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Software Release Report

(Release 3.0)

Research Engineers
22700 Savi Ranch
Yorba Linda, CA 92887-4608
Tel: 714-974-2500 Fax: 714-974-4771 e-mail:

December 1998

Release Item Description

Query New facility for displaying geometry and property
information along with analysis and design results.
Environment Configuration Added Input File Format and Error File Format to
Configuration dialog box.
Structure Wizard Added Cylindrical Surfaces to the list of available structures
to be generated.
Multimedia Help Movies with voice over explaining how to use various
functions of the software.

Software Release Report for STAAD/Pro, Rel 3.0 (SRR-3)
Table of Contents

AD.3_0.1 QUERY.......................................................................................................................................1

AD. 3_0.2 CONFIGURATION OF ENVIRONMENT ............................................................................8

AD. 3_0.3 STRUCTURE WIZARD.........................................................................................................10

AD. 3_0.4 MULTIMEDIA HELP............................................................................................................12

Software Release Report for STAAD/Pro, Rel 3.0 (SRR-3)

Software Release Report for STAAD/Pro, Rel 3.0 (SRR-3)
AD.3_0.1 Query

This option allows you to display Geometry and Property related data as well as Analysis and
Design results for specific Members.

To Query about any Member, first change the selection cursor to Beam Cursor and then
double click on that Member. The following multi-tabbed dialog box appears with Geometry,
Property, Steel/Concrete Design, Shear Bending and Deflection tabs.

Figure 1

While this dialog box is open, you may select any other member to Query by double-clicking
on the new member to Query. This updates the dialog box contents automatically for the
newly selected member. Also, the units can be changed dynamically while this dialog box is
open. Changing the units using the View | Options menu affects the contents of this dialog
box automatically. The contents of this dialog box are explained as follows:

Software Release Report for STAA/Pro, Rel 3.0 (SRR-3) 1

This tab of the Query dialog box provides Geometric information about the selected member.
It displays Member No, Section property name and a pictorial view of the section with
dimensions in the current units. A table is displayed with Member Incidences and the
coordinates of the nodes to which the selected member is connected.

This button allows you to print the contents of the current tab.

This button allows you to close this dialog box to finish the Query session.

This tab of the Query dialog box provides Member Property information of the selected
member. It displays Member No, Section name and a pictorial view of the section with
required dimensions in the current units and two tables, Physical Properties and Material

Figure 2

Physical Properties
In this table, section property values are displayed for the selected member. These include:
Cross sectional area of the section, Ax,

Software Release Report for STAAD/Pro, Rel 3.0 (SRR-3) 2

Effective shear area in local y-axis, Ay,
Effective shear area in local z-axis, Az,
Depth of the member parallel to the local y-direction, D,
Torsional constant, Ixx,
Moment of inertia about the local y-axis, Iyy,
Moment of inertia about the local z-axis, Izz, and
Depth of member parallel to local z-direction, W.

Material Properties
In this table Material Properties are displayed for the selected member. These include
Elasticity, Poisson Ratio, Density and Coefficient of thermal expansion, Alpha.

This button allows you print the contents of this tab.

This button allows you to close this dialog box to finish the query session.

Steel Design
This tab of the Query dialog box provides detailed Steel Design information for the selected
member. It displays Member No, Section name, a pictorial view of the section with
dimensions in the current units and Design Stresses and Critical Load tables.

Figure 3

Software Release Report for STAAD/Pro, Rel 3.0 (SRR-3) 3

Design Stresses
This table displays the following data:
Yield stress, YLD,
Allowable bending stress under compression about local z-axis, FCZ,
Allowable bending stress under compression about local y-axis, FCY,
Allowable axial stress under tension, FT,
Allowable axial stress under compression, FA,
Allowable bending stress under tension about local z-axis, FTZ,
Allowable bending stress under tension about local y-axis, FTY, and
Allowable shear stress, FV.

All values are displayed in the units shown in the table heading (e.g. KIP-INCH).

Critical Load
This table displays the design loads. These include:
Axial Load, FX,
Moment about local z-axis, MZ,
Moment about local y-axis, MY,
The load case number at which it occurs, Load, and
Position along the member from its start node, Location.

All values are displayed in the units shown in the table heading (e.g. KIP-FEET).

Another table is displayed showing the design codes being used, status of the design with
interaction ratio, critical design clause for which interaction ratio is displayed, and the
critical slenderness ratio (KLR)of the selected member.

This button allows you to print the contents of this tab.

This button allows you to close this dialog box to finish the query session.

Software Release Report for STAAD/Pro, Rel 3.0 (SRR-3) 4

Concrete Design
This tab of the Query dialog box provides detailed Concrete Design information for the
selected member. Along with Member Number and Design Code being used, it depicts the
reinforcement arrangements both along the length of the beam and at certain cross sections.
Two tables, Design Load and Design Parameters are also provided.

Figure 4

Design Load
This table provides design moments, Mz, with their occurrence along the length of the beam
from the start node, Dist. and Load case number.

Design Parameters
This table displays the design parameters, such as, yield stress of steel, Fy, compressive
strength of concrete, Fc, and Depth, Width and Length of the beam.

This button allows you to print the contents of this tab.

This button allows you to close this dialog box to finish the query session.

Software Release Report for STAAD/Pro, Rel 3.0 (SRR-3) 5

Shear Bending
This tab of the Query dialog box provides both the numerical results and a graphical view of
Bending Moment and Shear Force for the selected member. The Load Case can be selected
from the drop down list box under the Selection Type group. The type of diagram, Shear or
Bending can be specified by selecting the radio buttons provided in the Selection Type group.
Selecting the Local Z or Local Y radio buttons changes the local axis for which Shear and
Moment are plotted.

Figure 5

Section Forces
This table provides shear forces and bending moments at certain intervals along the length of
the member along/about the local axis specified in the Selection Type group.

This button allows you to print the contents of this tab.

This button allows you to close this dialog box to finish the query session.

This tab of the Query dialog box provides both the numerical results and a graphical view of
the Deflection of the selected member. The Load Case can be selected from the drop down
list box in the Selection Type group. Deflections can be plotted with respect to the Global

Software Release Report for STAAD/Pro, Rel 3.0 (SRR-3) 6

coordinate system (Global Deflection) with intermediate displacements measured from the
original (undeflected) position of the member. Deflections may also be plotted with respect
to the local coordinate system (Local Deflection) with intermediate displacements measured
from the line joining the deflected position of both ends of the member. The direction of
displacements can be selected by selecting any one of the available radio buttons, X-Dir, Y-
Dir, Z-Dir.

Figure 6

This table provides the numerical values of the deflection that is being plotted at certain
intervals along the length of the member.

This button allows you to print the contents of this tab.

This button allows you to close this dialog box to finish the query session.

Software Release Report for STAAD/Pro, Rel 3.0 (SRR-3) 7

AD.3_0.2 Configuration of Environment

This option allows you to set up the program environment. This option is only accessible
when no files are open. To activate the changes made in the environment, you must close and
restart the program.

Two tabs have been added to the configuration dialog box since Release 2.5. These are Input
File Format and Error File Format.

Input File Format

This tab allows you to configure the command file format created by STAAD/Pro. If Joint,
Member, Plate and Solid check boxes are not checked, all joint coordinates, member
incidences, plate element incidences and solid element incidences will be written on separate
lines. If these options are checked, the program will accommodate as many joint coordinates,
member incidences, plate element incidences and solid element incidences as it can on a
single line in a fixed width of the command file.

If the Write Expanded List check box is checked, the program will expand the joint, member,
plate, or solid element lists. If this option is not checked, the program intelligently reduces
these list specifications by using TO and BY keywords in the list specification when a group
of joints, members, plates or solid elements are selected (to assign something, say, loads).

Figure 7

Software Release Report for STAAD/Pro, Rel 3.0 (SRR-3) 8

Error File Format
This tab provides the option of whether or not to create an error log file; and, if created, the
format of that file. If the Create Error File check box is checked, the program will create the
error log file in the same directory as your STAAD input file with an .ERR extension.

The program can issue various errors for a single mistake in a command line. These are
related to each other. The number of such errors generated due to a single input line can be
restricted by the Log maximum errors per single input list box. This will allow the program
to stop issuing errors for a single input after the specified number of errors is exceeded in the
error log file.

The total number of errors beyond which the program stops loading an input file can be
restricted by the Log maximum errors list box.

Figure 8

Software Release Report for STAAD/Pro, Rel 3.0 (SRR-3) 9

AD.3_0.3 Structure Wizard

The Run Structure Wizard option under the Geometry menu allows you to parametrically create pre-
defined types of structures and then join the generated structure to the current structural model. This
facility is an enhanced form of the "Library" option from previous versions of STAAD-III. The
prototype structures available include Pratt Truss, Howe Bridge Truss, North Light Truss, Bay Frame,
Grid Frame, Cylindrical Frame and Cylindrical Surface.

One parametric structure has been added to the list of available structures. This option is Cylindrical
Surface. The following describes how to parametrically generate a Cylindrical Surface and add it to the

i. Select the Geometry | Run Structure Wizard option.

ii. The Structure Wizard window appears. Double-click on the Prototype Models node to expand.
Similarly, expand the Surfaces node.

Figure 9

Software Release Report for STAAD/Pro, Rel 3.0 (SRR-3) 10

iii. Double-click on the Cylinder option to define parameters of the Cylindrical Surface. Specify
Length, Radius at Start, Radius at End, Sweep Angle, No. of Divisions along Length and No. of
Divisions along periphery, Start and End position of direction vector of cylinder length, and
whether to Generate triangular or quadrilateral elements.
iv. The Cylindrical Surface is now parametrically generated. Select File | Transfer Model to
STAAD/Pro option to transfer the generated structure to the current STAAD/Pro model.
v. Specify the Reference Point where the new structure will be connected to the existing model.
Specify the X, Y, and Z coordinates.

Software Release Report for STAAD/Pro, Rel 3.0 (SRR-3) 11

AD.3_0.4 Multimedia Help

The Multi Media Help option under the Help offers you movies on different features of STAAD/Pro.
Please note that you would need a Multimedia-ready system to take advantage of this feature.

Select Multi Media Help option from the Help menu. Expand the tree Control to view the features for
which the movies are offered. Select the feature by clicking on it and click on the Play button at the

Software Release Report for STAAD/Pro, Rel 3.0 (SRR-3) 12

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