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Bioremediation Journal
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Bioaugmentation of Atrazine and Fenamiphos Impacted Groundwater:

Laboratory Evaluation
Peter D. Franzmann a; Luke R. Zappia a; A. L. Tilbury b; Bradley M. Patterson a; Greg B. Davis a;Raphi
T. Mandelbaum c
Centre for Groundwater Studies, CSIRO Land and Water, Floreat Park, WA, Australia b Department
of Chemistry, The University of Western Australia, c Volcani Research Center, Institute of Soil and
Environmental Sciences, Israel

To cite this Article Franzmann, Peter D. , Zappia, Luke R. , Tilbury, A. L. , Patterson, Bradley M. , Davis, Greg B.
andMandelbaum, Raphi T.(2000) 'Bioaugmentation of Atrazine and Fenamiphos Impacted Groundwater: Laboratory
Evaluation', Bioremediation Journal, 4: 3, 237 — 248
To link to this Article: DOI: 10.1080/10588330008951112


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Bioaugmentation of Atrazine and Fenamiphos
Impacted Groundwater: Laboratory Evaluation

Peter D. Frenzmenn", Luke R. Zappia 1, A.L. Tilb'ury2, Bradley M.

Patterson 1, Greg B. Davis 1, and Raphi T. Menaeloeum:
'Centre for Groundwater Studies, CSIRO Land and Water, Underwood Ave. Floreat Park WA 6014,
Australia; 2Department of Chemistry, The University of Western Australia; 31nstitute of Soil and
Environmental Sciences, Volcani Research Center, 50250 Beit Dagan, Israel

Abstract: After the failure of a three-month pump-and-treat exercise to clean up an aquifer contaminated with
the pesticides atrazine and fenamiphos, microcosm experiments using 14C-labeled compounds were undertaken to
determine under what conditions bioremediation would be most effective, and to investigate the prospects for the
Downloaded By: [PERI Pakistan] At: 05:09 24 May 2010

use ofbioaugmentation. The calculated half-lives for atrazine and fenamiphos mineralization to carbon dioxide in
unamended, anaerobic aquifer material were 730 and 1,000 years, respectively. Oxygenation, coupled with
bioaugmentation with enrichments of atrazine-mineralizing bacteria obtained from the contaminated site or an
imported, atrazine-mineralizing pure strain, Pseudomonas sp. strain ADP, decreased the half-life of atrazine
mineralization, to <20 days. Although strain ADP does not use atrazine as a source of carbon and energy,
amendment of the aquifer material with citrate, which strain ADP uses as a source of carbon and energy, did not
appreciably stimulate the mineralization rate of atrazine in the microcosms, suggesting that the aquifer contains
enough natural organic carbon for atrazine mineralization. Aerobic enrichments of fenamiphos-degrading bacteria
were prepared; however, oxygenation and bioaugmentation of aquifer material with these strains did not enhance
mineralization of fenamiphos within the time constraints of the experiments. The shortest calculated half-life of
fenamiphos mineralization in the microcosms was 6.8 years, which is exceedingly long compared with the half-
life of fenamiphos in most surface soils.

Introduction have occurred through inappropriate disposal of rins-

ings from pesticide residues into a sump that was
The city of Perth, situated on the Swan Coastal Plain coupled directly to groundwater. Remediation via
in Western Australia, relies on groundwater for about "pump-and-treat" with trapping of pesticides onto ac-
60% of its urban water use (Cargeeg et al., 1987). tivated carbon, and reinjection of the treated ground-
Organic chemicals are extensively used in urban, in- water, caused a decrease in atrazine concentration and
dustrial, and transport industries, and households and an apparent increase in the concentration of fenamiphos
councils to control weeds and pests by application of (Appleyard, 1995).
herbicides and pesticides. A recent review of the literature (Joll and
In 1993, contamination of groundwater with up to Franzmann, 1997) identified both pesticides as candi-
2,000 J.1gIL atrazine and 1,000 ug/L fenamiphos was dates for bioremediation under appropriate conditions.
detected in groundwater from the Perth suburb of Degradation of fenamiphos in aerobic soils that have
Dianella, after extensive plant death occurred in local been previously exposed to fenamiphos is often rapid
gardens that were irrigated with the groundwater (t1l2 = 1 to 4 d [Ou et al., 1994]), but can be relatively
(Appleyard, 1995). The contamination was thought to slow in aerobic soils that have not experienced pre-

* Tel: +61-8-93336306; Fax +61-8-93336211; E-mail:

© 2000 by Battelle Memorial Institute
Bioremediation Journal 4(3):237-248 (2000) 237
exposure to fenamiphos (h/2 = 12 to 87 d [Simon et al., Materials and Methods
1992]). Pure cultures of fenamiphos-degrading bacte-
ria have not been isolated, however the addition of a Culture Media
carbon and energy source such as glucose can enhance Medium for the growth of atrazine-degrading bacteria
fenamiphos mineralization under aerobic conditions was prepared as described by Mandelbaum et al. (1995)
(Ou, 1991). The rate offenamiphos breakdown in soils except that the nitrogen-containing compound
from a bowling green on the Swan Coastal Plain that nitrilotriacetic acid was omitted from the medium.
had been repeatedly exposed to fenamiphos was 10- This medium was designated "atrazine-N -free
fold the rate of breakdown in unexposed soils (Sumner, medium"(ANFM). The medium contained citrate as
1996). the only significant source of energy, and atrazine as
Degradation or mineralization of atrazine in the the only source of nitrogen.
environment is considered much more problematic. Fenamiphos basal medium (FBM) which contains
Atrazine is commonly encountered as a contaminant in citrate as the only significant source of energy, and
groundwater due to its mobility and recalcitrance to fenamiphos as the only source of nitrogen and phos-
biodegradation (Belluck et al., 1991), and although phorus was prepared by combining the following stock
half-lives of mineralization may be as short as 40 days solutions as described.
in some agricultural soils (Y anze-Kontchou and Fenamiphos stock solution was prepared by the
Gschwind, 1994), in poorer soils, half-lives can in- addition of 250 mg of technical grade fenamiphos
crease to 3 years, or as long as 32 years in anoxic soils (kindly provided by Dr. John Anderson of Bayer AG
(Nair and Schnoor, 1992). Reported half-lives of atra- Germany) to 25 mL of methanol.
zine mineralization in vadose zone soils of the Swan To prepare the trace metals solution, "Metals 44"
(Staley, 1981), a few drops of concentrated sulfuric
Downloaded By: [PERI Pakistan] At: 05:09 24 May 2010

Coastal Plain range from 1 to 6 years (Franzmann et

al., 1998). Although atrazine wouldseem more recal- acid were added to 700 mL of distilled water, and the
citrant than fenamiphos in environmental samples, pure following ingredients were added: 0.25 g
cultures of bacteria have been isolated that rapidly ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA), 1.1 g
mineralize atrazine to carbon dioxide (C0 2) under ZnS04 •7H 20, 0.5 g FeS0 4 · 7H 20, 0.154 g MnS04 · HzO,
appropriate conditions (Mandelbaum et al., 1995). 0.04 g CuS04·5H20, 75 mg Co(N0 3) 2·5H20, and 20
Bioaugmentation of atrazine-contaminated environ- mg Na 2B40 7·1 OHzO. The volume of the solution was
ments with atrazine-degrading bacteria may be an adjusted to 1 L with distilled water.
option to enhance remediation. Atrazine mineraliza- To prepare the mineral salts solution, 109 of
tion in soils (Grigg et al., 1997) and aquifer material nitrilotriacetic acid was dissolved in 700 mL distilled
(Shati et aI., 1996) has been enhanced by water and the solution was neutralized with KOH. The
bioaugmentation with atrazine-degrading cultures. following ingredients were then added: 14.45 g
Degradation through microbial activity is the pri- MgS0 4·7H20, 9.25 g (NH 4) 6M07024·4HzO, 50 mg
mary pathway for pesticide detoxification in most ter- FeS04·7H20, 50 mg nicotinic acid, 0.5 mg biotin, 25
restrial and aquatic ecosystems. The behavior of a mg thiamin-Hf.l, and 50 mL trace metal solution. The
substance has been shown to differ markedly in differ- pH of the solution was adjusted to 6.8 and the volume
ent types of soil (Vollner and Klotz, 1995). In addition was adjusted to 1 L with distilled water. The solution
to microbial degradation, apparent loss of a compound was sterilized by filtration (0.22 urn).
from soil may occur due to volatilization, sorption, For the preparation of FBM, 0.2 g MgS04·7HzO,
modification, polymerization or other chemical reac- 1.0 gNaCl, 0.03 g csci, 2.0 g trisodium citrate, and
tions such as humification (incorporation of the com- 1.0 g sucrose were added to 1 L of water. The solution
pound into soil organic components), or inappropriate was sterilized at 121°C for 15 min. To the sterile
sampling techniques (Pennington et al., 1994; Shan- solution, 20 mL of sterile mineral salts solution and 5
non and Unterman, 1993). mL of fenamiphos stock solution were added prior to
The aim of this study was to test the effects of dispensing the medium aseptically. For solid medium,
different amendments and bioaugmentation on the rate the medium was solidified with 15 gIL agar.
of degradation of fenamiphos and atrazine in aquifer
material collected from the contaminated site. As many Bacterial Cultures
of the metabolites of fenamiphos and atrazine are con- An atrazine-mineralizing pure strain, Pseudomonas sp.
sidered as toxic as their parent compounds (Belluck et strain ADP (Mandelbaum et al., 1995) was imported
al., 1991; Waggoner and Khasawinah, 1974), mineral- from the Volcani Research Center, Israel.
ization rates to CO 2 using labeled compounds were Atrazine-contaminated groundwater was collected
measured in soil microcosms. from the atrazine contamination plume at Dianella, from

238 Franzmann et al.

wells situated at 25 or 27 Lancaster Street. Enrichments Gas chromatographic analyses of the organic
were prepared by inoculating 1 mL of freshly collected compounds were performed on a Varian 3400 gas
groundwater into 100 mL of ANFM with incubation chromatograph with a Saturn II Mass Spectrometer.
aerobically at 28°C. The cultures were subcultured ev- Analytical conditions of the GC-MS were as follows.
ery 3 days for 9 days and cells from the final bacterial A 25 m x 0.22 mm inner diameter (J.D.) BPX70
enrichments (designated mixed cultures L25 and L27) capillary column (SGB) with a film thickness of 0.25
were used in microcosm studies. Soil (1 g) from the mm was used. A 1 ~L extract was injected into a
original contaminated site was also collected and inocu- septum programmable injector (SPI) held at 80°C for
lated into 100 mL of ANFM and processed as described 0.5 min, followed by temperature programming to
for the groundwater samples. The enrichment culture 290°C at 100°C/min and held at this temperature for
from the third enrichment was designated mixed culture 22 min. The column was held at 80°C for 2.6 min
SF04. Cells from SF04 were streaked on ANFM so- followed by temperature programming at 25°C/min
lidified with 1.5% (wt/v) agar and isolated colonies to 290°C and held at this temperature for 14 min. The
were subcultured onto fresh ANFMagar. Two pure mass spectrometer and transfer line was held at 220
strains, designated, SF05 and SF06, were prepared by and 260°C respectively. The mass spectrometer was
successive re-streaking on ANFM. operated in full scan mode with a range from 50 to
Soil (1 g) from the original contaminated site 350 mJz.
was also collected and inoculated into 100 mL of
FBM, which was incubated aerobically at 28°C for 3 Radiochemicals and Preparation of
days. This fenamiphos enrichment was subcultured Labeled-Pesticide Solution
every 3 days for 9 days and the mixed culture enrich- The following radiochemicals were used in this study:
ment was given the number SF01. Cells from SF01 atrazine-ring-UL 14C (100 JlCi at 18.8 j..LCi/mmol, 98%
Downloaded By: [PERI Pakistan] At: 05:09 24 May 2010

were streaked on agar. Isolated colonies were subcul- chemically pure, 100% radiometrically pure, Sigma
tured onto fresh FBM agar ..Two strains, designated Chemical Company)and fenarniphos-[phenyl-14Cl (200
SF02 and SF03, were purified by successive ~Ci at 46.8 mCi/mmol in acetonitrile, 98.9% radio-
restreaking on FBM agar. metrically pure, kindly provided by Dr. John Anderson
of Bayer AG Germany).
Screening of Bacterial Mixed Cultures The 14C-atrazine (1.2 mg) was dissolved in 50
and Pure Strains for Pesticide- mL of sterile distilled water which resulted in a
Degrading Capability preparation of 4,629,720 dpm/mL. A 10-g soil
Mixed cultures L25, L27, and SF04 and pure strains sample, inoculated with 100 ~L of the atrazine solu-
ADP, SF05, and SF06 were tested for their ability to tion would deliver ca. 46,000 dpm/g wet weight
degrade atrazine in culture medium. Mixed culture (final concentration ca. 1.13 umol/kg or 240 ug/kg),
SF01 and pure strains SF02 and SF03 were tested for Atrazine concentrations in the groundwater at the
their ability to degrade fenamiphos. Media (ANFM or contaminated site were as high as 2,000 mg/L
FBA) were prepared with the addition of 50 mg/L of (Appleyard, 1995); however, monitoring bores
the appropriate pesticide (atrazine or fenamiphos re- yielded water containing between 2.5 to 580 ug/L
spectively). The media were inoculated with 100 ~L of atrazine in October 1998 (Appleyard; Personal Com-
a four-day-old culture of the appropriate test mixed munication) .
cultures or strains, and the inoculated media and The 14C-fenamiphos, (1.37 mg [in acetoni-
uninoculated controls were incubated at 28°C for 14 trile]), was evaporated to dryness at 30°C under a
days on a rotary incubator shaker. Each culture or stream of nitrogen. The dried fenamiphos was
control was analyzed for pesticide content by the dissolved in 5 mL methanol that resulted in a
micro extraction technique as described by Patterson et preparation of 86,582,100 dpm/mL. A 10- g soil
al. (1993). The culture or control was amended with sample, inoculation with 5 ~L of the fenamiphos
10 j..LL of an internal standard solution (1.0 gIL 4,4'- solution, would deliver ca. 43,291 dpm/g wet
dibromobiphenyl in methanol). Two mL of diethyl weight (final concentration ca. 0.45 urnol/kg or
ether were then added and the organic compounds 137 ug/kg). Fenamiphos concentrations in ground-
were extracted from the water sample by shaking for water at the contaminated site were as high as
2 min. The diethyl ether layer was then transferred to 1,000 ug/L (Appleyard, 1995); however, monitor-
a 2 mL crimp top autosampler vial, and 1 mL of the ing bores yielded water containing between 0.3
extract was analyzed by gas chromatography-mass and 8.0 u.g/L fenamiphos in October 1998
spectrometry (GC-MS). (Appleyard; Personal Communication).

Bioaugmentation of Atrazine and Fenamiphos Impacted Groundwater: Laboratory Evaluation 239

Microcosm Tests controls were prepared by adding 200 ~L of 10M
A core of aquifer material was collected in 0.5 m x 47 sodium azide to appropriate samples which were then
mm LD. aluminum tubes from a depth of 5.7 to 6.0 m autoclaved at 121DC for 15 min, prior to cooling and
below the water table at Dianella above the leading edge inoculation with the appropriate isotope preparation.
of the plume of pesticide contamination. Core material For the augmentation of microcosms with bacte-
could not be taken from within the contamination plume rial mixed cultures or pure bacterial strains, cultures
because the consistency of the water-saturated sand did were grown on appropriate medium (either ANFM or
not allow recovery of intact aquifer material from such FBM) for 48 hours at 28 DC. The cells were collected
depths. The cores in aluminum tubes were tightly sealed by centrifugation and resuspended in sterile (auto-
at the site with rubber bungs and returned to the labora- claved at 121DC for 15 min), anaerobic (degassed by
tory and transferred to a Coy anaerobic chamber with a boiling, nitrogen flushing, and sealing under nitrogen
gas phase of hydrogen:nitrogen, 10:90. The material with a butyl-rubber stopper) groundwater from the
was the consistency of a slurry and had a water content Dianella site. Each cell suspension was adjusted to an
of 25.5% by weight. optical density at 560 nm of 0.3 (ca. 107 cells/mL). For
To test the effects of different amendments on the each augmentation experiment, 100 ~L of the appro-
mineralization rate of atrazine and fenamiphos, soil priate cell suspension was added to each appropriate
was mixed with the different amendments in the anaero- 10 g soil sample. For aerobic microcosms, the tubes
bic chamber. To 100 mL of aquifer material, 0.1 g of were removed from the anaerobic chamber. The types
KN0 3 was added to supply an alternate electron accep- of treatments used in the preparation of the micro-
tor to some samples. Alternate carbon sources were cosms so as to test the effects of different electron
supplied as sterile aqueous anaerobic solutions (10% donors, electron acceptors, and culture additions are
w/v) in distilled water. For organic carbon amend- listed in Table 1. All microcosm treatments were tested
Downloaded By: [PERI Pakistan] At: 05:09 24 May 2010

ments, 0.5 mL of the carbon source solution was added in triplicate.

to 10 g of core material to give a final concentration A glass vial containing 1.0 mLof 1 M NaOH was
of 5 g/kg. Carbon source amendments were added to suspended in each microcosm tube via nylon string
appropriate tubes. and the tube was tightly sealed. The sodium hydroxide
Core material was mixed, and 10-g amounts were traps were periodically replaced and the radioactivity
distributed into 50 mL screw-capped vials. Abiotic in the traps determined. For determination of radioac-

Table ·1. Experimental matrix for testing the effects of different electron acceptors, donors and bacterial
additions on the mineralization of either 14C-atrazine or 14C-fenamiphos in microcosms that contained soil-
groundwater slurry prepared from Dianella aquifer material

Pesticide(s) Oxygenation Amendments/additions

Atrazine or fenamiphos Aerobic Ste riIized control

Atrazine or fenamiphos Anaerobic No treatment
Atrazine or fenamiphos Anaerobic 0.1 % nitrate
Atrazine or fenamiphos Anaerobic 0.1 % nitrate + 0.5% glucose
Atrazine or fenamiphos Aerobic No treatment
Atrazine or fenamiphos Aerobic 0.5% glucose
Atrazine or fenamiphos Aerobic 0.5% citrate
Atrazine Anaerobic Strain ADP
Atrazine Anaerobic 0.1 % nitrate + Strain ADP
Atrazine Anaerobic 0.1 % nitrate + 0.5% citrate + Strain ADP
Atrazine Aerobic Strain ADP
Atrazine Aerobic 0.5% citrate + Strain ADP
Atrazine Aerobic 0.50/0 citrate + mixed culture L25
Atrazine Aerobic 0.5% citrate + mixed culture L27
Atrazine Aerobic 0.50/0 citrate + Strain SF05
Fenamiphos Aerobic 0.50/0 citrate + Strain SF02
Fenamiphos Aerobic 0.5% citrate + Strain SF03
Fenamiphos Aerobic 0.5% citrate + mixed culture SF01

Note: The term strain refers to a pure strain either imported as in the case of strain ADP or isolated from mixed culture enrichments.

240 Franzmann et ale

tivity, 0.1 mL from each of the traps was added to As a result of the initial culture experiments, it
10 mL of scintillant (Starscint'", Packard) and counted was decided to test the effectiveness of bioaugmentation
in a 2250CA Tri-carb Packard Liquid Scintillation with strains ADP and SFOS and mixed cultures L25
Analyzer. Quench was accounted for by the "Auto- and L27 on atrazine mineralization, and mixed culture
matic Efficiency Control -quench curve", with the SFOI and strains SF02 and SF03 on fenamiphos
quench curve generated from quenched C-14 stan- mineralization. Although little stimulation of mineral-
dards (Amersham). ization was expected with bioaugmentation in the case
Upon completion of the trapping experiment, of fenamiphos given that the half-life of fenamiphos in
5 mL of diethyl ether and 5 mL of water was added to most environments is generally short, normal amend-
each reaction flask which was shaken for 2 min and ments of samples with electron acceptors (oxygen,
left for 5 min for the ether and water to extract 14C_ nitrate) and alternate sources of carbon and energy
labeled organic compounds (unmetabolized and in- (glucose and citrate) were expected to appreciably
completely metabolized), and partition into separate increase the rate of fenamiphos mineralization.
phases. The radioactivity in each phase was deter- An example (for four of the microcosms) of the
mined so as to calculate total recovery. mineralization of 14C-atrazine to 14C02 is given in
Figure 1. Under aerobic conditions, amendment of the
soil with an electron donor (citrate) and augmentation
Results of the microcosm with a pure strain of atrazine-miner-
Initial attempts to enrich for atrazine-degrading bacteria alizing bacterium (strain ADP) enhanced the rate and
using the medium of Mandelbaum et al. (1995) that extent of atrazine mineralization over the 73 day ex-
supplies atrazine as the only source of nitrogen in a periment' as did enrichment cultures containing atra-
medium proved successful (Table 2). Limited success zine-mineralizing bacteria from Dianella (e.g. mixed
Downloaded By: [PERI Pakistan] At: 05:09 24 May 2010

was achieved in obtaining fenamiphos-degrading bacte- culture L25).

ria in a medium in which fenamiphos was supplied as the Each microcosm contained an initial atrazine con-
only source of nitrogen and phosphorus. In the initial centration of 240 ug/kg soil, so although the mineral-
experiments, degradation was measured as disappear- ization was greatly stimulated by the augmentation of
ance of the parent compound only, and did not relate to both cultures, at best only 44% of the atrazine was
mineralization. Strain ADP showed good degradation of recovered as,CO 2, Appropriate data from each micro-
atrazine in culture experiments, as did strain SF05 and cosm test was fitted to first -order kinetics to determine
enrichmentsL25 and L27. Interestingly, enrichmentSF04, the degradation rate (k) and half-life (11/2 =O.639/k) for
from which strain SF05 was isolated, showed no signifi- the mineralization of atrazine in each microcosm. An
cant atrazine degradation. Strains SF02 and SF03 caused example of data fitted to first-order kinetics for two of
minimal disappearanceof fenamiphosfrom cultures,while the plots from Figure 1 is given in Figure 2.
culture SFO1, from which the two strains were derived, Table 3 shows the outcomes of the mineralization
showed some (37%) ability to remove fenamiphos from rate experiments, and gives the half-life for atrazine
culture over 14 days (Table 2). mineralization in each of the microcosms, and the

Table 2. Atrazine or fenamiphos degradation by mixed culture enrichments and pure strains grown in either
ANFM medium or FBA medium

Strain/mixed culture % Atrazine remaining 0/0 Fenamiphos remaining

Strain ADP 0.2

Mixed culture L25 0.7
Mixed culture L27 1.1
Strain SF05 3.9
Strain SF06 70
Mixed culture SF04 97
Mixed culture SF01 63
Strain SF02 103
Strain SF03 89

Note: The percentage of either fenamiphos or atrazine remaining was calculated with reference to sterile controls after 14 days
incubation at 28°C. Cultures enriched on atrazine or fenamiphos were only tested for atrazine or fenamiphos degradation.

Bioaugmentation of Atrazine and Fenamiphos Impacted Groundwater: Laboratory Evaluation 241


fjj 100

0 80
.9 60
...~. --~ + IVID(AClI':'(
-·~~A··- Soil + Strain
.~ • • • • • _ •• c

....• ~ Soil

o 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
Downloaded By: [PERI Pakistan] At: 05:09 24 May 2010

Figure 1. Mean values (n=3, and error bars representing standard errors) of 14C02 produced versus time from aerobic
mineralization of 14C-atrazine in sterile soil, soil amended with citrate, and citrate-soil augmented with either Pseudomonas sp.
strain ADP or mixed culture L25.

0.0 ......... . ,@IF' .,' .... ..+

,'.' ", ,.".,


-0.2 lot

-0,3 ..
II Mixed-culture L25
L25 after 9

1 j


0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
• 80

Figure 2. First-order atrazine mineralization plots of data from aerobic microcosms containing soil with citrate and soil with citrate
augmented with an atrazine-degrading mixed culture L25. The degradation rate (k) was determined from the most appropriate
portion of the plot that gave the best line fit (Days < 9 for culture L25, to Day 73 for the unaugmented soil). Co is the initial dpm
of atrazine added to the microcosms and C, is the dpm of the trapped CO2 , Individual points are the mean of three replicates and
the error bars represent the standard errors.

242 Franzmann et al.

Table 3. Half-lives (t_> of 14C-ring labeled atrazine mineralization to 14C02 in aquifer core material (with and
without amendments), collected from the suburb of Dianella on the Swan Coastal Plain

Bioaugmentation t1l21
Soil amendment culture (day) S.E. r2 0/0 min 2

Sterile control (aerobic) 267,000 48,300 0.69 0.0

7,480 409 0.96 0.7
N03 1,680 700 0.98 0.2
N03 + Glu 3 1,210 141 0.99 0.4

Strain ADP 48.6 2.0 0.99 32.5

N03 Strain ADP 50.4 1.8 0.99 29.4
N03 + CiP Strain ADP 26.7 2.7 0.93 37.0

1,770 25 1.00 2.8
Cit 2,420 140 0.96 0.9
Glu 804 44 0.97 2.4

Strain ADP 14.9 0.9 0.98 42.7

Cit Strain ADP 15.4 0.1 0.99 40.6
Cit Mixed culture L25 16.7 1.1 0.97 44.1
Downloaded By: [PERI Pakistan] At: 05:09 24 May 2010

Cit Mixed culture L27 24.0 1.0 0.99 44.3

Cit Strain. SF05 18.0 0.7 0.99 49.2

1 Half-lives were determined from first order calculations of the mineralization rate; for each first order plot, the P value was
<0.001; 2 % min equates to the extent of mineralization of atrazine after 73 days; 3Glu and Cit signify microcosms augmented
with either glucose or citrate. S.E. = the standard error (n=3) in the half-life. r2 = the correlation coefficient of the first order plot.

amount of 14C-atrazine recovered as 14C02 • The.. data phase of greater than 60 days (for an example see
shows that ·without augmentation with cultures of Figure J).
known atrazine-degrading microorganisms, half-lives Although the augmentation of the fenamiphos
are long (>800 days) even with the supply of amend- microcosm withmixed culture SF01 did appear to
ments such as glucose, citrate, and oxygen. stimulate fenamiphos mineralization (Figure 3) after a
Bioaugmentation decreased half-lives for atrazine min- lag phase of about 60 days, the extent of mineralization
eralization, even under anoxic conditions, but espe- after 90 days was still only 1.2% of the fenamiphos
cially under aerobic conditions. The addition of an added. It is possible that longer incubation would have
alternate electron donor (citrate) with bioaugmentation increased the rate and amount of fenamiphos mineral-
by strain ADP did not increase the aerobic mineraliza- ization. Fenamiphos mineralization data was fitted to
tion rates, or the extent of mineralization, which sug- first order kinetics as was done for atrazine, except that
gest that there was enough organic matter in the aqui- for the bioaugmented microcosms, the data points at
fer material to maintain the growth of the strain. Citrate the end of the experiment (after the lag phase) were
did stimulate the rate and extent of anaerobic mineral- used instead of at the beginning as atrazine mineraliza-
ization with nitrate supplied as an electron acceptor tion had shown no appreciable lag phase. Half-lives
(Table 3). for each of the amendments, and amendments with
Mineralization data for labeled fenamiphos was bioaugmentation, are given in Table 4.
examined in the same way as for labeled atrazine. Half-lives for fenamiphos mineralization in the
Although two of the cultures used in the augmentation aquifer slurries were long (minimum was over 6 years)
of microcosms had shown some capability to reduce even with the amendments of added electron acceptors
fenarniphos concentrations in the experiments with (oxygen or nitrate) and/or electron donors (citrate or
pure cultures, they showed much less activity when glucose) (Table 4).
tested for their capability to mineralize fenamiphos. Recovery of the 14C label as either 14C02 . in the
Microcosms that showed slight stimulation of sodium hydroxide traps, or in the water and ether
fenarniphos mineralization did so only after a long lag extracts of the material at the end of the incubation was

Bioaugmentation of Atrazine and Fenamiphos Impacted Groundwater: Laboratory Evaluation 243

• SF01 + citrate + aerobic
'0 • Anoxic soil
en 1.6 l:J. Aerobic soil
\l Sterile control
<D 1.4

o N





~ 0.0

* 0 20 40 60 80 100
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Figure 3. Mean values (n=3, and error bars representing standard errors) of 14C02 produced versus time from the mineralization
of 14C·fenamiphos in sterile soil, anaerobic soil, aerobic soil, and aerobic soil augmented citrate and mixed culture SF01.

Table 4. Half-lives (t1l2) of 14C~ring labeled fenamiphos mineralization to 14C0 2 in aquifer core material (with
and without amendments), collected from the suburb of Dianella on the Swan Coastal Plain

Bioaugmentation P
Soil amendment culture t1/2 1 (year) S.E. r2 value- % min 3

Sterile control 1,016 229 0.58 <0.001 0.01

68.7 4.3 0.95 <0.001 0.18
N03 60.3 2.6 0.97 <0.001 0.21
N03 + Glu4 27.9 1.1 0.98 <0.001 0.26

73.4 2.3 0.98 <0.001 0.18

Cit 40 3.5 0.96 <0.001 0.11

Glu 100 7 0.94 <0.001 0.37

Cit Strain SF02 11.0 2.2 0.92 0.039 0.73

Cit Strain SF03 43.3 9.2 0.80 0.009 0.35
Cit Mixed culture SF01 6.8 0.5 0.98 <0.001 1.24

1 Half-lives
were determined from first order calculations of the mineralization rate; 2For each first order plot, the P value was
<0.001; 3 % min equates to the extent of mineralization of fenamiphos after 73 days, except for the microcosms that were
bioaugmented, which were incubated for 93 days; 4Glu and Cit signify microcosms augmented with either glucose or citrate.
S.E. = the standard error (n=3) in the half-life. r2 = the correlation coefficient of the first order plot.

244 Franzmann et al.

51.8 ± 13.5% for the atrazine microcosms and 70.7 ± 1995). The half life of atrazine mineralization in aer-
7.0% for the fenarniphos microcosms. ated aquifer material was less (ca. 5 years) and compa-
rable to the half-lives of atrazine mineralization mea-
sured in Swan Coastal Plain vadose zone sands collected
Discussion from below the surface soil horizon (3 to 7 years
Enrichment and Isolation of Pesticide- [Franzmann et aI., 1998]). Oxygen amendment alone
Degrading Bacteria did not sufficiently stimulate atrazine mineralization
Attempts to enrich and isolate bacteria from the Dianella in these microcosms which suggests that atrazine in
plume that were capable of decreasing atrazine concen- the plume could not be effectively bioremediated by
trations in cultures were successful (Table 2). The mixed delivery of oxygen alone. Although the addition of
cultures L25 and L27 did almost as well as Pseudomo- glucose and oxygen to aquifer material further in-
nas sp. strain ADP which had been previously shown to creased the mineralization rate of atrazine (11/2 = 2.2
rapidly degrade atrazine as a sole source of nitrogen if years), it was only in microcosms that were
supplied with an alternative electron donor (citrate) and bioaugmented with atrazine-degrading cultures that
acceptor (oxygen or nitrate) (Mandelbaum et al., 1995). the mineralization rates were sufficiently increased (t1l2
The addition of mixed cultures L25 and L27 induced the = 15 to 50 days) to contemplate implementation of
production of CO2 from atrazine in the microcosm ex- bioremediation in the field.
periments (Table 3), confirming the mineralizing capa- The addition of strain ADP stimulated atrazine
bility of components of these mixed cultures. With fur- mineralization even in the anaerobic microcosms. This
ther experimentation, Tilbury (1998) isolated an axenic is consistent with the finding that the enzymatic steps
bacterial strain from mixed culture L27, and this pure in the atrazine mineralization pathway (at least by
Downloaded By: [PERI Pakistan] At: 05:09 24 May 2010

strain (designated strain AT2) was closely related, de- strain ADP) are hydrolytic ones and do not require
tennined by 16S rRNA sequencing, to Pseudomonas sp. oxygen (De Souza et aI., 1998). The addition of nitrate
strain ADP. Strain AT2 contained the same first three and citrate (on which strain ADP can grow
genes of the atrazine degradation pathway used by strain [Mandelbaum et aI., 1995]) with strain ADP to the
ADP (atzA, atzB, and atzC genes [De Souza et aI., anaerobic microcosms did stimulate atrazine mineral-
1998; Tilbury, 1998]). ization (decrease in 11/2 from 50 to 27 days, Table 3).
Attempts to isolate and enrich fenamiphos-degrad- The greatest stimulation of atrazine mineralization
ing bacteria from the Dianella plume were less suc- occurred in microcosms amended with oxygen (air) and
cessful. Mixed culture SPOI and strain SP03 showed bioaugmentedwith the atrazine-degrading cultures (Table
some ability to decrease the concentration of 3). The additional amendment of citrate or glucose to the
fenamiphos over two weeks (Table 2); however, they ADP augmented microcosms did not increase the atra-
did not significantly stimulate mineralization to CO 2 in zine mineralization rate (Table 3) which suggests that an
the microcosm tests (Table 4). The decrease in added carbon and energy source would not be required
fenamiphos in these cultures may have been due to for bioremediation in the field. The organic carbon con-
partial degradation of the fenamiphos to the common tent in aquifer material from Dianella has been measured
metabolic intermediates of fenamiphos degradation, at 0.7 g/kg (unpublished data) and carbon amendments
fenamiphos sulfoxide, and fenamiphos sulfone (Chung were added at a concentration of 5.0 g/kg.
and au, 1996). These metabolites were not searched Bioaugmentation with cultures derived from the
for in the GC-MS method used. To date, pure cultures Dianella plume (strain SF05, mixed culture L25, and
of fenamiphos-degrading bacteria have never been iso- mixed culture L27) all induced atrazine mineralization
lated, although Ou and Thomas (1994) were able to rates comparable to the rate achieved by strain ADP,
maintain a mixed bacterial culture that mineralized and the extent of mineralization, 40 to 50% of the
fenamiphos in the presence of soil, although the added atrazine (Table 3), was not significantly differ-
fenamiphos-degrading capability of that culture has ent between the Dianella-derived cultures and strain
been subsequently lost (au, Personal Communication). ADP. Cultures obtained from the Dianella site could
be used as effectively as strain ADP for bioremediation
Mineralization of Atrazine in in the field without concerns for the quarantine restric-
tions placed by Australian authorities for the use of
imported cultures.
The half-life of atrazine mineralization in unamended, Even in bioaugmented microcosms, only 40 to
anoxic aquifer material was long (ca. 20 years; Table 50% of the atrazine, added at a concentration of 240
3) and explains the observed persistence of atrazine at ug/kg, was recovered as CO 2 , Masaphy and
the contaminated site over many years (Appleyard, Mandelbaum (1997) recovered varying amounts of

Bioaugmentation of Atrazine and Fenamiphos Impacted Groundwater: Laboratory Evaluation 245

CO 2 from atrazine additions to soil slurries depending organic fractions (Appleyard, 1995). Fenamiphos also
on the slurry treatment. Slurries inoculated with strain persisted in a column experiment that was associated
ADP resulted in 40 to 60% mineralization unless the with this microcosm study (Unpublished data) which
slurries were preincubated with atrazine for 12 days confirmed a degradation rate (disappearance of the
prior to the addition of strain ADP, in which case 60 to parent compound) in aquifer material from Dianella
80% of the label was recovered in CO 2 , They con- that was much slower than rates measured in surface or
cluded that "aging" of the herbicide in the soil has a vadose zone soils. In the microcosm experiments, not
pronounced effect on the mineralization results. Atra- only was the rate of mineralization slow, but the extent
zine mineralization in fertile New Zealand soils was of mineralization over the time course was also mini-
shown to be rapid and ceased after 100 days; however, mal (Table 4).
less than half of the atrazine was decomposed to CO 2 Bioaugmentation of microcosms with bacteria
(Sparling et al., 1998). A range of studies have shown enriched from the aquifer by supplying fenamiphos as
(cited by Sparling et al., 1998) that a large proportion their only source of nitrogen and phosphorus showed
of atrazine is incorporated into non-extractable bound no significant effect on the mineralization of fenamiphos
residues, probably as partial degradation products. over the time course of the experiments (up to 93 days;
Table 4). However, there did appear to be some in-
Mineralization of Fenamiphos in crease in fenamiphos mineralizing capability in two of
Microcosms the augmented cultures after a considerable lag phase
The mineralization rate of fenamiphos innon-aug- of about 60 days (in the case of mixed culture SF01,
mented aquifer material was extremely slow (tI/2 = see Figure 3). Experiments conducted over much longer
68.7 years) when compared with the rate ofloss of the time frames than those usually used by researchers
Downloaded By: [PERI Pakistan] At: 05:09 24 May 2010

combined suite of fenarniphos compounds (fenamiphos, investigating the mineralization of fenamiphos in soil
fenamiphos sulfoxide, and fenamiphos sulfone) in soils seem warranted.
of the Swan Coastal Plain (bl2= 50 days for surface soil Total recovery of the 14C label in the sodium
or140 days for subsurface soils [Kookana et al., 1997]). hydroxide traps and water and ether extracts of the
Half-lives for fenarniphos and fenarniphos sulfoxide in aquifer material at the conclusion of the experiment
16 surface soils with no previous exposure to showed that on average, only 51.8% or 70.7% of the
fenarniphos, collected from 11 different countries, label was recovered for atrazine or fenamiphos respec-
ranged from 12 to 87 days (au et aI., 1994). The half- tively. The low recovery of the 14C-Iabel from atrazine
life for mineralization of fenamiphos for soils that at the completion of the incubation is consistent with
have been continually exposed to fenamiphos for over the data of Sparling et al. (1998), who showed that
15 years can shorten to 1 to 3 days (Ou et al., 1993). between 54 and 77% of 14C-atrazine added to New
Despite all the literature suggesting that fenamiphos Zealand soils could not be recovered as either 14C02 or
is readily biodegradable in surface and vadose zone in solvent extracts of the soils. This non-recovered
soils, half lives for fenamiphos mineralization in our label was incorporated into non-extractable bound resi-
aquifer material with or without a range of amend- dues that were unavailable for further metabolism.
ments (nitrate, oxygen, citrate, and glucose) were all Similarly, Ou et al. (1994) found that between 17 and
extremely long by comparison (Table 4). The fact that 40% of the label from 14C_fenamiphos additions could
fenamiphos is still measured in groundwater 5 years not be extracted from microcosms of soils from a
after cessation of further contamination, and after a Florida golf course. Presumably these non-extractable,
pump-and-treatremediation exercise (Appleyard, 1995) non-available fractions are of limited environmental
would support the conclusion that fenamiphos miner- concern in contaminated sites.
alization half lives are long in this environment. De-
spite the literature pointing to rapid mineralization of
fenamiphos in surface and vadose zone soils, we are
not aware of any rate data for fenamiphos mineraliza- Microcosm evaluation of the effects of chemical amend-
tion in anaerobic aquifer material. It is probable that ment and bioaugmentation of aquifer material from
aquifers, and the microbial communities in aquifers, near a contaminated site at Dianella would suggest that
are rarely exposed to fenamiphos due to its rapid deg- mineralization rates of both atrazine and fenamiphos
radation in surface and vadose zone soils. The con- in unamended aquifer material are slow. However the
tamination of the aquifer at Dianella was via a sump, rate of atrazine mineralization can be greatly enhanced
which allowed the fenamiphos to by-pass the surface by augmentation with known atrazine-degrading cul-
soils which would normally trap fenamiphos in its tures and is further enhanced by the addition of oxygen

246 Franzmann et al.

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248 Franzmann et al.

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