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1. 2017-Distinguish between aims and objectives of teaching Mathematics. Explain Disciplinary and
Utilitarian aims of teaching Mathematics. (4+3+3)
Teachers need to be well aware about the different aims and objectives of Mathematics teaching. According to NCGF-
2005, the main aim of Mathematics education in school is the mathematization of minds of children.
i. The term ‘aims of teaching Mathematics’, stands for the goal or broad purpose that needs to be fulfilled by
teaching Mathematics in the general scheme of education.
ii. Aims are like ideals that require long term planning. Therefore, they are divided into small definite and workable
units named as objectives. Objectives are means to achieve aims.
iii. Thus we can conclude that aims are more broad, comprehensive and general in nature while objectives are
narrower, achievable and workable units of aim.
iv. Aims are formal, subjective and difficult to achieve, objectives are informal, objective and easy to achieve.
v. Also aims are not definite and clear and require long term planning to achieve. Objectives are definite, clear and
specific and can be attained in a short duration.
vi. Aims of teaching Mathematics are – Disciplinary, Utilitarian, Cultural, Social and Recreational. Objectives or
teaching Mathematics are either General – broad and related to educational system or Specific – short and
immediate goals which are achieved through classroom instructional process.
Aims of teaching Mathematics are:
i. Disciplinary aims: Mathematics being a discipline subject, it aims at disciplining the mind of the learner and
developing intellectual habits in their personality such as accuracy, reasoning, problem solving skills, truthfulness
a. The life is made systematic by fixing time slots, prices, wages, ratios, percentages, targets, commission,
discounts, plot dimensions etc. These fixations determine discipline in various aspects of everyone’s life.
b. Develop the power of concentration and will power – patience and perseverance
c. Intelligent use of reasoning power by stimulating spirit of study, investigation and invention
d. Develop character through systematic and orderly habits
ii. Utilitarian aims: Mathematics will be taught primarily for its utilitarian values and aims. It is a gateway and key to
all sciences. The knowledge of mathematics is required at every walk of life.
a. Every day basic processes like measurements, counting, areas, speed, etc., are based on fundamental
b. It aims at skills required in an individual’s day to day life and make use of them. This aim makes the study
of mathematics functional and purposeful by establishing relation between the subject and practical life.
c. It develop clear ideas, critical thinking abilities for development of an individual
d. Be proficient and make appropriate generalizations
e. Prepare individuals for various vocations and employment opportunities
f. It teaches economy in time, speech, thought and money.
iii. Cultural aims: This aim helps the learner to understand the contribution of mathematics in development of
human civilization and culture.
a. The history of Mathematics shows how mathematics has influenced civilization and culture. Progress in
Mathematics of Greeks and Egyptians in the past led to their cultural advancement and progress of their
b. It enables the learner understand the role of mathematics in fine arts, fashion designing, beauty aspect,
other aesthetic aspects etc.
c. It aims at providing mathematical ideas towards intellectual enjoyment and satisfaction for creative
iv. Social aims: It helps learner imbibe essential social virtues.
a. The life is made systematic by fixing time slots, prices, wages, ratios, percentages, targets, commission,
discounts, plot dimensions etc which has made our society simple.
b. It develops the individual to understand and promotes active social life, social & moral values, adjustment
c. Mathematical approach like inductive, deductive and inventions are used to investigate analyze and in
formation of various social laws and their compliance.
d. It develops the habit of purposive, creative, productive and simple living
v. Recreational aims: It is necessary to remove indifference for mathematics being a dull subject from the minds of
the students and need to be motivated.
a. It helps in removing fear psychosis of the learners
b. Their interest in mathematics needs to be aroused and nurtured.
c. It aims in developing various problem solving skills as well as creative and logical thinking.
d. Developing clear concept of mathematics through activities and help long term retention.

2. 2019-List the aims of teaching Mathematics at the Secondary level. Explain with example how do
you achieve these aims through teaching of Mathematics? (2+8)
The aims of teaching Mathematics at the Secondary level are:
 to develop the child to think and reason mathematically
 to handle abstractions.
 to pursue assumptions to their logical conclusions and
 to develop a positive attitude towards mathematics and the capability in appreciating the aesthetic nature and
cultural aspect of mathematics.
The above aims are achieved through workable units known as Objectives which are specific and achieved through
classroom instructional process. Formulation of objectives will guide teachers in teaching learning process and in turn
help children to achieve the desired learning outcomes. These are broadly classified as instructional objectives under
three domains – Cognitive, Affective and Psychomotor domains.
A. Cognitive domain: Cognitive means knowledge and their instructional objectives are:
1. Remember: It refers retrieve, recognize, and recall related knowledge from memory. Example: recalling the
definition of rectangle, formula for finding the area of rectangle.
2. Understand: Constructing meaning from different types of functions be they written or graphic messages or
activities. Example: Describing the method of calculating area of triangle.
3. Apply: It refers to situations where learned material through knowledge and understanding is used in
various methods like applying different facts, concepts, theories, laws or principles in new situation.
Example: applying knowledge of calculating area of rectangle to find the area of own house of the learner.
4. Analyze: It is the breaking down of a complex situation in to different parts/elements and locate the
elements, differentiate, recognize relationship, and identify patterns pertaining to a situation. Example:
identifying the causes of splitting a figure into different parts for calculating its total area.
5. Evaluate: It represents the learner’s ability to formulate hypothesis, critique, and judge a material, situation
or method against the standard, which may be internal or external to it. Example: justifying the need for
constructing ‘rooms’ in rectangular/square shapes.
6. Create: Putting elements together to form a logical or functional whole; reorganizing elements into a new
pattern or structure through generating, planning, or producing. Example: making a rectangular shaped
house using thermocol sheet.
B. Affective Domain: Affective means emotional aspects and their instructional objectives are
1. Receiving: It refers to the learner’s ability to listen and receive a situation, stimuli, phenomenon,
information, etc. Example, listening to the teacher’s lecture on the topic ‘area of rectangle’.
2. Responding: In this stage of mental process, the leaner starts responding to different situations, information
and stimuli. Example, asking teacher the difference between perimeter and area of the rectangle.
3. Valuing: It involves increasing internalization of the worth or value a person attaches to a particular object,
phenomenon or behavior. Example: showing interest in solving problems related to rectangle.
4. Organization: It brings together different values, resolving conflicts between them, starting to build an
internally consistent and a unique value system or attitude. Example, showing the attitude to solve
mathematical problems by himself/ herself.
5. Characterization: It is the highest level objective in which the values and attitudes attained is used to help
control their behavior. The personal, social and emotional behavior of an individual reflects their attainment
of values. Example: while solving mathematical problems, maintaining patience till they attain solution.
C. Psychomotor Domain: It includes the ability to use body parts to accomplish a task and their instructional
objectives are:
1. Imitation: In this stage, individual observes actions and are practiced/repeated/simulated at their mental
level. Later, the individual performs those actions but with less precision. Example, constructing a rectangle
by using matchsticks.
2. Manipulation: Manipulation involves listening to other’s directions, selecting certain actions in preference
to others and practicing those actions for accuracy and perfection. Example, listening to the teacher and
build a rectangle as per the teacher’s advice.
3. Precision: It involves the development of motor skills with exactness. At this stage, the control over actions
helps learner to develop required motor skills with precision. Example, assembling various objects, take
measurements and then construct a rectangle with accurate measurements.
4. Articulation: It involves integration of multiple motor skills in a logical and systematic way which help
individual to complete the desired action. It enables learner bringing in variety, creativity or modify skills to
meet new situation. Example, to construct a rectangle, using modifiers like angular bisectors, perpendicular
bisectors etc in a sequential order.
5. Naturalization: At this level, motor skills and coordination of movements takes place in an automatic/
unconscious way. While performing any action, the individual naturally performs with precision and
accuracy. Example, when children are asked to construct a rectangle, automatically the materials required
comes to their mind, and they succeeds in constructing it without any exertion.

3. 2017-Explain briefly the nature of Mathematics. Explain the objectives of teaching Arithmetic and
Geometry at secondary school level. (5+5)
2018-Explain the objectives of teaching Arithmetic and Geometry at secondary school level. How the
objectives of teaching Arithmetic help in achieving disciplinary and utilitarian aims? (6+4)

Mathematics is the abstract science of number, quantity, and space, either as abstract concepts or as applied to other
disciplines such as physics and engineering.

According to Aristotle, Mathematics is the science of quantity.

Based on the various definitions, the nature of mathematics can be listed as follows:

i. A science of discovery: Mathematics is the discovery of relationships and the expression of these relationships
are in symbolic form – in numbers, in letters, in words, by diagrams or by graphs.
ii. An intellectual game: Mathematics can be treated as an intellectual game with its own rules and without any
relation to external criteria. From this viewpoint, mathematics is mainly a matter of puzzles, paradoxes, and
problem solving – a sort of healthy mental exercise.
iii. The art of drawing conclusions: According to J.W.A. Young a subject suitable for drawing right conclusion
should have three characteristics which are necessarily part of Mathematics:
a. Conclusions are certain
b. Permits learner to begin with simple and easy conclusions and proceed to well graded sequence of
difficult ones after the earlier ones are mastered
c. The type of conclusions demonstrated in the introductory subject to be found in the other subjects, and
in human interactions, in general.
iv. A tool subject: Mathematics has its integrity, its beauty, its structure and many other features related to
mathematics as an end in itself. However, many conceive mathematics as a very useful means to other ends, a
powerful and incisive tool of wide applicability.
v. A system of logical sequence: It involves logical reasoning whereby conclusions are deduced from certain
fundamental assumptions and definitions that has been hypothesized. The generalizations are based on
inductive reasoning.
vi. An intuitive method: The first step in the learning of any mathematical subject is the development of intuition.
It is a form of mathematical activity which depends on the confidence in the applicability of the process rather
than upon the importance of right answers all the time.
vii. Study of Structures: It involves structural arrangement of one or more explicitly recognized properties.
Structures can be created by making specific recognition of one or more of commutative, associative or
distributional properties of the mathematical system.

Arithmetic is the oldest and most elementary among other branches of Mathematics which deals with numbers and the
basic operations – addition, subtraction, multiplication and division between them. Following are the objectives of
teaching Arithmetic:

i. Develop General principles underlying Arithmetic

ii. Ability to manipulate numbers and their related operations skillfully with speed and accuracy
iii. Lay foundation for learning advanced mathematics
iv. Provide variety of experiences that enable students to apply quantitative procedure effectively in daily life
v. Develop analytical skills and draw logical conclusions
vi. Ability to make dependable estimates and approximation

Utilitarian aims through –

 Need for life: Daily activities like counting, measuring, weighing, buying and selling, earning and spending are
based on fundamental process of arithmetic which has got immense practical value in daily life.
 Economical living: It teaches economy in time, speech, thought and money.
 Simple Society: The life is made systematic by fixing time slots, prices, wages, ratios, percentages, targets,
commission, discounts, plot dimensions etc which has made our society simple. In the absence of these
fixations, current situation of the society would have been even more complex.
 Vocational utility: In many occupations like banking, accounting, shop keeping, tailoring, insurance where direct
and indirect use of arithmetic is necessary.

Disciplinary aims through –

 Systematic life: The life is made systematic by fixing time slots, prices, wages, ratios, percentages, targets,
commission, discounts, plot dimensions etc which are part of arithmetic curriculum. These fixations determine
discipline in various aspects of everyone’s life.
 Develop the power of concentration and will power – patience and perseverance by involving learners in
difficult problems in arithmetic like progression, rational numbers, ratio, proportions etc.
Algebra is the branch of mathematics concerning the study of rules of operations and relations, the constructions and
concepts arising from them including polynomials, equations and algebraic structures. It is also referred to as
Generalized Arithmetic. Following are the objectives of teaching Algebra:

i. Removal of ambiguity and deficiencies of a language

ii. Simplified calculations – Help identify structures and solve difficult problems of advanced learning in
Mathematics and other subjects
iii. Representation of relationships in new language and symbols
iv. Develop and apply Pattern recognition in daily life – counting, sequence with figures
v. Develop and apply Algebraic thinking in daily life – Generalization, Abstraction, Analytical thinking, Dynamic
thinking, Modeling and Organization
vi. Develop Inductive approach in various aspects
vii. Provide variety of experience that enable students to reason, analyze and draw logical conclusions of other

Geometry is the branch of mathematics concerned with the properties and relations of points, lines, surfaces, solids,
and higher dimensional analogues. Following are the objectives of teaching Geometry:

i. Acquaint children with the organization of spatial experiences

ii. Develop logical and critical thinking and to generalize correctly by teaching theorems and their proofs
iii. It basically does not aim to teach geometrical concepts but to develop Visualization, Description, Analytical &
Logical reasoning, Abstraction, Deduction and Precision
iv. Provide variety of experience that enable students to reason, analyze and draw logical conclusions of other
4. 2017- What is Inductive-Deductive method? Explain the steps of Inducto-Deducto method with an
example of your choice. (2+8)
2018-What is Inducto-Deductive approach? Explain the steps of Inducto-Deductive method with
suitable examples (2+8)
2019- What is Inductive-Deductive method? Explain briefly. While proving Pythagoras Theorem how
will you utilize inducto-deductive method in your class (2+8)
Inductive-Deductive or Inducto-Deductive approach is the combination of both inductive and deductive approach to
teaching, the most effective approach for realizing the desired goals. Teaching in this method starts with Inductive
approach and ends with Deductive approach. Inductive method involves establishing a rule or formula while Deductive
method involves applying the rule or formula. Inductive method is to move from specific examples to generalization and
deductive method is to move from generalization to specific examples. This method helps students for better
understanding and in long retention of information.
Steps are -
Step 1: Problem – Teacher provides the situation or problem – Calculate Simple Interest for INR 600 at 8% pa for 3yrs
Step 2: Sensing the problem: The situation is created in such a way that all students be able to sense the problem on
their own. In the example students calculate SI using basic principles
SI is calculated for INR 100 for 1 Yr = 8
SI is calculated for INR 1 for 1 Yr = 8/100
SI is calculated for INR 600 for 1 yr = 8/100*600 = 48
SI is calculated for INR 600 for 3 yrs = 8/100*600*3 = 144
Step 3: Observe similarities: Different scenarios will be provided to children and they calculate SI for each scenario and
observe the similarities in each scenario.
Scenario 2 – change in Amount: SI is calculated for INR 1000 for 5 yrs = 8/100*1000*5 = 400
Scenario 3 – change in Rate: SI is calculated for INR 1000 for 5yrs @ 5% = 5/100*1000*5 = 250
Step 4: Analysis: Students analyze the examples and list the similarities with the assistance of the teacher.
Similarity – SI is directly proportional to PTR
Step 5: Organizing information: The analyzed matter is organized in systematic and logical order. Teacher ensures that
student involves in categorizing relevant and irrelevant information.
Step 6: Framing Solution & Arriving at a rule: Generalizing the pattern and stating in a statement form and convert it
into general formula, rule or law. SI=PTR/100
Step 7: Application: Solve more problems by applying the derived formula

Pythagoras Theorem
Step 1: Problem – Teacher provides the situation or problem – Find hypotenuse in a right angled triangle with ∆ ABC,
AB=3, BC=4.
Step 2: Sensing the problem: The situation is created in such a way that all students be able to sense the problem on
their own. In the example students measure hypotenuse of the triangle and make a note of the length.
∆ ABC, AB=3, BC=4, AC=5;
Step 3: Observe similarities: Different scenarios will be provided to children and they find hypotenuse for each scenario
and observe the similarities in each scenario by actual measurement
∆ PQR, PQ=6, QR=8, RS=10;
∆ XYZ, XY=5, YZ=12, ZX=13;
Step 4: Analysis: Students analyze the examples and list the similarities with the assistance of the teacher.
Similarity - Square the sides and find relation of two sides with hypotenuse:
∆ ABC, AB=3, BC=4, AC=5; 3 + 4 = 5 ;
∆ PQR, PQ=6, QR=8, RS=10; 6 + 8 = 10 ;
∆ XYZ, XY=5, YZ=12, ZX=13; 5 + 12 = 13 ;
Step 5: Organizing information: The analyzed matter is organized in systematic and logical order. Teacher ensures that
student involves in categorizing relevant and irrelevant information.
Step 6: Framing Solution & Arriving at rule: Generalizing the pattern and stating in a statement form and convert it into
general formula, rule or law. 𝐴𝐵 + 𝐵𝐶 = 𝐴𝐶 ie in a right triangle, the square of the hypotenuse is equal to the
sum of the squares of the other two sides.
Step 7: Application: Solve more problems by applying the derived formula
5. 2018-Illustrate with an example the steps of Problem solving technique in Mathematics teaching.
List out the advantages of Problem solving technique. (7+3)
2017-Illustrate with an example the steps of Problem solving technique in Mathematics teaching.
What are its advantages. (8+2)

Problem solving technique is a method of teaching that involves reflective thinking or reasoning which begins with the
statement of a problem that challenges the students to find a solution.
According to Gagne, Problem solving is a set of events in which human beings use rules to achieve some goals
Steps in Problem Solving:
i. Identifying and defining the problem: Students will be provided with problem statement and they will be able
to clearly define the problem. The problem should be interesting and challenging that motivates student to
participate and explore.
ii. Analyzing the problem: Students analyze the problem carefully and assess what is known, unknown and what is
to be found out.
iii. Formulating tentative hypothesis: Students need to prepare a list of possible reasons (hypothesis) for the
occurrence of the problem. This hypothesis formulation develops thinking and reasoning powers in children. The
focus is here to search for tentative solution to the problem.
iv. Testing Hypothesis: Appropriate methods should be selected to test the validity of tentative hypothesis. If it is
not proved to be the solution then students are asked to formulate alternate hypothesis and proceed.
v. Verifying of the result: Students determine their results and substantiate every step of the solution derived.
Based on the valid verification, student should be generalizing and applying it to their daily life.
 There is always doubt of drawing wrong conclusions
6. 2018-Briefly explain the content categories in Mathematics with suitable examples. 5
2017- Briefly explain the content categories in Mathematics with suitable examples. 5
Categories that help organize the content and also have a better mix of content is called Content Category. Following are
the content categories in Mathematics:
A. Arithmetic
a. Numbers
i. Number Systems
ii. Ratio Proportions and Fractions
iii. Percentages
b. Commercial Mathematics
i. Price and Discounts
ii. Simple Interest
iii. Compound Interest
c. Statistics
i. Data handling and Graphs
ii. Measures of Central tendency
iii. Probability
B. Algebra
a. Pre-Algebra
i. Number patterns
ii. Operations with expressions
iii. Evaluation
b. Basic-Algebra
i. Slope
ii. Linear equations & Inequalities
iii. Relations and Functions
c. Advanced Algebra
i. Logarithmic and Exponential equations
ii. Quadratic equations
iii. Exponents, roots and radicals
C. Geometry
a. 2D Geometry
i. Lines and Angles
ii. Geometric Constructions
iii. Pythagorean Theorem
b. Coordinate Geometry
c. 3D Geometry
i. 3D shapes and properties
ii. Planes, lines and surfaces in space
iii. Surface area and Volume
d. Congruence & Similarity
i. Symmetry
ii. Similarity and Congruence
iii. Proportion based on similarity
e. Trigonometry
i. Right triangle trigonometry
ii. Trigonometric equations and identities
7. 2018-Explain in brief the changes made in Anderson’s Bloom’s Taxonomy of Instructional
Objectives. 5
2017- Explain Anderson’s revised Bloom’s Taxonomy of Instructional Objectives. 5

Bloom’s Taxonomy is a classification of different objectives and skills that educators set for their students (learning
objectives). It is a hierarchical ordering of cognitive skills that can, among countless other applications, help teachers
teach and students learn.

 A revised version of Bloom’s Taxonomy was released

by a group of cognitive psychologists, curriculum theorists
and instructional researchers in 2001 which reflects a more
rapid mode of thinking and is perhaps more accurate.
 One of the things that clearly differentiate the new
model from that of the 1956 original is that the noun forms
are changed to verb form it lays out components nicely so
they can be considered and used.
 Cognitive processes, as related to chosen
instructional tasks, can be easily documented and tracked. This feature has the potential to make teacher
assessment and student assessment easier as usage patterns emerge.
Instructional Objectives are
1. Remember: It refers retrieve, recognize, and recall related knowledge from memory. Example: recalling the definition
of rectangle, formula for finding the area of rectangle.
2. Understand: Constructing meaning from different types of functions be they written or graphic messages or activities.
Example: Describing the method of calculating area of triangle.
3. Apply: It refers to situations where learned material through knowledge and understanding is used in various methods
like applying different facts, concepts, theories, laws or principles in new situation. Example: applying knowledge of
calculating area of rectangle to find the area of own house of the learner.
4. Analyze: It is the breaking down of a complex situation in to different parts/elements and locate the elements,
differentiate, recognize relationship, and identify patterns pertaining to a situation. Example: identifying the causes of
splitting a figure into different parts for calculating its total area.
5. Evaluate: It represents the learner’s ability to formulate hypothesis, critique, and judge a material, situation or method
against the standard, which may be internal or external to it. Example: justifying the need for constructing ‘rooms’ in
rectangular/square shapes.
6. Create: Putting elements together to form a logical or functional whole; reorganizing elements into a new pattern or
structure through generating, planning, or producing. Example: making a rectangular shaped house using thermocol

8. 2018-Differentiate between analytic and synthetic methods of teaching Mathematics. 5

Analytic method is the process of unfolding of the problem of conducting its operation to know its hidden aspects.
Synthetic method is the process of putting together known bits of information to reach the point where unknown
information becomes obvious and true.
9. 2018-Explain the meaning of Theorem. Write a brief note on two types of Theorems. (1+4)
Theorem is a statement that can be proved on the basis of previously established statements such as other theorems
and generally accepted statements such as axioms.

10. 2017-Explain the steps of concept attainment model. 5

The Concept Attainment model is an instructional strategy found by Jerome Bruner which is built on the principle of
concept formation that promotes student learning through a process of structured inquiry. The model helps students
to understand and learn concepts by identifying attributes or key features through a process of analysis, comparison,
and contrasting of examples.

Steps of Concept Attainment:

i. Select and define a concept: First the teacher chooses a concept to be developed in the classroom– Example:
Integer – It is a whole number which is not a fraction.
ii. Select the attributes: Teacher begins by making list of attributes related to the concept. In this example
Negative numbers, Positive numbers, Zero are the attributes.
iii. Develop positive and negative examples: Teacher lists both positive "yes" and negative "no" examples. Positive
Examples contain attributes of the concept to be developed and Negative Examples do not contain attributes of
the concept to be to be developed. The examples are put onto sheets of paper or flash cards. Yes examples -6, 9,
0, -1, -3, -10, -17, 125 and No examples 5.5, 7/2, √8, 6.25, 0.3, 7/9, √12, √15
iv. Introduce the process to the students: Designate one area of the chalkboard for the positive examples and one
area for negative examples ie with two columns - one marked YES and the other marked NO.
v. Present the examples: Present the first card by saying, "This is a YES." Place it under the appropriate column. i.e.
6 is a YES and Present the next card and say, "This is a NO." Place it under the NO column. i.e. 5.5 is a NO
vi. Identification of Attributes: Repeat this process until there are three examples under each column. Ask the class
to look at the three examples under the YES column and discuss how they are alike (i.e 6,-1,0). Ask "What do
they have in common?"
vii. Testing Concept Attainment: For the next three examples under each column, ask the students to decide if the
examples go under YES or NO. At this point, there are 6 examples under each column. Ask the class if anyone
else has the concept in mind. Students who have not yet defined the concept are still busy trying to see the
similarities of the YES examples. Place at least three more examples under each column that are student-
viii. Describe concept with the class: Once most students have caught on, they can define the concept. Once they
have pointed out that everything under the YES column has an answer of Integers, and then print a new heading
at the top of the YES column as Integers and new heading for the NO column as Non-Integers and describe the
concept – Integers.

11. 2019-Explain the different phases of syntax of concept attainment model 5

The Concept Attainment model is an instructional strategy found by Jerome Bruner which is built on the principle of
concept formation that promotes student learning through a process of structured inquiry. The model helps students to
understand and learn concepts by identifying attributes or key features through a process of analysis, comparison, and
contrasting of examples.
12. 2019-Bring out the meaning of concept mapping. List the advantages of concept mapping. (2+3)

A concept mapping is a visual organization and representation of knowledge that shows concepts and ideas and the
relationships among them. It can be created by writing key words (sometimes enclosed in shapes such as circles, boxes,
triangles, etc.) and then drawing arrows between the ideas that are related and add a short explanation by the arrow to
explain how the concepts are related.

There are several benefits of using concept maps:

i. Helps learners grasp the material as learning happens while making the map
ii. Helps students see relationships between ideas, concepts, or authors
iii. Utilizes the full range of the left and right hemispheres of the brain
iv. Helps memory recall
v. Helps to clarify and structure ideas
vi. Aids in developing higher-level thinking skills (create, analyze, evaluate)
vii. Helps students synthesize and integrate information, ideas and concepts
viii. Encourages students to think creatively about the subject
ix. Let students do self-evaluation of beliefs, values, socialization, etc.
x. Helps students evaluate assumptions.
13. 2017-What is the importance of oral work, written work and drill work in the teaching of
Mathematics? 5
Practice is one of the most essential ways (or methods) of learning in mathematics. The controlling purpose of all
teaching activity is to reduce necessary learning to habit. Gaining mastery requires acquisition of habits; hence practice
plays an important role in acquiring mastery. Practice can be through oral, written and/ or drill work.

Practice in oral, written and/or drill work is required for following reasons:

 Mastery of Subject matter: It includes multiplication tables, addition combinations, fractional equivalents of
decimals and percentages, factorization, construction in geometry, etc. These include subject matter which must
be thoroughly mastered so that the speed and accuracy are ensured on which future learning can be based.
 Mastery of Procedures. In Mathematics one has to adhere to a systematic arrangement of steps, follow correct
algorithms to scrutinize and check the correctness of each step, label appropriately parts in a diagram, sort out
data, translate problems into symbolic form, practice short cuts, etc. which all require sufficient practice in
either or all forms.
 Develop Critical thinking: This strives to develop the power of thinking and reasoning, and increase the
concentration and interest of the learner. Such lessons include quizzes, puzzles and historical material which do
not form part of a regular lesson but still need to be practiced through writing and drill work.
14. 2018-Enumerate the merits of written and oral work in teaching of Mathematics 5
Oral work involves only mental process and its importance are:

i. Lays foundation for written work

ii. Develops mental alertness and quick in skills of thinking and listening
iii. Assessment of previous knowledge before teaching new concepts
iv. Diagnosing difficulties and doubts in students

Written work involves recording information or learning in writing. Its importance is:

i. Helps in accurate and systematic work

ii. It helps in long term retention of information
iii. Help in solving lengthy problems
iv. Mistakes can be checked properly thus diminishing error chances
v. Helpful in mental development of students
vi. Drill work and revision can be carried out easily
vii. Useful for future reference and study material

Drill work involves learning by doing ie the law of exercise. Its importance is:

i. It develops confidence and sense of achievement in students

ii. It helps in long term retention of information
iii. Good technique for beginners
iv. Develops speed and accuracy
15. 2018-Explain how you use Jigsaw technique to organize cooperative learning while teaching
Mathematics. 5
Jigsaw technique is a cooperative learning technique that encourages listening, engagement, interaction, peer teaching
and cooperation. Just like in jigsaw puzzle each piece is essential to complete the puzzle; in this technique each student
part is essential to complete the final product.

Learning Objective – Find mean, median, mode and Range from a given data.

Step 1- Content to be taught is identified as criteria for mastery which is determined by the teacher Ex-Mean, Median,
Mode & Range

Step2 – Teacher determines the group size (5 in this case) and divides the students into jigsaw groups of 5 and ensures the
group is diverse in terms of gender, race and ability.

Step 3- Teacher provides the expectations from group learning and ensures students understand the purpose of learning.
Divide the learning objective in segments (4 in this case) and assign each student to learn one segment in each group and
appoint a student (5th student in this case) from each group as leader or expert.

 Solving for the mean from grouped, ungrouped data

 Solving for median from the given grouped, ungrouped data
 Solving for the mode of the given grouped, ungrouped data
 Finding the range of the given data

Step 4- Give members of expert group (5th student from each jigsaw group) time to read over their segment at least twice
and become familiar with it. These members from expert group will be made to join other students assigned to their
segments. For Eg – member of expert group assigned with Solving for mean will join other students from various jigsaw
groups who are also assigned to solve for mean.

Step 5- Interactions between experts and various jigsaw group members are monitored – float from group to group, help/
clarification is provided when required to ensure groups work smoothly.

Step 6- Bring all students back to their Jigsaw groups and ask each student to present their segment to the class.
Encourage others in the group to ask clarifying questions.

Step 7-Teacher will evaluate the presentation at the end of the session.

16. 2019-What is cooperative learning? Explain briefly, the different steps of cooperative learning
technique (2+3)
Cooperation means working together to accomplish shared goals. Cooperative learning is a successful teaching strategy
in which small teams use a variety of learning activities to improve their understanding of a subject. It is an instructional
arrangement for teaching academic and collaborative skills to small diverse group of students.

 Students work in mixed ability group and rewarded on the basis of the success of the group
 Students work together to maximize their own and peers’ learning
 It involves active learning of the students through common activities with peers promoting positive interaction
 Each student is responsible for self-learning and peer learning creating an atmosphere of high achievement

Step 1- Content to be taught is identified as criteria for mastery which is determined by the teacher

Step2 – Teacher identifies the most useful cooperative learning technique and determines the group size. Teachers divide
the students into diverse group in terms of gender, race and ability.

Step 3- Teacher provides the expectations from group learning and ensures students understand the purpose of learning.

Step 4- Classroom is arranged to facilitate group interaction and presents the initial material for the activity.

Step 5- Group interaction is monitored, help/ clarification is provided when required to ensure groups work smoothly.

Step 6- Groups present the final outcomes and teacher evaluates the outcomes based on their performance.

17. 2018-What are the criteria of selecting teaching-learning material for making mathematics
learning more effective? Select a topic of your choice and write four instructional objectives under
Understanding. (2+3)
2017- List the criteria of selecting teaching-learning material in Mathematics. Select 4 teaching-
learning materials and explain how you use while teaching mathematics. (4+6)
The appropriateness of the instructional materials must be judged from the perspective of the learner who is presumed to
be naïve and uninform rather than from teacher’s perspective. Following are the criteria for selecting Instructional

 Content appropriateness
 Manageability of the material
 Audience Appropriateness
 Coherent
 Economical
 Appropriate Vocabulary
 Attractive

Topic: Quadrilaterals – Instructional objectives under Understanding

At the end of the topic, learners will be able to:

• Explain the basic concepts of Geometry;

• Describe parallel lines
• Recognize different types of quadrilaterals
• Classify quadrilaterals into parallelograms, squares, rectangles and rhombus and trapeziums
• Discuss the properties of types of quadrilaterals
18. 2017-Explain Guided discovery Method with its principles 5
Guided Discovery Method is also called as Heuristic method which makes the students learn independently by exercising
their thinking and reasoning power and foster the habit of self-activity.

Principle 1: Active Learning: Instructors should guide and motivate learners to seek for solutions by combining existing and
newly acquired information and simplifying knowledge. This way, learners are the driving force behind learning, take an
active role and establish broader applications for skills through activities that encourage risks, problem-solving and probing.
Principle 2: Teacher is Facilitator: Teacher acts as facilitator by supplying activities which will help the students to recall
(and share) past concrete experiences and to assimilate new concrete ones. During this activity the students receive only
minimal guidance from their instructor and explore new ideas in a spontaneous fashion.
Principle 3: Learner Management: Instructors should allow participants to work either alone or with others, and learn at
their own pace. This flexibility makes learning the exact opposite of a static sequencing of lessons and activities, relieves
learners from unnecessary stress, and makes them feel they own learning.
Principle 4: Integrating and Connecting: Instructors should teach learners how to combine prior knowledge with new, and
encourage them to connect to the real world. Familiar scenarios become the basis of new information, encouraging
learners to extend what they know and invent something new.
Principle 5: Information Analysis and Interpretation: Discovery learning is process-oriented and not content-oriented, and
is based on the assumption that learning is not a mere set of facts. Learners in fact learn to analyze and interpret the
acquired information, rather than memorize the correct answer.
Principle 6: Failure and Feedback: Learning doesn’t only occur when we find the right answers. It also occurs through
failure. Discovery learning does not focus on finding the right end result, but the new things we discover in the process. And
it’s the instructor’s responsibility to provide feedback without which learning is incomplete.

19. 2019-Suggest written drill work for a topic of your choice from Mathematics 5

Drill work involves learning by doing ie the law of exercise. Its importance is:

i. It develops confidence and sense of achievement in students

ii. It helps in long term retention of information
iii. Good technique for beginners
iv. Develops speed and accuracy

Topic - Fractions

20. 2017-Differentiate between collaborative and cooperative learning strategies. (2 ½+ 2 ½)

Collaborative learning is a method of teaching and learning in which students team together to explore a significant
question or create a meaningful Knowledge. In this method students take responsibility of their own learning. It promotes
self-learning skills in learners.
Cooperation means working together to accomplish shared goals. Cooperative learning is a successful teaching strategy
in which small teams use a variety of learning activities to improve their understanding of a subject.

Differences are:

i. Structure: In Collaborative learning, students organize their efforts between themselves - group-structured while in
Cooperative learning each student is assigned a specific role in the activities structured by the teacher - teacher-
ii. Source of materials: Students source material to help them complete the activity in collaborative learning but
teachers supply information for students to read and analyze (or let pupils know where this info can be found) in
cooperative learning.
iii. Teacher role: In collaborative learning, the activity does not require active monitoring by the teacher (although
they can help when assistance is requested by the group) while in cooperative learning teachers observe, listen and
intervene where necessary
iv. Assessment: Students assess their own individual and group performance in collaborative learning but students
submit work at the end of lesson for evaluation/assessment in cooperative learning
v. Success Contribution: In collaborative learning, Success depends on individual strengths while in cooperative
learning the success of the group depends upon the efforts of everyone involved.
21. 2017-What is Unit plan? Explain the steps of Unit plan in teaching Mathematics? (2+3)
2019-What is Unit plan? Explain the steps of Unit plan in teaching Mathematics? (2+3)

Unit plan is an organizational approach that helps teachers reflect upon what students need to accomplish in each unit,
and how and when they will accomplish it. It is undertaken for the sequential distribution of the content, identification
of learning process, relevant pedagogical process, resources and assessment strategies required for learning. It helps
teachers to have control on utilizing class time as productively as possible.

Steps to create a unit plan:

Step 1 - Understand unit content: Understand the content in terms of standards in the year-long scope, its sequence
and how each unit connects to previous and future units.
Step 2 - Create unit assessment and an application task: It involves following:
· Quality assessments and tasks: It reflects three aspects of the definition of rigor - Conceptual understanding,
procedural skill & fluency and application.
· Incorporate the math practice standards in a meaningful way
· Incorporate a variety of item types - Multiple choices, multiple answer, short answer, constructed response (with
multiple parts/steps).
Step 3- Create Learning objectives: Create learning objectives that caters to the expectations of the unit assessments
and to mastery of the standards. Create a possible pacing and sequence of the scaffolded objectives over the course of
the unit. Identify appropriate standards for Mathematical Practice to be the focus of the unit.
Step 4 - Create daily instructional tasks: Daily instructional tasks prepare students to be successful on the end of unit
assessments and with the culminating application task. When used during instruction, teachers formatively assess
students’ progress toward the mastery of stated objectives and standards.
Step 5 - List concepts and skills: Identify the concepts students need to understand and skills students need to be able
to do in order to master the objectives and standards.

22. 2018-Briefly explain the characteristics of Mathematics? Explain the stages of Van Hiele model of
Geometric thinking. (5+5)
2019-What is Mathematics? What are the characteristics of Mathematics? Explain the nature of
Mathematics. (2+4+4)
2017- Explain meaning of Mathematics and its characteristics (2+3)
2019-Explain different levels of geometric thinking according to Van Hiele model. 5
The word mathematics comes from the Greek word ‘máthēma’, which, in the ancient Greek language means "that which
is learnt", "what one gets to know". The abstract science of number, quantity, and space, either as abstract concepts or
as applied to other disciplines such as physics and engineering.

According to Aristotle, Mathematics is the science of quantity.

The characteristics of mathematics are:

i. Logical sequence: It is the main characteristic of Mathematics. Learning always proceeds from simple to
complex and from concrete to abstract. It is a subject in which the previous knowledge has a greater influence. It
begins with known uncomplicated definitions and postulates, and proceeds, step by step, to quite elaborate
ii. Structured Subject: Mathematics is a structure or arrangement, formation, or result of putting together the
iii. Precision and accuracy: Mathematics is known as an ‘exact’ science because of its precision. It is perhaps the
only subject which can claim certainty of results as the results are either right or wrong, accepted or rejected.
Even when there is an emphasis of approximation, mathematical results can have any degree of accuracy
iv. Abstractness: Mathematics is abstract in the sense that mathematics does not deal with actual objects. Some
concepts can be learned only through their definition and they may not have concrete counterparts to be
extracted from.
v. Mathematical Language and Symbolism: Man has the ability to assign symbols for objects and ideas.
Mathematical language and symbols cut short the lengthy statements and help the expression of ideas or things
in the exact form. Mathematical language is free form verbosity and helps into the point, clear and exact
expression of facts.
vi. Applicability: Knowledge is power only when it is applied. Mathematical truth turns out to be applicable in very
distinct areas of application in phenomena from across the universe to across the street. Mathematics is widely
useful because the five phenomena that it studies are universal in nature and in the natural instincts of man to
seek explanation, to generalize, and to attempt to improve the organization of his knowledge.
vii. Generalization and classification: Mathematics gives exercises in widening and generalizing conceptions, in
combining various results under one head, in making schematic arrangements and classifications. It is easy to
find instances of successive generalizations.
viii. Mathematical systems: Mathematics includes many components which are inn themselves mathematical
structures or mathematical systems. A typical mathematical system has four parts: undefined terms, defined
terms, axioms and theorems.
ix. Rigor and logic: Logic governs the pattern of deductive proof through which mathematics is developed. Rigorous
presentation is secondary in importance.
x. Simplicity and complexity: Mathematics has simplest possible single exposition. Inclusion of various particulars
and abstraction to it at higher level makes it complex.

Van Hieles theory originated in 1957 by husband and wife team Dina Van Hiele-Geldof and Pierre van Hiele from the
Utrecht University in the Netherlands. It helps to describe how students learn geometry. Originally Van Hieles numbered
them from 0 to 4, the USA introduced numbering from 1 to 5. The five levels of Geometric thinking are:

Level 0 – Visualization/ Recognition: They can recognize shapes by their whole appearance, but not its exact properties.
For example, students will think of a shape in terms of what it “looks like.” A rectangle is a door or a triangle is a clown’s
hat. And the student may not be able to recognize the shape if it’s rotated to a different standing point.
Level 1 -Analysis/ Description: Students start to learn and identify parts of figures as well as see figures in a class of
shapes. They can describe a shape’s properties and are able to understand that shapes in a group having the same
properties as well. A student in this level will know that parallelograms have opposite sides that are parallel and will be
able to group them accordingly.

Level 2 - Informal Deduction / Abstraction: A student in this level will start to recognize the relationship between
properties of shapes. They will also be able to participate and understand informal deductive discussions about the
shapes and their different characteristics.

Level 3 - Formal Deduction: At this level students are able to understand more complex geometric concepts. They can
think about properties are related, as well as relationships between axioms, theorems, postulates and definitions.

Level 4 – Rigor: Finally, students will reach the last level of learning geometric reasoning. Even in the absence of
concrete examples, they should be able to compare geometric results in different axiomatic systems. Basically, they will
see geometry in the abstract. This is the level of college mathematic majors and how they think about geometry. They
comprehend Euclidean and non-Euclidean geometry. They are able to describe the effect of adding or removing an
axiom on a given geometric system.

23. 2018-Explain the stages of 5 ‘E’ Model with suitable examples. Bring out the implications of 5 E
model in learning Mathematics. (6+4)

2019-Explain 5 E Model with examples. 10

The 5 E's is an instructional model based on the constructivist approach to learning by Roger Bybee, which says that
learners build or construct new ideas on top of their old ideas. The 5 E's can be used with students of all ages, including
adults. Each of the 5 E's describes a phase of learning, and each phase begins with the letter "E": Engage, Explore,
Express, Expand, and Evaluate. The 5 E's allows students and teachers to experience common activities, to use and build
on prior knowledge and experience, to construct meaning, and to continually assess their understanding of a concept.

i. Engage: This stage assesses the previous knowledge of the learner and helps them become engaged in a new
concept through the use of short activities that promote curiosity and elicit prior knowledge. The aim is to
organize students’ thinking towards the learning outcomes of the current activities.
ii. Explore: Expose the students to a variety of experiences at this stage. These experiences may involve
observations of events or objects, manipulations of materials, work with simulations, examinations of
representations, viewing a short video, or reading. These experiences provide a common basis for all students
that the teacher can use to assist them in identifying and developing concepts and skills.
iii. Express: Here students are provided with opportunity to explain their understanding of their experiences from
the explore phase. The questions and discussion lead students to patterns, regularities, and/or similarities and
prompt them to describe concepts or skills in their own words.
iv. Expand: The next phase challenges students to expand their understandings or skills and/or to practice them.
Through new experiences at this time, students develop deeper understanding, an extended conceptual
framework, and improved skills.
v. Evaluate: The final phase of the instructional model encourages students to assess their understanding and
abilities and provides opportunity for the teacher to evaluate student progress toward achieving the learning
objectives for the activity. The tasks may involve writing summaries, applying concepts and skills to novel
situations, constructing a concept map, or taking a quiz.

Subject: Arithmetic Class: VII

Topic: Prime and Composite Numbers - Playing with numbers.
Prior knowledge: Factors, multiples, perfect numbers
Phase of learning Activities
Engage Teacher writes numbers 1- 100 on the board and follow below steps (sieve of
Step 1: Cross out 1 because it is not a prime number.
Step 2: Encircle 2, cross out all the multiples of 2, other than 2 itself, i.e. 4, 6,
8 and so on.
Step 3: You will find that the next uncrossed number is 3. Encircle 3 and cross out all
the multiples of 3, other than 3 itself.
Now, try to follow the similar steps for the next uncrossed numbers.
Explore To form groups of two and ask learners to continue with the above mentioned
procedure till all the numbers are either crossed out or encircled.
They may come up with a result like this:

Express Teacher asks - How are the crossed out numbers different from the encircled ones?
Is there a relation among all the encircled numbers and crossed ones?
Students may say that the crossed numbers ‘multiples of some number’ whereas
the encircled ones ‘occur only in 1’s and multiple of themselves. They may say that
all the multiples of 2 are crossed, except 2 (no even number is prime except 2).
They may come to various conclusions regarding the concept of primes numbers,
composite numbers and statements in relation to odd-even numbers.
Expand Students are asked to do the same activity for 100 to 120. The learners will create
their own construction squares with numbers 101-120 on them. The learners put
cross sign on composite number .The teacher displays a number on the white
board, and ask if the number is prime or composite. If it is composite, learner
demonstrates prime factorization, again using their construction squares. The
teacher walks around the classroom monitoring students work to ensure learners
understanding. The teacher checks for understanding by orally asking questions,
listening and observing learner response, throughout the lesson.
Evaluate The teacher may ask the following questions to evaluate :
• Look at the table and tell me all the composite numbers less than 17.
• How many prime numbers exist between 10 and 50?
• How many even prime numbers exist between 50 and 100? (of course there are
• Find out all the prime number between 150 and 200 without using this method.
Implications of 5E model -

i. Systematic Study: It provides a planned sequence of instruction to learners

ii. Needs of the learner: The model places learners at the center of their learning experiences
iii. Motivation to learning: It encourages learners to explore which helps students to engage and motivate learning
iv. Higher Thinking Skills: It allows learners to construct their own understanding of concepts and relate those
understanding to other concepts which helps them develop higher thinking skills
24. 2019-What is achievement test in Mathematics? Explain the steps of achievement test. (2+8)
2018-What is achievement test? Explain the steps of achievement test. (1+4)
Achievement test is an instrument designed to measure the knowledge or proficiency of an individual in something that
has been learned or taught. It is a standardized test used to measure acquired learning. According to Robert L. Ebel: An
achievement test is one designed to measure a student’s grasp of knowledge or his proficiency in certain skills.

It involves determination of how quickly, how accurately and at what level an individual can perform the tasks taken to
represent accomplishment.

Steps of achievement test:

Step 1- Planning of the Test: The planning of the achievement test is to develop a design or framework. For this the
teacher has to:
a. Analyze the course content into different content units and decide the weightage that is to be given to each of
them in the test;
b. Decide the weightage to be given to different instructional objectives being tested;
c. Decide the weightage to be given to different forms of questions to be used in preparing a question paper;
d. Decide the weightage to be given to time and marks for different forms of questions;
e. Decide the weightage to be given to the difficulty level in the test.
Step 2- Preparation of a Blue Print: A blueprint is a three-dimensional chart showing different types of items with marks
for each topic/unit and each of the objectives. It shows the respective weightage of marks for different objectives, and
topics and various types of items as prescribed by the school or in the syllabus or decided by the teacher. It ensures the
needed coverage of units in the syllabus and assessment objectives.
Step 3- Preparation of Test Items/Questions: Test items form the very basis of testing. A test constructor should have
good knowledge of the subject. The test items should be clear, unambiguous and according to the objectives. Different
types of items - essay, short-answer and objective types - should be prepared in sufficient numbers. Items of varying
difficulty should also be prepared. Experienced teachers are able to estimate difficulty level by their judgment. Some
items from question banks can be taken up.
Step 4- Mock Test: After preparation of test items, a review is done on the basis of blueprint requirements to assess the
quality of items. It is time to be confirming the validity, reliability and usability of the test. Mock test helps us to identify
defective and ambiguous items, to determine the difficulty level of the test and to determine the discriminating power of
the items. Then only unambiguous and objective based items are retained.
Step 5- Preparation of Scoring Key: To maintain the objectivity and validity of test, you have to provide proper
instructions for marking scores. Objective type tests should have key answers. Their answers and corresponding marks
should be given. Short answer questions are also quite specific in nature and possible points or ideas in answers should be
mentioned with their corresponding marks. Essay type questions are lengthy and need specificity for uniform marking.
Important steps or points of answer should be explicitly mentioned along with their corresponding marks. The above
guidelines for marking questions make our testing more reliable.
These achievement tests are used normally at the end of term/year as a part of summative assessment. Care should be
taken that summative assessment and unit tests have adequate contribution to overall assessment of the learners.

25. 2019-List out the difference between proof and verification? 5

Following are the differences:

i. Proof is an effort, process, or operation designed to establish or discover a fact or truth while verification is an
act of confirmation or authentication.
ii. Proof is a sequence of statements consisting of axioms, assumptions, theorems that logically follow from
previous statements in the sequence, and which concludes with the object of the proof while verification is the
operation of testing the equation of a problem, to see whether it truly expresses the conditions of the problem.
iii. Proof is stronger than verification
iv. Proof is singular and verification is multitude
v. Proof uses deductive approach and verification uses inductive approach
vi. Proof proceeds from Abstract to Concrete, General to Particular, Conclusions to Hypothesis and Formula to
examples while Verification proceeds from Concrete to Abstract, Particular to General, Hypothesis to Conclusion
and Examples to Formula
vii. Proof guides in the right path and verification might be misleading sometimes
26. 2019-What are the objectives of teaching Co-ordinate geometry and Trigonometry? 5

Coordinate geometry (or analytic geometry) is defined as the study of geometry using the coordinate points. It is the
study of Geometry using principles of Geometry. Following are the objectives of teaching Coordinate geometry:

i. Draw a plan for given situation

ii. Identify coordinate of points, abscissa and ordinate of a point
iii. Plot points and locate quadrants in Cartesian plane
iv. Apply knowledge of Coordinate Geometry for finding area of triangles
v. Use appropriate formulas to solve coordinate geometry equations

Trigonometry: It the branch of mathematics dealing with the relations of the sides and angles of triangles and with the
relevant functions of their angles. Following are the objectives of teaching Trigonometry:

i. Trigonometric Functions: Understand trigonometric functions like finding distances, heights, angular elevation
ii. Analytic Trigonometry: Basic trigonometric identities derived from the definitions and use them to prove other
iii. Applications of Trigonometry: Astronomy, Navigation, Engineering, Surveying
iv. Learn to graph circles, parabolas, ellipses and hyperbolas.
v. Ability to solve applied problems like linear and non-linear systems of equations
27. 2017-Find the LCM and HCF of m2-2m-15, m3-125-15m2+75m, m3-125 5
2018-Find HCF & LCM of 6(x2+10x+24), 4(x2-x-20) and 8(x2+3x-4) 5

28. 2017-Solve for x & y: x+y=7, 3x-2y=11 5

2018-Solve for x & y: 5x-4y= -14, 3x+2y= -4 5

29. 2018-If U = {x/x<=25, x € N}, A={x/x € U, x<=15} and B={x/x € U, 0<x<=25}. List the elements of the
following sets and draw Venn diagrams for a) A’, b) A’ U B’ (2+3)

2017-U={4,8,12,16,20,24,28}, A={8,6,24} and B={4,16,20,28}, verify that (AUB)’=(A’ΩB’) and

(AΩB)’=(A’UB’). Draw Venn diagram for any one of them (2+2+1)
30. 2019-Solve following equation: 2x+7/5 - 3x+11/2 = 2x+8/3 – 5 5
2019-Factorize x6-26x3-27 5

31. 2019-Find Q (x) and R (x) when (x5+a5) / (x+a) 5

32. 2018-Construct a triangle ABC in which BC+CA=8.8cm, AB=6.4cm, and ∟B=60. Measure all the
sides and angles of the triangle.
2019-Construct a triangle in which ∟Y=60, ∟Z=90, XY+YZ+ZX=12cm 5
2017-Construct a triangle ABC in which AB=5.8cm, BC+CA=8.4 cm and ∟B=60. Measure all the sides
and angles of a triangle. 5

33. 2018-What is meant by congruency of triangles? Prove ASA postulate. 5

Two triangles are said to be congruent if all the sides and angles of one triangle are equal to the corresponding sides and
angles of the other triangle.
In triangles ABC and DEF, AB = DE, AC = DF and BC = EF; ∠A =∠D, ∠B = ∠E, and ∠C = ∠F.

34. 2019-Prove that sum of interior angles of quadrilateral is 360? 5

2017- Prove that sum of interior angles of quadrilateral is 360? 5
Proof: The sum of the measures of the interior angles of any quadrilateral can be found by breaking the
quadrilateral into two triangles. Since the measure of the interior angles of any triangle equals 180 degrees, each of
the two triangles will contribute 180 degrees to the total for the quadrilateral.

So the measure of the interior angles of a convex quadrilateral is the same as the sum of the measures of the
interior angles of two triangles, or 360 degrees.
1. The opposite sides are equal and parallel.
2. The opposite angles are equal.
3. The adjacent angles are supplementary
4. The diagonals bisect each other.
5. Each diagonal bisects the parallelogram into two congruent triangles.

1. All Angles are right angle
2. The diagonals of a rectangle are equal.

1. All the sides of a rhombus are equal
2. Opposite sides are parallel
3. Diagonals bisect each other at right angles
4. The two diagonals divide the rhombus into four congruent right angled triangles
5. Angles are also bisected by the diagonals

1. all the sides are equal
2. each angle is a right angle
3. diagonals are equal
4. Diagonals bisect at right angles.

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