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Name: Ileana Lihet

School: Liceul Tehnologic Viseu de Sus
Class: 8th grade
Date: the 20th of March
Time: 50 minutes
Topic: Past simple and past continuous
Type of lesson:


- make a parallel between past simple and past continuous and understand the
- to build a story starting from a picture
- reinforcement of vocabulary and practicing language in a particular


- Conversation
- Observation
- Games
- teacher- students interaction
- student-student interaction
- individual work
- pair work


Stages of the lesson

Activity 1 ( Organizational moment)

Aim: -
Interaction: T-Ss, Ss-T
Procedure: T calls the register and checks homework.
Time: 2’

Activity 2( Warm-up)
Aim: -to break the ice and to introduce to the Ss the topic of the lesson.
Materials: Ball
Interaction: T-Ss
Procedure: The teacher proposes to students to play a game called ,,The ball
She throws a ball to a student and asks him/her to say the past simple form of
an irregular verb. The student states the word and throws the ball back to the
teacher. The ball will be tossed between the teacher and the students several
times in the same way.
Time: 10’
Activity 3
Aim: - to build a story starting from a picture

Interaction: T-Ss
Procedure: The teacher shows students a picture of a person and asks them
some questions: “What do you think she did yesterday?". The students answer
using past simple and then write the sentences on the board and on their note-
books. Then, the teacher asks students to think of the actions that person was
doing in a particular period of time (changing the tense from past simple into
past continuous). The students answer and write down.
Time: 10’

Activity 4
Aim: - form sentences using uwhen" and while"
Materials: Pictures
Interaction: IW

Procedure: The teacher shows the students another picture and elicits them to
form some sentences related to that picture, (pair work). Then in pairs they
have to write six sentences about what happened last time at the math class (a
definite moment in the past - use past simple) and then six sentences about
what were some persons in the picture doing at that moment (actions in
progression at a particular moment in the past - past continuous).
After they write the sentences the T asks Ss to join the sentences above using
“when or while" to show what were the persons in the picture doing at the
same time (simultaneous actions in the past -past continuous).
Time: 14’

Activity 5
Aim: - make a parallel between past simple and past continuous and understand
the differences

Procedure: The teacher explains that she is going to hand out some sheets of
paper containing a text and the students will have to complete that text with
the correct form of the verb. The students solve the exercise and then hand out
the papers back to their teacher.
Time: 10
Feedback: T congratulates the Ss for their answers.
Time: 2’
Time: 2’

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