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Chapter 8 go into a non-binding arbitration first.

If it does not work

MED-ARB and ARB-MED: well, the may now agree to process to the mediation.
Hybrid Multimodal ADR Models
 The difference between med-arb and arb-med is a
The beauty of ADR is its openness to the creativity of matter of sequence as to which proceeding comes
disputants. Mixed, or hybrid, ADR processes are specific ahead and which one follows.
processes that combine elements of three ADR forms -
mediation, arbitration and non-binding evaluation. BENEFITS
It is believed that, since the disputants know that there
MED-ARB is an arbitration award hanging over their heads, there will be
 Mediation-Arbitration or med-arb is a two-step counter incentives to make compromises that offset the
dispute resolution process involving both mediation then usual motive to make extreme offers during negotiation
followed by arbitration. This dispute resolution procedure
where the parties first try to settle their disputes through DOWNSIDE
mediation and matters not settled through mediation are  Creates the perception that the dispute is competitive
submitted to binding arbitration by the mediation who now  More likely the conflict is to escalate destructively
acts as arbitrator.  Also presents subtle motivational pressures
 Med-arb involves a dual-stage procedure. It is a  Could be perceived as a waste of time and money. If the
composite of mediation and arbitration that gives the parties mediation turns out to be a sufficient process, then arb-
two chances of terminating their differences. The parties med will have imposed an unnecessary layer of time and
have an opportunity to resolve the minor issues through cost.
mediation first. If all issues are not settled during mediation
stage, the parties can proceed to arbitration to tackle the
remaining knotty issues, assuming the process goes that far.
The second phase takes place only after the first phase goes
down in flames when the mediator fails to convince the
parties to agree on a settlement.

In med-arb, the neutral is empowered to advice or
predict for the parties the likely outcomes if they arbitrate
but not to serve as arbitrator. Here, since the mediator has
no arbitral power, candor in mediation is encouraged. A
crucial question in gauging the value of this process
compared to standard med-arb is thus its success in bringing
about settlements without recourse to arbitration.

According to the collective consensus of ADR scholars
and professionals that combining mediation and arbitration
does not create a process with a desirable characteristics,
Med-arb suffer from number of fairness, neutrality and
conflict diagnosis problems. During mediation, the med-
arbitrator may become privy to confidential information,
particularly if he uses the caucus heavily. He cannot help but
consider the information in making an arbitration award,
which can compromise impartiality in the arbitration process.
Moreover, if the med-arbitrator relies heavily on caucusing
during the mediation phase, issues of fairness and due
process arise. Critics of the med-arb contend that the
mediation phase is conceptually flawed by the fact that the
same person will be the mediator and the arbitrator.

 Arbitration Mediation or arb-med is a less
commonly used process. It begins with the case being
presented to an arbitrator, who issues a decision but keeps
the decision secret.The disputants hold and arbitration
hearing before the arbitrator. At the conclusion of the
arbitration, the arbitrator does not announce an award.
Instead, the arbitrator then mediated the dispute. The parties
Chapter 9
Avant-Garde Approaches in Resolving Disputes The mini-trial has two major advantages:
1. It requires much of the discovery process to be curtailed
EARLY NEUTRAL-EVALUATION (ENE) 2. It involves high-level businesspersons in the dispute
 An ADR process in which parties and their lawyers are resolution process early.
brought together early in the pre-trial phase to present
summaries of their cases and to receive a non-binding  In mini-trial, if the parties are unable to negotiate a
assessment by an experienced neutral person, with resolution of their dispute, they may call on the neutral
expertise in the subject-matter. adviser to give a prediction of the likely outcome if the matte
 ENE may involve an attempt by the neutral to settle the is litigated.
case.  As a hybrid, a mini-trial is an abbreviated version of
 If the case does not settle, the neutral aids the a litigated dispute, attended by the disputants or their
disputants in preparing a case management plan officers or directors who have the authority to settle.
 It may last from half a day to three or four days.
To some extent, full-fledged ENE is a substitute for the Thus, presentations are usually limited to from on to six
settlement phase of a pre-trial conference in which the judge hours for each side, depending on the complexity of the
provides the function of a reality check. The developers of issues.
ENE were motivated by the desire of the judges (of the
Northern District of California) to make litigation less
expensive an burdensome for some clients. The heart of ENE Like ENE, the mini-trial serves a predictive function
was to be an early, frank and thoughtful assessment of the and uses the services of an expert neutral. However, mini-
parties’ relative positions and the overall value of the case. trial usually involves more formal presentations of proof to
the neutral expert who renders a non-binding “result” and
2 Categories Eligible for ENE may explore the possibility of settlement. It is critical that the
1. The subject matter category. mini-trial be attended by the opposing clients with authority
a) Contract and personal injury matters to settle the case.
b) Employment civil rights case The most distinctive characteristic of the mini-trial
c) Wrongful termination matters is that the lawyers present their cases not to the judge, an
d) And certain types of commercial litigation arbitrator, a jury,or any other third party with the power to
2. Experience-based that suggests that certain cases would make a binding decision, but rather to the principals
be less appropriate for ENE themselves.
a) At least one party is proceeding in pro per The principals receives a crash course on the
b) The principal relief sough is equitable, not subject of the dispute conducted in an informal setting but
monetary through the adversary process.
c) The case raises an important issue of public policy
on which a judicial pronouncement is sought  The goal of mini-trial is settlement; the means is a trial
d) Legal standards on which the disposition will turn that informs and provides a predictive function. The
are not clear and the parties will need judicial mini-trial is a flexible, non-binding ADR process used
pronouncement of the law primarily out of court. It is generally reserved for large
cases. The hearing is informal, with no witnesses and
MINI TRIAL with relaxed rules of evidence and procedure. Mini-trial
method is best suited to large disputes and complex
 Mini-trial is a structured dispute resolution method
in which the merits of a case are argued before a panel
 The term “mini-trial” is not apropos. It is misleading
comprising of senior decision makers with or without the
because the mini-trial procedure is not a trial at all, but
presence of a neutral third person after which the parties
a rational and voluntary manner of structuring a
seek a negotiated process.
settlement of disputes between two big companies.
 It is a voluntary dispute resolution process
 There is no prescribed procedure for conducting a
mini-trial, the parties can devise their own rules of procedure
 Mini-trial can take any forms. Developed by
practising attorneys who wished to cut down the delay and
expense in resolving resolving corporate disputes.

A mini-trial is a form of mediation, another

abbreviated way of resolving complex commercial disputes
worth millions of dollars without the expense and
aggravation of a full-blown trial. This method is a more
sophisticated form of mediation in which parties become
signatories to a mini-trial contact that specifies the conduct
of the hearings, the selection of a neutral third party, and
some discovery matters.

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