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AmB©S>r~rAmB© ~¢H$ {b{_Q>oS>


{b{IV narjm … 23.01.2011


H$m`©H$mar nX H$s ^Vu (g§{dXm na)


yq`R[ ¤b˘◊ÛW¥[
1. `h nwpñVH$m AmnH$mo Cg à{V`mo{JVm narjm H$m ì`mnH$ {ddaU XoJr Omo {H$ H$m`©H$mar (g§{dXm na)$ nX H$s ^Vu hoVw Am`mo{OV H$s OmZo dmbr h¡ &
2. M`Z à{H«$`m _| (A) {b{IV narjm Am¡a (~r) gmjmËH$ma h¢ Ÿ& do narjmWu Omo {b{IV narjm _| AË`§V CÀM Am¡a _¡[aQ> H«$_ na hmo§Jo,
B§Q>aì`y _| ~wbm`o OmZo Ho$ nmÌ hmo§Jo &
3. EM. ~r. nopÝgb Am¡a ~mbn¡Z H$m Cn`moJ … AmnH$mo Xmo gm_mÝ`ê$n go CnbãY EM. ~r. nopÝgb|, EH$ nopÝgb emn©Za, EH$ a~‹S> Am¡a EH$
~mb n¡Z AnZo gmW bmZo Mm{hE & narjm Ho$ Xm¡amZ nopÝgb Qy>Q> OmZo na Cgo ~ZmZo _| AmnH$m g_` ZîQ> Z hmo, Bg{bE Xmo nopÝgb| bmZo H$s gbmh
Xr OmVr h¡ &
4. CÎma nÌ H$m ì`dhma … H¥$n`m AnZo CÎma nÌ H$mo gmdYmZrnyd©H$ ì`dhma _| br{OE & Bgo Yyb go J§Xm Z hmoZo X| Ÿ& `{X `h H$Q>m-\$Q>m,
_w‹S>m, {gbdQ>m| go ^am `m J§Xm hmoJm Vmo Bgo Om§Mm Zht Om gHo$Jm &
5. {d{^ÝZ dñVw{ZîR> àíZmd{b`m| na {deof Ü`mZ XoZm Mm{hE Š`m|{H$ `o ñHy$b/H$m°boO H$s gm_mÝ` narjmAm| go AbJ T>§J H$s hmoVr h¢ &

AnZo CÎma H¡$go {bI| …

dñVw{Zð> àH$ma Ho$ àË`oH$ àíZ Ho$ ZrMo 1, 2, 3, 4 VWm 5 g§»`m go A§{H$V g§^m{dV CÎma {X`o Om`|Jo & CZ_| go gdm©{YH$ Cn`wŠV CÎma Mw{ZE Ÿ& {\$a
àíZ H$s H«$_ g§»`m Ho$ gm_Zo ghr CÎma dmbr AÊS>mH¥${V H$mo EM². ~r. nopÝgb go nyar H$mbr a§J Xr{OE & (Z_yZodmbo CÎma nÌ H$m n¥îR> 2 XoI| ) H¥$n`m
`h Ü`mZ aI| {H$ AÊS>mH¥${V Jhar H$mbr a§J OmZr Mm{hE Am¡a nyar ^a OmZr Mm{hE Ÿ& CXmhaU Ho$ {b`o `{X àíZ g§»`m 2 H$m CÎma 5 h¡ Vmo Bgo
{ZåZmZwgma {XIm`m Om`o Ÿ&
à. 2. 1 2 3 4

AnZo CÎma _| n[adV©Z H¡$go H$a| …

`{X Amn AnZm CÎma ~XbZm MmhVo h¢ Vmo nhbo ^ar hþB© AÊS>mH¥${V H$mo ~{‹T>`m a~‹S> go nyam {_Q>m Xr{OE Am¡a {\$a AnZo g§emo{YV CÎmadmbr g§»`m H$s
AÊS>mH¥${V H$mo nyar H$mbr a§J Xr{OE Ÿ&
CÎma H$mo ~XbVo g_` nhbo dmbo CÎma H$mo nyU© ê$n go {_Q>mZm AË`§V Amdí`H$ h¡ Ÿ& `{X Cgo nyar Vah Zht {_Q>m`m J`m Vmo a~‹S> Ûmam {_Q>mE hþE ^mJ na
Yã~m ~Zm ahoJm Am¡a EH$ àíZ Ho$ Xmo CÎma n‹T>o Om`|Jo AV… H$moB© ^r A§H$ Zht {X`m OmEJm Ÿ&

{b{IV narjm
(A) dñVw{ZîR> àíZmd[b`m§ :
H«$. àíZmdbr H$m Zm_ àíZm| H$s g§»`m A{YH$V_ A§H$ g_`
1. VH©$epŠV 50 50 g^r àíZmd{b`m| Ho$ {bE {_bH$a
2. A§JOo« r ^mfm 50# 50 90 {_ZQ> AWm©V 1 K§Q>o Am¡a 30
3. g§»`mË_H$ A{^`mo½`Vm 50 50 {_ZQ> H$m gpå_l g_`
Hw$b 150 150

# ZmoQ> … A§J«oOr ^mfm H$s dñVw{Zð> àíZmdbr H$mo N>mo‹S>H$a AÝ` g^r àíZmd[b`m§ {hÝXr Am¡a A§J«oOr XmoZm| ^mfmAm| _| _w{ÐV hm|Jr &

CÎVrUmªH$ … Cå_rXdmam| H$mo VrZ àíZmd{b`m| _| go àË`oH$ _| Ah©Vm àmá H$aZr hmoJr Ÿ& Ah©Vm _mZX§S> àË`oH$ àíZmdbr _| gm_y[hH$ Ho$ {ZînmXZ na
AmYm{hV hm|Jo Ÿ& JbV CÎma Ho$ {bE ZH$mamË_H$ A§H$ hm|Jo Ÿ& AWm©V,² àË`oH$ JbV CÎma Ho$ {bE 1/4 `m 0.25 A§H$ H$mQ> {bE Om`|Jo Ÿ& `mo½`Vm gyMr V¡`ma
H$aZo Ho$ à`moOZ go BZ VrZ àíZmd{b`m| _| Cå_rXdmam| Ûmam àmá Hw$b A§H$m| H$mo JUZm _| {b`m Om`oJm Ÿ&
àíZ nwpñVH$m _| Cnamoº$ dñVw{Zð> àíZmd{b`m§ Bgr H«$_ _| Zht ^r hmo gH$Vr h¢ Ÿ&

1. This booklet gives you detailed information about the Competitive examination for recruitment to the post of
Executive (on contract).

2. The selection process consists of (a) Written Examination and (b) Interview. Candidates who qualify in the
written examination with high merit rank are eligible to be called for interview.

3. Use of HB Pencil and Ball Pen : You should bring with you two commonly available HB Pencils, a Pencil
Sharpener, an Eraser and a Ball Point Pen. Two pencils are advised to avoid mending a pencil during the
examination as you may lose time.

4. Handling answersheet : Please handle your answersheet carefully. Keep it dust free. If it is mutilated,
torn, folded, wrinkled, rolled or dusty, it may not be evaluated.

5. Special attention should be paid to the different objective type tests, since these are different from the usual
school/college examinations.


Each question is followed by answers which are numbered 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5. Select the most appropriate answer.
Then by using HB Pencil, blacken the oval bearing the correct answer against the serial number of the question.
(Refer to side 2 of the Specimen Answersheet). Please note that the oval should be dark enough and should be
filled in completely. For example, if the answer to Question Number 2 is answer number 5, it is shown as follows.

Q.2. 1 2 3 4


If you wish to change your answer, ERASE COMPLETELY the already darkened oval by using good quality eraser
and then blacken the new oval bearing your revised answer number.

While changing the answer, erasing the earlier answer completely is extremely essential. If it is not erased
completely, smudges will be left on the erased oval and the question will be read as having two answers and will be
ignored for giving any credit.
(A) Objective Tests :
Sr. No. Name of the Test No. of Ques. Max. Marks Time

1. Reasoning 50 50 Composite Time of

90 minutes, (i.e. 1 hour
2. English Language 50# 50 and 30 minutes) for all the
3. Quantitative Aptitude 50 50 three tests together.

Total 150 150

# NOTE : Except for the test of English Language all other tests will be printed in both Hindi and English.

PASSING MARKS : The candidates will have to qualify in each of the three tests. Qualifying criteria will be based on
group performance in each test. Wrong answer will carry negative marks. That means for every wrong answer 1/4th
or 0.25 marks will be deducted. Total marks obtained by candidates in three objective type tests as stated above, will
be reckoned for the purpose of preparation of merit list.
Please note the above-mentioned Objective tests may not appear in the same order in the test booklet.

àíZmdbr I … VH©$epŠV
`h àíZmdbr `h XoIZo Ho$ {bE h¡ {H$ Amn {H$VZr AÀN>r Vah gmoM gH$Vo h¢ Ÿ& Bg_| {d{^ÝZ àH$ma Ho$ àíZ hm|Jo Ÿ& `hm± CXmhaU àíZ {X`o h¢ Ÿ&
{ZX}e … {ZåZ{b{IV àË`oH$ àíZ _|, Ajag_yhm| `m eãXm| Ho$ 5 g_yh {X`o J`o h¢ Ÿ& BZ_| Ajag_yhm| `m eãXm| Ho$ Mma g_yhm| _| {H$gr Z {H$gr
àH$ma H$s g_mZVm h¡ O~{H$ EH$ {^ÝZ h¡ Ÿ& kmV H$s{OE {H$ H$m¡Zgm EH$ {^ÝZ h¡ Ÿ&
à.1. (1) H$mbm (2) bmb (3) ham (4) a§J (5) nrbm
CŠV nm§Mm| _| ‘H$mbm’, ‘bmb’, ‘ham’ VWm ‘nrbm’ EH$ g_yh ~ZmVo h¢ Š`m|{H$ do g^r a§Jm| Ho$ Zm_ h¢ Ÿ& a§J {H$gr a§J H$m Zm_ Zht h¢ Ÿ& AV… AmnH$m
CÎma 4 h¡ Ÿ&
A~ {ZåZ{b{IV àíZ hb H$aZo H$m à`mg H$s{OE Ÿ&
à.2. (1) BC (2) MN (3) PQ (4) XZ (5) ST

à.3. (1) Am_ (2) go~ (3) g§Vam (4) A_ê$X (5) Jwbm~
{ZX}e … ZrMo {X`o J`o àË`oH$ àíZ _| EH$ àíZ {M• bJm h¡ Ÿ& CgHo$ ZrMo {X`o J`o nm±M {dH$ënm| _| go Ho$db H$moB© EH$ hr Cg Vah Ho$ g§~§Y H$mo
àH$Q> H$aVm h¢ Omo {H$ àíZ _| … … {M• Ho$ ~m`t Amoa dmbo Xmo eãXm| _| h¡ Ÿ& ghr CÎma kmV H$s{O`o Ÿ&
à.4. MaU … _Zwî` … … Iwa … ?
(1) n¡a (2) Hw$Îmm (3) Kmo‹S>m (4) b‹S>H$m (5) OyVm
CŠV CXmhaU _| ‘MaU’ Am¡a ‘_Zwî`’ _| Omo g§~§Y h¡ CgrHo$ AZwgma ‘Iwa’ H$m ‘Kmo‹S>m’ {dH$ën go h¡, AV… AmnH$m CÎma 3 h¡ Ÿ&
A~ {ZåZ{b{IV àíZ ^r hb H$aZo H$m à`mg H$s{OE Ÿ&
à.5. TOPS Ho$ Ajam| H$mo nwZì`©dpñWV H$aHo$ `{X O go ewé hmoZodmbm H$moB© gmW©H$ eãX ~Zm`m Om gHo$ Vmo Cg eãX H$m A§{V_ Aja AmnH$m
CÎma h¡ Ÿ& `{X EH$ go A{YH$ eãX ~Z gH$Vo hm| Vmo CÎma h¡ M Am¡a `{X H$moB© eãX Z ~Z gH$Vm hmo Vmo CÎma h¡ X ?
(1) T (2) P (3) M (4) S (5) X

àíZmdbr II … A§Jo«Or ^mfm

Bg àíZmdbr H$m à`moOZ AmnHo$ A§J«oOr ^mfm kmZ H$s narjm H$aZm h¡ Ÿ& ì`mH$aU, eãXmdbr, dmŠ` nyU© H$aZm, g_mZmWu, {dbmo_mWu, AZwÀN>oX H$s
~moYJå`Vm Am{X àíZm| go AmnHo$ A§JO
o« r ^mfm g§~Y§ r kmZ H$s narjm H$s OmEJr Ÿ& ZrMo Hw$N> Z_yZo Ho$ àíZ àñVwV h¢, CZH$m AÜ``Z H$a| Am¡a CÎma X| Ÿ&
{ZX}e … {ZåZ{b{IV dmŠ`m| H$mo gmW© H $ T>§ J go ny U © H$aZo Ho $ {bE dmŠ`m| Ho $ ZrMo {X`o J`o eãXm| _| go Cn`w Š V eãX H$m
M`Z H$a| &
à.6. He quickly glanced .............................. the book to find what it said about the Indian economy.
(1) at (2) through (3) in (4) to (5) over
BgH$m R>rH$ CÎma “through” h¡ {OgH$s CÎma g§»`m “2” h¡ Ÿ&
à.7. The counsel urged the court to ........................... down the obnoxious law.
(1) enact (2) enforce (3) cancel (4) strike (5) declare

{ZX}e … H¥$n`m àË`oH$ dmŠ` n‹T>H$a `h nVm H$a| {H$ Š`m Cg_| H$moB© ì`mH$aU g§~§Yr JbVr h¡ ? `{X H$moB© h¡ Vmo dh dmŠ` Ho$ {H$gr EH$ A§e _|
hmoJr Ÿ& Cg A§e H$m H«$_m§H$ hr AmnH$m CÎma h¡ Ÿ& `{X dmŠ` _| H$moB© JbVr Zht hmo Vmo CgH$m CÎma “5” h¡ Ÿ&
à.8. I am twenty / two years old / when I first / joined the bank. No error
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)

JbVr (1) _| h¡ Ÿ& AV… CÎma “1” h¡ Ÿ&

à.9. To the Hindus / the Ganga is / holier than / any other river. No error
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)

Bg àíZ g§»`m _| H$moB© JbVr Zht h¡ Ÿ& AV… Bg àíZ H$m R>rH$ CÎma “5” h¡ Ÿ&
{ZX}e … àË`oH$ àíZ _| {X`o J`o nm±M {dH$ënm| _| go Eogm eãX MwZ| Omo AW© H$r ÑpîQ> go ~‹S>o Ajam| _| {bIo J`o eãX Ho$ AW© Ho$ g_rn hmo Ÿ&

Test I : Reasoning
This is a test to see how well you can think. It contains questions of various kinds. Here are some sample
Directions : In each of the following questions, there are five groups of letter groups or words in each question.
Four of these letter groups or words are alike in some way, while one is different. Find the one which is different.
Q.1. (1) black (2) red (3) green (4) paint (5) yellow

Of the five, ‘black, ‘red’, ‘green’ and ‘yellow’ form a group as they are names of colours. ‘Paint’ is not the name of
a colour. Therefore, 4 is the answer.
Now try to solve the following questions.
Q.2. (1) BC (2) MN (3) PQ (4) XZ (5) ST

Q.3. (1) Mango (2) Apple (3) Orange (4) Guava (5) Rose
Directions : In each of the following questions, there is a question mark in which only one of the five alternatives
given under the question satisfies the same relationship as is found between the two terms to the left of the sign
:: given in the question. Find the correct answer.
Q.4. Foot : man : : hoof : ?
(1) leg (2) dog (3) horse (4) boy (5) shoe

In the above example, ‘hoof’ has the same relationship with which one of the five as ‘foot’ has to ‘man’ ? The
answer is ‘horse’, which is answer number 3.
Now try to solve the following questions.
Q.5. If the letters in the word TOPS can be rearranged to form a meaningful word beginning with O, the last
letter of that word is your answer. If more than one such word can be formed, M is the answer and if no
such word can be formed, X is the answer.
(1) T (2) P (3) M (4) S (5) X

Test II : English Language

This is a test to see how well you know English. Your English language ability would be tested through questions
on grammar, vocabulary, sentence completion, synonyms, antonyms, comprehension of a passage, etc. Study
and answer the sample questions given below :
Direction : Pick out the most appropriate word from the words given below each sentence to complete it

Q.6. He quickly glanced .............................. the book to find what it said about the Indian economy.
(1) at (2) through (3) in (4) to (5) over

The correct answer is “through” which is answer No. 2.

Q.7. The counsel urged the court to ........................... down the obnoxious law.
(1) enact (2) enforce (3) cancel (4) strike (5) declare

Directions : Read each sentence to find out whether there is any grammatical error in it. The error, if any, will be
in one part of the sentence. The number of that part of the sentence is your answer. If there is no error, the answer
is ‘5’.
Q.8. I am twenty / two years old / when I first / joined the bank. No error
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)

The error is in (1). Therefore the answer is ‘1’.

Q.9. To the Hindus / the Ganga is / holier than / any other river. No error
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)

In this question, there is no error; therefore the right answer to this question is ‘5’.

à.10 . LETHAL
(1) light (2) dangerous (3) deadly (4) cruel (5) thoughtless

(1) a guard (2) a hundred years (3) a very old man
(4) a hundred runs (5) a hundredth anniversary

BgHo$ A{V[aŠV AmnH$s AZwÀN>oX H$s ~moYJå`Vm H$s narjm Ho$ {bE AZwÀN>oX na AmYm[aV àíZ ^r hm|Jo Ÿ&
àíZmdbr III … g§»`mË_H$ A{^`mo½`Vm
`h àíZmdbr g§»`mË_H$ JUZmAm|, O¡go g§JUZ, g§»`mË_H$ VH©$g§JVVm, gma{U`m| Ed§ J«m\$m| go {ZH$mbZm Am{X _| AmnH$s J{V Ed§ ewÕVm H$s Om±M
Ho$ {b`o h¡ Ÿ&
{ZX}e … {ZåZ{b{IV àíZm| _| go àË`oH$ _| AmnH$mo `h kmV H$aZm h¡ {H$ àíZ{M• (?) Ho$ ñWmZ na Š`m Am`oJm Ÿ&
à.12. 42 + 73 + 137 = ?
(1) 352 (2) 252 (3) 242 (4) 142 (5) BZ_| go H$moB© Zht
à.13. 20 × 2
= ?
(1) 4 (2) 5 (3) 12 (4) 20 (5) BZ_| go H$moB© Zht
àíZ H«$. 12 _| ghr CÎma 252 h¡ Ÿ& AV… AmnH$m CÎma 2 hmoJm Ÿ& àíZ H«$.13 _| ghr CÎma 10 h¡ VWm{n 1, 2, 3 `m 4 H$moB© ^r `h CÎma Zht Xem©Vm
& AV… AmnH$m CÎma 5 hmoJm Ÿ&
Hw$N> àíZm| _| A§H$J{UVr` VH©$epŠV Ano{jV hmoJr Ÿ& O¡go …
à.14. 10 n¡go à{V Zt~y Ho$ ^md go 6 Zt~yAm| H$s H$s_V {H$VZo n¡go hmoJr ?
(1) 6 (2) 10 (3) 60 (4) 61 (5) 610
§ à.15. `{X 10 én`o _| EH$ n¡Z ~oMZo na bm^ CgH$s bmJV Ho$ ~am~a h¡ Vmo n¡Z H$m _yë` Š`m h¡ ?
(1) 3/- é. (2) 5/- é. (3) 10/- é. (4) 20/-é. (5) BZ_| go H$moB© Zht
BgHo$ A{V[aŠV J«m\$m| Am¡a gma{U`m| na ^r Hw$N> àíZ nyN>o Om gH$Vo h¢ Ÿ&
g^r 15 àíZm| Ho$ ghr CÎma {ZåZdV h¢ &
¤È ∞ R zM‹ ¤È ∞ R zM‹ ¤È∞R zM‹ ¤È ∞ R zM‹
1 4 5 4 9 5 13 5
2 4 6 2 10 3 14 3
3 5 7 4 11 5 15 2
4 3 8 1 12 2

AmË_H$Ï` g§~§Yr {ddaU {H$g àH$ma ^am Om`| Ÿ&

1. CÎmanÌ Ho$ n¥îR> 1 Ho$ ~mŠg 1-11 Am¡a 13-20 Am¡a n¥îR> 2 Ho$ ~mŠg 29 _| AmnH$mo {ddaU ^aZm h¡ (H¥$n`m ~mŠg 21 go 28 H$mo [aŠV
aI| )
2. ~mŠg g§»`m 1-11 _| {ddaU ~mb ßdmB§Q> noZ go ^aZm h¡ Ÿ&
3. n¥îR> 1 Ho$ ~mŠg g§»`m 13-20 Am¡a n¥îR> 2 Ho$ ~mŠg g§»`m 29 _| {ddaU Ho$db EM. ~r. nopÝgb go hr ^aZm h¡ Ÿ&
{ddaU H¡$go ^a| ZrMo `h {X`o J`o CXmhaU Ho$ _mÜ`_ go g_Pm`m J`m h¡ …
narjmWu H$m Zm_ … _hoe àgmX JwßVm
narjmWu H$m AZwH$« _m§H$ … 1301010258
g§JR>Z … AmB©S>r~rAmB© ~¢H$ {b{_Q>So >
g§dJ© … AZw. Om{V
narjm H|$Ð … _w~§ B©
A§Mb … A{Ib ^maVr`
OÝ_ {V{W … 04.03.85
Directions : In each of the following questions, select from the five alternatives, the word nearest in meaning to the
word given in capitals.
(1) light (2) dangerous (3) deadly (4) cruel (5) thoughtless
(1) a guard (2) a hundred years (3) a very old man
(4) a hundred runs (5) a hundredth anniversary
In addition, there will be questions based on passage, to test your comprehension.
Test III : Quantitative Aptitude
This test is designed to measure how fast and accurate you are in dealing with numbers, viz. computation, quan-
titative reasoning, interpretation of tables and graphs.
Directions : In each of the following questions, you have to find out what will come in place of the question mark (?).

Q.12. 42 + 73 + 137 = ?
(1) 352 (2) 252 (3) 242 (4) 142 (5) None of these

Q.13. 20 × = ?
(1) 4 (2) 5 (3) 12 (4) 20 (5) None of these
In Q.12, 252 is the correct answer. So your answer would be (2). The correct answer for Q.13 is 10. But neither 1,
nor 2, nor 3, nor 4 shows this answer. Therefore your answer is 5.
Some of the problems may require arithmetical reasoning. For example :

Q.14. At 10 paise each, how many paise will 6 lemons cost ?

(1) 6 (2) 10 (3) 60 (4) 61 (5) 610
Q.15. If the profit made by selling a pen for Rs.10 is as much as its cost, what is the cost price of the pen ?
(1) Rs.3/- (2) Rs.5/- (3) Rs.10 (4) Rs.20/- (5) None of these
Also, there may be some questions based on graphs and tables.

The correct answers to all these 15 questions are given below.

Que. Ans. Que. Ans. Que. Ans. Que. Ans.

1 4 5 4 9 5 13 5
2 4 6 2 10 3 14 3
3 5 7 4 11 5 15 2
4 3 8 1 12 2
How to fill up Bio-data information
1. The information is to be filled in by you in box 1-11 and 13-20 on side 1, and in box 29 on side 2 of the
answersheet. (Do not fill up any information in boxes 21 to 28)
2. You have to fill in information in boxes 1-11 by using ball point pen.
3. Information in boxes 13-20 on side 1 and 29 on side 2 are to be filled in by using HB pencil only.
How to fill in the Information is explained with the help of an example given below :
Name of the Candidate : Mahesh Prasad Gupta
Roll No. of the Candidate : 1301010258
Organization : IDBI Bank Ltd.
Category : S. C.
Centre of Examination : Mumbai
Zone : All India
Date of Birth : 04.03.85

H¥$n`m {ZåZ{b{IV Ho$ {bE Z_yZm CÎma-nÌ Ho$ gmBS> -1 VWm gmBS> - 2 H$mo XoI| &
n¥îR> - 1
{ddaU (~mŠg g§. 1 go 7) : Amn XoI|Jo {H$ ~mŠg g§. 1 go 7 VH$ _m§Jm J`m {ddaU AmgmZr go Xem©`m Om gH$Vm h¡ Ÿ& `h {ddaU ~mb ßdmB§Q>
noZ go ^[a`o Ÿ&
(~mŠg g§. 6) : Omo Cå_rXdma ‘Oå_y Am¡a H$í_ra’ Ho$ àdmgr h¡ Ho$db do hr Bg ~mŠg _| ‘O+H$’ {bI|Jo Ÿ& AÝ` Cå_rXdma `h ~mŠg Imbr N>mo‹S>
Xo Ÿ&
àíZnwpñVH$m AZwH«$_m§H$, àíZ_m{bH$m H«$_m§H$ Am¡a àmê$n H«$_m§H$ (~mŠg 8-10 _| Ano{jV {ddaU) : àíZnwpñVH$m AZwH«$_m§H$,
àíZ_m{bH$m H«$_m§H$ Am¡a àmê$n H«$_m§H$ (~mŠg 8-10 _| Ano{jV {ddaU) àíZ-nwpñVH$m na N>no hm|Jo Ÿ& AmnH$mo narjm Ho$ g_` {_bZo dmbr àíZ-
nwpñVH$m na go XoI H$a `o g§»`mE§ ~mb ßdmB§Q> noZ go ^aZm h¡ Ÿ&
narjmWu H$m Zm_ (~mŠg g§.13) … ~mŠg H$s àË`oH$ n§pŠV _| AnZo Zm_ H$m Ho$db EH$ Aja hr {bI| Ÿ& AnZo Zm_ H$s dU©_mbm H$mo _Ü` ZµOa
aIVo hþE, g§~§{YV A§S>mH¥${V H$mo n|{gb go H$mbm a§{J`o Ÿ& `{X AmnHo$ Zm_ _| 10 Ajam| go A{YH$ Aja h¢ Vmo Ho$db nhbo Ajam| H$mo {bI| Omo ~mŠgm| _|
Am Om`o Ÿ&
narjmWu H«$_m§H$ (~mŠg g§.14) … narjmWu H«$_m§H$ {bIZo Ho$ {b`o `hm± 10 ~mŠgm| H$s EH$ n§pŠV Xr JB© h¡ Ÿ& àË`oH$ ~mŠg Ho$ ZrMo N>moQ>r-N>moQ>r
10 A§S>mH¥${V`m§ h§¡ {OZH$s H«$_ g§»`m 1 go 9 d 0 VH$ h¡ Ÿ& Amn AnZm narjmWu H«$_m§H$ EM². ~r. n|{gb go BZ ~mŠgm| _| Bg àH$ma {bI| {H$ àË`oH$
~mŠg _| Ho$db EH$ hr A§H$ Am`o h¡ Ÿ& ~mŠgm| Ho$ ZrMo {X`o J`o A§S>mH¥${V`m| _| go Cn`wŠV A§S>mH¥${V`m| H$mo H$mbr H$a| Ÿ&
nX (~mŠg g§.15) … H¥$n`m Bgo Imbr a{I`oŸ&
dJ© (~mŠg g§. 16) … dJ© H$s H$moS> g§»`m ZrMo Xr JB© h¡ &

AZw~Y§ I

loUr H$moS>
AZwg{y MV Om{V (A. Om.) 1
AZwgy{MV Om{V ApñW {dH$bm§J (A. Om. A. {d) 2
AZwgy{MV Om{V Ñ{ï> {dH$bm§J (A. Om. Ñ. {d.) 3
AZwg{y MV OZOm{V (A. O. Om.) 4
AZwgy{MV OZOm{V ApñW {dH$bm§J (A. O. Om. A{d.) 5
AZwgy{MV OZOm{V Ñ{ï> {dH$bm§J (A. O. Om. Ñ. {d.) 6
AÝ` {nN>‹S>r Om{V (A{nOm) 7
AÝ` {nN>‹S>r Om{V ApñW {dH$bm§J (A. {n. Om. A. {d.) 8
AÝ` {nN>‹S>r Om{V Ñ{ï> {dH$bm§J (A. {n. Om. Ñ. {d.) 9
gm_mÝ` 10
gm_mÝ` ApñW {dH$bm§J (A. {d.) 11
gm_mÝ` Ñ{ï> {dH$bm§J (Ñ. {d.) 12

Now please refer to side 1 & 2 of the Specimen Answersheet while reading the following description.
Side – 1
Information (Box Nos. 1 to 7) : You will find that the information asked for in the boxes from 1 to 7 can be filled in
easily. Fill in this information by using ball-point pen.
Box No. 6 : Only candidates who are migrants of Jammu and Kashmir should write ‘J & K’ in this box. Other
candidates must leave this box blank.
Test Booklet Serial Number, Test Battery Number and Test Form Number (Information required in
Boxes 8-10) : Test Booklet Serial Number, Test Battery Number and Test Form Number (information required in
Boxes 8-10) are printed on the test booklet. You have to copy this number using ball point pen from the test
booklet you will receive at the time of examination.
Candidate’s Name (Box No. 13) : Write your name in the row of boxes entering one letter in each box. Below
each box, darken the oval that corresponds to the alphabet of your name. If your name contains more than
10 letters write only the first letters which you can accommodate in the Boxes provided.
Candidate’s Roll Number (Box No. 14) : There is a row of 10 boxes provided to write the roll number. Just below
each box there are 10 ovals numbered from 1 to 9 and 0. Write your roll number in the boxes, entering one digit in
each box by using HB pencil and blacken the appropriate oval under each box.
Post (Box No. 15) : Please keep this box blank.
Category (Box No. 16) : The codes for category are given below :

Annexure I

Category Code

Scheduled Caste (SC) 1

Scheduled Caste Orthopaedically Handicapped (SC-OH) 2
Scheduled Caste Visually Handicapped (SC-VH) 3
Scheduled Tribe (ST) 4
Scheduled Tribe Orthopaedically Handicapped (ST-OH) 5
Scheduled Tribe Visually Handicapped (ST-VH) 6
Other Backward Class (OBC) 7
Other Backward Class Orthopaedically Handicapped (OBC-OH) 8
Other Backward Class Visually Handicapped (OBC-VH) 9
General (GEN) 10
General Orthopaedically Handicapped (GEN-OH) 11
General Visually Handicapped (GEN-VH) 12

H¥$n`m BgH$mo XoI| Am¡a Cg dJ© H$s H$moS> g§»`m _mby_ H$a| {Og dJ© _| Amn AmVo h¢ Ÿ& {X`o J`o ~mŠg _| dJ© H$mo‹S> {bI| Am¡a VËg§~§{YV A§S>mH¥${V
H$mo EM². ~r. nopÝgb go H$mbm H$a| Ÿ& Xo{I`o {H$ narjmWu Zo {H$g àH$ma Cn`wŠV A§‹S>mH¥${V H$mo H$mbm a§J {X`m h¡ Am¡a C{MV ~mŠg _| AnZm H$moS>
{bI {X`m h¡ Ÿ&
àê$n H«$_m§H$ (~mŠg g§. 17) … AmnH$mo ~mŠg g§. 17 Ho$ A§VJ©V àê$n H«$_m§H$ (3 A§H$) {bIZm h¡ Ÿ& {X`o J`o ~mŠg _| àË`oH$ _| EH$ A§H$
{b{I`o Am¡a g§~§{YV A§‹S>mH¥${V H$mo EM². ~r. n|{gb go H$mbr a§{J`o Ÿ&
OÝ_ {XZm§H$ (~mŠg g§. 20) … XoI| {H$ {H$g àH$ma narjmWu Zo ImZm| _| {XZm§H$, _mg Am¡a df© ^a {X`o h¢ Am¡a ghr ghr A§S>mH¥${V`m| H$mo H$mbm a§J {X`m
h¡Ÿ& `{X {XZm§H$ Am¡a _mg EH$ A§H$ H$s g§»`m`| h¢ Vmo AmnH$mo CgHo$ nyd© ‘eyÝ`’ bJm XoZm Mm{h`o Ÿ&
~mŠg g§ 21 go 28 _| Hw$N> Z ^a| Ÿ&

Please find out the code number of the category you belong to and enter the code in the box and blacken the
appropriate oval by HB pencil. See how the candidate in the example has written and darkened the appropriate oval
for his category.
Test Form (Box No. 17) : You will have to write the test form number (3 digits) under item 17. Write each of the
digits in the boxes provided and blacken the appropriate ovals by HB pencil.
Date of Birth (Box No. 20) : See how the candidate has entered the date, month and the year in the boxes and
darkened the appropriate ovals correctly. If the date or the month happens to be single digit you should
indicate this after adding ‘zero’.
Box Nos 21-28 should not be filled up.


13-12-2009 IDBI BANK LTD. Mumbai


1 3 0 1 0 1 0 2 5 8


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