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DESIGN OF SADDLES WEAR PLATE HORN OF SADDLE MAX. EFFECTIVE AEA. F=K,Q, Where Q= the load on one saddle, Ibs. X,, = constant as tabulated, material. (See example below.) VALUES OF CO se [30° [_ K, 204 [232 STANT A, 150" 16? EXAMPLE: Diameter of vessel = 8-6" Weight of vessel = 375,000 Ibs. Q= 187,500 Ibs. Saddle material: SA 285 Web plate thickness = 0.25 in. Contact angle = 120° K, = 0.204 from table above R/3~ 51/3 = 17 inches Force, F = K,, x= 0.204 * 187,500 = 38,250 Ib. To resist this force the effective area of web plate = R/3 x 0.25 = 4.25 in? 38,250/4.25 = 9,000 Ibs. per square inch The allowable stress = % * 30,000 = 20,000 psi. The thickness of the web plate is satisfactory for horizontal force (F) nal bending over the web. 3. The web plate should be stiffened with ribs against the buckling. L._ The saddle at the lowest section must resist the horizontal force (F). The effective cross section of the saddle to resist this load is one third of the vessel radius (R). The average stress shall not exceed two thirds of the compression yield point of the 15 To] —] eee 2. The base plate and wear plate should be thick enough to resist longitudi- EXPANSION AND CONTRACTION OF HORIZONTAL VESSELS SADDLES g pours & SADDLES + + Se EXPANDING VESSEL CONTRACTING VESSEL For term expinsion and contastion, one of th dae, preerbly the one rer eeecnpostetaide of the pipe connections, mist be alowed to move. In this ord fee ine anchor bolts slots are to be Used instead of holes. The length of {he dots shall be determined by the expected magnitude of the movernent. The se Reet ot near expansion for carbon stel per unit length and per degree Pe Cto0Gb0cT The tale below shows the minimum lengh of the ot, Dimen sion “a” calculated for the linear expansion of carbon steel material between 70°F soo pe indicated lomperatre-When the change in the dstace between the saddles site ‘than 98" inch long, 2 side (bearing) plate should be used. When the ect is supported by concise sabes, an eas, waterproof ahest a least 1/4 thick isto Ge applied between the shell and the sade MINIMUM LENGTH OF SLOT (DIM. “e”) 7 DISTANCE fete | Between FOR TEMPERATURE OF "OLS [aT iaqfanl 300 | 400 | 500 [600 | 700 | 800 [900 20 | of ofuls| 3/8} sis} 3/4 a8 30 [uva|as|3/8| s/s | 7/sl2-1/8| 3\2 40} ya}iy8|3/8) 3/4) 1-1/8}1-1/2| “a so }3/s{uys|i/2|t |1-3/31-5/8|2 = 0 |3/8|1/4]si8|1-1/4] 1-5/3|2-1/8| The width of | 79 [1/2|1/4|3/4|1-3/8|1-7/8)2-1/2|3 the dor equate) gq 1/2}3/8)3/4)1-112)2-1/8)2-7/8 ja|2-sysl3-1/4 ese diam of | gq | 5/8|3/8]7/8)1-3/4]2-3/8)3-1/ a roo |5/s}3/3|t |i-7/8)2-5/8]3-5/8} SADDLE FOR SUPPORT OF HORIZONTAL VESSELS The design based on: the vessel supported by two saddles toresist horizontal force (F) dueto the maximum operating weightof vessel as tabulated 3. the maximum allowable stress is 24 of the compression yield point: 24 of 30,000 = 20,000 psi 4, the maximum allowable load on concrete foundation 500 psi. the minimum contact angle of shell and saddle 120°, Weld: 14" continuous fillet weld all contacting plate edges. Drill and tap '4” weep holes in wear plate. Atthe sliding saddle the nuts of the anchor bolts shall be hand-tight and secured by tack welding. SEE FACING PAGE FOR DIMENSIONS SADDLE = ams a= ae ae eet ee 6 sep be bebe pepo poe ae eee ee aoe ee

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