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Before looking at the hypothesis’s validation and analysis, given below are some of the

information extracted from the data collection to show some observable patterns in the data.

Whatisyoureducationalbackground * DoyouagreewiththefollowingstatementsWith1beingthelo_T

DoyouagreewiththefollowingstatementsWith1beingthe Total

1 2 3 4 5

10th 1 0 0 0 0 1

12th 7 6 0 1 3 17

Whatisyoureducationalbackgrou Others 10 1 1 6 3 21
nd Post- 20 9 14 7 9 59

Undergraduate 23 20 18 19 7 87
61 36 33 33 22 185


From the cross tabulation given above, we observe that undergraduates happen to be the
majority of the respondents in the study.

Apart from this, we also come to understand that undergraduates happen to be the ones who
are slowly causing a shift towards taking more time to read the labels of the organic products
followed by the post graduate students. This shows that a younger crowd is involved in
shopping for organic products and that they are very conscious about the products they
choose to buy.
The above table can be better represented with a chart as follows

Time taken to read labels of sustainable products

1 2 3 4 5





10th 12th Others Post-Graduation Undergraduate
Next, we look at how the educational background of an individual compares to the likeliness
of a consumer to check if the product is labelled as organic or not.

Whatisyoureducationalbackground * DoyouagreewiththefollowingstatementsWith1beingthelo_C

DoyouagreewiththefollowingstatementsWith1beingthelo_C Total

1 2 3 4 5

10th 1 0 0 0 0 1

12th 2 6 2 2 5 17
Others 3 3 5 2 8 21
Post-Graduation 10 11 13 19 6 59

Undergraduate 17 19 27 16 8 87
33 39 47 39 27 185


From the table we see that while majority of the undergraduate consumers tend to have a
neutral opinion towards the likeliness to check if the product is organic or not, we see that the
post-graduate consumers have a tendency to have a tendency to actually check if a product is
labelled as organic or not.
This can be better represented using a chart as follows:

Likelihood to check label to see if product is organic or not

1 2 3 4 5
25 19 19
17 16
15 10 11
8 8
10 6 5 5 6
2 2 2 3 3 2
5 1 0 0 0 0




Lastly, we look at the comparison made between the educational background of the
consumers and the consumers perceived individual contribution towards an organic future.

Whatisyoureducationalbackground * DoyouagreewiththefollowingstatementsWith1beingthelo_D

DoyouagreewiththefollowingstatementsWith1beingthel Total

1 2 3 4 5

10th 1 0 0 0 0 1

12th 3 2 6 1 5 17

Whatisyoureducationalb Others 3 6 4 2 6 21
ackground Post- 8 13 13 14 11 59

Undergraduate 16 20 18 24 9 87
Total 31 41 41 41 31 185

The above table can be better represented with a chart as follows:

Perceived Individual Contribution towards an Organic Future





10th 12th Others Post-Graduation Undergraduate

By looking at the chart above, we find that undergraduate consumers actually have a higher
sense of perceived individual contribution towards an organic future in comparison to other

H0: There exists no relationship between consumer purchase decision and labelling of the

H1: There exists a significant relationship between consumer purchase decision and
labelling of the product.

Given below is a table showing the correlation model analysis for the two variables namely:

 Time taken to read labels of organic products.

 Persuasion required before committing to buy an organic product.

Doyouagreewi Doyouagreewi
ththefollowing ththefollowing
statementsWit statementsWit
h1beingthelo_ h1beingthelo_
Pearson 1 .780
DoyouagreewiththefollowingstatementsWith1beingthel Correlation
o_N Sig. (2-tailed) .000
N 200 200
Pearson .780 1
DoyouagreewiththefollowingstatementsWith1beingthel Correlation
o_T Sig. (2-tailed) .000
N 200 200

From the above table we find that the correlation coefficient is shown to be 0.780 with a
significance of 0.000. This indicates that there is a strong positive relationship between these
two variables which means that as consumers require more persuasion to committing to buy
an organic product, they also show an increase in likeliness to read the label of the product
more carefully.

Also, since the level of Significance is 0.000, we can safely reject the null hypothesis as the
association shown above has some statistical significance and the results can be safely
applied to the population as well.

Now that an association has been established, we will look into understanding to what level
the variation in one of these variables can be explained by the other variable using

Below is a table showing the regression model analysis of two variables names:

 Time taken to read labels of organic products (Dependant Variable)

 Persuasion required before committing to buy an organic product (Independent

Model Summary

Model R R Square Adjusted R Std. Error of the

Square Estimate

1 .720a .640 .640 1.406

a. Predictors: (Constant),

From the above table, we see that the value of both R square and adjusted R square is 0.64.
This indicates that 64% of the variation in the time taken by consumers to read the labels of
organic products can be explained by the persuasion required before consumers commit to
buy an organic product.
To come to a conclusion regarding this relationship, we can say that consumers who are more
sceptical about organic products, tend to spend more time in reading the labels before making
a purchase decision.
This becomes an important factor in understanding consumer behaviour and future studies
can be taken up on the premise of this established relationship to analyse the behaviour and
develop insights based on the same.

H0: There does not exist a negative relationship between time taken by consumers to buy
an organic product and checking if the label of a product indicates it is organic.

H1: There exists a negative relationship between time taken by consumers to buy an
organic product and checking if the label of a product indicates it is organic.

Given below is a table showing the correlation model analysis for the following two

 Likeliness to check if product is labelled as organic.

 Persuasion required before committing to buy an organic product.

Doyouagreewi Doyouagreewi
ththefollowings ththefollowings
tatementsWith tatementsWith
1beingthelo_C 1beingthelo_N

Pearson Correlation 1 -.560

Sig. (2-tailed) .018
N 200 200
Pearson Correlation -.560 1
Sig. (2-tailed) .018
N 200 200

From the above table, we find that with a level of significance of 0.018, the Pearson’s
correlation coefficient is -0.560.
This indicates a significant negative relationship between the two variables which indicates
that there is a negative association with the variables, i.e. as the consumer’s likeliness to
check if a product is labelled as organic goes up, the persuasion required before committing
to buy an organic product comes down.
Given these findings, we can safely reject the null hypothesis and accept the alternate
Further, we try to look into the relationship and understand to what extent the variance in one
variable can be explained by the other.
Given below is a table showing the regression model analysis for the following two variables:

 Likeliness to check if product is labelled as organic. (Independent Variable)

 Persuasion required before committing to buy an organic product. (Dependant

Model Summary

Model R R Square Adjusted R Std. Error of the

Square Estimate
1 .680 .520 .520 1.293

a. Predictors: (Constant),
The above table shows us that the value of R square and Adjusted R Square is 0.520 which
indicates that 52% of the variation in persuasion required before committing to buy an
organic product can be explained by the likeliness to check if the product is labelled as

Although this may not be a very significant attribution, it still affects the variable and should
be taken into consideration in any future studies relating to this subject.

H0: The consumer’s perceived individual contribution towards an organic future does not
positively affect the purchase decision of the consumer.

H1: The consumer’s perceived individual contribution towards an organic future positively
affects the purchase decision of the consumer.

Given below is a table showing the correlation model analysis for the two variables namely:

 Likeliness of consumer to take part in awareness activities relating to organic

 Persuasion required before committing to buy an organic product.

Doyouagree Doyouagree
withthefollo withthefollo
wingstateme wingstateme
ntsWith1bei ntsWith1bei
ngthelo_D ngthelo_N

Pearson 1 -.848

DoyouagreewiththefollowingstatementsWith1bei Correlation

ngthelo_D Sig. (2-tailed) .032

N 200 200
Pearson -.848 1

DoyouagreewiththefollowingstatementsWith1bei Correlation

ngthelo_N Sig. (2-tailed) .032

N 200 200

From the above table we see that at a significance level of 0.032, the correlation coefficient is
-0.848. This indicates a very strong negative relationship between the two variables. This
shows that as one variable moves in a certain direction the other variable moves in the
opposite direction.

Since the correlation coefficient merely establishes an association between the two variables,
this does not go to suggest that one variable causes a change in the other. To see if such a
relationship can be explained further, we use the regression analysis as shown below.

The same two variables will be used to run the regression analysis model as follows:

 Likeliness of consumer to take part in awareness activities relating to organic

products. (Independent Variable)
 Persuasion required before committing to buy an organic product. (Dependent

Model Summary

Model R R Square Adjusted R Std. Error of the

Square Estimate
1 .880a .748 .720 1.297

a. Predictors: (Constant),

The above table shows us the value of Adjusted R Square to be 0.72. This implies that 72%
of the variation in ‘Persuasion required before committing to buy an organic product” can be
attributed to the “Likeliness of the consumer to take part in awareness activities relating to
organic products.

This goes to suggest that the more consumers are involved in spreading awareness about the
benefits of organic products, the lesser time they take to be convinced to buy an organic
product. While this may seem obvious, there are certain other factors that could influence
their purchase decision in this regard.

Hence, we reject the Null hypothesis and accept the alternate hypothesis.

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