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Academic Year 2019-2020
Internship at Sri U-Thong Grand Hotel

Reflection Paper

Apinya Ungjaroensap
Grade 11 Section 1106
Capstone Teacher: Ms.Nutchada Sandy

Sri U-Thong Grand Hotel Suphan Buri
( โ​ รงแรมศรีอู่ทอง แกรนด์ โฮเต็ล สุพรรณบุรี )

October 21st - 25th and December 23rd - 25th , 2019

Apinya Ungjaroensap (Kik)

Internship Schedule: Issued by Sri U-Thong Grand Hotel

Date 09.00-11.00 12.00-16.00

Monday Accounting Accounting

21 October

Tuesday Accounting Accounting

22 October

Wednesday Food and Beverage Accounting

23 October

Thursday Reception Reception

24 October

Friday Reception Reception

25 October

Monday Accounting Accounting

23 December

Tuesday Accounting Accounting

24 December

Wednesday Accounting Accounting

25 December
October 21st , 2019

9.00 am - 4.00 pm
Supervisor: Kahnittha Plongnak

First of all, the hotelier introduced me to all eight departments of the hotel and how they
are related. These departments consisted of executives, accounting, marketing & sales, front desk
services, food and beverage, housekeeping, engineering, and security. Executives -- the people
who are in charge as directors, managers, and department heads -- are decision makers within the
business. They basically take a big role in running the company. Nevertheless, they sometimes
got recommendations from the accounting team due to the fact that accountants usually provide
them with relevant data in which directly answerable to them. Marketing & sales is also one of
the most important departments of the hotel as they are responsible for promoting the brand to
their target audiences. Most of the hotels do not have this department because it can be
co-working with the front desk services, or the receptionist. These people are directly in contact
with guests. Food and beverage service is responsible for planning the menus, preparing the
ingredients, and serving dishes to customers. The essential task for the housekeeping department
is to keep the hotel clean, which will provide customers with an attractive and welcoming
surroundings. Hotel engineering’s main duty is to ensure that all equipments are checked
regularly for efficient operation. The security department role in a hotel is to protect guests &
staff and to secure the property of the hotel itself. After knowing all of this information, the
hotelier took me to the accounting room which is located on the basement level of the building.
The head of the accounting department soon instructed me how the hotel manages its incomes
and expenses. Because they did not want to pay the full amount of taxes, they later on sent the
ledger to the accounting office to calculate and find a way to pay a lower amount of taxes. This
could be done in various ways such as lowering the amount of incomes and increasing the
expenses. Thing I had learned on the first day was how to categorize the bills from different
departments: food and beverage, front desk services, and housekeeping. Each of them has
various types of bills; for instance, the bills from the food and beverage department are in the
form of breakfast coupons or sometimes room service dishes receipt. The amount of money from
these bills will eventually appear on the meal coupons report. My first task was to classify the
bills, which were from the food and beverage department, whether it was a breakfast buffet
coupon or room service dishes receipt. Breakfast coupons can be separated into two types: adult
and children. However, their price rates are the same. On the other hand, if it was a room service
dishes one, I had to calculate the taxes before finding the grand total. The taxes of all kinds of
room service is an additional 15% from the actual price. After I finished calculating the taxes, I
was now able to find the grand total by combining the total price of breakfast coupons and room
service dishes receipt.

What I learned:
● How to categorize the bills
● How to calculate the taxes
October 22nd , 2019

9.00 am - 4.00 pm
Supervisor: Kahnittha Plongnak

To begin with today’s duty, I learned how the hotel’s ledger worked. As a whole, there
are three types of them: sales, purchase, and general ledger. Nonetheless, the accounting
manager told me to only focus on the general one. It basically works as a book or record, used by
the accountants, to store all financial data throughout the accounting period. It is needed for
every company to produce the income statement and other financial reports. If any error happens,
accountants can easily fix them by making adjustments within the ledger. According to
yesterday’s task, I finished working at finding the grand total. My first task for today was to
check whether the number on the grand total was the same as the one appeared on the ledger or
not. It seemed to be easy, but it turned out not as their numbers were different. First of all, I had
to calculate the amount of difference between them in order to see what might be related to that
number. Well, I soon went back and looked through the breakfast coupon and other receipts.
Eventually, I figured out that this number was the same as one of the customer’s meal prices,
meaning that the accountant might forget to put it on the ledger. Another error I found on last
month’s ledger was the mistake in calculating the taxes. It was supposed to be an additional 15%
but it turned out to be only 7%. In this case, we could not ask the customer to come back to pay
the remaining taxes; the person who was in charge of making the error had to pay for the
damages instead.

What I learned:
● Check whether the numbers on the bills are the same as the ones appeared on the ledger
○ If not, find the mistakes and fix it — the person who make mistakes has to pay for
the damages
● Review the ledger for errors
October 23rd , 2019

9.00 am - 4.00 pm
Food and Beverage / Accounting
Supervisor: Kahnittha Plongnak

I actually was supposed to work at the front desk service today. Anyhow, due to the fact
that the hotel was very crowded as the soccer team from Japan was coming to spend the night, I
had to work in the accounting department for another day. Because my accounting manager was
not here today, I was co-working with the food and beverage department. My first task in the
morning was the simplest thing I had ever done: stamp breakfast coupons. After I finished
stamping the coupons, I left the date part blank and filled the month & year part instead because
I did not know the exact number of customers that would come to spend the night on each day.
In the afternoon, the hotelier gave me the book containing all information about the places where
the hotel purchased the items from. The only thing I had to do was to find the total amount of
money in which the hotel had to pay the vendors. I started off with calculating the money needed
to be paid from the first store -- Makro. There were approximately twenty items with different
prices on the list, so I found the cost of each item first and then added all of them up to find the
total value. For the other stores, I did the same process as the first one and it turned out to be
easier because there were only a few items that were purchased from those shops. The last step
was to sum up the total value from each store. After this addition, that number will be considered
as the amount of money the hotel had to pay for all stores.

What I learned:
● Stamp breakfast coupons
● Find the amount of money in which the hotel has to pay the vendors
October 24th , 2019

9.00 am - 4.00 pm
Supervisor: Kahnittha Plongnak

Today was my first day working as a receptionist. Before I started, the receptionist
supervisor introduced me to what jobs this position has to take care of. Well, the main duty of the
front desk service is to greet visitors and show them how the hotel is worth their stay. The first
thing I had to do when the customers walked in was to ask for their names, phone numbers, and
other information requests. After getting all the information needed, I soon recorded the clients’
registration in the book they provided for me. If the customer requests for a tax invoice, then I
will have to draft it for them according to their form. However, if they do not ask for one, then I
will not have to do it. I repeated this job for the whole morning. In the afternoon, I was
responsible for updating the key card. That sounded difficult; in fact, it turned out to be pretty
easy as I only had to input the information on the computer program according to the customers’
registrations. Those information included room number, length of stay, arrival, and departure
time. While I was updating the key card, there was a phone call interrupting me from working.
At that time, I was wondering why no one picked up the call as the sound seemed to continue
going forever. The moment I looked up, I saw the other two receptionists were on their calls. In
other words, I had to be the one who picked up that phone call. Well, it turned out to be the call
from one of the housekeepers telling that everything in the room was alright. Thus, I
immediately informed the receptionist head who just hung up her phone. She told me to answer “
two eight ” to the housekeeper. Later on, I learned that “ two eight ” is another way to say “ I got
it! ”

What I learned:
● Record the customers’ registration
● Draft the tax invoice according to the request form
● Update the key card — according to the customers’ registrations (arrival-departure)
● Answer the phone calls
October 25th , 2019

9.00 am - 4.00 pm
Supervisor: Kahnittha Plongnak

My first task for today in the morning was the same as yesterday’s: record the customers’
registration and draft the tax invoice. One more job I had to take care of was to fill out the date
on the coupon bills, depending on the number of days the clients are planning to stay. In the
afternoon, I helped the foreigners call the taxi and gave them some advice about where the places
are located. Being a receptionist taught me that it was not only about creating a welcoming
environment but also making sure that clients were okay and had a great time.

What I learned:
● Record the customers’ registration
● Draft the tax invoice
● Fill out the date on the coupon bills
● Help the foreign customers call the taxi
● Give the customer some advice
December 23rd , 2019

9.00 am - 4.00 pm
Supervisor: Kahnittha Plongnak

After a long break from internship, I confessed that I forgot some of the stuff I learned in
the last few months. Luckily, the notes I had taken were now very helpful. My main duty for
today was the same as what I had done earlier on Day 1 and Day 2. I started off with
categorizing the bills. Those bills were from either food and beverage or front desk service. Well,
I only focused on the food and beverage ones which were in forms of coupons and receipt. This
meant that the leftovers would be from the front desk service. The reason why I was not
responsible for the invoices from the receptionists was because those bills were somehow more
complicated in which the head of the accounting department would take care of. After I finished
classifying the food and beverage bills, I was now separating them into two different groups:
coupons and receipt. For the coupons, I made sure that the accountant inserted the number of
guests who had the breakfast buffet in the general ledger properly. In the meantime, I ensured
that the tax calculations of every receipt were correct. Soon after, I found the grand total by
combining those two total values in order to see whether it was the same as the one that appeared
on the ledger or not. It finally turned out that their number was equal, meaning that no error was
found and every single step was precise and accurate.

What I learned:
● Same as Day 1 and Day 2
● Calculate the taxes
● Categorize the bills
● Check whether the grand total is the same as the one appeared on the report
December 24th , 2019

9.00 am - 4.00 pm
Supervisor: Kahnittha Plongnak

Due to the fact that it was almost the end of the year, everything had to be organized in its
own category. For instance: tax invoices, coupon bills, receipts, etc. My task for today was not
the same as usual because they tried to put things in order before 2019 ended. Thus, the main
assessment I had to do was rearranging the paper: tax invoice and coupon bills. Tax invoice is a
legal document which the hotel must generate for the customers. It shows the value of goods,
services, and VAT that the hotel charges the clients. The hotel generally has to give the tax
invoice for every customer; however, Sri U-Thong Grand only creates for the ones who ask for
it. The registrant must create at least two papers of tax invoice: the original paper for the
customer and the copy one for themselves. Sri U-Thong Grand usually generates three copies:
white, pink, and blue. The receptionists are in charge of giving the white one, which is the
original paper, to the customers. At the same time, they have to keep the pink and blue ones for
the accounting department. The accountants are now having the responsibility to order those
papers. They soon taught me how to rearrange them. It was very easy as I have to only look at
the tax invoice number at the top right and then put them in order. Nevertheless, it was a lot of
work because all the papers I had to organize were from the beginning of the year until the end.
After I finished ordering the tax invoice, I was now moving to rearrange the coupon bills. It was
the same process as the last one. The only difference was I had to look at the number on the top
left instead of top right.

What I learned:
● Ordering the tax invoice and coupon bills
December 25th , 2019

9.00 am - 4.00 pm
Supervisor: Kahnittha Plongnak

Today’s task was the same as yesterday’s. One difference between them was that I had to
rearrange the receipt instead of coupon bills and tax invoices. The hotel receipt is an official
document containing the total payable amount for accommodation, goods, and services provided
to the customers during their stay. Sri U-Thong Grand usually accepts both Bangkok and
Tanachart bank credit cards, resulting in them to have two different patterns of receipts. So, I
started off with separating these two patterns of receipts. Because all of these bills had the same
year issued, I soon categorized them by the month. Then, I classified the receipt of each month
by the batch -- a group of multiple invoices all created at the same time. The receipt which had
the same batch number to one another would be in the same pile because they were generated at
the same period of time. In other words, their payer might be the same person who just reserved
several rooms. This had been done so often, especially for a business company. In order to know
the number of bills that had the same batch number, I had to look at the very front page of each
one. This would tell you the exact number of receipts having the same batch number. After
classifying the batch number, I was now moving to the ordering step. This step was the easiest as
I only had to put them in order from least to greatest, according to their batch number. However,
the problem was some of the batch numbers did not have all of their receipts, meaning that those
bills might be misplaced. There were many places that the missing ones could be located:
executives’ office, front desk service, or in the accounting department. The head of the
accountant was responsible to contact other departments and figure this problem out. If she
cannot find it, then she will have to ask the receptionist to print whatever proof he/she had.

What I learned:
● Ordering the receipt, same batch have to be in the same pile, arranging by the number of
the batch
● Make sure that the information in the guest bills, actual/early departure report, and daily
management report are similar.

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