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Section 10

Fault Finding

1 Fault Finding (Synchronous Motor)
If there is an electrical fault it is probable that one of the following symptoms will be observed:

(1) Motor fails to reach normal running speed - Refer to Section 10.1 a, page 2:31.

(2) Motor fails to synchronise or pulls out of synchronism - Refer to Section 10.1 b, page 2:31.

(3) Incorrect control of power factor after synchronising - Refer to Section 10.1 c, page 2:32.

(4) Excessive vibration or noise from the motor itself - Refer to Section 10.1 d, page 2:33.

(5) Diode failure indication during synchronous operation - Refer to Section 10.1 e, page 2:34.

The above symptoms are now considered in detail:

1a Motor fails to reach normal running speed

(1) The shaft should be barred round by hand to check for any obvious mechanical defects.

(2) After switching on the supply check that the voltages and currents are balanced in each phase. A
break in one phase could cause a complete absence of starting torque. If the stator terminal voltages
are balanced but the stator currents severely unbalanced, the fault should be looked for in the stator
winding. If the motor crawls at low speed the possible faults are low or unbalanced supply voltage, or
excessive load.

(3) If the motor is started on a very reduced voltage, say due to the use of an auto-transformer starter or
reactor starter and the supply voltage happens to be low as well, sufficient voltage may not be induced
in the rotor field to enable the control units to trigger the thyristor. The resulting induced current in the
rotor will be rectified by the diodes, although only half wave, and the resulting unidirectional current
in the rotor winding will cause the rotor to crawl at very low speed instead of running up. This problem
may be overcome by using a higher voltage tapping on the auto-transformer starter, or a lower
reactance if it is a reactor starter.

1b Motor fails to synchronise or pulls out of synchronism

(1) The presence of pole slipping is indicated by a rhythmic fluctuation of the line current with a
sympathetic throbbing noise in the motor at slip frequency. The line current also has a high value at
a low lagging power factor. The motor should not be allowed to run for more than a few seconds in
this condition as the pole faced cage winding would rapidly overheat.

(2) Failure to synchronise can arise from a number of different causes such as depressed supply voltage,
excessive load, absence of excitation or short circuited thyristors.

(3) The normal starting sequence should automatically ensure that the exciter field current is switched off
initially and switched on during run-up. Check with an ammeter that this is correctly taking place. The
exciter field current should not be less than the normal full load value.

(4) If the pole slipping is accompanied by a heavy throbbing noise, or if the exciter field current pulses
as may be seen on the exciter field ammeter, the cause is most likely to be due to excessive load or
to depressed voltage, but could also be caused by insufficient rotor excitation. This condition could
arise on starting when the motor fails to synchronise, or after the motor has been running
synchronously. The fluctuation of the exciter field current could cause the diode failure relay to trip the

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(5) Reduced rotor excitation could result simply from insufficient exciter field current or could be due to
the output from the exciter not reaching the rotor field winding. Check that the voltage from the
excitation winding in the stator is correct:

(a) Check the fuse(s) in the excitation supply winding circuit.

(b) Check the insulation of the overvoltage device(s) in the excitation supply winding circuit with a
megger, having a voltage which must not exceed soov.
(6) The functioning of the rotating diodes and thyristors should then be checked in the following manner:-

(a) Set up the test circuit as shown in Figure 6.

(b) Disconnect rotor field cables from F2 on the Simfex assembly (two cables are used in parallel,
both must be removed).

(c) Remove the pigtail of the diode d6 from its terminal as shown in Figure 6.

(d) Connect F1, F2 the negative rotor field cable and cathode pigtail of d6 to the test circuit.

(e) The correct polarity of the battery connection is vital.

Referring to Figure 6 with both switches open:

Close S1 - no current must flow.

Close S2 - a current determined by the rotor resistance should flow.

Open S2 - arcing at the switch should give rise to a sufficiently high voltage (approximately 600V needed)
to switch on the thyristors. Current should continue to flow and will be approximately 85% of the previous

Open S1 for 30 seconds and then reclose - current should fall to zero and stay there.

If the conditions above are not met refer to Section 17, page 3:43 for methods of checking diodes and

Key C1 = Low voltage control unit

C2 = high voltage control unit
R = commutation spike suppression circuit
d =diodes
T1 & T2 = thyristors
S 1 & S2 = switches

1c Incorrect control of power factor after synchronising

If the motor has synchronised but its power factor is low or lagging and not responding to changes in the
exciter field current, this would signify that for some reason the exciter output is not reaching the motor field

Check and make sure none of the diodes or thyristors are short circuited. A more thorough functional check
of the diodes and thyristors is described in Section 17, page 3:43.

2:32 10/95/A-01 /39119A Section 1o Fault Finding

F1 (or X)


' 12V Battery


d4 d5 d6

Remove diode pigtail of d6


NOTE: Rating of S1, S2, A and F determined by rotor resistance.

Figure 6 Test Circuit for Functional Check of Simfex Assembly

1d Excessive vibration from the motor Hself

(1) The possibility of a purely mechanical fault may be examined by running the motor up to speed,
preferably uncoupled but at least unloaded, and then switching off both the supply and excitation. If
the noise or vibration persists when both the supply and the excitation are removed, the fault must
obviously be of a purely mechanical nature and could be due to out of balance on the rotor or to lack
of rigidity in the bed or foundations.

(2) If the motor develops a steady low frequency vibration or growl which is present only when excited and
the vibration is not associated with the load or gearing etc., the motor should be stopped and
examined for the possibility of shorted turns on the field coils.

(3) Remove the two leads F1 and F2 from the Simfex unit to the field winding and apply ac voltage of
SOHz or 60Hz at between 1OOV and 240V across the rotor field windings, measure the voltage (ac)
across each field coild in turn. These voltages should be equal within a margin of 15% of the average,
any low reading outside this limit indicates the probable presence of shorted turns in that field coil.

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1e Diode failure indication during synchronous operation

(1) If a diode failure relay (where fitted) trips the motor, there is likely to be a short circuit in one arm of
the rotating rectifier. Alternatively the sensitivity of the relay may be too high.

(2) For instructions in replacing diodes and thyristors, see Section 17, page 3:43.

(3) If no fault can be located in either the thyristors or the diodes, the resistance between each pair of ac
terminals (ie the exciter output) should be checked for continuity and balance.

(4) If more elaborate investigations are required, we can supply a brushgear and slipring assembly similar
to those used for our Works tests. This will enable the motor field current and field voltage to be
measured. If the rectifier is failing to function properly the field voltage, as observed on an oscilloscope,
will show a lack of uniformity in its ripple content.

(5) In the event of a diode failure during the first few months in service, we would ask clients to note full
details of the failure, preferably by filling in one of our special questionnaire forms, and to return the
faulty devices with the completed questionnaire form to our Product Service Division so that a full
investigation may be made.

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