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Book Shop Management System

BookMart is a book shop selling all varieties of books. It needs a console based
application to manage its customer and business data.
Customers need to register before making any purchase. The registration system h
as the facility for the users to create their own user name and password. They c
an use the same for further communication with the system.
The user id and password should be stored in a file named login.txt .
The application should display the main menu as shown below
1. Login
2. New User Registration
0. Exit
Option 1: Login
If the user enters the option as 1, the user should be prompted to enter user id
and password.
If the user has entered a valid user id and password, the message Login Successfu
l should be displayed and the below menu options should be displayed.
1. View Books
2. Purchase
3. Back to Main Menu
If the user id and password does not match, then the message Login Failed should b
e displayed and the main menu should be displayed again.
Option 2: New User Registration
If the user enters the option as 2, the user should be prompted to enter a new u
ser id and password. If that user id is not present in the login.txt file, the new
details should be written to the file and the message User Successfully Register
ed should be printed else the message Duplicate User ID should be printed.
Option 0: Exit
If the user enters 0, the application should exit.
View Books
The book details should be maintained in a file named book_master.txt . The data sh
ould be stored as shown below.
Book ID ISBN Name Price Publisher
Sample Data
678 81-3434-343-3 Oliver Twist 500 PlaymorePublishers
When the user enters the option as 1, all the book details should be displayed o
n the screen with proper headings. For example, the output should be shown as be
Book ID ISBN Name Price Publisher
678 81-3434-343-3 Oliver Twist 500 PlaymorePublishers
890 81-2456-343-4 The Tempest 800 Williams'sPublishers
Users can purchase after valid registration with the system by providing the boo
k id.
The number of available books is maintained in a file called stock.txt . This file
will have the book id and quantity on stock. As purchases are made, the total co
unt should be reduced in stock.txt. Stock.txt will have data as shown below.
678 50
890 70
Purchase details should be written to another file named purchase.txt . This file w
ill have the details as follows.
Book ID Name User ID User Name Price
For example,
678 Oliver Twist 11 Shubha 500
Back to Main Menu
If the user enters 3, then the main menu should be displayed.

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