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Student name: - K Venugopala raju

Hall ticket: 16R21E00B5

ANANTA GRANITES is a very much perceived firm in the rocks
division in the national market which is an organization firm and was set
up on the 28th of June in 2007.

It is situated at venkatgiri in Hyderabad. It fundamentally delivers rock

tiles of size 2*1 utilizing the crude material from encompassing quarries.

• This firm has a complete zone of 10 sections of land.

• And it gives work to around 25 representatives.


Customer is a man who demands for the things or organizations offered by the

publicist or supplier. In spite of the fact that the term customer suggests the end customer of the

thing or organization. They could possibly be the customer.

Consumer loyalty

• Satisfaction is a man's assessment of joy or thwarted expectation coming about as a result

of taking a gander at a thing's clear execution (or result) with the execution he expects of it.

• Complete buyer faithfulness is practiced by understandingcustomer essential and passing

on unparalleled nature of product and adventures

Describing customer regard and satisfaction. Over 38 years earlier, Peter Dhuker watched that an
association's first endeavor is "To make customers" However, customers stand up to a gigantic
scope of things and brand choices, cost and suppliers. How might they choose their choices?

We believe that our customers assess which offer will pass on the most regard. Customer regard
supports inside the cutoff points rich costs and compelled learning, whether or not the offer
fulfills regard want impacts both satisfaction and repurchase probability.

In the wake of driving the examination on customers appraisal and satisfaction towards

Granites right now have found that

• Many of the specialists and laborers are visiting Granites.

• Most of the cases the respondents are visiting this fortnightly and not many of them are
visiting step by step or month to month.

The degree of tendency of respondents are

Generally first level

20% zero level

Perhaps two or three them are second level and first level channels.

Finally I have perceived from the respondents satisfaction towards Ananta Granites, here 100%
of customers obviously state they ought to endorse others to purchase tiles from Ananta Granites.

Our beginning is that customer will buy from the firm that they see as offering the most raised
evident regard (cpv) is the differentiation between the arranged customer's evaluation of the
significant number of favorable circumstances and all of the costs of a contribution and the
obvious alternatives. Signify customer regard is the evident cash related estimation of the load of
budgetary down to earth and mental focal points customers envision from a given market

Indicate customer cost is the stack of costs customers would like to gain in surveying, getting,
using and disposing of the given market promoting.

Mean customer devotion:

Whether or not the buyer is satisfied after the purchase depends upon the offer's execution in
association with the buyer's longing. At the point when everything is said in done satisfaction is a
man's conclusion of pleasure or disappointment coming about on account of masterminding a
things saw Performance (or result) in association with their wants. If the execution comes up
short concerning wants, execution organizes the craving, the customer is satisfied. In case the
execution outperforms wants the customer is particularly satisfied or satisfied.

The association between purchaser dependability and customer unwavering quality isn't relative.
Expect buyer devotion is assessed on a scale from one to five at a low degree of shopper
unwaveringness (that is at level one), customers are most likely going to abandon the association
and even chide it. At levels two to four, customer are really satisfied at this point believe that its
easy to switch when a prevalent offer labels along. At level five, the customer is likely going to
repurchase and even spread incredible word or satisfaction creators an enthusiastic bond with the
brand or association not just a sound tendency.

Assessing satisfaction in spite of the way that the customer concentrated firm hopes to make high
shopper reliability that isn't its guideline objective. In case the association assembles customer
devotion by cutting down its organization the result may bumble bee cut down advantages.

The association may have the ability to extend its benefit by techniques for other than extended
satisfaction (for example, by improving manufacturing strategies or placing more in inventive

Similarly the association has numerous accomplices including supervisors, dealers, suppliers and
financial specialist spending more to extend Customer Satisfaction may divert stores from
growing the satisfaction of their "accessories".

Finally, the association must chip away at the levelheadedness that it is attempting to pass on an
irregular condition of customer faithfulness subject to passing on enduring degrees of satisfaction
to exchange accomplices, given its total resources.

• To know the degree of satisfaction of customers

• For setting up various frameworks with a particular ultimate objective to redesign the
degree of customer.

• To find the reasons of disillusionment of customers.

• To recognize to tendency of customers in different consequences of the association.

• To know the customers' wants towards the expenses of our tiles.

• And at what costs customers backing to purchase our tiles.

Requirement FOR THE STUDY

• This consider is coordinated mainly to know the degree of satisfaction of customers at


• To realize the standard reasons of frustration of customers.

• To consider customer grievances and further moves which to be made

• With this there will be addition in the degree of satisfaction of the customers.

• As we give more hugeness to our customers.

Invention creation

• SiO2 — 72.04%

• Al2O3 — 14.42%

• K2O — 4.12%

• Na2O — 3.69%

• CaO — 1.82%

• FeO — 1.68%

• Fe2O3 — 1.22%

• MgO — 0.71%

• TiO2 — 0.30%

• P2O5 — 0.12%

• MnO — 0.05%

In light of 2485 investigations







ANANTA GRANITES has begun with 4 accomplices that is Mr. Mohan, Mr. Nagaraj, Mr.
Raju and Mr Munna and every one of them are dynamic accomplices. The generation is 120000
tiles around per annum with the turnover of 7,00,000 every month. Presently multi day the
interest for stones is expanding at a rapid.

Following are some of the Granites Factories with Profile

Factories Year of Initial No of Production Turnover

establishment Investment employees per annual
Pooja 2007 1.2 Lakhs 20 38400sqft 1,32,00,000
Saka 1992 35 Lakhs 30 30000sqft 55,00,000
Netravati 2001 80 Lakhs 40 14400 cu mt 10,00,00,000

The four accomplices as specified above built up ANANTA GRANITES on 28th

June 2007 and began generation from nineteenth august 2007 with 15 representatives in
Ilkal city which is encompassed by about 150 rock industrial facilities in Ilkal as well as
close by towns.


Target alludes to the essential thought and objective with which any firm is built
up. We can even say it is an explanation for the foundation of any firm. What's
more, as we probably am aware it exceptionally well that each firm has either
objective behind its foundation, similarly Pooja rock Industries is additionally
settled with a target to give 'great nature of stone sections with sensible cost
according to the models and determinations given by the clients and to add to the
social welfare of the general public'.


Area is any territory where the business or firm is set up to do its exercises all

the more advantageously and financially. Area of any firm assumes a vital part

in controlling expenses or costs. A firm should be situated in a region where

the vehicle office, control office, and so on is effectively accessible.

ANANTA GRANITES is situated close by thruway which associates with

various urban areas; control office is additionally made at work put with great

foundation office. The organization is additionally furnishing convenience to its

workers with lights and fans office. In short we can state that the firm gives

extremely sound and enthusiastic condition to work, which we can state is a

perfect workplace for any representative to work in the firm.

The firm has isolate office for business exchanges and once in a while amid the

abundance generation of tiles they are put away in office moreover. There are

separate quarters for workers to live.


Capital means a business' aggregate sum of cash and property implied for use in

ways or exercises that are planned to deliver riches. Capital is only the back or

supports contributed and required to maintain a business. It is exceptionally

well said that capital is the existence blood of any business firm. What's more,

we know it exceptionally well that it is profoundly difficult to maintain a

business without capital. So capital assumes critical part and need great

information and experience to settle on capital speculation choices.

ANANTA GRANITES contributed Rs. 1.50 crore at first and sources used to

raise the assets were from banks and possess stores. The firm raised 65% of its

aggregate capital from banks and the rest of the assets from indigenous

moneylenders and possessed assets. The firm has contributed Rs.80 lakhs for

plant and apparatuses. Every hardware cost Rs.15 lakhs. The organization keeps
up load of crude materials worth Rs.30 lakhs and completed merchandise worth

Rs.25 lakhs. The firm keeps up working capital of Rs.40 lakhs every year.


Target clients are the genuine clients, who frame a specific portion of the market

and these clients create items remembering the prerequisites and the norms

The objective clients of ANANTA GRANITES are ventures like shopping centers,

Apartments, utilized in sanctuaries and so forth.


Stock alludes to those products which are held for inevitable deal by the

business undertaking. At the end of the day inventories are loads of the item a

firm is fabricating available to be purchased and parts that make up the item.

Consequently inventories frame a connection between the creation and offer of

item. Stock is only keeping up the supply of the crude materials and other

expected materials to complete generation exercises. Stock assumes critical part

to do the creation movement consistently and to meet the expanding requests of

the clients whenever.

ANANTA GRANITES keeps up the load of crude materials worth Rs. 35 lakhs,

load of completed merchandise worth Rs. 25 lakhs and the working capital is 35


Creation manages the connection between the info and yield. The procedure

incorporates the impacting of crude shakes and making from into the fine

squares, which are prepared to fare, and cleaning reason. The crude materials,

which are left in the wake of making the squares, are put away in an undesirable

place and this place is called as dump yard the separation between the landfill

yard and the creation place ought to be 0.5 km to 2km.

The organization buys crude squares from quarries and slice them in to fine tiles

and in the wake of slicing the tiles are sent to cleaning unit, these cleaned tiles

are put away in a godown and are prepared to offer. Quality with moderate cost
is the fundamental witticism of ANANTA GRANITES.

Marketing management in ANANTA GRANITES.

Advertising is a logic of purchaser situated wander in which administrators

settle on choices to guarantee consumer loyalty as their best need and it's an

aggregate arrangement of cooperating business exercises intended to design,

cost, advance and appropriate need fulfilling items and administrations to

display the potential clients.


1. To comprehend the significance of showcasing in ANANTA GRANITES.

2. To gauge the future request of tiles.

3. To distinguish target markets.

4. To distinguish the normal showcasing issue looked by the organization.

5. To distinguish the advertising procedure of the organization.

6. To distinguish the overarching send out condition and methods, customs,

and documentation required for trades.

Importance of Marketing

1. It is thoroughly relies upon individual endeavors and assets, making it casual and adaptable.

2. To recognize client needs and needs

3. Satisfying the client needs and needs of the client.

4. Understanding the common economic situations.

Marketing mix elements

There are number of viewpoints associated with showcasing an item. Some of

them are controllable and others are wild. It is the blend of 4 P's viz





· Product:

The item comprises of the strategies and methodology identifying with the item times
to be offered and administrations to be rendered. It additionally incorporates innovative
work programs and the new item approach. It incorporates everything a client gets plan,
quality, bundling.

ANANTA GRANITES outline based on client request and friends getting ready diverse
size on premise of client arrange. Kinds of tiles

1. Ruby red

2. Cats eye

3. Mudgal dark

4. NH

5. Rajeshree

6. Himalayan blue

7. RBI

8. C.K

9. P.G
quality: the Company keeping up great quality in the field of rock items.

Packaging : pressing is considered as an imperative component of item blend.

ANANTA GRANITES material firm uses to pack the tiles is card board boxes
which are pressed by utilizing gum tape.

Price: This component of advertising blend comprises of the arrangements and

methodology identifying with the value level, value detail, and the value approach
.The organization charges the measure of cash to the rock tiles, or the entirety of
the qualities that buyers trade for the advantages of the of having or utilizing the
item or administrations.

Ruby red Rs.45/tile

Cats eye Rs.65/tile
Mudgal grey Rs.36/tile
NH Rs.45/tile
ANANTA GRANITES has embraced infiltration estimating methodology.

• Promotion:

This component incorporates unique offering designs or gadgets coordinated at or through the
exchange, type of gadgets for customer advancements and exchange advancements. The
organization giving transportation offices based on mass requests.

• Place:

This component incorporates strategies and systems identifying with the channels to be utilized
between the plant and the shopper, the level of selectivity among wholesalers and retailers and
endeavors to co-task of exchange.


The estimated squares and rocks tiles are transported to the for away places through Lorries. The
estimated blocked and tiles are traded to the outside nations through ship, up to the ship or port the
vehicle is made through Lorries.

Lorries till karwar convey transport of tiles and cleaned tiles and afterward the shipment is done
to various nations by send. The vehicle of squares is done through the allow. This is gotten from
the concerned experts.

The firm bears the transportation cost and voyaging cost, ere the specialists are enabled free
administrations to the co and from co. to their places.


ANANTA GRANITES faces overwhelming rivalries as there are numerous stone

enterprises in ilkal. Yet, the firm basically faces rivalry from following enterprises.

• Pooja Granites

• Govardhan Granites

• Rahul Granites


Each organization or industry has its own particular therapeutic offices gave to the laborers in
the organization like astute the Gem Company. Has likewise medicinal offices gave to the
specialists. The organization has its own different dispensary, were the qualified and
experienced therapeutic officers has been designated.

The therapeutic offices are given to the specialists, if following conditions is there:
 If there is any damage amid the impacting procedure
 If there is any mishap by the vehicle while working in the organization
 If there are any wounds while working in the apparatus repairs.
 If there is any damage while working in the dept of the quarry
 If there is any damage working in the electrical division.
 The restorative office is given to specialists is at the cost of the free administrations the
laborers don't brings about the cost.


 Good quality items

 Favorable working hours.

 Good working conditions

 Favorable condition

 Easy transportation

 Good foundation.

 Goodwill of the firm.


 Lack of talented works.

 Problem of intensity

 Provides work openings

 Wide showcase territory.


 Establishment of more stone ventures.

 Large number of contenders


Business man 59 59%

Professional 03 3%
Employee 29 29%
other 09 09


On the basis of above table 59% of the respondents are Business

man and 3% of the respondents are professionals, 29% are employees and
others are 9%.






businessmen professsional employee others

By conducting survey regarding the occupation of the respondents, 59%
of the respondents are Business man and 3% of the respondents are
professionals, 29% are employees and others are 9%.

2) How often you visit ANANTA GRANITES?

Particulars Respondents Percentage

Daily 02 02%
Weekly 25 25%
Fortnightly 40 40%
Monthly 33 33%

daily weekly fortnightly monthly


On the basis of above table 2% of the respondents are coming daily,

25% of respondents are coming weekly and 40% of the respondents are
coming fortnightly and 33% of respondents are visiting monthly to ANANTA


By conducting survey regarding the visiting of customers to ANANTA

GRANITES the outcome was 2% of the respondents are coming daily, 25%
of respondents are coming weekly and 40% of the respondents are coming
fortnightly and 33% of respondents are visiting monthly to ANANTA
3. What range of tiles do you prefer?

Particulars Rs. 30-35 Rs.40-50 Rs.55-65 Rs.65& above

Respondents 45 30 18 07
percentage 45% 30% 18% 07%


On the basis of above table 45% of the respondents prefer Rs.30-35, 30% of the
respondents prefer Rs 40-50, 18% of the respondents prefer Rs. 55-65, 7% of the
respondents prefer above 65 Rs.


Rs.30-35 Rs.40-50 Rs.55-65 Rs.65& above


By conducting survey regarding price preference of the tiles we come to

know that 45% of the respondents prefer Rs.30-35, 30% of the respondents
prefer Rs 40-50, 18% of the respondents prefer Rs. 55-65, 7% of the respondents
prefer above 65 Rs.
4. Why do you purchase tiles from ANANTA GRANITES?

Particulars Respondents Percentage

For sale 63 63%
For own use 37 37%


On the basis of above table 63% of the respondents purchase tiles for further sale, and 37% of
the respondents purchase for own use.

for sale ow n use

7. Whether the company provides exchange facilities to you?

Particulars Respondents Percentage

Yes Nil Nila
No 100 100%

On the basis of above table 100% of the respondents are not getting exchange

Exchange Facility

120 100%

80 Respondents
Yes No


After conducting survey regarding exchange facility to customers, the outcome

was pooja granite industries is not providing any exchange facilities to its customers, which
means that 100% of customers said that they are not getting any exchange facility from the
company, because it is the responsibility of the customers to take care of the products

8. Do you recommend others to purchase tiles from ANANTA GRANITES?

Particulars Respondents Percentage

No Nil Nil

yes 100 100%


On the basis of above table 100% of the respondents said that they recommend
others to purchase tiles from ANANTA GRANITES


120 100%

80 Respondents
No Yes


After conducting survey regarding whether they recommend other customers to

purchase the tiles from ANANTA GRANITES 100% of the customers said that they
recommend others to purchase.

9. Who influenced you to purchase tiles from ANANTA GRANITES?

Particulars Ads Friends Family Other

members dealers
Respondents 30 49 21 0
Percentage 30% 49% 21% 0%

Analysis: On the basis of above table 30% of the respondents said that the ads
influenced them 49% said friends influenced them, 19% said family members
influenced them and none were influenced by other dealers.






Ads friends family members other dealer


By conducting survey regarding who influenced them to purchase tiles from

ANANTA GRANITES 30% of the respondents said that the ads influenced them to
purchase tiles, 49% said friends influenced them to purchase, 19% said family members
influenced them and none were influenced by other dealers.

10. Do you get the delivery of tiles from ANANTA GRANITES at correct time?
Particulars Respondents Percentage
Yes 100 100%
No Nil Nil


On the basis of above table 100% of the respondents said that they get delivery of
tiles on time.

60% Respondents
Yes No


When asked to customers that whether they get the delivery of tiles on time we
came to know that all the customers were satisfied with the delivery of tiles at right time

11. How do you give orders to the company?


Particulars Respondents Percentage

Mail 8 8%
Telephone 68 68%
Direct Contact 24 24%
Fax Nil Nil


On the basis of above table 8% of the respondents give orders through mail, 68%
of the respondents give orders through telephone and 24% of the respondents give orders
through direct contact.

m ail telephone direct contact fax


After conducting a survey on how do the customers give orders the company, the
outcome was that 8% of the customers give orders through mail, because these customers
stay in far places like Delhi, Mumbai etc. 68% of the customers give orders through
telephone, because these customers know about the company and they are old customers
who often buy from this company. and the rest 24% of the customers give orders by direct
contact, because these customers are new to the company and they give orders through
directly visiting the firm and none prefers fax for giving the orders.

12. How is the customer relationship of ANANTA GRANITES.

Particulars Respondents Percentage
excellent 38 38%
Good 46 46%
ok 16 16%
Poor nil nil


On the basis of above table 38% of the respondents said excellent about the
customer relationship of ANANTA GRANITES, 46% said its good, 16% said ok.






excellent good ok poor


When we enquired about how is the customer relationship of ANANTA

GRANITES we came to know that 38% of the customers were very impressed with the
customer relationship and said it was excellent, 48% of the respondents said that it was
good and 16% of respondents said it is ok.

\ 13. Are you satisfied with ANANTA GRANITES products?

Particulars Respondents Percentage
Yes 100 100%
No Nil Nil


On the basis of above table 100% of the respondents are satisfied towards the

Satisfaction towards the product

60% Respondents

Yes No


After conducting the survey regarding the satisfaction of customers towards

the product that is the slabs, the outcome was that all the customers are satisfied, which
means that 100% customer satisfaction was achieved in this respect because the firm
provides the quality slabs as the size prescribed by the customers and at better price to its
14. What type of the tiles do you prefer to purchase from ANANTA GRANITES?
Particulars Cats eye Ruby red Mudgal grey Rajeshree Others
Respondents 22 26 8 38 6
Percentage 22% 26% 8% 38% 6%

Analysis: On the basis of above table 22% of the respondents prefer Cats eye, 26% of the
respondents prefer Ruby red, 8% of the respondents prefer Mudgal grey, 38% of the
respondents prefer Rajeshree and 6% of the respondents prefer other types of slabs.


no.of responden

30 26

25 22
20 Respondents

10 6
Cats eye Ruby red Mudgal grey Rajeshree Others
Types of slabs


By conducting survey regarding what type of the slabs the customers prefer the
response was 22% of the customers prefer Catseye, because it is costlier and used for
decorative purpose like mouldings, borders and walls. 26% of the customers prefer Ruby
red, because it is a commercial material and is used in selected places in south. 8% of the
customers prefer Mudgal grey, because it is used only in houses. 38% of the customers
prefer Rajeshree, because it is also a commercial product used maximum in shopping molls
and big apartments and it is hard material than other state slabs and the rest prefer other
type of slabs, like Gem red, Himalayan blue etc

14. Does the firm provide credit facility to you?

Particulars Respondents Percentage
Yes 86 86%
No 14 14%


On the basis of above table 86% of the respondents are getting credit facility and
the rest 14% of the respondents are not getting credit facility.





yes no

Interpretation : when we asked the customers regarding whether ANANTA GRANITES

provides credit facility 86% of the respondents said that ANANTA GRANITES provides
credit facility and 14% of the respondents said that it does not provide credit facility.

15. Do you face any problems while purchasing tiles from ANANTA GRANITES?
Particulars Respondents Percentage
Yes 0 0%
No 100 100%


On the basis of above table all the customers said that they don’t face any problems
during purchasing the tiles from ANANTA GRANITES.

120 100%

80 Respondents
Yes No

Interpretation: when I enquired to customers that whether they face any problems while
purchasing tiles from ANANTA GRANITES, all customers said that they won’t face any
problems while purchasing the tiles.
16. Any other Suggestions?


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