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What basic rights do most employees hold?

All employees have basic rights in the workplace — including the right to privacy,
fair compensation, and freedom from discrimination. A job applicant also has
certain rights even prior to being hired as an employee. Those rights include the
right to be free from discrimination based on age, gender, race, national origin, or
religion during the hiring process.

Other important employee rights include:

 Right to be free from discrimination and harassment of all types;

 Right to a safe workplace free of dangerous conditions, toxic substances, and
other potential safety hazards;
 Right to be free from retaliation for filing a claim or complaint against an
employer (these are sometimes called “whistleblower” rights);
 Right to fair wages for work performed.

Right to be paid equally:

Gender inequalities are bound to happen in organizations and at times women are
underpaid than men. Per the Equal Remuneration Act, 1976, there must be no
gender bias while paying.
Right to be paid the minimum wages for
organised and scheduled Work:
Under the Minimum Wages Act, both skilled and unskilled labourers should be
paid a basic wage and if paid lower than that, then it will be put under the category
of Forced Labour and the employee has every right to sue the employer

Factory Act:
The working hours for both skilled and unskilled labour are specified in law. An
adult worker can work only for 9 hours a day, i.e., 48 hours a week with half an
hour interval between a day’s work. Mandatory of 1 day in a week must be given
as a paid break for the employee. As for children, they can work only for 4.5 hours
a day. And for overtime working the pay should be doubled.

Female employees cannot be made to work between 7 pm and 6 am and the

possible extension will be till 10 pm after which no female worker can be compelled
to work.

Right to get earned leave:

Any adult who has worked continuously for 20 days can avail 1 earned leave
and for children, it is 1 day for a continuous work of a period of 15 days. They will
be paid the normal day’s pay and if they want they can carry over the annual leave
for the next year.

Safety and health 

A safety and health management system, or safety program, can help you focus
your efforts at improving your work environment. Whatever you call it, your plan
describes what the people in your organization do to prevent injuries and illnesses
at your workplace. A workplace health and safety management system can
minimise the risk of injury and illness from workplace operations

All total, on average at least 150 workers die each day due to job injuries and


Here are few most dangerous jobs

1. Logging workers.
2. Fishers and related fishing workers. ...
3. Aircraft pilots and flight engineers. ...
4. Roofers. ...
5. Driver/sales workers and truck drivers. ...
6. Farmers, and other agricultural workers. ..

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