DEF Lesson Plan Clasa A 5 A

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Name: Ileana Lihet

School: Liceul Tehnologic Viseu de Sus
Class: 5th grade
Date: the 20th of March
Time: 50 minutes
Topic: Daily routines
Type of lesson:


-To consolidate recently taught language-telling the time
-To give Ss practice in talking about daily routines
-To revise time related vocabulary: days of the week, months of the year


- Conversation
- Observation
- Elicitation
- Questioning

- teacher- students interaction
- student-student interaction
- individual work

Stages of the lesson

Activity 1 ( Warm up)

Aim: -To warm up and break the ice
Interaction: T-Ss, Ss-T
Procedure: T calls the register.
T checks the homework. Teacher asks Students what did they do yesterday. Ss say
what they did yesterday
Time: 7’

Activity 2
Aim: -To give Ss practice in talking about daily routines
- To introduce the students to the new lesson
Materials: Board
Interaction: T-Ss
Procedure: In order to introduce s to the new lesson and to give Ss practice in
talking about daily routines,T draws on the blackboard some clocks and writes
some daily routines.
Time: 10’

Activity 3
Aim: - To consolidate recently taught language-telling the time

Interaction: T-Ss
Procedure: T writes the time in words on the blackboard and the Ss have to draw
clocks. Ss follow T instructions. T checks the answers given by the fifth grade
pupils. T gives them worksheets with clocks on them. Ss complete the task. T
checks the activity of the fifth grade pupils. T asks them to read their answers. Ss
read their answers.
Time: 15’

Activity 4
Aim: To make short sentences describing daily routines
Materials: Pictures
Interaction: IW
Procedure: T asks them to solve the next task: looking at the pictures on the
worksheet and writing sentences about their daily activities, specifying the time
when the action takes place. Ss give their answers on the worksheet. T listens to
the answers given by pupils. Ss read, one by one, the answers given on the
worksheet. Ss write short sentences like: “I wake up every day at half past seven”;
“On Monday, I play the piano from quarter past four to quarter past five.” Ss read
their sentences.
Time: 15’
Feedback: T congratulates the Ss for their answers.
Time: 2’
T tells Ss to write their ideal daily routine.
Time: 1’

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