The Potential-Vortex Theory of Electromagnetic Waves: A. K. Tomilin

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Journal of Electromagnetic Analysis and Applications, 2013, 5, 347-353 347 Published Online September 2013 (

The Potential-Vortex Theory of Electromagnetic Waves

A. K. Tomilin
National Research of Tomsk Polytechnic University, Tomsk, Russia.

Received June 17th, 2013; revised July 23rd, 2013; accepted August 15th, 2013

Copyright © 2013 A. K. Tomilin. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which
permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

An electromagnetic wave is a complex vortex and a potential process. This allows us to omit the Lorentz gauge, formu-
late a mathematically precise theory, and avoid physics discordances. The mechanism of distribution of complex waves
in dielectric and electrical conductive environments was described.

Keywords: Maxwell’s Equations; Electromagnetic Waves; Magnetic Vector Potential

1. Introduction 4) The previous statement makes us to suppose that

expressions in the left-hand side and right-hand side of
The theory of electrodynamics was formulated in the end
the equal sign in the Maxwell’s equations refer to one
of the 19th century due to work of Maxwell, Lorentz,
point, and the processes described by these expressions
Heaviside, and Hertz. It allowed inventing modern radio
occur at the same time. This approach excludes com-
and television communication devices. Nevertheless, there
pletely the possibility of diffusion of electromagnetic
is still the question whether this theory covers entire com-
process in the space and time because the cause and the
plex of electromagnetic effects. There definitely is the
effect (which are processes presented in the equations)
ground for this question. First of all, modern electrody-
are not separated; hence, the essence of a dynamic proc-
namics based on the Maxwell’s equations does not meet
ess is ignored.
completely the main requirements of the field theory,
particularly the Helmholtz theorem [1]. The main discor- 5) In order to eliminate the fourth discordance, they
dance is the absence of a potential component of mag- input different arguments in the left and right side of the
netic field. It is usually associated with the lack of mono- d’Alembert wave equations (which are derived from the
poles. It is believed that this problem will be solved once Maxwell’s equations). In other words, the causes and
such objects are found. effects are separated spatially and in time. The outputs of
It is also known that there are some issues with des- the wave equations are written taking into consideration
cribing the electromagnetic wave process. These are pri- the lag. However, it is not recommended to use these
mary discordances met in the modern theory of electro- solutions as inputs in initial Maxwell’s equations because
dynamics. the third discordance reveals.
1) Energy density function of a single-frequency elec- Consequently, the modern theory of electrodynamics
tromagnetic wave changes spontaneously from zero to has to put up with conceptual discordances, which con-
maximum. tradict physical conceptions, in order to satisfy mathe-
2) The discordance mentioned above is the result of the matic conceptions.
change in electric and magnetic components occurring in We offer in this work the theory, which combines vor-
the same phase. Based on the physical conceptions, the tex and potential electromagnetic processes and allows
independent variables E and H should be shifted for eliminating of physical discordances while meeting all
 2 . However, mathematic conceptions described in the the mathematic requirements.
next paragraph do not allow it. The main goal of this research is creating of a consis-
3) Inputting the phase-shifted laws of electrical and tent theory of the electromagnetic field. We offer to con-
magnetic components in the Maxwell’s equations breaks sider both vortex and potential electrodynamic processes
equality. This is the main reason why first two discor- when describing an electromagnetic wave. Such an ap-
dances are generally ignored. proach allows eliminating of physical discordances. At

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348 The Potential-Vortex Theory of Electromagnetic Waves

the same time, arbitrary mathematical limitations as gau- vergence and the curl of the field, which vanishes at in-
ges are not applied. finity, are defined for each point r of the certain area,
We point out in closing that now there are enough ex- then the vector field А can be represented uniquely (up
perimental and theoretical facts, which require revising to a vector constant) as the sum of a potential and a sole-
the existing theory of electromagnetic waves. The elec- noidal fields everywhere in this area:
troscalar waves, as they are called, were detected in the A  A  A . (4)
experiments by C. Monstein, J. P. Wesley [2], K. Meil
[3], B. Sacco, A. Tomilin [4]. The theoretical grounds We analyze properties of the vector А when the
can be found in the works of K. J. van Vlaenderen [5], D. gauge is omitted. Apply the gradient transformation (6) to
A. Woodside [6], I. A. Arbab, Z. A. Satti [7], D. V. the well-known equations:
Podgainy, O. A. Zaimidoroga [8]. A
В    A, E     (5)
2. Theoretical Analysis
When expounding the electrodynamics, people usually do A  A   ,      , (6)
the deductive reasoning: a top-down approach. First, they
where  is an arbitrary scalar time-coordinate function.
consider well-known phenomena and laws of electro-
At the same time, characteristics of a vortex magnetic
magnetism, and then use them as a basis to derive the
field В , H and a vortex electric field Е , D are
Maxwell’s equations, which are assumed to be the peak
invariant regarding the transformation (6). Based on this,
of the electromagnetic theory. The wave equations are
we conclude that an electromagnetic field is invariant. It
then derived from the Maxwell’s equations. At the same
is a basis for introducing a gauge. No physical meaning is
time, the vector potential А is introduced. No physical
usually given to the transformation (6).
meaning is actually given to it. Its properties are limited We will try to explain the physical meaning of this gra-
by the Lorentz gauge, which does not have any physical dient transformation. Note that because of adding 
explanation. to the vector potential its potential component changes.
Let us use the bottom-up strategy now. We write the Changing the potential component of a vector field with-
wave equations for four-dimensional vector potential out changing its vortex component is possible when tran-
 A,   : sitioning from a conventionally fixed reference frame К
2 A to a steadily moving reference frame К  . At the same
A    0  0    0 j , (1) time, it is obvious that the potential component of the
t 2
electric field should change towards the direction of a
 2  reference frame К  . In the moving (mobile) frame of
    0  0  , (2)
t 2
  0 reference, the electric field of a point charge is not
spherically symmetric, but appears as a Heaviside-ellip-
where   0 and  0 are permittivity and permeability,
soid [9]. In order to compensate this deformation, the
respectively, j and  are current and charge densit-
negative additive
ies, respectively.
Note that the arguments of field sources  j ,   and 
field characteristics  A,   are different in the Equa- t
tions (1) and (2), therefore their solutions are written as is input to the Equation (6). However, the deformation of
lagging potentials. the electric field during transitioning to the moving (mo-
Let us try to omit the Lorentz gauge and accept the bile) reference frame is taken into account in the equa-
equation that is more general: tion:
 d A
B*  x, y, z , t     A    0  0 , (3) E     . (7)
t dt
where B*  x, y, z , t  is a scalar function, which has the The prime symbol here means that calculation of the
dimension of a magnetic field. derivative happens in the moving (mobile) reference
In this case, giving the full description of a magnetic frame К  . In order to describe transformation of the
field requires the use of a four-dimensional vector electric field during transitioning from К and K  (the
 
B, B* . The magnetic field has potential-vortex nature. gradient transformation), it is enough to introduce a
Thus, omitting the gauges allows taking into account both curl-free vector potential A .
the vortex and potential components of the vector А . It There are two possible types of the vector field А
corresponds to a classical field theory. Let us formulate transformation: gradient and vortex. The gradient trans-
the Helmholtz theorem [1] for the vector А : if the di- formation, as it was mentioned before, corresponds to the

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The Potential-Vortex Theory of Electromagnetic Waves 349

transition between translational reference frames (one of core of this phenomenon is that a potential electric field
them can be considered relatively fixed. During the vor- is induced in the area of a non-stationary SMF. It can be
tex transformation, the transition from a translational (or also said that quasi-charges have been appearing.
relatively fixed) frame of reference to a rotating one takes Two other electrodynamic equations stay the same in
place. the generalized theory:
It can be shown rigorously [10] that potential charac- B

teristics of an electromagnetic field A , Е , В* chan-   E  
, (10)
ge during gradient transformation, whereas vortex char-
acteristics  A , Е , В  are invariant. During vortex   B  0. (11)
transformation, on the contrary, vortex components of an The Equations (8)-(11) and the functions contained in
electromagnetic field change and potential ones are in- them describe some electromagnetic phenomena. Never-
variant. It corresponds to the relative nature of a magnetic theless, in order to describe the electrodynamic process
field (it depends on a choice of a reference frame) and to fully, it is necessary to use the wave Equations (1) and (2)
its main characteristic, which is vector А . and the main characteristic of an electromagnetic field,
Let us make a conclusion: the ratio of a solenoidal which is the four-dimensional vector potential  А,   ,
component to a potential component of a vector potential taking into account its vortex and potential properties.
А depends on a frame of reference chosen, but this ratio
can be defined uniquely in the certain reference frame. 3. Electromagnetic Waves in Dielectrics
The note made in the Helmholtz theorem in brackets
Let us analyze the process of distribution of electromag-
shows the relative nature of movement (stability) of any
netic waves in the fixed (not moving) homogeneous di-
reference frame. If a relatively fixed frame is chosen, it is
electric uncharged environment:
convenient to set this vector constant to zero. In this case,
the indeterminacy in choosing the potentials А and     const,    const,   0,   0 .
disappears, so there is no need to introduce made-up The wave equation for the vector E splits into two
gauges. The theory built up on this basis is called the equations for a vortex and a potential component, respec-
generalized electrodynamics [10-12]. tively:
It is not difficult to derive equations of the generalized
geodynamics (the modified Maxwell’s equations) [10-12]  2 E
E   0  0 0. (12)
from the wave Equations (1) and (2) using Equations (3) t 2
and (5):  2 E
D E   0  0 0. (13)
  H  H *  j  , (8) t 2
t Let us also write the d’Alembert equations for the vec-
B* tor H and the scalar function H * :
  D      0 . (9)
t 2 H
H   0  0 0. (14)
As the result of omitting the Lorentz gauge, the poten- t 2
tial (scalar) component of the magnetic field
2 H *
B   0 H
* * H *   0  0 0. (15)
t 2
is kept. We will call it “the scalar magnetic field” (SMF). Thus, an electromagnetic wave has four characteristics.
Two non-stationary processes Conventionally, we can distinguish the transverse com-
D ponent of a wave, which is determined by the vortex
vectors E and H , and longitudinal (electroscalar)
t one, which is characterized by the potential vector E
and and the scalar function H * .
B* We can see from the wave equations that velocities of
  0 transverse and longitudinal electromagnetic waves are the
t same. It means that both components of an electromag-
are taken into account in the equations of the generalized netic process are linked indissolubly, and it is impossible
electrodynamics (8), (9). The first one is called “dis- to consider them separately in a general case. However,
placement current”. The second one can be named “dis- there are some particular cases when differential equa-
placement charge”. The presence of the “displacement tions describing these processes are undependable. More-
charge” explains the phenomenon of electromagnetic in- over, transverse electromagnetic waves, which distribute
duction, which is confirmed experimentally [10]. The in the physical (material) environment, generate longitu-

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350 The Potential-Vortex Theory of Electromagnetic Waves

dinal waves at each point, and vice versa. Where

We assume that some dipole (oscillator) located in the
k     0  0
center О creates an electromagnetic wave, which distrib-
utes in the dielectric uncharged environment and is ana- is a wavenumber of a transverse electromagnetic wave.
lyzed at the long distance from the radiation source. Let We solve the Equation (20) and get:
us analyze the process close to the point М(x,y), which
lays in the coordinate system Oxy. There are both com- 
H  r , t   H z0 exp i t  k x   H z0 exp i t  k x 0  r 
ponents of the wave at this point: transverse and longitu- (21)
dinal one. Each of them is almost plane, i.e. the distribu- 0
where H is an amplitude of a magnitude (strength) of
tion front of each wave coincides with the plane, which is z
a vortex magnetic field, r is a position (radius) vector,
perpendicular to the direction of distribution. We assume
which defines the position of the point М(x,y), x 0 is a
that the transverse electromagnetic wave distributes along
unit vector of the x-axis.
the x-axis and the longitudinal one moves along the y-
We solve (18) taking into account (23) and get:
We will be guided by physical conceptions when de- E  r1 , t1   E0 y exp i t1  k x1 
scribing the electromagnetic wave process. Within one (22)
wave period, four consecutive stages can be distingui- 
 E0 y exp i t1  k x 0  r1 ,
shed: where E0 y is an amplitude of a magnitude of a vortex
1) generating the vortex magnetic field  H  at the electric field, r1 is a radius vector defining the position
point M(x,y) during the time 0  t  T 4 ; of the point M1(x1,y1).
2) generating the vortex electric field  E  at the We solve (15) taking into account (18) and get:
point M1(x1,y1) during the time T 4  t1  T 2 ;
 
3) generating the SMF H * at the point M2(x2,y2) H *  r2 , t2   H *0 exp i t2  k|| y2 
during the time T 2  t2  3T 4 ;
4) generating the potential electric field  E  at the

 H *0 exp i t2  k|| y 0  r2 ,
point M3(x3,y3) during the time 3T 4  t3  T . where H *0 is an amplitude of a magnitude of a SMF,
We will suppose that the points M(x,y), M1(x1,y1), r2 is a radius vector defining the position of the point
M2(x2,y2), and M3(x3,y3) lay consecutively on the line M2(x2,y2),
laying in the plane Oxy. Because the velocities of both
wave components are the same, the line where these k||     0  0
points lay is a bisector of a right angle. is a wavenumber of a longitudinal electromagnetic wave.
The distance between adjacent points should be taken Finally, using (13) and (19) we get:
equal to a quarter of a wavelength   4  . Each next
E  r3 , t3   E y exp i  t3  k|| y3 
stage occurs with lagging for a quarter of a wave period.
Based on the physical conceptions of a wave process,
solutions for the differential Equations (12)-(15) should
 E

y exp i t3  k|| y  r3 ,

be found in the following: where E 0
y is an amplitude of a magnitude of a poten-

H  x, t   H z  x  exp  it  , (16) tial electric field, r3 is a radius vector defining the posi-
tion of the point M3(x3,y3).
 T For the vortex electric field:   E  0 . If we input
E  x1 , t1   Ey  x1  exp  it1  , x1  x  , t1  t  . (17)
4 4 (22) in this equation, we get:

H *  y2 , t2   H *  y2  exp  it2  , t2  t 
. (18) 
  E  ik x 0  E  0 , 
consequently E  x . 0

 3T
E  y3 , t3   E y  y3  exp  it3  , y3  y2  , t3  t  . Based on the solution (21), we have the same results
4 4 for the magnitude vector of the vortex magnetic field:

  H  ik x 0  H  0 , 
here  is a circular (angular) frequency. A subscript y
or z means the axis where the certain vector is projected. which means H  x 0 .
Using (16) in (14) gives us the regular differential equa- Thus, the vortex vectors E and H are perpendi-
tion: cular to the direction of the wave distribution in case this
wave is plane.
d2 H z  x  Let us input (21) and (22) in the Equation (10). As the
 k2 H z  x   0 , (20)
dx 2 result of transforming the argument of the vector E

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The Potential-Vortex Theory of Electromagnetic Waves 351

according to (17) we get:   0  0 2

 Ey    E0 y  
t1  k x1  t  k x . 2  
 0  0
   H    const.
2 2
This means that both left and right sides of the equation  Hz *0

(10) have the same periodic functions. They cancel each 2  

other out, so we get: This means that the w function cannot change sponta-
neously, whereas it happens in the conventional theory.
k E0 y z 0   0 H z0 , or k  E0 y   0 H z0 .
The electric field energy transforms into the magnetic
We can see that the vectors E and H are perpen- field energy and vice versa. Change of the full energy of
dicular to each other. This conclusion matches the well- an electromagnetic field is only possible because of re-
known conclusion of the conventional electrodynamics. leasing the heat and transporting the energy according to
Let us input the solutions (23) and (24) in (9) when the well-known law of conversation of energy.
  0 . After transforming the arguments according to
(19) we get: 4. Electromagnetic Waves in Electrical
t3  k|| y3  t2  k|| y2 .
Conductive Environment
We will analyze the process of electromagnetic wave dis-
In this case, we get the same periodic functions in the left
tribution in a fixed homogeneous unbounded electrical
and right sides. Considering this, we have:
conductive environment:
 0 * 0   const  0,    const,    const,   0 .
E   H y . (25)
  0
We rewrite the Equations (8)-(10) like this:
Consequently, the potential vector E is located along   E  E 
the y-axis at any point of the front of a plane wave gener-   H  H *    E  E     0 , (31)
ated by E . This indicates that the term “longitudinal t
electromagnetic wave” can be used appropriately for the H
  E    0 , (32)
types of the waves studied. t
If we input (21) and (22) in (10), and (23) and (24) in
H *
(9)    0  , we get two equations:   E   0 . (33)
 0 H z0     0 E0 y ,  0 H *0     0 E0 y . (26) We look for the solutions in the same way as (21)-
As the result, we get the equation of the energy balance (24):
between the magnetic and electric components: H  r , t   H z0 exp i t  K   r  , (34)
   H 
 0  H z0   E 
     E 0  . ( 27)
2 2 2 2
*0 0
  0    T
 y E  r1 , t1   E0 y exp i t1  K   r1  , x1  x 
, t1  t  ,
4 4
The longitudinal electromagnetic waves transport the
energy, as well as transverse waves do. This process is (35)
characterized by the vector, which is written like this (in T
H *  r2 , t2   H *0 exp i t2  K||  r2  , t2  t  , (36)
case of plane waves): 2
E  r3 , t3   E y exp i   t3  K ||  r3 
p  p  p||  E  H  E H * . (28) 0

The direction of the resulting vector p coincides  3T , (37)

y3  y2  , t3  t 
with the radius vector r drawn from the center О to the 4 4
point where the field is defined. There are no issues con-
cerning the energy because the function of an electro-
magnetic energy density looks like this: K   K  x 0 , K||  K|| y 0

E  D  H  B  H * B*  E  D .  (29) are wave vectors, which characterize a complex electro-
magnetic wave in the electrical conductive environment.
The first two terms in this formula characterize the en- When we input (34)-(37) in the Equations (12)-(15),
ergy of a transverse wave, and the two last terms de- the results are:
scribes a longitudinal wave. If we input the solutions
iK   H  iK || H *    E  E   i  0  E  E  ,
(21)-(24) in (29), then according to the (27) we will get a
constant at any time t: (38)

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352 The Potential-Vortex Theory of Electromagnetic Waves

iK ||  E  i * 0 H * , (39) whereas we have the following for the longitudinal elec-
tromagnetic waves:
iK   E  i 0 H . (40)
H  r , t   H z0 exp   s  r  exp i t  k  r  (50)
If we extract H and H from the Equations (39)
and (40), and input them in (38), we get the complex E  r1 , t1   E0 y exp   s  r1   exp i t1  k  r1  (51)
It can be seen that the longitudinal electromagnetic
K 2 E K|| E   waves damp in the electrical conductive environment.
   2     0   E  E  ,
 0  0  i  This is also confirmed practically.
As it was mentioned previously, the longitudinal elec-
from which we can extract the vortex and potential com- tromagnetic waves have completely different properties,
ponents easily:
and it should be obviously seen in the theory. The solu-
  tions of the Equations (46) and (47) have two pairs of
K 2   2  0    0  i  , (41)
  roots: two real and two complex (imaginary) ones. When
the real roots are chosen, the properties of the longitudi-
 
K||2   2  0    0  i  . (42) nal waves will not differ from the properties of the trans-
  verse waves. It does not correspond to the well-known
facts. Therefore, we will analyze the case of complex
It can be seen that the lengths of the wave vectors in roots. The positive complex roots correspond to the wave
the transverse and longitudinal directions are equal. In a distributing along the y-axis in the positive direction:
case of an electrical conductive environment, the wave
 2 
vectors are complex:   0  0    
k||  i

1    1 , i.e. k||  ik (52)
K   k  is , K ||  k||  is|| , (43) 2  

 0  
 
 2 
s   0  x 0 , s||   0  y 0 .   0  0    
s||  i

1    1 , i.e. s||  is . (53)
2    0 
If we input (43) in (41) and (41) in (42), we get two  
biquadratic equations for each type of the waves:
 0 
Taking into account these solutions for the longitudinal
k    0  k

2 2
0   0, (44) electromagnetic wave, which distributes in the electrical
conductive environment along the y-axis in the positive
 0 
direction, gives us:
s4   2  0  0 s2  0, (45)
H *  r2 , t2   H *0 exp i t2  K ||  r2 
 0 

k||4   2  0  0 k||2  0, (46)  H *0 exp  k y2  exp i t2  s y2  ,

E  r3 , t3   E y exp i  t3  K ||  r3 
 0 

s||4   2  0  0 s2   0. (47) (55)

 E y exp  k y3  exp i  t3  s y3  .
In the conventional theory, when solving the Equations Here, the real values k and s are used. It should be
(44) and (45) the real roots corresponding to the physical noted that the values k and s are equal. Conse-
meaning of the problem are taken into account. The posi- quently, the amplitude of the longitudinal wave grows in
tive real roots correspond to the transverse wave distrib- proportion to the damping of the transverse wave. This
uting along the x-axis in the positive direction: means that the energy of the transverse wave converts
 2  into the energy of the longitudinal wave completely.
  0  0     For example, such a process takes place in a receiving
k  

1    1 , (48)
2    0  antenna: due to transverse electromagnetic waves that
  reach a conductor, a Е-wave is generated in it. Thus,
transverse electromagnetic waves damp in an electrical
 2 
  0  0     conductor and transmit their energy to a longitudinal
s  

1    1 . (49)
2  

 0   wave. A periodic electrical field E directed along a
  conductor generates current impulses.

Copyright © 2013 SciRes. JEMAA

The Potential-Vortex Theory of Electromagnetic Waves 353

5. Conclusions 199-205.
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