HP-Singapore assigned all its

The facts are stated in the opinion of the Court. rights and obligations in the VAASA to Agilent. 8

     Quisumbing, Torres for petitioner. On May 25, 2001, Integrated Silicon filed a

     M.P. Villanueva & Associates Law complaint for “Specific Performance and
Offices for respondents. Damages” against Agilent and its officers Tan
Bian Ee, Lim Chin Hong, Tey Boon Teck and
YNARES-SANTIAGO, J.: Francis Khor, docketed as Civil Case No. 3110-
01-C. It alleged that Agilent breached the parties’
This petition for review assails the Decision dated oral agreement to extend the VAASA. Integrated
August 12, 2002 of the Court of Appeals in CA- Silicon thus prayed that defendant be ordered to
G.R. SP No. 66574, which dismissed Civil Case execute a written extension of the VAASA for a
No. 3123-2001-C and annulled and set aside the period of five years as earlier assured and
Order dated September 4, 2001 issued by the promised; to comply with the extended VAASA;
Regional Trial Court of Calamba, Laguna, Branch and to pay actual, moral, exemplary damages and
92. attorney’s fees. 9

Petitioner Agilent Technologies Singapore On June 1, 2001, summons and a copy of the
(Pte.), Ltd. (“Agilent”) is a foreign corporation, complaint were served on Atty. Ramon
which, by its own admission, is not licensed to do Quisumbing, who returned these processes on the
business in the Philippines.  Respondent
claim that he was not the registered agent of
Integrated Silicon Technology Philippines Agilent. Later, he entered a special appearance to
Corporation (“Integrated Silicon”) is a private
assail the court’s jurisdiction over the person of THE COURT OF APPEALS COMMITTED
On July 2, 2001, Agilent filed a separate RESPONDENTS’ PETITION FOR CERTIORARI
complaint against Integrated Silicon, Teoh Kang FOR RESPONDENTS’ FAILURE TO FILE A
Seng, Teoh Kiang Gong, Anthony Choo, Joanne
Kate M. dela Cruz, Jean Kay M. dela Cruz and
Rolando T. Nacilla,  for “Specific Performance,
Recovery of Possession, and Sum of Money with
Replevin, Preliminary Mandatory Injunction, and THE COURT OF APPEALS COMMITTED
Damages,” before the Regional Trial Court, REVERSIBLE ERROR IN ANNULLING AND
Calamba, Laguna, Branch 92, docketed as Civil SETTING ASIDE THE TRIAL COURT'S ORDER
Case No. 3123-2001-C. Agilent prayed that a writ DATED 4 SEPTEMBER 2001 AND ORDERING
of replevin or, in the alternative, a writ of THE DISMISSAL OF CIVIL CASE NO. 3123-2001-
preliminary mandatory injunction, be issued C BELOW ON THE GROUND OF LITIS
ordering defendants to immediately return and
OF CIVIL CASE NO. 3110-2001-C.
deliver to plaintiff its equipment, machineries and
the materials to be used for fiber-optic _______________
components which were left in the plant of 12
 Id., p. 253.
Integrated Silicon. It further prayed that 13
 Id., pp. 255-60.
defendants be ordered to pay actual and 14
 Id., pp. 260-61.
exemplary damages and attorney’s fees. 11 15
 Id., pp. 261-63.
_______________ 16
 Id., pp. 263-64.
 Id., p. 43.
 Id., p. 112.
 Id., p. 98.
 Id., pp. 135-36.
 Id. 599
 CA Records, pp. 405-407. VOL. 427, APRIL 14, 599
 Rollo, p. 137. 2004
 Id., pp. 149-150.
Agilent Technologies
598 Singapore (Pte.) Ltd. vs.
598 SUPREME COURT Integrated Silicon
REPORTS Technology Philippines
ANNOTATED Corporation
Agilent Technologies III.
Singapore (Pte.) Ltd. vs.
Technology Philippines
Respondents filed a Motion to Dismiss in Civil THE DISMISSAL OF CIVIL CASE NO. 3123-2001-
Case No. 3123-2001-C,  on the grounds of lack of
Agilent’s legal capacity to sue;  litis13
pendentia;  forum shopping;  and failure to state a
14 15 OF CIVIL CASE NO. 3110-2001-C.
cause of action. 16

On September 4, 2001, the trial court denied IV.

the Motion to Dismiss and granted petitioner
Agilent’s application for a writ of replevin. 17


Without filing a motion for reconsideration, DISMISSAL OF CIVIL CASE NO. 323-2001-
respondents filed a petition for certiorari with the C BELOW INSTEAD OF ORDERING IT
Court of Appeals. 18
In the meantime, upon motion filed by 2001-C. 19

respondents, Judge Antonio S. Pozas of Branch

92 voluntarily inhibited himself in Civil Case No. The two primary issues raised in this petition: (1)
3123-2001-C. The case was re-raffled and whether or not the Court of Appeals committed
assigned to Branch 35, the same branch reversible error in giving due course to
where Civil Case No. 3110-2001-C is pending. respondents’ petition, notwithstanding the failure
On August 12, 2002, the Court of Appeals to file a Motion for Reconsideration of the
granted respondents’ petition for certiorari, set September 4, 2001 Order; and (2) whether or not
aside the assailed Order of the trial court dated the Court of Appeals committed reversible error
September 4, 2001, and ordered the dismissal in dismissing Civil Case No. 3123-2001-C.
of Civil Case No. 3123-2001-C. We find merit in the petition.
Hence, the instant petition raising the The Court of Appeals, citing the case
following errors: of Malayang Manggagawa sa ESSO v. ESSO
I. Standard Eastern, Inc.,  held that the lower court
had no jurisdiction over Civil Case No. 3123- comply with due process requirements;
2001-C because of the pendency of Civil Case in Matanguihan v. Tengco,  the questioned order

No. 3110-2001-C and, therefore, a motion for was a patent nullity for failure to acquire
reconsideration was not necessary before resort to jurisdiction over the defendants, which fact the
a petition for certiorari. This was error. records plainly disclosed; and in National
Jurisdiction is fixed by law. Batas Pambansa Electrification Administration v. Court of
Blg. 129 vests jurisdiction over the subject matter Appeals  the questioned orders were void for

of Civil Case No. 3123-2001-C in the RTC. 21

vagueness. No such patent nullity is evident in the
The Court of Appeals’ ruling that the assailed Order issued by the trial court in this case.
Order issued by the RTC of Calamba, Branch 92, Finally, while urgency may be a ground for
was a nullity for lack of jurisdiction due to litis dispensing with a Motion for Reconsideration, in
pendentia and forum shopping, has no legal basis. the case of Vivo v. Cloribel  cited by respondents,

The pendency of another action does not strip a the slow progress of the case would have
court of the jurisdiction granted by law. rendered the issues moot had a motion for
The Court of Appeals further ruled that a reconsideration been availed of. We find no such
Motion for Reconsideration was not necessary in urgent circumstance in the case at bar.
view of the urgent necessity in this _______________
 148 Phil. 794, 812; 37 SCRA 823 (1971).
 Id., p. 24.
 G.R. No. L-52413, 26 September 1981, 107 SCRA 614.
 122 Phil. 147 at 155; 14 SCRA 801 (1965).
 119 Phil. 304; 10 SCRA 46 (1964).
 Batas Pambansa Blg. 129, sec. 19.
 G.R. No. L-27781, 28 January 1980, 95 SCRA 478.
 G.R. No. L-32490, 29 December 1983, 126 SCRA 394.
600 27
 G.R. No. L-23239, 23 November 1966, 18 SCRA 713.
REPORTS VOL. 427, APRIL 14, 601
Agilent Technologies Agilent Technologies
Singapore (Pte.) Ltd. vs. Singapore (Pte.) Ltd. vs.
Integrated Silicon Integrated Silicon
Technology Philippines Technology Philippines
Corporation Corporation
case. We are not convinced. In the case of Bache Respondents, therefore, availed of a premature
and Co. (Phils.), Inc. v. Ruiz,  relied on by the
remedy when they immediately raised the matter
Court of Appeals, it was held that “time is of the to the Court of Appeals on certiorari; and the
essence in view of the tax assessments sought to appellate court committed reversible error when it
be enforced by respondent officers of the Bureau took cognizance of respondents’ petition instead
of Internal Revenue against petitioner of dismissing the same outright.
corporation, on account of which immediate and We come now to the substantive issues of the
more direct action becomes necessary.” Tax petition.
assessments in that case were based on Litis pendentia is a Latin term which literally
documents seized by virtue of an illegal search, means “a pending suit.” It is variously referred to
and the deprivation of the right to due process in some decisions as lis pendens and auter action
tainted the entire proceedings with illegality. pendant. While it is normally connected with the
Hence, the urgent necessity of preventing the control which the court has on a property
enforcement of the tax assessments was patent. involved in a suit during the continuance
Respondents, on the other hand, cite the case proceedings, it is more interposed as a ground for
of Geronimo v. Commission on Elections,  where 23
the dismissal of a civil action pending in court.
the urgent necessity of resolving a Litis pendentia as a ground for the dismissal of
disqualification case for a position in local a civil action refers to that situation wherein
government warranted the expeditious resort to another action is pending between the same
certiorari. In the case at bar, there is no parties for the same cause of action, such that the
analogously urgent circumstance which would second action becomes unnecessary and
necessitate the relaxation of the rule on a Motion vexatious. For litis pendentia to be invoked, the
for Reconsideration. concurrence of the following requisites is
Indeed, none of the exceptions for dispensing necessary:
with a Motion for Reconsideration is present here.
None of the following cases cited by respondents 1. (a)identity of parties or at least such as
serves as adequate basis for their procedural represent the same interest in both
lapse. actions;
In Vigan Electric Light Co., Inc. v. Public 2. (b)identity of rights asserted and reliefs
Service Commission,  the questioned order was
prayed for, the reliefs being founded on
null and void for failure of respondent tribunal to the same facts; and
3. (c)the identity in the two cases should be ownership of the subject goods, which ownership
such that the judgment that may be is not disputed and is not contingent on the
rendered in one would, regardless of extension or non-extension of the VAASA.
which party is successful, amount to res Hence, the replevin suit can validly be tried even
judicata in the other. 28
while the prior suit is being litigated in the
Regional Trial Court.
The Court of Appeals correctly appreciated the Possession of the subject properties is not an
identity of parties in Civil Cases No. 3123-2001- issue in Civil Case No. 3110-2001-C. The reliefs
C and 3110-2001-C. Well-settled is the rule sought by respondent Integrated Silicon therein
that lis pendens requires only substantial, and not are as follows: (1) execution of a written
absolute, identity of parties.  There is substantial
extension or renewal of the VAASA; (2)
identity of parties when there is a community of compliance with the extended VAASA; and (3)
interest between a party in the first case and a payment of overdue accounts, damages, and
party in the second case, even if the latter was not attorney’s fees. The reliefs sought by petitioner
im-pleaded in the first case.  The parties in these
Agilent in Civil Case No. 3123-2001-C, on the
cases are vying over the interests of the two other hand, are as follows: (1) issuance of a Writ
opposing corporations; the individuals are of Replevin or Writ of Preliminary Mandatory
_______________ Injunction; (2) recovery of possession of the
subject properties; (3) damages and attorney’s
 Northcott & Co. v. Villa-Abrille, 41 Phil. 462 (1921).
 Santos v. Court of Appeals, G.R. No. 101818, 21 fees.
September 1993, 226 SCRA 630, 637. _______________
 Santos v. Court of Appeals, supra, citing Anticamara v.
Ong, 82 SCRA 337 (1978).  Yu v. Court of Appeals, G.R. No. 106818, 27 May

1994, 232 SCRA 594.

VOL. 427, APRIL 14, 603
Agilent Technologies
Agilent Technologies
Singapore (Pte.) Ltd. vs.
Singapore (Pte.) Ltd. vs.
Integrated Silicon
Integrated Silicon
Technology Philippines
Technology Philippines
Concededly, some items or pieces of evidence
only incidentally impleaded, being the natural
may be admissible in both actions. It cannot be
persons purportedly accused of violating these
said, however, that exactly the same evidence will
corporations’ rights.
support the decisions in both, since the legally
Likewise, the fact that the positions of the
significant and controlling facts in each case are
parties are reversed, i.e., the plaintiffs in the first
entirely different. Although the VAASA figures
case are the defendants in the second case or vice
prominently in both suits, Civil Case No. 3110-
versa, does not negate the identity of parties for
2001-C is premised on a purported breach of an
purposes of determining whether the case is
oral obligation to extend the VAASA, and
dismissible on the ground of litis pendentia. 31

damages arising out of Agilent’s alleged failure to

The identity of parties notwithstanding, litis
comply with such purported extension. Civil Case
pendentia does not obtain in this case because of
No. 3123-2001-C, on the other hand, is premised
the absence of the second and third requisites.
on a breach of the VAASA itself, and damages
The rights asserted in each of the cases involved
arising to Agilent out of that purported breach.
are separate and distinct; there are two subjects of
It necessarily follows that the third requisite
controversy presented for adjudication; and two
for litis pendentia is also absent. The following
causes of action are clearly involved. The fact
are the elements of res judicata:
that respondents instituted a prior action for
“Specific Performance and Damages” is not a
1. (a)The former judgment must be final;
ground for defeating the petitioners’ action for
2. (b)The court which rendered judgment
“Specific Performance, Recovery of Possession,
must have jurisdiction over the parties
and Sum of Money with Replevin, Preliminary
and the subject matter;
Mandatory Injunction, and Damages.”
3. (c)It must be a judgment on the merits;
In Civil Case No. 3110-2001-C filed by
respondents, the issue is whether or not there was
4. (d)There must be between the first and
a breach of an oral promise to renew of the
second actions identity of parties, subject
VAASA. The issue in Civil Case No. 3133-2001-
matter, and cause of action.32

C, filed by petitioner, is whether petitioner has the

right to take possession of the subject properties.
In this case, any judgment rendered in one of the
Petitioner’s right of possession is founded on the
actions will not amount to res judicata in the
other action. There being different causes of suit.  The assailed acts of petitioner Agilent,

action, the decision in one case will not purportedly in the nature of “doing business” in
constitute res judicata as to the other. the Philippines, are the following: (1) mere
Of course, a decision in one case may, to a entering into the VAASA, which is a “service
certain extent, affect the other case. This, contract;”  (2) appointment of a full-time

however, is not the test to determine the identity representative in Integrated Silicon, to “oversee
of the causes of action. Whatever difficulties or and supervise the production” of Agilent’s
inconvenience may be entailed if both causes of products;  (3) the appointment by Agilent of six

action are pursued on separate remedies, the full-time staff members, who were permanently
proper solution is not the dismissal order of the stationed at Integrated Silicon’s facilities in order
Court of Appeals. The possible consolidation of to inspect the finished goods for Agilent;  and (4)

said cases, as well as stipulations and appropriate Agilent’s participation in the management,
modes of discovery, may well be considered by supervision and control of Integrated
the court below to subserve not only procedural Silicon,  including instructing Integrated Silicon

expedience but, more important, the ends of to hire more employees to meet Agilent’s
justice. 33
increasing production needs,  regularly

We now proceed to the issue of forum performing quality audit, evaluation

shopping. _______________
 229 Phil. 65; 145 SCRA 34 (1986).
 Saura v. Saura, Jr., 372 Phil. 337; 313 SCRA
 Rollo, pp. 1739-1744.
465 (1999).
 Id., pp. 508-510.
 Ramos v. Ebarle, G.R. No. L-49833, 15 February
 Id., p. 510.
1990, 182 SCRA 245.
 Id., pp. 510-511.
 Id., p. 511.
604 40
REPORTS VOL. 427, APRIL 14, 605
Agilent Technologies Agilent Technologies
Singapore (Pte.) Ltd. vs. Singapore (Pte.) Ltd. vs.
Integrated Silicon Integrated Silicon
Technology Philippines Technology Philippines
Corporation Corporation
The test for determining whether a party violated and supervision of Integrated Silicon’s
the rule against forum-shopping was laid down in employees,  regularly performing inventory audit

the case of Buan v. Lopez, Jr.  Forum shopping

of raw materials to be used by Integrated Silicon,
exists where the elements of litis pendentia are which was also required to provide weekly
present, or where a final judgment in one case inventory updates to Agilent,  and providing and

will amount to res judicata in the other action. dictating Integrated Silicon on the daily
There being no litis pendentia in this case, a production schedule, volume and models of the
judgment in the said case will not amount to res products to manufacture and ship for Agilent. 43

judicata in Civil Case No. 3110-20Q1-C, and A foreign corporation without a license is

respondents’ contention on forum shopping must not ipso facto incapacitated from bringing an
likewise fail. action in Philippine courts. A license is necessary
We are not unmindful of the afflictive only if a foreign corporation is “transacting” or
consequences that may be suffered by both “doing business” in the country. The Corporation
petitioner and respondents if replevin is granted Code provides:
by the trial court in Civil Case No. 3123-2001-C. Sec. 133. Doing business without a license.—No
If respondent Integrated Silicon eventually foreign corporation transacting business in the
wins Civil Case No. 3110-2001-C, and the Philippines without a license, or its successors or
VAASA’s terms are extended, petitioner assigns, shall be permitted to maintain or intervene in
corporation will have to comply with its any action, suit or proceeding in any court or
obligations thereunder, which would include the administrative agency of the Philippines; but such
consignment of properties similar to those it may corporation may be sued or proceeded against before
recover by way of replevin in Civil Case No. Philippine courts or administrative tribunals on any
valid cause of action recognized under Philippine
3123-2001-C. However, petitioner will also suffer
an injustice if denied the remedy of replevin,
resort to which is not only allowed but The aforementioned provision prevents an
encouraged by law. unlicensed foreign corporation “doing business”
Respondents argue that since Agilent is an in the Philippines from accessing our courts.
unlicensed foreign corporation doing business in In a number of cases, however, we have held
the Philippines, it lacks the legal capacity to file that an unlicensed foreign corporation doing
business in the Philippines may bring suit in constitute doing or transacting business in the
Philippine courts against a Philippine citizen or Philippines.
entity who had contracted with and benefited Jurisprudence has it, however, that the term
from said corporation.  Such a suit is premised on
“implies a continuity of commercial dealings and
the doctrine of estoppel. A party is estopped from arrangements, and contemplates, to that extent,
challenging the personality of a corporation after the performance of acts or works or the exercise
having acknowledged the same by entering into a of some of the functions normally incident to or
contract with it. This doctrine of estoppel to deny in progressive prosecution of the purpose and
corporate existence and capacity applies to subject of its organization.” 51

foreign as well as domestic corporations.  The 45 _______________

application of this principle prevents a person 46
 Merrill Lynch Futures v. Court of
contracting with a foreign corporation from later Appeals, supra, citing Sherwood v. Alvis, 83 Ala. 115, 3 So
taking advantage of its noncompliance with the 307, limited and distinguished in Dudley v. Collier, 84 Ala
statutes 431, 6 So. 304; Spinney v. Miller, 114 Iowa 210, 86 NW 317.
 Eastboard Navigation, Ltd. v. Juan Ysmael & Company,
 Id., p. 512.
41 Inc., 102 Phil. 1 (1957).
 Merrill Lynch Futures v. Court of
43 Appeals, supra, citing Sherwood vs. Alvis, 83 Ala. 115, 3 So
 Merrill Lynch Futures v. Court of Appeals, G.R. No.
44 307, limited and distinguished in Dudley v. Collier, 84 Ala
97816, 24 July 1992, 211 SCRA 824. 431, 6 So. 304; Spinney v. Miller, 114 Iowa 210, 86 NW 317.
 Georg Grotjahn GMBH v. Isnani, G.R. No. 109272, 10
 72 Phil. 524 (1941).
August 1994, 235 SCRA 216.
 Columbia Pictures, Inc. v. Court of Appeals, 329 Phil.
875; 261 SCRA 144 (1996).
VOL. 427, APRIL 14, 607
Agilent Technologies
Agilent Technologies
Singapore (Pte.) Ltd. vs.
Singapore (Pte.) Ltd. vs.
Integrated Silicon
Integrated Silicon
Technology Philippines
Technology Philippines
In Mentholatum,  this Court discoursed on the

chiefly in cases where such person has received

two general tests to determine whether or not a
the benefits of the contract. 46

foreign corporation can be considered as “doing

The principles regarding the right of a foreign
business” in the Philippines. The first of these is
corporation to bring suit in Philippine courts may
the substance test, thus: 53

thus be condensed in four statements: (1) if a The true test [for doing business], however, seems to
foreign corporation does business in the be whether the foreign corporation is continuing the
Philippines without a license, it cannot sue before body of the business or enterprise for which it was
the Philippine courts;  (2) if a foreign corporation
organized or whether it has substantially retired from
is not doing business in the Philippines, it needs it and turned it over to another.
no license to sue before Philippine courts on an
isolated transaction or on a cause of action The second test is the continuity test, expressed
entirely independent of any business thus: 54

The term [doing business] implies a continuity of

transaction;  (3) if a foreign corporation does

commercial dealings and arrangements, and

business in the Philippines without a license, a contemplates, to that extent, the performance of acts
Philippine citizen or entity which has contracted or works or the exercise of some of the functions
with said corporation may be estopped from normally incident to, and in the progressive
challenging the foreign corporation’s corporate prosecution of, the purpose and object of its
personality in a suit brought before Philippine organization.
courts;  and (4) if a foreign corporation does

business in the Philippines with the required Although each case must be judged in light of its
license, it can sue before Philippine courts on any attendant circumstances, jurisprudence has
transaction. evolved several guiding principles for the
The challenge to Agilent’s legal capacity to application of these tests. For instance,
file suit hinges on whether or not it is doing considering that it transacted with its Philippine
business in the Philippines. However, there is no counterpart for seven years, engaging in futures
definitive rule on what constitutes “doing,” contracts, this Court concluded that the foreign
“engaging in,” or “transacting” business in the corporation in Merrill Lynch Futures, Inc. v.
Philippines, as this Court observed in the case Court of Appeals and Spouses Lara,  was doing 55

of Mentholatum v. Mangaliman.  The50

business in the Philippines. In Commissioner of
Corporation Code itself is silent as to what acts Internal Revenue v. Japan Airlines (“JAL”),  the 56

Court held that JAL was doing business in the

Philippines, i.e., its commercial dealings in the legislation. The Foreign Investments Act of 1991
country were continuous—despite the fact that no (the “FIA”; Republic Act No. 7042, as amended),
JAL aircraft landed in the country—as it sold defines “doing business” as follows:
tickets in the Philippines through a general sales Sec. 3, par. (d). The phrase “doing business” shall
agent, and opened a promotions office here as include soliciting orders, service contracts, opening
well. offices, whether called “liaison” offices or branches;
In General Corp. of the Phils. v. Union appointing representatives or distributors domiciled in
the Philippines or who in any calendar year stay in the
Insurance Society of Canton and Fireman’s Fund
country for a period or periods totaling one hundred
Insurance  a foreign insurance corporation was

eighty (180) days or more; participating in the

held to be doing business in the Philippines, as it management, supervision or control of any domestic
appointed a settling agent here, and issued 12 business, firm, entity, or corporation in the
marine insurance policies. We held that these Philippines; and any other act or acts that
transactions were not isolated or cas- _______________
 335 SCRA 229 (1997).
 72 Phil. 524 (1941).
 329 Phil. 487; 260 SCRA 673 (1996).
 See Villanueva, PHILIPPINE
 G.R. No. L-44944, 9 August 1985, 138 SCRA 118.
LAW 596, et seq. (1998 ed.).
 According to the Court in Communication Materials, it was
54 persuaded to conclude that the foreign corporation was doing
business in the Philippines, as this was “the inevitable result after a
 G.R. No. 97816, 24 July 1992, 211 SCRA 824.

scrutiny of the different contracts and agreements entered into” by

 G.R. No. 60714, 4 October 1991, 202 SCRA 450.

the foreign corporation.

 87 Phil. 313 (1950).

608 SUPREME COURT VOL. 427, APRIL 14, 609
ANNOTATED Agilent Technologies
Agilent Technologies Singapore (Pte.) Ltd. vs.
Singapore (Pte.) Ltd. vs. Integrated Silicon
Integrated Silicon Technology Philippines
Technology Philippines Corporation
imply a continuity of commercial dealings or
Corporation arrangements, and contemplate to that extent the
ual, but manifested the continuity of the foreign performance of acts or works, or the exercise of some
corporation’s conduct and its intent to establish a of the functions normally incident to, and in the
continuous business in the country. In Eriks PTE progressive prosecution of, commercial gain or of the
Ltd. v. Court of Appeals and Enriquez,  the 58
purpose and object of the business organization.
foreign corporation sold its products to a Filipino
An analysis of the relevant case law, in
“buyer who ordered the goods 16 times within an
conjunction with Section 1 of the Implementing
eight-month period. Accordingly, this Court ruled
Rules and Regulations; of the FIA (as amended
that the corporation was doing business in the
by Republic Act No. 8179), would demonstrate
Philippines, as there was a clear intention on its
that the acts enumerated in the VAASA
part to continue the body of its business here,
do not constitute “doing business” in the
despite the relatively short span of time
involved. Communication Materials and Design,
Section 1 of the Implementing Rules and
Inc., et al. v. Court of Appeals, ITEC, et
Regulations of the FIA (as amended by Republic
al.  and Top-Weld Manufacturing v. ECED, IRTI,

Act No. 8179) provides that the following

et al.  both involved the License and Technical

shall not be deemed “doing business”:

Agreement and Distributor Agreement of foreign
corporations with their respective local
counterparts that were the primary bases for the 1. (1)Mere investment as a shareholder by a
Court’s ruling that the foreign corporations were foreign entity in domestic corporations
doing business in the Philippines.  In particular,
duly registered to do business, and/or the
the Court cited the highly restrictive nature of exercise of rights as such investor;
certain provisions in the agreements involved, 2. (2)Having a nominee director or officer to
such that, as stated in Communication Materials, represent its interest in such corporation;
the Philippine entity is reduced to a mere 3. (3)Appointing a representative or
extension or instrument of the foreign distributor domiciled in the Philippines
corporation. For example, in Communication which transacts business in the
Materials,the Court deemed the “No Competing representative’s or distributor’s own
Product” provision of the Representative name and account;
Agreement therein restrictive. 4. (4)The publication of a general
The case law definition has evolved into a advertisement through any print or
statutory definition, having been adopted with broadcast media;
some qualifications in various pieces of
5. (5)Maintaining a stock of goods in the Directors, is a matter of defense best threshed out
Philippines solely for the purpose of during trial.
having the same processed by another WHEREFORE, PREMISES CONSIDERED,
entity in the Philippines; the petition is GRANTED. The Decision of the
6. (6)Consignment by a foreign entity of Court of Appeals in CA-G.R. SP No. 66574 dated
equipment with a local company to be August 12, 2002, which dismissed Civil Case No.
used in the processing of products for 3123-2001-C, is REVERSED and SET ASIDE.
export; The Order dated September 4, 2001 issued by the
7. (7)Collecting information in the Regional Trial Court of Calamba, Laguna, Branch
Philippines; and 92, in Civil Case No. 3123-2001-C, is
8. (8)Performing services auxiliary to an REINSTATED. Agilent’s application for a Writ
existing isolated contract of sale which of Replevin is GRANTED.
are not on a continuing basis, such as No pronouncement as to costs.
installing in the Philippines machinery it SO ORDERED.
has manufactured or exported to the      Davide, Jr.  (C.J.,
Philippines, servicing the same, training Chairman), Panganiban, Carpio and Azcuna,
domestic workers to operate it, and JJ., concur.
similar incidental services.
Petition granted, assailed decision reversed
and set aside.
By and large, to constitute “doing business,” the
activity to be undertaken in the Philippines is one
that is for profit-making. 62

By the clear terms of the VAASA, Agilent’s

activities in the Philippines were confined to (1)
maintaining a stock of goods in the



(1998 ed.).

Agilent Technologies
Singapore (Pte.) Ltd. vs.
Integrated Silicon
Technology Philippines
Philippines solely for the purpose of having the
same processed by Integrated Silicon; and (2)
consignment of equipment with Integrated Silicon
to be used in the processing of products for
export. As such, we hold that, based on the
evidence presented thus far, Agilent cannot be
deemed to be “doing business” in the Philippines.
Respondents’ contention that Agilent lacks the
legal capacity to file suit is therefore devoid of
merit. As a foreign corporation not doing business
in the Philippines, it needed no license before it
can sue before our courts.
Finally, as to Agilent’s purported failure to
state a cause of action against the individual
respondents, we likewise rule in favor of
petitioner. A Motion to Dismiss hypothetically
admits all the allegations in the Complaint, which
plainly alleges that these individual respondents
had committed or permitted the commission of
acts prejudicial to Agilent. Whether or not these
individuals had divested themselves of their
interests in Integrated Silicon, or are no longer
members of Integrated Silicon’s Board of

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