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Implementation of Gesture based Human machine interfaces on

Desktop computers using Arduino Uno and Python.

C.M.Mahajan, Abhishek Sharma, Shaikh Zaid, Shaunak Deshpande,

Shivangi Shardul, Abhinav Shambharkar.

Department of Engineering, Sciences and Humanities (DESH)


The project aims to establish Gesture based Play/Pause video etc.) using the PySerial and
Human Machine interfaces or HMIs as a viable PyAutoGUI library.
alternative to traditional input devices like
keyboards. It uses an Arduino Uno, two III. METHODOLOGY/EXPERIMENTAL
Ultrasonic sensors (HC-SR04)and python. The
HC-SR04 are used for calculating the distance Serial communication was set between Arduino
between the user’s hands and the computer, the and Python with a baud rate of 9600. In Arduino,
Uno is needed to use this value of distance and as calculating the distance between hand and
convert it into instructions for python. Python then sensor was to be done multiple times, a function
converts these instructions to Keystrokes which in was written which calculates it. The function was
turn control computer functionalities like called in the main loop to get the distance. If the
controlling volume, pause and play a video etc. distance between both hands and both sensors is
between 40-50 cm, ‘Play/Pause’ was printed. If
Keywords – Arduino , Hand gestures, Ultrasonic one hand was at constant distance of 50cm and the
Sensor, PyAutoGUI, Python other was between 40 and
50cm from the sensor, forward(right hand constant
I. INTRODUCTION distance)/Rewind(left hand constant distance) was
printed. A
Gestures are widely used in a variety of devices different methodology was used for volume
like smartphones and tablets for control .Actions control. If hand was moving towards the ultrasonic
like pinching, panning and swiping have become sensor, Vup [volume up] was printed, and if it was
intuitive for people for controlling a phone. On the moving away Vdown [volume down] was printed.
other hand, using hand gestures to control a To interpret the statements that were printed,
Laptop/Desktop PC is a field that is not explored Python’s PyAutoGUI library was used. First,
up to its full potential. The project aims to prove connection was established with Arduino through
that gesture-based controlling of Laptops/Desktop the COM port. Then, in an infinite loop, Python
PCs is a viable alternative to conventional devices would read the incoming words that were printed
like a keyboard, mouse or Joystick. It uses two by Arduino and then convert them into
ultrasonic sensors and an Arduino Uno to corresponding keystrokes to perform that action.
calculate the distance between the user’s hands
and the laptop in real time and returns this value to IV. RESUTLS AND DISCUSSIONS
Python, which in turn takes decisions as to what
action to perform (like Volume control, At the end of the experiment, it was noted that
when the distance between both the hands of the that are fundamental to computers(opening,
user and the two sensors was between 40-50 cm, if controlling applications) can be implemented
a video file was playing it would get paused and using Gesture based system, in a flexible and
vice versa. If the left hand was at a constant scalable manner.
distance and the other hand was between 40-50
cm, the video would rewind, and if the right hand ACKNOWLEDGMENT
was at a constant distance of 50 cm and the other This major project would not have been possible
hand was between 40-50 cm, the video would without the valuable assistance of many people to
forward. To turn the volume up, one of the hands whom we are indebted, in particular, our project
was moved towards the sensor and to turn it down, guide Shri.C.M.mahajan sir (HOD DESH
it was moved away from the sensor. Department).We would also like to thank Our
College for providing us with the necessary
XI. LIMITATIONS components for our project. Our thanks also goes
to all the teachers of DESH Department who
The project suffers from the following limitations: helped us in many difficult situations regarding
the project and provided with the necessary
1. Reproducibility: advice. A special word of thanks is to our
The project requires complex Arduino and classmates and our families for providing us the
Python commands that aren’t easy to moral support.
reproduce on other systems without having
access to source code of the program.

2. Python:
Since Python is required for this project to
 Arduino Official
work, any Laptop/Desktop that does not
support Python will not be able to run this

 YouTube
The project is proof of concept of a new way to
control computers. Gesture based Human Machine
Interfaces (HMIs) are common in Smartphones
and tablets but unheard of in the Laptop/Desktop
industry. This project can act as a steppingstone
to incentivize research in the industry for
development of Gesture based HMIs.

It is evident from this project work that Gesture
based HMIs are a great alternative to traditional
systems (for e.g. keyboard, mouse) to control
laptops and desktop computers . Functionalities

Fig 1. Circuit Diagram

Fig 2. Working Model

Fig 3. Arduino Uno Pin Diagram

Fig 4. HC-04 Ultrasonic Sensor Working

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