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Southern Regional Power Committee

Agenda for the 90th Meeting of Protection Coordination
Sub-Committee of SRPC to be held on 27th May, 2020 through VC/Online

1. Introduction

2. Confirmation of Minutes of last PCSC meeting

Confirmation of minutes of 89th Protection Coordination Sub-Committee meeting held on
13-14 February 2020.

3. Grid Occurrences

3.1 Grid Disturbances (GD), Grid Incidences (GI), trippings due to failure of Auto-reclosing
(A/R) and mal-operation of PLCC equipment that occurred during the period January -
March, 2020, given at Annexure-I, would be discussed in the PCSC meeting.

Constituents are requested to furnish the following information in respect of the

above grid occurrences to have fruitful discussions:

(a) Detailed analysis of the events along with SLD or equivalent pictorial
representation clearly showing (i) Location of the fault, and (ii) Bus-bar
arrangement/ Configuration of feeders and other connected equipment with
proper CB positions (OPEN/ CLOSE) at the time of occurrence of the fault along
with records of Event loggers, Disturbance recorders.
(b) Remedial Action(s) taken.
(c) Relay setting details.

Constituents are requested to furnish full particulars of the tripping events

pertaining to their system, preferably in the form of power point presentation, well
in advance (latest by 22-05-2020) to the scheduled meeting date, to take up for
discussion in the meeting.

3.2 In compliance of Regulations 5.2 (r) of IEGC, the Constituents are required to furnish
the following information in respect of Grid Occurrences within 24 hr. of occurrence
of the same to SRLDC/ SRPC:

(a) First Information Report (FIR)

(b) Event Logger (EL) output
(c) Disturbance Recorder (DR) output
(d) Trip event analysis report (with pre and post fault system conditions)

Non-furnishing of tripping details (FIR/DR/EL/TR) for the period 16.01.2020 –

30.04.2020 had been brought to Constituents’ notice vide the following SRPC letters:
(i) No. SRPC/ SE-III/ PCSC/ 2019-20/ 642 - 52 dated 24.01.2020,

Agenda for the 90th Meeting of PCSC scheduled to be held on 27th May, 2020 (through VC/Online) Page 1
(ii) No. SRPC/ SE-III/ PCSC/ 2019-20/ 1051 - 62 dated 11.02.2020,
(iii) No. SRPC/ SE-III/ PCSC/ 2019-20/1219 - 32 dated 25.02.2020,
(iv) No. SRPC/ SE-III/ PCSC/ 2019 - 20/1670 - 77 dated 12.03.2020,
(v) No. SRPC/ SE-III/ PCSC/ 2019 - 20/1832 – 43 dated 23.03.2020,
(vi) No. SRPC/ SE-III/ PCSC/ 2019 - 20/ dated 15.04.2020,
(vii) No. SRPC/ SE-III/ PCSC/ 2020/1864 - 76 dated 21.04.2020 and
(viii) No. SRPC/ SE-III/ PCSC/ 2020/1912 - 23 dated 08.05.2020,
Non-compliance in this regard would be discussed in the meeting.

4. Submission of Reports/ Compliance by Constituents

4.1 Status of implementation of Recommendations of Protection Coordination

Sub-Committee (PCSC)-89
Status of implementations of recommendations of PCSC-89 shall be presented by
constituents in forthcoming PCSC.

4.2 Status of implementation of Recommendations Protection Coordination

Sub-Committee (PCSC), which are pending
The status of implementation of PCSC recommendations (up to 89th PCSC meeting),
which are pending is given at Annexure-II. The latest status on the same may please
be sent latest by 20.05.2020, to place the same before the sub-committee.

4.3 Remedial measures for "Transmission Elements under Forced Outage"

 The Constituents are requested to furnish the remedial measures/ actions taken
by them for the tripping events, as circulated vide this office emails (Annexure-
III), to discuss the same.
 The tripping events are based on the daily reports at SRLDC website
http://srldc.in/Reports.aspx under the menu: Reports->Daily->
"TL under Forced Outage").
4.4 Certificate for Healthiness of Batteries
 As per the MoP direction, given in pursuant to recommendations of the Enquiry
Committee (NEW grid disturbance on 30th & 31st July, 2012), the monthly
certificate for healthiness of batteries, installed at 220 KV and above voltage level
Substations (for power supply to Relays, RTUs and PLCC equipment) are required
to be obtained by RPCs from their respective Constituents and furnish the same to
 With reference to above, the Constituents have been requested to submit the
certificate on healthiness of batteries on monthly basis (i.e. status for a month
shall be sent by the 7th day of the following month) to SRPC Secretariat.
 The sought status for the month of January - April, 2020 is awaited from the
following SR-Constituents:
January : UPCL and SEL
February: NTPC (Rmgdm, Kymklm and Simhadri), UPCL and NTECL
March : APGENCO (Thermal), KPTCL,TPCIL, MEPL, NTPL and NTPC (Rmgdm)

 The non-reporting of status of healthiness of batteries may be discussed.

Agenda for the 90th Meeting of PCSC scheduled to be held on 27th May, 2020 (through VC/Online) Page 2
5. Protection Management system (PMS) project

Protection Database Management System (PDMS) portal of PMS project achieved “Go-
Live” on 20th January 2020. The same was communicated to constituents vide SRPC mail
dated 20.01.2020. It was also requested to scrutinize the relay settings uploaded in PDMS
constituents. All constituents were to communicate the feedback to SRPC and intimate the
changes through DMNS. In this regard reminder mail was send vide SRPC mail dated
17.04.2020. Consolidated comments regarding relays settings of all substations have been
received only from KSEBL.

Constituents are requested to scrutinize the PDMS data on priority and

communicate correctness of data through mail to PRDC & SRPC before 20th May 2020
and discrepancies in the data noticed, if any, shall be submitted through DMNS, with
intimation to SRPC. The status regarding the same shall be discussed in meeting.

Review meeting of PMS to verify the pending SAT features of PSCT was held in SRPC
Bengaluru on 12.03.2020 and 18.03.2020. During the meeting PRDC demonstrated
transient simulation for the following protection functions on Bus branch database of SR
 Bus Bar Differential Protection
 Line/Cable Differential Protection
 Transformer over fluxing Protection
 Transformer Restricted Earth Fault Protection
 Generator Differential Protection
 Generator Reverse Power Protection
 Generator Negative Sequence Protection.
 Distance relay performance during power swing – This was demonstrated on test

As per the Record Notes of meeting PRDC shall be attending two pending features and 28
pass with remarks features immediately.

On completion of the two pending features and 28 pass with remarks features the project
could Go-Live. Hence, all utilities/users are requested to verify the data as well as
PSCT features thoroughly and report the same on urgent basis so that shortcomings, if
any, may be brought to the notice of the project implementer (i.e., M/s. PRDC) for
necessary correction/tweaking before the project is Going Live.

6. Protection Audit

6.1. Protection Audit of various 220kV & above stations in Southern Region
The recommendations of protection audit of various 220kV & above stations in
Southern Region held during October – December 2019 were compiled and were
circulated, utility wise, vide SRPC mail dated 21st April 2020. It was brought to the
notice of constituents that the observations/ Recommendations were categorised by
the PCSC as “To be implemented”, “Desirable”, “Optional” and “Drop” taking into
account primacy of system protection aspects.

The constituents were requested to comply the recommendations categorised as “To

be implemented” in a time bound manner and report to SRPC, so that the
compliance of the same could be submitted to CERC, through periodic (bi-monthly)
reports. Status regarding the compliance of such recommendations may please be
informed by 15th May 2020.

Agenda for the 90th Meeting of PCSC scheduled to be held on 27th May, 2020 (through VC/Online) Page 3
It was also informed that the observations/recommendations categorised as “Drop”
were generally the aspects which, are consistent with best practice and already
available/implemented in the substation. The categorisation no way implied that the
observations/recommendations are disregarded.

The utilities were requested to make sincere efforts to comply with the
recommendations categorised as “Desirable” and “Optional”, as the same are the
considered recommendations of the audit team to facilitate the faultlessness of the
substations/switchyards. It was requested that compliance of such recommendation be
reported to SRPC for compiling the same for records and reference.

6.2. Updating of Protection audit format

All SR constituents were requested to share suggestions/ modifications/ deletions

required in the protection audit format, vide SRPC mail dated 02.08.2019, so as to
update the same as per recent trends followed in the industry. Inputs have been
received from TSTRANSCO only. All constituents are requested to furnish the inputs
in this regard before 15.05.2020 for further discussion in the forthcoming PCSC

7. Review of Islanding Scheme of Southern Region

A meeting to review Islanding Schemes in SR, taking into consideration the network
changes, was held on 27.01.2020 at SRPC, Bangalore and Record Notes of the same
was circulated vide SRPC mail dated 27.01.2020. As per the same SR constituents
were requested to furnish the following information:
i. Low and high frequency set points of all generators (including RE) in the
existing/proposed Islanding Schemes.
ii. Frequency at which generators are taken to house load operation.
iii. Stage wise mapping of df/dt and AUFR relays in PSSE case file.
iv. All network changes/updates.
v. Implemented islands, and details of lines crossing islanding schemes and
network changes within islands.
vi. New generation additions proposed up to 31.3.2021.
vii. Renewable Generators (i.e. Solar & Wind) set points w.r.t to Under Frequency
and Over Frequency tripping and their location in PSSE case file.
viii. Critical loads within islands and their location in PSSE case file.

Details in this regard has been received from KSEBL, TANTRANSCO, PED, and
TANGEDCO. The details are consolidated at Annexure – IV. Details of House load
operation details of generators were also sought vide SRPC mail dated 17th March
2020. The information received in this regard is also available in Annexure –IV.

The utilities, which are yet to furnish the above information are requested to furnish
the same by 20th May 2020.

8. SPS for 400 kV Nellore PS-Nellore D/C lines

SPS for 400kV Nellore PS – Nellore DC lines operated on 22.02.2020 at 12:07 hr. and
400kV Nellore PS-Nellore line II tripped. During antecedent condition, 400 kV Nellore
PS-Nellore lines were connected directly to 400 kV Thiruvalam through the Tie-breaker
at Nellore. It was intended to take LC on 400 kV Nellore-NPS line-2 on 22.02.2020.
While taking LC, main breaker of Nellore-Thiruvalam line-2 was closed at Nellore end.
Since 400 kV Nellore- NPS is a short line, there was sudden inrush of power immediately

Agenda for the 90th Meeting of PCSC scheduled to be held on 27th May, 2020 (through VC/Online) Page 4
after closing the main breaker. Due to this SPS at Nellore operated resulting in the
tripping of line 2 at Nellore end and DT was send to NPS end.
SPS Logic implemented is: Tripping current setting = 2580A with Time Delay 5 Sec.
The issue may be discussed is meeting

9. Status of Insulator replacement in the following lines of KPTCL

a. 400kV Hassan – Nelamangala

b. 400kV Nelamangala –Talaguppa.

As per information from KPTCL, during September - October 2019, the lines were kept
in non-auto mode due to insulator replacement works. However, auto reclose function in
the lines is still in disabled condition which is a matter of concern. Status of the work and
matter of enabling of auto reclosure in the lines may be discussed in the meeting.

10. Review of Distribution of Loads and Signal Paths of Raichur – Sholapur SPS,
Talcher – Kolar SPS, and Kudankulam (Unit-I & II) SPS

As per decisions in the 164th OCC meeting SPS mock testing was required to de done on
27th February 2020. However, subsequently TANTRANSCO, vide letter dated 21st
February 2020 requested to reschedule the mock test in view of pending works.

SRPC vide letter dated 24.02.2020 (Annexure-V) had taken up the matter regarding SPS
schemes implementation and mock testing was scheduled on 04.03.2020. However, the
scheduled mock test on 4th March 2020 could not be carried out due to the pending
works. Moreover, certain discrepancies were also noted w.r.t DTPC port confirmation
matrix provided by PGCIL as compared with the deliberations in the 77th PCSC meeting
and the wiring diagrams provided by states. The status of completion of works may be
deliberated in the meeting.

11. Review of Distribution of Tripping of Kudankulam Unit#1 - Non-extension of SPS

trip signal to Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh

SPS for tripping of Kudankulam U#1 had operated on 7th February at 18:00 Hr. and on
30th April at 12:35 Hrs. However, the trip signal was not received at Karnataka on both
the occasions. Trip signal was not received at Andhra Pradesh during SPS operation on
30th April 2020 and hence there was no load relief. As confirmed by PGCIL the SPS trip
signal was generated at Kolar end. Non-receipt of trip signal at Karnataka and Andhra
Pradesh shall be discussed in meeting.

12. Status of Implementation of Line Differential Protection

The following updates were furnished during 89th PCSC Meeting of SRPC held on 13-02-2020
at SRPC, Bangalore:
NTPC had informed that advance payment of Rs. 30 lakh had been released for retrofitting
of distance relays at Simhadri with Line differential relays.
PGCIL (SR-1) had intimated that work would be started soon and expected to be completed
by March 2020. They also requested NTPC to expedite release of remaining payment.
Status of LDP shall be discussed in the meeting.
PGCIL (SR-1) is requested to furnish regarding status of implementation of Line
Differential Protection at Simhadri complex.

Agenda for the 90th Meeting of PCSC scheduled to be held on 27th May, 2020 (through VC/Online) Page 5
13. Other Protection Issues, if any, with the permission of the Chair

14. Sending Agenda items for the PCSC meetings

As per the Guidelines of CEA/MOP, it has been decided to conduct the PCSC meetings on
monthly basis. It is requested that Agenda Items for the PCSC meetings, if any, may please
be sent latest by 5th working day of the month to SRPC Secretariat to compile and circulate
the same so as to have fruitful discussions in the PCSC meetings.

15. Date of next PCSC meeting

The date of 91st meeting of PCSC will be decided in due course.

Agenda for the 90th Meeting of PCSC scheduled to be held on 27th May, 2020 (through VC/Online) Page 6
Grid Occurrences - 90
For all tripping events, Constituents are requested to kindly furnish the detailed analysis of the
events along with SLD or equivalent pictorial representation clearly showing (i) Location of the
fault, and (ii) Bus-bar arrangement/ Configuration of feeders and other connected equipment
with proper CB positions (OPEN/ CLOSE) at the time of occurrence of the faultalong with records
of Event loggers, Disturbance recorders.
The constituents are also requested to submit presentation of the analysis which may be
required to be presented by the constituents in the event of meeting being conducted through

I. Details of Grid Disturbances:

Sl. Details of Event Date &Time Reason Remarks Category

Triggering incident was

lightning arrestor flashover in
220kV Hoody - HAL Line-1.
Complete loss of
Subsequently 220kV Hoody -
supply at 220kV
HAL Line-2 tripped on
EDC, 220kV 29-01-2020
1 overloading. On tripping of 400 MW GD-1
NIMHANSand at 16:35 Hr.
both source feeders there was
220kV HAL
complete loss of supply at
stations of KPTCL
220kV HAL, 220kV EDC and
220kV NIMHANS stations.

Triggering incident was

tripping of 220kV ITPL -
Complete outage of Hoody line on Y-phase cable
220kV EPIP and 20-02-2020 termination fault. Tripping of Load Loss:
2 GD-1
ITPL stations of at 00:30Hr. incoming feeder resulted in 125 MW
KPTCL complete loss of supply at
220kV EPIP and 220kV ITPL
400kV Mysore - Nelamangala
D/C was under planned
shutdown in the antecedent.
Triggering incident was BN
fault in 400kV Neelamangala
Hassan line. Since A/r was not
in auto mode due to insulator
replacement works, line tripped
on operation of Zone-1 distance
Partial Blackout in protection at both the ends. Load Loss:
01-03-2020 2380 MW
3 Karnataka and Subsequently, 400kV GD-1
at 13:57 Hr. & Gen loss:
North Kerala Talaguppa - Hassan line tripped 1754 MW
only at Talaguppa end on
operation of OC protection.
400kV Nelamangala -
Talaguppa tripped on Zone-1
distance protection at both the
ends due to RN fault. A/r was
not in auto mode due to
insulator replacement works.
This resulted in complete loss
Grid Occurrences to be discussed in the 90thMeeting of PCSC scheduled to be held on 27th May 2020 1/10
of supply at 400kV stations viz.
UPCL, Talaguppa, Hassan,
Mysore, Kozhikode and 37 nos.
220kV stations in Karnataka
and 6 nos. 220kV stations in
Triggering incident was failure
of 220kV B-phase CT of Bus
Complete outage of
03-03-2020 coupler. This led to operation Load Loss:
4 220kV Edappon GD-1
at 07:43 Hr. of bus bar protection resulting 67 MW
station of KSEB
in tripping of all connected
Triggering incident was failure
of Y phase CT of Bus Coupler
at 230kV Checkanurani SS.
Bus-1 and Bus-2 Busbar
Protection operated resulting in
the tripping of all connected
Complete Outage of
elements. However, ICT#3 was
230kV 12-03-2020
5 not tripped. Since the failed CT ------ GD-1
Checkanurani SS of at 01:20 Hr.
was near Bus-1 side, due to
non-tripping of ICT#3 which
was connected to Bus-2, there
was no fault feed after the
isolation of Bus-1.
Subsequently, ICT#3 was hand
During antecedent conditions,
220kV Kolar KA, 220kV
Malur, 220kV Sarjapur and
220kV Vikas Tech Park (VTP)
are radially fed from 220kV
Kolar PG SS. Triggering
incident was tripping of 220kV
Kolar PG- Kolar KA line-1 at
Complete outage of
Kolar KA end on pole
220kV Kolar,
discrepancy during testing of
220kV Malur, 14-03-2020
6 newly commissioned SPS 380 MW GD-1
220kV Sarjapur and at 16:30 Hr.
scheme. After the tripping of
220kV VTP SS of
220kV Kolar PG-Kolar KA-1,
220kV Kolar PG-Kolar KA-2
got over loaded and tripped at
Kolar PG end.This resulted in
complete loss of supply at
220kV Kolar KA, 220kV
Malur, 220kV Sarjapur and
220kV Vikas Tech Park (VTP)
During antecedent conditions,
Complete outage of
220kV Kolar(Kar), 220kV
220kV Kolar,
Malur, 220kV Sarjapur and
09-05-2020 220kV VikasTech Park (VTP) Load Loss:
6 220kV Sarjapur and GD-1
at 22:41Hr SS are radially fed from 220kV 360 MW
220kV VTP SS of
Kolar PG SS. Triggering
incident was YB fault in220kV
Kolar PG- Kolar(Kar) line-1.
Grid Occurrences to be discussed in the 90thMeeting of PCSC scheduled to be held on 27th May 2020 2/10
After tripping of 220kV Kolar
PG-Kolar(Kar) line-1, 220kV
Kolar PG-Kolar(Kar) line-2 got
overloaded and tripped at
Kolar(Kar) end due to
operation of non-directional OC
protection. Due to tripping of
220kV Kolar(PG)-Kolar(Kar)
line-1 and 2, there was
complete loss of supply
at220kV Kolar(Kar), 220kV
Malur, 220kV Sarjapur and
220kV Vikas Tech Park (VTP)

Note: It may be noted that the

event is repeated for the third
time since January 2020. Also,
SPS is put in service on 07-02-
2020 in the 220kV Kolar (PG)–
Kolar(Kar) linesto avoid
cascaded tripping of the lines
bytripping 66kV loads at Malur
and Kolar SS. However, during
the above event the SPS did not

II. Details of Grid Incidents:

Details of Event Date &Time Reason Category
Bus-2 at 400kV Raichur tripped on
operation of bus bar protection due
to heavy surface conduction at
Tripping of Bus-2 at 10-02-2020 at switchyard. 400kV Raichur-
1 GI-2
400kV Raichur 03:31Hr. Mahbubnagar, 400kV Raichur -
BTPS and 400kV Raichur -
Munirabad lines tripped during the
All elements at 400kV side of
400/220kV Guttur station tripped
Complete outage at on operation of LBB protection of
400kV side of 17-03-2020 at 400kV Kaiga - Guttur line-2. As
2 GI-2
400/220kV Guttur 20:00 Hr. reported P437 relay maloperated
station of KPTCL which led to the operation of LBB
resulting in tripping of all
connected 400kV elements.
Triggering incident was failure of
B-phase Lightning Arrester on
Tripping of 220kV
220kV VSS - Kakinada line. This
Bus-2 at 220kV
22-03-2020 at resulted in operation of Bus bar
3 Vizag switching GI-1
15:45 Hr. protection of bus-2 at 220kV VSS.
station (VSS) of
400/220kV, 315 MYA ICT-1 and
ICT-2 also tripped during the

Grid Occurrences to be discussed in the 90thMeeting of PCSC scheduled to be held on 27th May 2020 3/10
Triggering incident was failure of
B ph CT of 230kV Alandur -
Kadaperi line and R ph CT of
230kV Sriperumpudur -Kadaperi
line-2 at 230kV Kadaperi end. This
Multiple Tripping in resulted in bus fault at 230kV
29-03-2020 at
4 230kV Kadaperi SS Kadaperi SS and Bus bar GI-1
04:04 Hr.
of TANTRANSCO protection operated resulting in the
tripping of all the elements
connected at 230kV Kadaperi SS
since 230kV Kadaperi SS has
single bus configuration. There
was no interruption at 110kV level.

Tripping of As per the report submitted, ICT#1

12-01-2020 at
5 400kV/230kV at NTPL got tripped on operation GI-2
16:45 Hr.
NTPL ICT-1 of SF6 Gas Pressure Low Trip.

Line tripped on operation of LBB

Tripping of 400KV protection at Vemagiri end and DT
14-01-2020 at
6 Vemagiri - was received at Sattenapalli end. GI-2
14:29 Hr.
Sattenapally There was no fault during the
Bus bar protection of 400kV Bus-2
Tripping of 400kV
23-01-2020 at maloperated at Salem (PG) station.
7 Bus-2 at 400kV GI-2
11:13Hr. This resulted in tripping of 400kV
Salem(PG) station
Hosur - Salem ckt-2.
Triggering incident is R-N fault in
400kv Nirmal- Sundilla feeder.
Zone 1 pick up at Sundilla end and
A/R is not operated. Due to this
fault, there is a reverse zone 4
Multiple trippings at 23-01-2020 at
8 pickup observed in Singareni- GI-2
400kV Sundilla 22:10 Hr.
Sundilla 1,2 at Sundilla end.
Instantaneous zone 4 operation for
both circuits of 400kv Sundilla-
Singareni at Sundilla end needs
Tripping of 400/220
25-01-2020 at ICT#2 at Mysore got tripped on
9 kV ICT-2 AT GI-2
03:23 Hr. mal-operation of PRD protection
ICT#4 at Gajwel got tripped on
Tripping of 400/220
25-01-2020 at spurious operation of 86B and the
10 kV ICT-4 AT GI-2
05:13 Hr. same needs review. There was no
fault during the event.
Triggering incident was fault in
110kV bus 2 due to melting of
incoming B Phase female isolator
of ICT 4 connected to Bus 2. Bus
Tripping of 400/
27-01-2020 at bar operated in 110 KV Bus 2 and
11 110kV Kamuthi GI-1
14:44 Hr. this lead to tripping of ICT 3 and
ICT 3 & 4
ICT 4. It was reported and further
verified from SCADA Data that
there was 200MW loss of Solar

Grid Occurrences to be discussed in the 90thMeeting of PCSC scheduled to be held on 27th May 2020 4/10
During tower erection works at
Loc 460-471, substation Earth wire
got pulled and fell on Bus 2
inadvertently at 220kV VSS. This
resulted in Bus fault and hence
Multiple Tripping in 220kV Bus-2 Bus Bar Protection
220kV Vizag 31-01-2020 at (BPP) operated resulting in the
12 GI-1
Switching Station of 14:14 Hr. tripping of all elements connected
APTRANSCO to Bus-2 of 220kV VSS.
400/220kV ICT-2 at Gajuwaka
also got tripped during the event.
From PMU plots, delayed fault
clearance of 400ms was observed
and the same needs review.
ICT#4 at Uravakonda got tripped
Tripping of
10-02-2020 at on suspected maloperation of PRV
13 400/220kV ICT-4 at GI-2
10:14 Hr. protection and the same needs
ICT#2 at Gajwel got tripped on
Tripping of 400/220 11-02-2020 at
14 maloperation of Buchholz relay GI-2
kV ICT-2 at Gajwel 07:13Hr.
and the same needs review.
LV side of ICT#2 at Trichur got
tripped during charging of
Tripping of 400/220 13-02-2020 at
15 downstream 220kV/132kV GI-2
kV ICT-2 at Trichur 17:40 Hr.
200MVA transformer and the same
needs review.
Triggering incident was Y N fault
in the line. At Ramagundam end,
fault was sensed in Zone-1, A/r
operated and line tripped due to
persistent fault. As per the report
Tripping of 400kV submitted at Malkaram end, it was
07-03-2020 at
16 Ramagundam - mentioned that line was in service; GI-2
04:38 Hr.
Malkaram the same needs review.
As per the report submitted by
Ramagundam it was mentioned
that, analog module of relay
maloperates intermittently and the
same needs review.
Line tripped on operation of OV St-
1 protection operation at Hiriyur
end and was holding at Guttur end.
Tripping of 400kV
15-03-2020 at From DR of Hiriyur end, voltages
17 Guttur –Hiriyur GI-2
18:03Hr. observed are: Vr-251kV, Vy-
248kV and Vb-248kV. Non
tripping of line at Guttur end needs
ICT at Julurpadu got tripped on
Tripping of
16-03-2020 at operation of gas pressure lockout.
18 400/220kV GI-2
10:40Hr. Non operation of Alarm needs
Julurpadu ICT-1
Line tripped on operation of OVR
Tripping of 400kV
24-03-2020 at stage-1 protection at Dichipally end
19 Dichipally – Nirmal GI-2
13:11 Hr. and DT received at Nirmal end.
From Dichipally end DR voltages

Grid Occurrences to be discussed in the 90thMeeting of PCSC scheduled to be held on 27th May 2020 5/10
recorded are Vr-254.8kV, Vy-
234.7kV & Vb-226.3 kV.
Difference of around 20kV in R
and Y phase voltages was observed.
Triggering incident was failure of
PT of 110kV Kalamassery-
Carborandum line and CT failure
Tripping of 220kV of 110kV Kalamassery-
20 Kochi Kalamaserry Perumbavoor line at Kalamassery GI-1
at 00:06:00 Hr.
line-2 s/s end. 220kV Kochi -
Kalamaserry line-2 tripped only at
Kochi end on Zone 4 reverse
operation. This needs review.
Shutdown for 400kV Vallur-
NCTPS line-1 was planned from
09 hr. -1700 hr. on 19.03.2020.
While closing NCTPS line 1 Earth
switch at NTECL end, heavy
voltage dip was experienced and
Tripping of 400kV all the three running units of Vallur
21 Vallur – NCTPS tripped on Low Forward Power GI-2
at 12:05 Hr.
line-1 Protection at 12:05 hr. Earth switch
of the line was closed at Vallur end
without opening of remote end
breaker, which resulted in three
phase to ground fault in 400kV
Vallur NCTPS line-1 at Vallur end.
Gen Loss: 1893 MW

III. Details of Trippings due to Failure or Non-operation of Auto-Reclose:

Element Date & Time Reason
Triggering incident is B phase to ground fault
in 400kv Kochi - Tirunelveli feeder. At both
Tripping of 400kv 13-01-2020 at the ends, Forward distance Zone 1 protection
Kochi-Tirunelveli 23:34 Hr. operated.At Kochi end, A/R did not attempt,
the same needs review.AtTirunelveli end, A/r
operated and line tripped due to persistent fault.
Triggering incident was R-N fault in the line.
As per the report submitted at Vemagiri end, it
was mentioned that A/r operated and line
tripped due to persistent fault. But from DR, it
Tripping of 400KV was observed that immediately after the
14-01-2020 at
2 Vemagiri (AP) - opening of R pole, Y and B pole also got
14:29 Hr.
Simhadri-II opened. As per the report submitted at
Simhadri end, it was mentioned that A/r not
operated due to receipt of DT from Vemagiri
end. Non operation of A/r and sending of DT at
Vemagiri end needs review.
Triggering incident was RN fault in the line.
Tripping of 400kV A/r not operated at KV Kota end due to carrier
20-01-2020 at
3 Hinduja - KV Kota fail. At Hinduja end, A/r operated and line
01:35 Hr.
Line-2 tripped due to persistent fault. Non operation of
A/r at KV Kota end needs review.

Grid Occurrences to be discussed in the 90thMeeting of PCSC scheduled to be held on 27th May 2020 6/10
Triggering incident was BN fault in the line. At
Hinduja end auto reclose attempted and
02-02-2020 at
successful but the line tripped on SOTF. At KV
11:36 Hr.
Kota end, auto reclose did not operate and
tripped on Zone-2 distance protection.
Triggering incident was BN fault in the line. At
Vemagiri_AP end line tripped on Zone-1
distance protection. Auto reclose operated at
Tripping of 400kV
14-02-2020 at Vemagiri_AP end and locked out due to
4 Vemagiri_PG - 15:32 Hr. persistent fault. At Vemagiri_PG end Zone-2
Vemagiri_AP line
carrier aided trip observed from DR. Auto
reclose did not operate at Vemagiri_PG end,
the same needs review.
Tripping of 400kv Triggering incident was B N fault in the line.
15-02-2020 at
5 Kurnool- Srisailam Non operation of A/R at both the ends needs
13:18 Hr.
feeder. review.
Triggering incident was B phase to Earth fault
in the line. Fault was sensed in Zone-1 at both
Tripping of 400kV 17-02-2020 at
6 the ends. At Pondy end, A/r operated
NNTPP- Pondy line-1 13:38 Hr.
successfully and line was holding. At NNTPP
end, A/r not operated.
Triggering incident was Y N fault in the line.
At Gooty end, A/r operated successfully and
Tripping of 400kV line was holding. At Kurnool AP end, Y pole
18-02-2020 at
7 Kurnool AP - Gooty breaker opened after 100ms and subsequently
17:08 Hr.
line R and B pole breakers also opened after 300ms
(after opening of Y pole). Non operation of A/r
at Kurnool AP end needs review.
Triggering incident was Y N fault in the line.
At Srisailam end, A/r not operated and line
Tripping of 400kV tripped on operation of Zone-1 distance
06-03-2020 at
8 Narnoor -Srisailam protection. At Narnoor, from DR, opening of Y
18:00 Hr.
Left Bank phase pole was observed and from EL, P/d
operation was observed. Non operation of A/r
at both the ends review.
Triggering incident wasB N fault in the line. At
Khammam end, A/r operated successfully and
16-03-2020 at line was holding. At Asupaka end, line tripped
11:31Hr. on operation of Zone-1 distance protection and
A/r not operated. Non operation of A/r at
Tripping of 400kV
Asupaka end needs review.
9 Khammam- Asupaka
Triggering incident was B N fault in the line.
At Khammam end, A/r operated successfully
18-03-2020 at and line was holding. At Asupaka end, line
13:11Hr. tripped on operation of Zone-1 distance
protection and A/r not operated. Non operation
of A/r at Asupaka end needs review.
Triggering incident was B N fault in the line.
Tipping of 400 kV 17-03-2020 at At Hiriyur end, A/r operation was successful
Guttur - Hiriyur - 2 13:06Hr. and line was holding. At Guttur end, A/r not
Triggering incident was fault in Y phase of
Tripping of 220kV
18-03-2020 at 220kv Udumalpet-Idukki feeder. A/R operated
11 Udumalpet – Idukki 06:52Hr. at Idukki end and A/R did not operate at
Udumalpet end; the same needs review.

Grid Occurrences to be discussed in the 90thMeeting of PCSC scheduled to be held on 27th May 2020 7/10
Triggering incident was Y N fault in the line.
At Udumalpet end, fault was sensed in Zone-1,
Tripping of 220kV A/r operated and line tripped due to persistent
23-03-2020 at
12 Udumalpet - Idukki fault. At Idukki end, Zone-2 distance protection
line-1 operated. Failure of carrier aided protection
and non-operation of A/r at Idukki end need
Triggering incident was R N fault in the line.
A/r operated at both the ends and line tripped
Tripping of 400kV
28-03-2020 at due to occurrence of subsequent fault during
13 Raichur- Munirabad 07:11 Hr. A/r reclaim time. As per the report submitted, it
was mentioned that tie didnot attempt A/r at
Raichur end and the same needs review.
Triggering incident was B-phase to Earth fault
in the line. At Theni end, fault was sensed in
Tripping of 230kV 06-11-2019 at Zone-1, A/r operated and line tripped due to
Theni-Mooziyar 11:11:00 Hr. persistent fault. At Sabarigiri end, A/r not
operated. Non operation of A/r at Sabarigiri
end needs review.
Triggering incident was R phase to Earth fault
Tripping of 400kV in the line. Fault was sensed in Zone-1 at both
06-11-2019 at
15 Hinduja KV Kota the ends. A/r operated successfully at HNPCL
11:33:00 Hr.
line-1 end and line was holding. At KV Kota end, A/r
not operated and the same needs review.
Triggering incident was B phase to Earth fault
in the line. At Kayamkulam end, fault was
Tripping of 220 kV sensed in Zone-1, B-pole opened but didn't
24-12-2019 at
16 Kayamkulam- reclose. At Punnapura end, Zone-2 carrier
05:25:00 Hr.
Punnapura line-2 aided protection operated and A/r operation
was successful. Non operation of A/r at
Kayamkulam end needs review.
Triggering incident was Y N fault in the line.
At Udumalpet end, fault was sensed in Zone-1,
Tripping of 220kV A/r operated and line tripped due to persistent
03-01-2020 at
17 Udumalpet-Idukki fault. At Idukki end, Zone-2 distance protection
06:30:00 Hr.
line-1 operated. Failure of carrier aided protection
and non-operation of A/r at Idukki end need

IV. Details of Trippings due to PLCC mal-operation:

Date & Reason
Sl.No Element

Tripping of 400kV Guttur – 16-01-2020 Line tripped only at Guttur end on DT Receipt due to
NarendraLine-2 at 11:03 Hr. suspected maloperation of PLCC.
Line tripped on operation of OV St-1 protection at
Tripping of 400 kV Kolar - Kolar end and DT was sent to Hoody end. But line
2 Hoody 1 didnot trip at Hoody end.
at 23:59 Hr.
Non-tripping of line at Hoody end on DT received
needs review.
Triggering incident was Y-phase to ground fault in the
line. Line tripped on Zone-1 distance protection.Auto
Tripping of 400kV Neyveli 2 30-03-2020 reclose attempted but locked out due to persistent
(Exp) - Pugalur line at 15:10Hr. fault. At Pugalur end, DT was received resulting in
3phase trip.
DT sent from Neyveli end needs review.

Grid Occurrences to be discussed in the 90thMeeting of PCSC scheduled to be held on 27th May 2020 8/10
V. Frequent tripping of 220kV KTPS-Lower Sileru line-1 and 220kV KTPS V- Lower
Sileru line-2 during February 2020 to April 2020.
1 220kV KTPS V- Lower Sileru-2 16-Feb-20 11:54 BN fault
2 220kV KTPS V- Lower Sileru-2 15-Feb-20 13:29 BN fault
3 220kV KTPS V- Lower Sileru-2 10-Feb-20 11:34 BN fault
4 220kV KTPS V- Lower Sileru-2 08-Feb-20 12:35 SLG fault
5 220kV KTPS - Lower Sileru-1 29-Mar-20 12:22 BN fault
6 220kV KTPS V- Lower Sileru-2 27-Mar-20 12:05 RN fault
7 220kV KTPS V- Lower Sileru-2 22-Mar-20 11:16 BN fault
8 220kV KTPS - Lower Sileru-1 22-Mar-20 10:15 BN fault
9 220kV KTPS - Lower Sileru-1 18-Mar-20 12:25 BN fault
10 220kV KTPS - Lower Sileru-1 15-Mar-20 12:04 RN fault
11 220kV KTPS V- Lower Sileru-2 11-Mar-20 14:05 BN fault
12 220kV KTPS - Lower Sileru-1 07-Mar-20 13:25 SLG fault
13 220kV KTPS V- Lower Sileru-2 05-Mar-20 12:00 SLG fault
14 220kV KTPS - Lower Sileru-1 29-Apr-20 12:43 BN fault
15 220kV KTPS V- Lower Sileru-2 27-Apr-20 12:38 3 phase fault
16 220kV KTPS V- Lower Sileru-2 25-Apr-20 16:55 RB fault
17 220kV KTPS - Lower Sileru-1 12-Apr-20 15:23 RN fault
18 220kV KTPS V- Lower Sileru-2 11-Apr-20 12:19 SLG fault
19 220kV KTPS - Lower Sileru-1 02-Apr-20 12:17 BN fault

VI. Frequent tripping of 220kV KTPS Nunna line during Feb 2020 to April 2020.
1 220kV KTPS-NUNNA 05-Mar-20 13:44 BN fault
2 220kV KTPS-NUNNA 25-Apr-20 17:20 BN fault
3 220kV KTPS-NUNNA 25-Apr-20 12:05 RN fault
4 220kV KTPS-NUNNA 23-Apr-20 13:37 BN fault
5 220kV KTPS-NUNNA 18-Apr-20 15:50 RN fault
6 220kV KTPS-NUNNA 11-Apr-20 15:03 RN fault
7 220kV KTPS-NUNNA 10-Apr-20 08:28 RN fault
8 220kV KTPS-NUNNA 08-Apr-20 16:53 RN fault
9 220kV KTPS-NUNNA 06-Apr-20 13:39 SLG fault

VII. HVDC Pole Trippings

27-01-2020/09:34 THYRISTOR FAILURE
Pole 2 2020/14:40
2 17-02-
HVDC 500KV KOLAR_DC Pole 2 17-02-2020/23:59 DUE TO HVDC LINE FAULT
3 17-02-
HVDC 500KV KOLAR_DC Pole 2 17-02-2020/17:38 DUE TO HVDC LINE FAULT
4 03-03-
HVDC 500KV GAZUWAKA Pole 1 03-03-2020/11:39 Thyristor redundancy failure
Grid Occurrences to be discussed in the 90thMeeting of PCSC scheduled to be held on 27th May 2020 9/10
5 04-03-
HVDC 500KV GAZUWAKA Pole 1 04-03-2020/12:28 Thyristor side problem
6 HVDC 500KV BHADRAVATHI 18-03- Failure of PLC 4901
Pole 2 2020/12:37 processors
7 HVDC 500KV BHADRAVATHI 18-03- Failure of PLC 4901
Pole 2 2020/12:37 processors
8 HVDC 500KV BHADRAVATHI 18-03- Failure of PLC 4901
Pole 1 2020/12:46 processors
HVDC 500KV GAZUWAKA Pole 2 21-03-2020/12:15
2020/14:25 FAILURE

VIII. Gazuwaka Oscillations

2X 500 MW HVDC Gazuwaka Back to Back is an important inter-regional link for transfer of
power between Southern and Eastern Regions. During January and February 2020, fluctuations
in AC side voltage have been observed at Gazuwaka. A total of 24 number of incidents were
observed from PMU signals (list given below). These fluctuations continued for a significant
duration of time and occurred repeatedly on some days. Such fluctuations in power system
parameters is a serious issue and is a threat to reliable power system operation.
List of incidents involving fluctuations in AC side voltage at HVDC Gazuwaka station is as


Grid Occurrences to be discussed in the 90thMeeting of PCSC scheduled to be held on 27th May 2020 10/10
Status of Pending Implementation of PCSC Recommendations as on 08.05.2020 (up to 90th Meeting)
Meeting Details of Event Date & Time Reason PCSC Recommendations Utility responsible for Implementation Status of Implementation of PCSC Recommendations Remarks Latest Status
No / (To be filled up by the Constituent)


34/I/6 400/220 kV ICT-1 & 2 at 16-07-2014 As reported directional over current relay of ICT’s 1. Bus bar protection shall be provided by asset owner ( i.e KPTCL). KPTCL/ KPTCL Mail dated 27-05-2015: Pending
Munirabad operated due to snapping of line jumper in PGCIL (SR-I) 1. KPTCL has taken action to provide bus bar protection to 220kV buses. --- (with KPTCL)
220kV Lingapur line. 2. Settings for main distance protection & Overcurrent protection shall be Pending
examined and reviewed. 2. Over current relay Settings of ICTs to be reviewed by PGCIL.
--- Pending
3. Time synchronization of the Substation shall be ensured. 3. --- Pending
KPTCL Mail dated 29-07-2015:
1. Initial Tendering stage. --- Pending
2. --- Pending
3. --- Pending

KPTCL Mail dated on 23-01-2016:

1. Detailed estimate prepared for taking up the work. CEE, Transmission Zone,
Gulbarga will take up necessary procurement and further execution. --- Pending
2. --- Pending with PGCIL (SR-I).
3. --- Pending

PGCIL (SR-I) Mail dated 14.07.2016:

2. Relay settings of all the stations in SRTS-1 were derived as per Ramakrishna
Commettee recomendations and implemented" --- Completed.

KPTCL Mail dated 16.12.2017:

1) & 3). DPR is approved. Tender is to be called by CEE,TZ Kalaburgi ---

Review Meeting dated 19.12.2017:

1. KPTCL informed that Tenders for providing BBP would be called in Jan-Feb,
2018; Supply of the same is targeted by September, 2018; Erection &
Commissioning is targeted by January, 2019
--- Pending

3. PGCIL (SR-I) informed that time-synchronization of 220 kV side is in place. ---


KPTCL mail dated 19.12.2018:

1. DPR preapared for the work of providing Bus Bar Protection to 220kV buses
at Guddadahally is approved. Tender is to be invited by CEE,TZ .

Review Meeting dated 20.12.2018:

1. Tender would be floated in January 2019. Works would be completed in 6
months after awarding PO.

Review Meeting dated 27.06.2019:

1. KPTCL informed that the work is expected to be completed by December

Page 1 of 39
66/ II/ Tripping of 400/ 220 kV 11-06-2017 Triggering incident was failure of 220 kV 1. NTPC to disable high-set of DEFR on the 220 kV lines emanating from their NTPC-Ramagundam/ TSTRANSCO NTPC mail dated 07.12.2017: Pending
10 ICT’s – 3 & 4 at at 19:46hrs B-phase LA in ICT-3 LV extension feeder (220KV Ramagundam STPS. 1. High set DEFR on 220 KV lines is disabled ----Completed
Ramagundam STPS line-2) at Malayalapalli substation 2. ---- Pending
2. NTPC/ TSTRANSCO to provide Line Differential Protection (with or without
pilot) on 220 kV Ramagundam – Malayalapalli lines – 1 & 2 & 3. Review Meeting dated 19.12.2017:
TSTRANSCO informed that the works are under progress, and are targeted to be
completed in 3 months time.


Line Differential Protection will be provided within 3 months i.e., by end of
March, 2018.


Line Differential Protection relays are under procurement and will be provided by
end of May, 2018.


Line Differential relays will be supplied to site by manufacturer by end of May,
2018 and erection will be completed by end of June, 2018.


Inspection of the relays is completed and the relays are received at stores. Relays
Relays will be commissioned by end of February, 2019.

TSTRANSCO mail dated 22.06.2019:

2. Relay erection work is under progress and will be completed by end of July,

TSTRANSCO mail dated 30.10.2019:

LDP relays are available but commissioned was not done bue to non availability
of carrier communication cable and will be done in 2 months i.e., by December,

TSTRANSCO mail dated 18.01.2020:

LDP relays are available at site. carrier communication cable laying between the
LDPs is procured and laying work is under progress and will be completed by end
of January,2020.
Commissioning of LDPs will be done by 2nd week of February, 2020.

Page 2 of 39
69/I/2 Complete outage of 400kV 30-10-2017 at 400kV TPCIL - Nellore line-1 got tripped at TPCIL 1. TPCIL to configure DEF protection such that it remains in blocked condition TPCIL/ Review Meeting dated 19.12.2017: Pending [With
TPCIL station 21:37 hrs end during failure of LA of Station Transformer-2 at as long as Distance Protection is active, and becomes active only when distance PGCIL (SR-I) PGCIL (SR-I) informed that they are waiting for written confirmation from TPCIL TPCIL]
TPCIL. Running Units at TPCIL got tripped due to protection does not pickup. to complete procurement of LDP relays. To this, PCSC forum asked TPCIL to
loss of evacuating line. 400kV TPCIL - Nellore PS submit written confirmation to PGCIL (SR-I) by 29.12.2017. PGCIL (SR-I)
line-2 was under emergency shutdown 2.PGCIL (SR-I) to ensure healthiness of Carrier communication, and the set PUP assured that with receipt of above confirmation from TPCIL by Dec, 2017, they
mode of carrier aided scheme operates reliably on TPCIL lines 1 & 2. would be able to complete the work by February, 2018.

APTRANSCO informed that they would be able to implement LDP from their &
APGENCO side by April, 2018.
In this regard, PCSC forum made it clear that the recommendation is about
providing LDP as both Main-I & Main-II relays on all stated lines in Nellore
Complex, ans asked all stakeholders to ensure & comply with the same.

PGCIL (SR-I) mail dated 20.06.2018:

2. PGCI(SR1) procuring LDP relays for retrofitting of Main-1&2 distance relays.
Tenders are invited from bidders & tender floated. Technical bid opening in this

PGCIL (SR-I) mail dated 10.12.2018:

2. PO placed on M/s GE & TD India Ltd on 24.09.2018. Supply of relays will be
completed by Jan'2019 and commissioning by Mar'19.

Review Meeting on 20.12.2018 & 27.06.2019:

PGCIL (Sr-1) mail dated 31.10.2019:
Retrofitting works completed in NPS-NCC-1&2, NPS-Nellore-1&2 Main-1 relay,
NPS-TPCIL-1&2 lines completed.
Confirmation for retrofitting of Main-2 relay in NPS-Nellore-1&2 lines to be
received from SRPC. Presently both lines are bypassed at Nellore Bus-1&2 and
connected to Tiruvalam SS by closing Tie CBs at Nellore end. Now lines are long
lines as 400kV NPS-Tiruvalam-1&2. The same was discussed in 84th PCSC
meeting. SRPC has to give concurrence.

PGCIL -SR-1 maild ated 17.12.2019:

Retrofitting works completed in NPS-NCC-1&2, NPS-TPCIL-1&2 lines for both
Main-1&2 relays. Issue to be closed

69/III/3 Tripping of 400 kV 02-10-2017 at Line tripped on B-ph to ground fault. A/R was 1) PGCIL (SR-I) and APTRANSCO to provide for Line Differential Protection APTRANSCO/ APTRANSCO maild ated 30.01.2018: Pending [with
Kurnool(PG) – 02:03 hrs unsuccessful at both Kurnool (AP) and Kurnool as both the Main protections on 400 kV Kurnool (AP) – Kurnool (PG) lines 1 & PGCIL (SR-I) 1. Pending... PGCIL (SR-I)]
Kurnool(AP) line-2 (PG) ends. 2 lines.
2.A/R scheme on 400kV Kurnool (PGCIL) feeder-2 will be checked after getting
2) APTRANSCO to furnish an action taken report w.r.t. resolving A/R non- LC.
operation at Kurnool-AP end for the subject trippings and configure EL for
capturing PDR operation at their 400 kV Kurnool-AP SS. APTRANSCO maild ated 24.04.2018 & 24.05.2018 & 26.06.2018:
1. Pending...
APTRANSCO Mail Dated 18.12.2018:
1) Bays and lines pertains to PGCIL .
2) ---Completed.
PGCIL (SR-I) mail dated 20.12.2018:
1) PO placed on M/s GE & TD India Ltd on 24.09.2018. Supply of relays will be
completed by Jan'2019.
Pending [with PGCIL (SR-I)]

PGCIL (SR-I) mail dated 07.06.2019:

This issue of retrofitiing of distance relays with LDP relays in Kurnool(PG) –
Kurnool(AP) D/C lines has been discussed with our management. Our
management is seeking approval for the same. You are requested to takeup this
LDP issue in next TCC meeting.

PGCIL (SR-I) mail dated 30.10.2019:

This issue of retrofitiing of distance relays with LDP relays in Kurnool(PG) –
Kurnool(AP) D/C lines has been discussed with our management. Our
management is seeking approval for the same. You are requested to takeup this
LDP issue in next TCC meeting.

PGCIL -Sr-1 mail dated 17.12.2019:

This issue of retrofitiing of distance relays with LDP relays in Kurnool(PG) –
Kurnool(AP) D/C lines has been discussed with our management. Our
management is seeking approval for the same.
SRPC/PCSC may please allow the POWERGRID to book the expenditure in any
ongoing/upcoming projects.

PCSC on 18.12.2019:
PCSC forum decided to forward the issue to SRPC TCC meeting

Page 3 of 39
69/III/7 Tripping of 220 kV 12-10-2017 at Line tripped on B-Ph to earth fault. A/R was KPTCL and APTRANSCO to sort out issues relating to incongruence in APTRANSCO/ KPTCL APTRANSCO maild ated 15.12.2017: Pending
Ragulapadu – Alipura line 01:30 hrs successful at Regulapadu and breakers at Alipura denoting R, Y, B phases of the electric supply on their respective sides. APTRANSCO would extend support and requirements if any ,for the [with KPTCL ]
end got tripped. rectification proposed by KPTCL.
Review Meeting dated 19.12.2017:
It was noted that the original Gooty - Lingapur line got LILOed at BTPS, Alipura,
and Ragulapadu. It was also noted that Phase Discrepancy is being observed in
Ragulapadu - Alipira section only. When enquired about the same, KPTCL
informed that they would examine the issue in detail, and would inform the
action lan proposed by next PCSC-71 meeting. On this, APTRANSCO was also
asked to render all help required from their side to KPTCL.

APTRANSCO maild dated 30.01.2018:

APTransco world extend required support .
APTRANSCO maild dated 24.04.2018 & 24.05.2018 & 26.06.2018:
AP Transco would extend required support for attending, phase discrepancy issue
in ragulapadu-Alipura line by KPTCL.
APTRANSCO Mail Dated 25.07.2018:
To be attended by KPTCL as discussed in 75th PCSC meeting.
KPTCL mail dated 19.12.2018:
Phase mis match issue is to be sorted out jointly by KPTCL/ APTRANSCO/

Review Meeting on 20.12.2018:

PCSC forum decided that concrete action in this respect to be initiated in 2
months by KPTCL alongwith APTRANSCO.


Pending [with KPTCL ]

Review Meeting on 27.06.2019:

KPTCL informed that the work is expected to be completed by August 2019.

KPTCL mail dated 12.02.2020:

Correction is to be incorporated in the primary side, procurement of required
materials under progress.

76/II/9 Tripping of 230 kV 13-06-2018 at Y-phase to earth fault occurred in line. At 230 kV 1) TANTRANSCO to provide double-bus operation at their 230 kV Thiruvalam TANTRANSCO/ APTRANSCO 1) TANTRANSCO Mail dated 29.08.2018 & 11.09.2018: Pending [with
Thiruvalam - Chittoor line 18:55hrs Tiruvalam end, breaker was under lockout leading SS. Material supplied and work to be taken up ---Pending TANTRANSCO]
to operation of LBB protection. 2) APTRANSCO Mail dated 24.09.2018:
2) APTRANSCO to replace the existing static relays with suitable numerical The static relays were replaced with Numerical relay on all 220 kV feeders at 220
relays for various line protections at their 220 kV Chittoor SS. kV SS chittoor.---Completed

TANTRANSCO Mail dated 11.12.2018:

Due to space constraint, the equipments could not be erected.

Review Meeting on 20.12.2018:

In view of Tiruvalam being inter-state sustation, TANTRANSCO was asked to
prvodie double-bus operation at their 230 kV Tiruvalam SS.


Pending [with TANTRANSCO]

TANTRANSCO MAIL DATED 23.01.2019 & 19.03.2019:

Feasibility for providing hybrid breaker / shifting of bays will be studied & action
will be taken. Time upto Sep 2019


1. Bus segregation will be ensured by providing bus coupler bay by extending the
existing Bus.Time line 31.12.2019.

TANTRANSCO mail dated 18.07.2019 & 26.07.2019:

1. Bus segregation will be ensured by providing bus coupler bay by extending the
existing Bus.Time line 31.12.2019.

TANTRANSCO mail dated 12.02.2020:

1. Bus segregation will be ensured by providing bus coupler bay by extending the
existing Bus.Time line rquested upto 31.12.2020.

78/I/2 Complete outage of 220 kV 17-09-2018 at 220kV lines connected to Nagjheri PH got tripped 1. SLDC/KPTCL to be pro-active in issuing necessary directions that help in KPCL/ KPTCL KPTCL mail dated 19.12.2018: Pending
Nagjheri PH and 220/110 14:37hrs due to successive transient faults. Running Units #3 expeditious restoration of the tripped lines based on the prevailing conditions 3). Nagzari-Bidnal PLCC link is healthy --- Completed.
kV Ambewadi Substation. and #4 at Nagjheri got tripped on over frequency and grid security. 1.--- Pending
protection operation due to loss of evacuating lines 2. --- Pending
resulting in complete outage of 220 kV Nagjheri. 2.KPCL to implement A/R enabled on all 220 kV lines emanating from their
220 kV Nagjheri being the only source to 220kV 220 kV Nagjheri PH, with the help of KPTCL, by December, 2018. In the event Review Meeting on 20.12.2018:
Ambewadi station, since 220kV Ambewadi of non-amenability of the existing PZ1000 relays in providing A/R feature, 1. & 3. Completed
Narendra line 1&2 were under shutdown during KPCL shall take steps to retrofit them with suitable relays that support A/R. 2. Pending
antecedent condition, tripping of Units at 220 kV
Nagjheri resulted in the loss of supply to 220 kV 3. KPTCL to restore PLCC carrier communication on 220 kV Nagjheri – Bidnal KPCL mail dated 24-12-2018:
Ambewadi SS. line at the earliest 1) --- Completed

2) Proposal will be taken up for replacement of existing PZ1000 relays with new
version Numerical Line protection relays having IEC61850 shortly, after availing
necessary admnistrative approval...Pending

3) Completed

KPCL mail dated 23.01.2019:

1. Completed

2. Letter addressed to site to take up the proposal for replacement of PZ1000 line
distance relays.

Page 4 of 39
KPCL mail dated 23.03.2019:
2) Proposal will be taken up for replacement of existing PZ1000 relays with new
version Numerical Line protection relays having IEC61850. Prepration of
specification is under progress.

KPCL mail dated 13.05.2019:

1) & 3) Completed
2) Budgetary offer obtained for replacement of existing PZ1000 relays with new
version Numerical Line protection relays having IEC61850. Preparation of
estimation and specification is under progress.

KPCL mail dated 25.06.2019:

1) & 3) Completed
2) Replacement of existing PZ1000 relays with new version Numerical Line
protection relays having IEC61850 is included in PSDF Phase-II DPR. Approval
of NLDC for DPR is awaited. Further, availing administrative approval for issue
of NIT for replacement of existing PZ1000 relays with new version Numerical
Line protection relays having IEC61850 and preparation of estimation and
specification is under progress.

KPCL Meeting
1) & 3) Completed
2) Replacement of existing PZ1000 relays with new version Numerical Line
protection relays having IEC61850 is included in PSDF Phase-II DPR. Approval
of NLDC for DPR is awaited. However, administrative approval for issue of NIT
for replacement of existing PZ1000 relays with new version Numerical Line
protection relays having IEC61850 obtained. Preparation of technical
specification is under progress.
KPCL mail dated 30.10.2019:
2)Replacement of existing PZ1000 relays with new version Numerical Line
protection relays having IEC61850 is included in PSDF Phase-II DPR. Approval
of NLDC for DPR is awaited. NIT issued through e-portal on 16.09.2019. Pre-
bid meeting was held on 10.10.2019. Finalising of replies to pre-bid queries is in

KPCL mail dated 17.12.2019:

2) Replacement of existing PZ1000 relays with new version Numerical Line
protection relays having IEC61850 is included in PSDF Phase-II DPR. Approval
of NLDC for DPR is awaited. NIT issued through e-portal on 16.09.2019. Cover-
1 opened on 02.12.2019. Technical evaluation is in progress.

KPCL mail dated 11.02.2020:

2) Replacement of existing PZ1000 relays with new version Numerical Line
protection relays having IEC61850 is included in PSDF Phase-II DPR. Approval
of NLDC for DPR is awaited. NIT issued through e-portal on 16.09.2019. Tender
evaluation is in progress.

78/II/16 Multiple trippings at 31-08-2018 Triggering incident was B-E fault in 220 kV 1)KPTCL to examine the reasons for tripping of more than one Unit (Units – 3 KPTCL/ KPCL Review Meeting on 20.12.2018: Pending
220kV Nagjheri PH at 11:49 hrs Nagjheri - Ambewadi line-1. As per the information & 6) on SPS operation at Nagjheri PH during subject trippings, and furnish a 1. KPTCL I formed that SPS scheme finalisation shall be completed in one month
received, after tripping of 220 kV Naghjeri - report on the same along with remedial action taken to PCSC forum. time --- Pending
Ambewadi line-1, 220 kV Naghjeri Ambewadi
line#2 got overloaded. This resulted in the tripping 2)KPCL to employ a suitable time delay of 50 – 60 msec in operation of REF KPCL mail dated 24-12-2018:
of Nagjheri Generating Units #3 and 6 on SPS protection for the GT of Unit-2 at their Nagjheri PH. 2) Time delay of operation is not changed. However, the external NCT is used for
operation. At the same time, Unit #2 got tripped on REF protection against earlier internal NCT for REF, to avoid tripping due to
REF operation. malopration --- Completed.

KPCL mail dated 23.01.2019:

1) It shall be reviewd and Implemented by KPCL in coordination with KPTCL.

KPCL mail dated 23.01.2019:

1) It shall be reviewd and Implemented by KPTCL in coordination with KPCL.

KPCL mail dated 10.05.2019 & 25.06.2019 & 30.10.2019:

1) Letter addressed to KPTCL RT dated: 25.03.2019 for review and
implementation of SPS at NPH. Reply is awaited.

Review Meeting on 27.06.2019:

1. KPTCL informed that Nagjheri SPS has to be studied in the event of
configuration changes and outcome of the same will be intimated soon .
KPCL mail dated 16.07.2019 and 17.12.2019 and 11.02.2020:
1) Letter addressed to KPTCL RT dated: 25.03.2019 for review and
implementation of SPS at NPH. Reply from KPTCL is awaited.

KPTCL mail dated 12.02.2020:

The logic is being reviewed by SRLDC by conducting system studies for the
changed network configuration

Page 5 of 39
79/I/2 Complete outage of 230/ 05-10-2018 at Triggering incident was B-phase fault at 230kV 1) TANTRANSCO to take steps to implement multi-bus, multi-zone operation TANTRANSCO/ APTRANSCO TANTRANSCO Mail dated 11.12.2018: Pending [with
110 kV Gummidipoondi 00:42 hrs Gummidipoondi Substation due to which 230kV (Double-bus operation) at their 230 kV Gummidipooindi SS by December, 1. TANTRANSCO: Estimate sanctioned for replacement of defective isolator TANTRANSCO]
Substation Bus-1 Bus-bar protection operated. 230kV 22018. status feedback. Work under progress. ......Pending
Gummidipoondi Station was under single bus 2.Earth value of 110kV earthmat has been improved & 230kV side earthmat
operation, hence operation of Bus-bar protection 2) TANTRANSCO to check if the Gummidipoondi substation is adequately work under progress. Lightning mask earthing renovation under
resulted in tripping of all connected elements. protected from lightning-strokes by providing requisite no. of lightning masts execution............Pending
and/ or earth-wire caging. 3.......Pending

3) APTRANSCO was asked to verify & correct the settings employed for APTRANSCO Mail Dated 18.12.2018:
distance protection at Sullurpeta and configure DR’s & EL’s of all Protection Relays settings reviewed and need to be revised due to change of line length DR
Relays at their Supllurpet SS properly for recording only the mandated & EL's of Main-1 (P444) relay configured properly. Main-2 (D60) relay to be
protections & digital signals. configured.

Review Meeting on 20.12.2018:

1 & 2). TANTRANSCO informed that Work will be completed by March 2019.

3. APTRANSCO informed that work will be completed by February 2019.


Collecting the details of adjacent feeders connected to Gummadipudi for
computing revised relay settings.


APTRANSCO mail dated 15.03.2019:
3. Revised relay settings were implemented on 16/02/2019 ---Completed


New 230kV isolators have been allotted for replacement of defective isolators.
Hence time line requested upto June.2019.


1. New 230kV isolators have been allotted for replacement of defective isolators.
Hence time line requested upto Sep.2019.

Review Meeting on 27.06.2019:

1. New 230kV isolators have been allotted for replacement of defective isolators.
Hence time line requested upto Sep.2019.
2. & 3. Completed

TANTRANSCO mail dated 18.07.2019 & 26.07.2019:

1. 1New 230kV isolators have been allotted for replacement of defective
isolators. Hence time line requested upto Sep.2019

TANTRANSCO mail dated 12.02.2020:

New 230kV isolators have been allotted for replacement of defective isolators.
Hence time line requested upto March 2020.

81/IV/3 Tripping of 400 kV 15-12-2018 at Line tripped at Bhoopalapalli end only and was For the line under consideration, the following shall be carried out by TSGENCO/ PGCIL (SR-I) PGCIL (SR-I) mail dated 07.06.2019: Complied
Warangal - Bhoopalapalli 20:42 hrs holding from warangal s/s. FIR, DR and EL of TSGENCO in coordination with PGCIL (SR-I): PGCIL-SR1: Presently WGL-Bhopalapalli-2 line PLCC Ch-1 is unhealthy same
line-2 Bhoopalapally were not furnished. (i) End-to-end communication for DT/ permissive & other signals may be was informed to TSGENCO for rectification. The Ch-1 is out of service from last
ensured by testing at both the ends. 50 days onwards. Both ends PLCC belongs to TSGENCO
(ii) Healthiness of PLCC system components (hardware and software) at both
ends shall be checked and faulty components shall be repaired/ replaced. TSGENCO mail dated 24.06.2019:
TSGENCO is cordinating with TSTRANSCO for testing of End-to-End
communication for DT/permissive & other signals; checking of Healthiness of
PLCC system components and also for replacing of faulty components .

Review Meeting on 27.06.2019:

TSGENCO informed that PLCC has to be replaced and will be done by December

TSGENCO mail dated 10.02.2020:

PLCC panels of Warangal Bhoopalpalli line-2 are replaced with new CGL make
panels from 05.11.2019 to 07.11.2019. Hence requested to drop the point

83/I/1 Complete outage of 230kV 11-03-2019 Triggering incident was Y-phase CT blast in 230kV 1. TANTRANSCO is recommended to submit action plan to provide Multi-Bus TANTRANSCO TANTRANSCO MAIL DATED 13.06.2019: Pending[PGCIL-
Veeranam substation of at 00:55Hrs Tirunelvelli (Abhishekpatty) – Veeranam Ckt-1. operation/ Hybrid breakers at 230kV Veeranam SS with clear timelines. 1.Provision of bus coupler breaker is not feasible due to space constaint. SR-II]
TANTRANSCO 230kV Trirunelvelli – Veeranam Ckt-1 and 2 2. TANTRANSCO to revise the distance zone settings at Tiruneveli SS for
tripped. Two faults were observed from the PMU 230kV Veeranam – Tirunelveli line to overcome the problem of relay overreach 2&3. Tirunelveli end maintained by PGCIL.
plot. During the second fault, delayed fault and share the same with SRPC.
clearance of 400ms was observed. As reported, other 3. TANTRANSCO to take definite measures ensure the time synchronization of 4. Report will be sent.
connected feeders 230kV Veeranam – Kodikur ckt- relays at Tirunelveli end.
1&2 and 230kV Veeranam – Kayathar tripped on 4. TANTRANSCO to submit equipment failure report of the failed CT to CEA. Review meeting on 27.06.2019:
Zone -2 protection. 1.Provision of bus coupler breaker is not feasible due to space constaint.
2. Will be informed
3. Time synchronisation will be ensured.
4. Report will be sent.

TANTRANSCO mail dated 19.07.2019 and 12.02.2020:

1.Provision of bus coupler breaker is not feasible due to space constaint.
2&3. Tirunelveli end maintained by PGCIL.
4. Report sent to CEA. -- Completed

Page 6 of 39
83/I/6 Complete outage of 220kV 10-04-2019 Y and B-phase earth isolator switch blades of 1. KPTCL is recommended to revise the SPS at Nagjheri, (to accommodate a KPTCL/ KPCL KPCL mail dated 25.06.2019: Pending
Hubli substation of KPTCL at 18:09Hrs 220kV Hubli-Bidnal ckt-1, got closed due to failure new condition with high flow and low time delay) in consultation with SRPC 2) Carrier aided protection is enabled on all 220kV lines emanating from NPH
and 220kV of locking mechanism during heavy wind and rain and SRLDC. ___Completed
Nagjheri Power station of conditionsresulting in bus fault. Bus bar protection 2. KPCL in coordination with KPTCL is recommended to provide at least one
KPCL operated and all connected elements tripped. There main protection as carrier aided three zone distance protection on the 220kV Review Meeting on 27.06.2019:
was lines emanating from Nagjheri GS. 1. KPTCL informed that Nagjheri SPS has to be studied in the event of
complete loss of supply at 220kV Hubli station since configuration changes and outcome of the same will be intimated soon
the station was on single bus operation. At thesame
time, 220kV Nagjheri-Ambewadi ckt-1 and 220kV KPCL mail dated 16.07.2019 & 30.10.2019:
Nagjheri – Bidnal tripped on overcurrent 1. under progress
protection. Since 220kV Nagjheri – Ambewadi ckt-2 2. Completed
and 220kV Nagjheri-Kodasalli ckt-1 &2 wereunder
shutdown in the antecedent due to maintenance, KPCL mail dated 17.12.2019 and 11.02.2020:
running units #1,4,5 and 6 tripped due to 1) To be furnished by KPTCL
loss of evacuating lines. This resulted in complete 2)Completed.
loss of supply at 220kv Nagjheri station.
KPTCL mail dated 12.02.2020:
The logic is being reviewed by SRLDC by conducting system studies for the
changed network configuration

83/II/9 Tripping of 400 kV 10-03-2019 at Line tripped on operation of overvoltage stage-1 PGCIL (SR-II) to submit action plan regarding replacement of CT’s for 400Kv PGCIL (SR-II)/ KPTCL PGCIL (SR-I) mail dated 07.06.2019: Pending
GUTTUR - NARENDRA - 18:03hrs protection at Guttur end and DT received at Guttur Narendra line -1 at Guttur end. PGCIL (SR-II) to sort out the time sync Line belongs to PGCIL(SR-2)
1 Narendra end. Voltages at Guttur end: Vr-254kV, issues in DR and EL at Narendra end.
Vy-252kV, Vb-246kV. As per voltage grading, Review meeting on 27.06.2019:
400kV Guttur Narendra line-2 should trip first. PGCIL(SR-II) informed that R & Y ph CVT replaced on 25.05.2019. Time
syncronisation has to be attended by KPTCL.

84/I/1 Complete outage of 230kV 18-05-2019 at Triggering incident was Y phase to Earth fault in 1.TANTRANSCO may take immediate measures to attend the problem in LBB TANGEDCO/ TANTRANSCO TANTRANSCO mail dated 26.07.2019: Pending
NCTPS Generating Station 04:39 hr. 220 kV NCTPS Tondiarpet line-2. Due to mal- wiring that is extending trip during A/R within one month. 1 & 2.Inbuilt LBB function will be enabled in the new distance relays.
of TANGEDCO operation of LBB protection (of Tondiarpet line-2) 2. TANTRANSCO is recommended to send a detailed report regarding the A/R 3. will be ensured.
at NCTPS end, all the connected elements of bus status (availability /enabling)on all lines emanating from 230kV NCTPS GS and 4.230kV Kilpauk was operated radially for avoid overloading in the adjacent
zone-3 got tripped. Due to loss of evacuating lines, enable A/R in all lines emanating from 230kV NCTPS GS. feeders due to cable fault in the area.Normally all feeders are operated as grid
running units at NCTPS unit#1 and 2 got tripped. 3.TANGEDCO in coordination with TANTRANSCO may take definite feeders.
measures to ensure time synchronization of all relays with GPS signal at NCTPS
end and remote ends at the earliest. TANTRANSCO mail dated 12.02.2020:
4. It was also suggested that possibility of backing down of generation, in the 1. LBB wiring set right and operation of the same has been verified for its
event of unavailability of many feeders, in particular when radial feeders only healthiness. -- Completed
are in service, may be looked at. 2. Since the CBs and the Control & Relay Panels (CRP) are very old and
commissioned during 1993. The Distance relays even though are numerical due to
ageing its display and resetting keys are faulty. Hence it is proposed to replace
the CBs & CRPs with new CBs and Protection relay panel with SAS. A.R will be
put into service after replacing the CB & CRP.
3. Time synchronisation of Protection relays is being carried out . The work is
under progress.

84/I/2 Complete outage of 230kV 19-05-2019 at 230kV lines connected to NCTPS got tripped due to 1. TANGEDCO in coordination with TANTRANSCO to take definite measures TANGEDCO/ TANTRANSCO TANTRANSCO mail dated 26.07.2019: Pending
NCTPS Generating Station 22:44 hr. fault in lines. Running units#1,2 and 3 at 230kV to ensure time synchronization of all relays with GPS signal at NCTPS end and 2& 3.wedge connector have been provided in order to avoid jumbercut.
of TANGEDCO NCTPS also got tripped due to loss of evacuating remote ends at the earliest. 4. Replacement of porcelain insulators by polymer insulatos in all 230kV &
lines. 2.The PCSC noted frequent jumper cut/conductor snap instances in the area, of 400kV feeders in North Chennai area has been completed
late; accordingly, it was suggested to have adequate condition monitoring and
preventive maintenance measures. TANTRANSCO mail dated 12.02.2020:
3.TANTRANSCO to communicate 1. Time synchro nisation of Protection relays is being carried out on part of S.R &
(i) the schedule of replacement of balance porcelain insulators with polymer E.L project. The work is under progress.
insulators in evacuation lines from NCTPS. 2. Preventive maintenance has been carried out by Jumper strengthening with
(ii) schedule of insulator washing provision of wedge clamps.
4.NCTPS /TANGEDCO to inform regarding house load operation capability of 3. 3. (i). Polymer insulators has been provided in all the 400 kV evacuation lines
Generators at NCTPS. from NCTPS end up to 5 KMs. Replacement of Polymer insulator in 230 kV lines
are under progress for the 230 kV lines emanating from NCTPS.
(ii). Hotline washing 400 kV & 230 kV Line insulators in the NCTPS area will
be started during last week of February, 2020.
4. Already the backing of generation is being carried out during tripping of more
than two feeders in consultation with LD Centre.

84/II/4 Tripping of 230kV 11-04-2019 at Triggering incident was B-N fault in 230kV TANTRANSCO/ APTRANSCO APTRANSCO mail dated 30.07.2019: Complied
Sulurupet-Gumudipoondi 16:05 hr. Gummudipoondi-NCTPS line. 230kV Sulurupet - 1.TANTRANSCO to check the resistive and reactive reach settings of 230kV 2. GPS not available at 220KV Sullurpet SS.Manually set the timing on
line Gummudipoondi line tripped on operation of zone-2 Gummudipoondi-NCTPS line at Gummidipoondi end. 29/07/2019 -- Completed
distance protection at Sulurpet end and reverse zone 2. APTRANSCO to ensure time synchronization of DR and EL at Sulurupet
protection at Gummudipoondi end. end. Also in coordination with TANTRANSCO sort out the time synchronization TANTRANSCO mail dated 26.07.2019:
issue in 230kV Sulurupet-Gumudipoondi line. 1. & 3. Will be reviewed
3. TANTRANSCO to check the SOTF settings at Gummidipoondi end for
230kV Gummudipoondi-NCTPS line . TANTRANSCO mail dated 12.02.2020:

84/II/29 Frequent tripping of 220 01-05-2019 at B-N FAULT It was noted that no representative of APGENCO attended the meeting. APGENCO/ TSGENCO Yet to be informed Pending
kV KTPS –Lower Sileru 16:04 hr. B-N FAULT For the subject line, the following shall be carried out by TSGENCO in co-
line 04-05-2019 at B-N FAULT ordination with APGENCO:
14:48 hr. B-N FAULT (i) End-to-end communication for DT/ permissive & other signals may be
05-05-2019 at R-N FAULT ensured by testing at boththe ends.
11:29 hr. R-B FAULT (ii) Healthiness of PLCC system components (hardware and software) at both
06-05-2019 at R-B FAULT ends shall be checked and faulty components shall be repaired/ replaced.
13:14 hr. B-N FAULT APGENCO in coordination with TSGENCO to ensure frequent patrolling and

Page 7 of 39
85/II/14 Tripping of 230kV Theni- 29-05-2019 at 3 phase to earth fault occurred in line. Tripped on For the subject line, the following shall be carried out by TANTRANSCO in TANTRANSCO/ KSEBL TANTRANSCO mail dated 12.02.2020: Pending
Sabarigiri line 18:39 hrs ground over current protection 67N at Sabarigiri and coordination with KSEBL: The PLCC link between 230KV Theni – Moozhiyar feeder is healthy condition
Zone-2 at Theni end. (i) End-to-end testing for DT/ permissive & other signals may be ensured by and non-actuation of Carrier Protection during the fault on 29-05-2019 at 18:39
testing at both the ends. Hrs was due to the fault sensed in Zone-2 reach at Theni SS and Earth fault at
(ii) Healthiness of PLCC system components ( hardware and software) at both Moozhiyar SS.
the ends shall be checked and faulty components shall be repaired/ replaced .
KSEBL mail dated 11.02.2020:
PLCC system in SBTN feeder at Sabarigiri is not working well. Purchase process
for the new panel is under progress.It will be commissioned by April 2020.

85/II/20 Tripping of 220kV Idukki- 05-06-2019 at Triggering incident was R-Y-Earth fault in the For the subject line, the following shall be carried out by TANTRANSCO in KSEBL/ TANTRANSCO TANTRANSCO mail dated 12.02.2020: Pending
Udumalpet line 15:13 hrs line. Carrier aided protection not operated at coordination with KSEBL: Carrier set healthy at Udumelpet end. Healthiness of link will be checked after
Udumalpet end. (iii) End-to-end testing for DT/ permissive & other signals may be ensured by getting confirmation from KSEB
testing at both the ends.
(iv) Healthiness of PLCC system components ( hardware and software) at both KSEBL mail dated 11.02.2020:
the ends shall be checked and faulty components shall be repaired/ replaced . PLCC system in IDUD feeder at Idukki is not working well. Purchase process for
the new panel is under progress.It will be commissioned by April 2020.

85/II/26 Tripping of 400kV 14-06-2019 at Line-1 tripped on Y-Phase to earth fault due to Y- 1. APTRANSCO is recommended to submit Equipment failure report (LA APTRANSCO/ GMR APTRANSCO maild ated 03.10.2019: Pending
Vemagiri-GMR line-1&2 09:33 hrs Phase LA failure at Vemagiri end. Line-2 tripped at failure) to CEA. 1. Equipment (LA failure) Failure report submitted to CEA on 12.07.19.
GMR end only 2.GMR is recommended to submit a report regarding tripping of 400kV ---Completed
Vemagiri-GMR line-2 at GMR end along-with the related tripping files. 2. Pending

86/II/7 Tripping of 220 kV KTPS - 8-7-2019 at Line tripped on B-phase to earth fault. As per FIR, For the subject line, the following shall be carried out by APGENCO in APGENCO/ TSGENCO Yet to be informed Pending
Lower Sileru-1 10:45 hrs there was zone-2 operation at KTPS coordination with TSGENCO:
i. End-to-end testing for DT/ permissive& other signals may be ensured by
testing at both the ends.
ii. Healthiness of PLCC system components (hardware and software) at both the
ends shall be checked and faulty components shall be repaired/ replaced .

87/II/3 Tripping of 220 kV KTPS-Lower 15-08-2019 at 13;04 Frequent Line tripping due to transient fault in R & Y phase APTRANSCO and TSTRANSCO are requested to take necessary actions to ensure proper tree APTRANSCO/ TSTRANSCO TSTRANSCO mail dated 18.01.2020: Pending
Sileru line-1 hr.; clearances and right of way for the subject line. Patrolling has been carried out and tree clearance problem was rectified and the details are
20-08-2019 at 11:23 submitted in 88th PCSC meeting.
26-08-2019 at 13:43
28-08-2019 at 11:17

87/III/1 Tripping of 230 KV-Neyveli TS 17-08-2019 at B phase to Earth fault in the line. At Neyveli end A/R not NLCIL and PED to submit a report regarding failure of A/R and the reason for the same NLCIL / PED PED letter dated 16.12.2019: Pending
II - Karaikal line-1 00:28hr. operated. For Zone-1 fault occurred on the line at 00:27:46.448 at Karaikal SS A/R acted and B-pole of the
breaker got opened at 00:27:46.494. While A/R was in running condition, carrier aided trip was
received from TS II, Neyveli at 00:27:46.468 and breaker got opened with A/R lockout relay
getting operated at 00:27:47.407. DR & EL of the incident recorded at karaikal SS is attached

PED mail dated 21.01.2020:

It has been programmed to test the Auto Reclosure scheme on 230KV Neyveli TS – Karaikal line
and 230KV Karaikal – Bahour line at Karaikal SS with the coordination of M/s.Power Grid
Corporation of India Limited by conducting special testing within this month and on conclusion a
report in this respect will be submitted within a fortnight.

PED mail dated 12.02.2020:

A meeting was convened between M/s.Power Grid Corporation of India Limited and Puducherry
Electricity Department at Head Quarters of this department, Puducherry on 10.02.2020 and the
failure of Auto Reclosure for Tripping of 230 KV Neyveli TS II - Karaikal line-1 on 17-08-2019 at
00:28hr at Karaikal SS was discussed. In the meeting, M/s.PGCIL informed that the PLCC links of
230KV Bahour Auto SS and 230KV Karaikal Auto SS was tested and normalised on 01.02.2020
and there would not be any failure of Auto Reclosure in future. It was also informed that Auto
Reclosure was functional in the 230KV Karaikal - Neyveli Line and there was no communication
link failure so for. Further, M/s.PGICL has consented to conduct testing on 230KV Karaikal -
Neyveli Line and 230KV Karaikal - Bahour LIne at Karaikal SS during the period of Line Clear at
the earliest.

88/1/1 Complete outage of 220kV 22-10-2019 at Triggering incident was fault in 220kV Lower Sileru 1. APGENCO to submit a detailed report on or before 15th January 2019, regarding complete APGENCO/ APTRANSCO Pending
Lower Sileru GS of 05:20Hr. – Donkarai line. LBB of both bus-1 and bus-2 outage of Upper Sileru and Lower Sileru, clearly indicating the protections which operated at
APGENCO operated resulting in complete outage at 220kV both ends of all the lines which tripped.
Lower Sileru generating station. 2. APGENCO to conduct breaker timing tests and ensure healthiness of all breakers in their
switchyard and if found unhealthy action shall be taken to replace the same.
3. APTRANSCO to furnish a report on factual configuration and settings of the PD and A/R

Page 8 of 39
88/IV/4 Tripping of 220kV Chillakallu 17-10-2019 at 13:30 Triggering incident was Y phase to B phase fault in the line. At The following shall be carried out by TSTRANSCO in coordination with APTRANSCO: TSTRANSCO,/ APTRANSCO TSTRANSCO mail dated 11.02..2020: Pending APTRANSCO to coordinate with TSTRANSCO
Suryapet line-1 Hr. Chillakallu end, as per the report submitted it is mentioned that a) End-to-end testing for DT/ permissive & other signals may be ensured by testing at both the At our end MRT & Telecom wing are ready to carry out end to end testing.
Zone-1 distance protection operated. However, DR is not ends. Waiting for confirmation from APTRANSCO end to carry out testing.
available to verify the same. At Suryapet end, Zone-2 distance b) Healthiness of PLCC system components (hardware and software) at both the ends to be
protection operated and carrier was not received. Failure of checked and faulty components to be repaired/ replaced.
carrier aided protection at Suryapet end needs review. c) Time synchronization of relays at both ends.

89/I/6 Complete loss of supply at 220 16-01-2020 at • Triggering incident was Y-phase jumper cut in 220 i. PGCIL (SR-2) to disable Broken conductor trip and enable Broken conductor alarm. PGCIL (Sr-2)/ KPTCL Yet to be informed Pending
kV Kolar, 220 kVMalur and 220 09:58 Hr. kV Kolar (KAR) – Kolar (PG) line-1. ii. KPTCL to configure all DR digital channels in relay DR and submit the SPS scheme
kV Sarjapur stations.
• 220 kV Kolar (KAR) – Kolar (PG) Line-2 tripped implemented at 220 kV Kolar (KAR) SS.
at Kolar (KAR) end only.
• There was complete loss of supply at 220 kV
Kolar, Malur and Sarjapur stations.

89/IV/3 Tripping of 400kV Warangal – 14-12-2019 at • Line tripped at Bhoopalapally end only on DT TSTRANSCO and TSGENCO to expedite the process of replacing PLCC of 400kV Warangal – TSGENCO/ TSTRANSCO Yet to be informed Pending
Bhoopalapally line-1 19:03 Hr. received. Bhoopalapally line-1 and intimate completion of the same to SRPC.
• Line was holding from Warangal end.

89/IV/4 Tripping of 400kV Dhoni – 04-01-2020 at • Line tripped at Dhoni end only on receipt of DT PGCIL (SR-1) in coordination with KPTCL to replace the faulty auxiliary relay (for sending of PGCIL (SR-1)/ KPTCL KPTCL informed vide mail dated 17./03.2020 that the problem with faulty Complied
Munirabad Line 09:32 Hr. from Munirabad end. DT during hand tripping) and intimate the same to SRPC. auxiliary relay (for sending of DT) has been rectified
• Line was holding at Munirabad end.

Andhra Pradesh

86/II/1 Tripping of 400 kV 01-07-2019 Line tripped on operation of over voltage stg-1 1. APGENCO to configure both OVR start and trip signal in DR or EL. APGENCO APGENCO vide letter dated 29.10.2019 Pending
Krishnapatnam-Nellore-1 at 03:40 hrs, protection at Krishnapatnam and direct trip was 2. APGENCO in coordination with APTRANSCO to sort out the time sync The line CVT was tested for secondary voltages, tandelta values and found them
03-07-2019 received at Nellore. The Y –phase CVT voltage at issues between Krishnapattanam and Nellore. on higher side. Drift in capacitance value observed. Y-ph CVT was replaced with
at 3:42 hrs, Krishnapatnam end was observed to be 8 to 10 kV spare available and voltages found normal compared to other phases.
19-07-2019 higher than the R & B phase voltages
at 2:25 hrs, 21- OVR config and time sync?
at 2:27 hrs, 28-
at 1:40 hrs, 28-
at 23:39 hrs

86/II/10 Outage of Bus-2 at 400 kV 18-07-2019 Bus bar protection of 400 kV Bus-2 operated due to APGENCO to revise the CT circuit supervision circuit monitoring and tripping APGENCO Yet to be informed Pending
RYTPP station of at 3:30 hrs malfunctioning of CT supervisory circuit. All of Busbar at RYTPP.
APGENCO elements connected to Bus-2 tripped

87/I/1 Complete outage of 220 kV 23/08/2019 at Malopertion of Bus-1 and Bus-2 bus bar protection 1. APGENCO to ensure that shift engineers and operators strictly adhere to APGENCO Yet to be informed Pending
Lower Sileru GS of 18:52 hr. lead to tripping of all connected elements at 220 kV operational procedure.
APGENCO Lower Sileru resulting in complete loss of supply at 2. APGENCO may explore the possibility of providing proper interlock between
220 kV Lower Sileru station. Buscoupler and isolator (i.e., In the event of an element connected to one bus
through respective bus isolator the interlock is intended to disallow closing of
other Bus isolator if Bus coupler is in open condition).

84/II/9 Tripping of 220kV Bus 2 17-04-2019 at 5:40Triggering

hr. incident was Y-phase to earth fault in 1. APTRANSCO to submit a detailed report regarding the subject tripping at APTRANSCO APTRANSCO mail dated 30.07.2019: Pending
and connected elements at 220kV Gazuwaka Bus-2. This resulted in tripping of 220 kV Gazuawaka Substation along with the remedial measures taken. 1. The report submitted vide mail dated 29.07.2019 -- Completed
220kV Gazuawaka 220 kV elements and 400/220 kV ICT-2 2. For all lines emanating from Gazuwaka SS, RTV coating shall be taken up. 2. Pending
APTRANSCO mail dated 03.10.2019 and 29.10.2019:
2).Tenders is under process for RTV coating of all the lines emanating from
Vizag Switching Station.(VSS) -- Pending

86/I/3 Complete outage of 220 08-08-2019 at Triggering incident was failure of Y-ph LA of 220 1. APTRANSCO to submit equipment failure report to CEA,in respect of the APTRANSCO APTRANSCO mail dated 29.10.2019: Pending
kV/132kV Paravada SS of 11:34 hrs kV Paravada- VSS (Vizag Switching Station) line at failed Lightning arrester, and to ensure healthiness of Lightning arresters in 1. Equipment failure report to CEA in respect of the failed Lightning arrester will
APTRANSCO Paravada end. other phases. be sent soon, and healthiness of Lightning arresters in other phases are already
2. APTRANSCO shall also regularly perform third harmonic current checked on 08-08-2019.
measurement (THRC) and measurement of LA stack temperature to monitor 2. Third harmonic current measurement (THRC) kit not available with
healthiness of LA’s. APTRANSCO. Measurement of LA stack temperature to monitor healthiness of
all LA’s is done every month along with other equipment and this month testing
is scheduled on 02-11-2019 . --Completed

Page 9 of 39
86/II/19 Tripping of 400 kV 5-08-2019 at Triggering incident was failure of R-phase LA in APTRANSCO to implement line differential protection for 400 kV Simhadri- APTRANSCO APTRANSCO mail dated 29.10.2019:
Simhadiri-Kalpakka line- 13:37 hr. 400 kV Kalpakka-Asupaka line. Kalpakka line immediately and required OFC/OPGW may be arranged within a The line differential protection was enabled in 400 kV kalapaka
1,2&3; 400 kVKalpakka- week PGCIL(Gajuwaka) I & II feeders, 400 kV kalapaka HNPCL I & II feeders. LC
Asupaka line-1 &400 was programmed on 15.10.2019, 17.10.2019 and 18.10.2019 for testing and
kVKalpakka-Gazuwaka enabling the differential feature in 400 kV Kalapaka Simhadri-2,3, &, 4 feeders.
line-2 clearance for testing was not accorded from M/s NTPC. As and when the
clearance is accorded from M/s NTPC the differential feature will be enabled in
400 kv kalapaka Simhadri-2,3&4.
87/1/2 Complete Outage of 220 kV 28/08/2019 a. Bus-1 and Bus-2 Bus Bar Protection operated due to 1. APTRANSCO to investigate whether ageing or tension led to failure of R-Phase dropper from APTRANSCO Yet to be informed Pending
at 15:3 snapping of R-phase dropper jumper at 220 kV VSS r Jack bus to bridge which led to complete outage of 220 kV VSS and Parawada.
Vizag Switching Station
esulting in the tripping of all the connected elements. b. 400 2. Healthiness of other jumpers at 220 kV VSS shall
and 220 kV Parawada SS of
kV/220 kV ICT#1 and 2 at Gazuwaka also got tripped during be ensured and a report shall be furnished to SRPC. APTRANSCO to submit Thermovision
APTRANSCO this event. scanning reports of 220 kV VSS during past 6 months and ensure time sync at 220 kV VSS.
c.220 kV Paravada SS was radially fed from 220 kV VSS
during antecedent conditions.

87/III/3 Tripping of 400 kV 22-08-2019 at 4:00 B-phase to earth fault occurred in line. Auto-reclose was 1. APTRANSCO to submit a report after checking A/R operation. APTRANSCO Yet to be informed Pending
Maheshwaram-Narnoor line hr. successful at Mahshwaram and A/R not operated at Narnoor 2. APTRANSCO to configure OVR start in EL.

88/1/4 Complete Loss of Supply at 29-11-2019 at Triggering incident was fault in 400kV Narnoor - APTRANSCO to ensure proper segregation of loads, generators and ICTs on both APTRANSCO Yet to be informed Pending
400/220kV Narnoor station 20:08 Hr. Srisailam line. LBB of Bus-1 operated and all buses in case of one and half breaker scheme while planning of substations
elements connected to Bus-1 tripped. Since there
was no other infeed to Narnoor station, there was
complete loss of supply at 400/220kV Narnoor
station. In the antecedent, Main breaker of 400kV
Narnoor-Srisailam was in lockout condition and
220kV Narnoor -Somyzulpalli line-1 &2 was in idle
charged condition.

88/II/19 Tripping of 400kV Kalpakka 28-10-2019 at 09:51 Triggering incident was R-N in the line. Fault was sensed in APTRANSCO to submit a report, after consultation with OEM, regarding the delay in tripping of APTRANSCO Yet to be informed Pending
Vemagiri line-1 Hr. Zone-1 at both the ends. At both the ends A/R operated and line 400kV Kalpakka Vemagiri line-,1 inspite of the fault being detected in Zone-1.
got tripped due to persistent fault. But at Kalpaka end, after
A/R operation even though the fault was sensed in zone-1 there
was delayed opening of all 3 ph breakers for around 250ms.

88/II/24 Tripping of 400/220kV ICT-1, 18-11-2019 at 21:54 Triggering incident was ICT-2, B-phase LA flashover. ICT -2 APTRANSCO to devise SPS scheme, designed to trip some loads in the event of tripping of any APTRANSCO Yet to be informed Pending
ICT-2 and ICT-3 at Vemagiri Hr. tripped on differential protection and ICT-1 and ICT-3 tripped of the 400/ 220kV ICT’s at Vemagiri, to prevent cascaded tripping of all ICT’s due to overload in
on over current protection. the event of outage of one ICT.
ii. Also APTRANSCO to configure standalone EL with contacts wired from all static relays.

89/1/3 Complete outage of 220 kV 01-01-2020 at 11:40 • Bus bar protection operated resulting in complete outage of i. APTRANSCO to enable auto-reclosure in all lines emanating from 220 kv Bommuru SS. APTRANSCO Yet to be informed Pending
Bommuru SS of APTRANSCO Hr. 220 kV Bommuru SS. ii. APTRANSCO to ensure time synchronization of relays with GPS at 220 kV Bommuru SS and
220 kV Vemagiri SS.

89/II/17 Tripping of 400 kV Vemagiri – 10-01-2020 at 13:59 • As reported, bus bar protection of 400 kV Bus-2 operated at APTRANSCO to expedite the process of replacing Static BBP at 400kV Vemagiri SS with APTRANSCO Yet to be informed Pending
Sattenapally line of Hr. Vemagiri resulting in tripping of 400 kV Vemagiri – numerical BBP, to prevent mal-operations of BBP at Vemagiri SS.
APTRANSCO Sattenapalli line.

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82/II/1 Tripping of 400kV KTPS 05-01-2019 Line tripped at KTPS VI end due to suspected mal- 1) TSGENCO to configure OVR_start and OVR_tripin EL at KTPS-VI end and TSGENCO TSGENCO mail dated 24.06.2019: Pending OVR_start and OVR-trip configured
VI- KTPS VII at 10:17hrs operation of over-voltage protection. Line was in sent a report after completion of works related to DT communication channel The issue is referred to M/s BHEL ( EPC vendor ) and the study on feasibility in EL at KTPS VI ?
service from KTPS VII., BUS CVT secondary R between KTPS-VI and KTPS-VII for providing the communication with the existing available system is under
PHASE got grounded at KTPS VI process and will be completed during the availability of next shutdown.

Review meeting on 27.06.2019:

TSGENCO informed that the recommendations will be completed in September

TSGENCO mail dated 10.02.2020:

DT communication between KTPS-VI stage and KTPS-VII stage has been
provided on 09.08.2019. Hence, it is requested to drop the point,

83/III/6 Tripping of 400kV 14-03-2019 at Triggering incident was R-ph fault in the line. At It was noted that no representative of TSGENCO attended the meeting. TSGENCO TSGENCO mail dated 24.06.2019: Pending
Julurpadu - Manuguru line- 06:10:00 Julurpadu end, fault was sensed in Zone-2 and TSGENCO is recommended to submit a report on the tripping and to furnish FIR, DR and EL was uploaded in SRLDC website.Trip Report was also
2 carrier was received but due to DT Receive from equipment failure report to CEA. submitted.
manuguru end, A/r not operated and line got
tripped. FIR, DR and EL of Manuguru end are not Review meeting on 27.06.2019:
available. TSGENCO informed that Equipment failure report will be sent to CEA.

84/II/28 Frequent tripping of 220 05-04-2019 at In 155thOCC meeting of SRPC, APTRANSCO 1. TSGENCO to check the non-operation of carrier aided trip, when fault is TSGENCO Yet to be informed Pending
kV KTPS –Nunna line 12:55 hr. B-N informed that the tripping was due to clearance detected at KTPS end in Z-2 and carrier is also received, and submit a report
FAULT issues in the ROW caused by mango tree. It was regarding the same.
15-04-2019 at cleared and issue was rectified. However, frequent 2. TSGENCO and APTRANSCO to ensure that ROW is cleared periodically.
13:20 hr. Y-N tripping of line is still persistent. 3.APTRANSCO & TSGENCO may consider raising the height of towers if the
FAULT line is planned to be used in future.
87/II/5 Tripping of 220 KV-Srisailam 16-04-2019
18-08-2019 at at
4:23 4.TSGENCO
Suspected mal-operation of Main-2 distance protection relay at TSGENCO toout
to carry consider replacement
the following of of
for tripping oldthepneumatic
subject line: CB’s at KTPS if 220kV TSGENCO Yet to be informed Pending
Right Bank-Nagarjunsagar TS-1 hr.; Nagarjunsagar TS-1. Line was holding from Srisailam right 1.Check the SOTF settings and breaker contacts. 2.SOTF auto-initiation shall be kept off (in
05-09-2019 at 13:50 bank. settings).
hr 3.Submit a disturbance recorded file after changing the DR time scale to capture 500msec pre
fault and 2 sec post fault events.

88/II/3 Tripping of 220kV KTPS-Nunna 27-09-2019 at 14:41 · Line tripped at Nunna end only on operation of Zone-2 TSGENCO to verify the relay DRs and EL corresponding to the event and submit a report to TSGENCO Yet to be informed Pending
Hr. distance protection. SRPC regarding the event.
· It was further mentioned in the report that there was bus
fault at KTPS end.
• Non operation of protection at KTPS end needs review

84/II/27 Multiple tripping at 220 kV 27-05-2019 at Triggering incident was failure of B-phase CT of 1.TSTRANSCO is recommended to submit Equipment failure report to CEA TSTRANSCO TSTRANSCO MAIL DATED30.10.2019: Pending
Ghanapur station 02:04 hr. bus coupler of Bus-2. Bus bar protection of 220 kV regarding the blast CT. 1. Informed our transmission wing to submit the Equipment failure report to
Bus-2 operated resulting in tripping of all elements 2.TSTRANSCO to inform if any old CTs exist in Ghanapur SS and ensure CEA.
connected to Bus-2. healthiness of the same to 2. All the existing old CTs are replaced with new one.

89/II/3 Tripping of 400/220 kV Janagaon 02-12-2019 at 13:28 · ICT tripped due to suspected maloperation of PRV TSTRANSCO informed that the faulty PRV was replaced on 10.12.2019. TSTRANSCO Yet to be informed Pending
ICT-1 of TSTRANSCO Hr. protection.

89/II/8 Tripping of Bus-2 at 220 kV 21-12-2019 at 03:10 • Triggering incident was B-N fault in 220 kV Malyalapalli- TSTRANSCO to ensure A/R functionality on all lines emanating from 220 kV TSTRANSCO Yet to be informed Pending
Malyalappali (Ramagundam) Hr. Ramapur line. Malyalapalli SS and to ensure time synchronization of relays between Rampur
station. • LBB of Bus-2 operated since B-phase CB of 220 kV
and Malyalapalli.
Malyalappali-Ramapur line did not open due of damage in trip

89/III/4 Tripping of 400kV 08-01-2020 at 23:36 • Triggering incident was B-N fault in the line. AR operated and TSTRANSCO to investigate and submit the reasons for delayed opening of TIE TSTRANSCO Yet to be informed Pending
Kethyreddypalli – Shankerpally Hr. successful at Kethyreddypalli end CB Y-ph and B-ph in spite of 3-ph trip issued by relay. Pole discrepancy timing
Line-1 • AR not attempted at Shankerpally end of TIE CB may also be checked.

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46/II/21 Trippings at 220kV Raichur 07-06-2015 at 1. KPCL to check the operation of anti-pumping relay on 220 kV side and keep KPCL Mail received on 21-10-2015: Pending
TPS 01:35 hrs it in healthy condition. 1) Anti-pumping contactors of all the nine 220KV Lines are in circuit and tested
periodically during AOH works of lines along with other protections.
2. KPCL to provide manual reset to the 220 kV side master trip relay. 2) Completed.
3) Possibility to use both the 220kV buses as main bus under normal operation is
3. KPCL to use both the 220 kV buses as main buses under normal operation, under review.
and should go for single bus operation only during emergencies. Mail recieved on 23-11-2015:
1) Completed
3) Two bus operation for 220kV buses : In place of existing CT switching relays,
High speed manual heavy duty change over switch of sufficient current capacity
will be retrofitted to all feeders at 220kV station and same will be operated
manually during changeover of feeder by one bus to the other and this
arrangement may facilitate to put both buses in service. Time required for this
retrofit is around 90days . However, this work will be taken up only after
retrofitting of electromagnetic relays with numerical relays for Main-2 protection
of all 220kV lines, for which work is in progress.
Status received vide mail dated 10-07-2017:
1) --- Completed.
2) --- Completed.
3) Two Bus operation for 220kV bus is being carried out whenever required.
However scheme for tripping of one bus during LBB/fault and maintaining the
other bus intact by tripping B/C breaker will be taken up in R&M works. ---
Status received vide KPCL mail dated 14.12.2017:
3) DPR for implementation of Two Bus operation for 220kV bus system has been
prepared and proposal is placed for funds from PSDF. After the approval of the
DPR, the work is proposed to be taken up.

Review Meeting dated 19.12.2017:

3) KPCL informed that DPR for implementation of Two Bus operation for 220kV
bus system has been prepared and proposal is placed for funds from PSDF. After
the approval of the DPR, the work is proposed to be taken up. Time frame
requested for is 2 yrs.

KPCL mail dated 19.12.2018:

3) Work proposed to be taken up under PSDF. Approval from Nodal agency is
awaited. However, arrangements have been made to issue NIT.

Review Meeting on 21.12.2018:

KPCL informed that Tender would be floated in 1 month and work would be
completed in 2 years.

KPCL mail dated 23.03.2019:

Arrangements have been made to issue NIT and Tender for the work proposed to
be floated during May- 2019.
KPCL mail dated 10.05.2019:
NIT will be issued during May- 2019.
KPCL mail dated 25.06.2019:
1. & 2. Completed
3) Preparation of technical specification is in progress. NIT will be issued during
July- 2019.
Review meeting on 27.06.2019:
KPCL informed that timeline for completion of work is December 2019.

KPCL mail dated 16.07.2019:

1. & 2. Completed
3) Preparation of technical specification is in progress. NIT will be issued during
July- 2019. timeline for completion of work is December 2019.

KPCL mail dated 30.10.2019 and 17.12.2019 and 11.02.2020:

1. & 2. Completed
3) NIT issued during Aug- 2019. Timeline for completion of work is December

54/II/9 Tripping of 400kV Raichur 13-04-2016 at Y-ph Pole of Tie-breaker of Unit-4 at RTPS failed. 1.KPCL to undertake the following remedial measures to avoid breaker KPCL Status received vide KPCL mail dated 10.07.2017: Pending
TPS 21:12 hrs Unit-4 got tripped on operation of Generator flashovers: 1. (ii) Hot line water washing stopped and off line water washing is carried out
Bus-2 Differential, Reverse power & LBB protection. (i) Replacing all porcelain insulators with composite insulators whenever the 400 KV Unit or line is under tripped condition / Shutdown
Operation of LBB protection led to tripping of BUS- (ii) Carrying out hot-line water washing of all insulators on regular basis. condition. --- Completed
2 at RTPS (iii) Applying Room Temperature Vulcanizing (RTV) Silicone high voltage 1. (iii) Silicon coating for Unit#8 main & tie breakers carried out in Sep'16 and
insulator coatings to all bus-connected ceramic insulators of equipment like CT, same is under observation. Till today in order and good condition. For remaining
PT, CB, Isolators etc. breakers, since it is big order, approval for the same is under process. ---

2.KPCL to take steps to provide dedicated breaker flashover protection to all

breakers at Raichur TPS at the earliest.

Page 12 of 39
Bus-2 Differential, Reverse power & LBB protection. (i) Replacing all porcelain insulators with composite insulators

Operation of LBB protection led to tripping of BUS- (ii) Carrying out hot-line water washing of all insulators on regular basis.
2 at RTPS (iii) Applying Room Temperature Vulcanizing (RTV) Silicone high voltage
insulator coatings to all bus-connected ceramic insulators of equipment like CT,
PT, CB, Isolators etc.
Review Meeting dated 19.12.2017:
2.KPCL to take steps to provide dedicated breaker flashover protection to all 1 (iii) As upgradation of 400kV switchyard equip's to be taken under PSDF
breakers at Raichur TPS at the earliest. funds, Silicon rubber coating for breakers is deffered till then. --- Pending

2. Replacement by Num relay for Units - 5,6 & 7 completed in the month of Oct-
2017. Main-I is Seimens make and Main-II is ABB make. --- Pending

KPCL mail dated 19.01.2018:

2. Replacement of Numerical relays for Units-5, 6 & 7 have been completed.
Referred to OEM for providing the Breaker flashover protection for all the

KPCL mail dated 19.12.2018:

2. Reply is awaited from OEM of Numerical relays for providing Breaker
Flashover protection for all the breakers --- Pending

Review Meeting on 21.12.2018:

1. KPCL assured that porcelain insulator replacement will be taken care in tender
floated for RTPS Busbar modification --- Pending

KPCL mail dated 23.01.2019:

1) i) Being discussed with other utilitis.
2) Reply is awaiting from OEM to implement the Breaker flash over protection in
KPCL mail dated 23.03.2019:
1) (i) & (iii)- Arrangements have been made to issue NIT and Tender for the
work proposed to be floated during May- 2019.

2) Reply is awaiting from OEM to implement the Breaker flash over protection in
the Numerical relays in 400KV station. & Being discussed with other utilities.
It is requested to furnish Necessary logic and settings to implement the breaker
flashover protection

KPCL mail dated 10.05.2019:

1) (i) & (iii)- NIT floated on 01.03.2019

2) Reply is awaiting from OEM to implement the Breaker flash over protection in
Review meeting on 27.06.2019:
SRPC informed that referenc of necessary logic and settings to implement the
breaker flashover protection will be shared soon.

KPCL mail dated 16.07.2019:

1) (i) & (iii)- NIT floated on 01.03.2019. Cover-I opened. Technical evaluation is
in progress. Approval from Nodal Agency for PSDF funds is awaited.
2) As confirmed during 84th PCSC meeting, SRPC may suggest/furnish referenc
of necessary logic and settings to implement the breaker flashover protection.
reply in this regard is awaited.

KPCL mail dated 30.10.2019 and 17.12.2019 and 11.02.2020:

1) (i) & (iii)- NIT floated on 01.03.2019. Tender evaluation is completed.
Approval from Nodal Agency for PSDF funds is awaited for placing PO on L1
2) As confirmed during 84th PCSC meeting, SRPC may suggest/furnish referenc
of necessary logic and settings to implement the breaker flashover protection.
reply in this regard is awaited.

Page 13 of 39
54/II/13 Tripping of Units at 220 kV 15-04-2016 at During testing of retrofitted distance protection in In view of the availability of two buses along with healthy bus-coupler at 220 KPCL Status received vide KPCL mail dated 10.07.2017 & 14.12.2017: Pending Timeline?
Raichur TPS 15:36 hrs 400kV Raichur-2 feeder, LBB protection trip DC kV RTPS, KPCL is recommended to put in service the double-bus operation at Two Bus operation for 220kV bus is being carried out whenever required.
got extended to Bus trip. This resulted in tripping of 220 kV RTPS by suitably distributing loads within 15 days. However scheme for tripping of one bus during LBB/fault and maintaining the
220kV bus at RTPS and all connected 220 kV other bus intact by tripping B/C breaker will be taken up in R&M works.
elements. Unit-4 which is connected to 400 kV Bus
got tripped due to tripping of Station Utility Review Meeting dated 19.12.2017:
Transformer that is connected 220 kV bus 3) KPCL informed that DPR for implementation of Two Bus operation for 220kV
bus system has been prepared and proposal is placed for funds from PSDF. After
the approval of the DPR, the work is proposed to be taken up. Time frame
requested is 2 yrs.

KPCL mail dated 20.12.2018 & 23.01.2019:

Work proposed to be taken up under PSDF. Approval from Nodal agency is
awaited. However, arrangements have been made to issue NIT.

KPCL mail dated 10.05.2019:

NIT will be issued during May- 2019.

KPCL mail dated 25.06.2019:

Preparation of technical specification is in progress.
NIT will be issued during June/July- 2019.

Review meeting on 27.06.2019:

KPCL mail dated 16.07.2019 & 30.10.2019:
NIT will be issued during July- 2019. Time line for completion of work is Dec-

KPCL mail dated 17.12.2019 and 11.02.2020 :

NIT issued during Aug-2019.
Time line for completion of work is Dec-2020.

Page 14 of 39
58/I/3 Complete outage of 220 kV 06-09-2016 LBB of 220kV Kodasalli breaker at Kadra end got 1) KPCL to check settings of LBB protection in all relays from which it was KPCL Status received vide KPCL mail dated 14.06.2017: Pending
(GD) Kadra power station of at 14:40 hrs operated which resulted in tripping of Bus at Kadra implemented, and ensure that their configuration, logic, and timing are in order 1. All logics checked and found normal. LBB timing checked and found 200msec
KPCL and in turn led to tripping of all elements at their 220 kV Kadra PH. as per KPTCL MRT recommendation. - Completed
2. Work Under Progress ---- Pending
2) KPCL to furnish details regarding the existing LT auxiliary supply 3. New GPS System commissioned along with new numerical and synchronised
arrangement at their 220 kV Kadra PH, and take steps to provide a suitable Auto- with GPS system - Complied
Main-Fail (AMF) panel for DG set to effect its auto-starting in case of failure of 4. Work Under Progress ---- Pending
LT supply. Status received vide mail dated 14.12.2017:
1),3),4) Completed
3) KPCL to ensure time-sync of all relays (DR’s & EL’s) with GPS at their 220 2. Auto Start of DG set is taken up --- Pending
kV Kadra PH.
Review Meeting dated 19.12.2017:
4) KPCL to provide stand-alone Event Logger at their 220 kV Nagjheri PH. 2. KPCL informed that for AMF of DG, Scheme prepared & material
procurement under process. The AMF scheme will be implemented in January
2018. --- Pending
3. The GPS system commissioned on Nov 2016 & all the numarical relay time
synchronised with GPS ---- Completed

Review Meeting on 21.12.2018:

KPCL informed that Tender for the work would be floated by January 2019 and
work would be completed in 1 year.

KPCL mail dated 23.01.2019:

1) Completed.
2) Tender for the work would be floated by February 2019 and work would be
completed in 1 year....Pending
3) Completed.
4) Tender for the work would be floated by Feb, 2019, and work would be
completed in 1 year....Pending

KPCL mail dated 23.03.2019:

2) Tender for the work proposed to be floated during May- 2019 after model code
of conduct and work would be completed in 1 year .
4) Tender for the work proposed to be floated during May- 2019 after model
code of conduct and and work would be completed in 1 year.

KPCL mail dated 10.05.2019:

Tender will be floated during 3rd week of May- 2019.

KPCL mail dated 25.06.2019:

1 & 3) Completed.
Review meeting on 27.06.2019:
.1 & 3) Completed.
4) Tender published on 21.06.2019 and time line in June 2020.
2. tender has to be issued. Timeline requested upto December 2020.

KPCL mail dated 16.07.2019 :

1 & 3) Completed.
2 ) NIT will be issued during Aug-2019.
4) Tender published on 21.06.2019. Time line for completion of Work is Dec-

KPCL mail dated 30.10.2019 and 17.12.2019:

1 & 3) Completed.
2 ) NIT issued during Sept-2019.
4) Tender published on 21.06.2019. Time line for completion of Work is Dec-

KPCL mail dated 11.02.2020:

1 & 3) Completed.
2 ) NIT issued during Sept-2019. Tender evaluation is inprogress.
4) As per the directions of TESG of NLDC i..e. Numerical relays are being
provided for all Units and Lines, the proposal of providing Disturbance recorder
is excluded from DPR submitted for availing funds from PSDF - Issue may be
dropped. --- Dropped

69/II/8 Tripping of 220 kV Kaiga- 06-10-2017 at While de-synchronising of Unit-2, B-phase pole of KPCL to take steps to replace the existing static protection relays for Generator KPCL Status received vide mail dated 25.07.2018: Pending
Kadra line-1 22:22 hrs GCB did not open and pole descrepancy relay Units and Generating Transformers (GT’s) with suitable Numerical relays at Numerical Generator protection relay replacement proposed to be taken up
operated. Hence all 220KV lines CB hand tripped. their 220 kV Kadra PH. alongwith SCADA work.
KPCL mail dated 20.12.2018:
Will be taken up along with SCADA work. NIT to be issued on Jan-2019
Review Meeting on 21.12.2018:
KPCL informed that Tender for the work would be floated by March, 2019, and
work would be completed in 1 year.
KPCL mail dated 23.01.2019:
Tender for the work would be floated by February-2019 and work would be
completed in 1 year.

KPCL mail dated 23.03.2019:

Tender for the work proposed to be floated during May- 2019 after model code of
conduct and work would be completed in 1 year

KPCL mail dated 10.05.2019:

Tender will be floated during 3rd week of May- 2019.

KPCL mail dated 25.06.2019:

Tender published on 21.06.2019.

Review meeting on 27.06.2019:

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KPCL mail dated 16.07.2019:
Tender published on 21.06.2019. Time line for completion of Work is Dec-2020.

KPCL mail dated 30.10.2019 and 17.12.2019 and 11.02.2020:

Tender published on 21.06.2019. No bids received for the tender. Hence, it is
proposed to refloat fresh tender with revised PQR and scope of work. Avaialing
approval in this regard is in progress.

72/I/4 Complete outage of 220kV 01-02-2018 High resistance fault occurred in 110kV Sedam- KPCL to disable GFC protection on all lines emanating from their generating KPCL Review Meeting on 21.12.2018 Pending
Sedam, Shahapur, at 17:46 hrs Chittapur line near Sedam end. Line DEF operated stations. KPCL informed that compliance w.r.t. Implementing the recommendation would
Shahabad, Kapanoor, and backup OC protection of 100MVA transformer be furnished soon.
Humnabad and Halabarga operated at Sedam end. But line breaker and
Stations of KPTCL transformer HV breaker didn’t open due to problem KPCL mail dated 23.03.2019:
in trip circuit. This resulted in cascade tripping of 'GFC protection will be disabled in all lines in coordination with M/s.KPTCL
upstream feeders and power supply was lost to six
220kV stations of KPTCL. KPCL mail dated 10.05.2019 & 25.06.2019:
Letter addressed to CE, RT, KPTCL dated: 10.04.2019 to disable GFC
protection in all 220kV lines . Reply is awaited.

KPCL mail dated 16.07.2019 & 30.10.2019 & 17.12.2019 & 11.02.2020:
Letter addressed to CE, RT, KPTCL dated: 10.04.2019 to disable GFC
protection in all 220kV lines . Reply is awaited.

73/I/5 Complete outage of 220kV 15-03-2018 at There was Y-phase to ground fault on 220 kV KPCL to take steps to put double-bus operation into service at their 220 kV KPCL Status received vide mail dated 25.07.2018: Pending
Varahi power station 22:36 hrs Varahi - Shimoga line-2. Consequent to persisting Varahi PH. Under Implementation.
fault in ‘Y’ phase, the breaker failure protection
operated resulting in operation of 220KV bus bar KPCL mail dated 20.12.2018 & 23.01.2019 & 23.03.2019:
protection at Varahi, tripping all the connected lines Retrofitting of 220kV Bus Isolators is under progress. Proposed to be in service
and Varahi running units. after April-2019

KPCL mail dated 10.05.2019:

4 Set of Isolators of VS1, VS2 & VM2 bay of North Bus were cmpleted.
Remaining bays will be completed after Concurrence of LC from LDC

KPCL mail dated 25.06.2019 & 16.07.2019 & 30.10.2019:

4 Set of Isolators of VS1, VS2 & VM2 bay of North Bus were cmpleted.
Remaining bay will be completed after monsoon season i.e during November -

KPCL mail dated 17.12.2019 and 11.02.2020:

4 Set of Isolators of VS1, VS2 & VM2 bay of North Bus were cmpleted. Several
times LC is requested for carrying out work for remaining bay. However, LC is
awaited from SLDC.

78/I/1 Complete Outage of 220 kV 24-08-2018 at Due to suspected mal-operation of 220KV bus bar 1. KPCL to take steps to put double-bus operation into service at their 220 kV KPCL KPCL mail dated 20.12.2018 & 23.01.2019: Pending
Varahi UGPH. 11:00 hrs protection at Varahi, all the connected lines and Varahi UGPH by December, 2018. 1. Retrofitting of 220kV Bus Isolators is under progress. Proposed to be in service
Varahi running Units got tripped. (6 nos 220kV after April-2019 --- Pending
lines and 4 nos Varahi generating station running 2. KPCL to employ correct operational practices like keeping DC fuses of B/C 2. ---- Completed.
Units). This resulted in complete outage of 220kV CB intact during bus changeover works, disabling back-up protections of B/C KPCL mail dated 23.03.2019:
Varahi UGPH CB during bus changeover works & enabling them with proper settings only 1) Retrofitting of 220kV Bus Isolators is under progress. Proposed to be in
when it is used as Main-CB of the grid elements. service after April-2019

KPCL mail dated 10.05.2019:

4 Set of Isolators of VS1, VS2 & VM2 bay of North Bus were cmpleted.
Remaining bays will be completed after Concurrence of LC from LDC.

KPCL mail dated 25.06.2019 & 16.07.2019 & 30.10.2019:

4 Set of Isolators of VS1, VS2 & VM2 bay of North Bus were cmpleted.
Remaining bay will be completed after monsoon season i.e during November -

KPCL mail dated 17.12.2019 and 11.02.2020

4 Set of Isolators of VS1, VS2 & VM2 bay of North Bus were cmpleted. Several
times LC is requested for carrying out work for remaining bay. However, LC is
awaited from SLDC.

82/I/3 Complete Outage of 220kV 04-02-2019 at During de-synchronising of Kadra unit#2, R-pole 1) KPCL to ensure that DR and EL for all events are made available. If Static KPCL KPCL mail dated 10.03.2019: Pending
Kadra Power House of 20:19 hrs didn’t open due to struck breaker condition. Pole relays with no DR are present in Station, standalone Disturbance recorder and 1) Preparation of technical specification is completed. Tender will be floated
KPCL & 220kV Karwar SS Discrepancy operated. All the connected 220kV Event logger should be provided. during 3rd week of May- 2019 for control & protection system along with
of KPTCL lines at Kadra end were hand tripped. 2) KPCL to investigate the operation of Negative sequence relay and report to SCADA.
SRPC since the operation of Negative sequence relay due to stuck breaker 2) English Electric make static type relay is used for NPS protection system at
condition is not proper as per protection philisophy Unit no.2. The detailed report shall be furnished shortly.

KPCL mail dated 25.06.2019:

1) Preparation of technical specification is completed. Tender will be floated
during 1st week of July 2019 for control & protection system along with SCADA.
2) Existing
KPCL mailrelays
English Electric Static type
1) Tender published on 21.06.2019. Time line for completion of Work is Dec-
2) Completed.

KPCL mail dated 30.10.2019 & 17.12.2019 & 11.02.2020:

1) Tender published on 21.06.2019. No bids received for the tender. Hence, it is
proposed to refloat fresh tender with revised PQR and scope of work. Avaialing
approval in this regard is in progress.
2) Completed.

Page 16 of 39
87/I/3 Complete Outage of 220kV 29-09-2019 at 11:31 a. Single line to ground fault occurred in 220kV Kemar – KPCL to check A/R functionality for all lines emanating from 220 kV Varahi GS and submit a KPCL Yet to be informed Pending
Kemar, MSEZ, hrs Varahi line-2 due to R-phase insulator flashover and the line report regarding the same.
Puttur&Kavoor stations of tripped on Zone-1 distance protection. Simultaneously, 220kV
Kemar – Varahi line-1 tripped at Kemar end only.
KPTCL b. 220kV Kemar –Varahi line-3 tripped due to overloading.
This resulted in complete loss of supply at 220kV Kemar since
all the three source feeders tripped.
c. In addition there was complete loss of supply at 220kV
MSEZ, 220kV Kavoor and 220kV Puttur stations since these
stations were radially fed from 220kV Kemar station.

40/I/1 GD-1 at 220kV Ambewadi 22-12-2014 Triggering incident was B-phase to earth fault in 1. Till the completion of R&M works for bus bar and LBB protection, KPTCL KPTCL Mail received on 28-04-2015: Pending
Station of KPTCL at 21:22 hrs 220kV Ambewadi- Nagzari line-1. B-pole of breaker shall explore the possibility of having split bus operation at Ambewadi and 1. In view of operating 220kV Ambewadi SS in split bus mode, action is being
did not open at Ambewadi end. LBB protection not submit the details of the same to PCSC forum. taken up by KPTCL. Problem in the 220kV bus coupler breaker is attended and
available at Ambewadi end. All elements tripped on isolator overhauling work is under progress. Spilt bus operation at Ambewadi
Zone-2 from remote ends. 2. KPTCL shall provide the details of the tripping of Supa hydro station will be made possible at the earliest. --- Pending
connected downstream from 110 kV bus.
2. ICT Protection system at Ambewadi and trippings occured at Supa GS during
the instance is checked up and remedial measures already furnished in this
KPTCL Mail dated 16.12.2017 & Review Meeting dated 19.12.2017:
1. Recommended works at Ambewadi have not been taken up due to various
problems faced due to poor response from the turn key agency M/s ERL. A site
meeting is planned during this month to discuss about further plan of action for
attending SRPC recommendations pertaining to the Sub station.

The issue was discussed in the review meeting. Considering the importance of the
substation and delay in executing the works, it was decided to escalate all
pending issues relating to Ambewadi SS to KPTCL top Management for early

KPTCL mail dated 20.12.2018:

1. The outstanding protection issues pertaining to Ambewadi were appraised to
the management and proposal for construction of new GIS SUb stations has been
approved by KPTCL management. In view of attending protection audit
recommendations pertaining to Ambewadi SS without linking with new Station
proposal, action has been taken to include the works in extended scope of R&U
project awarded to M/s GE T&D India Limited. Addition materials required are
yet to be supplied by M/s GE.

Review meeting on 27.06.2019:

1. KPTCL will inform the status on progress of work.

KPTCL mail dated 12.02.2020:

1. BBP provided at Ambewadi SS. - Completed

41/I/4 Complete outage at 220kV 27-01-2015 at R-Phase to ground fault occurred on 220kV Sedam- 1. KPTCL to provide Bus bar and LBB protections for 220 kV bus at Sedam KPTCL Mail received on 28-04-2015: Pending 1. Status?
Sedam Substation of 8.00 hrs Shahpur line. Fault not cleared from Sedam end due S/s. Procurement of Bus bar and LBB protection is in the final tendering stage. 2.
KPTCL (GD-1) to stuck-breaker condition. While the Sedam- Action is being taken to restore the carrier protection for 220kV Sedam-Tandoor
Sahapur line tripped from Shahapur end in Zone-1, 2. KPTCL to implement A/R feature on 220 kV Sedam-Tandur inter-state line. AR will be enabled.
the other 220 kv lines from Sedam tripped at remote line. Mail received on 29-07-2015:
ends in Zone-2. This caused complete outage of 1. Procurement of Bus bar and LBB protection is in the final tendering stage.
220kV Sedam substation. 2. Action is being taken to restore the carrier protection for 220kV Sedam-
Tandoor line. AR will be enabled after restoration of PLCC.
KPTCL mail received on 23-01-2016:
1. Bus bar protection panels pocured and erected at Sedam. Wiring , testing
,commissioning is being taken up.Planned to complete by April 2016.
2. Action is being taken to restore the carrier protection for 220kV Sedam-
Tandoor line. AR will be enabled after restoration of PLCC.
KPTCL Mail recieved dated 22-11-2017:
1 & 2). Bus Bar Protection panel and required Wave traps are supplied under
R&U. Wave trap to be commisioned in Tandoor line and PLCC to be
restored.Once PLCC is restored AR will be enabled. The Wave traps required are
supplied under R&U project and the same is to be commisioned at Sedam end for
restoration of PLCC.

KPTCL Mail dated 16.12.2017:

1 & 2) Replacement of Bus Bar Protection is included under R&U project.
Awarded to M/s GE Ltd. Panels have alredy been supplied by the Agency. The
work will be taken up on top priority.

Review Meeting dated 19.12.2017:

KPTCL informed that the works relating to put A/R in service are going on at
their Sedam SS, and assured that it would be put into service by February, 2018.

KPTCL mail dated 20.12.2018:

1). Bus Bar Protection Work is under progress. Work will be completed in 2
---- Pending
2). ---A/R was enabled from Sedam end on 03.11.2018 ----Completed.

Review meeting on 27.06.2019:

1. Timeline - September 2019
2. Completed

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KPTCL mail dated 12.02.20220:
1. The work is under progress, expected to be put in to service before end of
February 2020
2. AR was implemented. But due to problem with single phase trip relays the
same was disabled. Now the same has been attended and expected to be put in to
service before end of February 2020

Page 18 of 39
42/I/1 Complete outage of 220kV 15-02-2015 Fault occurred in 220kV Sedam-Shahpur line 1. KPTCL to provide Bus Bar protection and LBB protection at Sedam S/s and KPTCL Mail received on 27-05-2015: Pending
Sedam substation of at 14:24 hrs furnish the status of their implementation to PCSC forum. 1. Bus Bar protection will be provded under R&U.
KPTCL 2. A/R yet to be enabled.
2. KPTCL to implement A/R feature on 220 kV Sedam-Tandur inter-state line. Mail received on 29-07-2015:
1. Procurement of Bus bar and LBB protection is in the final tendering stage.
2. Action is being taken to restore the carrier protection for 220kV Sedam-
Tandoor line. AR will be enabled after restoration of PLCC.
KPTCL Mail Recieved dated 22-11-2017:
Bus Bar Protection panel and required Wave traps are supplied under R&U.
Wave trap to be commisioned in Tandoor line and PLCC to be restored.Once
PLCC is restored AR will be enabled.
KPTCL Mail dated 16.12.2017:
Review meeting on 27.06.2019:
1. Timeline - September 2019
2. Completed

KPTCL mail dated 12.02.20220:

1. The work is under progress, expected to be put in to service before end of
February 2020
2. AR was implemented. But due to problem with single phase trip relays the
same was disabled. Now the same has been attended and expected to be put in to
service before end of February 2020

42/I/2 Complete outage of 220 kV 12-03-2015 at Fault in 220kV Ambewadi-Nagjheri line-2 1. KPTCL shall provide A/R feature on Ambewadi – Ponda 220 kV D/C inter- KPTCL Mail received on 29-07-2015: Pending
(GD) Ambewadi substation of 7:51 hrs state line. 1. Procurement of Bus bar and LBB protection is in the final tendering stage.
KPTCL 2. Action is being taken to restore the carrier protection for 220kV Sedam-
2. Till the completion of R&M works for bus bar and LBB protection, KPTCL Tandoor line. AR will be enabled after restoration of PLCC.
shall explore the possibility of having split bus operation at Ambewadi and
submit the details of the same to PCSC forum. KPTCL Mail Recieved dated 22-11-2017 & 16.12.2017:
1.Enabling the AR feature was discussed during PCSC meetings and since
Ambewadi-Ponda and Ambewadi-Xeldom lines are radial lines, it was decided
that enabling AR is not required. To clear the faults in the abovelines early, the
KPTCL mail dated 20.12.2018:
The protection issues pertaining to Ambewadi was appraised to the
management and proposal for construction of new GIS SUb stations has been
approved by KPTCL management. Further as per SRPC directions and in view of
attending protection audit recommendations pertaining to Ambewadi SS without
linking with new Station proposal, action has been taken to include the works in
extended scope of R&U project awarded to M/s GE T&D India Limited. Addition
materials required are yet to be supplied by M/s GE. work expecnted to be
completed in 5 months.

Review meeting on 27.06.2019:

1. Since 220kV Ambewadi -Ponda line is radial, this recommendation is dropped.
2. Timeline will be in timated by KPTCL

KPTCL mail dated 12.02.2020:

1. 220kV line breaker replacement work under progress at Ambewadi. AR will
implemented after replacement of CBs -- Pending
2. BBP provided at Ambewadi -- Completed

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48/I/3 Outage of 220kV 30-09-2015 at 220kV Ambewadi-Nagjheri line-2 tripped on B- KPTCL to fast-track providing A/R on all 220 kV lines emanating from KPTCL KPTCL mail received on 23-01-2016: Pending Status?
Ambewadi station in 10:41 hrs phase to earth fault. This resulted in loss of supply Ambewadi SS to prevent Station shut-down on temporary faults. Will be complied in a months time.
Karnataka to 220kV Ambewadi bus. 220kV Ambewadi-Ponda KPTCL Mail Recieved dated 22-11-2017:
line-1&2 were hand tripped after deenergization of Enabling the AR feature was discussed during PCSC meetings and since
bus at Ambewadi. Ambewadi-Ponda and Ambewadi-Xeldom lines are radial lines, it was decided
that enabling AR is not required. To clear the faults in the abovelines early, the
timings of the Zone 2 was reduced to 150mS and the Back Up EFR timings have
been reducedto 150mS.
KPTCL Mail dated 16.12.2017:
Enabling the AR feature was discussed during PCSC meetings and since
Ambewadi-Ponda and Ambewadi-Xeldom lines are radial lines, it was decided
that enabling AR is not required. To clear the faults in the abovelines early, the
timings of the Zone 2 was reduced to 150mS and the Back Up EFR timings have
been reduced to 150mS. In view of the above, it is requested to drop the issue
KPTCL mail dated 20.12.2018:
The protection issues pertaining to Ambewadi was appraised to the
management and proposal for construction of new GIS SUb stations has been

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52/I/3 Complete outage of 220 kV 22-02-2016 at 220kV Bus Bar protection operated during failure of KPTCL to operate 220 kV Shimoga on multi-bus operation under normal KPTCL KPTCL Mail received dated 25-04-2017: Pending
Shimoga substation 15:03 hrs R phase CT in DVG-2 line bay. conditions, and put it on single-bus operation only under emergency conditions. Replacement of existing BBP by new BBP with 4 zone protection is being taken
up under R&U.
KPTCL Mail Recieved dated 22-11-2017:
GE Ltd has already supplied the necessary Bus Bar protection panels for
replacement of the existing static type BBP by new numerical BBP with 4 zone
protection under R&U project. The work of commissioning the same will be
taken up shortly.

KPTCL Mail dated 16.12.2017:

Due to operational constraints two/ multi bus operation is not being implemented.

Review Meeting dated 19.12.2017:

It was noted that Shimoga SS is having required configuration for providing
double-bus operation. However, due to large no. of feeders (15 in no) with
variable gneration
KPTCL mail datedat certain remote ends like Varahi, the flows on these lines are
Bus sectionaliser breakers have to be provided for operating Shimoga in multi
bus mode. Estimates have to be prepared by CEE,TZ,Hassan. Work expected to
be completed in 1 year.

KPTCL mail dated 12.02.2020:

After commissioning of numerical BBP bus split trial operation was made.
However for providing more reliability, action is being taken for providing
bussectionaliser breakers.

62/II/5 Tripping of 220 kV South 20-01-2017 at Triggering incident was fault in 66 kV Somanahalli - KPTCL to provide numerical Busbar Protection at their 220 kV Somanahalli SS KPTCL KPTCL mail received dated 25.04.2017: Pending
Bus and connected 14:34 hrs Bannerghatta line and fault was cleared by operation at the earliest. Numerical BBP is being provided under R&M works
elements (220kV HSR, of Back-up OCR at Somanahalli end.
220kV Nagnathpura, 220 KPTCL Mail Recieved dated 22-11-2017:
kV Harohalli, 220 kV Tesing & Commissioning of numerical BBP at Somanahalli is under progress.
Subramanyapura, 220 kV There was some technical issue wth BBP scheme supplied to Somanahally which
Tataguni, 220 kV Mallur is being finalised in consultation with OEM SIFANG. Numerical BBP will be
and 400/220kV ICT-2 and commissioned at Somanahally within a month's time.
3) at 400/220kV KPTCL Mail dated 16.12.2017:
Somanhalli substation of Numerical Bus Bar protection Scheme will be commissioned at Somanahally
KPTCL before end of December 2017.
(Load loss: 850 MW)
KPTCL mail dated 20.12.2018:
The work of providing Bus Bar Protection to 220kV buses is incuded under
R&M works envisaged at Somanahally. The R&M work is expected to be
completed before end of March 2019 ----- Pending

Review meeting on 27.06.2019:

status of work and timeline will be given by KPTCL

KPTCL mail dated 12.02.2020:

The work is to be executed by the R&M turn key agency

74/I/2 Complete outage of 220 kV 02-04-2018 at Loss of supply occurred to 220 kV Ambewadi 1). KPTCL to review operation of SPS at NPH for proper functionality and KPTCL KPTCL mail dated 20.12.2018: Pending
Ambewadi station 13:46hrs station due to tripping of 220kV Nagzhari- changed network conditions (reduction of generation with tripping of evacuating 1). To be reviewed. Expected to be completed in 1 month.---- Pending
Ambewadi line-2 (Source) from Nagzhari power lines) and put it into service at the earliest.
station. After bus dead, Ambewadi-Ponda lines – 1 2), Being followed ----- Pending
& 2 were hand-tripped. In antecedent conditions, 2). KPTCL to furnish equipment failure report of the current incident (R-phase
220kV Ambewadi - Nagjheri ckt-1, 220kV CT in Nagjheri – 1 bay at Ambewadi SS) to PSE&TD Division of CEA with a Review meeting on 27.06.2019:
Ambewadi-Narendra Ckt-1 &2 were out of service. copy marked to SRPC. 1. Nagjheri SPS shall be studied in view of changed system configuration
2. Completed

KPTCL mail dated 12.02.2020:

The logic is being reviewed by SRLDC by conducting system studies for the
changed network configuration

74/II15 Multiple Trippings at 21-04-2018 at Triggering incident was fault in 220 kV Davanagare KPTCL to put double-bus operation at their 220 kV Guttur substations by KPTCL KPTCL mail dated 20.12.2018: Pending
400/220kV Guttur station 12:50 hrs - Shimoga line. Bus bar protection operated at attending to Bus-2 CVT problem. Bus-2 CVT problem is attended. However due to breaker replacement works,
Guttur resulting in tripping of all the connected 220kV side operated in single bus mode.
elements. 220 kV Guttur was on single bus
operation due to CVT problem in Bus-2. Review Meeting dated 20.12.2018:
KPTCL informed that double-bus operation at their 220 kV Guttur would be
provided within two months.

Review meeting on 27.06.2019:

Timeline will be communicated by KPTCL

79/III/9 Tripping of 400 kV JSWEL 29-09-2018 R-phase to earth fault occurred in line. Auto-reclose KPTCL to furnish a detailed report on tripping event bringing out reasons for KPTCL Review Meeting on 21.12.2018: Pending
–Guttur line at 11:30 hrs was not attempted at JSWEL due to DT receive. At DT sending from Guttur end to JSWEL on 400 kV Guttur - JSWEL line along KPTCL was aksed to furnish status of implementation of the recommendation
Guttur end auto-reclose could not be validated with with remedial action taken to PCSC forum. given at the earliest.
Review meeting on 27.06.2019:
report will be submitted by KPTCL

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80/II/7 Tripping of 400 kV JSWEL- 17-10-2018 at Triggering incident was R-phase to earth fault in KPTCL to examine the reasons for sending of DT from Guttur end to JSWEL KPTCL Review meeting on 27.06.2019: Pending
Guttur line 02:04 Hrs line. At Guttur end there was operation of pole end, and furnish an action taken report including remedial measures taken to report will be submitted by KPTCL
discrepancy and resulted on tripping of Y & B pole rectify the same.
after a duration of 2 seconds from the occurrence of
fault. FIR, DR & EL of Guttur end were not
82/I/4 Complete Outage of 220kV 06-02-2019 at Fault occurred while test charging of 220kV KPTCL to investigate the reason for non-tripping of 220kV Ambewadi - KPTCL Review meeting on 27.06.2019: Pending
Ambewadi Station of 14:51hrs Ambewadi – Nagjheri Line -2 from Ambewadi end. Nagjheri line-2 on operation of SOTF and submit a report regarding the same to report will be submitted by KPTCL
KPTCL Suspected stuck breaker condition at Ambewadi SRPC. Also KPTCL to take necessary measures in order to ensure healthiness of
end) led to clearing of fault by tripping of remote breaker before testcharging of any line.
end breaker in Zone-2. LBB protection is not active
at 220kV Ambewadi station.

82/II/12 Tripping of 400kV Kaiga- 07-02-2019 Line-1 tripped due to insulator flashover. Line-2 KPTCL is recommended to take necessary measures to ensure that Main-I and KPTCL Review meeting on 27.06.2019: Pending
Guttur line-1&2 at 11:49 hrs tripped due to zone-3 operation at Kaiga and Direct Main-II at Guttur end shall be of different types (make and model) coherent with KPTCL informed that the recommendation has been included as part of R & M
trip receive at Guttur the general protection philosophy followed in SR region. work. Timeline will be informed

84/II/12 Tripping of 400kV DHONI 18-04-2019 at Triggering incident was failure of B-ph CB of 1. KPTCL to send equipment failure report, corresponding to the failed CB at KPTCL Yet to be informed Pending
GUTTUR line- 1 18:59 hr. 400kV Dhoni-Guttur line at Dhoni end. This Dhoni SS, to CEA.
resulted in the operation of LBB of bus-1 and DT 2. KPTCL to ensure time synchronization at Guttur end.
was sent to Guttur end

84/II/16 Tripping of 400 kV Line

01-05-2019 at 02:29 hr.tripped on operation of over voltage stg-2 at KPTCL to ensure time synchronization of DR and EL with GPS signal at KPTCL Yet to be informed Pending
Nelamangala-Mysore line-2 Nelamangala end Nelamangala end.

84/II/24 Tripping of 400/220 kV 13-05-2019 at ICT-3 tripped on operation of 59N neutral KPTCL to inform PCSC forum regarding the changes implemented in Hoody KPTCL Yet to be informed Pending
ICT-1&3 at Hoody 15:35 hr. displacement relay. ICT-1 tripped on OCR. ICT SPS and to ensure time synchronization of relays at Hoody SS.

85/I/4 Tripping of 220kV Sedam-RTPS 14-06-2019 Tripped on Directional Earth Fault indications in 1. KPTCL is recommended to enable A/R on all lines emanating from 220kV KPTCL KPTCL mail dated 12.02.20220: Pending
line-1&2 and 220kV Sedam- at 02:00 hrs Main-2 relay at Tandur end for fault at Raichur end. Sedam SS. The work is under progress, expected to be put in to service before end of
Tandur line Sedam end details not furnished. 2.KPTCL is recommended to commission BBP at 220kV Sedam SS February 2020

85/II/5 Tripping of 400/220 kV ICT-3 at 19-05-2019 As per FIR, ICT-3 got tripped on operation of High 1. KPTCL is recommended to enable auto-reclosure on all lines emanating KPTCL Yet to be informed Pending
Nelamangala substation at 16:11 hrs Set Over current trip on 400kV side from 400/ 220kv Neelamangala SS and to ensure time synchronization of relays
at Neelamangala SS.

85/II/11 Tripping of 400kV Hoody- 25-05-2019 Line tripped at Hoody end only and was holding KPTCL is recommended to check the spurious operation of SOTF protection at KPTCL Yet to be informed Pending
Yelahanka line-1 at 20:41 hrs from Yelahanka. Hoody SS and submit a report to SRPC regarding the same .

85/II/12 Tripping of 400/220 kV ICT-1at 26-05-2019 LV side of 400kV/220kV 315MVA ICT#1 Guttur 1. KPTCL is recommended to submit a report to SRPC after the CB pressure KPTCL Yet to be informed Pending
Guttur Substation at 10:00 hrs got tripped due to CB lockout (B phase)because of leakage problem is attended by OEM.
low SF6 gas in the CB 2.. KPTCL to ensure that during recharging of Circuit breakers, cylinders with
Non-return valve only are used to prevent sudden pressure drop in Circuit

85/II/22 Tripping of 400kV Dhoni- 06-06-2019 Line got tripped at Dhoni end. From DR Zone-3 KPTCL is recommended to submit a report regarding PSB maloperation along- KPTCL Yet to be informed Pending
Munirabad line at 02:01 hrs start, PSB and A/r block was observed. with the RM suggested by OEM. Proper legends shall be ensured for digital
signals at Doni end.

85/II/27 Tripping of 400/220kV ICT-2 at 16-06-2019 ICT-2 got tripped on operation of over-flux KPTCL is recommended to adopt v/f settings as per manufacture suggested KPTCL Yet to be informed Pending
Hoody substation at 19:20 hrs protection curve.
v/f setting for alarm: 1.1 time Vnominal; Time delay 10 seconds;
v/f trip setting : v/f is 1.2 time Vnominal;Time delay 60 seconds

Page 22 of 39
85/II/29 Tripping of 400kV Hiriyur- 22-06-2019 at 400kV Hiryur-Nelamangala line-1 : 'Y' phase KPTCL is recommended to submit equipment failure report to CEA regarding KPTCL Yet to be informed Pending
Nelamangala line-1 and 400kV 04:06hrs bushing of Hiriyur line-1 reactor failed at the reactor bushing failure and also to sort out time synchronization issues of
Gooty-Nelamangala line Nelamangala end resuting in a R-Y phase fault. 400kV Hiriyur-Nelamangala line.
Direct trip was sent to Hiryur.

400kV Gooty-Nelamangalaline : Line tripped at

Nelamangala end only due to mal-operation of Main-
2 distance protection relay (THR).

85/II/30 Tripping of 400/220kV ICT-1&2 24-06-2019 400/220kV ICT-1&2 at Munirabad end got tripped KPTCL is recommended to submit equipment failure report to CEA regarding KPTCL Yet to be informed Pending
at Munirabad substation at 20:50 hrs due to operation of High set of backup earth fault the CT and PT failure.
relay during failure of Y phase CT in 220kV
Munirabad-Kalyani steel feeder at Kalyani steel end

86/II/9 Tripping of 400 kV Neelamangala- 15-07-2019 line tripped on operation of OV st-1 protection at KPTCL to configure both OVR start and OVR trip in DR or EL at 400 kV Neelamangala SS. Time KPTCL KPTCL mail dated 30.10.2019: Pending
Mysore line-2 at 2:02 hr Neelamangala end and DT was received at Mysore end. DR of sync issues at 400 kV Neelamangala SS shall also be sorted out immediately. DR triggering has been done for OVR stage-1 operation in Mysore-2 line . GPS time
Nelamangala end was not available for validation of OV synchronisation of Power Grid bays will be taken up along with panel replacement work
protection operation envisaged under R&M.
OVR_start also to be configured.

Page 23 of 39
49/I/3 Complete outage of 220kV 29.10.2015 at 220kV Nagjheri-Ambewadi line-1 tripped at 13:33 1. KPCL to provide A/R on all 220 kV lines emanating from Nagjheri PH. KPCL/ KPTCL KPTCL Mail Recieved dated 22-11-2017: Pending
Ambewadi Substation of 14:34 hrs hrs due to B phase to earth fault. Ambewadi was 1. coordination of KPCL has been requested for enabling AR lines terminated to
KPTCL radially fed from Nagjheri power station through 2. KPTCL to provide A/R on all 220 kV lines emanating from Ambewadi SS. Nagajari.
220kV Nagjheri-Ambewadi line-2. Tripping of this 2. AR will be enabled at Ambewadi end for lines other than Ponda and Xeldom
line caused 220kV Bus shut down at Ambewadi and lines during retrofitting of Back Up protection by Distance protection relay at
remaining lines and transformers were hand tripped Ambewadi.

KPTCL Mail dadted 16.12.2017 & Review Meeting dated 19.12.2017:

1. KPTCL informed that Coordination of KPCL has been requested for enabling
AR lines terminated to Nagajari.
--- Pending
2. KPTCL informed that AR would be enabled at Ambewadi end for lines other
than Ponda and Xeldom lines during retrofitting of Back Up protection by
Distance protection relay at Ambewadi. -- Pending

KPTCL mail dated 20.12.2018:

2). Readiness from KPTCL for implementing AR is already confirmed to KPCL.
Decision pending from KPCL end.
KPCL mail dated 23.03.2019:
1) Proposal will be taken up for replacement of existing PZ1000 relays with new
version Numerical Line protection relays having IEC61850. Prepration of
specification is under progress.

KPCL mail dated 13.05.2019:

1) Budgetary offer obtained for replacement of existing PZ1000 relays with new
version Numerical Line protection relays having IEC61850. Preparation of
estimation and specification is under progress.

KPCL mail dated 25.05.2019 & 16.07.2019:

1) Replacement of existing PZ1000 relays with new version Numerical Line
protection relays having IEC61850 is included in PSDF Phase-II DPR. Approval
of NLDC for DPR is awaited. Further, availing administrative approval for issue
of NIT for replacement of existing PZ1000 relays with new version Numerical
Line protection relays having IEC61850 and preparation of estimation and
specification is under progress. Timeline for completion of work is July 2020.

KPCL mail dated 30.10.2019

1) Replacement of existing PZ1000 relays with new version Numerical Line
protection relays having IEC61850 is included in PSDF Phase-II DPR. Approval
of NLDC for DPR is awaited. NIT issued through e-portal on 16.09.2019. Pre-
bid meeting was held on 10.10.2019. Finalising of replies to pre-bid queries is in
KPCL mail dated 17.12.0219 and 11.02.2020:
1) ) Replacement of existing PZ1000 relays with new version Numerical Line
protection relays having IEC61850 is included in PSDF Phase-II DPR. Approval
of NLDC for DPR is awaited. NIT issued through e-portal on 16.09.2019. Cover-
1 opened on 02.12.2019. Technical evaluation is in progress.

51/I/3 Complete outage of 220 kV 22-02-2016 at 220kV lines from Nagjheri power house started 1. To avoid tripping of transmission lines on transient faults, KPCL/ KPTCL is KPCL/ KPTCL Status informed during Special Meeting held on 03.06.2016: Pending
Nagjheri power station and 12:36 hrs tripping from 11:00 hrs due to fault in lines. The recommended to carry out periodic patrolling of lines, and ensure their proper 1. KPTCL informed that the matter had been taken up with concerned Line
220 kV Ambewadi sequence of tripping is shown in SOE list. At 12:33 maintenance by carrying out jungle/ bushing clearance and trimming of tree Operation and Maintenance wing to carry out corridor clearance and maintenance
substation of KPTCL hrs, 220kV Narendra-Ambewadi lines-1&2 got branches within the RoW of transmission lines as per the SRPC transmission as per schedule to avoid frequent line faults in this corridor. A letter had also
tripped which resulted in loss of evacuation path to line patrolling guidelines (available under the menu item "All Uploads/ been addressed to Chief Engineer, Bhagalkot zone, to ensure lines in & around
Nagjheri station resulting in tripping of running Operation/ Miscellaneous/ Transmission Line Patrolling Protocol / Guidelines Kali complex are maintained in healthy condition. --- Completed
Units and complete outage at Nagjhheri power for Southern Region" on SRPC website). 2. KPTCL assurd that the final modified SPS would be implemented at Nagjheri
station. 220kV Ambewadi station also got de- PH at the earliest. ------ Pending
energized due to tripping of source feeders i.e. 2. KPCL/ KPTCL to review operation of SPS at NPH for functionality 3. KPCL informed that Nagjhari- Kodasalli Lines 1 & 2 had been kept in service
220kV Narendra-Ambewadi-1&2 and 220kV (reduction of generation with tripping of evacuating lines) and healthiness. since 23.05.2016 @ 08.06hrs.
Nagjheri-Ambewadi-1&2. --- Completed
3. KPCL to put 220 kV Kodasalli - Nagjheri D/C lines into service if more than
200 MW generation from Kali Complex (with Nagheri Contribution not less KPTCL Mail received dated 28-06-2016:
than 50 MW) is ensured on sustained basis. 2. Modifications to be carried in Nagzari SPS logic is submitted to
SRLDC/SRPC for verification and approval
Status received vide KPCL mail dated 14.06.2017:
1. Will be reviewed in consultation with EE(RT), KPTCL, Hubli.
3. Both the lines are in charged condition.

KPTCL Mail Recieved dated 22-11-2017:

1) & 3) --- Completed
2). Proposed revision in existing SPS scheme is already submitted to
SRLDC/SRPC., Yet to be discussed and approved by the SRPC forum. ---
KPTCL Mail dated 16.12.2017:
1) & 3). --- Completed.
2). Proposed revision in existing SPS scheme is already submitted to
SRLDC/SRPC., yet to be discussed and approved by the SRPC forum ---
Pendingmail dated 16.07.2019:
1 & 3) Completed.
2) Letter addressed to KPTCL RT dated: 25.03.2019 for review and
implementation of SPS at NPH. Reply from KPTCL is awaited.

KPCL mail dated 30.10.2019 and 17.12.2019 and 11.02.2020:

1 & 3) Completed.
2) KPTCL informed that Naghjeri SPS need to be revisited in view of changes in
system configuration. Reply from KPTCL is awaited

KPTCL mail dated 12.02.2020:

1 & 3) Completed.
2. The logic is being reviewed by SRLDC by conducting system studies for the
changed network configuration

Page 24 of 39
53/I/3 Complete outage of 220kV 18-03-2016 at Ambewadi Narendra line-2 tripped on fault and 1. KPCL to furnish a report on the reasons for Unit-6 tripping at Nagjheri PH. KPCL/ KPTCL KPTCL Mail received dated 28-06-2016: Pending
Ambewadi station of 14:40 hrs 220kV ambewadi Narendra line-1 tripped due to Modifications to be carried in Nagzari SPS logic is submitted to SRLDC/SRPC
KPTCL and 220kV over-loading. Running Units at Nagjheri also tripped 2. KPCL/ KPTCL to modify suitably the SPS at Nagjheri Power House such that for verification and approval
Nagjheri of KPCL during the event due to tripping of evacuating lines it would also factor in the over loading of Ambewadi-Narendra lines.
Status received vide KPCL mail dated 14.06.2017:
3. KPCL to put 220 kV Kodasalli - Nagjheri D/C lines into service if more than 1. Tripped since there was evacuation problem and there were only two lines NA-
200 MW generation from Kali Complex (with Nagheri Contribution not less 1 and NA-2 ---- Completed
than 50 MW) is ensured on sustained basis. 2. Will be reviewed in consultation with EE(RT), KPTCL, Hubli. --- Pending
3. Both the lines are in charged condition. --- Completed.

KPTCL Mail Recieved dated 22-11-2017:

2. Proposed revision in existing SPS scheme is already submitted to
SRLDC/SRPC., yet to be discussed and approved by the SRPC forum. ---

KPTCL Mail dated 16.12.2017:

1) & 3). --- Completed.
2). Proposed revision in existing SPS scheme is already submitted to
SRLDC/SRPC., yet to be discussed and approved by the SRPC forum ---

Review Meeting dated 19.12.2017:

2. The SPS proposed by KPTCL was discussed and the PCSC forum suggested
certain changes for suitable incorporation. KPTCL agreed to look into the same
and assured that the modified SPS would be furnished by January, 2018.

Review Meeting on 21.12.2018:

KPTCL informed that Nagjheri SPS shall be finalised in 1 month.

KPCL mail dated 23.01.2019 & 23.03.2019:

1) …Completed.
2) It shall be reviewd and Implemented by KPCL in coordination with KPTCL.
3) …Completed.

KPCL mail dated 10.05.2019 & 25.06.2019:

1. & 3. Completed
2) Letter addressed to KPTCL RT dated: 25.03.2019 for review and
implementation of SPS at NPH. Reply is awaited.

Review meeting on 27.06.2019:

2. KPTCL informed that Naghjeri SPS need to be revisited in view of changes in
system configuration.

KPCL mail dated 16.07.2019 & 30.10.2019 & 17.12.2019 & 11.02.2020:
1 & 3) Completed.
2) Letter addressed to KPTCL RT dated: 25.03.2019 for review and
implementation of SPS at NPH. Reply from KPTCL is awaited.

KPTCL mail dated 12.02.2020:

1. & 3. Completed
2. The logic is being reviewed by SRLDC by conducting system studies for the
changed network configuration

87/II/25 Tripping of 400 kV 28-09-2019 at 1:38 Line tripped on operation of over voltage stg-2 protection at KPTCL to ensure relay pickup to drop off ratio of 0.98 and above for relays configured for KPTCL Yet to be informed Pending
Nelamanagala-Mysore line-2 hr. Nelamangala and direct trip received at Mysore overvoltage protection.

88/II/13 Tripping of 400kV Talaguppa 19-10-2019 at 16:22 Line tripped on operation of OV St-1 protection at KPTCL to configure OVR_start in DR or EL and to sort out time synchronization issues between KPTCL Yet to be informed Pending
–Nelamangala line Hr. Nelamangala end and DT was sent to Talaguppa end. Talaguppa and Nelamanagala ends.

88/II/14 Tripping of 400/220kV ICT-2 at 22-10-2019 at 02:12 ICT#2 at Guttur got tripped on operation of Buchholz KPTCL to provide shielding for Buchholz relay to prevent such mal-operations. KPTCL Yet to be informed Pending
Guttur Hr. protection due to suspected moisture entry during rain.

89/1/1 Complete loss of supply at 220 14-12-2019 at 10:56 • Triggering incident was fault in 220 kV Hubli-Narendra Line- i. KPTCL to ensure A/R is in service in all 220 kV lines emanating from 220kV Hubli SS and KPTCL Yet to be informed Pending
kV Hubli SS, 220 kV Bidnal SS Hr. 2. 220kV Bidnal SS.
of KPTCL and 220 kV Nagjheri • Due to cascaded tripping of connected lines and loss of ii. KPTCL was requested to ensure proper planning of outages of transmission lines (i.e., outage
GS of KPCL evacuation, there was complete loss of supply at: planning should be as per N-1 contingency planning and not to cause stress on the system to
 220 kV Hubli SS & avoid complete outages due to fault in the Nagjhari- Hubli corridor.
220 kV Bidnal SS of KPTCL and iii. KPTCL to explore the possibility of split bus operation at 220 kV Hubli SS, in the event of
 220 kV Nagjheri GS of KPCL outage of any of the 220 kV Hubli – Narendra line, to prevent overloading of other line (Narendra
line) and 220kV Bidnal – Narendra line.
iv. KPTCL to submit the SPS for shedding of loads planned at 220kv Hubli SS.
v. KPTCL to expedite finalization of SPS at 220kV Nagjheri SS considering LILO of one circuit
of 220kV Haveri-Narendra line at Bidnal as part of RE evacuation and submit the study to SRPC
and SRLDC for scrutiny/ finalisation.
vi. KPTCL to ensure time synchronization of relays at 220kV Hubli, 220kV Bidnal, 220kV
Soundatti and 220kV Harthi.
vii. KPTCL to explore the possibility of conductor strengthening in Nagjheri – Hubli- Bidnal and
surrounding areas.

Page 25 of 39
89/1/2 Complete loss of supply at 220 25-12-2019 at 17:44 Triggering incident was line to line fault in 220 kV Shimoga- i. KPTCL to ensure Double Bus operation at 220 kV Shimoga SS to ensure reliability to prevent KPTCL Yet to be informed Pending
kV Shimoga SS of KPTCL. Hr. Sharavathi line -4. complete outage of Substation.
Bus-1 Bus bar protection operated at 220 kV Shimoga ii. KPTCL, in coordination with KPCL, to enable A/R in 220 kV Shimoga – Sharavathy lines.
resulting in complete loss of supply since all the elements were
connected to Bus-1 during antecedent conditions.

89/II/5 Tripping of 400/220 kV ICT-1 at 13-12-2019 at 16:27 · During replacement of 220 kV faulty relay ICT-1 at KPTCL to instruct substation maintenance personnel to be cautious while carrying out KPTCL Yet to be informed Pending
Talaguppa of KPTCL Hr. Talaguppa tripped without any relay indication. maintenance activities, so that similar trippings could be avoided.

89/III/1 Tripping of 400kV Kaiga – 11-10-2019 at 08:49 • Triggering incident was Y phase to Earth fault in the line. • KPTCL to study the A/R block signal issued due to misinterpretation of single phase fault as KPTCL Yet to be informed Pending
Guttur Line-2 Hr. • At Kaiga end, fault was detected in zone-1, A/r operated multi phase fault by distance relay (P442) and take suitable remedial actions.
And successfully.
26-10-2019 at 12:42 • At Guttur end, fault was sensed in zone-1 and A/r not
Hr. operated.
• Non operation of A/r at Guttur end needs review.

Tamil Nadu

62/II/7 Tripping of running Units 25-01-2017 at Failure of Bus Section-I Y-ph CT resulted in 1. TANGEDCO to replace existing Check-Zone relay with a new one possessing TANGEDCO TANGEDCO mail dated 15.04.2017: Pending Status?
& 230kV feeders at 22:36 hrs operation of bus-bar protection for Bus Sections -I & required performance. 1) New Relay is tested and ready for replacement.Now all 5 units are in
Tuticorin TPS of II. Running Units#1, 4 and 5, 230 kV Kayathar, service.The relay will be replaced when lesser units are in service. --- Pending
TANGEDCO 230kV Kudankulam, 230kV Sterlite, Station 2. TANGEDCO to take steps to provide numerical busbar protection at their 220 2.a)Steps are taken to renovate & mordernization of all the control panel into
Transformer-1, 2 & 3 got tripped during the kV Tuticorin TPS. TANGEDCO may also explore providing dual CT’s (on Numerical based control panels. --- Pending
(Gen Loss: 640 MW) incident. Unit – 2 & 3 were not in service. either side) for all B/S breaakers at the time of commissioning of numerical 2.b) Since 230 KV indoor switchyard has no spare space providing dual CT`s is
BBP, if there were no space constraints. not fessible. -- Completed
3) Procurement of EL & DR is under progress. --- Pending
3. TANGEDCO to take steps to provide for standalone Event Logger (EL) and
standalone Disturbance Recorder (DR) with automatic downloading facility to a TANGEDCO mail dated 26.04.2017:
centralized server. 1) Check zone New Relay is replaced on 17.04.2017 -- Completed.
2. --- Pending
3. --- Pending

TANGEDCO mail dated 13.12.2017:

2).P & C wing gives clearance to TTPS to procure the Bus bar protection relays
and protection relays and SER / DR system vide
Lr.CE/P&C/SE/D/EEPC4/AEE3/F.TECH/D.27/17 Dated: 05.10.2017. To get
administrative approval budgetary offer has bar protection relay from various
companies ----Pending
3). SRPC vide Lr: SRPC/SE- III/CEA/2017/6450/DT:27.10.2017 gives features
of SER/DR. Budgetary offer will be called for SER / DR having above features.

Review Meeting dated 19.12.2017:

2) & 3) The issue was discussed and TANGEDCO was asked to provide time-line
for implementing the recommendations.

Mail dated 29.01.2018:

Procurement work is under progress and will be completed by December 2018.

Review Meeting on 21.12.2018:

TANTRANSCO informed that Tender would be floated by January 2019 and
Procurement is expected by APril 2019. Works would be completed by December

Review meeting on 27.06.2019:

2. Tender issued. Timline- July 2020.
3. Tender has to be issued. Timline- July 2020.
Mail dated 18.07.2019
2) Tender has been lodged two times. New indent was reaised on 06.07.19. and
tender floating is expected by August 2019. 3) Tender has
been lodged on 15.07.19 and new indent would be raised for the same shortly.

TANGEDCO mail dated 17.12.2019 and 12.02.2020:

2) e - tender has been opened on 26.11.19 and placing of purchase order is
expected by January 2020.
3) New Indent was raised on 26.08.19 and procurement is undr progress.

TANGEDCO mail dated 12.02.2020:

2)For busbar protection relays: Placing of purchase order is expected by the end
of this month and delivery period is 80 days from the date of issuing of PO.After
the supplying of materials, the replacement work will be taken up during possible
230kV Bus LC. --Pending
3) For Stanalone Disturbance Recorder: Specification approval has been sought
from our HQ for floating of the tender on 23.12.2019. Again,Reply was sent on
03.02.2020 for the clarification raised by HQ. After obtaing of the approval from
HQ, tender will be floated. - Pending

Page 26 of 39
50/I/3 Complete outage of 230kV 21-12-2015 at Busbar protection got operated for a fault in 230kV TANTRANSCO to examine the feasibility of providing two main-zone operation TANTRANSCO TANTRANSCO Mail received on 19-02-2016 and 24-03-2016: Pending
Mywadi station of 6:28 hrs Mywadi-Anaikadavu line for bus bar protection by exploring various alternatives like replacing existing Revision of Bus Bar Protection setting was carried out. The stabilizing voltage
TANTRANSCO bus-coupler CB with a hybrid bus-coupler CB that comes with inbuilt CT, setting was raised from 410 to 450 volts. After completing the necessary test, the
replacing existing BBP relay with another suitable relay that supports two main- bus bar protection put in to service on 29.12.2015.
zone operation, and implement the same. Mail Received on 27-04-2016 ,16-06-2016,25-07-2016 & 24-09-2016:
Revision of Bus Bar Protection setting was carried out. After completing the
necessary test, the bus bar protection put in to service on 29.12.2015.
Mail received on 10-11-2016 & 20.12.2016:
Provision of Bus Coupler bay arrangement was included in the Upgradation
works proposed and the same was sanctioned by MoP through PSDF.
Numerical relay allotted and being commissioned.
Mail received on 20-02-2017:
Numerical BBP relay was commissioned on 02.02.2017
Status received vide mail dated 18-09-2017 & 31-20-2017:
Numerical BBP relay was commissioned on 02.02.2017. Provision of CT in Bus
Coupler bay is arranged and zone segregation will be provided.
Status received vid email dated 12-12-2017:
Numerical BBP relay was commissioned on 02.02.2017. Provision of CT in Bus
Coupler bay has been allotted. Zone segregation will be provided after
commissioning of CT.
Review Meeting dated 19.12.2017:
TANTRANSCO informed that the recommendation would be complied with by
Status received vid email dated 11-12-2018:
Civil work completed & CT will be commissioned after strengthening Bus .2
conductor jumpers.Awaiting Bus LC Time line before January 2019.


Erection under progress will be completed before 31.01.2019
Buscoupler bay will be commissioned by June 2019


Buscoupler bay configuation in BBP will be completed by June 2019. Bus
segregation will be ensured by 31.12.2019 after attending Isolator status


Buscoupler bay configuation in BBP will be completed by June 2019. Bus
segregation will be ensured by 31.12.2019 after attending Isolator status

TANTRANSCO mail dated 12.02.2020:

Busbar protection with Zone segregation work have been completed . Double bus
operation can be done after strengthening of bus (Twin Moose to Quad Moose).
Time line requested upto 30.06.2020.

55/I/1 Complete outage of 230 kV 12-05-2016 at Flashover of Auto Transformer- 2 HV TANTRANSCO to take steps to provide double-bus operation at their 230 kV TANTRANSCO Mail recieved on 25-07-2016 & 24-09-2016: Pending
(GD) Gummidipoondi Station of 12:15 hrs B-phase Isolator supporting insulator of 230kV Gummidipoondi SS. TANTRANSCO: Auto Transformer-2 HV side Bus isolator 'C'-phase support
TANTRANSCO Southern Bus occurred at Gummidipoondi station. insulator of 230kV Southern Bus was replaced and Bus Bar Protection scheme
At the time of fault, Bus bar protection relay was not was restored on 12.05.2016.
in service for pre-commissioning testing of Auto Status received vide mails received on 10-11-2016 & 20.12.2016 & 12.04.2017
Transformer-2. All feeders got tripped due to & 01.06.2017 & 15-06-2017 & 04.08.2017 & 18.09.2017:
operation of zone-2 protection from remote ends. CT is not available in the Bus Coupler bay for zone segregation. CT latch relay is
to be provided for all bays for zone segregation.

Status received vide mails received on 31-10-2017 & 12-12-2017:

Numerical Bus bar protection panel allotted and will be commissioned with zone
TANTRANSCO MAIL DATED 22.05.2018 & 08.06.2018:
Numerical Busbar protection relay commissioned on 14.05.2018
Control & Status of isolator feedeback to be provided by replacement of Drive
Mechanism box.
Control & Status of isolator feedeback to be provided by replacement of Drive
Mechanism box.
Control & Status of isolator feedeback to be provided by replacement of Drive
Mechanism box. Timeline requested upto Dec 2018.

Status received vid email dated 11-12-2018:

1. TANTRANSCO: Estimate sanctioned for replacement of defective isolator
status feedback. Work under progress. Lightning mask work under progress will
be completed within three days.

Review Meeting on 21.12.2018:

TANTRANSCO informed that Double bus operation would be provided by
March, 2019.


Isolator status will be ensured by March 2019

Page 27 of 39
New 230kV isolators have been allotted for replacement of defective isolators.
Hence time line requested upto June.2019.

TANTRANSCO MAIL DATED 13.06.2019 & 18.07.2019:

New 230kV isolators have been allotted for replacement of defective isolators.
Hence time line requested uptoSep.2019


New 230kV isolators have been allotted for replacement of defective isolators.
Time line requested upto March 2020.

Page 28 of 39
58 Different type and Make of distance protection relays to be provided for Main-I & Main-II protection for 230kV feeders at 400 kV Sunguvarchathiram & 230 kV Sunguvarchathiram TANTRANSCO The issue was discussed in PCSC-58 meeting held on 18.10.2016, when PCSC Pending
Substation [Carry-Over from Protection Audit Recommendations] forum agreed to de-link the implementation of the Item from the scope of
Protection Audit Recommendations (PAR), and pursue it as part of PCSC

Status received vide mails dated 10.01.2017 & 12.04.2017 & 01.06.2017 &15-
06-2017 & 04.08.2017 & 18.09.2017 & 31-10-2017& 12-12-2017:
Different make Relays will be provided for Main-I & II relays at
Sunguvarchatram end in a phased manner.


TANTRANSCO informed that the recommended works of providing different
make Relays for Main-I & Main-II are targeted to be completed by September,


provision of Different make Relays for Main-I & Main-II will be completed by
September, 2018.


Different make Relays will be provided for Main-I & II relays at
Sunguvarchatram end in a phased manner. Timeline: September-2018.

TANTRANSCO MAIL DATED 29.08.2018 & 11.09.2018:

Different make Relays will be provided for Main-I & II relays at
Sunguvarchatram end in a phased manner. Timeline: September-2019.


Different make Relays will be provided for Main-I & II relays at
Sunguvarchatram end in a phased manner. Timeline: September-2019


Different make Relays will be provided for Main-I & II relays at
Sunguvarchatram end in a phased manner. Timeline: September-2019.

TANTRANSCO MAIL DATED 13.06.2019 & 18.07.2019:

Different make Relays will be provided for Main-I & II relays at
Sunguvarchatram end in a phased manner. Timeline: September-2019


Different make Relays will be provided for Main-I & II relays at
Sunguvarchatram end in a phased manner. Timeline: June 2020.

58/II/17 Multiple tripping at 230 kV 14-09-2016 at Bus Bar Protection (Zone-2) of 230 kV Bus-B got 1. TANTRANSCO to check the healthiness of BBP relay by conducting stability TANTRANSCO Mail received on 10-11-2016 & 20.12.2016: Pending
Alamathy Station 11:13Hrs operated at Alamathy Station during fault in 230 kV test, and take appropriate remedial action like increasing voltage settings, 1. The Bus Bar Protection scheme will be tested for healthiness including the CT
Alamathy-Korattur feeder. ensuring the healthiness of CT’s, using CT’s with similar characteristics (equal circuits.
saturation effects & equal winding resistances) etc. at their 230 kV Alamathy 2. High impedance BBP relay will be replaced by Numerical relay.
SS. Status received vide mails dated 10.01.2017 & 12.04.2017 & 01.06.2017 & 15-
2. TANTRANSCO to replace the existing high-impedance BBP relay with its 1. The Bus Bar Protection scheme was tested for healthiness including the CT
low-impedance/ numerical variant so as to accommodate variation in CT circuits. AREVA make CTs in Alamathy SS are having different kneepoint
characteristics at their 230 kV Alamathy SS. voltage for the cores. CT cores of higher knee point voltage has been choosen for
BBP in 230kV Korattur, 230kV OPG-1 & 230kV OPG-2 feeders on 29.11.2016. --
-- Completed.

2. High impedance BBP relay will be replaced by Numerical relay. --- Pending,

Status received vide mails dated 04.08.2017 & 18.09.2017 & 31-10-2017 & 12-
1. ---- Completed
2. High impedance BBP relay will be replaced by Numerical relay. --- Pending
15-09-2016 at Bus Bar Protection (Zone1) of 230kV Bus-A got
22:14 hrs operated at Alamathy Station during fault in 230 kV Review Meeting dated 19.12.2017:
Alamathy-OPG-1 feeder. 2) TANTRANSCO informed that Numerical BBP would be provided by April,
2018 --- Pending
TANTRANSCO mail received on 25-01-2018:
1. --- Complied.
2. High impedance BBP relay will be replaced by Numerical relay. Timeline:

TANTRANSCO MAIL DATED 22.05.2018 & 08.06.2018 & 23.07.2018:

2.Numerical BBP relay will be provided. Timeline: Sep-2018.

TANTRANSCO MAIL DATED 29.08.2018 & 11.09.2018:

1. Complied
2.Numerical BBP relay will be provided. Timeline: Sep-2018.

Page 29 of 39
Numerical BBP relay to procured. Timeline: Sep-2019.


Numerical BBP relay to be procured. Timeline: Sep-2019.

TANTRANSCO MAIL DATED 19.03.2019 & 13.06.2019 & 18.07.2019:

Numerical BBP relay to be procured. Timeline: Sep-2019.

Review meeting on 27.06.2019:

Timeline requested upto July 2020.


Timeline requested upto July 2020.

Page 30 of 39
64/1/4 Complete outage of North 26-03-2017 Tripping of evacuating lines due to fault led to 1. TANTRANSCO to take steps to complete insulator replacement works on the TANTRANSCO Status received vide mails dated 04.08.2017 & 18.09.2017 & 31-10-2017: Pending
Chennai TPS STG-1 at 23:14hrs tripping of running Unit at NCTPS Stg-1 230 kV lines owned by them in NCTPS area within 6 months. 1. All the Porcelain insulators were replaced with Polymer insulators in 230kV
NCTPS-I - Tondiarpet feeders - 1 & 2.
2. TANTRANSCO to take steps to implement A/R on all 230 kV lines ---- Completed
emanating from NCTPS-I at the earliest. 2. AR will be implemented on all 230kV lines emanating from NCTPS-I. ---

Status received vid email dated 12-12-2017:

1. Completed
2. The scheme needs modification to enable AR, since AR was not envisaged for
this station during commissioning. AR will be implemented on all 230kV lines
emanating from NCTPS-I within six months. --- Pending

Review Meeting dated 19.12.2017:

2) TANTRANSCO informed that A/R would be implemented on all 230 kV lines
emanating from NCTPS-I by June, 2018.

TANTRANSCO mail received on 25-01-2018:

1. Complied.
2. The scheme needs modification to enable AR, since AR was not envisaged for
this station during commissioning. AR will be implemented on all 230kV lines
emanating from NCTPS-I within six months. Timeline:June-2018.


2. The scheme needs modification to enable AR, since AR was not envisaged for
this station during commissioning. AR will be implemented on all 230kV lines
emanating from NCTPS-I Timeline:Sep -2018.

TANTRANSCO mail received on 08-06-2018:

1. Complied.
2. The scheme needs modification to enable AR, since AR was not envisaged for
this station during commissioning. AR will be implemented on all 230kV lines
emanating from NCTPS-I Timeline:Sep -2018.


AR implemented for 4 feeders and remaining lines will be provided with AR


1. Complied
2. AR enabled for 3 feeders.


1. Complied
2. AR enabled for 5 feeders.


2. Enabling AR pending for 3 feeders. ( Sriperumpudhur end breaker problem,
Tondiarpet & Alamathy feeder . static relay to be replaced. Timeline - 1 year


Enabling AR pending for 3 feeders. ( Sriperumpudhur end breaker problem,
Tondiarpet & Alamathy feeder . static relay to be replaced. Timeline -Sep 2019

TANTRANSCO MAIL DATED 19.03.2019 & 13.06.2019 & 18.07.2019:

Enabling AR pending for 3 feeders. ( Sriperumpudhur end breaker problem,
Tondiarpet & Alamathy feeder . static relay to be replaced. Timeline -Sep 2019


1. (i). Polymer insulators has been provided in all the 400 kV evacuation lines
from NCTPS end up to 5 KMs. Replacement of Polymer insulator in 230 kV lines
are under progress for the 230 kV lines emanating from NCTPS.
2. Enabling AR pending for 3 feeders. ( Sriperumpudhur end breaker problem,
Tondiarpet & Alamathy feeder . static relay to be replaced. Since the CBs and
the Control & Relay Panels (CRP) are very old and commissioned during 1993.
The Distance relays even though are numerical due to ageing its display and
resetting keys are faulty. Hence it is proposed to replace the CBs & CRPs with
new CBs and Protection relay panel with SAS. A.R will be put into service after
replacing the CB & CRP.

77/II/9 Multiple trippings at TANTRANSCO to refer the issue of selective tripping of 400 kV side breakers, TANTRANSCO mail dated 11.09.2018: Pending
400 kV Manali Substation and non-tripping of 230 kV side breakers due to operation of Densimeters on OEM will be referred
low pressure in the instant case to their OEM, and share OEM’s advice/ remedy
in this regard. Review Meeting on 21.12.2018:
TANTRANSCO was asked to update the status.

TANTRANSCO MAIL DATED 23.01.2019, 19.03.2019 & 13.06.2019:

The issue was referred with OEM & reply awaited.

Review meeting on 27.06.2019:

OEM reply shall be communicated by end of July 2019

TANTRANSCO mail dated 18.07.2019:

The issue was referred with OEM & reply awaited


The issue was referred with OEM & reply awaited.

Page 31 of 39
79/I/3 Complete outage of 230 kV 05-10-2018 at Bus-1 got tripped at 230 kV Thiruvalam substation TANTRANSCO to take steps to implement multi-bus, multi-zone operation TANTRANSCO TANTRANSCO MAIL DATED 11-12-2018: Pending
Thiruvalam Substation 14:32 hrs due to spurious LBB relay (independent) operation (Double-bus operation) at their 230 kV Thiruvalam SS by December, 2018. Due to space constraint, the equipments could not be erected.
of 230kV Thiruvalam Chittoor line. 230kV Review Meeting on 21.12.2018:
Thiruvalam substation was under single bus It was noted that the station was on a single (Main) bus and there was not even
operation; hence operation of LBB protection transfer bus. In view of the importance of 230 kV Thiruvalam SS,
resulted in tripping of all connected elements TANTRANSCO was asked to take steps to provide dobule-bus operation at their
resulting in the complete outage 230 kV Tiruvalam SS.

TANTRANSCO MAIL DATED 23.01.2019 & 19.03.2019:

Feasibility for providing hybrid breaker / shifting of bays will be studied & action
will be taken. Time upto Sep 2019

TANTRANSCO MAIL DATED 13.06.2019 & 18.07.2019:

Bus segregation will be ensured by providing bus coupler bay by extending the
existing Bus.Time line 31.12.2019.

TANTRANSCO MAIL DATED 11.11.2019 and 12.02.2020

Bus segregation will be ensured by providing bus coupler bay by extending the
existing Bus.Time line 31.12.2020.

82/I/1 Complete outage of 400kV 28-01-2019 Failure of ‘R-phase’ HV side Current transformer 1) TANTRANSCO to ensure proper legends for DR Digital signals and all TANTRANSCO TANTRANSCO MAIL DATED 13.06.2019: Pending
Sriperumbudur station at 01:15 Hrs (CT) of 315MVA 400/230kV ICT-3 at 400kV required events(including CB status, Type of protection operated) are captured 1. At present Duobias relay avaiable I/O configuration could not be carried
Sriperumbudur substation (400kV TANTRANSCO in Event logger. out.after changing the relay Digital signals will be configured
switchyard). 2) TANTRANSCO to extend BBP trip from BusBar relay to 86A (with source-1 2.COMPLIED
DC) in addition to 86B (with source-2 DC), or to provide Common trip relay 96 3.Provision of Numerical BBP relay covered under R&M work. Tender under
with redundant DC supply. progress.
3) TANTRANSCO to inform the action plan with timelines for providing 4.out of 30 CTs, 21 No CTs have been replaced with new one.
Numerical BBP at Sriperumbdur SS .
4) TANTRANSCO to check the healthiness of all CT’s in the stationand submit Review meeting on 27.06.2019:
a report regarding the same to SRPC to prevent any such occurrence in future. 1. , 3. Timeline requested upto July 2020.
2. Complied
4. Timeline requested upto September 2019.

TANTRANSCO mail dated 18.07.2019:

1. At present Duobias relay avaiable I/O configuration could not be carried
out.after changing the relay Digital signals will be configured
3.Provision of Numerical BBP relay covered under R&M work. Tender under
4.out of 30 CTs, 21 No CTs have been replaced with new one.

TANTRANSCO mail dated 11.11.2019 and 12.02.2020:

1. At present Duobias relay avaiable I/O configuration could not be carried
out.after changing the relay Digital signals will be configured
3.Provision of Numerical BBP relay covered under R&M work. Tender under
4.out of 3 CTs, 27 No CTs have been replaced with new one.

85/II/1 Tripping of 400/230kV 13-05-2019 at ICT-3 got tripped on the activation of HV REF 1. TANTRANCO is recommended to sort out the malfunctioning of ICT Ref TANTRANSCO TANTRANSCO mail dated 11.11.2019: Pending
MANALI ICT-3 2:42 hrs protection. During test charging of 110 kV Manali- protection in consultation with OEM and submit a detailed report regarding the 1. The issue was addressed to OEM reply awaited.
ETPS -1 , the 110 kV ETPS -1 got tripped on the same in 1 month time. 2. Uniform Labelling of Digital signal will be ensured.
activation of Back up relay and Distance relay failed 2. TANTRANSCO is recommended to ensure proper labelling of all digital
to act signals in Disturbance recorders of lines and ICTs at Manali SS. TANTRANSCO mail dated 12.02.2020:
1. The issue was addressed to OEM reply awaited.
2. Proper labeling of D.R has been implemented.

87/II/7 Outage of 230 kV Bus-1 at 19-08-2019 at 12:28 Triggering incident was jumper cut of 230 kV Madurai- 1.TANTRANSCO to submit a report regarding non-operation of A/R at Renganathapuram and to TRANTRANSCO TANTRANSCO mail dated 12.02.2020: Pending Report when sent?
400/230 kV Madurai station of hr. Ranganathapuram feeder. Bus bar protection of Bus-1 change the digital signal legend from carrier fail to carrier healthy. 1. Complied
TANTRANSCO operated resulting in tripping of all elements connected to 2. TANTRANSCO to configure digital signals corresponding to CB status in DR and sort out time 2.Complied
230 kV bus-1. synchronization issues at 230 kV Checkanurani SS.

87/II/18 Multiple Tripping at 230kV 10-09-2019 at 13:24 Triggering incident was B phase to Earth fault in 230 kV 1.TANTRANSCO to submit a report regarding non-operation of A/R at Renganathapuram and to TANTRANSCO TANTRANSCO mail dated 12.02.2020: Pending Report when sent?
Checkanurani S/s of hr. Checkanurani - Renganathapuram line. Persistent fault current change the digital signal legend from carrier fail to carrier healthy. 1. Complied
TANTRANSCO resulted in the operation of LBB protection and all the elements 2.TANTRANSCO to configure digital signals corresponding to CB status in DR and sort out time 2.Complied
connected at Bus-1 got tripped since 230 kV Checkanurani- synchronization issues at 230 kV Checkanurani SS
Renganathapuram line was connected at Bus-1 during
antecedent conditions

88/II/10 Tripping of Bus-A at 230kV 13-10-2019 at 11:29 · Triggering incident was R-N fault in 230kV Alamathy – i. TANTRANSCO to configure DR and EL legends properly and submit a complete DR at TANTRANSCO TANTRANSCO mail dated 12.02.2020: Pending Complete DR when submitted?
Alamathy station Hr. OPG2 feeder. Almathy end clearly showing A/R operation. Complied
• Simultaneously jumper got cut in 230kV Alamathy-OPG1 ii. TANTRANSCO to ensure time synchronization of relays at Almathy and Almathy_OPG.
connected to Bus-A.
• Bus bar protection of Bus-A operated.

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88/III/2 Tripping of 220kV Idukki – 05-10-2019 at 16:35 Line tripped on B-N fault. Line tripped at Idukki end on Zone- For the subject line, the following shall be carried out by KSEBL in coordination with TANTRANSCO TANTRANSCO mail dated 12.02.2020: Pending
Udumalpet line Hr. 1, distance protection and at Udumalpet end on Zone-2. A/R TANTRANSCO: Carrier set healthy at Udumelpet end. Healthiness of link will be checked after getting confirmation
was attempted at Idukki end but locked out due to persistent i. End-to-end testing for DT/ permissive& other signals may be ensured by testing at both the ends. from KSEB
fault. A/R did not operate at Udumalpet end. ii. Healthiness of PLCC system components (hardware and software) at both the ends shall be
checked and faulty components shall be repaired/ replaced. KSEBL mail dated 11.02.2020:
PLCC system in IDUD feeder at Idukki is not working well. Purchase process for the new panel is
under progress.It will be commissioned by April 2020.

89/II/2 Tripping of 400/230 kV ICT-2 at 28-11-2019 at 10:43 • 400 kV SVC SS-ICT2- R phase tripped on percentage TANTRANSCO Yet to be informed Pending
Sungavarchatram SS of Hr. Differential & REF protection.
TANTRANSCO • During test charging of 110 KV Oragdam-SP Koil-1# at 230
KV Oragadam SS the feeder got tripped on SOTF due to R i. TANTRANSCO to test all CTs (secondary voltage measurement and Tandelta measurement)
phase CT blast. and replace if CTs found mal-operating. CT cable also needs to be tested.
ii. TANTRANSCO to furnish the OEM findings regarding the tripping at the earliest .

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58/I/1 Complete outage of 220 kV 23-08-2016 Triggering incident was conductor snapping in 110 KSEB to take steps to provide the following at their 220/ 110 kV Kalamassery KSEB KSEB Mail received vide dated 17.01.2017: Pending
(GD) Kalamassery Substation at 11:20 hrs kV Kalamassery- Kaloor feeder SS: 1. 110 kV bus bar protection progressing ----Pending
1. Busbar protection at 110 kV level 2. Connection of 220kV earth mat and 110 kV plate earthing system completed.---
- Completed
2. Connecting 220 kV and 110 kV sides on to a common earthmat 3. Redundancy of 110V DC system in progress. Complete independent
redundancy is not practical for the time being. 48 V DC redundancy was already
3. Redundant DC supply for both protection (220 V) and communication (48 V) there. ----Pending
applications 4. Instead of stand alone event logger, SCADA system of 110 kV feeder is
Status received vide mail dated 12-12-2017:
4. Stand-alone Event Logger 1. Detailed engineering of the scheme has been completed. Material procurement
is in progress. ---Pending
2.,3. ---- Completed
4. The SOE and DR are available with time stamping from the numerical relays.
Hence stand alone event logger is not necessary ----- Completed

Status received vide mail dated 11-12-2018:

Work has been already tendered. It is expected that purchase process will
completed within three months.

Status received vide mail dated 17.01.2019:

At the time of bid only one bidder participated and the work has been retendered.

Status received vide mail dated 19.03.2019:

Status as on 18.03.2019: Based on the retender, have received two offers from 1)
Status received vide mail dated 03.05.2019:
Sanction to issue purchase order in progress. Time Frame is January 2020 .

Review meeting on 27.06.2019.

1. BBP will be commissioned by December 2019.
2.,3.,4. Completed

KSEBL mail dated 16.12.2019:

1)The station authorities have already initiated action to implement the same by
June 2020.
2.,3.,4. Completed

KSEBL mail dated 11.02.2020:

1)The station authorities have already initiated action to implement the same by
April 2020.
2.,3.,4. Completed

79/I/1 Complete Outage of 220 kV 01-10-2018 at Triggering incident was R-Ph fault in 220kV Idukki- 1). KSEBL to check & correct the LBB time setting employed at their Idukki PH KSEBL Status received vide mail dated 11-12-2018: Pending
Idukki Power Station 04:16 hrs Kalamassery line-2. R-phase pole of breaker didn’t to 200 msec. 1) Present setting is 180ms.OEM(ABB) suggests that it will give around 200ms
open at Idukki end. LBB of Bus-2 operated resulting delay as it is having inherent delay is of around 20ms(ie, 180ms +20ms
in tripping of all connected elements along with 2). KSEBL o ensure that DR’s & EL’s of all Protection Relays (PR’s) at their =200ms).With this setting the fault clearence is found after 220ms.So further
running Unit#4 at Idukki and 50MVA station Idukki PH are configured for recording all mandated protections & signals. revision may be carried out after discussion.
transformer. At the same time, 220kV Idukki 2)Breaker status will be ready only after completing the GOOSE network as part
Kalamassery line-1 also got tripped at Idukki end. of renovation of all feeder panels and Idukki first stage units by June 2019 .
Subsequently running Units 1 and 2 also tripped on
Governor oil Low Pressure due to loss of AC supply. Status received vide mail dated 03.05.2019:
This resulted in complete outage of Idukki PS. 1) Pending.....
2)Breaker status will be ready only after completing the GOOSE network as part
of renovation of all feeder panels and Idukki first stage units by January 2020

Review meeting on 27.06.2019.

1. 2. work under progress

KSEBL mail dated 30.10.2019:

1. As recommended, LBB time setting is changed to 200ms on 22.10.2019

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KSEBL mail dated 15.01.2020
1. Completed
2)Breaker status will be ready only after completing the GOOSE network as part
of renovation of all feeder panels and Idukki first stage units by March 2020 ---

KSEBL mail dated 12.02.2020:

1) Completed
2)Breaker status will be ready only after completing the GOOSE network as part
of renovation of all feeder panels and Idukki first stage units by June 2020.

80/II/5 Multiple trippings at 220 15-10-2018 at Triggering incident was Y-phase to ground fault in KSEBL to take steps to replace the existing static (high impedance type) 220 kV KSEBL Status received vide mail dated 11-12-2018: Pending
kV Madakathra station 08:57 Hrs 220kV Madakathra – Palakkad_KL (Ellapully) line BBP with numerical Busbar protection at their 220 kV Madakathara SS. In progress
due to flashover of pilot insulator string. Auto-
reclose was successful at Madakathra end. At the Status received vide mail dated 19.03.2019:
same time bus differential relay Zone-C mal- Status as on 18.03.2019: Estimate sanctioned by CE(Transmission North ) and
operated resulting in tripping of all elements have prepared the technical specifications.Tendering procedures are yet to get
connected to the bus. started.

Status received vide mail dated 03.05.2019:

At the time of bid only one bidder participitated and the work has been

Status received vide mail dated 07.06.2019:

Retendering process in progress. Time Frame is January 2020 .

Review meeting on 27.06.2019.

work has been awarded

KSEBL mail dated 16.12.2019:

Drawing varification is under progress.Work will be completed by the end of
March 2020

KSEBL mail dated 11.02.2020:

Work will be completed by the end of June 2020

82/I/5 Complete Outage of 220kV 08-02-2019 at Complete outage of 220kV Brahmapuram SS 1) KSEBL to furnish detailed report regarding the healthiness of BBP operation KSEBL Status received vide mail dated 03.05.2019 & 11.202.2020: Pending
Bhramapuram substation of 10:28 hrs occurred due to suspected mal operation of Bus Bar at 220kV Brahmapuram after testing of the same on 12th April 2019. 1) Detailed report sent on 02.05.2019…..Completed.
KSEB protection. 2) KSEBL to submit the action plan regarding 2) As reported earlier in this regard, the permanent solution to this problem is to
(i) Replacing of the Static High impedance BBP (using CRM relays) with replace the existing high impedance static relay with a low impedance numerical
Numerical BBP. relay. The station authorities have already initiated action to implement the same
(ii) Replacement of CRM relays and relays with no Disturbance recording by June 2020.

84/I/3 Complete outage of 220 kV 27-05-2019 at Triggering incident was three phase to earth fault in 1.KSEBL may develop proper operational code for procedures to be followed KSEBL KSEBL mail dated 30.07.2019: Pending
Edamon SS of KSEB 12:30 hr. 220 kV Edamon Bus 1 and 2. Bus 1 and 2 Bus bar while performing operations in switchyard and sensitize their operators to reduce 1. proper operrational code is avilalable in 220kV SS Edamon
protection operated resulting in the tripping of all operational errors. 2.ksEBL to ensure time synchronization of relays at 2. All 220KV relays of Edamon substation are synchronized with GPS clock . Out
connected elements. 220 kV Edamon SS. of this, 3 relays are having hardware issues with time synchronisation switch .
This problem will be resolved by August 2019 itself.
KSEBL mail dated 28.08.2019
2. By August 2019, could rectify the hardware issue with 2 relays. Other will be
done by September 2019.

KSEBL mail dated 30.10.2019:

Have taken steps to rectify the hardware issue with the 3rd relay and will be
completed by end of December 2019

KSEBL mail dated 16.12.2019:

Have taken steps to rectify the hardware issue with the 3rd relay and will be
completed by end of March 2020

KSEBL mail dated 11.02.2020:

Have taken steps to rectify the hardware issue with the 3rd relay and will be
completed by end of April 2020

87/II/14 Tripping of 400/220 kV 29-08-2019 at ICT-3 got tripped during testing of busbar protection KSEBL to submit a report after providing separate breaker failure relays for KSEBL KSEBL mail dated 16.12.2019: Pending
ICT-3 at Trichur 16:32 hr ICT-3 and sorting out the time synchronization issues of relays at 400 kV 1) Relay purchase is expected to be completed by Feb 2020. Report will be
Madakkathara SS. complted by March 2020.
2) GPS connection issues were resolved

KSEBL mail dated 11.02.2020:

1)Work will be completed by the end of June 2020
2) completed.

88/II/1 Complete loss of supply at 220kV 03-11-2019 at 15:05  Triggering incident was bus fault at Bus-2 of 220kV Idukki 1. KSEBL to submit a report after detailed inspection of Busbar relay regarding reason for KSEBL KSEBL mail dated 11.02.2020: Pending
Idukki GS of KSEB Hr. station. operation of checkzone during through fault. 1)It was noticed that Bus coupler CT input was wrongly connected to bus bar protection. Rectified
• This led to operation of bus bar protection at Idukki resulting 2. KSEBL to ensure equal distribution of feeders on both buses to reduce supply interruption in the maloperation issues.Disconnected Bus coupler CT input to Busbar protection.Now working Ok.
in complete loss of supply at Idukki station. case of BBP operation of one Bus. -- Completed 2) Instructions have already been conveyed
3. KSEBL to rectify time sync issue at 220kV Idukki GS. for equal distribution of feeders and generators in both buses. -- Completed
3)Time suncronization will be rectified after RMU of Idukki feeders & 1st stage generatos by June
2020. --Pending

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89/1/5 Complete loss of supply at 220 08-01-2020 at 14:22 • Triggering incident was conductor snapping of 220 kV KSEBL to replace existing high impedance BBP and mal-operating check Zone relay with Low KSEBL Yet to be informed Pending
kV Kanhirode, 220 kV Hr. Kanhirode – Ambalathara feeder. impedance BBP at 220kV Kanhirode SS.
Ambalathara, 220 kV Mylatty, • Bus bar protection at 220 kV Kanhirode SS operated resulting
220 kV Thaliparamba and 220 in tripping of all connected elements.
kV Orkattery SS of KSEB • There was complete loss of supply at 220 kV Ambalathara,
Mylatty, Thaliparamba and Orkattery SS of KSEB since these
station were radially fed from 220 kV Kanhirode station.

89/II/1 Tripping of Bus-1 and Bus-2 at 26-11-2019 at 09:04 • Bus bar protection of Bus-1 operated resulting in tripping of KSEBL to expedite the process of providing numerical BBP in place of mal-operating CRM KSEBL Yet to be informed Pending
220 kV Brahmapuram station of Hr. all elements connected to Bus-1 at 220 kV Brahmapuram. relays at 220 kV Brahmapuram SS.


85/II/16 Tripping of 400kV Tumkur- 29-05-2019 at Lines tripped due to Y-N & Y-B phase to earth fault PGCIL (SR-2) is recommended to submit Equipment failure report to CEA PGCIL (SR-II) Yet to be informed Pending
Bidadi line-1&2, 400kV 6:11 hrs regarding the failed LA.
Tumkur-Cuddapah line-2,
400kV Tumkur-Pavagada
84/II/15 Tripping of 400kV Bus-1 Triggering
25-04-2019 at 08:01 hr. incident was failure of R-ph CB of bus 1. PGCIL (SR-II) was requested to send the equipment failure report to CEA. PGCIL (SR-II) PGCIL (SR-2) mail dated 16.12.2019: Pending
and connected elements at reactor at 400kV Bidadi. Bus bar protection of Bus- 2.PGCIL (SR-II) is recommended to share the feedback of OEM regarding Report from OEM is yet to be received.
400kV Bidadi substation 1 operated resulting in the tripping of all elements decomposition of SF6 gas.
connected to Bus-1

88/II/11 Tripping of 400kV Ramagundam- 16-10-2019 at 02:56 · Line tripped on operation of OV St-1 protection at N'Sagar 1. PGCIL-SR-1 to submit Event logger for the incidence clearly showing OVR_start and PGCIL-SR-I Yet to be informed Pending
N’Sagar-1 Hr. end and DT was received at Ramagundam end. OVR_trip.
• From DR of N'Sagar end, Vb-254kV. 2. PGCIL-SR-1 to check the OVR gradings adopted at 400kV N’Sagar SS.
• Tripping is not as per OV grading at N'Sagar end.


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54/I/1 Complete outage of 230 kV 02-04-2016 at B-phase CT failure occurred in 230 kV S.P.Koil - 1.MAPS to furnish a detailed report on the tripping of SP Koil – MAPS lines 1 NPCIL (MAPS) Status revided vide MAPS mail dated 06.12.2016; Pending
S.P.Koil Station of 17:08 hrs MAPS line-1. Busbar protection got operated at & 2 at MAPS end with focus on the correctness of the settings of Main-I & Main- 1. The settings given by M/s TANTRANSCO were adopted for Main –I & Main-
TANTRANSCO SP.Koil station. All elements except 230kV II relays (for primary & back-up protections) on both the lines. II relays for both the lines. The same settings were verified to be same.
Oragadam and 230kV Kalivandapattu got tripped at Subsequently calibrated was done and no drift was observed. --- Completed
230kV S.P.Koil station. ‘Y’ phase CT and support 2.MAPS to take steps to provide down-loading facility for DR & EL from Main-I
insulators also got damaged. & Main-II relays on all 230 kV lines emanating from MAPS. 2. From May 2016 onwards, the DR, EL and trip report are being sent by mail to
SRLDC, Bengaluru by MAPS. --- Completed
69/I/1 Complete outage of 400kV 25-10-2017 at 400 kV TPCIL-Nellore PS line-1 got tripped from TPCIL to configure DEF protection such that it remains in blocked condition as TPCIL Review Meeting on 21.12.2018: Pending
TPCIL station 19:33 hrs TPCIL end during fault in 400kV Nellore-Nellore long as Distance Protection is active, and becomes active only when distance It was noted that no TPCIL representatives had come to attend the meeting
PS line-2. Running units at TPCIL got tripped due protection does not pickup.
to loss of evacuating line. 400kV Nellore PG - Review meetinmg on 27.06.2019:
Nellore PS line-2 and 400kV TPCIL - Nellore PS No representative from the utility attended meeting and it is requested to submit
line-1 were under shutdown. status regrading the recommendation at athe earliest.

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78/II/2 Tripping of 400 kV Neyveli 01-08-2018 Triggering incident was failure of R-ph tension 1. NLCIL to furnish a report along with a suitable SLD on the tripping event NLCIL Review Meeting on 21.12.2018: Pending
TS2Exp -Pugalur line at 11:56 hrs insulator string/ flashover in 400 kV Bus-1 at NLC explaining the observed discrepancies [DPR, Z1 operation, instantaneous NLCIL was asked to furnish the status of implementation of the recommendation
TS2Exp end. Busbar protection had operated operation of OVR-II operation], and remedial action taken to attend the same. given at the earliest.
resulting in tripping of all main breakers connected 2. NLCIL to configure DR’s & EL’s of all protection relays at their NLC TS-
to 400kV Bus-1 at Neyveli TS2 Exp. In 400kV NLC IIExp station for all mandated protections & signals. Review meetinmg on 27.06.2019:
TS2Exp - Pugalur line, fault was sensed in Zone-1, No representative from the utility attended meeting and it is requested to submit
R-N at Pugalur end resulting in a single phase trip. status regrading the recommendation at athe earliest.
Direct Trip was received at Pugalur end due to
operation of over voltage Stg-2 at NLC TS2Exp.

79/II/8 Tripping of 400 kV NLC 10-09-2018 at Line tripped on B-N fault. Auto-reclose was not NLCIL to furnish a detailed report on tripping event explaining the observed NLCIL Review Meeting on 21.12.2018: Pending
TS-2 (Exp) – Pugalur line 20:57 hrs attempted at Pugalur end due to DT receipt from discrepancies , and proper reasons for tripping of the line considering both the NLCIL was asked to furnish the status of implementation of the recommendation
NLC TS2Exp end. At NLC TS2Exp end, V>2 trip Main-relays including remedial action taken w.r.t. healthiness/ replacement of given at the earliest.
was observed in DR. Analog voltages recorded in Main protection relays on 400 kV NLC TS2Exp–Pugalur line.
DR were observed to be less than that required for Review meetinmg on 27.06.2019:
O/V Stage-II operation. it is requested to submit status regrading the recommendation at athe earliest.

80/II/17 Tripping of 400 kV Nellore 14-11-2018 at Y- ph to earth fault occurred in line due to snapping SGPL to examine the reasons for no-operation / failure of Auto-reclosure from SGPL Review meetinmg on 27.06.2019: Pending
PS – SGPL line-1 20:20 hrs of GIS to Air bushing conductor at SGPL their end for the subject tripping, and furnish an action taken report detailing No representative from the utility attended meeting and it is requested to submit
switchyard. The conductor got grounded such that remedial measures taken to PCSC forum. status regrading the recommendation at athe earliest.
the fault was being fed by NPS bus and there was
earth fault and broken conductor start at SGPL end.
NPS end got tripped in Zone-2 due to non-receipt of
carrier resulting in a 3-ph trip at NPS. After 500ms,
earth fault occurred at SGPL end resulting in Zone-1
operation and 3 phase trip. A/R was not attempted
at SGPL end

80/III/6 Tripping of 400 kV 07-11-2018 at 400 kV Neyvelli TS2Exp - Pugalur tripped on NLCIL to furnish a detailed report on the reasons for A/R non-operation for the NLCIL Review meetinmg on 27.06.2019: Pending
Neyvelli TS2 (Exp) - 05:50 Hrs B-phase to ground fault due to DPR, Z1 operation. subject tripping at their NLCTS2Exp station including remedial measures taken No representative from the utility attended meeting and it is requested to submit
Pugalur line Auto-reclose was successful at Pugalur end and the to PCSC forum. status regrading the recommendation at athe earliest.
line tripped at Neyveli TS2Exp end only. Auto-
83/III/1 Tripping of 220 kV 24-02-2019 at Line tripped on B-phase to earth fault. Auto-reclose It was noted that no representative of NTPC attended the meeting. NTPC (KYKLM) Review meeting on 27.06.2019: Pending
Kayamkulam –Punnapura-2 03:05hrs was successful at Punnapura. A/r was not attempted NTPC (Kayamkulam) to furnish detailed report regarding failure of Auto- No representative from the utility attended meeting and it is requested to submit
at Kayamkulam and there was pole discrepancy reclosure at Kayamkulam end for Kayamkulam –Punnapura line-2. status regrading the recommendation at athe earliest.
operation resulting in tripping of R and Y pole of
CB. NTPC mail dated 13.05.2019:
Trip report for Tripping of 220 kV Kayamkulam –Punnapura-2 submitted , but
for submitting detailed report for Auto-reclosure at Kayamkulam end not
83/III/2 Tripping of 220 kV 05-03-2019 at 220kV Kayamkulam-Punnapura -2 tripped on Zone- It was noted that no representative of NTPC attended the meeting. NTPC (KYKLM) operatingmeeting
Review for Kayamkulam –Punnapura line-2 , half day shutdown of
on 27.06.2019: Pending
Kayamkulam –Punnapura-2 00:30hrs 1 distance protection due to R-N fault. Auto reclose NTPC (Kayamkulam) to furnish detailed report regarding failure of Auto- No representative from the utility attended meeting and it is requested to submit
operated and successful at Punnapara end but didnot reclosure at Kayamkulam end for Kayamkulam –Punnapura line-2. status regrading the recommendation at athe earliest.
operate at Kayamkulam end.
NTPC mail dated 13.05.2019:
Trip report for Tripping of 220 kV Kayamkulam –Punnapura-2 submitted , but
for submitting detailed report for Auto-reclosure at Kayamkulam end not
operating for Kayamkulam –Punnapura line-2 , half day shutdown of
Kayamkulam –Punnapura line is required to check reason for failure . May please
84/I/5 Complete outage of 400kV 05-06-2019at 18:51
hr. incident was failure of Y-phase CT of GT-1 1. NLCIL toTransformer)
(Generator check the healthiness
at 400kVofNLC1EXP.
R & B ph CT of Unit-1
Bus-1 Bus baratprotection
NLC TS1(Exp)
operatedNLCIL approve
resulting in the tripping of NLC1EXP U#1 and 400kV NLC1EXP- half
NLCIL mail day outage
dated ofline
Kayamkulam –Punnapura line and intimate us atleast Pending
NLC1 and if found unhealthy replace the same alongwith replacement of Y-ph CT. CT AT TS2 Side Siemens 7SA52 & Micromho relay are used for distance protection.
Expansion(NLC1EXP) replacement plan and timeframe shall be informed to SRPC. During the incident Micromho has sensed the CT blast as a Zone-1 fault and
2.NLCIL in coordination with PGCIL(SR-II) to resolve the time syncronisation tripped the feeder. Adt signal was send to TS1 Exp end. The relay will be tested
issues in 230kV NLC TS1(Exp) – Nagapattinam line. during the next shut down.
3. NLCIL was also requested to investigate the reason of unwarranted DT sent to
NLC TS1 (Exp) end from NLC TS2 end and resolve the same. NLCIL mail dated 11.01.2020:
3. Michro mho Relay Testing was carried out at TS2 end on 15/11/19 and found
the relay was normal.Proposal has already been initiated to replace distance
relays with line differential relays. It is also proposed to replace the PLCC panels
at both ends. -- Completed

85/II/19 Tripping of 400kV JSW- 02-06-2019 at Line tripped due to OV St-1 protection operation at JSWEL is recommended to monitor the B-ph CVT of 400kV JSWEL-Guttur JSWEL Yet to be informed Pending
Guttur line 18:17 hrs JSW end and DT was sent to Guttur end. At Guttur line (due to lower B-ph voltage compared to other two phases). The same shall
end B ph voltage was observed to be lesser be replaced if the issue persists.
comparing to R ph and Y ph(Vr-249kV, Vy-255kV
and Vb-230kV).
85/II/21 Tripping of 400kV JSW - 05-06-2019 at Y-phase to earth fault occurred in 400kV Kaiga- 1. NPCIL (KGS) is recommended to identify the issue related to unsuccessful NPCIL (KGS) NPCIL mail dated 13.12.2019: Pending
Guttur line and 400 kV 18:27 hrs Guttur line-2. A/r was successful at Guttur end. At A/R attempt of 400kV Kaiga – Guttur line and non-opening of R-pole CB. It is During the event Distance Protection Main-2 detected Y-ph fault and opened the
Kaiga - Guttur line-2 Kaiga end A/r was not attempted and breakers got recommended to check the healthiness of all breakers including breaker timing. Y-ph pole and initiated A/R to process.
tripped due to operation of Pole discrepancy (1.65 2. Time synchronization of DR and EL at Kaiga end shall be ensured. subsequent to that IN> started for B-ph. Actuation of IN> during the dead time
Sec). 400kV JSW-Guttur line tripped on operation leads to A/R lockout. So pole discrepancy operated at kaiga end as per the
of over-voltage at Guttur and direct trip was scheme.
received at JSW. From DR of Guttur, it is observed DR and EL are already GPS synched at Kaiga end.
that there was swell in R & Y phase voltage for few
cycles NPCIL mail dated 18.03.2020:
Event is forwarded for Designer review

85/IV/7 Tripping of 400kV 11-06-2019 at Line tripped due to Direct Trip receive at Ramadugu Singareni STPP is recommended to submit a detailed report regarding sending Singareni TPP Yet to be informed Pending
Ramadugu-Singareni line 08:24 hrs end of DT from singareni end that resulted in tripping of 400kV Ramadugu-
Singareni line.

Page 38 of 39
86/III/2 Tripping of Kaiga-Gutur 22-07-2019 at Line tripped on B-phase to earth fault. Line did not NPCIL (KGS) to ensure time sync between DR and EL at Kaiga end. NPCIL NPCIL mail dated 13.12.2019: Pending
line -2 17:47hr. auto-reclose. DR and EL are already GPS synched at Kaiga end.
During the event Auto reclose was successful from KGS end. Due to existence of
fault on B-phase, within 9 mili sec of closure, line CB-2B again tripped. As per
information from Guttur end, insulator flash over took place at tower No:103.

87/III/4 Tripping of 400 kV Kaiga- 06-09-2019 at 4:33 Line tripped on Zone-1 distance protection operation due to R- NPCIL (KGS) to review A/R scheme at Kaiga GS. As per A/R logic, any phase to earth fault NLCIL (KGS) NPCIL mail dated 13.12.2019: Pending
Narendra line-2 hr. phase to Y phase fault. At Kaiga end line auto-reclosed. detection should lead to opening of the faulted phase and reclosing after dead time. But during Distance protection of Main-2 detected R-ph fault and opened the R-ph pole, initiated A/R to
dead time if any subsequent fault occurs it should block A/R and 3-ph trip should be extended. process.Subsequent to that Y-ph fault detected by Main-1 distance protection within 71 m.sec of
Rph fault and opened the Yph-pole.
Since Y-pole opened within the dead time and main-2 relay extended the close command to both
the pole after laps of dead time as per scheme

88/III/7 Tripping of 400kV NLC TS-2 29-10-2019 at 16:43 Triggering incident was Y phase to Earth fault in the line. At NLCIL to submit a detailed report regarding the reason for failure of A/R in consultation with NLCIL Yet to be informed Pending
Exp- Pugalur line hr. Pugalur end, fault was detected in Zone-1 and A/R operated OEM.
successfully. At Neyveli TS-2 Exp end, fault was detected in
Zone-1 and A/R not operated.

Page 39 of 39
Pending Remedial Measures/ Actions taken for the Critical Tripping Incidents (as on 01.05.2020)
Sl.No. Element Name Outage date/time Revival date/time Reason for outage Sender/ Receiver Remedial Measures/ Actions taken Remarks
400KV-NELAMANGALA-TALGUPPA-1 08-09-2019/11:50:00 DISTANCE PROTECTION KPTCL To-be-discussed

400KV-NELAMANGALA-TALGUPPA-1 19-09-2019/09:04:00 DISTANCE PROTECTION KPTCL To-be-discussed


220KV-AMBEWADI-XELDEM 24-09-2019/16:59:00 TRIPPED ON C-N FAULT KPTCL/ GED To-be-discussed


220KV-AMBEWADI-XELDEM 25-09-2019/17:17:00 TRIPPED ON B-N FAULT KPTCL/ GED To-be-discussed

220KV-AMBEWADI-XELDEM 29-09-2019/13:57:00 KPTCL/ GED To-be-discussed
400KV/220KV GUTTUR-ICT-2 04-10-2019/12:27:00 04-10-2019/13:02:00 KPTCL To-be-discussed

400KV-BTPS-HIRIYUR-2 11-10-2019/01:47:00 phase to phase fault KPCL/ PGCIL (SR-2) Line owned and maintained by KPTCL
12-10-2019/12:32:00 12-10-2019/13:14:00 DISTANCE PROTECTION APGENCO/ PGCIL (SR-1) To-be-discussed
KSEBL: Feeder not tripped at Manjeshwaram
110kV ss.Feeder tripped at Konaji end with
132KV-KONAJE-MANJESWAR-1 15-10-2019/13:30:00 15-10-2019/14:02:00 DISTANCE PROTECTION KPTCL/ KSEBL
distance protection (Distance 12.63 km from
9 Konaje end)

220KV-AMBEWADI-PONDA-2 17-10-2019/14:11:00 TRIPPED ON B-N FAULT KPTCL/ GED To-be-discussed


400KV-NELAMANGALA-TALGUPPA-1 17-10-2019/18:35:00 TRIPPED ON R-N FAULT KPTCL To-be-discussed


220KV-KOTHAGUDEM_TPS_V-LOWER_SILE .. 18-10-2019/11:39:00 18-10-2019/12:16:00 TRIPPED ON B-N FAULT TSGENCO/ APGENCO Line not tripped at KTPS end
TRIPPED ON RELAY MAL APTRANSCO: Feeder not tripped at Regulapadu
220KV-REGULAPADU-ALIPUR-1 29-10-2019/14:02:00 29-10-2019/14:23:00 APTRANSCO/ KPTCL
400KV/230KV NNTPP-ICT-2 29-10-2019/12:24:00 29-10-2019/18:04:00 NLCIL To-be-discussed
220KV-AMBEWADI-PONDA-2 31-10-2019/10:34:00 31-10-2019/12:20:00 KPTCL/ GED To-be-discussed
04-11-2019/16:34:00 14-11-2019/18:18:00 APGENCO/ TSGENCO To-be-discussed

HVDC 500KV KOLAR_DC Pole 05-11-2019/10:55:00 05-11-2019/13:22:00 ESOF PGCIL (Sr-2) To-be-discussed
220KV-KOTHAGUDEM_TPS_V-LOWER_SILE .. 05-11-2019/12:13:00 25-11-2019/12:52:00 TSGENCO/ APGENCO TSGENCO: Line not tripped at our end.

400KV-KALVENDAPATTU-PUGALUR-2 07-11-2019/12:21:00 07-11-2019/19:55:00 TRIPPED ON B-N FAULT PGCIL (Sr-2)/ TANTRANSCO Line owned and maintained by TANTRANSCO

220KV-KAIGA-KODASALLY-1 07-11-2019/13:39:00 TRIPPED ON LA BLAST NPCIL (KGS)/ KPTCL To-be-discussed

TSGENCO: KTPS-V to Lower Sileru Feeder not
21 tripped at KTPS end

400KV-NELAMANGALA-TALGUPPA-1 11-11-2019/13:09:00 TRIPPED ON R-N FAULT KPTCL To-be-discussed


400KV-KALVENDAPATTU-VALLUR-1 25-11-2019/12:34:00 25-11-2019/14:29:00 Earth Fault PGCIl (Sr-2)/ NTECL To-be-discussed


Page 1 of 11
Tripped due to Non
400KV/220KV TALGUPPA-ICT-2 26-11-2019/21:58:00 KPTCL To-be-discussed
24 availability of TB
APTRANSCO:Test charged and feeder stood ok.
Status of A/R?
220KV-AMBEWADI-PONDA-1 04-12-2019/08:23:00 KPTCL/ GED To-be-discussed
Tripped due to Non
400KV/220KV TALGUPPA-ICT-2 04-12-2019/23:10:00 KPTCL To-be-discussed
27 availability of TB
Tripped during hand tripping
400KV/220KV TALGUPPA-ICT-2 07-12-2019/17:48:00 of Nelamangala- talaguppa KPTCL To-be-discussed
28 line

220KV-SEDAM-TANDUR-1 08-12-2019/01:38:00 08-12-2019/02:01:00 TRIPPED ON Y-N FAULT KPTCL To-be-discussed

30 400KV-KOLAR_AC-THIRUVALAM-1 28-12-2019/14:10 28-12-2019/19:29 TRIPPED ON Y-N FAULT PGCIL (SR-2)/ PGCIL (SR-1) Fault in SR-I portion of the line.
31 400KV-KOLAR_AC-THIRUVALAM-1 28-12-2019/13:25 28-12-2019/13:58 Y-PHASE FAULT PGCIL (SR-2)/ PGCIL (SR-1) Fault in SR-I portion of the line.
32 220KV-AMBEWADI-XELDEM 30-12-2019/22:22 TRIPPED ON B-N FAULT KPTCL To-be-discussed
33 400KV-GAZUWAKA-VEMAGIRI_PG-1 03-01-2020/10:51 03-01-2020/11:30 TRIPPED ON Y-N FAULT PGCIL (Sr-1) To-be-discussed
H/T due to heavy spark was
220KV-AMBEWADI-XELDEM 07-01-2020/12:27 07-01-2020/20:11 observed in Rph limb of the KPTCL To-be-discussed
35 765KV-SRIKAKULAM-ANGUL-1 08-01-2020/15:17 08-01-2020/16:33 tripped on R-B fault PGCIL (SR-1) To-be-discussed
36 400KV-NELAMANGALA-TALGUPPA-1 08-01-2020/21:24 TRIPPED ON R-N FAULT KPTCL To-be-discussed
220KV-REGULAPADU-ALIPUR-1 10-01-2020/03:32 10-01-2020/01:57 110KV SIDE PROBLEM APTRANSCO/ KPTCL APTRANSCO: Feeder not tripped at this end.

TSGENCO: On 10.01.2020 at 14:38 hrs 220KV

KTPS-Lower Sileru1 Feeder was tripped on C
220KV-KOTHAGUDEM_TPS-LOWER_SILERU-1 10-01-2020/14:38 10-01-2020/14:56 TSGENCO/ APGENCO Phase to Ground fault at a distance of 64.64Kms.
After getting clearance from SLDC, line charged
at 14:56 Hrs. Line stood ok.
39 400KV/230KV NTPL-ICT-1 12-01-2020/16:45 12-01-2020/17:56 tripped due to SF6 low NTPL To-be-discussed
40 400KV-NELAMANGALA-HASSAN-1 12-01-2020/06:39 12-01-2020/17:34 TRIPPED ON R-N FAULT KPTCL/ PGCIL (SR-2) To-be-discussed
Fault not in TSTRANSCO jurisdiction. Tree
400KV-VTPS_IV-SURYAPET-1 12-01-2020/13:58 12-01-2020/15:19 TRIPPED ON B-N FAULT APGENCO/ TSTRANSCO
41 clearance was done at APTRANSO end.
42 400KV-NELAMANGALA-TALGUPPA-1 12-01-2020/17:15 distance protection KPTCL Fault in KPTCL portion of the line.
400KV-SIMHADRI_STG2-VEMAGIRI_AP-1 14-01-2020/14:29 14-01-2020/16:12 TRIPPED ON R-N FAULT NTPC(SHM)/ APTRANSCO APTRANSCO:Test charged and feeder stood ok.

400KV-VEMAGIRI_AP-SATTENPALLY-1 14-01-2020/14:29 14-01-2020/15:21 TRIPPED ON R-N FAULT APTRANSCO APTRANSCO:Test charged and feeder stood ok.

220KV-REGULAPADU-ALIPUR-1 16-01-2020/13:48 17-01-2020/02:34 RELAY MALOPERATION APTRANSCO/ KPTCL APTRANSCO: Feeder not tripped at this end.
46 400KVNELAMANGALA - HASSAN 21-01-2020/16:32 Tripped on R-N fault KPTCL/ PGCIL (SR-2) Fault in KPTCL portion of the line.
400KV CHITTOOR KRISHNAPATTANAM 22-01-2020/12:24 22-01-2020/14:49 Tripped on B-N fault APTRANSCO/ APGENCO APTRANSCO:Test charged and feeder stood ok.
400KV-VIJAYAWADA-NELLORE_AP-1 26-01-2020/13:14 26-01-2020/16:23 Tripped on Y-B Fault APTRANSCO/ PGCIL (SR-1)
48 jurisdiction.
49 400KV/110KV KAMUDHI-ICT-3 27-01-2020/14:44 27-01-2020/16:08 LV B-Ph isolator Problem TANTRANSCO To-be-discussed
50 400KV/110KV KAMUDHI-ICT-4 27-01-2020/14:44 28-01-2020/01:32 LV B-Ph isolator Problem TANTRANSCO To-be-discussed
51 HVDC 500KV BHADRAVTAHI Pole 2 27-01-2020/09:34 27-01-2020/14:40 THYRISTOR FAILURE PGCIL (Sr-2) To-be-discussed

Page 2 of 11
TRIPPED ON SINGLE APTRANSCO:Patrolling done and no visible fault
400KV-HINDUJA-KV_KOTA-2 27-01-2020/08:52 27-01-2020/13:38 HNPCL/ APTRANSCO
765KV-CUDDAPAH-THIRUVALAM-2 28-01-2020/15:21 28-01-2020/16:13 PGCIL (SR-1)/ PGCIL (SR-2) To-be-discussed
400KV/230KV NNTPP-ICT-1 28-01-2020/09:32 NLCIL To-be-discussed

TSGENCO: On 28.01.2020 at 13:06 hrs 220KV

KTPS-Lower Sileru1 Feeder was tripped on C
220KV-KOTHAGUDEM_TPS-LOWER_SILERU-1 28-01-2020/13:06 28-01-2020/13:41 TRIPPED ON B-N FAULT APGENCO/ TSGENCO Phase to Ground fault at a distance of 54.76Kms.
After getting clearance from SLDC, line charged
at 13:41 Hrs. Line stood ok.
KSEBL: Feeder tripped onY-B, Zone-1 fault
220KV-THENI-MOOZIYAR-1 30-01-2020/16:24 30-01-2020/20:19 Tripped on Y-B Fault TANTRANSCO/ KSEBL
56 ,Distance – 104.8 km
TRIPPED DUE TO R-N KSEBL: Feeder tripped on R phase to ground
220KV-THENI-MOOZIYAR-1 30-01-2020/14:50 30-01-2020/15:30 TANTRANSCO/ KSEBL
57 FAULT Zone-1 fault ,Distance – 45.4 km
58 400KV/220KV GAZUWAKA-ICT-2 31-01-2020/14:14 220KV SIDE PROBLEM PGCIL (SR-1) To-be-discussed
400KV-NELAMANGALA-HASSAN-1 31-01-2020/20:31 KPTCL/ PGCIL (SR-2) To-be-discussed
60 400KV-HOSUR-KOLAR_AC-2 02-02-2020/18:34 02-02-2020/21:01 Tripped on Y-B Fault PGCIL (SR-2) To-be-discussed
61 400KV-KALVENDAPATTU-PUGALUR-2 02-02-2020/14:16 02-02-2020/20:05 Tripped on Y-nFault PGCIL (SR-2) To-be-discussed
400KV-HINDUJA-KV_KOTA-2 02-02-2020/11:36 HNPCL/ APTRANSCO To-be-discussed
400KV-NCTPS_STAGE_II-SUNGAVARACHAT . 03-02-2020/0 00:51 TANGEDCO/ TANTRANSCO To-be-discussed
400KV-NELAMANGALA-HASSAN-1 03-02-2020/17:03 KPTCL/ PGCIL (SR-2) To-be-discussed
64 CAP

400KV-NCTPS_STAGE_II-SUNGAVARACHAT . 05-02-2020/12:07 05-02-2020/16:14 TRIPPED ON C-N FAULT TANGEDCO/ TANTRANSCO To-be-discussed

66 400KV-NELAMANGALA-HASSAN-1 05-02-2020/17:48 TRIPPED ON Y-N FAULT KPTCL/ PGCIL (SR-2) To-be-discussed
DT received at sattenapally
67 end

TSGENCO: On 08.02.2020 at 12:35 hrs 220KV

KTPS V-Lower Sileru Feeder was tripped on C
220KV-KOTHAGUDEM_TPS_V-LOWER_SILERU 08-02-2020/12:35 08-02-2020/12:59 TSGENCO/ APGENCO Phase to Ground fault at a distance of 61.67Kms.
After getting clearance from SLDC, line charged
at 12:59 Hrs. Line stood ok.
400KV-NELAMANGALA-HASSAN-1 08-02-2020/02:03 KPTCL/ PGCIL (SR-2) To-be-discussed
400KV-KALVENDAPATTU-THIRUVALAM-1 09-02-2020/15:42 09-02-2020/16:38 PGCIL(SR-2) To-be-discussed
400KV-MEHBOOBNAGAR-RTPS-1 10-02-2020/04:21 KPCL/ TSTRANSCO To-be-discussed
73 220KV-AMBEWADI-XELDEM 10-02-2020/14:54 10-02-2020/18:44 TRIPPED ON B-N FAULT KPTCL/ GED To-be-discussed
220KV-AMBEWADI-XELDEM 10-02-2020/11:02 10-02-2020/11:18 Tripped at Xeldom end only KPTCL/ GED To-be-discussed

Page 3 of 11
TSGENCO: On 10.02.2020 at 11:34 hrs 220KV
KTPS-Lower Sileru Feeder was tripped on B Phase
220KV-KOTHAGUDEM_TPS-LOWER_SILERU-1 10-02-2020/11:34 10-02-2020/11:52 TRIPPED ON B-N FAULT TSGENCO/ APGENCO to Ground fault at a distance of 40.61Kms from
KTPS end. After getting clearance from SLDC, line
charged at 11:52 Hrs. Line stood ok.
400KV-MUNIRABAD-RTPS-1 10-02-2020/03:31 KPCL/ PGCIL (SR-1) To-be-discussed
400KV-RTPS-BTPS-1 10-02-2020/04:20 KPCL To-be-discussed
400KV/220KV GAJWEL-ICT-2 11-02-2020/07:13 TSTRANSCO To-be-discussed

Tripped on B-Phase to ground KSEBL: Feeder tripped on B phase to ground

220KV-THENI-MOOZIYAR-1 11-02-2020/13:19 11-02-2020/14:16 KSEBL/ TANTRANSCO
fault Zone-1 fault ,Distance – 61 km
KSEB: When primary side of 200MVA#1 at
Tripped on LV Side backup Madakkathara end was charged, ICT#2
400KV/220KV MADAKKATHARA-ICT-2 13-02-2020/17:40 13-02-2020/19:40 KSEBL
protection tripped.Yard inspected and found no
80 abnormalities.
220KV-CHILLAKALLU-SURYAPET-1 13-02-2020/19:20 13-02-2020/19:54 APTRANSCO/ TSTRANSCO APTRANSCO:A/R successful at chillakallu end.
APTRANSCO:At Loc no.528 insulator stack failed
400KV/220KV VEMAGIRI_AP-ICT-1 14-02-2020/15:32 15-02-2020/23:04 Y-ph Insulator stack failure APTRANSCO
82 and replaced.
APTRANSCO:At Loc no.528 insulator stack failed
400KV-VEMAGIRI_PG-VEMAGIRI_AP-1 14-02-2020/15:32 15-02-2020/21:03 TRIPPED ON Y-N FAULT PGCIL (SR-1)/ APTRANSCO
83 and replaced.

TSGENCO: On 15.02.2020 at 13:29 hrs 220KV

KTPS-Lower Sileru Feeder was tripped on B Phase
220KV-KOTHAGUDEM_TPS-LOWER_SILERU-1 15-02-2020/13:29 15-02-2020/16:40 BN fault APGENCO/ TSGENCO to Ground fault at a distance of 89.95Kms from
KTPS end. After getting clearance from SLDC, line
charged at 16:40 Hrs. Line stood ok.
APTRANSCO:Feeder tripped on R ph,G
400KV-NARNOOR-SRISAILAM_LEFT_BANK-1 15-02-2020/13:18 15-02-2020/14:28 Y phase pole discrepancy APTRANSCO/ TSGENCO ,momentary fault ,Feeder test charged and stood
85 ok.
15-02-2020/01:15 15-02-2020/02:09 RELAY MALOPERATION APTRANSCO/ TSTRANSCO APTRANSCO:Feeder not tripped at Tallapalli end.
TSGENCO: On 16.02.2020 at 11:54 hrs 220KV
KTPS V-Lower Sileru Feeder was tripped due to
220KV-KOTHAGUDEM_TPS_V-LOWER_SILERU 16-02-2020/11:54 16-02-2020/12:18 TSGENCO/ APGENCO Momentary Ground . After getting clearance
from SLDC, line charged at 12:18 Hrs. Line stood
87 ok.
88 400KV-DONI-GUTTUR-1 16-02-2020/14:24 16-02-2020/21:17 b-n fault KPTCL To-be-discussed
400KV/132KV RAMAGUNDAM-ICT-1 16-02-2020/17:39 16-02-2020/19:25 NTPC- RMGDM To-be-discussed
90 HVDC 500KV KOLAR_DC Pole 2 17-02-2020/23:59 17-02-2020/00:36 DUE TO HVDC LINE FAULT PGCIL (SR-2) To-be-discussed
220KV-KOLAR_AC-CHINTAMANAI-1 17-02-2020/23:59 18-02-2020/00:26 KPTCL/ PGCIL (SR-2) To-be-discussed
Tripped on OV DUE TO
400KV-NP_KUNTA-KOLAR_AC-1 17-02-2020/23:59 TRIPPING OF KOLAR POLE PGCIL (SR-1)/ PGCIL (SR-2) To-be-discussed
92 2
93 400KV-NELAMANGALA-HASSAN-1 17-02-2020/16:05 TRIPPED ON Y-N FAULT KPTCL/ PGCIL (SR-2) To-be-discussed

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220KV-KOLAR_KAR-KOLAR_AC-2 17-02-2020/23:59 18-02-2020/00:23 KPTCL/ PGCIL (SR-2) To-be-discussed
220KV-KOLAR_KAR-KOLAR_AC-1 17-02-2020/23:59 18-02-2020/00:23 KPTCL/ PGCIL (SR-2) To-be-discussed
220KV-KOLAR_AC-CHINTAMANAI-2 17-02-2020/23:59 18-02-2020/00:26 KPTCL/ PGCIL (SR-2) To-be-discussed
97 400KV-NNTPP-PUDUCHERRY-1 17-02-2020/13:38 17-02-2020/14:04 distance protection NLCIL/ PED To-be-discussed
98 220KV-KOLAR_KAR-KOLAR_AC-2 17-02-2020/17:38 17-02-2020/18:12 SPS OPERATED KPTCL/ PGCIL (SR-2) To-be-discussed
99 220KV-KOLAR_KAR-KOLAR_AC-1 17-02-2020/17:38 17-02-2020/18:10 SPS OPERATED KPTCL/ PGCIL (SR-2) To-be-discussed
100 220KV-KOLAR_AC-CHINTAMANAI-1 17-02-2020/17:38 17-02-2020/18:08 SPS OPERATED KPTCL/ PGCIL (SR-2) To-be-discussed
101 HVDC 500KV KOLAR_DC Pole 2 17-02-2020/17:38 17-02-2020/18:33 DUE TO HVDC LINE FAULT PGCIL (SR-2) To-be-discussed
102 220KV-KOLAR_AC-CHINTAMANAI-2 17-02-2020/17:38 17-02-2020/18:08 SPS OPERATED KPTCL/ PGCIL (SR-2) To-be-discussed
18-02-2020/ 13:26 18-02-2020/19:23 MALOPERATION APGENCO/ TSGENCO To-be-discussed
APTRANSCO:Feeder tripped on Y ph,G
400KV-GOOTY-NARNOOR-1 18-02-2020/17:08 18-02-2020/17:47 TRIPPED ON Y-N FAULT APTRANSCO/ PGCIL (SR-1) ,momentary fault ,Feeder test charged and stood
104 ok.

KSEBL: Tripping is due to decapping of insulator

220KV-KADAKOLA-KANIYAMPETTA 21-02-2020/ 02:50 b-n fault KPTCL/ KSEBL
at tower location: 184( LMS Kadakola-KPTCL )
400KV-KALPAKKA-ASUPAKA-1 21-02-2020/13:21 21-02-2020/13:54 APTRANSCO/ TSTRANSCO APTRANSCO:A/R successful at Kalapaka end.
400KV-NELLORE_PG-THIRUVALAM-2 22-02-2020/12:07 22-02-2020/13:05 PGCIL (SR-1)/ PGCIL (SR-2) To-be-discussed
108 400KV-NELLORE_PG-NPS-2 22-02-2020/12:07 22-02-2020/13:05 B-N FAULT PGCIL (SR-1) To-be-discussed
109 400KV-KOCHI-TRICHUR-2 23-02-2020/14:50 23-02-2020/15:07 TRIPPED ON B-N FAULT PGCIL (SR-2) To-be-discussed
220KV-CHIKKODI-MUDASANGI-1 23-02-2020/15:04 23-02-2020/19:45 KPTCL/ WR To-be-discussed
400KV/220KV GAJWEL-ICT-2 23-02-2020/06:13 23-02-2020/18:39 TSTRANSCO To-be-discussed
400KV/110KV KANARPATTI-ICT-4 24-02-2020/09:56 TANTRANSCO To-be-discussed
220KV-REGULAPADU-ALIPUR LINE-1 26-02-2020/03:54 26-02-2020/04:16 APTRANSCO/ KPTCL To-be-discussed
114 400KV/220KV GAJWEL-ICT-4 27-02-2020/10:45 27-02-2020/19:48 RELAY MALOPERATION TSTRANSCO To-be-discussed
27-02-2020/06:25 27-02-2020/07:10 TRIPPED ON B-N FAULT APGENCO/ PGCIL(Sr-1) To-be-discussed
116 400KV-GVK-VEMAGIRI_AP-1 27-02-2020/18:10 27-02-2020/19:01 MANUAL ERROR TRIPPING GVK/ APTRANSCO To-be-discussed
117 400KV-KAIGA-GUTTUR-2 28-02-2020/11:49 28-02-2020/13:50 ISOLATOR BREAK DOWN NPCIL (KGS)/ KPTCL To-be-discussed
118 765KV-NIZAMABAD-WARDHA-2 28-02-2020/07:13 28-02-2020/20:18 TRIPPED ON R-Y FAULT PGCIL (SR-1) To-be-discussed
119 400KV-HASSAN-MYSORE-1 01-03-2020/13:57 01-03-2020/16:00 CASCADE TRIPPING PGCIL (SR-2) To-be-discussed
120 220KV-KOZHIKODE-AREACODE-2 01-03-2020/13:57 01-03-2020/14:42 CASCADE TRIPPING PGCIL (SR-2)/ KSEBL To-be-discussed
121 220KV-KOZHIKODE-AREACODE-3 01-03-2020/13:57 01-03-2020/14:42 CASCADE TRIPPING GCIL (SR-2)/ KSEBL To-be-discussed
122 220KV-HASSAN-MRS SHIMOGA-1 01-03-2020/13:57 01-03-2020/14:42 CASCADE TRIPPING KPTCL To-be-discussed
123 220KV-HASSAN-YECHANAHALLI-1 01-03-2020/13:57 01-03-2020/16:29 CASCADE TRIPPING KPTCL To-be-discussed
124 220KV-KADAKOLA-KANIYAMPETTA 01-03-2020/13:57 01-03-2020/18:58 CASCADE TRIPPING KPTCL/ KSEBL To-be-discussed
125 220KV-KOZHIKODE-AREACODE-1 01-03-2020/13:57 01-03-2020/14:30 CASCADE TRIPPING PGCIL (SR-2)/ KSEBL To-be-discussed
126 132KV-KONAJE-MANJESWAR-1 01-03-2020/13:57 01-03-2020/18:44 CASCADE TRIPPING KSEBL/ KPTCL To-be-discussed
400KV-NELAMANGALA-TALGUPPA-1 01-03-2020/13:57 01-03-2020/14:47 KPTCL To-be-discussed
400KV/220KV KOZHIKODE-ICT-1 01-03-2020/13:57 01-03-2020/14:49 PGCIL (SR-2) To-be-discussed

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129 400KV-MYSORE-KOZHIKODE-2 01-03-2020/13:57 01-03-2020/17:13 CASCADE TRIPPING PGCIL SR-2 To-be-discussed
130 400KV-UPCL-HASSAN-2 01-03-2020/13:57 01-03-2020/16:00 CASCADE TRIPPING UPCL/ PGCIL (SR-2) To-be-discussed
400KV/220KV MYSORE-ICT-3 01-03-2020/13:57 01-03-2020/17:19 PGCIL (SR-2) To-be-discussed
400KV/220KV MYSORE-ICT-2 01-03-2020/13:57 01-03-2020/16:24 PGCIL (SR-2) To-be-discussed
400KV/220KV MYSORE-ICT-1 01-03-2020/13:57 01-03-2020/16:20 PGCIL (SR-2) To-be-discussed
400KV/220KV KOZHIKODE-ICT-2 01-03-2020/13:57 01-03-2020/17:05 PGCIL (SR-2) To-be-discussed
400KV/220KV HASSAN-ICT-2 01-03-2020/13:57 01-03-2020/17:00 PGCIL (SR-2) To-be-discussed
400KV/220KV HASSAN-ICT-1 01-03-2020/13:57 01-03-2020/15:52 PGCIL (SR-2) To-be-discussed
400KV/220KV TALGUPPA-ICT-3 01-03-2020/13:57 01-03-2020/14:47 KPTCL To-be-discussed
400KV/220KV TALGUPPA-ICT-2 01-03-2020/13:57 01-03-2020/14:47 KPTCL To-be-discussed
400KV/220KV TALGUPPA-ICT-1 01-03-2020/13:57 01-03-2020/17:28 KPTCL To-be-discussed
400KV/220KV UPCL-ICT-2 01-03-2020/13:57 01-03-2020/17:28 UPCL To-be-discussed
400KV/220KV UPCL-ICT-1 01-03-2020/13:57 01-03-2020/17:28 UPCL To-be-discussed
142 400KV-MYSORE-KOZHIKODE-1 01-03-2020/13:57 01-03-2020/15:00 CASCADE TRIPPING GCIL (SR-2) To-be-discussed
400KV/220KV KOZHIKODE-ICT-3 01-03-2020/13:57 01-03-2020/17:17 PGCIL (SR-2) To-be-discussed
144 400KV-NELAMANGALA-HASSAN-1 01-03-2020/13:57 01-03-2020/15:55 TRIPPED ON B-N FAULT KPTCL/ PGCIL (SR-2) To-be-discussed
400KV-TALGUPPA-HASSAN-1 01-03-2020/13:57 01-03-2020/17:43 KPTCL/ PGCIL (SR-2) To-be-discussed
146 400KV-UPCL-HASSAN-1 01-03-2020/13:57 01-03-2020/18:37 CASCADE TRIPPING UPCL/ PGCIL (SR-2) To-be-discussed
147 400KV-HASSAN-MYSORE-2 01-03-2020/13:57 01-03-2020/17:14 CASCADE TRIPPING PGCIL SR-2 To-be-discussed
HVDC 500KV GAZUWAKA Pole 1 03-03-2020/11:39 03-03-2020/17:09 Thyristor redundancy failure PGCIL (SR-1) To-be-discussed
03-03-2020/16:38 03-03-2020/21:27 Distance Protection APGENCO/ TSGENCO To-be-discussed

220KV-EDAMON-EDAPPON-1 03-03-2020/07:43 03-03-2020/10:21 tripped on bus bar operation KSEBL To-be-discussed


220KV-EDAPPON-KAYAMKULAM-1 03-03-2020/07:43 03-03-2020/09:13 tripped on bus bar operation KSEBL/ NTPC (KYMKLM) To-be-discussed
153 132KV-KODADA-CHIKALLU-1 04-03-2020/00:05 04-03-2020/00:22 TRIPPED ON R-N FAULT APTRANSCO To-be-discussed
154 HVDC 500KV GAZUWAKA Pole 1 04-03-2020/12:28 04-03-2020/04:01 Thyristor side problem PGCIL (SR-1) To-be-discussed
155 400KV-NELAMANGALA-TALGUPPA-1 04-03-2020/06:06 Tripped on R - N Fault KPTCL To-be-discussed
400KV-NAGARJUNASAGAR_PG-RAMAGUND 05-03-2020/02:22 Tripped on Y- N Fault To-be-discussed
156 (RMGDM)
157 220KV-KOTHAGUDEM_TPS-NUNNA_AP-1 06-03-2020/14:20 06-03-2020/15:06 TRIPPED ON B-N FAULT TSGENCO/ APTRANSCO To-be-discussed
400KV-SRIPERUMBADUR-CHITTOOR-1 06-03-2020/15:49 06-03-2020/16:12 TRIPPED ON B-N FAULT TANTRANSCO/ APTRANSCO To-be-discussed
159 CUT

Page 6 of 11
400KV-MALKARAM-RAMAGUNDAM-1 07-03-2020/04:38 trip coil alarm TSTRANSCO/ NTPC(RMGDM) To-be-discussed

220KV-KOTHAGUDEM_TPS-LOWER_SILERU-1 07-03-2020/13:25 single phase to ground TSGENCO/ APGENCO To-be-discussed


220KV-KOTHAGUDEM_TPS-LOWER_SILERU-1 07-03-2020/13:25 single phase to ground TSGENCO/ APGENCO To-be-discussed

400KV-GOOTY-KURNOOL_PG-1 08-03-2020/19:29 PGCIL (SR-1) To-be-discussed
164 400KV-NIZAMABAD-SHANKARAPALLY-1 08-03-2020/16:34 08-03-2020/20:04 TRIPPED ON Y-N FAULT TSTRANSCO/ PGCIL (SR-1) To-be-discussed
400KV-NAGARJUNASAGAR_PG-RAMAGUNDAM 08-03-2020/09:35 08-03-2020/13:56 TRIPPED ON B-N FAULT To-be-discussed
165 (RMGDM)
Tripped on over current (Due
132KV-KONAJE-MANJESWAR-1 09-03-2020/07:59 09-03-2020/08:19 to KSEBL/ KPTCL To-be-discussed
166 traction load)
167 400KV-KALVENDAPATTU-PUGALUR-1 09-03-2020/09:54 09-03-2020/10:04 relay maloperation PGCIL (SR-2) To-be-discussed
230KV-KUDANKULAM-TTPS 10-03-2020/06:33 10-03-2020/07:12 TRIPPED ON Y-N FAULT To-be-discussed

400KV-GAUTAMI-VEMAGIRI_AP-1 11-03-2020/14:53 to avoid circulating currents GMR/ APTRANSCO To-be-discussed

400KV/220KV JULURUPADU-ICT-2 11-03-2020/18:12 TSTRANSCO To-be-discussed
132KV-KONAJE-MANJESWAR-1 11-03-2020/18:30 11-03-2020/18:49 KPTCL/ KSEBL To-be-discussed

220KV-KOTHAGUDEM_TPS_V-LOWER_SILERU 11-03-2020/14:05 11-03-2020/15:43 BN fault TSGENCO/ APGENCO To-be-discussed

173 400KV-PAVAGADA-HIRIYUR-2 12-03-2020/10:13 SWAPPING PGCIL (SR-2) To-be-discussed
174 400KV-BHADRAVATHI-RAMAGUNDAM-1 12-03-2020/14:43 12-03-2020/18:37 distance protection NTPC(RMGDM)/ WR To-be-discussed
400KV/230KV MADURAI-ICT-3 12-03-2020/02:20 12-03-2020/05:18 PGCIL (SR-2) To-be-discussed
400KV/230KV MADURAI-ICT-1 12-03-2020/01:20 12-03-2020/04:56 BREAKER Y-PHASE CT PGCIL (SR-2) To-be-discussed
400KV/230KV MADURAI-ICT-2 12-03-2020/01:20 12-03-2020/05:06 BREAKER Y-PHASE CT PGCIL (SR-2) To-be-discussed
132KV-KUZHITHURAI-PARASSALA-1 13-03-2020/12:08 13-03-2020/14:50 TANTRANSCO/ KSEBL To-be-discussed
179 400KV-BIDADI-TUMKUR-1 14-03-2020/11:52 14-03-2020/12:41 R-N FAULT PGCIL (SR-2) To-be-discussed
220KV-KOLAR_KAR-KOLAR_AC-1 14-03-2020/16:30 14-03-2020/17:32 PGCIL (SR-2)/ KPTCL To-be-discussed
220KV-KOLAR_KAR-KOLAR_AC-2 14-03-2020/16:30 14-03-2020/16:58 PGCIL (SR-2)/ KPTCL To-be-discussed
220KV-KOTHAGUDEM_TPS-LOWER_SILERU-1 15-03-2020/12:04 15-03-2020/12:33 TSGENCO/ APTRANSCO To-be-discussed
400KV/220KV JULURUPADU-ICT-1 16-03-2020/10:40 16-03-2020/12:18 TSTRANSCO To-be-discussed
184 400KV-KHAMMAM-ASUPAKA-1 16-03-2020/11:31 16-03-2020/12:50 TRIPPED ON B-N FAULT APTRANSCO/ PGCIL (SR-1) To-be-discussed
132KV-ASWAROAPET-KAMAVARAPU_KOTA 16-03-2020/12:30 16-03-2020/12:50 APTRANSCO/ TSTRANSCO To-be-discussed
186 400KV-KALPAKKA-ASUPAKA-1 16-03-2020/11:55 16-03-2020/12:50 TRIPPED ON B-N FAULT APTRANSCO/ TSTRANSCO To-be-discussed

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400KV-GUTTUR-HIRIYUR-1 17-03-2020/20:00 17-03-2020/21:47 Bus bar protection operated KPTCL/ PGCIL (SR-2) To-be-discussed

400KV-KAIGA-GUTTUR-2 17-03-2020/20:00 17-03-2020/15:31 Bus bar protection operated KPTCL/ NPCIL (KGS) To-be-discussed
189 400KV-PALAKKAD-TRICHUR-2 17-03-2020/15:10 17-03-2020/15:31 TRIPPED ON Y-N FAULT PGCIL (SR-2) To-be-discussed
400KV-GUTTUR-HIRIYUR-2 17-03-2020/13:06 17-03-2020/13:23 KPTCL/ PGCIL (SR-2) To-be-discussed
400KV-NARENDRA-GUTTUR-2 17-03-2020/20:00 17-03-2020/21:38 Bus bar protection operated KPTCL/ PGCIL (SR-2) To-be-discussed

400KV-NARENDRA-GUTTUR-1 17-03-2020/20:00 17-03-2020/21:25 Bus bar protection operated KPTCL/ PGCIL (SR-2) To-be-discussed

400KV-GUTTUR-JINDAL-1 17-03-2020/20:00 17-03-2020/22:18 Bus bar protection operated KPTCL/ JSWEL To-be-discussed

400KV-DONI-GUTTUR-1 17-03-2020/20:00 17-03-2020/21:12 Bus bar protection operated KPTCL To-be-discussed

220KV-KADAKOLA-KANIYAMPETTA 17-03-2020/13:44 17-03-2020/14:10 KPTCL/ KSEBL To-be-discussed
220KV-AMBEWADI-XELDEM 17-03-2020/12:41 17-03-2020/16:21 KPTCL/ GOA To-be-discussed

400KV/220KV GUTTUR-ICT-2 17-03-2020/20:00 17-03-2020/21:40 Bus bar protection operated KPTCL To-be-discussed

400KV/220KV GUTTUR-ICT-1 17-03-2020/20:00 17-03-2020/21:40 Bus bar protection operated KPTCL To-be-discussed

400KV-GUTTUR-HIRIYUR-2 17-03-2020/20:00 17-03-2020/22:01 Bus bar protection operated KPTCL/ PGCIL (SR-2) To-be-discussed

400KV-KAIGA-GUTTUR-1 17-03-2020/20:00 17-03-2020/21:55 Bus bar protection operated KPTCL/ NPCIL (KGS) To-be-discussed
Failure of PLC 4901
HVDC 500KV BHADRAVTAHI Pole 2 18-03-2020/11:48 18-03-2020/12:37 WR To-be-discussed
201 processors


203 400KV-KHAMMAM-ASUPAKA-1 18-03-2020/13:11 18-03-2020/14:06 TRIPPED ON B-N FAULT APTRANSCO/ TSTRANSCO To-be-discussed
204 132KV-ASWAROAPET-KAMAVARAPU_KOTA 18-03-2020/07:22 18-03-2020/08:02 Tripped on Y-B Fault TSTRANSCO/ APTRANSCO To-be-discussed
Failure of PLC 4901
HVDC 500KV BHADRAVTAHI Pole 2 18-03-2020/11:48 18-03-2020/12:37 WR To-be-discussed
205 processors
Failure of PLC 4901
HVDC 500KV BHADRAVTAHI Pole 1 18-03-2020/11:48 18-03-2020/12:46 WR To-be-discussed
206 processors
207 220KV-UDUMALPET_TN-IDDUKKI-1 18-03-2020/06:52 18-03-2020/07:38 TRIPPED ON Y-N FAULT TANTRANSCO/ KSEBL To-be-discussed
208 220KV-CHILLAKALLU-SURYAPET-1 19-03-2020/23:14 19-03-2020/23:42 R-N FAULT APTRANSCO/ TSTRANSCO To-be-discussed
209 400KV-NARNOOR-SRISAILAM_LEFT_BANK-1 19-03-2020/13:32 19-03-2020/19:34 Tripped on Y-B Fault APTRANSCO/ TSGENCO To-be-discussed
210 400KV-JEYPORE-GAZUWAKA-EAST-1 19-03-2020/19:57 19-03-2020/20:41 TRIPPED ON Y-N FAULT PGCIL (SR-1) To-be-discussed
211 400KV-KURNOOL_PG-NAGARJUNASAGAR_P 19-03-2020/12:12 19-03-2020/12:56 tripped on r-n fault PGCIL (SR-1) To-be-discussed
220KV-THENI-MOOZIYAR-1 20-03-2020/11:39 20-03-2020/12:05 TRIPPED DUE TO R-N FAULT TANTRANSCO/ KSEBL To-be-discussed
400KV-RTPS-BTPS-1 20-03-2020/02:11 20-03-2020/03:35 KPCL To-be-discussed
20-03-2020/18:47 20-03-2020/20:06 APTRANSCO/ TSTRANSCO To-be-discussed
220KV-NAGARJUNASAGAR_AP-CHALAKURTHY 20-03-2020/18:47 20-03-2020/19:59 APTRANSCO To-be-discussed
Tripped due to traction
132KV-KONAJE-MANJESWAR-1 20-03-2020/07:41 20-03-2020/08:00 KPTCL/ KSEBL To-be-discussed
216 overload

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400KV-MAHESHWARAM_TG-SHANKARAPALLI 20-03-2020/13:38 20-03-2020/17:20 TRIPPED ON B-N FAULT PGCIL (SR-1)/ TSTRANSCO To-be-discussed
400KV-RTPS-BTPS-1 21-03-2020/02:11 21-03-2020/03:35 KPCL To-be-discussed

To control load flow of 230kV

400KV/230KV KUDANKULAM-ICT-1 21-03-2020/12:11 21-03-2020/19:51 NPCIL (KKNPP) To-be-discussed
KKNP- S R Pudur line
HVDC 500KV GAZUWAKA Pole 2 21-03-2020/12:15 21-03-2020/14:25 PGCIL (SR-1) To-be-discussed
221 400KV-GUTTUR-HIRIYUR-2 21-03-2020/13:06 21-03-2020/19:03 TRIPPED ON B-N FAULT KPTCL/ PGCIL (SR-2) To-be-discussed
222 400KV-MADURAI-TIRUNELVELI-2 21-03-2020/14:26 21-03-2020/14:40 TRIPPED ON B-N FAULT PGCIL (SR-2) To-be-discussed
400KV/220KV GAZUWAKA-ICT-1 22-03-2020/15:45 22-03-2020/17:17 PGCIL (SR-1) To-be-discussed
132KV-KHAMMAM_TS-CHIKALLU-1 22-03-2020/05:00 23-03-2020/05:17 APTRANSCO/ TSTRANSCO To-be-discussed


226 400KV-GUTTUR-HIRIYUR-2 22-03-2020/13:07 TRIPPED ON Y-B FAULT KPTCL/ PGCIL (SR-2) To-be-discussed
400KV-MAHESHWARAM_TG-SHANKARAPALLI 22-03-2020/14:08 22-03-2020/19:02 TRIPPED ON B-N FAULT PGCIL (SR-1)/ TSTRANSCO To-be-discussed

400KV-MAHESHWARAM_TG-SHANKARAPALLI 22-03-2020/12:36 22-03-2020/13:12 TRIPPED ON B-N FAULT PGCIL (SR-1)/ TSTRANSCO To-be-discussed

220KV-KOTHAGUDEM_TPS_V-LOWER_SILERU 22-03-2020/11:16 22-03-2020/11:38 TRIPPED ON B-N FAULT TSGENCO/ APGENCO To-be-discussed

400KV/220KV GAZUWAKA-ICT-2 22-03-2020/15:45 22-03-2020/18:34 PGCIL (SR-1) To-be-discussed

220KV-KOTHAGUDEM_TPS-LOWER_SILERU-1 22-03-2020/10:15 22-03-2020/18:03 TRIPPED ON C-N FAULT APGENCO/ TSGENCO To-be-discussed

232 220KV-UDUMALPET_TN-IDDUKKI-1 23-03-2020/07:37 23-03-2020/12:26 TRIPPED ON Y-N FAULT TANTRANSCO/ KSEBL To-be-discussed
233 400KV-SATTENPALLY-VTPS_IV-2 24-03-2020/12:38 TRIPPED ON R-N FAULT APTRANSCO/ APGENCO To-be-discussed
234 220KV-SEDAM-TANDUR-1 24-03-2020/13:38 24-03-2020/16:43 TRIPPED ON R-N FAULT KPTCL/ APTRANSCO To-be-discussed
400KV-ALAMATHY-SUNGAVARACHATRAM-2 25-03-2020/12:05 25-03-2020/17:02 TANTRANSCO To-be-discussed
400KV-ALAMATHY-SUNGAVARACHATRAM-2 26-03-2020/12:26 26-03-2020/18:57 TANTRANSCO To-be-discussed
220KV-KOTHAGUDEM_TPS_V-LOWER_SILERU 27-03-2020/12:05 27-03-2020/14:40 TRIPPED DUE TO R-N FAULT TSGENCO/ APGENCO To-be-discussed

400KV-GUTTUR-JINDAL-1 27-03-2020/13:12 27-03-2020/19:04 TRIPPED DUE TO R-N FAULT JSWEL/ KPTCL To-be-discussed

400KV-MUNIRABAD-RTPS-1 28-03-2020/07:11 28-03-2020/08:07 TRIPPED DUE TO R-N FAULT PGCIL (SR-1)/ KPCL To-be-discussed
400KV-NCTPS_STAGE_II-SUNGAVARACHAT 29-03-2020/09:28 29-03-2020/10:38 TANGEDCO/ TANTRANSCO To-be-discussed
400KV-SRISAILAM_LEFT_BANK-SATTENPAL 29-03-2020/11:33 29-03-2020/10:38 TSGENCO/ APTRANSCO To-be-discussed
220KV-KOTHAGUDEM_TPS-LOWER_SILERU-1 29-03-2020/12:22 29-03-2020/13:19 TSGENCO/ SPTGENCO To-be-discussed
243 400KV-VTPS_IV-SURYAPET-1 30-03-2020/13:28 30-03-2020/14:14 TRIPPED ON B-N FAULT APGENCO/ TSTRANSCO To-be-discussed
244 400KV-NEYVELI_TS2_EXP-PUGALUR-1 30-03-2020/15:10 30-03-2020/15:53 TRIPPED ON Y-N FAULT NLCIL/ PGCIL (SR-2) To-be-discussed
245 400KV-HINDUJA-KV_KOTA-1 31-03-2020/12:36 TRIPPED ON Y- N FAULT HNPCL/ PGCIL (SR-1) To-be-discussed
246 400KV-UPCL-HASSAN-1 31-03-2020/14:13 Earth fault Relay Operated UPCL/ PGCIL (SR-2) To-be-discussed

Page 9 of 11
400KV-NEYVELI_TS2_EXP-PUGALUR-1 01-04-2020/13:41 01-04-2020/14:13 Single Phase to ground fault NLCIL/ PGCIL (SR-2) To-be-discussed
tripped due to CT-blast @
400KV-KAIGA-GUTTUR-1 01-04-2020/18:04 NPCIL (KGS)/ KPTCL To-be-discussed
248 kaiga
tripped due to CT-blast @
400KV-KAIGA-GUTTUR-2 01-04-2020/18:04 NPCIL (KGS)/ KPTCL To-be-discussed
249 kaiga

220KV-KOTHAGUDEM_TPS-LOWER_SILERU-1 02-04-2020/12:17 02-04-2020/12:37 TRIPPED ON B-N FAULT TSGENCO/ APGENCO To-be-discussed

251 400KV-GOOTY-NARNOOR-1 02-04-2020/13:34 02-04-2020/14:20 TRIPPED ON B-N FAULT PGCIL (SR-1)/ APTRANSCO To-be-discussed
220KV-HIRIYUR-GOWRIBIDANUR-1 04-04-2020/14:16 04-04-2020/16:37 BREAKER LOCK OUT AT KPTCL To-be-discussed
220KV-HIRIYUR-GOWRIBIDANUR-2 04-04-2020/14:16 04-04-2020/16:38 BREAKER LOCK OUT AT KPTCL To-be-discussed
220KV-PAVAGADA-KSPDCL4 04-04-2020/08:46 04-04-2020/09:26 PGCIL (SR-2)/ KSPDCL To-be-discussed
255 HVDC 500KV BHADRAVTAHI Pole 1 04-04-2020/21:25 04-04-2020/22:40 AC UNDER VOLTAGE WR To-be-discussed
HVDC 500KV BHADRAVTAHI Pole 2 04-04-2020/13:47 04-04-2020/21:51 WR To-be-discussed
High frequency relay
230KV-TTGS-GREENINFRA-1 05-04-2020/21:00 05-04-2020/21:21 operated TANTRANSCO To-be-discussed
257 50.20
High frequency relay
230KV-TTGS-MYTRAH-1 05-04-2020/21:00 05-04-2020/21:25 operated TANTRANSCO To-be-discussed
258 50.20
High frequency relay
230KV-TTGS-ORANGESIRONJ-1 05-04-2020/21:00 05-04-2020/21:24 operated TANTRANSCO To-be-discussed
259 50.20
High frequency relay
230KV-TTGS-BETAMWIND-1 05-04-2020/21:00 05-04-2020/21:22 operated TANTRANSCO To-be-discussed
260 50.20
261 400KV/110KV KAYATHAR-ICT-1 05-04-2020/14:46 05-04-2020/23:08 OIL SURGE RELAY ACTED TANTRANSCO To-be-discussed

Tripped at Kuzhutarai end

132KV-KUZHITHURAI-PARASSALA-1 05-04-2020/21:00 05-04-2020/16:22 KSEBL/ TANTRANSCO To-be-discussed
code given to H/T at Parsala
263 400KV-SRISAILAM_LEFT_BANK-DINDI-1 06-04-2020/14:14 single phase to ground TSGENCO/ TSTRANSCO To-be-discussed
264 220KV-KOTHAGUDEM_TPS-NUNNA_AP-1 06-04-2020/13:39 06-04-2020/17:37 single phase to ground TSGENCO/ APTRANSCO To-be-discussed
265 220KV-SRISAILAM_RIGHT_BANK-DINDI-2 06-04-2020/13:16 06-04-2020/15:55 single phase to ground APGENCO/ TSTRANSCO To-be-discussed
266 400KV-NARNOOR-GHANI-1 06-04-2020/19:07 06-04-2020/21:20 red hotspot APTRANSCO To-be-discussed
267 400KV-NARNOOR-GHANI-2 06-04-2020/19:07 06-04-2020/21:20 single phase to ground APTRANSCO To-be-discussed
h/t due to heavy glow at
220KV-UDUMALPET_TN-IDDUKKI-1 06-04-2020/20:05 UDPT TANTRANSCO/ KSEBL To-be-discussed
268 end
400KV-GUTTUR-JINDAL-1 07-04-2020/16:10 08-04-2020/02:53 KPTCL/ JSWEL To-be-discussed
269 CUT
400KV-GOOTY-RAICHUR_PG-1 07-04-2020/19:04 08-04-2020/02:53 PGCIL (SR-1) To-be-discussed
270 (PG)
400KV-GOOTY-RAICHUR_PG-2 07-04-2020/19:04 07-04-2020/19:54 PGCIL (SR-1) To-be-discussed
271 (PG)

Page 10 of 11
400KV-RAICHUR_PG-RTPS-1 07-04-2020/19:04 07-04-2020/20:04 PGCIL (SR-1)/ KPCL To-be-discussed
272 (PG)
400KV-RAICHUR_PG-RTPS-2 07-04-2020/19:04 07-04-2020/20:08 PGCIL (SR-1)/ KPCL To-be-discussed
273 (PG)
274 400KV-NARNOOR-MAHESHWARAM_PG-1 08-04-2020/15:30 08-04-2020/15:52 TRIPPED ON B-N FAULT APTRANSCO/ PGCIL (SR-1) To-be-discussed
276 220KV-KOTHAGUDEM_TPS-NUNNA_AP-1 08-04-2020/16:53 08-04-2020/17:13 TRIPPED ON R-N FAULT TSGENCO/ APTRANSCO To-be-discussed
277 132KV-ASWAROAPET-KAMAVARAPU_KOTA 08-04-2020/13:20 08-04-2020/17:49 Tripped on Y-B Fault TSTRANSCO/ APTRANSCO To-be-discussed
278 132KV-ASWAROAPET-KAMAVARAPU_KOTA 08-04-2020/07:46 08-04-2020/11:34 Tripped on Y-B Fault TSTRANSCO/ APTRANSCO To-be-discussed
279 132KV-ASWAROAPET-KAMAVARAPU_KOTA 08-04-2020/13:30 08-04-2020/17:19 Tripped on Y-B Fault TSTRANSCO/ APTRANSCO To-be-discussed
132KV-ASWAROAPET-KAMAVARAPU_KOTA. 09-04-2020/11:54 09-04-2020/16:35 PHASE TO PHASE FAULT TSTRANSCO/ APTRANSCO To-be-discussed
281 230KV-KALVENDAPATTU-THARAMANI 09-04-2020/18:22 B-N FAULT TANTRANSCO To-be-discussed
400KV-KAIGA-GUTTUR-1 09-04-2020/11:59 NPCIL (KGS)/ KPTCL To-be-discussed

400KV-NCTPS_STAGE_II-MANALI-1 09-04-2020/15:10 R-N FAULT TANGEDCO/ TANTRANSCO To-be-discussed

284 230KV-NNTPP-NEYVELI_TS_II-1 09-04-2020/00:12 TRIPPED ON B-N FAULT NLCIL To-be-discussed
132KV-ASWAROAPET-KAMAVARAPU_KOTA. 09-04-2020/13:51 09-04-2020/18:55 PHASE TO PHASE FAULT TSTRANSCO/ APTRANSCO To-be-discussed
286 220KV-KOTHAGUDEM_TPS-NUNNA_AP-1 10-04-2020/08:28 10-04-2020/14:03 TRIPPED ON R-N FAULT TSGENCO/ APTRANSCO To-be-discussed

Page 11 of 11
Frequency Set points and House load Operation Details furnished by constituents
whether House load operation
Plant Name Utility Name Description Machine Unit No Set Point (low frequency) Set Point (High Frequency)
Sl.No capability exists
51.50 Hz
Genetator-1 & 2
2.0 Sec
(i) Low and high frequency set points of all generators (including RE) in the
existing/proposed Islanding Schemes. ( Alarm only) Genetator-2 51.50 Hz
(600MW) 2.0 Sec
NCTPS - II TANGEDCO Available for all units
Genetator-1 48.5Hz /2.5 Sec
(600MW) & 47.5Hz/ 2.0 Sec
(ii) Frequency at which generators are taken to house load operation.
Genetator-2 48.5Hz /2.5 Sec
(600MW) & 47.5Hz/ 2.0 Sec
(210MW) 47.6Hz/ 1Sec -----

(i) Low and high frequency set points of all generators (including RE) in the
(210MW) ----- -----
existing/proposed Islanding Schemes. ( Alarm only)
(210MW) 47.6Hz/ 1Sec 51.7Hz/ 1sec
NCTPS - I TANGEDCO Available for all units
(210MW) 47.5Hz/ 3sec. -----

(ii) Frequency at which generators are taken to house load operation. (210MW) 47.5Hz/ 3sec. -----

(210MW) 47.5Hz/ 3sec. 51.8Hz/ 1sec
(i) Low and high frequency set points of all generators (including RE) in the
All units 47.5Hz for 28sec -Trip 52Hz for 120 sec. -Trip
3 KKNPP NPCIL existing/proposed Islanding Schemes.
(ii) Frequency at which generators are taken to house load operation. All units 47.5Hz for 25sec 52Hz for 100 sec.
210 MW 47.50 Hz /2 sec Not Adopted

210 MW 47.50 Hz / 2 sec Not Adopted
(i) Low and high frequency set points of all generators (including RE) in the
existing/proposed Islanding Schemes. ( Alarm only) Generator-3
47.50 Hz / 2 sec Not Adopted
210 MW
48.5 Hz / 5 sec 50.75 Hz / 5 sec
210 MW
47.6 Hz / 2 sec Not Adopted
210 MW
House load operation capability not
Generator-1 47.00 Hz / 5 sec
TTPS TANGEDCO Not Adopted available for Units -I, II & II and
210 MW ( unit trip)
Available for Iv & V.
47.00 Hz / 5 sec
210 MW Not Adopted
( unit trip)
47.00 Hz / 5 sec
210 MW Not Adopted
(ii) Frequency at which generators are taken to house load operation. ( unit trip)
Generator-4 47.00 Hz / 2 sec
210 MW (House load) Not Adopted

Page 1 of 2
Generator-5 47.00 Hz / 2 sec
210 MW (House load) Not Adopted
48.5 Hz , 5 sec delay (Alarm only)
5 NTPC_Simhadri NTPC Frequency low 47.4 Hz , 2 sec (trip and unit taken on Yes
house load)
6 BTPS KPCL No house load operation
7 T(G)TPS GS TANGEDCO No house load operation
48.5Hz, 2sec (Alarm only)
8 UPCL UPCL Frequency low and High Frequency set points 47.7Hz, 2sec (Trip) 52.1 Hz, 2 sec (Trip)
47.5Hz, 0.5sec (Trip)
Srisailam Right Bank Power
9 APGENCO 7x110=770 MW Yes
House 220kV
10 Lower Sileru PH 220kV APGENCO 4x115=460 MW Yes
11 Donkarayi Canal PH 220kV APGENCO 1x25 =25 MW Yes
12 Upper Sileru PH 220kV APGENCO 4x60=240 MW Yes
13 Machkund PH 132kV APGENCO 3x17+3x23=120 MW Yes
Nagarjunasagar Right Canal PH
14 APGENCO 3 x 30=90 MW Yes
Nagarjuna Sagar Tail Pond
15 APGENCO 2 X 25=50 MW Yes
Power House 132kV
16 Penna Ahobilam HES 132kV APGENCO 2 x 10=20 MW Yes
17 Tunga Bhadra Dam PH 66kV APGENCO 4 x 9=36 MW Yes
18 Hampi PH 66kV APGENCO 4 x 9=36 MW Yes
U#l 48Hz(2I) ,47.5Hz(1") 51Hz(1") ,51.5Hz(0.1")
U#2 48Hz(2") ,47.5Hz(1") 51Hz(1I) ,51.5Hz(0.1")
U#3 48Hz(2I) ,47.5Hz(1") 51Hz(1" ) ,51.5Hz(0.1")
Idukki KSEBL Frequency low and High Frequency set points Not Available
19 U#6 NA NA
U#l 48Hz(5") ,47.5Hz(0.5") 51Hz(2") ,52Hz(0.5")
Lowr Periyar KSEBL Frequency low and High Frequency set points U#2 48Hz(5" ,47.5Hz(0.5") 51Hz(2") ,52Hz(0.5") Not Available
20 U#3 48.5Hz(5") ,48Hz(2") 51Hz(5") ,51.5Hz(2")
U#1 48Hz(10") ,47.5Hz(2") 52Hz(5") ,53Hz(3")
U#2 48Hz(10") ,47.5Hz(5") 52Hz(5") ,53Hz(3")
U#3 4.8Hz(10") ,47.5Hz(5") 52Hz(5") ,53Hz(3")
Sabarigiri KSEBL Frequency low and High Frequency set points Not Available
U#4 48Hz(10") ,47.5Hz(5") 52Hz(5") ,53Hz(3")
U#5 48Hz(10") ,47.5Hz(5") 52Hz(5" ) ,53Hz(3")
21 U#6 48Hz(10") ,47.5Hz(5") 52Hz(5") ,53Hz(3")
U#l 46.5Hz(5") ,46Hz(2") 53Hz(5") ,54Hz(1)
Kakkad KSEBL Frequency low and High Frequency set points Not Available
22 U#2 46.5Hz(5") ,46Hz(2") 53Hz(5") ,54Hz(1)
U#l 43Hz(1") 51.6Hz(0.5")
Idamalayar KSEBL Frequency low and High Frequency set points Not Available
23 U#2 43Hz(1") 51.6Hz(0.5")
U#l 47.25Hz(5") , 47Hz(1") 52Hz(2"),52.5(0.2")
U#2 47.25Hz(5" ) , 47Hz(1") 52Hz(2"),52.5(0.2")
Neriamangalam KSEBL Frequency low and High Frequency set points Not Available
U#3 47.25Hz(5") , 47Hz(1") 52Hz(21),52.5(0.2")
24 NES 47Hz(20") , 46.5Hz(1") 52Hz(1" ),52.5Hz(0.5")
U#l 47.5Hz(5" ) , 47Hz(1") 51.5Hz(5"),52Hz(1")
Panniar KSEBL Frequency low and High Frequency set points Not Available
25 U#2 47.5Hz(5") , 47Hz(1") 51.5Hz(5"),52Hz(1")
U#l 47.5Hz(1") , 47Hz(0.1") 52Hz(21"),52.5Hz(0.2" )
U#2 47:5Hz(1") , 47Hz(0.1") 52Hz(2"),52.5Hz(0.2")
U#3 47.5Hz(1") , 47Hz(0.1") 52Hz(2"),52.5Hz(0.2")
Pallivasal KSEBL Frequency low and High Frequency set points Not Available
U#4 47.5Hz(5") , 47Hz(1") 52Hz(2"),52.5Hz(0.1")
U#5 47Hz(10" ) , 40Hz(1") 52Hz(2"),52.5Hz(0.1")
26 U#6 47Hz(10 ") , 40Hz(1") 52Hz(2"),52.5Hz(0.1")
U#l 45Hz(3"),40Hz(1") 52Hz(2"),52.5Hz(0.1")
U#2 48Hz(5"),47.5Hz(5") 52Hz(2" ),52.5Hz(0.1")
Sengulam KSEBL Frequency low and High Frequency set points Not Available
U#3 47.5Hz(5"),47Hz(1") 52Hz(2"),52.5Hz(0.1")
27 U#4 47.5Hz(5" ),47Hz(1") 52Hz(2"),52.5Hz(0.1" )

Page 2 of 2


'lrn:<f 'H('{> I(

Government of India
~f<twr ~ Central Electricity Authority
~ ~ f<twr ufilfct Southern Regional Power Committee
~ - 560 009 mrtn"f~
Bengaluru - 560 009
Web site: www.sroc.kar.nic.in e-mail: mssroc-ka@nic.in Ph: 080-22287205 Fax: 080-22259343
~/No . I SRPC/SE(O)/20201 ~ /Date 24.02.2020

I. Chief Engineer, SLDC, APTRANSCO, Vijayawada

2. Chief Engineer, SLDC , KPTCL, Bengaluru
3. Chief Engineer (SO), KSEBL, Kalamassery
4. Chief Engineer (0), TANTRANSCO, Chennai
5. Chief Engineer (P&C), TANTRANSCO, Chennai
6. Chief Engineer, SLDC, TSTRANSCO, Hyderabad
7. Superintending Engineer- I cum HOD, Puducherry ED, Puducherry
8. COM, SR-I, POCIL, Hyderabad
9. COM, SR-II, POCIL, Bengaluru
10. Executive Director, SRLDC , Bengaluru


Sub: SPS schemes implcmentation a nd mock testing-reg,

R ef: CE (P&C), T ANTRANSeO lett er dated 21.02.2020 (copy enclosed)

The SPS is of paramount importance for secured grid opera tion. The new DTPCs were
commissioned by POCIL at the locations from where the signal was to be extended to the new I
existing identified load reliefs by the states for the Talcher-Kolar, Raichur-Sholapur and
KKNPP-I&2 S1'S schemes. The DTPC commissioning was completed by POCIL in the IS'
quarter of 2019.
The S1'S Distribution Matrix was finalized in the 77lh meeting of 1'CSC held on
21.08.2018 .
Despite sustained follow-up in the ace I 1'CSC meetings, some of the SPS nodes are
yet to be armed which is a matter of serious concern.
In the 164'h OCC meeting held on 11.02.2020, it was noted that all the works except few
nodes in K1'TCL in respect of SPS were completed. 111e works were planned to be completed
by 26.02.2020 and therefore mock test was planned on 27.02.2020. In the 89'h 1'CSC meeting
held on 13.02.2020, it was noted that there were some pending works in respect of nodes of
TANTRANSCO (port confirmation) and KPTCL (wiring issues). TANTRANSCO vide letter
under reference has pointed out that port confirmatio n in respect of nodes of TANTRANSCO
was yet to be received from SR-II, 1'OCIL and requested for reschedule of the mock test.
This urgent matter needs to be addressed immediately by taking following steps:

Page 1 of 16

I. All pending works to be completed by states/POCIL by 29.02.2020 (Sat urday).

States/POCIL to coordinate with each other.
2. SPS Distribution matrix is annexed to the 77 lh pCSC minutes (available on SRI'C
3. Final mapping / wiring diagram may be furnished by states/I'OCIL along with
modified reliefs, if any.
4. Mock test to be held on 04.03.2020 (Wednesday)
It is kindly requested to issue suitable directions to ensure completion of this urgent
long pending issue.

tj.-<j em:; !Thanking you,

~ I Yours faithfully

mnr: <r~ / End: As above

Copy for kind information:

I. Director (Or.&TM), APTRANSCO, Vijayawada

2. Director (Transmission) , KPTCL, Bengaluru
3. Director (Tr, SO & S), KSEBL, Thiruvananthapuram
4. Director (Operation), TANTRANSCO
5. Director (Orid Operations), TSTRANSCO, Hyderabad

Page 2 of 16


Fron: ~0 7
f.r . S.SEKl(ILAR,B.E" , ... The rviernber seuclilry
Chief Engineer, J Southern Region Pm':er Commi tte," ( SRPC)
Protection and Communication. No.29,RzKe COll IS~ cross HOCld,
TI\NTRANSCO, Bengaluru- 560 009
First Floor, 55 -Block ,
144, Anna Salai, Chen na i - 600 002, The Execut ive Director
Southern Region load Dispatch Centre ( SR1DC)
N o. ;~9 , R3ce Cours e cross Roa d ,
Be n 9aluru - ~() O Oar;

Lr, No . Cl'.jPfl, Cj SEjD/ I:PC-4 / AI'.E-S / F.5 I'S SCHEH ES/D. No. 'r /20, dat e d : '~U) 7. . 2 0 7. 0 .

Sub: TANTRANSCO - SPS SCHEI'l ES ... imp lementat ion 0 ' Sf'S schemes in T ilmilNadu as pel ?eSC
77 deliberations - port confirmation req uested to pe e!!. -- rc~: .

Ref: l. PCSC 'r r deliberati ons fo r SPS schemes.

LLr.No.CE/ P&C/SE/D / EPC-4/ M ,E-5{then Af:E. 3 )!f, SP~; SClIEi"I!:S!D. No.0 3/ ! 9, date d: 2ii , i 2, ! 9 .

The port ter min ation to DTPC are still pending for want of port ccnfi rmation (rom PGCJL. The Issue
was addressed to you vide ref cited 2 ami also d iscus sed if' the :>9'" PCSC 1I j(~et i~g held on 14.02 .20 20 a~
SRPC, BengalunJ. In th e, PCSC 89 1" meetin q, r'1/s. PGCii. assured t o Iu rmsh the deteils by 11.02 .2020 bur
the port confirmatio n details are not y et received .

A mock l est (or all SPS schemes has been programmed by '; :~.LDC on 27.02.2020 . The receipt of aa
SPS 519n;]1at load point car, be ensured on ly aftcr termlnaliou of \,/;";n9 from DTPC loc~ l ion to load point,

Hence it is req uested that necessary arranqement mu'{ be fI1~ue to r port cont irrnat ion of each DTPC$
of Tamil Nadu and also requested to reschedule the m ock test " fler com plet ion of above work.

- "; • ~_ .. . • . ... I
\ . -c
-~~-,,!- _;'~"" >"
\ r,)..-\ F-' ,,··
· ' .l J ! f .l_ \~_ b

Chief Engineerl . {':.e

Copy by mail:
Copy sub mit ted to th e Direcl or Operatio n / T r,NTRANSCO
COliI' to th e Chief Engim :er / Grid operation I Chennei
Copy to th e Chief Engineer / System Operat ion / Cheuna: Tri chy . e•.
. Copy to th e Superintending Engineer / LD S, GO / Operation & EXl'cu!,ive Engineers/ I.DC ( by email)
Copy to " II the Superin tendin g Engineers & all Executive c n;j ill cers / Pf,C ( by ernail)
It is requested to ensure the 'N iring from DTPC to load POillt ,,5 per rd cited t&2 and also req ue~~t t?(j
£0 make necessary al l"angern enls for tenn inatlon of wiring to DTPC POlt .

Page 3 of 16

Raichur-Solapur feeders- Special protection scheme

Signal from raichur F.O

Kolar HVDC
Through DTPC i.e RS1

Signal from raichur F.O

Kolar HVDC
Through DTPC i.e RS2

Mysore 400KV

Signal from raichur F.O

Kolar HVDC
Through DTPC i.e RS3

Mysore 400KV

Page 4 of 16

SPS scheme implementation at Raichur SS

5P -2..

SPS-1B RS-1 2 ssqmm cu cable

- ~ or ~
---- I
SPS-3 I \

\ I
Fa HVDC Kolar

SPS-1A(1) RS-2 2.ssqmm cu cable
or • I

L t



, , .>
...---L- Mysore

, , Fa
400KV SS


SPS-1A(2) RS-3 2.ssqmm cu able

or L .. - .-
- - - -. -
- - ---- I-
- MUX r--

SPS-1A (1) ---- summated flow of both RCR-SLP is more than 3000MW (import) for ssec.

SPS-1A (2) ---- summated flow of both RCR-SLP is more than 3000MW (import) for 7.ssec.

SPS-1B-------- summated flow of both RCR-SLP is more than 3s00MW (import) for 2.ssec.

SPS-3----------loss of RCR-SLPD/C line more than ls00MW(import) due to tripping of both lines

Page 5 of 16

Page 6 of 16
PORT NUMBER at Source/Destination DTPCs provided by PGCIL (SR-2)
Source/Destination DTPCs
Source DTPC
S. No Destination RS1 RS2 RS3 TK1 TK2 TK3 KK1 KK2
1 Ananthapur Kolar DIP5000 1 2
2 Chinakampalli Kolar DIP5000 1 3 4
3 Somayajulapalli Kolar DIP5000 1
4 Kurnool Kolar DIP5000 1
5 Gooty Kolar DIP5000 1 4
6 Gazvel Kolar DIP5000 1
7 Mahboob Nagar Kolar DIP5000 1
8 Budidampadu Kolar DIP5000 1
9 Ramagundam Kolar DIP5000 1
10 Kolar Kolar PLCC
11 Hoody Kolar PLCC
12 Soman Halli Kolar DIP5000 1 4 2
13 Nelamangala Kolar ABB 1 2 3 4
14 Mysore Raichur Valient 1 2
15 Hassan Salem Valient 1
16 Guttur Salem Valient 1
17 Trichur Kolar DIP5000 3 1
18 Kannur Kolar DIP5000 1
19 Pallam Kolar DIP5000 3
20 Edappon Kolar DIP5000 3 4
21 Shornur Salem Valient 1
22 Chalakudy Salem Valient 1
23 Kundra Salem Valient 1
24 Edamon Salem Valient 1
25 Pothencode Salem Valient 1
26 Areacode Salem Valient 1
27 Malaparamba Salem Valient 1
28 Hosur Kolar PLCC 1
29 Madurai Kolar DIP5000 3 1 2 4
30 Karaikudi Kolar DIP5000 1 4
31 Thiruvarur Kolar DIP5000 3 1 4 2&1
32 Trichy Kolar DIP5000 3 1 4 2
33 Arasur Raichur Valient 1 2
34 Salem 400 Kolar DIP5000 2 1 3 4
35 Sriperambadur Kolar DIP5000 1 3 4 2
36 Myvady Salem Valient 1
37 Cuddalore Salem Valient 1
38 Alamathy Salem Valient 1
39 Shoolagiri Kolar PLCC 1
40 Ingur Salem Valient 1
41 Ingur Kolar DIP5000 3 1 4 1
42 Karekal Salem Valient 1
Kudankula 1,2,3 5,6,7
43 Salem 400 Valient
m ,4 ,8
44 Kolar Raichur DIP5000 1 2 3 4
45 Kolar Gooty DIP5000 1
46 Kolar Nelamangala
DIP5000 1
47 Kolar Madurai/UDPT
DIP5000 1 2

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Signal -1
Received at
220kV Kolar Line 1 & 2
Kolar DTPC

Received at
400kV PGCIL Received at 220kV 66kV ITI
Kolar DTPC 400kV Hoody Hoody 66kV Pottery Road
66kV Shantiniketan
Signal -2
Received at
400kV 220kV
Somanaha 66kV Kumbalgod
lli 66kV Jigani 1&2
66kV Kanakpura 1&2

Signal -3 Received at
Kolar DTPC 220kV Chintamani Line 1 & 2
Through PLCC

Hard wiring

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220kV 220kV 220kV

Toobinaker 66kV Mattanavile
K.R. Pete C.R. Patna 66kV S Belagola
Received at e
RS-2 Signal 66kV
400kV PGCIL 66kV Madeshwa
Bastipura G. Ukkada rapura

66kV Bogadhi
66kV Elwala

220kV 220kV
220kV 66kV
Vajamangal Vajamang
Hootagalli Akkurmole
a ala
Received at
RS-3 Signal 400kV PGCIL
Bastipura DTPC
220kV 220kV
Kadakola Chamaraj
66kV DK Maidan nagara 66kV Honnali
66kV RK Nagar

220kV 66kV CR Patna
HN Pura 66kV Mysore 1
66kV Mysore 2

Through PLCC

Hard wiring

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66kV T.G Halli
66kV Huliyur Durga 220kV 110kV K.G Temple
66kV Amruthur Nittur 110kV Gubbi

Received at
KK-1 Signal 400kV PGCIL
220kV 220kV KB
Nelamangala 110kV Turuvekere
Anthrasana Cross
DTPC 66kV Chelur 110kV Mayasandra

220kV DB 220kV
Pura Gowribidn 66kV Peresandra
66kV Kanaswadi ur 66kV Bagepalli line-1


Received at 220kV
400kV PGCIL Davanager 66kV Davanagere 66kV Savalanga
Guttur DTPC Honnali
e 66kV Yeragunta
66kV Avaregere
Received at 110kV Nagenahalli
400kV PGCIL 220kV 110kV Tangli
Shantigrama 220kV MRS Kadur 110kV Neralekere
66kV DVG-1
66kV DVG-2
66kV Chikkamagalur
66kV Hiremaglur
Hassan 66kV CR Patna line2
Through PLCC
66kV Banavara
Hard wiring 66kV Arasikere

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Quantam of
Name of the SPS Trip Tripping of loads envisaged at Sub
Sl.No. Load relief by DTPC Location 220kV/110kV/66kV Feeders List Remarks
Signal Stations
Talcher-Kolar SPS
1 250 400kV PGCIL Kolar 400/220kV at Kolar PGCIL Station 220kV Kolar 1&2 lines
Trip Signal 1 - TK1
From 400kV PGCIL Kolar signal transmitted 66kV ITI
to 400kV Hoody then to 220kV Hoody to 66kV Pottery Road @ Hoody 220kV
400kV PGCIL Kolar
Talcher-Kolar SPS trip 66kV feeders 66kV Shantiniketan
2 200 400kV PGCIL
Trip Signal 2 - TK2 From 400kV PGCIL Somanahalli signal 66kV Kumbalgod
transmitted to 220kV Somanahalli to trip 66kV Jigani 1&2 @ Somanahalli 220kV
66kV feeders 66kV Kanakpura 1&2
Talcher-Kolar SPS
3 109 400kV PGCIL Kolar 400/220kV at Kolar PGCIL Station 220kV Chintamani 1 & 2 lines
Trip Signal 3 - TK3
From 400kV Bastipura, signal transmitted 66kV Bogadi & Elwala @ 220kV Hootagalli
Raichur - Sholapur to 220kV Hootagalli, Tubinakere, K.R.Pet, 66kV G.Ukkada @ 220kV Tubinakere
4 100 400kV Bastipura
Trip Signal 2 - RS2 C.R. Patna through PLCC to trip 66kV 66kV Madeshwarapura@ 220kV KR Pet
Wiring should be
feeders 66kV Mattanavile & S Belagola @ 220kV CR Patna
changed from
Nelamangala PLCC
From 400kV Bastipura, signal transmitted 66kV Akkurmole @ TK Halli
cabinet to DTPC
Raichur - Sholapur to 220kV Hootagalli, TK Halli, Kadakola, 66kV DK Maidan & RK Nagar @ Kadakola
5 97 400kV Bastipura
Trip Signal 3 - RS3 Chamarajnagar, Holenarasipura through 66kV Honnali @ Chamarajnagar
PLCC to trip 66kV feeders 66kV CR Patna, Mysore 1 &2 @ HN Pura

66kV Anchepalya-2, Huliyur Durga,

66kV T.G Halli & Amruthur @ 220kV Anchepalya
From 400kV Nelamangala, trip signal
110kV K.G Temple & Gubbi @ 220kV Nittur
transmitted to 220kV Anchepalya, Nittur,
Kudankulam Unit I 110kV Turuvekere & Mayasandra @ KB Cross
6 193 400kV Nelamangala KB Cross, Anthrasanahalli,
SPS Signal I - KK1 66kV Chelur line @ 220kV Anthrasanahalli
Doddaballapura, Gowribidnir through
66kV Kanaswadi line @ 220kV Doddaballapura
PLCC to trip 66kV feeders
66kV Peresandra & Bagepalli line-1 @ 220kV
Cable should be laid
From 400kV Guttur trip signal transmitted 66kV Davanagere, Yaragunta & Avaregere @ 220kV
between DTPC and to
400kV Guttur to 220kV Daavanagere and Honnali Davanagere
Davanagere & Honnali
through PLCC to trip 66kV feeders Savalanga @ 220kV Honnali
PLCC Cabinet
Kudankulam Unit II
7 174 66kV DVG 1 &2 @ 220kV MRS Shimoga
SPS Signal II - KK2 From 400kV Shantigrama trip signal
110kV Nagenahalli, Tangli & Neralekere @ Kadur, 66kV Cable should be laid
transmitted to 220kV Shimoga,
Chikkamagalur & Hiremagalur @ 220kV between DTPC and
400kV Shantigrama Chikkamangalur, Kadur, Arasikere and
Chikkamangalur, Shimoga & Hassan PLCC
Hassan through PLCC to trip 110kV and
66kV Arasikere & Banavara @ 220kV Arasikere, Cabinet
66kV feeders
66kV CR Patna -2 line @ 220kV Hassan.

Page 11 of 16
Name of the SPS Trip Quantam of Load Tripping of loads envisaged at Sub
Sl.No. DTPC Location Remarks
Signal relief by KPTCL in MW Stations
Talcher-Kolar SPS Trip
1 250 400kV PGCIL Kolar 400/220kV at Kolar PGCIL Station
Signal 1 - TK1
Rearrangement of SPS signals @
From 400kV PGCIL Kolar signal transmitted
Kolar PGCIL has to be done as the
to 400kV Hoody then to 220kV Hoody to
load relief is much higher than
Talcher-Kolar SPS Trip 400kV PGCIL Kolar trip 66kV feeders
2 200 the schedule given for karnataka
Signal 2 - TK2 400kV PGCIL Somanahalli From 400kV PGCIL Somanahalli signal
for TK1 signal. Requested vide
transmitted to 220kV Somanahalli to trip
this office letter dated 31.08.2019
66kV feeders
Talcher-Kolar SPS Trip
3 109 400kV PGCIL Kolar 400/220kV at Kolar PGCIL Station
Signal 3 - TK3
From 400kV Bastipura, signal transmitted
Work Completed
Raichur - Sholapur Trip to 220kV Hootagalli, Tubinakere, K.R.Pet,
4 100 400kV Bastipura Signal extended from newly
Signal 2 - RS2 C.R. Patna through PLCC to trip 66kV
commissioned DTPC @ Bastipura.
Earlier signal was received @
From 400kV Bastipura, signal transmitted Nelamangala and transmitted to
Raichur - Sholapur Trip to 220kV Hootagalli, TK Halli, Kadakola, Bastipura through PLCC.
5 97 400kV Bastipura
Signal 3 - RS3 Chamarajnagar, Holenarasipura through Downstream wiring ready from
PLCC to trip 66kV feeders KPTCL

From 400kV Nelamangala, trip signal

transmitted to 220kV Anchepalya, Nittur,
Kudankulam Unit I SPS
6 193 400kV Nelamangala KB Cross, Anthrasanahalli, No Change
Signal I - KK1
Doddaballapura, Gowribidnir through
PLCC to trip 66kV feeders
Work Completed
Signal extended from newly
From 400kV Guttur trip signal transmitted
commissioned DTPC to
400kV Guttur to 220kV Daavanagere and Honnali
Davanagere & Honnali PLCC
through PLCC to trip 66kV feeders
panels@ Guttur, Downstream
Kudankulam Unit II SPS wiring is ready from KPTCL.
7 174
Signal II - KK2 Signal should be extended from
From 400kV Shantigrama trip signal
newly commissioned DTPC to
transmitted to 220kV Shimoga,
Shimoga & Hassan PLCC Cabinet
400kV Shantigrama Chikkamangalur, Kadur, Arasikere and
@ Shantigrama by PGCIL,
Hassan through PLCC to trip 110kV and
Downstream wiring is ready from
66kV feeders

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(lncorporated under the lndian Companies Act, 1956)
Office of the Chief Engineer (Transmission System
LD Centre, H.M.T.Colony P.O., Kalamassery - 683 503.
Phone: 0484 2555965,2543850, 9496019100 Fax: 0484
Email : cesoklsy@gmail.com, ceso@kseb.in
Website : www.kseb.in. C IN : U40 1 00KL20 11 S G C027 424

No.CESO/EELD1/AEGS/SPS/2019-201 I I 5'& Date: 5 108119


General Manager(ULDC), SR-II,

PGCIL, Bangalore


Sub: Review of Distribution of Loads and Signal Paths of Raichur -SholapurSPS,

Talcher-Kolar SPS, Kundankulam (Relocation of SPS schemes)- reg:
Ref: SRPC/ SE-III IPCSC-761 201815769-804 dated 06.09.2018(Minutes ot l7h
PCSCI meeting )

Wiring from DTPC to Relay on account of the SPS relocation at all location
has been completed. But there is ambiguity regarding the input to be connected at the

DTPC end . So we need the assistance of PGCIL-SR II for completing this task. All
other works from KSEB side has been completed and is ready for end to end testing. It
is requested that necessary steps may taken to complete the same.

Yours faithfully,

\ Chief

Copy submitted to : The Member Secretary, SRPC, Bangalore.

Copy to:

1 ) The Deputy Ch i ef E ng i neers,SOC, Ka la massery/Ka nn ur/Th i ruvanatha puram

2 )The Assistant Executive E ng i neer,TNMS, Kala massery.

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