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Chris Emmanuel Nathan – 4S1 (2020)

If I were a teacher…
If I were a teacher, I would be the most amazing one. Jokes aside, I feel I would be a
committed and a responsible teacher. Teaching is one of the most noble professions to
exist, so the fact that I would get to educate people and reform their lives is an honour.
If I had the chance to educate our youth, I would teach History. Many people assume that it
is a pointless subject being taught at schools. However, I would like to remove that stigma
and prove to them that History is indeed interesting and in fact, essential. The subject is
often frowned upon because they have the misconception that the information in the
textbook is usually dense and it is difficult for them to remember all of it.
Well, they feel stressed learning it because they are studying hard, not studying smart! They
can grasp history easily if they learn the proper techniques. To ease the learning process, I
will come up with creative and ingenious methods like surfing the Internet and other
multimedia options to impart historical knowledge to my hypothetical students because I
know I would not be a “by-the-book” kind of teacher. Hopefully, they will be able to learn at
their own pace and apply their knowledge in their daily lives.
In a nutshell, the renowned George Santayana once said that whoever who does not
remember history is bound to repeat it and I agree with him. History is vital as it reminds us
not to repeat the mistakes of our forefathers. In addition to that, I hope that my students
know education is not limited to books alone. They must keep in mind that they can learn
anything through any medium if they have the willpower to do it.

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