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Antonio, Ysa Elaine


Set A: Identify to what approach these quotations best relate.

1. ​“By human goodness is meant goodness not of the body but the soul and happiness
also we define as an activity of the soul.” ​Aristotle, Nicomachean Ethics

Answer​: According to Aristotle, goodness is defined by our soul’s activity rather than by
our body’s activity. With this, I think that the best approach that relates to this saying is
Metaethics since Aristotle tries to define the meaning of goodness, and Metaethics
focuses on how we determine right or good.

2. ​“Dark times lie ahead of us and there will be a time when we must choose between
what is easy and what is right.” ​A. Dumbledore, J. Rowling. Harry Potter and the Goblet of
Answer: ​It would be easy just to lay down and not fight back. However, this quote from
Dumbledore reminds us that standing and not questioning wrongs things done by others
is also wrong. For me, ​Normative Ethics ​represents this quote because it reminds us to
think about what should be the right thing to do.

3. ​“We shouldn’t forget that AI systems are created by humans, who can be biased and
judgmental. Once again, if used right, or if used by those who strive for social progress,
artificial intelligence can become a catalyst for positive change.”​ ​World Economic Forum

Answer: ​Robot Ethics focuses on resolving controversial issues about the morality of
how humans design, conduct, or use inventions and other new technologies like Artificial
Intelligence. Robot Ethics is one of the examples of ​Applied Ethics that may be the best
approach that represents this quotation because it questions the result of the AI that may
benefit and also harm people.

Set B: Identify to what ethical theories these quotations best relate.

1. ​“The only purpose for which power can be rightfully exercised over any member of a
civilized community against his will, is to prevent harm to others. His own good is not
sufficient warrant.”​John Stuart Mill

Answer: This quote gave me goosebumps because it is impossible for one person not to think
about himself and do something that will surely benefit him. The best ethical theory that
represents this saying is ​Utilitarianism because it focuses on preventing harmful things to
happen to a great number of people even though it will negatively affect one person.
2. ​“A distinguishing mark of the accountancy profession is its acceptance of the
responsibility to act in the public interest. Therefore, a professional accountant’s
responsibility is not exclusively to satisfy the needs of an individual client or employer.”
IFAC, Code of Ethics for Professional Accountants

Answer: ​The information that the intended users will rely on is in the hands of the practitioner,
therefore the responsibility of the practitioner or the auditor is giving an assurance to the public
the financial statements of the business are fairly stated. With this, I can conclude that this
quote can be connected to the ​Deontology Theory which focuses with the duty or obligation of
the agent and the right of the counterpart.

3. ​“For the movement toward injustice and intemperance and to anger and grief and fear
is nothing else than the act of one who deviates from nature.”​ ​Marcus Aurelius, Meditations

Answer: ​This saying focuses on the action or character of a person rather than focusing on the
rules, consequences, and the reason why he is having those emotions. Therefore, the theory
that represents this quote is ​Virtue Ethics. It emphasizes the character or virtues of a person as
the key element of ethical thinking.

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