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Journal of Cleaner Production 276 (2020) 123156

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Is China at the tipping point? Reconsidering environment-economy

Fei Li a, b, c, *, Eran Feitelson a, b, **, Yu Li a, c, ***
Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, 100101, China
Department of Geography, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Jerusalem, 91905, Israel
University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, 100049, China

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Environmental Kuznets Curve (EKC) has become the predominant approach between environmentalists
Received 5 May 2019 and sociologists to modeling environment-economy nexus during the past quarter century, also with
Received in revised form regard to China, the largest industrial pollutant emitter in the world, where unprecedented change offers
27 June 2020
a unique approach to the aggregate emissions. In the case of China the question is whether a tipping
Accepted 29 June 2020
Available online 17 July 2020
point can be reached without de-industrialization and at a lower income phase than in developed
economies. It is also the worldwide intrinsic concern of environment-economy nexus in the prospective
Handling editor: Yutao Wang industrialization process of developing countries. However, China relative researches involve some
existing challenges, such as cross-regional time series, various socioeconomic drivers, and turning
Keywords: thresholds. Taking the new normal China economy formulation into consideration, a rethink and reex-
Environment-economy nexus amination of the environment-economy relationship was performed, using the longest possible envi-
Industrial pollution ronmental and economic data from 30 provincial economies for the period of 1985e2017. Different from
New normal economy the existing mostly time-series based China EKC literature, not only the LLC, IPS, Fisher unit root tests,
Tipping point
Pedroni and Kao panel cointegration tests and the panel OLS are used, but, the problem of cross-sectional
dependence is handled in panel unit root tests across various cross-economies, and the error-correction
based cointegration test is employed, allowing for various forms of heterogeneity, robust against the
cross-sectional dependence, and the DOLS estimators are applied to resolve the standard OLS for serial
correlation and for endogeneity of regressors, especially in only small possible China samples. In
particular, the finding contrasts with the overly optimistic research of certain scholars, who state that
China could be on a clearly different path from the routes of some developed economies in the world,
realizing the environmental turnaround at low levels of economy and industrialization. China economy is
not just having a certain environmental “dividend effect”, but mainly faces a more significant environ-
mental “pressure effect”. Environmental input and its efficiency is still insufficient to perform the
intended pollution reduction effects. Fundamentally, the environmental investment as a proportion of
GDP should reach the past levels of some developed economies in the similar pollution-economy phase.
© 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction along with economic growth has gained increasingly intensive

global attention, also with regard to China (Brock and Taylor, 2004;
The efforts to reduce environment discharge simultaneously Davis et al., 2018; Qin et al., 2016). China has been experiencing
spectacular economic growth since the reform policy introduction,
and recently ranked the second highest GDP in the world, and
* Corresponding author. Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources correspondingly a rapid urbanization process, as the largest
Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, 100101, China. emerging economy in the world. However, China has also been
** Corresponding author. Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources incrementally discharging pollutants concurrently, as the present
Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, 100101, China.
top producer of industrial pollution, over the last decades of years.
*** Corresponding author. Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources
Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, 100101, China. The recent concentrated outbreaks of environmental problems are
E-mail addresses:, (F. Li), within the long-term accumulation of the many different growth
(E. Feitelson),, (Y. Li).
0959-6526/© 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
2 F. Li et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 276 (2020) 123156

phases, domains and types in the initial stage of rapid industriali- The research of China’s EKC also gradually develops (Brajer et al.,
zation and urbanization, which is unique to the world and difficult 2011; Diao et al., 2009; Yao et al., 2019; Zhang et al., 2019). Common
to be effectively solved. And, China has displayed the phasic char- criticism of the China EKC studies are due to statistics of non-
acteristics of the “Lewisian turning point” of a “catching-up econ- stationary time series (Chowdhury and Moran, 2012; Wagner,
omy”, with economy downturn pressure and the inflation risk, as 2015) and the cross-regional information (Yao et al., 2019; Yu and
the proposed “new normal” of the economy in China. With China’s Chen, 2012), and the combined panel data operating is requisite.
long-time rapid growth, the excessive public investment, capital And, interprovincial/interstate analysis based on inter-country
surplus, trade surplus, resource liabilities, and environmental def- level information could make it more secure to suppose that all
icits interlace with one another. China economy might be under- cross-sections follow the uniform shape curve, compared to EKC for
going major changes in growth rate, structure, mode, and dynamics cross-country data, taking various endowments into consideration
(Li et al., 2017), posing new challenges in handling the relationship (Chowdhury and Moran, 2012; Gill et al., 2018; Li et al., 2016a).
between environmental protection and economic growth (Liu et al., Besides, the urbanization, as well as openness and employment
2015; Xu et al., 2019). level, could be worthy of more attention for researching special
China’s “new normal” situation is closely related to economic environment issues of transitional economies. Furthermore, there
transformation, and involves changes in the state of economic, are few EKC studies with regard to the growth effects on emissions
political, social, and environmental fields, in the process of indus- allowing for the inputs on the environment protection in emerging
trialization and urbanization (Hong and Ren, 2018; Liu et al., 2017; countries, including the aforementioned factors, especially in
Stark and Bruszt, 1998). Chinese economy is confronted with crit- China. Additionally, EKC empirical analyses have been debated
ical pressures and challenges, and also facing important historical since that concerns regarding the threshold explanations convert-
opportunities for catch-up economic transformation and upgrading ing into diminishing industrial pollutant discharge varies widely
(Li et al., 2017; Hong and Ren, 2018). Economic growth under the between contaminants and between samples (Brock and Taylor,
new normal would likely have positive effects on the environment 2004; Kaika and Zervas, 2013; Bergh et al., 2019), according to
improvement in terms of economic and institutional transitions their emission characteristics and the pertinent regions, sectors and
(Hong and Ren, 2018; Ouyang et al., 2019). However, the growth policies (Chowdhury and Moran, 2012; Li et al., 2016b; Stern, 2017;
could still generate a significantly large pressure on environmental Zhang et al., 2015). The debating crux is that quite a lot of previous
pollutants reduction (Chen and Cheng, 2018; Xu et al., 2019). The estimated results on China samples are worth reconsidering by as
research on the environment-economy nexus (Stark and Bruszt, much data as possible, especially within the present and future
1998; Xu et al., 2019) and the relative governance issues under context of the new normal economy, many of which claimed the
the new normal (Hong and Ren, 2018) is needed to advance policy correlation between environment and economy in China could be
debating for the future environmental improvement. It is a great very different from the path taken by some developed countries,
challenge to resolve the increasingly acute and complex contra- e.g. European Union countries, in the main literature of recent de-
diction, with China’s ongoing and past unprecedented change, and cades, that China’s environmental improvement can be achieved at
these processes also provides a quintessential occasion to solve the lower levels of income growth and industrialization (Brajer et al.,
environment-economy nexus (Qin et al., 2016), which is of both 2011; Diao et al., 2009; Yu and Chen, 2012; Zhang et al., 2019).
China and global significance. But the facts are oppositely as mentioned above, that China is still
Against the viewpoints regarding the “Limits to Growth” from leading the world in resource consumption and industrial waste
the Club of Rome (Daly, 1973; Ehrlich and Holdren, 1971; Meadows emissions in the past few years. Regarding the extent that China has
et al., 1972), the sustainability paradigm based on the opposite tried to tackle the incremental environmental pressures as well as
growth-pollution interpretations began to be widely acknowledged the on-going commitment to industrial growth and urbanization
(Davis et al., 2018; Henninger and Boyer, 2016; Panayotou, 1993; within the context of the new normal, the insufficient parts theory
Simon and Kahn, 1984). Then, the classic environmental Kuznets presently plays in the literature have caused stumbling troubles
curve (EKC) hypothesis was proposed, where an inverted-U shaped when clarifying the concrete EKC. Particularly, China and devel-
Kuznets curve relationship was investigated between economic oping countries’ EKC agreement remains elusive and still under
growth and environmental pollution (Grossman and Krueger, 1991; disputation on fitting identification (Chowdhury and Moran, 2012;
Henninger and Boyer, 2016; Panayotou, 1993), and has become the Gill et al., 2018; Yao et al., 2019; Zhang et al., 2019).
dominant approach between environmentalists and sociologists to The paper differs from the preceding China studies in the
modeling environment-economy nexus during the past quarter following aspects. The study uses the data of three types of in-
century. A large number of subsequent empirical studies on the dustrial pollutant emissions, e.g. industrial wastewater discharged,
international scene further verifies the existence of the EKC, mostly solid waste materials discarded and waste gas emissions, as long as
focusing on developed economies cases at first (Grossman and possible up to now, combined with all the main socioeconomic
Krueger, 1991; Stern et al., 1996), and then developing countries drivers as mentioned in the environmental effects and the human
and emerging economies over two decades of years, and currently drivers literature (Commoner et al., 1971; Davis et al., 2018; Liddle
continues to be the environmental research hotspots (Gill et al., and Messinis, 2015; Rosa and Dietz, 2012; Stern, 2017) that affect
2018; Mikayilov et al., 2018; Sarkodie and Strezov, 2019), due to the environment, including income, industry structure, energy use,
increasingly severe pollution situation of developing countries. Yet foreign economy level, and unemployment, to investigate China’s
the debate is still augmenting, based on various EKC outlooks, also EKC and whether China is at the tipping point. Moreover, the study
embodied in several significant review literatures (Brock and handled the issues of cross-sectional dependence explicitly across
Taylor, 2004; Chowdhury and Moran, 2012; Henninger and Boyer, the various national provincial economies, on account of the
2016; Stern, 2017). The progress of approach to the EKC has possible trans-provincial pollutants movement and trans-boundary
mainly focused on the non-stationary time series and the cross- environmental issues. Furthermore, the study also incorporated
regional dimensions using panel data on a global scale (Ridzuan, and considered in particular the role of the environmental inputs
2019; Rosa and Dietz, 2012; Stern and Van Dijk, 2017), in devel- and urbanization within the context of special economy transition
oped countries (Franklin and Ruth, 2012; Liddle and Messinis, 2015) as an important factor for pollutants emission. This would advance
and developing countries (Behera and Dash, 2017; Mikayilov et al., threshold explanations between contaminants and between sam-
2018; Sarkodie and Strezov, 2019). ples. To clarify the relationship between three types of pollutant
F. Li et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 276 (2020) 123156 3

emissions and the socioeconomic factors, the recently introduced wastewater discharge (WW), waste gas (WG), and solid waste
error-correction based cointegration test was used, allowing for (SW). X represents the economic growth, i.e. per capita gross do-
various forms of heterogeneity, robust against the cross-sectional mestic product (PGDP), and Z represents the other influencing
dependence, as well as both the residual based Pedroni and Kao variables, including urbanization rate (UR), secondary industry
cointegration test, and, the dynamic ordinary least squares esti- proportion (SIGDP), energy use per unit of GDP (ENGDP), foreign
mator is used to resolve the elimination of endogeneity and serial capital proportion of GDP (FDIGDP), foreign trade proportion of
correlation, especially in only small possible China sample. To our GDP (IMEXGDP), unemployment rate (UE), and environmental in-
knowledge, few China EKC studies considered the discussion of puts proportion of GDP (EIGDP). Then Eq. (1) can be interpreted
cross-sectional dependence in panel data and the error-correction with a Cobb-Douglas function form as follows:
based cointegration tests. In addition, it tries to reveal that the
b g
environment-economy correlation cannot be very different from Ymn ¼ Xmn Zmn emn (2)
the path taken by some developed countries, which contrasts with
the claim of certain scholars, that environmental improvement can where b denotes the externalities arising out of the rising economic
be achieved at lower levels of income growth and industrialization. growth. Similarly, the parameter g represents the elements arising
Generally, EKC research has mainly developed in conjunction with out of the other influencing variables. It is presumed that the
the advancement of global industrialization based on its pollutants negative effects by certain factors would outweigh the initial pos-
discharge. Discussing the EKC it can be noted that part of the itive effects in the long term. So, it is presumed that the expected
reduction in emissions was due to de-industrialization. In the case sign of the parameters for ENGDP, SIGDP, and UR and others would
of China the question is whether the threshold effect and a tipping be positive, and that for EI be negative. The EKC function form can
point can be reached without de-industrialization and at a lower be available from the literature (Gill et al., 2018; Franklin and Ruth,
income phase than in developed economies. This endeavor is of 2012; Liddle and Messinis, 2015; Stern and Van Dijk, 2017; Zhang
global significance. It is also the worldwide intrinsic concern of et al., 2015). A cubic EKC in levels might simply be a polynomial
environment-economy nexus in the prospective industrialization approximation of a logarithmic curve (Brock and Taylor, 2004;
process of developing countries. Kaika and Zervas, 2013; Stern and Van Dijk, 2017). Then all the
The remaining sections of the paper are as follows: Section 2 selected variables are transformed into natural logarithms as
describes the methodology. The data sources and the applied EKC shown in Eq. (3), i.e. the proposed empirical regression model in
model are described, and the available panel cointegration esti- panel form.
mation technologies are summarized. In section 3, unit root prop-
erties of the panel data are firstly examined, and then the panel Ymn ¼ am þ dn þ b1 Xmn þ b2 Xmn þ gZmn þ εmn (3)
cointegration test is performed. Further, various cointegrating
environment-economy nexus estimation results are considered. In where m indexes the provincial economies and n years. εmn is the
section 4, environmental pressure effects with respect to economic idiosyncratic error term. Both b1 >0 and b2 <0 signify an inverted U-
growth, as well as environmental dividend effects, are discussed. shaped EKC relationship.
Later, environmental investment effects are considered. In addition,
the EKC transition threshold is investigated and results are 2.2. Econometric approach
compared to the literature. Finally, conclusions are drawn and some
policy implications are given in section 5. The study first applies the panel Levin-Lin-Chu (LLC) (Levin
et al., 2002), Im-Pesaran-Shin (IPS) (Im et al., 2003), Fisher-ADF
2. Materials and methods and Fisher-PP (Maddala and Wu, 1999; Choi, 2001) to syntheti-
cally test unit root processes of the variables (Wagner, 2015; Liddle
A panel reexamination of the EKC in China was performed and Messinis, 2015). Furthermore, a Pesaran panel unit root test
hereinafter. The data covers 30 provincial economies in mainland (Pesaran, 2007; Pesaran et al., 2015) is applied, to handle the
China during the period from 1985 to 2017, sourced from the China problem of cross-sectional dependence across cross-provincial
Environment Statistical Yearbooks, China Statistical Yearbooks, economies, considering trans-provincial pollutants movement
China Energy Statistical Yearbooks, and China Environmental Sta- and environmental issues across the China provincial economies.
tistics Bulletins of the corresponding years. Tibet is excluded due to Herein, the general residual interdependence, the omitted
data unavailability in some years. observed common factors and unobserved common factors might
also raise the possibility of cross-sectional dependence (Pesaran
2.1. Empirical model et al., 2015; Behera and Dash, 2017). The further interest in
environment-economy research is to seek to infer the cointegrating
There is still little consonance on the human drivers of changes relationship among variables. The seven Pedroni cointegrating
in pollutant emissions (Commoner et al., 1971; Davis et al., 2018; statistics, namely Panel v, Panel rho, Panel PP, Panel ADF, Group rho,
Ehrlich and Holdren, 1971; Liddle and Messinis, 2015; Rosa and Group PP, and Group ADF statistics, and a Kao statistic are con-
Dietz, 2012; Stern, 2017). EKC research should be focused on un- ducted to test for the existence of a cointegrated combination of the
derstanding what actually reduces pollution (Bergh et al., 2019; unstable series, with regard to the Engle-Granger cointegration
Brock and Taylor, 2004; Sarkodie and Strezov, 2019). Regarding a equation residuals (Engle and Granger, 1987; Kao and Chiang, 2000;
transitional emerging economy, these variables mainly include in- Pedroni, 2004; Vance et al., 2013). In addition, the error-correction
come, industry structure, foreign capital, foreign trade, unem- based cointegration test (Westerlund, 2007; Westerlund et al.,
ployment, energy use, urbanization, and environmental inputs. To 2015) is used, allowing for various forms of heterogeneity, robust
estimate China’s environment-economy nexus, the based form of against the cross-sectional dependence. It might be able to produce
the proposed model is as follows: more powerful tests relative to other residual-based cointegration
tests, taking no error-correction as null hypothesis, on account of a
Y ¼ f ðX; ZÞ (1) possibly invalid common factor restriction (Westerlund et al.,
2015). The two group mean error-correction based cointegration
in which, Y is the emissions of industrial pollutants, including statistics (GECt and GECa) are defined to test a whole cointegrated
4 F. Li et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 276 (2020) 123156

alternative, and the other two panel error-correction based statis- the Pedroni test aims to the estimation of cointegration relation-
tics (PECt and PECa) involve that at least one cointegrated cross- ship. First, it is instructive to handle the problem of cross-sectional
section unit exists. Herein, the study took account for various dependence across the 30 provincial economies; second, it points
panel unit root and cointegration tests to check for the robustness to trans-border movement of pollutants, and the cross-provincial
of the results, due to various examination strategies. Subsequently, dependence in China, robust to discover the intensity of cointe-
the final interest is to estimate the consistent parameters in the EKC gration. It is reported in Table 3 that the panel cointegration test
model. Compared to the panel OLS estimator, the study consider results basically display the existence test of the cointegrating
various forms of the EKC residual-based panel estimations, e.g. the environment-economy relationship, using the heterogeneous
dynamic OLS (DOLS) estimators (Choi and Saikkonen, 2010; panel cointegration technology.
McCoskey and Kao, 2001; Pedroni, 2004) that produce asymptoti- Table 4 displays the panel estimation results of the cointegrating
cally unbiased, normally distributed coefficient estimates. There environment-economy nexus, among the variables of the EKC by
exist independence in the errors across cross-sections. These esti- the panel estimators. In contrast to OLS estimator, DOLS estimation
mators could resolve the elimination of endogeneity and serial involves an expanded equation introducing the leads and lags of
correlation, especially in only small possible China samples. Table 1 the difference terms of original variables, which could check for
presents summary of the abbreviations . endogeneity and be robust to serial correlation. The Monte Carlo
simulations, as well as bias and size-corrected power tests indicate
3. Results that the applied panel DOLS estimator demonstrates relatively less
bias and often better performance than the others, especially
The study proceeded with the panel cointegration estimation within only an available small sample context of China environ-
techniques of EKC. Time series data are firstly tested for stationarity, mental data (Kao and Chiang, 2000; Jo €rg and Pesaran, 2008; Li
taken as the unit root examination details by panel unit root test et al., 2016). The values of the DOLS estimators are determined
methods. Using not only LLC, IPS, and Fisher statistics, each vari- under the itemizing leads and lags modification according to
able’s stability is tested but also considering a Pesaran panel unit Schwarz Information Criterion (SIC) in changes of regressors in the
root test (Pesaran, 2007; Pesaran et al., 2015) to address the exis- regression.
tence of cross-sectional dependence and improve robustness. It is
shown in Table 2 that the unit root properties of the panel data,
indicating that the null of unit root is strongly rejected for the first
order differences, and all the series are I (1) process on the whole, 4. Discussions
regardless of individual effects, individual effects and linear trends.
Then, based on residual cointegration test, Panel v-Statistic, Panel 4.1. Substantial environmental pressure effects
rho-Statistic, Group rho-Statistic, Panel ADF-Statistic, Group ADF-
Statistic, Panel PP-Statistic, Group PP-Statistic and Kao statistic By as many observations of 33 years for 30 provincial economies
are tested for Panel cointegration. Monte Carlo simulation (Pedroni, in China, the estimation results indicate that the relationship
2004; Vance et al., 2013) indicates that the ADF statistics and PP among the three types of environmental pollution variables (the
statistics are more reliable with better small sample properties than volume of wastewater discharged, volume of solid waste materials
the others. Additionally, Westerlund error-correction-based coin- generated and volume of industrial waste gas emissions) and in-
tegration methods are also applied to test the co-integration rela- come growth variables does not yet present the inverted U-shaped
tionship between variables, based on four cointegration statistics, curve (See Table 3). China is still subject to an enormous ongoing
i.e. GECt, GECa, PECt, and PECa, considering cross-heterogeneity. industrial emission pressure. The industrial emissions intrinsically
That would not only estimate the long-run relationship in case of demonstrate an increasing gradually connection along with eco-
the cross-sectional dependence, sensible to apply the specifica- nomic growth, and definitely the threshold level of the EKC has yet
tions, but also consider the various forms of heterogeneity, while to appear. The environment situation will exhibit a relatively large
“growth pressure effect”. Although the present speed of growth has
slowed under the new normal, the pollutant discharge reduction
Table 1 still faces significant challenges and considerable difficulties in the
Summary of the abbreviations.
future, in view of China’s present and the coming economy mode
Abbreviation Description and mechanism from the overall. China’s industrial and techno-
EKC Environmental Kuznets Curve logical choices for reducing discharge, accomplishing the effects of
WW Wastewater Discharge the relative technological innovations, and the need to enforce such
WG Waste Gas industrial upgrades could suffer considerable appended costs,
SW Solid Waste
which might better demonstrate the situation in China to the in-
PGDP Per Capita Gross Domestic Product
UR Urbanization Rate ternational community. The respective elasticity coefficients of the
SIGDP Secondary Industry Proportion three types of industrial emissions for economy and urbanization
ENGDP Energy Use Per Unit of GDP have a relatively large positive value significantly, indicating that, at
FDIGDP Foreign Capital Proportion of GDP a certain period, industrialization and urbanization will still have an
IMEXGDP Foreign Trade Proportion of GDP
UE Unemployment Rate
upward effect on aggregate pollution emissions, and new devel-
EIGDP Environmental Inputs Proportion of GDP opment models are imminent. The implementation mechanism of
LLC Levin-Lin-Chu increasing environmental returns to scale deserves further study
IPS Im-Pesaran-Shin (Kaika and Zervas, 2013; Stern, 2017). To a very large extent, the
ADF Augmented Dickey-Fuller
environment-economy curve and the growth of industrialization in
PP Phillips-Perron
GEC Group Error-Correction different urbanizing regions are closely correlated. Certain periods
PEC Panel Error-Correction in the future, particularly the “14th and 15th Five-Year Plan” period,
OLS Ordinary Least Squares might continue to be important phases for the achievement of
DOLS Dynamic Ordinary Least Squares industrialization and the rapid advancement of urbanization sup-
SIC Schwarz Information Criterion
ported by resource liabilities and environmental deficits.
F. Li et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 276 (2020) 123156 5

Table 2
Panel unit root test results.

LLC IPS Fisher-ADF Fisher-PP t-bar

PGDP IE 4.28 11.65 11.73 33.67 8.74

IE and LT 0.23 1.59 57.89 22.01 0.44
D(PGDP) IE 9.91*** 10.61*** 226.37*** 201.73*** 18.73**
IE and LT 8.43*** 8.69*** 188.64*** 161.69*** 15.26***
PGDP square IE 7.57 14.86 8.22 15.92 11.42
IE and LT 0.19 3.72 40.17 18.04 0.69
D(PGDP square) IE 7.89*** 8.53*** 190.47*** 179.83*** 17.15***
IE and LT 7.09*** 7.87*** 176.13*** 147.71*** 14.88**
UR IE 2.47 7.92 9.26 9.45 2.85
IE and LT 0.73 0.54 41.64 41.75 6.82*
D(UR) IE 21.33*** 19.44*** 409.52*** 413.27*** 32.78***
IE and LT 19.17*** 16.88*** 334.38*** 375.83*** 29.78***
SIGDP IE 0.13 2.22 36.05 35.00 4.39
IE and LT 2.57*** 0.84 66.18 49.37 8.99*
D(SIGDP) IE 21.11*** 20.46*** 438.01*** 456.15*** 32.02***
IE and LT 18.71*** 17.94*** 353.40*** 379.51*** 26.62***
EIGDP IE 0.46 4.58 20.34 20.08 1.34
IE and LT 8.01*** 1.56 76.20** 78.42** 2.49*
D(EIGDP) IE 16.00*** 8.94*** 190.64*** 229.05*** 10.95***
IE and LT 13.95*** 3.09*** 130.50*** 189.02*** 2.14**
ENGDP IE 1.75** 2.98 38.78 33.88 0.02
IE and LT 1.94** 1.76** 78.15** 31.45 4.28**
D(ENGDP) IE 15.67*** 14.64*** 302.09*** 300.05*** 25.28***
IE and LT 13.22*** 11.99*** 231.00*** 232.91*** 22.21***
WG IE 7.60 13.50 8.37 10.08 10.20
IE and LT 2.57*** 0.17 77.07* 68.47 8.03**
D(WG) IE 25.20*** 23.79*** 499.63*** 533.44*** 31.78***
IE and LT 20.09*** 21.17*** 470.07*** 1129.56*** 24.92***
WW IE 0.55 1.12 47.60 41.28 3.25**
IE and LT 0.02 0.79 50.61 45.51 6.34
D(WW) IE 22.99*** 21.95*** 476.74*** 512.29*** 33.11***
IE and LT 19.55*** 18.71*** 368.86*** 435.64*** 32.21***
SW IE 7.33 12.62 14.95 15.30 9.52
IE and LT 2.20** 2.19 42.14 41.70 8.78*
D(SW) IE 23.94*** 23.69*** 480.51*** 553.66*** 32.48***
IE and LT 19.35*** 23.41*** 692.67*** 1919.46*** 27.44***

The [t-bar] statistic is reported and has a nonstandard distribution in the Pesaran panel unit root test. All the cross-sectional series involve non-stationary process and has a
nonstandard distribution for the null hypothesis. D denotes first difference. Lag length selection is based on SIC. Bartlett Kernel and Newy-West bandwidth selection are used.
***, ** and * indicates statistical significance at the 1%, 5% and 10% level, respectively. IE and LT represents individual effects, individual effects and linear trends, respectively.

Table 3
Panel cointegration test results.

Panel v Panel rho Panel PP Panel ADF Group rho Group PP Group ADF Kao statistic GECt GECa PECt PECa

WG Without trend 0.48 1.10 12.93*** 12.36** 3.93 15.09** 11.80*** 10.10*** 0.91* 5.92 1.18* 2.88
With trend 2.57 2.79 14.74*** 13.06*** 5.46 20.71*** 12.17** e 2.84*** 7.08 1.89** 4.31*
WW Without trend 0.29 2.83 5.35* 6.65** 4.98 10.46*** 9.08** 2.19** 3.07* 6.65 1.93* 2.11
With trend 2.00 4.04 7.52*** 7.79** 5.55 16.19*** 10.32*** e 1.56** 1.68 1.89** 4.31
SW Without trend 1.23* 1.44 6.40*** 10.80*** 3.27 20.52*** 13.58** 3.81*** 5.56*** 3.20 4.41*** 2.13
With trend 0.03 2.81 14.76** 11.05*** 4.91 24.72*** 13.98*** e 3.54*** 8.94 6.48*** 3.07

The null hypothesis of all tests is no cointegration. Pedroni Statistics are asymptotically distributed as normal. The variance ratio test is right-sided, while the others are left-
sided. The selection of lag length is based on SIC. Newey-West bandwidth selection and Bartlett kernel are used. ***, ** and * rejects the null of no cointegration at the 1%, 5%
and 10% level, respectively.

4.2. Environmental dividend effects show come into being the inverted U-type curve nexus, except for
the other two types of pollutant emissions. Meanwhile, under the
The rapid growth of the economy has resulted in people being new normal context, advancement and structural optimization of
more focused on sustainability of the environment and the industries would effectively reduce environmental pressure via
continuous increase in the scale of environmental inputs. Since the economic growth, generating“compensating effects” (Franklin and
1990s, China’s environmental investment has also been rising Ruth, 2012), that is one of the “growth dividend effects” of the
steadily, particularly in the past ten years: it almost quadrupled environmental attributes. And, the respective elasticity coefficients
from CNY 256.6 billion in 2006 to CNY 953.9 billion in 2017, indi- of the three types of emission indicators with the industry structure
cated in China Environmental Statistics Bulletins, various years. variable and energy intensity variable are all positive value signif-
However, has the investment in environmental improvement icantly (See Table 3), indicating that, with the increasing level of the
achieved its intended effect? The environmental governance vari- economy structure and industry technology, continuously
able is added below to the EKC estimation. Then only the industrial upgrading industries can promote the separation of environmental
exhaust gas discharge and economic growth variables can basically discharge and the economy, as a result of the macro-sectorial
6 F. Li et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 276 (2020) 123156

Table 4
Panel cointegration coefficients results.


WG DOLS I 1.57*** 0.16***

DOLS II 0.66** 0.10*** 0.71*** 0.27** 0.31***
DOLS III 5.06*** 0.25** 0.02 0.07
DOLS Ⅳ 1.45*** 0.05***
DOLS Ⅴ 1.17*** 0.02 0.22* 0.36 0.33**
DOLS Ⅵ 1.90*** 0.11 0.04 0.45***
OLS Ⅶ 2.22*** 0.10***
OLS Ⅷ 1.04*** 0.01 0.92*** 0.39*** 0.04
OLS Ⅸ 4.10*** 0.21*** 0.77*** 0.07*
WW DOLS I 2.25*** 0.13***
DOLS II 1.78*** 0.11*** 0.47*** 0.86*** 0.20**
DOLS III 0.92 0.02 0.72** 0.06
DOLS Ⅳ 2.85*** 0.18***
DOLS Ⅴ 2.69*** 0.16*** 0.16 1.27*** 0.69***
DOLS Ⅵ 3.32*** 0.23*** 1.14*** 0.40***
OLS Ⅶ 1.41*** 0.04***
OLS Ⅷ 0.44* 0.07*** 0.75*** 0.72*** 0.15***
OLS Ⅸ 1.34** 0.06 0.42** 0.06*
SW DOLS I 1.79*** 0.16***
DOLS II 1.63*** 0.15** 0.60*** 0.25* 0.34***
DOLS III 5.43** 0.25*** 0.34 0.08
DOLS Ⅳ 1.68*** 0.09***
DOLS Ⅴ 0.84*** 0.01 0.47*** 0.30 0.60***
DOLS Ⅵ 1.79*** 0.12*** 0.65*** 0.33***
OLS Ⅶ 1.77** 0.09***
OLS Ⅷ 0.79*** 0.01 0.83*** 0.39*** 0.05
OLS Ⅸ 2.56* 0.10** 1.76*** 0.06

DOLS include leads and lags for the differenced regressors based on SIC specification. Bartlett kernel and Newey-West bandwidth are used for coefficient covariances. ***, **
and * denotes the estimator of a parameter is significant at 1%, 5% and 10% level, respectively. Specifications DOLS Ⅳ, DOLS Ⅴ, and DOLS Ⅵ, present the DOLS estimation results
without time dummies, when WG, WW, and SW is respectively regressed to the variables in EKC model. Similarly, specifications DOLS I, DOLS II, DOLS III, OLS Ⅶ, OLS Ⅷ, and
OLS Ⅸ present the estimation results with time dummies.

shares evolution (Chowdhury and Moran, 2012; Li et al., 2016). The rising basically in the past decades of years. Although China is
environment-economic pattern is to a considerable degree closely increasingly emphasizing environmental protection and the con-
correlated with the industrialization progress of the respective struction of an ecological civilization as national goals, past envi-
regions. Some relatively more developed areas of the eastern areas ronmental governance investment and the investing efficiency has
of China have already entered the post-industrialization phase, not caught up with economic growth and, correspondingly, envi-
while the mid-western region remains in the middle stages of ronmental investment has lagged behind the growth of economy
industrialization with certain areas still lingering in the initial and has not reached the intended level, in particular when facing
stages of industrialization (Hong and Ren, 2018; Liu, 2017). The the complex environmental affairs in China. That even appeared to
eastern regions have actively engaged in upgrading and renewing decline gradually in the recent five years, as a time of rapid income
industry structures and adopting cleaner and innovation-driven and emission growth, and there is always a lag in the investment
models, resulting in environmental pressure continuously dimin- effect. In addition, since the year 2000, although the financial
ishing with industry growth, e.g. “learning by doing” effects (Brock revenue of the Chinese government has continuously increased at a
and Taylor, 2004; Chen and Cheng, 2018; Xu et al., 2019). Corre- sustained high and stable speed, the proportion of environmental
spondingly, the awareness and capabilities in environmental investment in terms of the government’s financial revenue has not
management have also continuously improved, and a more strict increased or changed much, or at least an equivalent level. The
environmental regulations have in turn encouraged the trans- national incrementally escalating fiscal and monetary capabilities
formation of the economic structure towards lower pollution. and budgetary scale have not been in sync with the environmental
Effective environmental policies, such as government management protection fields.
and stakeholders’ involvement, might be the critical determinant
for environmental dividend effects (Bergh et al., 2019; Stern, 2017).
Additionally, regional trade plays also a key role in the EKC. Heavily 4.4. EKC transition threshold
polluting industries in certain developed regions are continuously
moving out, and the import of goods whose production generates a The EKC in industrial waste gas occurs to exhibit an inverted-U
relatively high degree of pollution has reduced the local issues, shape curve, after adding the environmental input variable,
realizing an external transfer of environmental pressure. whereas its turning point does not yet emerge at an exceptionally
low economic growth level, situated at GDP per capita of over USD
17,000, (2017 average exchange rate, and 2017 price) (See Table 3).
4.3. Insufficient environmental investment It is shown that, under the current environmental input and
governance model, China is still facing relatively substantial envi-
The respective coefficient of the emission of industrial pollutant ronmental discharge scenario with the growth in the economy, and
including WW, WG, and SW, for environmental investment vari- industrial waste gas emissions will continue to rise correspond-
able, is still not significant. The environmental inputs are not suf- ingly in a certain forthcoming years (See Fig. 1).
ficient to have significant impact on the EKC, only limited effects on The income growth degree of some relatively developed regions
reducing the discharge volume, in spite of the fact that it has been in east China has already gone beyond the tipping point value in
F. Li et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 276 (2020) 123156 7

Fig. 1. EKC Simulation of waste gas emissions.

industrial waste gas curve, but the economy stage in most areas, zone. A difficult transition period of structural adjustment and
especially western China, has not overstepped or is still over a great mode change will be ushered in the future. And, the central region
distance away from the threshold position, as far as industrial has not yet come out of the state of “collapse”. According to the data
pollution is concerned. The investment-driven model of extensive from China Statistical Yearbooks, the GDP in the eastern, central,
growth in the mid-western region has remained and will be the western and northeastern regions of China was CNY 48.1 trillion,
dominant. What is occurring in various regions of China is essen- 19.3 trillion, 18.4 trillion, and 5.7 trillion, respectively. Per capita
tially similar to the relationship between developed and developing GDP in the eastern region is more than CNY 70 thousand and Bei-
countries. That is, there is no single nexus that is true for China jing, Shanghai, Tianjin and Jiangsu all exceed CNY 100 thousand. In
looking beyond the emissions, but rather a tipping process which is the west China, per capita GDP of most provinces are CNY 30e50
at its beginning. China’s regional growth gap remains significant, thousand, especially in the northwest China, where Gansu Province
with a prominent contradiction between economic geographical in 2017 was only CNY 28.49 thousand. Urbanization rate of prov-
differences and environment protection levels. Compared with the inces in the east China is basically over 60%, while most western
east China, the central and western regions indicated a “double lag” provinces are still below 50%. The energy consumption per unit of
in the industrialization and urbanization (See Fig. 2). On the whole, GDP in the central and western regions, especially the northwest
the central and western regions have entered the heavy chemical regions, is significantly higher than that of national level, where 6
industry stage, where the secondary industry has been becoming western provincial economies exceeded 100 tce/million CNY, but
the main engine of economic growth. However, the heavy chemical most regions in the east China are below 50 tce/million CNY.
industry region has developed into a heavy pollution diffusion Structure based on traditional heavy and chemical industry sectors
will continue to be a fundamental characteristic of industries for a
period of time in the future. The extent of over-capacity may even
be intensified as ever in certain industries, and issues related to the
shift from productive regions with regard to the traditional heavy
and chemical industries will be very prominent. Planning and
project under construction in the western regions is still mostly
concentrated in the petrochemical, nonferrous metallurgy and
electric-power industries; the central region features a concentra-
tion of equipment manufacturing, petrochemical, steel, nonferrous
metallurgy, coal and electric-power, building materials and other
basic energy and materials industries. That differs significantly
from several relevant existing studies (Brajer et al., 2011; Diao et al.,
2009; Qin et al., 2016; Yu and Chen, 2012; Zhang et al., 2019), in
accordance with trajectories of China’s environmental pressure.

5. Conclusions

A reconsideration of the environment-economy nexus was

performed, based on the provincial panel data in China during the
1985e2017 period. Firstly, the findings indicate that a long-term
cointegrated relationship exists between the industrial pollution
Fig. 2. Situations of various China provincial economies in 2017. variables and the economic variables. China economy is not just
8 F. Li et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 276 (2020) 123156

having a certain environmental “dividend effect”, but mainly faces For decades of years, China’s economy overall has been mainly
a more significant environmental “pressure effect”. Furthermore, dependent on the over-development, over-utilization and high
this study contrasts with the overly optimistic research of certain consumption of natural resources and energy, a high intensity of
scholars, who state that China could be on a clearly different path pollution emissions, and a traditional economic growth with low-
from the routes of some developed economies in the world, real- level benefits, to a certain extent. In the future, the degree of dif-
izing the environmental turnaround at low levels of economy and ficulty with regard to transformation will still be relatively high;
industrialization. Additionally, environmental input only has particularly under “the new normal”, economic growth pressure
limited effects on reducing the emissions volume and should reach has been intensified, more development bottlenecks have
the past levels of some developed economies in the similar appeared, and an ensuing pathway dependency demand for
pollution-economy phase. This EKC study could have significant traditional investment driving economy has been increasing
consequences for local pollution reduction and global environment accordingly. To safeguard stable economic growth, it will be diffi-
evolution interpretation. cult to promptly realize the transformation and upgrade of in-
It is difficult to be sufficient to have any significant impact on the dustries with heavier pollution and higher resource consumption
EKC and to implement a thorough cure, only by the single control while maintaining relatively high economic contributions within
factor and single governance model. The overly minor proportion of the traditional economic system, and these industries will continue
environmental investment and its low efficiency has also resulted to contribute to large amounts of pollution emissions for a
in the poor performance of environmental governance. The global considerable period of time. In the future ten years, suffering from
experience can be used as a reference to redefine the statistical structural adjustment and changes in the development mode of
standards and ranges of investment in environmental governance industries and energy sources would be lingering on in China.
to improve coupling environmental investment with its effects. Environmental protection and changes in development and ad-
Fundamentally, environmental investment as a proportion of GDP justments will still be caught in a stalemate.
should be raised significantly to reach the past levels of developed Overall, the correlation between environment and economy in
countries in the same environment-economy phase. It is generally China cannot be very different from the path taken by some
thought that obvious improvement in environmental quality might developed countries, which contrasts with the claim of certain
occur only when the environmental investment of a country scholars that the tipping point can be achieved at lower levels of
amounts to leastways 3%e5% of GDP for the same period (Hong and economic growth and industrialization. On the contrary, environ-
Ren, 2018; Liu et al., 2015; Stark and Bruszt, 1998). Observing the mental protection level lags behind its economic development
current situations in countries around the world, the environ- level. In terms of the current economic growth overall, China’s EKC
mental investment of developed economies amounts to 2%e3% of turning point has not occurred, or the inverted U-shaped curve can
GDP, while in 2017, according to the data from China Environment only be realized when the development level reaches that of the
Statistical Yearbooks, the environmental investment of China EKC turning point in some developed economies. It cannot be
totaled only 1.15% of GDP, which is even decreasing year by year and overly optimistically accessed with regard to China’s current envi-
reaches to the lowest value of the most severe smog period in the ronmental situation. Subsequently, for a certain period of time,
past five years. particularly during the “China’s 14th and 15th Five-Year Plan”
It is still an intricate and arduous task to effectuate China’s period, there will be a dilemma with regard to the tradeoff between
fundamental environmental amelioration. The present and future economic achievement and natural wealth. It will also be a period
China economy is not just having a certain environmental “divi- of stalemate in terms of overcoming short-term growth pressure,
dend effect”, it mainly faces a more significant and persistent realizing long-term development transformation, and solving
environmental “pressure effect”. Against the new normal economy conflicts regarding pollution prevention, and it could be a signifi-
backdrop, the two traditionally important growth supports e the cantly difficult and crucial stage, with the largest supply-demand
environment dividend of “low expense of natural resources”, and gap of environment quality as well as the most intense contradic-
“little value of environmental goods”, and the demographic divi- tions between resource bottlenecks/environmental restrictions and
dend of “low-cost labor source” e both have been gradually the new economic normal. Structural adjustments, fostering of
shrinking. Therefore, a change in the contradiction between capital development, reinforcement of environmental work, and imple-
surplus/trade surplus and resource liability/environmental deficit mentation of green development models should be developed
could be bound to occur. However, the overall inputs in environ- based on such inherent period-specific characteristics of the
mental governance is still in a stage of paying past dues, far below economy. These are all urgent issues to be solved with regard to
the level needed to maintain further pollution reduction and China’s development policy. This study has provided a general
mitigate cumulative environmental effects. Moreover, it should be environment-economy nexus overview in China, which is among
worthy of noting that under the new normal, the traditional growth the most challenging globally within the scales of economy and
models based on investment and export, and urbanization (the population involved. But clearly a more detailed study is needed,
internal momentum of China’s economic growth) would have been with more data on the new normal economy in the future, such as
concerned gravely and negatively, and financial pressure and stress more temporal-regional heterogeneity mechanism analysis and
have also been increasing. And, the phenomenon of the Lewisian placebo test, especially regarding the environmental effects of both
Turning Point has caused a shortage of migrant workers and a rise government management options and the stakeholders’ involve-
in wages, causing cost-push inflation and constrained corporate ment, and the public options for pollution reduction.
profits. The capital pressure at the corporate level has increased as a
result, and to a certain extent, the environmental domain will face a CRediT authorship contribution statement
shortage of investment and difficulties in fund-raising, severely
influencing implementation effects of environmental measures. It Fei Li: Conceptualization, Methodology, Software, Investigation,
is recommended that national government could establish relevant Writing - original draft, Writing - review & editing, Project
incentive policies for diversified sources to spur social capital and administration. Eran Feitelson: Methodology, Investigation,
foreign capital to invest in environmental governance, reinforcing Writing - review & editing, Supervision. Yu Li: Data curation,
the supervision of pollution sources and emphasizing the gover- Validation, Writing - review & editing, Project administration,
nance of major pollution industries all over the country. Funding acquisition.
F. Li et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 276 (2020) 123156 9

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