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Major groups Students should be The agricultural Research on local Agricultural Assessment of
1 Local of able to sector in Guyana agricultural institutions Science for students’ report
Agricultural agricultural consists of five Discussion of research Secondary on the importance
Institutions institutions in Understand the major types of findings Schools in of the local
in Guyana Guyana. importance of local institutions namely: Report on research Guyana BK III agricultural
agricultural - develop-mental Chapter 6. pp institutions to the
institutions to the institutions 125-136 agricultural sector
development of - training Any relevant
agriculture in the institutions source document
agricultural sector - research and
-producing and
Local Major groups Understand how Developmental - Field trips to the Agricultural Assessment of
2 Agricultural of the five main areas Institutions: Central Ministry of Science for student’s group
Institutions in agricultural of operation of the - Crop and live Agriculture and the Secondary presentation and
Guyana institutions in Ministry of stock various Schools in reports on the
(cont’d) Guyana Agriculture offer - Fisheries sections/departments Guyana BK III structure and
( cont,d) institutional - Hydraulic section - Diagrammatic ch. 6 pp 125-126 function of each
support to the - Land and surveys representation of the of the five main
agricultural - Forestry Ministry of Agriculture areas of operation
development drive shows the major areas of of the Ministry of
operation Agriculture- 30%
of course work
Local Agricultural Understand how the Local Training -Visits to the Faculty of Brochures from Assessment of
3 Agricultural Training training programmes Institution Agriculture and Guyana Faculty of students’ report on
Institutions Institutions in benefit graduates and - Guyana School of School of Agriculture Agriculture the function of one
in Guyana Guyana their contribution to Agriculture -Discussion of visits to University of training institution
(cont’d) the overall - Faculty of Agriculture training institutions Guyana in Guyana
development of University of Guyana -Reports of visits and Guyana How it is organized
agriculture in Guyana School of and how it
Agriculture contributes to
Resource persons agriculture

Local The local Understand how the Research Institutions Field trips to the The Information guide Assessment of
Agricultural research local research - The National National Research from NARI students’ reports on
4 Institutions institution and institution contributes Agricultural Research Institute Agricultural visits on the
in Guyana its mission to the improvement of Institution N.A.R.I. - Visit to NARI’S Science for the importance and
(cont’d) crops and livestock -N.A.R.I’S Three main demonstrations on Secondary function of one of
production in Guyana Branches privately owned farms Schools in the laboratories of
Mon Repos - Observing and Guyana BK III ch. NARI
Ebini reporting on 6 pp 130-131
Burma Rice Research observations
Local Local market Evaluate the need for Local Marketing Resource persons Research In not more than
5 Agricultural Institutions and the importance of Institution -Interview of marketing document on 150 words write on
Institutions the new Guyana - The new Guyana officials at the Guyana TheNew Guyana the role of the New
in Guyana Marketing Corporation Marketing Corporation Corporation and Guyana Marketing
(cont’d) Corporation - Small Business - Lecture/ Small Business Corporation in
Associations discussion Associations local and Foreign
- Observation and report Agricultural Marketing of
writing Science for Agricultural
Secondary produces
Schools in
Guyana BK III
Crop Common Recognize that Abnormal condition in Research to collect Pictures of healthy Writing report on
6 Protection diseases of diseases are harmful to the growth and specimen of healthy and unhealthy crop research findings
crop plants crop plants and can development of a named and unhealthy crop plants. Completing
reduce yield or even crop plant plants Pictures of diseases charts/tables
kill plants Group plants according of different stages Laboratory
They are different types to sign and symptoms during plant growth. exercises
of plant diseases which Identifying names of Live specimen of
are caused by different diseases and writing diseases of crop
organisms the causative agent plants
a) fungi Samples/specimen
b) bacteria of insects with
c) viruses biting and chewing
d) nematodes mouth parts
Piercing and
sucking mouth parts
Machinery, Machinery, understand the Tools used for: Appropriate Examination of Assessment of
7 Implements, implements importance of relevant -Land preparation implements and tools. equipment students’ drawings
Tools and and tools used and suitable -Ploughing Film strips implements and of implement and
Soil Type in in rice and implements and tools -Harrowing Pictures tools. tools
Sugar and sugar necessary for various -Puddling (in rice) Drawing Observe Written Evaluation
Rice cultivation operations in rice and -Leveling demonstrations in 40% of course
Cultivation sugar cane cultivation -Digging drains field trips work marks
-Inter-cultivation workshops.
-Irrigation Tractors
-Plant protection attachment in use.

Machinery, Steps in Understand Care of equipment and Demonstrations: -Equipment Assessment of

8 Implements, sequence in The structure of the tools: -Dismantling and re- -Tools students
Tools and caring plant in relation to its -Clean assembling -Lubricating oil performance in
Soil Type in equipment importance -Wash implement(s) -Grease caring and storing
Sugar and and tools for The need to cultivate -Dry -Cleaning -Oil Pump equipment and
Rice long life high yielding, disease -Oil/Grease -Washing -Repair Kits tools
Cultivation and pest resistant -Store in well protected -Oiling/Greasing -Rag
(cont’d) Structure of varieties place
the Plant, Collecting and observe Agricultural Assessment of
Structure of Varieties, Parts of a plant: different parts of a Science for students’
the Plant, Planting -Rice ,sugar cane and plant Secondary Schools Drawings of parts
Varieties, Materials citrus -rice, sugar and citrus in Guyana of named plants
Planting Preparation of -Shoot system plants. BK 3
Materials planting -Root system Drawing those parts Recommended
Preparation materials for -The functions varieties
of planting sowing or of the shoot and root
materials for planting systems
sowing or Characteristics of
planting recommended varieties

8 Test scripts Assessment of

Con’t Mid Term Local Demonstrate Local Institutions Answering questions Answer sheets students
assessment Institutions understanding of performance
topics covered Regional Institutions

Structure of Planting Understand the Selection of suitable Demonstrations: Specimen of Assessment of

9 the Plant, materials for need for selection planting materials -Obtaining sprouted planting materials students’
Varieties, cultivating rice of plumb, well Plumb ,disease seeds. Agricultural Science Practical Skills
Planting sugar cane and matured, non- free seeds -Selecting cane stems For Secondary Assignment- the
Materials citrus infested planting Young cane stems at the right stage of Schools in Guyana agronomic
Preparation of materials Procedures involved in: growth for preparing BK. 3 practices
planting -Obtaining sprouted “setts” Jute bags involved in
materials for seeds for sowing in -Preparing “setts” for Water to soak seeds cultivating
sowing or swampy fields (rice) planting brick to put weight citrus
planting over soaked seeds
(cont’d) while sprouting
Cane stems
Sharp knife

Care & Care & Recall the Common weeds in rice Field trips Rice fields Assessment of
10 Management Management – differences fields and sugar estates Demonstrations Sugar estates students’ weed
in sugar cane Weed and between broad leaf List of common names Discussions Plough album
and rice Weed Control, weeds, grasses and and scientific names Collection and Harrow 30% of course
cultivation Irrigation and sedge seen in rice and identifying preservation of Rotavator work marks
Drainage fields and sugar characteristics common weeds Weedicides
estates Different methods of Contact Selective
The use of weeds control Agricultural Science
appropriate control -Manual for Secondary
measures for -Mechanical Schools in Guyana
different types of -Use of weedicides BK 3
Disease and diseases that Associate crop Major disease affecting Field trips to observe Diseased specimens Assessment of
11 Control affect rice and diseases with rice and sugarcane affected plants Pictures of diseased students
Measures sugarcane symptoms seen on -Blasts; lead scald Discussions of crops practical report
plants affected plants. ;smut etc observations Agricultural Science Skill to be
-casual agents of For Secondary assessed
diseases Schools in Guyana ORR
-symptoms by which BK 3
one could identify the
above named disease
-methods of control

Harvesting of Harvesting and Understand the Harvesting Field trips to rice Combine/sickle for Assessment of
12 rice and processing rice need to harvest Description of right fields at harvesting rice harvesting. students’
sugarcane and sugarcane crops at stage to harvest crops time and visits to Cutlass mechanical reports of field
appropriate times List of appropriate sugar factories while harvester for trips
The procedures machinery/tools to processing sugarcane sugarcane.
involved in harvest crops Discussion Agricultural Science
harvesting and Processing and Demonstrations For Secondary
processing rice and marketing of harvested Demonstrations Schools in Guyana
sugarcane product -operation of BK
-cutting canes

Revision of topics covered

13 Institutions
Crop Protection
Machinery and Implements
Care and maintenance of crops
Harvesting Rice and Sugar cane

14 End of Term exams

Demonstrate knowledge and understanding in topics covered
Crop Protection
Machinery and Implements
Care and maintenance of crops
Harvesting Rice and Sugar cane


SUBMITTED BY: Phillip John DATE: 2019/03/07

SIGNATURE OF HOD: …………………………………………. DATE: …………………………………………………….

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