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Name: Date: Class:


Unit: (My Senses) Week 2

Day 1
Match the pictures of sense organs in the 1st column with a picture for which it is used in
the 2nd column.
Instructions for the Parents:
1. Please help your child to identify the different sense organs which have been shown below
and name the sense of each.
2. Encourage your child to think what each of these senses help us to do.
3. Supervise their matching the pictures on the right with the pictures on the left.
Day 2 and 3

Five Senses
We learn about the world through our five senses.


The sense of sight helps us recognize each

other and learn about color, motion and

Instructions for the Parents:

1. Kindly help your child do the following activity as per instructions given below.
2. Help her/him to record data wherever needed.

Activity related to sight.

The children go on a "sighted" (eyes open) walk and a "non-sighted"
(blindfolded) walk. Parents and children can choose to take turns being
blindfolded. Children compare the two walks, stressing the important role
the eyes play in our everyday lives. When taking the walk, children take
care to observe the colors in the environment. They also note if they saw
things moving, and if they saw things that were far and close. On
returning they contribute to a list of objects observed and their colors.
Parent writes the responses on a chart.

Numeracy integration activity using the sense of sight:

(Read all the instructions. Draw and attach a worksheet for this activity. The work
sheet must have a space for making a list, small squares to colour to record the
number of colours seen, space beside it to write how many times it was seen and
words “MOST” and “Least” to analyze the data)
 Children make a list of colors observed on the upper section of
a sheet of paper/chart.
 On the lower half, they make a column of small boxes - one of
each color.
 They refer to the list and count the number of times they saw
each color and write the number against the appropriate box.
 They count and record, with the parent’s help, which color was
seen the most and which the least.
 Draw a picture of how an object such as an airplane looks
when it's far away and another picture of the same object
when it is near.

Spring is here!

Instructions for the Parents:

Day 4
1. Talk to the child about Spring season.
a. What is spring.
b. What the spring season is called in your culture.
c. How do you mark the spring festival.
d. What coming of spring changes in our environment, clothes, food,
leisure activities.
2. Sing traditional spring songs in your mother tongue with your child.

Day 5
1. Encourage and support your child to draw a picture of spring
showing the elements of spring discussed above.
2. Take a picture of your child’s drawing and send it to me via mail.

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