Gurukul Summary

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Gurukul’s Education System : Here education is imparted with

ideal educational techniques, backed up with modern facilities by
blending ancient Gurukul traditions and scientific approach. The
school aims at the development of physical, intellectual, emotional,
moral and aesthetic potential of the students

2.Co-curricular activities : Besides the regular curriculum, a lot of

importance is given to co-curricular and extra-curricular activities.

3. House System : A healthy spirit of competition is kept alive in

the school through House System where students are divided into
four houses. Inter-house Competitions for various activities are held
regularly and the best house of the year is selected on the basis of
overall performance during the Academic Year. Besides this, the
school sends its students to participate in inter-school competitions
held by other schools/ organizations

4. Prayer : In order to inculcate good morals in children, Saturday

assembly is addressed by Swami Bhaktikishordasji. Besides this,
there is a prayer hall on the campus where the students go and pray
before starting their studies.

5. Hobby Classes : To facilitate student’s all round development

hobby classes are incorporated within the school working hours, so
that each and every student can participate in at least one hobby /
activity and is benefitted by it.

6. Parent - Teacher meeting: In order to foster better understanding

and rapport between the parents and the teachers, last Saturday
of the month has been fixed for the parent teacher meeting -
between 9.00 a.m. to 11.00 noon

School Timing :
For Std. I & II 8.30 a.m. to 1.30 p.m. 10.30a.m. to 12.00 noon
(Monday - Friday)
(Saturday) Hobby class
For Std. III-XII 7.30 a.m. to 1.30 p.m. 7.30 a.m. to 12.00 noon
(Monday - Friday)
1. Students should be in School before the first warning bell which
rings at 7.20 a.m.
2. They should be neatly dressed in their School uniform. Hair must
be properly combed.
3. They should be regular in their attendance. In case a student is
unable to attend School for any reason, a leave note must be sent
duly signed by the parent/guardian giving the reason.
4. In case of an illness the Principal must be informed and a medical
certificate should be produced.
5. If a student wishes to go home earlier than normal closing time,
he/she must produce a written request from the parent. However,
such requests will be granted only if it is absolutely necessary.
6. Students are expected to be responsible for the safe custody of
their books and other belongings.
7. Parents/guardians are not allowed to visit their children/wards in
their classrooms. They should meet the Class Teachers only at the
appointed day and time notified by the School authorities. In case of
an emergency they should meet the Principal and take permission
to meet the Staff member or the child in the Visitors Lounge.
8. Parents/guardians can meet the Principal by prior appointment.
9. Parents/guardians should give vegetarian food for the tiffin.
10. Any unwanted behaviour with the teaching/ administrative
staff can lead to the dismissal of the student.
Every student must endeavour :
1. To be smart and neatly dressed.
2. To converse only in English while on the School premises.
3. To be polite, courteous and well-mannered.
4. To respect parents, teachers and elders.
5. To stand quietly when a teacher/visitor enters the classroom and
sit down only when told to do so.
6. To wish Swamiji, Principal, teachers and visitors
7. To stand quietly during Morning Assembly
8. To take proper care of books, notebooks and other belongings.
9. To take proper care of all School property and equipment
10. To avoid writing on walls and carving out names on desks.
11. To be helpful and kind to the young, weak, old and physically or
mentally challenged.
12. To be truthful at home, in School and on the playground.
13. Never toloiteraimless lya long corridors, run about, shout or whistle.
14. To stand respectfully during the afternoon prayers and NATIONAL
15. To strive to attain excellence in whatever you do.
16. To accept defeat with a smile in true sportsman spirit.
17. To use magical words “Thank you”, “Sorry”, “Please” and “Excuse
18. To keep your surroundings clean and be environmentally conscious
19. To bring this school diary everyday to School
All parents and guardians are requested to note the following very
1. The school expects your full co-operation to ensure that our students
should be regular and punctual.
2. All the students should be dressed neatly and correctly:
(1) The students should adhere to the regular School
uniform shoes. Any other type of footwear is not
permitted. Shoes should be polished everyday.
(2) Girls should wear skin coloured cycling shorts and
same coloured leggings for Yoga.
(3) Students are not permitted to wear gold chains,
expensive watches and big earrings.
(4) Girls are not permitted to grow and paint their nails.
(5) Boys are expected to have regular hair cuts.
(6) Fancy haircuts, colouring and streaking the hair is
not permitted.
(7) Girls should wear only white ribbons/hair-bands.
(8) Students should wear their Identity cards everyday.
3. Students should bring their books as per the daily time – table.
4. Attendance at all school functions such as Republic Day,
Independence Day, School’s Annual Day, Sports Day etc. is
5. Attendance after a holiday/short break/vacation is
compulsory. Negligence in this regard will be dealt with strictly.
6. Try and meet the Class Teacher / Subject Teacher at least once
a month at the appointed day and time to discuss your ward’s
academic progress, participation in co-curricular, extra-curricular
activities, conduct and behavior in detail.
7. Always be present for the Monthly Meetings held on the last Saturday
of the month..
8. Clear your doubts by talking to either the Teacher or the Principal.
9. Never criticize Teachers in the presence of your ward because it
inculcates wrong values in them
10. No student will be permitted to carry a mobile phone / notepad /
or any other fancy electronic gadgets to school.
11. Misbehaviour with any teaching /administrative staff will
not be tolerated. This can lead to your ward’s dismissal
from the School.
12. Your ward’s promotion to the next class will depend on his
performance in assignments, tests, home assignments and semester
exams. Students failing in more than one subject will not be
promoted to the next class.
13. You must give only home-cooked, nutritious, less-oily food neatly
packed along with a napkin.
14. Encourage and love your child. Reprimand when required, at the
same time, respect his individuality and view-point.
15. Students are not allowed to commute to school on
motorbikes, scooters etc.
16. Students from V - X only can commute to school on
1. Students / Parents are not supposed to give any gift to the
Gurukul Staff


1.Primary Section
The academic year is divided into three semesters. The students will be
evaluated on their regularity in class work, homework, understanding
& application of the topic, their performance in worksheets and class
tests which will be held periodically.
2. Middle, Secondary & Higher Secondary
a) The academic year is divided into two semesters. Students will
appear for two assignment tests and one semester examination
per semester.
b) Final result will be based on the average percentage a student
gets in the tests and semester examinations.
c) The students will also be evaluated and graded as per their
consistency in homework, activities, project submissions,
participation and behaviour


1. Always be obedient and respectful to your parents. Be grateful to
them for the love and affection they have showered upon you ever
since you were a child.
2. Be ever willing to help them especially when they assign you some
duties or chores.
3. Do not be selfish: think of other members of the family in matters
of food or pleasure.
4. Try to remain cheerful and polite instead of noisy and quarrelsome.
5. Remember that as a student your prime duty is to study, so do not
neglect your home-work and assignments.
6. Draw a study time-table with the help of your teachers and parents
and be faithful to it.
7. Be honest so that you will be trusted.
8. Make prayer a daily habit as it will bring you closer to God.

1. See the calendar every day for assigned H.W. or activity.
2. Home assignments are duly assessed and marked, so please ensure
that these are completed and submitted in time

1. English Literature
2. English Language
3. Mathematics
4. EVS/ Social Studies
5. Science
6. Second Language
7. Third Language
8. Computers
9. Music
10. Art
11. Craft
12. General Knowledge
13. Physical Education
14. Value based Education

List of competitions in Gurukul:

1. Language Recitation ( English, Hindi etc.)
2. Story Telling
3. Spelling Bee
4. Drawing
5. Hand writing
6. Creative writing
7. Craft
8. Quiz
9. Patriotic group song
10. Poster making
11. Language elocution
12. Rangoli
13. Dance
14. Debates
15. Synopsis
16. Carrom Board
17. Athletics
18. Kho-Kho
19. Football
20. Badminton
21. Table-Tennis
22. Basketball
23. Volleyball


Roti/ Bhakri-sabji, puri-sabji, masala-dosa, sandwiches,
Home-made sweet or seasonal fruit
Stuffed parathas, thepla, dosa, masala rice, besan puda,
grilled sandwich
Home-made sweet or seasonal fruit
Upma, pohe, sabudana khichdi, suji halwa, pulao,
roti/ paratha-sabji, Dalia Khichdi. Home-made sweet
or seasonal fruit
Idli, rava idli, dhokla, sandwiches, handwa, lemon rice,
roti/ paratha-sabji
Home-made sweet or seasonal fruit
Vegatable cutlet, bhajias, wadas, fried rice, vermicelli
upma, Roti/ paratha-sabji. Home-made sweet or
seasonal fruit.
Papad pohe, samosas, muthia, batata wada, Roti/
paratha-sabji, Sprout Bhel, Sandwiches, Upma, Puda

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