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Southern Inspection Services


1. In what way does surface roughness hinder the MPI test on a part?
a. hindrance of particle migration
b. reduction in contrast
c. distortion of the magnetic field
d. all of the above

2. What do the following cleaning methods all have in common? Shot

blasting, sand blasting, wire brushing and scraping
a. none are used for precleaning a part for MPI
b. none require electricity
c. all are mechanical methods
d. all are environmentally friendly

3. Which cleaning method is not likely to be used to remove oil films

prior to an MPI test?
a. vapour degreasing
b. wire brushing
c. steam cleaning
d. ultrasonic cleaning

4. The magnetic field produced by a yoke made of permanent magnets is

_______ between the poles.
a. longitudinal
b. circular
c. both a and b
d. constantly varying

5. The swinging field MPI technique is used with

a. sequenced D.C.
b. combined D.C. and A.C. fields
c. combined A.C. fields
d. all of the above

6. The advantage of the swinging field or multidirectional magnetization

technique is
a. cost of equipment
b. detection of small defects
c. time saving because it is single step test
d. both b and c / www. Page 1

Southern Inspection Services

7. When permeability of a material is quoted without an additional

qualifying term the permeability referred to is
a. initial permeability
b. incremental permeability
c. maximum permeability
d. osmotic permeability

8. Current for circular magnetization of a part whose maximum

permeability is 500 will be ___________ compared to a part with
maximum permeability of 4000.
a. more
b. less
c. about the same
d. it depends if A.C. or D.C. is used

9. In MPI a handy rule of thumb relating current flow and suspected flaw
orientation is; current flow should be directed _______ major axis.
a. under suspected defects'
b. parallel to suspected defects'
c. perpendicular to suspected defects'
d. diagonally to suspected defects'

10. The strength of a circular magnetic field is not diminished by

________ of a part.
a. Permeability
b. diameter
c. length
d. any of the above

11. A 2cm diameter pipe and a 2cm diameter bar of the same steel alloy
are each circularly magnetized by a 1000 amp D.C. head shot. The
strongest magnetic field will occur on the surface of the __________.
a. bar
b. pipe
c. pipe if its wall is less than 0.5cm
d. none of the above, fields will be equal / www. Page 2

Southern Inspection Services

12. When a hollow non-magnetic central conductor is used to induce a

circular magnetic field in a ferro-magnetic cylinder maximum field
strength is at the
a. central conductor's outside surface
b. central conductor's inside surface
c. magnetic material's inside surface
d. magnetic material's outside surface

13. When A.C. is used instead of D.C. for a head shot on a steel tube, the
field on the inside surface of the tube is
a. much less
b. much more
c. nearly the same
d. both are exactly zero

14. The best way to determine magnetizing current required for irregularly
shaped pieces is
a. length to diameter ratio equations
b. 40 amps per mm of part thickness
c. empirically (trial and error)
d. finite element analysis

15. When using the prod method of MPI, defects are normally looked for
a. between the prods
b. under the prods
c. in circles about 4" (100mm) radius from the prods
d. in all of the above locations

16. In order to maintain the same field strength at the midpoint of prods
spaced 8 inches apart as was had with a 6 inch spacing you must
a. increase the magnetizing current
b. decrease the magnetizing current
c. use D.C. instead of A.C.
d. use larger diameter prod electrodes

17. Which is not a consideration when choosing current type to use for
prod inspection methods of MPI?
a. particle mobility
b. Safety
c. power consumption
d. heating effects on equipment / www. Page 3

Southern Inspection Services

18. Capacitive discharge methods of producing a magnetizing current do

so for only a short duration.
a. typically 1 to 2 seconds
b. typically 0.5 to 1 seconds
c. typically 10 to 100ms
d. typically 5 to 55 µs

19. Precracked magnetic steel plates are an effective means of

a. qualitative analysis of MPI bath concentrations
b. quantitative analysis of MPI bath concentrations
c. calibrating ammeters on MPI bench units
d. sizing unknown MPI indications

20. Typical pocket sized magnetic field indicators are used to measure
a. magnetizing force in a coil
b. external residual fields
c. internal residual fields
d. circular field strength during current flow

21. A low cost rugged tool used to measure residual magnetic field
strength of ferromagnetic parts is a
a. residu-meter
b. shunt meter
c. magnetic field indicator
d. Helmholtz coil

22. A good magnetic field indicator (MFI) should have which

a. rugged supports to prevent damage to the pointer needle
b. not be easily demagnetized by strong external fields
c. not induce magnetic poles of the parts they test
d. all of the above

23. Excessive background in wet fluorescent MPI testing results from

a. excessive current density
b. excessive particle density
c. excessive blacklight intensity
d. both a and b / www. Page 4

Southern Inspection Services

24. The standard steel ring 7/8" thick having a 1 1/4" diameter central hole
and 12 0.007" diameter holes arranged with increasing depth from the
outside edge of the ring is called a(n)
a. annular ring
b. Ketos ring
c. ASME ring
d. DIN ring

25. Probability of seeing a wet fluorescent MPI indication

a. increases with increasing blacklight intensity
b. increases with decreasing white light background
c. increases with decreasing blacklight intensity
d. both a and b

26. Although settling time prior to measuring wet fluorescent magnetic

particle concentration is now increased to 1 hour for most standards,
complete settling usually takes
a. 15 minutes
b. 30 minutes
c. 2 hours
d. 24 hours

27. When viewing the oil carrier of wet fluorescent particles (ie. the liquid
without the particles) under blacklight it usually has a _________ tint.
a. yellowish
b. Bluish
c. yellow/green
d. reddish

28. The purpose of adding an antifoaming agent to wet MPI bath is to

a. reduce suds resulting from agitation
b. eliminate phosphates for environmental protection
c. prevent fluorescent material from disbonding from the oxides
d. all of the above

29. Indications from medium to deep surface breaking seams found using
a. are not possible to find
b. usually look alike
c. require extra large particles
d. form double indications / www. Page 5

Southern Inspection Services

30. Fastest particle settlement in an MPI bath would occur for

a. small dense particles in a low viscosity liquid
b. small dense particles in a high viscosity liquid
c. larger dense particles in a low viscosity liquid
d. all of the above would settle about the same rate due to the Bernoulli

31. MPI indication width tends to increase for increasing

a. defect width
b. defect depth
c. magnetizing current strength
d. all of the above

32. Because in general, there exists a direct relationship between

indication width and seam (defect) depth, a minimum magnetizing
current level can be set to
a. maintain uniform indication widths
b. detect significant flaws
c. both a and b
d. none of the above

33. Very fine MPI particles which fall into a crack opening can cause the
flux lines to remain in the part, this could result in
a. over estimating crack depth
b. over estimating crack length
c. missing the crack altogether
d. missing the crack all together if nonfluorescent particles are used

34. When lighting requirements are specified for a blacklight viewing of

fluorescent MPI, 20 lux white light intensity is
a. a recommended maximum
b. a recommended minimum
c. only a rough estimate
d. must be strictly met to ensure visibility of indications

35. What method is used to ensure proper magnetization levels are used?
a. formulae (rules of thumb)
b. testpieces
c. gauss/tesla meter
d. all of the above / www. Page 6

Southern Inspection Services

36. An advantage of MPI over LPI (Liquid Penetrant Inspection) is that

___________ using MPI.
a. ceramics can be tested
b. ferromagnetic materials can be tested
c. coated surfaces can be tested
d. it is always more environmentally friendly

37. The difference between magnetic particle testing and magnetic flux
leakage testing is
a. the type of sensor used to detect fields
b. the type of magnetizing current used
c. the thickness of part that can be tested
d. none, they are exactly the same

38. The "standard depth of penetration" resulting from the skin effect is
caused by
a. hysteresis
b. alternating current
c. direct current
d. Hall detectors

39. To understand magnetic particle indication formation you should

a. discontinuity parameters
b. magnetic field parameters affecting the external flux leakage
c. how the magnetic particles react to passing through the leakage fields
d. all of the above

40. The main purpose of a ferrite core in the coil type flux sensitive
devices for magnetic field testing is
a. reduction of electrical noise
b. to amplify the flux density
c. enhancement of the Hall effect
d. all of the above / www. Page 7

Southern Inspection Services


Question 1: D 48-GP-11M 23
Question 2: C 48-GP-11M 24
Question 3: B 48-GP-11M 24
Question 4: A NDT Handbook 160
Question 5: D NDT Handbook 162
Question 6: D NDTHandbook 163
Question 7: C Betz 181
Question 8: A Betz 183
Question 9: B Betz 186
Question 10: C Betz 186
Question 11: D Betz 189
Question 12: C Betz 192
Question 13: D Betz 194
Question 14: C Betz 202
Question 15: A Betz 203
Question 16: A Betz 206
Question 17: B Betz 207
Question 18: C ME 44 #6 617
Question 19: A ME 45 #9 1014
Question 20: B ME 46 #6 749
Question 21: C ME 46 #6 754
Question 22: D ME 46 #6 754
Question 23: D ME 46 #6 781
Question 24: B ME 46 #6 781
Question 25: D ME 46 #6 782
Question 26: D ME 48 #8 970
Question 27: B ME 48 #8 970
Question 28: A ME 46 #12 1548
Question 29: B ME 46 #12 1548
Question 30: C ME 46 #12 1550
Question 31: D ME 46 #12 1551
Question 32: B ME 46 #12 1557
Question 33: D ME 46 #12 1558
Question 34: A ME 48 #3 332
Question 35: D ME 48 #3 333
Question 36: C ME 48 #3 334
Question 37: A NDT Handbook 180
Question38: B NDT Handbook 181
Question 39: D NDT Handbook 181
Question 40: B NDT Handbook 187 / www. Page 8

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