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Bill Ibong (Order #26554683)

“Death Phrogg Attack” was written by Ken St. Andre, and is © Ken St. Andre, 2010.
Ken has graciously given Fabled Worlds Games permission to publish this as a free
game supplement for BEAN! The D2 Role-Playing Game. This solo adventure may
be copied, printed, and shared with friends as long as it remains free and this
copyright information remains intact.

Ken St. Andre is known as the Trollgod to his minions. He is the original creator of
Tunnels and Trolls, and he hangs out at He can also be
found at the Trollhalla page on Facebook. He tweets under the cognomen of
Trollgodfather, and he blogs as Atroll at Atroll also has a
Tunnels and Trolls blog at As much as he admires the
elegance of the Bean World design, he probably won't start a Bean World blog.

“BEAN! The D2 Role-Playing Game” is © J. Freels, 2010. PDF and Printed copies
of the BEAN rules may be found at: in the Fabled Worlds Games
section, or from All artwork herein is © J. Freels, 2010, all rights
reserved. Visit for more information.

Bill Ibong (Order #26554683)

Death Phrogg Attack
--a Beanworld adventure by Ken St. Andre


There are advantages to living in the town of Succotash on the shores of

Bigmarshy Lake. The climate is good, never too warm, never too cold, though
sometimes it is too foggy or too damp. The phishing is great--they say the phish of
Bigmarshy are the tastiest in the world. The people are easy to get along with--
perhaps because food is plentiful--and the girls are friendly. There are a few
disadvantages too--the Marshkitos the size of Iggles and the Death Phroggs the size
of Plowbeasts (that is big, and bigger). But the Phroggs hardly ever bother anyone
and they eat the Marshkitos.

This is a Beanworld adventure. The “BEAN! The D2 RPG” rules are

available from the Fabled Worlds Games section at You will
need a fully equipped Bean character to be the protagonist, and either some spotted
beans for gaming, or dice or coins--anything that can give you an even or odd. Your
character must be a warrior--wizards are rare in this corner of Beanworld (and ye
author hasn't really figured out how to write solo adventures for them yet.)

A word about XP--like other role-playing games your character can gain
experience points (called XP) in the course of play. Every point earned on any
Challenge or Test or Saving Roll counts for 1 XP. Be sure to jot them down each
time you are told to roll the beans. (dice, coins, etc. Bigger XP awards will be
handed out if you make it to the end of the adventure.

Read through the Beanworld rules again, equip your hero, and when you are
ready for misadventure, go to <1>


Bill Ibong (Order #26554683)

<1> A pleasant morning on Beanworld finds you strolling along Lakedge Road on
your way to the Salzwaysumthin market to buy a new pouch--your old one suddenly
developed a hole that you can put three fingers through. There are plenty of other
people abroad this morning, coming and going, working and playing, singing and
dancing, laughing and crying--so many, in fact, that it's kind of hard to see the Town
for the People. Suddenly you hear cries of "Help! Help! Aiieeeeee!" What do you
do? If you pull out your weapon and rush toward the cries for help, go to <10>. If
you stand there scratching your head and saying "What the--", go to <11>. If you
look around for a place to take shelter, go to <12>.

<2> The terrified crowd of Beans charges right at you. Somehow you manage to get
to your feet with only a little bumping and pushing, but you find yourself being
carried along by the river of Beanity. To avoid being knocked down and trampled
again, you must run. Go to <5>.

<3> You take the proffered phish takko and sniff it--hmm, smells phishy to you.
You take a nibble. Tastes real phishy, but not bad. You take a bigger bite, and
quickly gobble it down. Roll your Spirit beans. If you score 2 or more, go to <23>;
less than 2 sends you to <24>.

<4> Just as the hideous yellow-spotted, crimson-skinned Death Phrogg reaches for
its lovely victim, you step in and with a valiant swing of your weapon, you cut off one
of its fingers. The enraged Phrogg quickly turns and attacks you instead, while the
reprieved victim quickly runs away. Go to <14>.

Bill Ibong (Order #26554683)

<5> Most of the people running away are waving their arms in the air and screaming
at the top of their lungs. Since you are a trained warrior and at least marginally
brave, the screaming and waving thing should be optional for you. On the other
hand, maybe they know something that you don't--you are new to these parts. If you
decide to scream and wave while running, go to <17>; if not, go to <16>.

<6> You turn to run away, only to discover that a second Death Phrogg has come
up behind you. Running away is no longer an option. If you dare to fight the
monstrous beast, go to <14>. If you can think of a clever plan to save yourself, go to

<7> You keep your feet and successfully run away. People start ducking into houses
and shops. You duck into a phish takko shop--go to <12>.

<8> Lying unconscious in the street while hungry Death Phroggs rampage through
the town is not usually a good thing to do, but it might not be fatal. If this is the first
Bean World character you have ever made or played, then go now to <27>. It this
isn't the first character you've ever played in Bean World, then roll Spirit. If you
score 3 or more, go to <27>. If you fail, go to <28>.

Bill Ibong (Order #26554683)

<9> Knocked down--ouch! Lose 1 Body point. If this brings your Body down to
zero, then go to <8>. If you are still conscious, you can struggle to get up, or just lie
there and hope you won't be trampled. To get up, go to <2>. To lie still and hope
for the best, go to <11>

<10> You start toward the screams but soon discover that most of the crowd is
running in the opposite direction. A really big Bean blunders into you and knocks
you down. He doesn't even stay to help you up. Considering that everyone is
running away, perhaps you are making a mistake by charging into the fray. If you get
up and run on toward the screams, go to <20>. If you decide to join the crowd and
run away, go to <5>.

<11> While you are wondering what to do, a Marshkito dives down out of the sky
and plunges its stinger beak into your shoulder , taking a deep drink of your juice.
Before you can stop it, the big bug leaps skywards again, and staggered by the attack,
you fall down, right in the path of a stampeding herd of frightened Beans. Reduce
your Body by one point. Now RollSpirit challenge to see if you got trampled. You
need to score 2 or more to avoid damage, If you make the Spirit check, go to <2>.
If you fail it, go to <19>.

<12> There is a Phish takko stand nearby. Yum! You love Phish takkos and
decide to quickly step inside. That gets you out of the stampede. The proprietor
looks up and says, "Hello, stranger! Would you like a Phish takko? The first one is
free. If you want more, they cost just one coin each." If you take the Phish takko, go
to <3>. If you tell her that you're just seeking shelter until the morning stampede
passes by, go to <18>.

Bill Ibong (Order #26554683)

<13> You jump between the hungry monster and its underaged prey, batting aside
its flicking tongue with your weapon. The Death Phrogg is enraged and turns all its
attention to you. "Run for it, kid!" you gasp. For once, a kid listens to you, and zing,
he is running away at top speed. Go to <14>.

<14> A Death Phrogg is roughly the size of an ox, but much wider and not quite as
tall. It has blistery crimson skin mottled with sickly yellow blotches. The mouth is
large enough to swallow a Marshkito or a child in one bite, although it would
probably take two bites to eat you. It has a Body of 6, Spirit of 2, and Mind of 1.
Unlike ordinary frogs, the Death Phrogg has teeth, great big sharp nasty teeth. It has
a long, whiplike tongue that it uses to entangle its prey, or sometimes to just hammer
a foe. It slaps with wide-fingered hands, and sometimes kicks with big flippered feet.
It is a formidable foe. You must fight it to the death using standard Bean World
combat rules. If you win, go to <29>. If you lose, go to <27>.

<15> Woozily, you get to your feet. Flip a coin, or roll a bean. Something has
caught up wit you. On heads, go to <14>. On tails, go to <16>.

<16> Suddenly, a Marshkito dive bombs you from the sky overhead. You look like
a good target because you're not waving your arms in the air to fend it off. The
Marshkito is about half your size. It has a Body of 4, Spirit and Mind of 1 each. But,

Bill Ibong (Order #26554683)

because you have not panicked, you do notice it coming. You have just enough time
to get out your weapon and fight. With this aerial creature is swooping and diving at
you, you will need a little luck to actually hit it. For each round of combat, make a
Spirit check--you need to score at least 1 to actually do damage. Even if you miss the
Marshkito, but equal or beat it on the Body roll, you will be able to fend it off. If it
outscores you, then you take damage. The rest of the combat is a match of your
body plus weapons beans versus the big bug's body beans. This is a fight to the
knockdown at the very least. Keep fighting until either you or the Marshkito has
body reduced to zero. If you win, go to <21>. If you lose, go to <22>.

<17> Running, screaming, waving your arms in a jostling crowd, it's kind of hard to
keep your balance. Make a challenge roll on both Body and Spirit. You need a
minimum score of 1 in both attributes to keep your feet. If you succeed, go to <7>;
if you get knocked down, go to <9>.

<18> You tell her that you're allergic to phish, and are just seeking shelter. For a
few moments you watch the frightened crowd rush by, and then a deadly yellow-
spotted crimson Death Phrogg appears. What a hideous monster! Those bulging
eyes! Those protruding tusks! That whiplike tongue! That blistery body! It looks
like it is about to catch that snot-nosed kid in front of it. If you are the kind of Bean
that would let a Phrogg devour a child, go to <25>, If not, then grab your weapon
and step out into the street to fight the Phrogg--go to <14>.

<19> Too slow! The river of panicky Beans flows over you. Some
of them step on you and lurch onwards. Others trip on you and
fall down. Nimble ones jump over you, perhaps kicking you in the
head as you try to rise. Roll your basic Body, not its current value
if you have already taken damage. For each zero that appears,
subtract one from your Body score. If this brings you to zero, you
pass out from your injuries--go to 8. If it brings you to -3, then close the book, you're
dead. If your score is still positive, you manage to struggle to your feet once the
crowd has passed you. Go to <15>.

Bill Ibong (Order #26554683)

<20> The crowd thins out and you soon enter a kind of small plaza not far from the
lake shore. There is a fountain with a mer-bean spewing fresh water from its navel.
The screaming is coming from two people on opposite sides of the fountain. One is
a distractingly comely Bean. "Help! Hellllp!" The other is a snot-nosed kid. "Help!
Help!Aieeeeeeeee!" His scream of terror sets your teeth on edge. If you decide to
help the good-looking one, go to <4>. If you want to rescue the kid, go to <13>.
Now that you see how big the Phroggs really are, if you wish to run away and leave
them both, go to <6>.

<21> It was a hard fight, but you beat that

Marshkito. Standing over the dead bug, you
wonder why anyone would live in a place with such
noxious pests nearby. Just then a nearby door pops
open and an older Bean, dressed in a chef's hat and
apron, pops out and says, "You, Warrior! Do you
want that carcass?" When you say, "No," he grabs it
and starts dragging it into his shop. "These are
some good eating," he tells you. "Really?" you say.
"Oh yeah, help me butcher and clean it, and I'll
make you the best Marshkito soup you've ever had."
Well, you do, and he does, and then you go to

<22> The victorious Marshkito looms above your battered beany body. It dips its
proboscis into an open wound and sups once more on your juice. Reduce your
Body rating by one. If this brings your Body to negative 3 or less, then you are well
and truly dead. If not, you're beaten, but you may still survive this adventure--go to

Bill Ibong (Order #26554683)

<23> Yum! That was a really delicious phish takko. You feel better--braver and
stronger. Increase your Body score by one point for the remainder of this
adventure. Looking out the door, you see a Death Phrogg hopping by. It looks like
it is about to catch and ingest a snot-nosed kid. You know your duty. You must save
the kid or die trying. Grabbing your weapon, you dash out to face the Death
Phrogg. Go to <14>.

<24> Erg! The takko seemed okay, but your stomach is rebelling against the strange
food. You become violently ill, and begin to heave. Reduce your Body score by
one point. The owner of the shop quickly comes to your aid, and pushes you out the
front door, right in the path of a hideous Death Phrogg. It attacks you, and you're
too sick to run. You'll have to fight. Go to <14>.

<25> "I never liked that snot-nosed kid, anyway," says the takko store owner. "Did
you know him?" you ask. "Oh, yes. He was my son by a previous wife. Always
getting in trouble and excpecting me to get him out of it." The gruesome slurping
noise from the Marshkito soon diminishes and it flies away. The attack on the town
is over now. All the screaming has stopped. There are no monsters in sight. And
you have survived. Go now to <28>.

<26> Ken St. Andre is known as the Trollgod to his minions. He is the original
creator of Tunnels and Trolls, and he hangs out at He can
also be found at the Trollhalla page on Facebook. He tweets under the cognomen
of Trollgodfather, and he blogs as Atroll at Atroll also has a
Tunnels and Trolls blog at As much as he admires the
elegance of the Bean World design, he probably won't start a Bean World blog.

<27> The Death Phroggs didn't eat you. Maybe you smelled bad. Maybe they only
eat "live" food. Maybe they were already full. No Death Phrogg ate you. You wake
up some time later in the local healer's hut with one Body point. You lived through
the Death Phrogg attack. Count up your XPs and see if you have enough to

Bill Ibong (Order #26554683)

improve one of your Bean attributes--it takes 100 times the current score. Improve
yourself or don't, this is THE END.

<28> The Death Phrogg attack is over and you survived--time now to award XP and
think about character advancement. If you fought a Marshkito take 20 XP whether
you won or lost. If you won, take an additional 40 XP. If you fought a Death
Phrogg, take 30 XP whether you won or lost. If you beat it, you get an additional 60
XP. If you ate a phish takko during the adventure, give yourself 10 XP. If you
rescued a snot-nosed kid, then give yourself 50 XP. If you let the snot-nosed kid get
eaten, then take away 50 XP. Now total your XP. If you have a lot of XP, you may
spend100 times the attribute value to bring it up by one point. If you are wounded,
you can wander over to the local Beanery and recover your health. Then you can
wander off to another Bean World adventure, or stay here and wait for tomorrow's
Death Phrogg attack.


Bill Ibong (Order #26554683)

Bill Ibong (Order #26554683)

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