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ability to reduce inflammation and, replacement for patients with adrenal 5. Kaiser UB, Mirmira RG, Stewart PM.
Our response to COVID-19 as endocrinologists
ideally, fibrosis. However, the absence insufficiency. 7 Such regimen can and diabetologists. J Clin Endocrinol Metab
of benefit on overall survival has reduce the harmful effects of peaks 2020; 105: dgaa148.
discouraged their use3 to the point and troughs of hydrocortisone on 6 Isidori AM, Venneri MA, Graziadio C, et al.
Effect of once-daily, modified-release
that WHO guidance on management the immune system,7 and the length hydrocortisone versus standard glucocorticoid
of COVID-19 advises against cortico­ of stay in an intensive care unit.8 therapy on metabolism and innate immunity
in patients with adrenal insufficiency
steroids, unless indicated for other Hydration and electrolyte balance (DREAM): a single-blind, randomised
reasons.4 Adrenal insufficiency is one should also be corrected promptly, as controlled trial. Lancet Diabetes Endocrinol
of those reasons and standard care severe hypotension is very frequent 2018; 6: 173–85.
7 Prete A, Taylor AE, Bancos I, et al. Prevention of
suggests to apply the so-called sick day with disease progression. There is adrenal crisis: cortisol responses to major
rules when COVID-19 is suspected.5 also increasing concern over the dis­ stress compared to stress dose hydrocortisone
delivery. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 2020;
Patients with adrenal insufficiency sem­inated thromboembolic disease published online March 14. DOI:10.1210/
have an increased risk of infection due observed in severe COVID-19. Given clinem/dgaa133.
to their depleted innate immunity, the coagulation abnormalities 8 Alhazzani W, Moller MH, Arabi YM, et al.
Surviving Sepsis Campaign: guidelines on the
characterised by increased monocytes associated with glucocorticoid use, management of critically ill adults with
and decreased cytotoxic natural low molecular weight heparin should Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19).
Intensive Care Med 2020; published online
killer cells,6 which could facilitate the be introduced early.9 March 28. DOI:10.1097/
worsening of a SARS-CoV-2 infec­ In summary, tailoring of gluco­ CCM.0000000000004363.
tion into severe acute respiratory corticoid stress regimens in COVID-19 9 Isidori AM, Minnetti M, Sbardella E,
Graziadio C, Grossman AB. Mechanisms in
distress syndrome. Given the role of requires a more evidence-based endocrinology: the spectrum of haemostatic
the HPA axis in stress priming the approach. The pathophysiology of abnormalities in glucocorticoid excess and
defect. Eur J Endocrinol 2015; 173: R101–13.
immune response, patients with immune response and the systemic
adrenal insufficiency are intuitively complications associated with a SARS-
at high risk of infection, especially as CoV-2 infection set the pace, and the
corticosteroid therapy during infection protocol should be adapted to the Managing diabetes in
is still largely tailored empirically, often patient’s clinical stage.
disregarding timing and dosage. The
Qatar during the
AMI reports personal fees from Takeda;
rationale of the more the better avoids non-financial support from Takeda and Ipsen; and COVID-19 pandemic
grants from Shire and Pfizer. RP reports personal
risking inadequate concentrations fees; non-financial support; and grants from HRA,
of corticosteroids. However, mild Novartis, Ipsen, Corcept, and Shire. All other authors The coronavirus disease 2019 Published Online
April 28, 2020
COVID-19 symptoms such as fatigue, declare no competing interests. (COVID-19) pandemic has immediate
malaise, gastrointestinal symptoms, *Andrea M Isidori, Riccardo Pofi , implications for people with diabetes. S2213-8587(20)30154-6
and diarrhoea are common in patients Valeria Hasenmajer, Andrea Lenzi, Diabetes diminishes immune
with adrenal insufficiency, and patients’ Rosario Pivonello function, which contributes to a
fears might lead them to increase higher risk of severe COVID-19
their dose unnecessarily. Establishing Policlinico Umberto I, COVID Hospital, Department infection requiring intensive care and
the correct timing of stress dose of Experimental Medicine, Sapienza University of a higher fatality rate than is associated
administration relative to the degree Rome, Rome 00161, Italy (AMI, RP, VH, AL); with people who do not have
Dipartimento di Medicina Clinica e Chirurgia,
of inflammatory damage and the Sezione di Endocrinologia, Università Federico II di diabetes. 1–3 Glycaemic control can
desired effect on the immune system Napoli, Naples, Italy (RP) also be challenging with COVID-19,
is crucial—ie, not too early, not too late. 1 Baud D, Qi X, Nielsen-Saines K, Musso D, placing more burden on a fatigued
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following COVID-19 infection. Lancet Infect Dis
decreases with stress, in mild 2020; published online March 12. people with diabetes cannot receive
symptomatic COVID-19 it seems DOI:10.1016/S1473–3099(20)30195-X. standard care because of resource
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Berghe G. Adrenal function and dysfunction in
induced cortisol rise with additional critically ill patients. Nat Rev Endocrinol 2019; challenges for diabetes care during
doses (at least doubling the original 15: 417–27. the pandemic include reduced
3 Ruan SY, Lin HH, Huang CT, Kuo PH, Wu HD,
regimen). In cases of persistent fever Yu CJ. Exploring the heterogeneity of effects of
access to health care, education,
or progression of respiratory damage corticosteroids on acute respiratory distress investigations, monitoring supplies,
to severe pneumonia, an initial bolus syndrome: a systematic review and medications, and vaccinations.
meta-analysis. Crit Care 2014; 18: R63.
of 50–100 mg of hydrocortisone 4. Russell CD, Millar JE, Baillie JK. Clinical evidence Furthermore, isolation measures
followed by continuous intravenous does not support corticosteroid treatment for result in increased food intake,
2019-nCoV lung injury. Lancet 2020;
infusion of 200 mg of hydrocortisone 395: 473–75.
reduced physical activity, irregular
would be the most appropriate schedules translating to glycaemic Vol 8 June 2020 473


deterioration, and increased anxiety is important to not neglect people corona­ v irus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), was
and depression. who might be at the highest risk, as announced as a global pandemic by
Qatar has one of the highest they will be affected both directly WHO on 11 March, 2020. Although
prevalence estimates of diabetes (17%) and indirectly. It is vital for all COVID-19 is not life-threatening
in the world,4 placing a substantial health services to have a strategy in most people, it can be lethal for
proportion of the population at risk of for managing diabetes in epidemics others. The exact mortality rate
severe COVID-19 infection. Diabetes and to share their knowledge and varies greatly between regions
in Qatar has an earlier age of disease experience to face current and future and countries, particularly with an
onset and complications than is seen challenges. increased risk of death in people
in western populations.4 To tackle We declare no competing interests. aged 70 years and older.1 Because of
the serious challenge of COVID-19 its high transmissibility, COVID-19
*Shahrad Taheri, Odette Chagoury,
and diabetes, Qatar has established Mary Tourette, Ioanna Skaroni, has challenged health-care systems
a programme to mobilise resources Manal Othman, Mohammed Bashir, worldwide, leading to pressure on
to ensure that people with diabetes Khaled Dukhan, Dabia Al Mohannadi, intensive care beds in Italy with 9–11%
are protected through a coordinated Dahlia Hassan, Wissam Ghadban, of the people infected with COVID-19
collaborative team response across Mahmoud Zirie, Samya Al-Abdulla, requiring intensive care admission.2
primary and secondary care. People Abdul B Abou-Samra As a result, countries took various
with diabetes have been provided actions to flatten the curve to allow
with a helpline to support diabetes Qatar Metabolic Institute, Hamad Medical health-care systems to cope with the
care and mental health. An ongoing Corporation, Doha PO 3050, Qatar (ST, MT, MO, demand.
media campaign for patient guidance MB, KD, DAM, WG, MZ, ABA-S); National Diabetes On 23 March, 2020, the UK Govern­
Strategy Committee, Ministry of Public Health,
For the Guidance on social on COVID-19 and diabetes has been Doha, Qatar (ST, IS, DAM, ABA-S); Department of
ment released “Guidance for social
distancing in the UK see https:// initiated, reinforced through direct distancing for everyone in the UK”.
Medicine, Weill Cornell Medicine, Doha, Qatar and
publications/covid-19-guidance- text messages regarding COVID-19 New York, NY, USA (ST, OC, ABA-S); and Primary This guidance, among others, is
Health Care Corporation, Doha, Qatar (DH, SA-A)
on-social-distancing-and-for- measures, sick day rules, self- much needed to reduce infection
1 Huang C, Wang Y, Li X, et al. Clinical features
vulnerable-people/ monitoring, medication management, of patients infected with 2019 novel
and potential spread of COVID-19.
diabetes complications, lifestyle, coronavirus in Wuhan, China. Lancet 2020; Within this guidance, several factors
psychological health, and Ramadan 395: 497–506. are identified as increasing a person’s
2 Ma RCW, Holt RIG. COVID-19 and diabetes.
vulnerable-adults fasting. By use of electronic medical Diabet Med 2020; published online April 3. vulnerability of severe illness, and
records, patients with poor diabetes DOI:10.1111/dme.14300. as a result, efforts to maintain social
control (Glycated haemoglobin 3 Yang J, Zheng Y, Gou X, et al. Prevalence of distancing is to be more stringent for
comorbidities in the novel Wuhan
A1c >8%) who are treated with coronavirus (COVID-19) infection: these groups.
insulin and aged older than 50 years a systematic review and meta-analysis. One factor that has been identified
Int J Infect Dis 2020; published online
will be initially engaged through March 12. DOI:10.1016/j.ijid.2020·03·017. as increasing a person’s vulnerability
teleconsultations by physicians 4 Ministry of Public Health. Qatar National of severe illness is a BMI of 40kg/m2
and diabetes educators. These Diabetes Strategy. 2018. https://www.moph. or higher, a cutoff that was also listed
For more on the guidance from teleconsultations aim to improve Admin/Lists/PublicationsAttachments/ as an independent risk factor by
CDC see glycaemic control by diabetes Attachments/5/12477%20PA%20 the USA Centers for Disease Control
coronavirus/2019-ncov/need- National%20Diabetes%20Eng%20.
extra-precautions/groups-at- medication optimisation and to compressed.pdf (accessed April 24, 2020). and Prevention. Although it is
higher-risk.html reinforce adherence to lipid-lowering 5 Martineau AR, Jolliffe DA, Greenberg L, et al. recognised that a higher BMI has
and antihypertensive medications. Vitamin D supplementation to prevent acute been associated with greater risk
respiratory infections: individual participant
A key aspect of the programme is data meta-analysis. Health Technol Assess of type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular
optimising vitamin D to protect 2019; 23: 1–44. disease, and hypertension, all of which
against acute respiratory infection.5 are predictors of poor outcomes in
Home delivery has been set up COVID-19,3 to date, no available data
for medications and supplies. The COVID-19 and obesity— show adverse COVID-19 outcomes
programme has been facilitated by an specifically in people with a BMI of
established and successful national
lack of clarity, guidance, 40kg/m2 or higher. This absence of
diabetes strategy. Collaboration with and implications for data might explain why, unlike with
industry will facilitate access to both care other factors identified as reasons for
diabetes supplies and mobile apps for a higher-risk status, there is a paucity
Published Online remote patient monitoring. Coronavirus disease 2019 of information to explain the reason
April 29, 2020
At a time when focus is on the (COVID-19), caused by a virus called why people with a BMI of 40kg/m2 or
S2213-8587(20)30156-X immediate COVID-19 problem, it severe acute respiratory syndrome higher, as an independent risk factor,

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