ID037 FTR Eng - Trabajo

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Assignment - FTR



Student: Yesenia Idrobo

Group: 2019-02
Unit: Final task: revising
The correct files name would be: 2019-02YIdrobo_FTR


It is important to properly write, but it is even more important to know our own mistakes and
correct them. Now you must correct and improve your ‘Entrance Exam’ you did before starting
this programme from the lexical perspective we studied during this unit.

You must apply all the notions and knowledge acquired. Find at least six figures of speech if
possible and correct them. Remember that every text can be improved.

Enhance Exam

1. Explain in your own words what behaviourism is.

According to the information provided in this document about behaviorism theory, I have
understood that this theory explains students how to learn using the repetition of patterns,
sounds, and imitations. Nonetheless, it is principal to analyze that students need not only use
imitations or patterns to learn, but also to emphasize a habit of learning. as a teacher we have to
guide our learners by helping them to recognize the mistakes instead of just correcting them, for
example, the usage if the rules of the verbs in the third person of singular.. When students say
“He studies in the school”. Instead of telling them that it is not “study” it is “studies”. We ought
to reply, he studies in the school. Thus learners acquire the process of learning in a natural form
Improved text
Based on the information provided in this document about behaviorism theory, the classes taken
at the university about second language learning, and my personal experience as an English
teacher; I have understood that this theory explains how students learn through the imitation and
practice activities. However, it is important to clarify that learners need not only to imitate and
practice, but also to reinforce and create habits of learning. Therefore, as teachers, we have to
guide our students by helping them to identify the mistakes instead of just correcting them, for
example, when a student say “I go to school yesterday.” Instead of telling her it isn’t “go” it’s

Assignment - FTR

“went” We should reply, you went to school yesterday? Thus, students acquire the language
similar to the natural way.

Briefly explain if you agree or not with behaviorism.

- In the 1940s and 1950s was efficiently the usage of this theory and it's still a useful method to
teach a second language(Redundancy).
- In the 1940s and 1950s was efficiently the purpose of this theory and it is still a useful method
to teach a second language.
- It is useful for beginning the process of learning.(Malapropism and Redundancy)
- It is appropriate for the learning process at the beginning.
In children, this theory is very effective because when the learners repeat the word many times,
they memorize the word or short sentences and pronunciation. For that reason, I absolutely
agree with this theory.(Circumlocution)
- I agree because it could help and support learners to memorize the knowledge.

2. Critical reading. Read the extract in the box and answer the following questions.

i. Summarize in your own words, what the author (Noam Chomsky) is saying.
It is the reason why people assimilate grammatically correct yet nonsensical phrases like
“colorless green ideas sleep furiously”. The most generally accepted viewpoint on language
acquisition suggests that people learn languages by noticing and reminding clues that is “the
creativity of learning”.

ii. Do you think that Noam Chomsky agrees with behaviorism?

No, because it is a learning theory that the most important is focused on objectively observable
behaviors and discounts any independent activities of the mind. This theory is used by teachers
to give rewards or punishments. Both theories are opposite theories.
iii. In the light of your own experience, state if you agree or not with the extract
Yes, I agree, because language serves many critical functions within the human experience,
from keeping us safe to social engagement. While communication certainly exists in other
species, the depth and complexity of human language are second to none. The idea of Chomsky
is that language stages, that most of the time teachers of second language acquisition that it is
applied in their classes.(Redundancy)

Assignment - FTR

His idea is the stages of the language that most of the time are applied in class by teachers of
second language acquisition.

3. In a well-organized essay, describe why first language acquisition might be useful or not
in language teaching. (150 words)
The use of the first language acquisition in the classroom is a topic very contradictory because
many generations of teachers and students have affected language teaching using it. As a result
of this, they thought that spoken language is more than written and it ought to be a habit as a
whole, instead of separate parts. Perhaps the only omission is the structures
(grammar/translation method), which has a little or no public support. The most useful method
to teach English is Direct because it avoided the L1.
- Communicative language teaching and task-based learning methods have any connection with
L1 because it is only used to mention advice how to minimize its use, but it is important to
avoid the use of it. (Pet words)
This not to say that all the teachers do not use the L1, but when teachers have to teach, they do
not have to use L1 because the learning makes systematically and traditional. Students do not
have to translate the knowledge; on the contrary, they have to be able to use all the skills
without L1. (Learned words)
However, all the teachers do not apply it. So, they ought to avoid it because it turns
systematically and traditional. Thus, learners have to learn all the skills without it.
Improved text

From my point of view, first language acquisition is useful when teaching a language. For
example, teachers who work with children or with beginner levels most of the time apply the
strategies and methods similar to the ones that are used in the first language acquisition. As a
result, teachers try to enable children not only to learn words, but to put them together in
meaningful sentences, but this is a process which takes a long time to reach. Indeed, learning a
language involves understanding children’s first years, pre-school years, school years, and so
on. Therefore, I believe that some of the steps used in the different stages of first language
acquisition are being used even with adult learners. In conclusion, first language acquisition is
useful in language teaching because it gives a previous path which parents and teachers can
work together and help children to achieve the goal which is the acquisition of a new language.

Assignment - FTR

4. In a well-organized essay, describe what impact you hope your enrollment in this
program will have on your professional development. (What is your motivation for
enrolling in this program? How do you think you may contribute to the program? What
do you expect to take from it?) Provide specific examples. (150 words) Why study a master
Different students have different reasons for studying the masters. But most do so in the hope
that postgraduate study will improve their career prospects. I choose this university because I
was looking for the quality of knowledge, I want to increase my knowledge, my experience and
being a decisive, determined, efficient, energetic professional. I might have a specific job in
mind- such as an academic role, for which a master’s degree is often the next step. And also,
employability is not the only reason to study a postgraduate degree. As a student, I want to
enjoy the chance to pursue my undergraduate subject at a more advanced level. There is also
nothing to say I cannot follow a subject I love and enhance my job prospects. I am sure that a
Master degree is the right decision that I could make for improving my skills and for reaching
my personal and professional goals.
Improved text
Nowadays, professional development has become a necessity in the Education field here in
Ecuador. The government has suggested that most teachers should have at least a Bachelor
degree in order to work like them. On the other hand, English teachers must have a B2 level of
English. For those reasons, I have studied and self-prepared for more than six years to get my
degree and also to obtain my B2 level of English. Now, my family has grown and I have to
support them and one of the best alternatives for making more money is to find a new job, for
example, If I got a master’s degree, I would work at the university. In the pursuit of that
opportunity, I have been researching and trying to find the correct place where I can start my
studies. But the problem is that I have to work all the time and I need to find a university that
offers online education, thanks to God I found Funiber and now I am trying to be admitted to
this program. Being part of this program will help me to develop my teaching skills and
improve my lifestyle. I will do my best effort in learning everything.

Assignment - FTR


After correcting the text, write a paragraph of 200 words maximum explaining if the
effects of the figures you found has a positive or a negative effect on you the text.

Figures of speech are a set of words or phrases that are applied to create interest and clarity
effect. In my opinion, some of them are negative, but others no. For example Malapropism, it
means an inappropriate function of a word. This figure of speech is a negative effect in my text
because as a writer, I have to recognize and analyze the meaning and the function of the words.
Another negative effect is Redundancy. It means excessive use of words or definitions to add
more unnecessary information. However, there some positives such as Pet words. It does not
support the topic at all, it gives a piece of extra information. In conclusion, we have to know,
understand and use figures of speech to be a better writer and a complete communicator to
encourage our creativity.

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